for children at boys town, christmas is the greatest gift ... · need and deserve another chance....

Post on 15-Oct-2020






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®®WINTER 2011

At Boys Town, we create lasting Christmas traditions and happy holiday memories for our boys and girls that can replace the sad,

painful ones they’ve experienced in the past. We start by welcoming children into a caring environment and giving them the confidence and ability to change their lives. This is especially important at Christmastime, when every child wants to know he or she is loved and valued.

We teach children that Christmas is about giving back. It’s a season of remembrance, hope and love, and a time our girls and boys will always cherish as one of their favorite childhood memories. The Christmas traditions our youth learn at Boys Town are gifts we hope they will pass on to their children someday.

Boys Town provides children and families with reasons to celebrate the holiday. The words of our children tell how Boys Town truly is a family and a community, focused on making a difference in the lives of young people who need and deserve another chance. For many of these children, it’s the first time they’ve experienced being part of a family at Christmas.

Christmas at Boys Town is so good because you have a family that loves you and they teach you what Christmas means. It felt

good just to spend time with my Family-Teachers and the other kids and to know they were there for me. We went to church first. This was nice because the day is not all about gifts, but more about the gift of God and family and love.

— Amy, 16

There is a void in the lives of most children who come to Boys Town for help and healing. Boys Town fills that void with good things, big and small — unconditional love, words of encouragement, a willingness to stand by even the toughest child — that give children a solid foundation for the future. We help children find healing in body, mind and spirit by showing them a different way of life and giving them the confidence to live it. When they realize they are capable of changing their behaviors and building caring relationships, they are able to put the past behind them and move forward.

For Children at Boys Town, Christmas Is the Greatest Gift of All

See Gift: Page 4


Boys Town National Headquarters14100 Crawford Street Boys Town, NE 68010800.217.3700 |© 2011, Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home

The warmth and wonder of Christmas touches the heart of each child in Boys Town’s care during the holiday season.


As we prepare for Christmas at Boys Town,

many of our new children are just

beginning to understand the joy and wonder of the

holiday season.— Father boes

Christmas Joy Lifts Spirits of Boys Town Youth

Dear Friend,

Christmas at Boys Town can be one of the happiest seasons, and at the same time, one of the saddest seasons for our boys and girls.

It’s a happy time because they are in a safe place where they can celebrate this joyous holiday as part of a caring

family. For the first time, many of our youth get to experience the thrill of opening brightly wrapped gifts, the inner peace that comes from singing “Silent Night” during church services and the pure joy of sitting down to share a delicious Christmas dinner with caring people who truly want them to get better.

It can also be a sad time because our kids are realizing what they’ve missed during the past Christmases of their young lives. Before coming to Boys Town, they lived in homes where their parents couldn’t afford to buy any gifts or food for a special dinner. Some kids suffered terrible abuse and neglect. For many, Christmas was just another day, with no celebration, no singing, no church and no happiness. While other

families were creating holiday memories, these kids sat alone, trying to forget their misery.

At Boys Town, we turn that sadness into hope and healing, not just at Christmas, but every day. We provide children with a sense of family and belonging, bringing them into the light of kindness, love and warmth they have been missing.

As we prepare for Christmas at Boys Town, many of our new children are just beginning to understand the joy and

wonder of the holiday season. Our boys and girls who have been with us for a while are excited and full of anticipation. Much of their enjoyment comes from helping the newer kids get involved in putting up the tree, shopping for the holiday feast, making Christmas cookies and wrapping presents.

Come Christmas Eve, a quiet calm will descend on our little Village and our homes at sites across the country. Our boys and girls will sing carols, drink hot chocolate and just enjoy being part of a family where each person is loved and respected. On Christmas morning, they will wake up to open gifts and then go to their place of worship to celebrate the birth of their Savior. When they come home, they’ll gather around the table for a special Christmas dinner they all helped prepare.

Happy and sacred holiday traditions have been part of Boys Town’s Christmas celebrations for more than 90 years. We fill our kids’ lives with warm Christmas memories that will stay with them for the rest of their lives, memories they can draw on to create holiday traditions for their own families someday.

