for the glory of god and the salvation of souls mass schedule · 240 club chrzest jezusa winner...

Post on 19-Aug-2020






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Contact Info

Our Lady Of Czestochowa Rectory 34 Ward Street,

Worcester, MA 01610

TEL.: 508-755-5959 FAX: 508-767-1644

St. Mary’s Schools - PreK-12 50 Richland St.

Worcester, MA 01610

TEL.: 508-753-1170

For the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls


Welcome to Our Lady of Czestochowa! We invite you to register and become part of our parish family. Please complete this form and mail it to the rectory or pla-ce it in the collection basket. Thank you!

Witamy serdecznie w naszej wspólnocie i zachęcamy do oficjalnego zapisania się do parafii. Prosimy o wypełnienie formularza i przesłanie go do parafii lub wrzucenie podczas kolekty niedzielnej. Dziękujemy!

____New Parishioner (Nowy parafianin) /___Address Change (Zmiana adresu)


Street Address:________________________________________________________

City/Town:________________________ State:______Zip Code:____________

Phone: ____________________________Cell: ______________________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________________

____Please send offering envelopes in the mail /____I prefer to use On-line giving

Na Chwałę Bożą i dla Zbawienia Dusz


Parish Staff

Fr. Ryszard Polek Pastor

Fr. Tomasz Góra Associate Pastor

Fr. Thaddeus Stachura Pastor Emeritus

Fr. Edward Michalski In Residence, Sacramental Ministry

Stephen Thompson Kohut Deacon

Maryanna Hiester Religious Education Coordinator

Edward Smreczak Music Director and Organist

Jaclyn Dutton Cantor

John Kania Volunteer Sacristan

Jane Horuzek Office Manager

Alicja Borys Secretary

Edward Krupinski Finance Board Chairman

Sławomir Kurpiewski Director of Maintenance

Mass Schedule Msze Święte


4:00 PM English

Sunday / Niedziela: 8:00 Polish

9:30 English 11:00 Polish

5:00 PM English

Weekday — W tygodniu

In English: 6:30 AM Monday to Friday

7:00 AM Saturday

In Polish: 6:30 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Poniedziałek, Środa, Piątek

Holy Days - As Announced

Confessions Spowiedź

Saturday / Sobota: 7:30 AM & 3:00 PM

Thursday before First Friday: 7:00 pm

Czwartek przed Pierwszym Piątkiem: 7:00 pm

First Friday / Pierwszy Piątek: 6:00 pm

Rectory Office Hours

Closed Monday/ Poniedziałek Nieczynne

Jane: Tuesday: 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:00 Thursday: 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:00

Alicja: Wednesday: - 3:30-6:30 Friday: 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:00

Mass Schedule - Intencje Mszy Świętych

Saturday, January 12 5:00 PM - For Parishioners / Za Parafian

VIGIL of The Baptism of the Lord 4:00 PM

1. śp. Piotr Sabaciński (anniv.) - int. Wife and family 2. śp. Thaddeus Sobiech - int. Agnieszka and David Lamoureux 3. śp. Erich Lange - int. Jolanta and Stanley Sobiech 4. śp. John and Stella Prytko - int. The Prytko Family 5. śp. Prof. Aleksander Marczewski and deceased family members - int. Wife and children 6. śp. Betteann Swindell (3 anniv.) - int. Children and grandchildren

The Baptism of the Lord, January 13, 2019 Niedziela Chrztu Pańskiego, 13 Stycznia 2019

7:35 - Godzinki 8:00 - śp. Marianna Grodzki - int. Zofia Soliwoda 9:30 - śp. Regina Kraska and Stasia Sieradzka - int. Kraska

and Kerins Families 10:30 - Różaniec 11:00 1. O Boże Błogosł. dla Alicji z okazji 1 urodzin i jej rodziców - int. Dziadkowie 2. O zdrowie i Boże Błogosł. dla Stasi i Ludwika Jachimczyk oraz całej rodziny - int. Rodzina 3. śp. Józef Cieślak (1 rocznica) - int. Żona z rodziną 4. śp. John Banach - int. Koło Żywego Różańca 5. O łaskę zdrowia dla Marka Chrostowskiego - int. Rodziny 5:00 PM - For Parishioners / Za Parafian

