fish id john moore 1/3/14

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Fish species Identification By: Johnathon Moore

Marine Vertebrates

Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 1

Common Name: Bahamas Saw Shark

Scientific Name: Pristiophorus Schroederi

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Pristiophoriformes

Family: Pristiophorides

Geography / Habitat: Bahamas

Food / Feed Strategy: feed on fish and coruscations on the seafloor, often form schools.

Body Form or Style: flat head, five gill slits, no anal fins but it has two equal sized dorsal


Swim / Locomotion Style: glides along the seafloor

Mouth Position: mouth is located on the bottom of the head


Title: Marine Fish

Species #:2

Common Name: Grey Reef Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus Melanopterus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhinifornes

Family: Carcherhindae

Geography / Habitat: From South Africa to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean

Food / Feed Strategy: Feed on small fish, squid and octopi

Body Form or Style: Medium sized shark, broadly rounded snout and large round eyes.

Swim / Locomotion Style: swim freely in their ocean terrain.

Mouth Position: just behind and under the snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 3

Common Name: Black Tip Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus Limbatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcherhinifornes

Family: Carcharhinae

Geography / Habitat: Ranges from the west coast of the United States all the way to the

coast of China

Food / Feed Strategy: They will eat almost any small fish that they come by.

Body Form or Style:

Swim / Locomotion Style: swim slowly through the open ocean in search of food

Mouth Position: low and below the snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 4

Common Name: Blind Shark

Scientific Name: Brachaelurus Waddi

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Orectorobiformes

Family: Brachaeluridae

Geography / Habitat: Eastern coast of Australia

Food / Feed Strategy: Waits in caves until night fall then it moves out over the reefs in

search of small invertebrates

Body Form or Style: Short snout, with eyes on top of its head, nostrils are at the tip of the


Swim / Locomotion Style: slow and meticulous

Mouth Position: At the very front of the snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 5

Common Name: BonnetHead Shark

Scientific Name: Sphyrna Tiburo

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Sphyrnidae

Geography / Habitat: Inhabits the East and West coast of North and Central America

Food / Feed Strategy: very active shark, that swims in schools of 5 to 15 along coastal reefs,

it uses electroreception to detect prey.

Body Form or Style: Small body, broad flat head, long tail for quick movement

Swim / Locomotion Style: very fast, in large numbers, and constantly moving

Mouth Position: under the broad flat snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 6

Common Name: Broad nose Seven Gill Shark

Scientific Name: Notorynchus Cepedianus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Hexachifronen

Family: Hexanchidae

Geography / Habitat: Ranges from the west coasts of the Americas to South Africa,

Australia, and China

Food / Feed Strategy: very opportunistic, and will eat just about any prey they can

ambush, occasionally hunt in packs.

Body Form or Style: very stiff large body not a great deal of distinction where the head

begins and ends on the body.

Swim / Locomotion Style: very slow does not expend a lot of energy in search of food.

Mouth Position: at the front almost equal with the snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 7

Common Name: Bronze Whaler Shark

Scientific Name: Carharhinus Brachyurus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhinfornes

Family: Cararhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Found from the Gulf of Mexico down to Brazil and Argentina.

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed only in the open water on boney fish.

Body Form or Style: Large sharks with blunt short snouts, with very long downward

slanted fins

Swim / Locomotion Style: very slow swimmers

Mouth Position: largemouth just behind the snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 8

Common Name: Cobbler Wobbegong Shark

Scientific Name: Sutorectus Tentaculatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Orectolobiformes

Family: Orectolobidae

Geography / Habitat: Australia, Eastern Indian Ocean

Food / Feed Strategy: Swims along the sea floor in search of small fish, and large shrimp.

Body Form or Style: Very slender, very well camouflaged

Swim / Locomotion Style: Sways back and forth along the sea floor

Mouth Position: On the bottom of the head, very far forward on the snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 9

Common Name: Cookie Cutter Shark

Scientific Name: Isistius Brasiliensis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Squaliformes

Family: Dacatiidae

Geography / Habitat: All tropical oceans around the world

Food / Feed Strategy: Parasitic, latch on to a multitude of different sea life and eat small

circular holes into the sides of the animals they are attached too.

Body Form or Style: cylinder shape, with mouth in the very front of its body, with large

black eyes

Swim / Locomotion Style: generally doesn’t swim it attaches on to other animals

Mouth Position: in the very front of its body, it is circular in shape


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 10

Common Name: Coral CatShark

Scientific Name: Atelomycterus Marmoratus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carchariniformes

Family: Scyliorhinidae

Geography / Habitat: it lives only throughout Southeast Asia

Food / Feed Strategy: swim through coral reefs at night to find small invertebrates and

bony fish.