For myself and all of our girls and boys, I want to wish you the happiest of holiday seasons and thank you for your heartfelt generosity in everything you do to bring a smile to the face of a child.

God’s Blessings and Merry Christmas,

Father Steven E. BoesBoys Town National Executive Director

33 Helping Teens Face Life’s ChallengesBOys TOWN NATIONAL HOTLINEsM is a Boys Town website especially for teens where boys and girls can share their problems, concerns

and accomplishments in positive, creative ways, and if necessary, get help from trained counselors at the Boys Town National HotlineSM.

Boys Town created because when teenagers face challenges or just want to talk, they may be more comfortable interacting on-line than face to face.

Josie and Maria are just two of the thousands of young people who have contacted us by email through our YourLifeYourVoice website. Both were desperately struggling with serious problems, and reached out to Boys Town for help. Our Hotline counselors responded, offering advice and encouragement that enabled both teens to begin to confront and resolve their issues. Josie and Maria sent the following emails to thank our counselors for caring.

Josie’s thank you...I cannot tell you what your email

meant to me....When I sent that email that night, I never

thought I would get a response, let alone such a heartfelt and meaningful one. I’ve read your email hundreds of times since you sent it, and I cannot believe how much it means to me.... How can you thank someone for giving you hope?

It’s been a few weeks since I sent you that email, and things seem to be getting better. My dad is talking to me a little more, my sister is trying to be a decent person, and as for my mom, well, she’s doing okay. But the thing is, I’m fine with okay. ‘Okay’ is a vast improvement from before. After I sent the email to you guys, and I got a response, I realized that if I wanted to change things, the only way I was going to do it was with hard work. So I sat her and my dad down and showed them the email. I made sure they read the entire thing. I didn’t know what

was going to happen, but I didn’t expect what did: my mom started crying. In fact, both of them started crying. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say.... Now I know that things won’t get better overnight, but I also know that this is a sign that some change is coming, and that I am grateful for more than anything. Thank you so much Sharon, you have no idea what you’ve done for me....

Maria’s thank you…I want to thank you for the advice and

hope you instilled in me. I no longer feel like I have to constantly watch my back at school, I am more confident in myself and my voice. And I also have a newfound respect for the school officials in my school. Yesterday, I finally found enough courage and faith to tackle the issue with the girls who pick on me at school head on — and I am so glad that I did.

The main girl who picks on me made fun of the clothes I wear for the last time yesterday. I went straight to the guidance counselor and poured my heart out to her.... She wrote down all of the information concerning my dilemma and took it straight to the principal and vice principal who quickly took charge of the situation. They were all so nice and... protective! I can’t get over how safe they made me feel. They pulled the girl who has bullied me right out of class and addressed the situation with her straightforward.... The principal told me that he would get her moved as far away from me as possible in class and that she

would be held accountable for her actions, and he said that if she ever tried to do anything to me again I need to come straight to him or the counselor asap. He was true to his word: today at school the girl was moved from my classes.

My counselor told me that sometimes things have to get difficult before they can get better, and that is so true.

Once all was said and done, I felt like a whole new girl. I could not thank the counselor or principal enough. And I am so thankful to you for listening to my story unjudgmentally and offering me words of hope. My parents, friends, and boyfriend have stood by my side through this difficult time, I no longer feel alone or powerless. All it takes is to stand up for yourself and what is right – I know that now.

Thank you so much! What you guys do does make a difference and has touched my heart. A million thanks again.

Just two years after opening, is on pace to receive more than 600,000 visits in

2011. These visits generate:

» Emails to the Boys Town National HotlineSM from teens seeking advice on matters from relationships to mental health concerns, and everything in between.

» Calls to the Hotline seeking assistance or counseling.

» Visits to the site’s chat room and Facebook page, where thousands of teens connect to share their thoughts and experiences.

Emails, chats and other on-line contacts are answered by specially trained Boys Town counselors.

No matter how they reach out, teens can find help for problems like school pressures, being bullied, alcohol and drugs, problems at home, relationships, anger or anything else that is troubling them.

With, teens don’t have to face their world alone.