Monday, January 14 6:30 AM - All Souls Day Intentions / Wypominki 6:30 PM - O łaskę zdrowia dla Zbigniewa Wesołowskiego - int. Brat

Tuesday, January 15 6:30 AM - śp. Józef Cieślak - int. Daughter and Family

Wednesday, January 16 6:30 AM - Open for intention (please contact office if interested) 6:30 PM - W pewnej intencji

Thursday, January 17 St. Anthony, Abbot 6:30 AM - Open for intention (please contact office if interested)

Friday, January 18 6:30 AM - Open for intention (please contact office if interested) 6:30 PM - śp. Genowefa Łuczaj (1 rocz.) - int. Dzieci

Saturday, January 19 Św. Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara 7:00 AM - śp. Józef, Jadwiga Kasprzak; Władysław, Katarzyna Kasprzak, Janina Biadaszewska, Sabina Grzeszkiewicz - Irene Homrok 3:30 - Rosary

VIGIL of The 2ND Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 PM

1. For God’s Blessing, Health and Graces Needed for Rita (Zmyslowski) Anderson on her 100th Birthday 2. śp. Jennifer Kalinowski (anniv.) - int.. Family


Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 20, 2019 2 Niedziela Zwykła, 20 Stycznia 2019

7:35 - Godzinki 8:00 - śp. Katarzyna, Stefania, Franciszek Florczyk;

Bronisław Cekała - int. Córki 9:30 - śp. Walter and Pauline Prokop - int. The Prytko Family 10:30 - Różaniec 11:00 1. śp. Thaddeus Sobiech - Barbara i Karol Pyśk 2. O zdrowie I Błogosł. Boże dla Wiktorii, Klaudii, Dawidka, Patryka, Paulinki I Julii - int. Babci Hani I dziadka Mietka 3. śp. Edward Lech - int. Żona z rodziną 4. śp. Romuald Michalec - int. Przyjaciele 5:00 PM - For Parishioners / Za Parafian


SACRED HEART OF JESUS CANDLE śp. Józef Cieślak Donated by Żona

DIVINE MERCY AND ST. FAUSTINA CANDLE Health and blessings for Julie and Family

Donated by Friend Genevieve Tole


Donated by Córka z rodziną

ST. JOHN PAUL II CANDLE Health and blessings for Carol Kozlowski

Donated by Friend Genevieve

240 CLUB Winner this week is # 79 Theo Oxholm

THE MASS BOOK for 2019 is now open. Please stop by the rectory during office hours to

reserve your Masses.

KSIĘGA INTENCJI MSZALNYCH na rok 2019 jest otwarta. Zapraszamy w godzinach pracy kancelarii.

"You are my beloved Son;

with you I am well pleased."

Luke 3,22

„Ty jesteś moim Synem umiłowanym, w Tobie mam


Łk 3,22

Baptism of Jesus - Stained glass window

in the side chapel

Chrzest Jezusa - Witraż w kaplicy bocznej


THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Today we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Starting his public ministry, Jesus came to the Jordan where John the Baptist baptized and preached both repentance and the coming of the Messiah. Jesus came to John the Baptist and asked to be baptized; during Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit came upon him and the voice of God the Father affirmed that Jesus is truly the Son of God. This event in the life of Jesus reminds us of our own baptism. Just like back then, it is also prevalent to our lives today that God speaks the same words to us: “You are my beloved Son, my beloved daughter, in you I am well pleased.” Today let us thank God for the grace of the Sacrament of Baptism, through which we become children of God and are incorporated into the Church.

STEWARDSHIP NOTE “John answered them all, ‘I baptize you with water; but he who is mightier than I is coming…he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit... ’” (Luke 3:16) The Catholic Catechism states that “Jesus’ immersion in the water is a sign for all human beings of the need to die to themselves to do God’s will.” In other words, as baptized Catholics there is only one gift that we need to give to Jesus – the gift of ourselves. Surrender yourself to God, place your trust in Him and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you for the greater glory of God.

