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KEGS News 2012/13 Issue 10 Monday 15 July 2013



From the Head 3

Captain’s Blog 4

Summer Concert review 4

Year 9 Enterprise Day 5

Media spotlight on Ollie’s Chelmsford walk


Eco Committee makes a greener KEGS


Rahul’s national cricketing success


Year 9s go on University

taster day


First class degrees for

canteen staff 7

Jack Petchey award 8

District Sports 8

Sports Day results 8

From the Parents’

Association 11

King Edward VI Grammar School

Broomfield Road CHELMSFORD

CM1 3SX �01245 353510

Page 2 KEGS News 2012/13

It is wonderful to finish the end of term with a period of glorious sunshine. The last few weeks have been extremely busy with a range of trips and visits with nearly every student and every curriculum area involved. In the final week we have our German Exchange students in Stuttgart, the Year 12 trip to Mogonjet, the World Challenge Croatia expedition, CCF Summer Camp and the trip to Space Camp in Alabama. This follows on from a range of activities from the Year 12 English trip to see three plays in Stratford, another DofE Expedition weekend, the French Exchange, Year 7 Hanningfield trips, the Year 8 Outdoor Adventure trips and the Year 10 History trip to Ypres to see the battlefields. This is just a flavour – I won’t list all the activities here. Our Year 11 Work Experience fortnight has also just finished and I’m extremely grateful to Mrs Singh and all the staff who made visits for their support. We also ran our Gifted and Talented Exhibition which was superb. Thanks to Mr Burcher, Mrs Cairns and Ms Cleave for all their work in putting it

together from the work submitted from each department. Thank you to all parents who have provided support for the various events we’ve run in recent weeks. The Year 7 Celebration Evening was lovely and it was great to see so many people at the KEGS Summer Festival and the Summer Concert. We had capacity for even more people so, if you missed these events, please do all you can to attend the next time you get the chance. Thanks, as ever, to the wonderful KEGS Parents’ Association. They have done magnificent work this year led by Hazel Drain, raising a lot of money and supporting countless school events. We do need an injection of parents to join the PA, including someone willing and able to lead it. Please do consider

lending your support next year if you can; it makes such a big difference. This year we are saying farewell to a number of members of staff. A full description of their contribution to the school is given in the KEGS magazine, The Chelmsfordian which is soon to be published in print and online for all to read, thanks to the sterling work of Mr Harding, Richard Meadows and Alex Mayes. It is a spectacular edition! However, I would like to record my

profound gratitude to all our leaving staff for their service to KEGS over many years. Liz Donkersloot is leaving KEGS following an illustrious career teaching Geography. Ray Le Couteur, retiring after 27 years at KEGS, has contributed massively to Chemistry and ICT, as well as health and safety in the school, Graham Riley, retiring after 25 years’ service to KEGS, has led the Chemistry Department superbly and has served as examinations officer. Hilary Girdler, retiring after teaching Maths in exemplary fashion for 12 years at KEGS. Jane Ward, who is leaving after 15 years, to take up a role as Finance Manager of Buttsbury Primary School. Sean Perrotton, who is moving on to be a Head of PE at St Thomas More in Southend after six years as a PE Teacher and Head of Year. Rohini Rees, who is moving away from the area after working for three years as an Art Teacher

Luke Thompson, our apprentice in the Finance Team who has secured a full-time job in the city. Finally, I want to record my thanks to Doug Johnson, timetabler, Philosophy Teacher , general systems wizard and colleague on the school’s leadership time, who is leaving to become Deputy

Head at New Hall after joining KEGS in 1999. We have recruited excellent new staff to all the key posts although, without doubt, they have tough

acts to follow! Best wishes to all members of the community for the summer. Look out for news of our

examination results during August.