Christmas reinforces those feelings like no other season. In all the activities that surround the holiday, our kids see what a caring family is and understand they are valued members of that family. At Boys Town, Christmas means children laughing and smiling as they decorate their trees and homes, bake cookies, sing carols and learn the true meaning of sharing and caring.

The best Christmas ever was last year. It was the first Christmas that I could feel and say I had a family that was there for me in the Christmas season. It was my first Christmas at Boys Town. I felt that all my friends and those who cared about me stood by me and gave me a Christmas I’ll never forget.

— Christian, 15

Christmas truly is a special time at Boys Town because it reminds us that family, faith, having fun together and following traditions are among the necessities of life.

As families across our great nation follow their cherished traditions this Christmas, we hope they will say a prayer for all the kids at Boys Town who are just beginning theirs.

For Children at Boys Town, Christmas Is the Greatest Gift of AllContinued from Page 1

1-800-448-3000BoYs Town naTionaL HoTLineSM

» A crisis, resource and referral number for kIds and pARENTs

» 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Teresa Smith is standing on the porch of a family’s home. Someone in the house is yelling — whoever it is sounds

angry. She hears a baby crying.Smith, a Boys Town In-Home

Family ServicesSM Consultant, knows the family that lives there has serious issues, issues that could result in a child being removed from the home. Smith is there to try to keep that from happening.

This is how most interventions provided by Boys Town Family Consultants begin. Every day, they reach out to struggling, troubled families, never quite knowing what to expect. Nothing can completely prepare them for what they might encounter when they finally walk through the front door.

Many families need help because they are either overwhelmed by their problems (divorce, financial stress, addictions, child behavior issues) or because they just don’t have the tools to solve them on their own.

In Smith’s experience, families usually try to do what is right. Parents love their children and want what’s best for them. They want their children to succeed in school. They want their home to be safe and loving. They want to have a happy family.

That’s where In-Home Family ServicesSM can make a real difference. This positive approach, based on the research-proven Boys Town ModelSM, focuses on one simple principle: Prevention through Intervention.

By teaching parents how to make and keep their home environment safe and care for their children in healthy, positive ways, Family Consultants make it more likely that kids can stay at home, where they belong. These efforts help families get back on track and help children find success at home, in school and in the community. And Consultants

are available 24/7 during an intervention, so families always feel supported and connected.

“We want to give the parents the tools they need, the feeling of achievement they need, in order to be successful in life,” Smith said. “Accomplishing those goals, in turn, is going to benefit the kids.”

In her two years as a Family Consultant, Smith has worked with dozens of families that were struggling. Unfortunately, she knows that for every family she is able to help, there are many more homes where children are at risk of being removed and parents have no answers.

But Smith doesn’t get discouraged. She knows that every time she walks through the front door of a home, it’s a new opportunity to bring hope and healing to the people who live there.

“We really are making a difference,” Smith said. “I love being able to see a family grow together and overcome their problems.”

That’s where In-Home Family ServicesSM can make a real difference. This positive approach, based on the research-proven Boys Town ModelSM, focuses on one simple principle: Prevention through Intervention.

The stories provided about the children and families in our care are real. In some cases, names and details may be changed, and stock photos may be used, to protect their privacy and therapeutic interests.

In-Home Heroes Bring Life-Changing Help to Troubled Families

Family Consultant Teresa Smith is on the front line of Boys Town’s mission to help children and families that are facing serious challenges.


Since its founding in 1917, Boys Town has relied on the generosity of its many supporters to bring hope and

healing to children and their families.The scope of giving is tremendous,

ranging from large donations and grants from corporations to smaller gifts of a dollar or two from children and everything in between.

No matter the size or source, each of these contributions is made with the heartfelt desire to help Boys Town make the world a better place for children.

Here are just a few of the stories behind unique donations Boys Town was blessed with over the past year.

Giving Back to Pass On Lessons Learned

When Brittany Gordon first came to Boys Town North Florida, she was aggressive, abusive and noncompliant.

In her own words, “not a very nice 14-year-old.”

Today, Brittany is a role model for youth in the care of the Boys Town site in Tallahassee.

Brittany credits Boys Town with standing by her during those difficult times. And she says that commitment to helping her was the main reason she was so motivated to “pay back” the place that showed compassion, patience and love when no one else would.