CCD - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Monday, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Grades 1-10 - at St. Mary’s School building. PLEASE NOTE - We ask all Parents to park in the church parking lot while waiting for your children. Thank you!

WEDNESDAY - NOVENA to Our Lady of Perpetual Help will be said after evening Mass 6:30pm in Polish. Prayer requests in English or Polish, printed clearly may be placed in the box at the main entrance.

CONCERT OF CHRISTMAS CAROLS This Sunday, January 13, at 3:00 pm our Parish will host a Concert of Christmas Carols performed by Choirs from Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish in Boston, St. Joseph Basilica in Webster and our own choir. Christmas season is coming to an end, but in the Polish tradition we enjoy the decorations and sing Christmas songs until February 2nd - The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. We will have an oportunity once more to listen and sing beautiful Christmas Carols and meditate on the great mystery of The Word made flesh. Please come, and invite your family members and friends.

MEN OF ST. JOSEPH - MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Our parish is starting up an adult men’s group for Bible study, and small group conversations about their faith and the challenges facing Catholic men. The primary focus of the group will be to offer a relaxed open environment for men to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and take that influence back into their family and community. The group will follow a program based on the diocesan division of the Men of St. Joseph of Rhode Island. Meetings will be once per month The first meeting and movie night will be Saturday, February 9, at 5:30. If you have questions, pleasse call Marcin: 774-200-3807 or Andrew: 617-250-7038

Information about MOSJ is available also at:


Perhaps you have noticed the new bookcase located in the entryway of the church, just to the right of the choir loft stairway. Recently, a couple of parishioners donated a bookcase along with an assortment of new and gently used books on the Catholic Faith. These books have been made available to our parishioners to help us increase our knowledge of the Catholic Faith, thereby increasing our love of our Lord and practice of our Faith. Please take a minute to look over the selection. You are able to take a book, returning it when you have finished or keeping it to share with another to benefit from. If you have any books on our Catholic Faith that are collecting dust on your bookshelf at home, please consider adding them to this new lending library for others to learn from as well. Please take full advantage of this new opportunity for us all to grow in Faith and be sure to check the shelves frequently as our selection will have some turnover!


On January 14, 2019, thousands of Catholics across the country will join in prayer for “9 Days for Life.” The prayer campaign, sponsored by the Committee on Pro Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, leads up to the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. The novena and day of prayer are a time of recollection and reparation in observation of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade—the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the United States. Participants can subscribe to receive the daily prayers at

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER Did you know that in Dioceses throughout the United States, Jan. 22 is designated as a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Human Life? As individuals, we are called to observe this day through the penitential practices of prayer, fasting and/or giving alms, in a way similar to our Lenten practices. Learn more about how you can participate at

VISIT ITALY IN 2019 Fr. Richard Lewandowski will host a pilgrimage to Italy October 29 through November 8, 2019. Highlights include Rome, Assisi, Tomb of Padre Pio, San Giovanni Rotondo, Vatican City and Papal Audience. (At times, unavailable due to the Pope’s travel schedule). A presentation detailing the pilgrimage will take place Sunday, January 13 at 1:00 PM—St. Richard’s Church Hall, 4 Bridge Street, Sterling, MA For more information, call Fr. Lewandowski at 978-833-3354. ADULT CONFIRMATION - Are you a baptized, catechized Roman Catholic adult (18 or older) who has never been confirmed? The Diocese of Worcester will celebrate a diocesan-wide adult Confirmation on Sunday, February 3, 2019 at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Worcester. A retreat to prepare for Confirmation will be offered on Sunday, January 27, 2019 at Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal Center in Putnam, CT. If interested, please contact the pastor for more information.

Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!