Page 3 2012/13 Issue 10

From the Head

by Tom Sherrington

From top:- Doug Johnson, Liz Donkersloot, Graham Riley, Ray LeCouteur, Hilary Girdler, Sean Perrotton,

Rohini Rees,

Page 4 2012/13 Issue 10

Captain’s Blog by James Barnes, School Captain

An enjoyable summer’s evening of music

For the school, July marks the winding down of the school year. With the Year 13s gone, the Year 11s away on work experience and many students setting off across the country, and indeed the globe, on a variety of trips, the Year 12s find themselves head of a very

empty-feeling sixth form centre. This time of year isn't however just a time of endings but a time of new beginnings. With Strutt winning the house competition for the first time in quite a while, all of the house captains (Laurie Clarke, Adam Kania, Alex Molyneux and Stefan Soyombo) have given it their all in the new house year and at the moment the playing field is a very much

level playing field. There have already been a number of significant events this month. The Jazz Evening in aid of Helen Rollason, organised by KEGS' very own Mr Andy Russell and hosted by the OCs was a superb success and hopefully raised a significant amount of money for the charity. The summer festival was also a success,

with support coming as always from all across the KEGS community and the weather being surprisingly good. Hopefully the rest of this

year will go just as well for all. All that remains is to wish everyone a good (and relaxing) summer

holiday and the best of starts in September, when I look forward to

welcoming the new Year 7s and Year 12s to the school.

Plenty of pleasant surprises in the summer concert this year – and not just the green fiddle amongst the second

violins. Iain Buchanan played his A-level practical work – Electric Counterpoint, a 1987 piece by the father of minimalism, Steve Reich. Very impressively executed, it involves a multi-tracked backing (all twelve tracks laid down by Iain) and live electric guitar. No less impressive was the other solo, a Brahms clarinet sonata from David Wringe with William Foster playing the demanding piano accompaniment – a very polished performance with

eloquent pianissimo passages. David brought his bass clarinet to the ever-popular Wind Band, which this time out played an energetic Slumdog Millionaire and a smooth Come Fly With Me, with fine work from the two trombonists amongst others. They ended with a tribute to Whitney Houston in an

arrangement by Michael Brown. Tuneful light music from the Junior String Ensemble, (eleven players plus piano) including a lovely Pennies From

Heaven with an authentically Thirties piano intro. The Junior Orchestra, led by Jonathan Belay, brought us Haydn's Surprise and Mozart's French nursery rhyme,

featuring col legno and pizzicato among the variations.

Vocally, the trebles sang a very pleasing arrangement of Sting's Fields of Gold, as well as Pure Imagination, written for the 1971 Chocolate Factory film, and revived

in the new West End musical which opened this week. The Year 7 Singers, a sizeable proportion of the year group, filled the stage for a confident performance, with a splendidly open continental sound, of Vois Sur Ton

Chemin, from the 1984 film Les Choristes. The vocal ensembles, and the Junior Strings, were directed by Rebecca Chant; the Orchestra and the

Wind Band by Director of Music Tim Worrall.

by ‘Richard Broadway’



All copy should be sent to the KEGS News editor Lindsey Thompson

( by 10:00 on Tuesday 3 September 2013

Page 5 KEGS News 2012/13

Year 9 Enterprise Day

At 10:30 you could go into any classroom in the school and find no Year 9 pupils in them, this is because they had all congregated in the hall for the second of the two part Enterprise day which comprised of activities to improve various life skills like co-operation, delegation, leadership and learning to work with someone you would normally associate yourself

with. We were assigned to seats with six to a table and started off with a simple remembering exercise which comprised a board full of information which had to be absorbed in ten seconds. The team that did the best was those who delegated a certain section for their teammates to look at. This

was fun and a good warm up activity. Next was a simple task where there was a laminated A2 paper with a shape stuck on it. The teams then had to fill the A2 sheet so that all the shapes you were given fitted neatly on the page. This task needed a lot of co-operation and a leader who can listen to everything that is being said. The group winners were then split up and moved to groups that were struggling and this theme was carried on throughout the whole day so that the teams were even and to make sure

there was more of a competition. Then came a more intellectual challenge and someone once again had to delegate roles so that everyone was used to their full potential. The four sections were Mathematics (answering as many Maths question as possible), General Knowledge, Sports (answering sports related questions

while cycling for one minute) and a Geography of London test. Everyone was used to their full potential in most groups and was