Now studying at Tallahassee Community College, she has a part-time job and is doing her best to make it on her own while working toward a college degree.

She admits her wages are modest. But that didn’t deter her from recently donating $300 to Boys Town North Florida to help some kids there who needed clothes for school.

Gordon said it was a similar experience she had as a Boys Town North Florida youth that motivated her to make the donation.

“There was one time, late in my stay there, that I’ll never forget,” she said. “I was getting ready to head back to school and somehow we were given an extra hundred dollars for school clothes. I know it isn’t much, but I remember it meant so much to me. I just decided that someday I wanted to do the same thing for kids at Boys Town. I knew that it would mean a lot.”

Teen Caddy Carries Clubs for Kids

Thirteen-year-old Schuyler Jordan was on his way to visit a friend when he noticed the Boys Town New England entrance sign. He asked his mom, Cathy, about the sign and the “town” behind it.

“I didn’t know much about the organization,” said Cathy. “I told him it was probably an orphanage for teenage boys.”

The conversation ended there, but Boys Town stuck with Schuyler. After researching the organization on-line, he decided to donate the $250 he made from his summer job as a caddy to the site. Schuyler and his mom also got in touch with site staff and took a tour of the campus.

Schuyler’s experience at Boys Town New England has made a difference in his life. He planned to continue caddying so he could donate even more money to Boys Town New England. He’s also telling his friends to do the same.

“He realized how lucky he is, and he wants to keep helping those less fortunate than him,” said Cathy.

For Boys Town, the Holiday Spirit of Giving Lives All Year Long

A Sweet DonationOn a hot summer day in south Florida, 8-year-old Amanda decided to open a

lemonade stand. She set up a table on her driveway, and began selling ice-cold glasses of pink lemonade. She also made a big sign, explaining that all proceeds would go to Boys Town South Florida.

Why would a little girl choose to give away her earnings instead of saving up for a new toy? It’s because Amanda knows that Boys Town South Florida makes a difference in the lives of children and families in the area. Her mom, Lauren Anderson, is Boys Town South Florida’s Care Coordination Program Director.

On her first day, Amanda raised $32 for Boys Town kids. Soon, she and her entrepreneurial-minded friends expanded the stand, adding cupcakes to the menu. When they totaled up their final earnings, they came up with $65.

“Amanda was so excited to give the money to Boys Town South Florida,” said Lauren. “She said she wanted to help the kids who didn’t have as much as she did. We’re really proud of her giving spirit.”Amanda turned lemons into lemonade for Boys Town

South Florida kids.


From Nothing to Everything

When 11-year-old Randy Lee arrived at Boys Town Nevada, he carried nothing because he owned nothing.

He had been placed in the foster care system because he wasn’t receiving proper care at home.

The social services system had branded him “un-adoptable” due to his serious behavior problems.

But during a childhood and adolescence that would see him benefit from each service level within Boys Town Nevada’s Integrated Continuum of CareSM, the once-troubled teen found his path to a new life.

Randy’s journey to Boys Town began with an evaluation to determine how best to help him. Three months later, he moved to Boys Town Nevada’s Assessment and Short-Term Residential Center. Once there, Randy realized he didn't want to spend his entire childhood in a shelter. He began to change his attitude and behaviors, and started following the rules. Over time, he made enough progress to transition to the family-style environment of a Treatment Family Home.

During the next two years, Randy made great strides toward turning his life around. He formed a brotherhood with the other boys in his Family Home while learning essential life skills, excelling in school and being part of a caring family.

Still, his greatest wish was to have a family of his own. At age 16, Randy’s wish came true.

When Randy was featured on a television program, “Wednesday’s Child,” a local couple, Mark and Valerie Goldstrom, were moved by the youngster’s story and expressed interest in adopting the teen.

Mark and Valerie were later invited to an adoption party to meet Randy.

“We played basketball and hung out for part of the evening,” Valerie said. “By the end of the night, we knew Randy was a perfect fit for us and he felt the same way."

The Goldstroms turned to Boys Town Nevada for help as they prepared for Randy’s adoption. They completed the site’s Common Sense Parenting® classes to learn parenting skills that would complement the skills Randy had learned while in Boys Town’s care. They also received support through the site’s In-Home Family ServicesSM. Randy continued to work with a Boys Town Nevada therapist after moving in with his adoptive parents.