Body Form or Style: very slender and thin, cylindrical, short and stout.

Swim / Locomotion Style: “Crawls” (slowly glides using its pectoral fins to push off of

obstacles) between reefs in search of food.

Mouth Position: On the Bottom of the head under the snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 11

Common Name: Dusky Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus Obscurus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carchariniformes

Family: Carcharlindae

Geography / Habitat: World Wide

Food / Feed Strategy eats almost anything on almost any area of the water column, they

tend to feed on the bottom.

Body Form or Style: Very large, very strong, stiff and muscular

Swim / Locomotion Style: Very migratory travel thousands of miles

Mouth Position: under a very blunt snout, the mouth is very large and has a very strong

bite force.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 12

Common Name: Epaulette Shark

Scientific Name: Hemiscyllium Ocellatum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Orectolobiformes

Family: Hemiscylliidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives on the North Coast of Australia

Food / Feed Strategy: Moves through the coral reefs in search of small bony fish

Body Form or Style:

Swim / Locomotion Style: very similar to the Coral Catshark in the fact that it seems to

walk or crawl along the floor in search of food

Mouth Position: Found at the very tip of the snout, very small.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #:13

Common Name: Golden Hammerhead Shark

Scientific Name: Sphyrna Tudes

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Sphyrnidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives only off of the east coast of South America primarily around


Food / Feed Strategy: feed in shallows and on small animals such as shrimp

Body Form or Style: very broad head, small eyes, very yellow/ gold body color. Small sized


Swim / Locomotion Style: stays in shallows and skims the ground for small food

Mouth Position: on the bottom of it’s extremely wide head


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 14

Common Name: Great Hammerhead shark

Scientific Name: Sphyrna Mokarran

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Sphyrindae

Geography / Habitat: worldwide reach

Food / Feed Strategy: preys on any fish on almost all the oceanic levels.

Body Form or Style: Broad head flat with a very strait front edge giving it its distinctive

hammer shape

Swim / Locomotion Style: Migrates throughout the world

Mouth Position: Under the large flat head.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 15

Common Name: Great White Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharodon Carcharias

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Lamiformes

Family: Lamnidae

Geography / Habitat: Worldwide

Food / Feed Strategy: Will eat almost anything, in its migration for food, has adapted

different feeding techniques for different situations.

Body Form or Style: extremely large, strong muscular body

Swim / Locomotion Style: swims mainly in the open ocean but will come close to shore

when presented with that opportunity

Mouth Position: just under its blunt snout, the mouth is very large and strong.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 16

Common Name: Greenland Shark

Scientific Name: Somniosus Microcephalus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Squaliformes

Family: Somniosidae

Geography / Habitat: North Polar Region

Food / Feed Strategy: Hunter, Scavenger. Known to hunt anything it can find from sharks

to polar bears

Body Form or Style: very muscular, with short fins, long, and wide

Swim / Locomotion Style: Very slow swimmer the slowest of all the sharks

Mouth Position: Similar to the Great White with a short snout and large mouth


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 17

Common Name: Gummy Shark

Scientific Name: Mustelus Antracticus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharliniformes

Family: Somniosidae

Geography / Habitat: Southern end of Australia only

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on small shrimp and bony fish

Body Form or Style: thin grey body with spots

Swim / Locomotion Style: swims in the shallows in search of food

Mouth Position: very thin and small at the front just under the snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 18

Common Name: Lemon Shark

Scientific Name: Negaprion Brevirostris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: The entire Americas and the west coast of Africa

Food / Feed Strategy: feed mainly in shallow nursery’s but will also eat crabs and small


Body Form or Style: Big body, very strong large head with a slight flat appearance to the


Swim / Locomotion Style: very territorial, they stay within a certain parameter of where

they are feeding

Mouth Position: Very large and up front just below the large flattened snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 19

Common Name: Port Jackson Shark

Scientific Name: Heterodontus PortusJacksoni

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Heterodontiformes

Family: Heterodontidae

Geography / Habitat: The coastal regions around Australia

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on animals with shells, such as shrimp and crabs

Body Form or Style: has a very special mouth not only does it have teeth, it has a crush

plate to crush shells, it is a very small shark that is nocturnal.

Swim / Locomotion Style: waits until night fall to come out in search of food, it then swims

along the sea floor in a sweeping motion

Mouth Position: The mouth is almost in the same place as the snout, the mouth is very far



Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 20

Common Name: Wing Head Shark

Scientific Name: Eusphyra Blochii

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Sphyrnidae

Geography / Habitat: Only in the Western Indo-Pacific

Food / Feed Strategy: Hunts near the sea floor for crustaceans and bony fish

Body Form or Style: has the widest head of the hammerheads

Swim / Locomotion Style: Stays near the bottom using its excellent depth perception to find

and strike food

Mouth Position: In the center, on the bottom of its massively wide head


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 21

Common Name: Tiger Shark

Scientific Name: Galeocerdo Cuvier

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Worldwide, but tends to stay around coastal regions

Food / Feed Strategy: they migrate in search of food and will eat many air breathing

animals choosing to ambush rather than to chase they also eat some jellyfish.