relatively challenging and enjoyable. Then there was the finance task where you had three orders of matchsticks and you had to work out the cost of manufacture and then the cost to the buyer. Plus common sense had to be applied when broken ‘matchsticks’ was added to the bag and we would lose marks if they were added to the order. I personally didn’t enjoy this task as I found it a bit monotonous. We were

given only 20 minutes to do the penultimate task. Tea making. We had to design and make our unique batch of tea to sell to China. Yeah I know selling tea to China. Weird right? One pair was left to design the package, another was sent to the tea section to make the tea and another was designing an advertisement with a translation in Mandarin. Despite the lack of time, it was by far the most interactive and creative task, using

everyone in the group of six. This was the Grande Finale and would show us which team was the most efficient across the whole of Year 9. The task was to create a structure that all six of us could fit into. It had to be free standing and bear our company flag with our logo. A tough engineering task to do in 75 minutes ! This task is had all of the aforementioned things but had to especially have a good leader who could delegate tasks to the team and be flexible in changing his plan. As task manager I created a conveyer belt to create the essential building blocks of our structure: triangles, which were made out of three pieces of rolled up A3 and nuts & bolts. This

was a good activity to teach us life skills. The award ceremony was a nice way to end the day and really

just capped off a good day. Overall I believe this to be a good

enterprise day as it enhances some of my life skills and I would

like to thank Mrs Singh for organising it. I would certainly

recommend it.

by Anderson Cohen, Year 9 student

We were delighte to welcome the Rt Hon David Lammy MP,, Labour MP for Tottenham to school last Monday. Mr Lammy, who served as Minister of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills in the Goron Brown gov-ernment, was invited to KEGS to speak to the whole school assembly. He then took part in a question and answer session with Year 12 and 13

Politics students.

Page 6 KEGS News 2012/13

Media spotlight on Ollie’s Chelmsford walk Ollie Barnard and his award winning Chelmsford walk (see last newsletter) were the subject of a large feature in the Essex Chronicle recently Ollie was subsequently invited into the studio at BBC Essex, where he was interviewed live on air by presenter Dave Monk, who is himself a former KEGS boy. Ollie spoke brilliantly, and his interview is available via our website.

Eco Committee makes a greener KEGS Over the past two terms a group of students from the Eco Schools committee have been seeking to further reduce the

amount of rubbish that KEGS sends to landfill. KEGS has its waste collected by the Green Recycling Company based in Maldon. They sort through all rubbish that it collects in order to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill to the bare minimum. The skip the school uses posed a big problem; as with any skip, it provides an easy alternative to finding the correct bin for the waste you are trying to get rid of. The group therefore empties the skip of anything which could be recycled. This has helped reduce the number of skips required annually and saved the school money at the same time. The group also contacts various companies in order to recycle and reuse other items; for example classroom or office chairs and

electronic equipment that is broken.

Ollie pictured above in the studio with BBC Essex’s Dave Monk in the BBC, and above right, during the Essex Chronicle photoshoot

in Chelmsford

Recently, the school has bought new blue paper recycling bins to ensure that there’s one for each classroom. These are then emptied by students on a weekly basis, which ensures that the emphasis is on the KEGS community to look after its own environment. As a result the school has taken a big step in reducing the amount of paper and plastic sent to landfill. We have also had our request for litter bins next to lockers on the first floor of the main building accepted. It is hoped that this will reduce the amount of time site staff spend unnecessarily cleaning up, again with the

emphasis on the students looking after their environment. If you are interested in helping the Eco-Schools Committee,

or have any new ideas or similar issues to raise, you can get

involved by contacting Mr Barrow.