NIEDZIELA CHRZTU PAŃSKIEGO Dzisiaj obchodzimy w całym Kościele Święto Chrztu Pań-skiego. Rozpoczynając swoją publiczną działalność, Pan Jezus przyszedł nad Jordan, gdzie Jan Chrzciciel udzielał chrztu na-wrócenia i głosił nadejście Mesjasza. Chrystus poprosił Jana o chrzest i podczas tego chrztu zstąpił na Jezusa Duch Święty a głos Boga Ojca potwierdził, że Jezus jest Synem Bożym. To wydarzenie z życia Jezusa przypomina nam nasz własny chrzest. Tak jak wtedy, tak również i w naszym przypadku Bóg wypowiedział te same słowa: „Ty jesteś mój syn umiło-wany, moja córka umiłowana, w tobie mam upodobanie”. Dziękujmy dziś Bogu za łaskę Sakramentu Chrztu Świętego, przez który staliśmy się dziećmi Bożymi i zostaliśmy włączeni do Kościoła. Niedziela Chrztu Pańskiego zamyka w liturgii Kościoła Okres Bożego Narodzenia, choć w naszej polskiej tradycji dekoracje i śpiew kolęd trwa aż do Święta Ofiarowanie Pańskiego (Matki Bożej Gromnicznej), 2 lutego.

CCD - LEKCJE RELIGII Poniedziałek, 5:30-6:30, Klasy 1-10 w Szkole St. Mary’s UWAGA - Prośba do Rodziców - prosimy, aby na czas lekcji religii parkować na parkingu kościelnym!

ŚRODA – 6:30 PM – Msza św. i Nowenna do Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy i św. Jana Pawła II w j. polskim. Prośby i podziękowania za wstawiennictwem Matki Bożej i św. Jana Pawła II można wrzucać do skrzynki przy głównym wejściu do kościoła.

PIĄTEK - 6:30 PM - Msza św. i Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego

JASEŁKA W imieniu Szkoły Języka Polskiego zapraszamy na Jasełka dziś, 13 Stycznia, o godz. 11:00. UWAGA: Msza św. rozpocznie się po przedstawieniu, ok. 11:30. Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich parafian, szczegól-nie rodziny z dziećmi i zachęcamy do zajmowania miejsc w pierwszych ławkach.

KONCERT KOLĘD Dzisiaj, o godz. 3:00 po południu w naszym kościele odbędzie się Koncert Kolęd w wykonaniu chórów dorosłych i dziecię-cych z parafii polonijnych z Bostonu, Salem, Webster i na-szych chórów. Wprawdzie okres Bożego Narodzenia już się kończy, ale we-dług naszej polskiej tradycji zachowujemy dekoracje świątecz-ne w kościele i śpiewamy kolędy do 2 lutego, czyli święta Ofiarowania Pańskiego (MB Gromnicznej). Serdecznie zapraszamy na koncert, który będzie okazją do po-słuchania i wspólnego śpiewu kolęd oraz ponownego rozważa-nia tajemnicy Słowa, które stało się Ciałem. Prosimy również o przekazanie tej wiadomości dalej i zaproszenie krewnych i przyjaciół.

MĘŻCZYŹNI ŚW. JÓZEFA - ZAPROSZENIE Z radością pragniemy poinformować o tworzącej się w naszej parafii grupie dla mężczyzn w ramach międzynarodowej orga-nizacji: Mężczyźni św. Józefa. Będzie to grupa, która poprzez wspólne miesięczne spotkania, modlitwę, rozważanie Słowa Bożego i podejmowanie ważnych z punktu widzenia mężczyzn i ich roli w rodzinie i społeczeństwie tematów, będzie służyć i pomagać mężczyznom w wypełnianiu ich powołania.