Body Form or Style: Very long and heavy, very strong with a large head and a blunt snout

Swim / Locomotion Style: Casually swim in search of food doesn’t try to chase its food

Mouth Position: Just behind the snout, has a large mouth and is far forward on the head.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 22

Common Name: Starry Smooth Hound Shark

Scientific Name: Mustelus Asterias

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhiniforimes

Family: Triakidae

Geography / Habitat: Ranges from the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and North and Black sea

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed primarily on crab and lobsters.

Body Form or Style: very long and lean with swept fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: tend to travel between the different oceanic zones in search of


Mouth Position: directly under the snout, just under the nostrils


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 23

Common Name: Southern LanternShark

Scientific Name: Etmopterus Granulosus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Squaliformes

Family: Etmopteridae

Geography / Habitat: Only lives at the southern tip of South America

Food / Feed Strategy: Nocturnal hunter feeds on small bony fish

Body Form or Style: long and cylindrical with large eyes

Swim / Locomotion Style: drifts along the bottom

Mouth Position: in the snout making up a major part of the head.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 24

Common Name: SoupFin Shark

Scientific Name: Galeorhinus Galeus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Triakidae

Geography / Habitat: Global

Food / Feed Strategy: They simply swim in search of any meal they can swallow. Ranging

from shrimp to sardines, and crabs

Body Form or Style: very slender with short fins and small eyes

Swim / Locomotion Style: swims through the open ocean

Mouth Position: farther behind the snout which is more pointed to aid in hunting


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 25

Common Name: Smalltooth Sand Tiger Shark

Scientific Name: Odonaspis Ferox

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Lonaiformes

Family: Odontaspididae

Geography / Habitat: Found in most of the world’s tropical regions

Food / Feed Strategy: Feed primarily in the open ocean for bony fish

Body Form or Style: long medium build with a blunt snout and blunted fins

Swim / Locomotion Style: open ocean just off of tropical coastal regions

Mouth Position: Behind the snout just under and to the front of the eyes


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 26

Common Name: Silky Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus Falciformis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Charchariniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Span the whole globe, along the equator

Food / Feed Strategy: Migrate throughout the ocean, usually following mammals or

schools of fish or hammerhead sharks to find food.

Body Form or Style: streamline with along pointed snout with sharp fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: open ocean, following schools of fish

Mouth Position: behind and under the snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 27

Common Name: SandBar Shark

Scientific Name: Carcherinus Plumbeus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carchahiniformes

Family: Caranerhinus

Geography / Habitat: All coastal regions across the world, mainly along the Americas east


Food / Feed Strategy: Swims through the shallow coastal regions in search of small to

medium sized bony fish.

Body Form or Style: Have very large pectoral fins and large Dorsal fin, has a very thin


Swim / Locomotion Style: Swims Justin and, or just outside of coastal regions slowly.

Mouth Position: behind and below its elongated snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 28

Common Name: Sailfin RoughShark

Scientific Name: Oxynotus Paradoxus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Squaliformes

Family: Oxynotidae

Geography / Habitat: Only in the Atlantic, on the west side of England down to Africa

Food / Feed Strategy: Hunts in the open ocean for benthic animals

Body Form or Style: very flat head with blunt snout has two long, thin dorsal fins that

tapper out at the end.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Very slow swimming pattern

Mouth Position: Takes up much of the head and is just under and behind the snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 29

Common Name: Salmon Shark

Scientific Name: Lamna Ditropis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Lamniformes

Family: Lamnidae

Geography / Habitat: From Alaska to the Sea of Japan

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeding is done in the open ocean often looking for medium to large

bony fish, willing to hunt and chase, very aggressive.

Body Form or Style: Medium build pointed snout with a small mouth below it, with blunt


Swim / Locomotion Style: Migratory, very aggressive.

Mouth Position: Under the snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 30

Common Name: Prickly Shark

Scientific Name: Echinorhinus Cookie

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Echinorhiniformes

Family: Echinorthindae

Geography / Habitat: From the west Coast of the Americas and the coast of China and


Food / Feed Strategy: Hunts mostly for squid and other animals of similar classes, migrates

in search of food

Body Form or Style: Long and cylindrical with short fins

Swim / Locomotion Style: skirts along the bottom

Mouth Position: rounded with the pointed snout


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 31

Common Name: ShortFin Mako Shark

Scientific Name: Isurus Oxyrinchus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Lamnifomes

Family: Lamnidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives all over the world’s tropics.