National cricketing success for Rahul Congratulations to Year 10 cricketer Rahul Patel who has successfully advanced

through a series of trials to win a place in the East of England team at the Bunbury

English Schools Cricket Festival, which is being held in Durham at the end of

July. This is a major national cricketing event and an absolutely magnificent

achievement by Rahul. This is one of the biggest cricketing success by a KEGS

student – and we wish Rahul all the very best for the tournament.

by Henry Sainsbury, Year 9 student

Page 7 KEGS News 2012/13

A taste of university life for Year 9 students Given that I am only in Year 9, the prospect of going off to university can sometimes seem rather daunting. However, on Friday 14 June, Ollie Barnard, a fellow Year 9 student, and I went off to University College London to get a taste of the

university lifestyle. We started off the day by having an ice-breaker session with students from other schools in and around London. Contrary to the dread that both Ollie and myself were feeling, it turned out that we had more in common with our fellow Dux Award winners than just intelligence; many played instruments, were bilingual or more and had interests outside of the curriculum. We all also shared a desire to win the challenge of the session by finding people with specific talents or attributes and noting them down. Neither of us won the flexi-pencil, but

congratulations to the girl who did. After that we were thrown into the first lecture of the day; the

History and Philosophy of Science, where Dr Cain, a lecturer at UCL, explained the ever fluctuating boundaries between experimentation and inhumanity, focusing on vivisection. Not only did Dr Cain’s talk act as a warm introduction to the day, but I personally was fascinated, as I was with the other talks, one focusing on chemical bonds and creating new and useful substances needed in everyday life, and the other on vaccinations and the ideas and morals surrounding their production using chicken eggs. This was taking what we had learned in school and what we were learning throughout the day, and bringing it into the world around us. It made the connection between

knowledge and ethics, and I loved every second of it. The day certainly was something that I could take from; I now think of science in a slightly different way, as if a filter has been taken away from my perception. I am looking forward to learning more, expanding my intellect, and hopefully adding my

ideas to the already captivating expanse that we call knowledge.

by Tristan Reid, Year 9 student

First class degrees for Canteen staff


Congratulations to Jonathan Belay of Year 8 who has won the Havering Junior Musician of the Year 2013. Pianist Jonathan won the Dannatt-Broad Shield and also wins a £100 advance music voucher prize, as well as the title. Many congratulations also to Year 12 Lydia Hepworth who has been appointed as Head Chorister of the girls’ Cathedral Choir. Two excellent achievements - very well done to you both !!

Left - Jim Perry and Year 7 students are photographed by the Essex Chronicle for an article about Open University students’ success

Right - Charlotte in charge of the

Sunshine Hut

We are delighted to announce that two members of the Catering Team have gained first class honour degrees. Catering manager Jim Perry has gained a Bachelor of Science (Honours) Open First Class Degree with Honours and Charlotte Henshaw (daughter of Catering Supervisor Julie Henshaw) a First Class Arts with Honours Degree in Dance & Professional Practice, from Bedford University. For the last three years Charlotte has been working in the canteen during her university holidays, and during the summer can usually be found running the Sunshine Hut.

We were delighte to welcome the Rt Hon David Lammy MP,, Labour MP for Tottenham to school last Monday. Mr Lammy, who served as Minister of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills in the Goron Brown gov-ernment, was invited to KEGS to speak to the whole school assembly. He then took part in a question and answer session with Year 12 and 13

Politics students.

Page 8 KEGS News 2012/13

Jack Petchey Award winners

The Jack Petchey Awards is a scheme to recognise and celebrate the achievements of young people, to help them take advantage of opportunities and to play a full part in society. KEGS takes part in the scheme, which operates across Essex and into East London, and students can be nominated by their peers, staff, parents or governors (. Congratulations to the following who are our recent Jack Petchey award winners:-. Alex Bailey – for his excellent work as a Student Voice Ambassador and member of the Charities Committee. Adam Batemen – for his dedication and commitment to supporting younger athletes at his athletics club. Jovett De Cordova-Harris – for his outstanding commitment to sport at KEGS. He has represented the school in football, rugby & cricket. Charlotte Olson - Charlotte ran the London Marathon and raised £500 for GOSH. Deelan Vadher - Outstanding Achiever Jack Petchey award. Awarded for his energy and enthusiasm in helping to set up KEGS Eggs and for organising two new events during Charities Week. WeiNan Zhou – for his many commitments to school including deputy editor of the Ambassador and well as Student Voice. Mrs Mary Turner - Jack Petchey Leader Award. Mary is a long-serving Governor of the school and gives enormously of her time, particularly to the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.