Pierwsze spotkanie, połączone z projekcją filmu, odbędzie się w Sobotę, 9 lutego, o godz. 5:30. Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych mężczyzn! Na spotkaniu będzie też można uzyskać więcej informacji. Ponadto informacje można znaleźć na stro-nie albo pod numerami tele-fonu: Marcin 774-200-3807 lub Andrzej 617-250-7038. PIELGRZYMKA DO MEDJUGORIE I NA BAŁKANY To już ostatnia szansa, aby dołączyć do pielgrzymki do Medju-gorie i na Bałkany w dniach 6-18 maja, 2019. Mamy kilka wolnych miejsc. W najbliższych dniach będziemy musieli po-twierdzić liczbę biletów lotniczych. Dlatego, jeżeli jeszcze ktoś się zastanawia nad wyjazdem, to bardzo prosimy o zgłoszenie się w tym tygodniu. Można to uczynić w kontaktując się z kan-celarią parafialną: 508-755-5959. Więcej informacji na temat pielgrzymki można też znaleźć na Zapraszamy!

BAPTISM. Saturday or Sunday. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements.

CONFIRMATION. Students in the 11th grade of High School

or CCD Program can receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Any adult wishing to be confirmed should contact the Rectory.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for mar-riage requires one year's notice. Please contact Parish Office or go to the for more details.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK. For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation CHRZEST Prosimy o kontakt z Kancelarią Parafialną w celu uzgodnienia szczegółów.

BIERZMOWANIE Do sakramentu bierzmowania mogą przystąpić uczniowie 11 klasy Szkoły Średniej lub CCD oraz osoby starsze.

SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA Narzeczeni powinni powi-adomić Parafię o zamiarze zawarcia małżeństwa na ok. jeden rok przed terminem.

SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Prosimy o kontakt z Kancelarią Parafialną w celu umówienia wizyty.

Christmas Concert This Sunday, January 13, 2019

3:00 PM With participation of the Choirs from Our Lady

of Częstochowa Parish in Boston St. Joseph Basilica Parish in Webster

and our own Choir.

Koncert Kolęd Dzisiaj, Niedziela 13 Stycznia, 2019

Godz. 3:00 PM. Z udziałem chórów z polonijnych parafii z Bostonu,

Webster i naszego Chóru. Zapraszamy!

January 2019 My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, January 22, 2019 marks the 46th anniversary of the tragic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which, with its companion case Doe v. Bolton,

legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy in every state in the nation. The General Instruction of the Ro-man Missal (n. 373), designates Tuesday, January 22 as a par-ticular day of prayer and penance, called the “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children”. All the faithful in dioceses throughout the United States of America are called to observe this day in a spirit of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for the violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion. Forty-six years of legalized abortion in this country has left an incomprehensible aftermath. With over 60 million lives lost, and countless women and men, mothers and fathers, grandpa-rents, siblings, and friends who have been deeply wounded physically, emotionally, and spiritually by this tragedy, we ne-ed now more than ever to re-commit ourselves to defending life. I encourage our diocesan parishes and institutions, and all the faithful, to observe reverently the Day of Prayer and Pe-nance on January 22nd both personally and within your com-munities. Let us unite our hearts and minds through special acts of prayer, fasting, and sacrifice on this day, to uphold the inherent dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. As we reflect on this unspeakable tragedy, we also recall how

the Church for many years has continued to reach out to those who have been so sadly affected by the culture of death, parti-cularly through ministries providing aid to women and families in crisis pregnancies, offering the healing love and mercy of Christ to those wounded by abortion through the ministry of Project Rachel, and by continuing to teach and preach the truth and beauty about love and life that bring authentic freedom and happiness. It is through these charitable works, along with our fervent prayers and sacrifices, that the culture can be transfor-med and the great goods of life, marriage, and religious liberty can be protected and upheld. Let us take this opportunity of the January 22nd Day of Prayer and Penance to renew our resolve to live and proclaim the Go-spel of Life. May we respond generously to the challenge Saint Pope John Paul II put forth in Evangelium vitae: “A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. May an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and Lover of life, from the heart of every believer.” Our active participation in the shared commitment to the sa-credness of human life and the dignity of the human person will with God’s grace, truly work toward the building up of a Cultu-re of Life and a Civilization of Love. With every prayerful best wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Robert J. McManus Bishop of Worcester

CHRISTMAS IN POLAND Ongoing through Sunday, February 3, 2019, 5 p.m.

