foundation of education 15

Post on 06-May-2015






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WESTERN UNIVERSITYDepartment of English

Subject :Foundation of education Lecturer : Soeung Sopha

Chapter15: International Education

Prepared by : Meas Chanleakhena

Phien Davy Chan Houng




Commonalities in Educational System

Differences in Educational Systems and Outcomes

Problems and Prospects in Developing Countries

Exemplary Reforms: A Selection

Conclusion : The International Context and

Challenges Facing U.S School


Introduction Many educational reformers have suggested that the United States could improve its educational system by emulating other countries.

Although educational system differ considerably between nations, they tend to confront the similar problem of providing effective instruction for large numbers of students whose opportunities and performance relate to their social and cultural background.


Few of the teachers have a high-school

diploma; the curriculum and teaching; which rely

heavily on memorization and recitation, are

determined by the country’s ministry of education.

Teacher are highly respected professionals

with college degree.

Commonalities in Educational System


They are given considerable latitude in devising activities and adapting materials that satisfy the national guidelines; which emphasize development of children’s thinking and problem-solving skills; as well as social, moral, and physical instruction that benefits the whole person.

The strong relationships between students’ social-class origins and their success in school, the educational challenges posed by multicultural populations, typical teaching approaches, and professional conditions teachers face.


Social-Class Origins and Outcome

Donald Treiman and others have fond that

individual’s social-class origins and background

related to their educational and occupational

attainment regardless of whether their society is

rich or poor, politically liberal or conservation.


Multicultural Populations and Problem

Except in a few homogeneous countries,

nationwide systems of education enroll diverse

groups of students who differ significantly with

respect to race, ethnicity, religion, native language,

and cultural practice.

These force more or less ensure that you, as

a teacher, will have students from other nation in

your class.


Teaching Approaches and ConditionsAlthough instructional approaches vary

considerably from one teacher to another and the conditions for teaching and learning change accordingly in different classroom and schools, practices emphasized around the world typically show much similarity.

In general, in all ten participating countries, the primary classroom activities included teacher- presented lectures or demonstrations plus seatwork activity.


Differences in Educational Systems and Outcomes

Each nation’s educational system also differs in important ways from other system.

Resources Devoted to EducationOne fundamental way in which nations differ is

in the percentage of their resources they devote to education rather than to priorities such as highways, health care, and military forces.


Relatively wealthy nations, as well as nation that allocate many of their resources to education, can provide a higher level of services than poor nations that mobilize relatively few resources for their schools.

The same pattern has appeared in other developed nations. With a few exceptions, such as Japan and Turkey, female enrollment in colleges and universities in wealthy nations has been growing to the extent that more women than men obtain first degrees.


Data on teacher salary averages indicate that for both beginning and experienced teachers, average salaries in countries such as Ireland and Norway are a good deal lower than in the United States, but in some other countries they are generally higher.Extent of Centralization

In some countries, centralization has led to long lines of citizens from all parts of the nation waiting outside the ministry of education for appointments with central school officials who determine what schools children will and how students will be treated.


Curriculum Content and Instructional Emphasis

• New Zealand primary schools are known for their

systematic emphasis on learning to read though

natural language learning

• The education system in Finland has become known

for high achievement and attainment at all levels from

preschool though higher education.

• School in certain Islamic countries build much of the

curriculum around religious.


Vocational versus Academic Education

School system around the world also differ greatly in how they are organized to provide education through the postsecondary level. Most nation provide at least 4 years of first-level

(during which all student attend primary and elementary schools).

Many countries students are divided between a academic-track schools and vocational schools after 4 to 8 years of first-level education.


Secondary students enrolled in primarily vocational

programs varies from less than one-tenth (industries

countries Denmark and US), more than one-fifth


The current education system comprises primary (grades

1–6), lower secondary (grades 7–9),and upper secondary

(grades 10–12). Basic education is defined as grades 1–9.

Technical and vocational education programs run parallel

to upper secondary programs and are the responsibility of

the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training.(Cambodia)


Enrollment in higher Education

Countries that channel student into vocational

pragmas tend to have low percentages of youth

attending intuitions of higher education. By contrast,

more youth go on to higher education in countries

that provide general academic studies for most high-

school student.