District Sports Congratulations to the KEGS team who came third overall in the District Sports held at Chelmsford Sport & Athletics Stadium on Wednesday 26 June. Particular congratulations to Armon Etemadi of Year 8 who came first in the Year 8 200m, Nari Orubo – first in the Year 9 100m, Ayo Oyelolo – first in the Year 9 200m, Oliver Heazel – first in the Year 9 800m and first in the Long Jump, and Josh Uduoje, first in the Year 9 High Jump..

Well done to everyone who took part ! A great result for KEGS.

Sports Day Results Our summer Sports Day was held on Saturday 23 June, and congratulations this year go to Mildmay, who came overall first with 302 points. The points were incredibly close this year with Strutt second with 297, Holland third with 288, and Tindal fourth on 282. Many congratulations to the Cup Winners:-

Year 7 Challenge Cup Daniel Soyebo (Strutt)

Year 8 Challenge Cup Cameron Dickens (Strutt)

Year 9 Challenge Cup Oliver Heazel & Ayo Oyelola (Mildmay)

Years 10 & 11 Challenge Cup Daniel Ogunbamowo (Holland)

Years 12 & 13 Challenge Cup Charlie Prudence (Mildmay)

Hance Cup (Holland) Daniel Ogunbamowo

Bedford Cup (Mildmay) Oliver Heazel & Ayo Oyelola

Frost Cup (Strutt) Cameron Dickens

Firman Cup (Tindal) Mark Redcliff

Dixon Cup (Senior Relay) Holland

Blundell Cup (Overall House Winner) Mildmay

Page 9 2012/13 Issue 10

Sports Day Results cont’d

Group 1 (Year 7)

100m Ekene Nwajei (Strutt)

200m Daniel Soyebo (Strutt)

400m Mayowa Ayanabadejo (Strutt)

800m Mayowa Ayanabadejo (Strutt)

1500m Ben Paterson (Mildmay)

High Jump Daniel Soyebo (Strutt)

Long Jump Ed Crosby (Holland)

Triple Jump Ed Crosby (Holland)

Shot Joseph Penny (Tindal)

Group 2 (Year 8)

100m Cameron Dickens (Strutt)

200m Armon Etemadi (Strutt)

400m Callum Whittle (Mildmay)

800m Jack Fuller (Strutt)

1500m Tommy Sedgwick (Tindal)

High Jump Daniel Hay (Holland)

Long Jump Alex Chittock (Mildmay)

Triple Jump Adam Norton-Steele (Holland)

Shot Cameron Dickens (Strutt)

Discus Cameron Dickens (Strutt)

Javelin Will Lunt (Holland)

Group 3 (Year 9)

100m Nari Orubo (Strutt)

200m Ayo Oyelola (Mildmay)

400m Oliver Phillips Holland)

800m Oliver Heazel (Mildmay)

1500m Oliver Heazel (Mildmay)

Hurdles Ryan Hart (Mildmay)

High Jump Josh Uduojie (Holland)

Long Jump Oliver Heazel (Mildmay)

Triple Jump Ayo Oyelola (Mildmay)

Shot Nari Orubo (Strutt)

Discus Ayo Oyelola (Mildmay)

Javelin Jovett De Cordova-Harris (Strutt)

We were delighte to welcome the Rt Hon David Lammy MP,, Labour MP for Tottenham to school last Monday. Mr Lammy, who served as Minister of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills in the Goron Brown gov-ernment, was invited to KEGS to speak to the whole school assembly. He then took part in a question and answer session with Year 12 and 13

Politics students.