"It was one of the greatest days of our lives when Randy moved in," the Goldstroms said. “It has been wonderful watching Randy grow up, even though we only had him in our home a short time."

With the support and encouragement of Boys Town and his adoptive family, Randy has continued to find success in his life. He graduated from high school last spring and is currently in basic training in the United States Air Force.

"I was very lucky to have met such great Family-Teachers, counselors and role models at Boys Town who have unselfishly believed in me, encouraged me and gave me the abilities to improve my people and leadership skills,” Randy said. “If it wasn't for the commitment Mark and Val made by adopting me, I'm not sure my future would be as bright as it is now. I can never repay them for what they have done for me."

Today, everywhere he goes, Randy will carry everything he needs to succeed.

"It was one of the greatest days of our lives when Randy moved in.... It has been wonderful watching Randy grow up, even though we only had him in our home a short time."

— Mark and Valerie GoldstroMrandy’s adoptiVe parents

Randy proudly displays his high school diploma on graduation day earlier this year.


Case Study

Jerry and his wife Ann, both 65, wanted to update their estate plans. Newly retired, the couple was looking for

ways to secure future income. They spoke with their attorney about adding a charitable gift to their plans.

Jerry and Ann established a $20,000 gift annuity with Boys Town by donating stock they purchased years ago for $5,000.

Financial Benefits Charitable gift annuity ..................$20,000Annual payout for both lifetimes ......$940Tax-free portion ...................................$152Capital gains income .......................... $457Ordinary income ...................................$331Immediate charitable income tax deduction .....................$4,8381

Considering the tax-free portion of the couple’s payment and their income tax savings from the charitable deduction, their gift annuity is like receiving a 5.9% fully taxable return on their gift, assuming they’re in the 25% tax bracket.1Based on annual payments and a 3 percent charitable mid-term federal rate. Payout rates vary. Please contact Boys Town for current rates applicable to your situation. Please consult with your attorney and financial advisors before engaging in a charitable gift annuity or any other strategy.

Charitable Gift Annuities: An Option to Increase Income

I f you’d like to support Boys Town’s mission and receive steady payments during your retirement years, a charitable gift annuity may be right for you.

How It WorksThrough a simple contract, you agree to make a donation of cash, stocks or other assets to Boys Town. In return, we agree to pay you (and someone else, if you choose) a fixed amount each year for the rest of your life.

If You Don’t Need Extra Income Right Away...If extra income is not what you need just yet, but you would like to make a substantial gift

to Boys Town now and receive a charitable deduction for 2011, then a flexible charitable gift annuity may be the right plan for you.

You make the contribution to Boys Town now, securing a current income tax charitable deduction. Boys Town provides you with fixed payments for life, starting at the date you select. This is especially advantageous if your tax bracket is higher now than it will be later, when you retire. The rate depends on your age now and your age when the payments begin.

Because payments are deferred, the rate is considerably higher than with an immediate gift annuity. Your charitable deduction is also larger when you defer the start of your payments.

In addition, for many people, contributions to IRAs, 401(k) plans and other retirement plans are limited. The deferred payment gift annuity is a good way to provide the additional retirement income you desire.

Act Now!With an uncertain economy and markets that unexpectedly fluctuate, now is the time to seek a tax-favored way to supplement your income. Whether you are seeking more income now or may seek more income in the future, a charitable gift annuity is an option for increasing your income, securing a tax deduction and making a meaningful gift to Boys Town’s mission. To receive a charitable deduction for 2011, all gifts must be made on or before December 31, 2011.

For more information, call us at 888-332-3219, email us at or visit us on the Web at


Charitable Gift Annuity

Remainder to acharitable organization

at donor’s death

Creates a gift annuity with acharitable organization

• Receives incometax deduction

• Receives fixedpayments for life

CharitableGift Annuity



Results vary depending upon your facts and circumstances. Please contact us for an illustration tailored and customized for you. As always, Boys Town encourages everyone to consult with their legal and tax advisors before entering into a gift annuity or any other financial strategy.

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