For the 14th consecutive year, the Knights of Columbus Museum is showca-sing the art and traditions of a world region as the focus of its annual Christ-mas exhibition. The celebration of Jesus’ birth on December 25 is celebrated around the globe, with distinct customs and art forms in various countries and regions. The Polish observance of Christmas is rich in tradition. Festivities begin De-cember 24 with a Christmas Eve Dinner, known as wigilia, and continue through February 2 with the celebration of Candlemas. Music and art are a significant part of Christmas celebrations. Singing kolędy (Polish carols) and making szopki (Polish Nativity scenes) are among the many activities associa-ted with the holiday. Christmas in Poland features more than 100 items, some from the museum’s own collection. Also included are crèches on loan from the Glencairn Museum (Pennsylvania), the International Marian Research Institute at the University of Dayton (Ohio), the Loyola University Museum of Art (Illinois), the Museum of International Folk Art (New Mexico), Museo del Presepio of Rome/Italian Friends of the Crèche As-sociation and private collectors. Knights of Columbus Museum 1 State Street New Haven, CT 06511 Tel. 203-865-0400

Open 10-5 daily Until February 3, 2019

Free admission & parking

PARISH MEMBERSHIP We welcome new members. To join, just complete the registration form on the front page of this bulletin, then drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the

rectory. Our Parish depends on your presence, faith, love

and the sacrifice of your time, talents and treasure. Our Lady of Czestochowa, Pray for us !


Witamy nowych parafian. Zachęcamy też wszystkich do oficjalnego zapisania się do naszej parafii. Wystarczy wypełnić formę z pierwszej strony biuletynu. Parafia żyje dzięki Twojej obecności, wierze, miłości oraz ofiarowaniu

swojego czasu, zdolności i pomocy materianej. Matko Boska Częstochowska - módl się za nami!


oraz za każdą ofiarę złożoną na potrzeby parafii. Bóg zapłać! Dziękujemy również za ofiary na parafię lub szkołę St. Mary’s składane przez rodzinę, krewnych i przyjaciół z okazji pogrzebu kogoś bliskiego.

THANK YOU FOR USING THE PARISH ENVELOPES and for all your donations to our church.

God Bless you! I would also like to thank you for remembering your parish or School with me-morial offerings on the occasion of the death of your loved ones and when you make your wills, bequests and testaments.

Sign up for

Online Giving! it’s easy, safe and


Just Click on Online Giving link on and create your account.


Thank you to all who continue to contribute so generously to our Building Renovation Fund. Last week we received donations from the fol-lowing families:

Dziękujemy za wszystkie ofiary na Fundusz Remontowy. W ostatnim tygodniu otrzymaliśmy ofiary od następujących rodzin.:

Bacon, Barry Bylinski, Josephine Currier, Robert and Alice Jakubanis, Genowefa Kania, Elizabeth Karłowicz, Czesław and Lucy Kilinski, Elaine Klimczuk, Helena Marczewski, Barbara Savaria, Matthew and Gretchen Stachura, Lillian Stasiewicz, Mariusz and Danuta Wassel, Fredrick

Total Donations this week: $1,810.00

Thank you and may God Bless you!

Bóg zapłać za wszystkie ofiary!





Thank you for loving and supporting your parish. GOD BLESS YOU!

Dziękujemy za wszystkie ofiary na

potrzeby naszej parafii. BÓG ZAPŁAĆ!



Catholic University of America


Katolicki Uniwersytet Ameryki


Offered by Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, the cultural project Summer School is directed first of all towards youth (18 years of age and older) and college students. Classes devoted to the Polish culture, Polish lan-guage workshops and sightseeing tours of Krakow and its surroundings (all in English) will allow the participants to get to know the culture of ancient and contemporary Poland. Krakow – the seat of Polish kings and the cultural capital of Poland, the city full of an antique charm, the bishop’s capital of St John Paul II – is an ideal destination to organise this kind of enterprise. For more information and registrations please visit