Page 10 KEGS News 2012/13

Sports Day Results

Group 4 (Years 10 & 11)

100m Daniel Ogunbamowo (Holland)

200m Daniel Ogunbamowo (Holland)

400m James Rooke (Holland)

800m James Rooke (Holland)

1500m Jack Allenby (Holland)

High Jump Brandon Tiwari (Tindal)

Long Jump Daniel Ogunbamowo (Holland)

Triple Jump Jonathan Onobowa (Strutt)

Shot Will Palombo (Tindal)

Discus Will Palombo (Tindal)

Javelin James Murphy (Strutt)

Group 5 (Years 12 & 13)

100m Rohan Hazell (Stutt)

200m Charlie Prudence (Mildmay)

400m Adam Bateman (Holland)

800m Adam Bateman (Holland)

1500m Adam Bateman (Holland)

High Jump Conor Bearman (Holland)

Long Jump Mark Redcliff (Tindal)

Triple Jump Alex Gurton (Tindal)

Shot Brody Andrews (Holland)

Discus Stefan Soyombo (Tindal)

Javelin Nick Anning (Holland)

Sports Results CRICKET RESULTS UNDER 14 COUNTY CUP QUARTER FINAL Southend High School 101-9 (25 overs) Albie Nuttall 5-3-6-3 KEGS 102-1 Ollie Phillips 38* Albie Nuttall 19* Ollie Heazel 16 KEGS WON BY 9 WICKETS

UNDER 19 COUNTY CUP SEMI FINAL KEGS 153-8 (25 overs) Charlie Prudence 34 Rahul Patel 28 Leyton VI Form Cricket Academy 78 all out Sam Trowell 3-18 Ollie Phillips 2-2 Albie Nuttall 2-18 Ollie Goldsmith 1catch and 3 stumpings KEGS WON BY 75 RUNS

We were delighte to welcome the Rt Hon David Lammy MP,, Labour MP for Tottenham to school last Monday. Mr Lammy, who served as Minister of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills in the Goron Brown gov-ernment, was invited to KEGS to speak to the whole school assembly. He then took part in a question and answer session with Year 12 and 13

Politics students.

Page 11 KEGS News 2012/13

Hazel Drain, PA President For further details of any of these events please email KEGS PA Summer Festival took place on Saturday, 6th July. The weather was hot and sunny and we estimate that we had near 500 people visit during the afternoon. We had organised many new attractions and entertainment including the inflatable table football and a skittle alley; King Edward’s Head proved popular, many thanks to Mr Sherrington for agreeing to have his nose for the 50p target; there was something for everyone to enjoy. Many of the stalls and all of the entertainment was student led - it

was a true celebration of the end of the academic year and of the KEGS Community. It looks as if we raised about £3,500 including the Grand Draw, thank you if you helped in any way to make that huge amount

possible. I am pleased to announce that KEGS Parents’ Association donations have now reached a remarkable £71,350

since 2010!

The main winners of the Grand Draw were: iPad Mini – Mrs Gardner Kindle Fire – Tanish Luxury Hamper – Lundgren family The £25 Amazon Voucher was won by Sam Harridine The Future of the Parents’ Association We are always delighted if any parent wants to join the committee, we really don’t bite! You can do as much, or as little, as you

have time for but unfortunately we do have some activities that may be in jeopardy if we don’t have some more volunteers. We are currently seeking a President to lead the PA from October, 2013, this is a challenging but very rewarding role and I am very happy to give a new candidate as much help as they need for as long as they need it. Please get in touch via our email

address: Dates for you diary Saturday 16 November is our popular Quiz Night further details follow.

From the Parents’ Association

Diary Dates Thursday 18 July – Year 9 reports out Friday 19 July – Last day of term – early finish Thursday 15 August – A Level Results Day Thursday 22 August – GCSE Results Day Monday 2 September – Non Pupil Day Tuesday 3 September – Year 7 & Year 12 induction day Wednesday 4 September – First day back for rest of school Friday 6 September – All students - individual photographs Monday 9 September – Year 13/UCAS Information evening Wednesday 11 September – Newsletter 1 published Wednesday 11 September – Year 12 Welcome to the Sixth Form evening

We were delighte to welcome the Rt Hon David Lammy MP,, Labour MP for Tottenham to school last Monday. Mr Lammy, who served as Minister of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills in the Goron Brown gov-ernment, was invited to KEGS to speak to the whole school assembly. He then took part in a question and answer session with Year 12 and 13

Politics students.

Page 12 KEGS News 2012/13

KEGS Summer Festival 2013

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