Other factor that help determine enrollment education include :• Nation’s investment of resources in higher

education.• Emphasis on postsecondary learning rather than

job-market entry.• Traditions regarding the use of higher education

to equalize educational opportunities.• Extent to which colleges and universities admit

only high-achieving students.


School enrollment has increased during the

2000s (decade) in Cambodia. USAID data shows

that in 2011 primary enrollment reached 96% of

the child population, lower secondary school

34% and upper secondary 21%. (Cambodia)


Nonpublic Schools

Depending on their histories, political

structures, religious composition, legal frameworks,

and other factor, nations differ greatly in size and

function of their nonpublic education sector.

Proportion of students in private school

(Netherland, more than half, and most countries less than

10% but Cuba, North Korea have prohibited.)


Problem of defining a private school. - People think private schools are expected to play in national development. - Some countries, nonpublic school enroll a relatively small (elite group and prestigious colleges). - Enrolling poor students in urban slums.


Problems and Prospects in Developing Countries

Education and economic development

Problem in upgrading education

Recommendations for developing counties.(7

steps ) Page 485.


Exemplary Reforms: A Selection

Early Childhood Education France

Varying child-care arrangements:

Recognizing the critical importance of the

preschool in a child’s social, physical, and

educational development, many countries have taken

steps to provide stimulating learning opportunities

and positive day-care arrangements for most or all

young children.


French preschool programs:

Nearly all three-to-five-year-olds are enrolled in

preschool programs.

Average salaries of preschool teachers are

considerably higher than the United states and

most other countries.

France has what many observers consider a

model approach to preschool services.


Participating children pursue stimulating

activities before and after school, during

vacation, and at other time when school is out.

Equally important, parents have financial

incentive to enroll their children in high-

quality programs that provide pediatric and

other preventive health services.


Positive features of French programs:

Virtually all children have access to a

coordinated system linking early education,

day care, and health services.

Paid parental leave from jobs after childbirth or

adaption helps to nurture positive parent-child



Good salaries and training for early childhood

teachers help to keep turnover low and program

quality high.

Nearly all young children are enrolled in

preschool services.

The government provides additional

resources to ensure high quality at locations

enrolling low-income children.


Elementary-School Reading and Mathematics in England

British literacy and numeracy initiatives

A requirement that school have at least a daily

literacy hour and a daily mathematics hour.

A reduction in prescribed curriculum content outside

these core subjects.

Additional fund and other resources for low-

performance school.

Providing the services of hundreds of expert literacy

and numeracy consultants.


An Emphasis on early intervention and catch-up

for students who fail behind.

The appointment of more than two thousand

math teachers and several hundred literacy

teachers as lead teachers to model best practice

for their colleagues.

Major investments in books for schools.

Regular monitoring and extensive evaluation by

a national inspection agency.


Mathematics and Science Education in


High performance

International achievement studies indicate that

Japanese students consistently attain high scores in

mathematics, science, and other subjects areas.


Possible reasons for Japanese success

Outstanding day care can help prepare children

for school success. In addition, socialization

practices in family and in early childhood help

students learn to adapt to classroom situations and


Parental involvement

Intense parental involvement is expected.


Long school year Student attend school 240days a year

Students are given much responsibility for

school work and learning, beginning at an

early age.

Large amount of homework correlated with

classroom lessons contribute to high student



National curriculum

Careful planning and delivery of a national

curriculum help students acquire important

concepts within a sequential and comprehensive


The schools emphasize the development of

students’ character and sense of responsibility.


Status of teacher Responsibility for students learning.

Prospective teachers must pass rigorous

examinations and are intensely supervised when

they enter the profession.

Japanese educators have high social status.

School schedules provide considerable time for

counseling students, planning, instruction, and

engaging in other activities that make teachers

more effective.


Multicultural Education in Europe and

North America

Model multicultural programs:

The United States is trying to provide bilingual

education for millions of English language learner


Canada has implemented sizable bilingual education



France has provided in-service training

nationwide to help teachers learn to teach

French as a second language.

Belgium provides reception classes, in which

immigrant children receive up to two years of

instruction from both a Belgian teacher and a

native-language teacher.


Conclusion: The International Context and the Challenge Facing U.S. Schools

Growing similarities among nations

Much to learn, much to offer


Thank You!

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