FOR A STATEMENT of your 2018 contributions to the parish, please contact

Jane at the Rectory, or e-mail:


zaświadczeń o wysokości ofiar złożonych na parafię, prosimy o kontakt z kancelarią



AND CAN DRIVE Every WEDNESDAY please bring all of your bot-

tles and cans and drop them off in front of the

school in boxes or trash bags. We will take care

of the rest. Please make sure the bottles or cans

are redeemable in MA. (water bottles are NOT

redeemable). Proceeds benefit the school’s Ath-

letics program. We thank you for your continued

support! Any questions, please call the High

School office, 508 753 1170. Proceeds benefit

the school’s Athletics program.


im. Św. Jana Pawła II


Dyrektor: Hanna Olszewska Tel. 508 615 3562

Prezes Zarządu: Agnieszka Serafin Tel. 508 887 2149

Grades Pre-K To 12

50 Richland St., Worcester, MA 01610

Phone: 508-753-1170

Facebook @stmworcester

President and Principal 7-12: Adam Cormier

Principal PreK-6: Cynthia Ahearn

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich uczniów w wieku od 3 do 14 lat chętnych do nauki

języka polskiego do naszej szkoły. Zapisy przyjmujemy cały rok.

Zajęcia odbywają się w soboty od 9:00 do 1:00


Polish for children (3-14 years old)Classes are held on Saturdays from 9:00-1:00PM at St. Mary’s School Buil-


Polish for adults - Classes are held on Mon-days at 6:30 PM in the rectory meeting room.

For more information, please contact Hanna Olszewska at:

508 615 3562

There are a few seats s t i l l avai lable . Please book yours by January 15, 2019


At Masses on the weekend of January 19 and 20 and

26 and 27, you will have the opportunity to purchase

a chance to St. Mary’s Annual Calendar Raffle. Dai-

ly, throughout the month, names will be drawn for a cash prize. Eve-

ry Sunday the prize is $100. Special prizes of $250 will be given on

Valentine’s Day and President’s Day. On the 28th of the month the

prize will be $500 as we know that spring will not be far behind

(hopefully). You have multiple chances to win. Take a chance and

support St. Mary’s as well!

MAREK JANCEWICZ Plumbing, Heating,

Gas Fitting Licensed, Insured

Boilers-Gas-Oil-Steam Forced Hot Air


Henry-Dirsa Funeral Service

33 Ward Street, Worcester, MA 01610

508-756-8346 Barbara A. Kazmierczak RN, CFSP

Open to the Public Hall Rental Available

Catered Mercy Meals

116-120 Green St. (Canal Dist.)

(508) 753-9612

ZATRUDNIĘ osoby do pracy przy malowaniu

od zaraz. Wymagane doświadczenie

i własny transport. Grzegorz 978-430-9918


By accessing through a link on St. Mary’s Schools website you can support our Schools! Please share this infor-mation with your family and friends. Thank you! The school website is:

Caring for families




239 Main Street Spencer, MA 01562

Tel. 508.885.6956

Please, patronize our Bulletin Sponsors. Thank you!

P.N.I. CLUB, INC Facilities for Weddings,

Showers and Parties Catering for after Funeral Affairs

290 Millbury St. — Pulaski Square

(508) 757-5645

B R O T H E R S I I Catering Service




508-865-4172 or 508-769-4352

EUROPEAN DELI Barbara Gąsiorowska

508 797-1606 23 Millbury Street, Worcester

Polskie wędliny i wyroby mięsne, Gotowe polskie dania i potrawy, Catering, asortyment produktów

polskich i europejskich, Wysyłamy paczki do Polski!

5 Neponset

Monique Golemo Sales Agent



2 & 3 family homes selling at all time HIGH prices

($300,000 (+ or -)

Call for a FREE estimate


Cell:774-696-0693 e-mail

Mówię po polsku

If you are interested in placing an AD to promote your business

and help support our parish,

please contact the Rectory at 508-755-5959


Attorney and Counselor at Law Harvard Place, Suite 311

35 Harvard St. Worcester, MA 01609




Polish Research and Cultural

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