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed mainly on cephalopods and bony fish; they tend to ambush

from below and strike vertically upwards.

Body Form or Style: Pointed snout, short fins, large eyes, strong body.

Swim / Locomotion Style: The fastest of all the sharks, they move around the ocean in

search of food.

Mouth Position: The Mouth is under the snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 32

Common Name: Pigeye Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus Amboineasis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Cercherchinidae

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Resides mainly in the tropics of Eurasia.

Food / Feed Strategy: They can hunt on any sea level but tend to hunt on the sea floor.

They usually eat animals such as flatfish.

Body Form or Style: Flat body style, flat fins, and long thin dorsal fins

Swim / Locomotion Style: swim slowly across the bottom. They attack their prey from


Mouth Position: The mouth is under the very thin snout, very much like a stingray.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 33

Common Name: Rusty CarpetShark

Scientific Name: Parascyllium Ferrugineum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Orectorobitformes

Family: Parascylliidae

Geography / Habitat: They live only off the southern tip of Australia.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feed mostly on invertebrates.

Body Form or Style: Slender body, long tail, short fins, and almost nonexistent dorsal fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: swims along the bottom, in search of small fish.

Mouth Position: The mouth is at the tip of the snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 34

Common Name: PorBeagle Shark

Scientific Name: Lamna Nasus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Lamniformes

Family: Lamnidae

Geography / Habitat: They live almost completely in the North Atlantic

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed in all the levels of the ocean, and especially on the bottom.

They feed primarily on bony fish.

Body Form or Style: Large eyes, with a large, strong body. They have broad fins and a

blunt dorsal fin.

Swim / Locomotion Style: They swim in the open ocean.

Mouth Position: Their mouth is just under the snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 35

Common Name: Pacific Angel Shark

Scientific Name: Squatina Californica

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Squahinitornes

Family: Squatinidae

Geography / Habitat: They live only on the west coast of the Americas.

Food / Feed Strategy: Sedentary ambush predator, hunt mostly bony fish,

Body Form or Style: Very flat body style very much like a ray, eyes on top of the head, with

spots to help it blend in.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Moves very little so it is capable of ambushing prey.

Mouth Position: On the bottom of the head directly on the bottom of the shark.


Title: Marine Fish Species #: 36

Common Name: Necklace carpetshark

Scientific Name: parascyllium Variblatium

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Orectolobiformes

Family: Parasylliidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives only on the coasts of Australia.

Food / Feed Strategy: They swim near the coastal waters, they hunt small bony fish.

Body Form or Style: very slender with big eyes.

Swim / Locomotion Style: It drifts slowly along the floor.

Mouth Position: At the very tip of the snout just behind two large nostrils


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 37

Common Name: Mexican HornShark

Scientific Name: Hetrodntus Maxicanus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Heterodontiformes

Family: Heterodontidae

Geography / Habitat: From Baja California, to Peru.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feed mostly on crabs and shrimp, hunting mostly in coastal waters.

Body Form or Style: Large Square heads, with large dorsal fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Swim in Coastal regions.

Mouth Position: Below the very blunt snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 38

Common Name: Leopard Shark

Scientific Name: Triakis Semifasciata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Triakidae

Geography / Habitat: live only off the coast of California.

Food / Feed Strategy: Follow the tide onto intertidal mud flaps in search of crabs, clams,

shrimp and bony fish.

Body Form or Style: Cylindrical, thin with thin blunt fins, has a blunt snout.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Swim in shallow water, very carefully and slowly.

Mouth Position: Is under the snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 39

Common Name: Brown Banded Bamboo Shark

Scientific Name: Chiloscyllium Punctatum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Orectolobiformaes

Family: Hemiscyllidae

Geography / Habitat: Live entirely in the Pacific,

Food / Feed Strategy:

Body Form or Style: Slender body, with wide thin pectoral fins, narrow eyes, and a flat

broad head.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Glides along the bottom slowly and effortlessly.

Mouth Position: The mouth is facing the ground under the snout.


Title: Marine Fish

Species #: 40

Common Name: Whale Shark

Scientific Name: Rhincodon Typus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Orectolobiformes

Family: Rhincodontidae

Geography / Habitat: Migrate all over the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Slow moving filter feeding for plankton as they migrate around the


Body Form or Style: Extremely large with broad wide pectoral fins, very small eyes, and

massive head and large blunt snout.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Very slow swimmer, migratory animal, moves with plankton


Mouth Position: at the very front of the snout, makes up much of the head.


Marine Invertebrates

Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 41

Common Name: Hammer Octopus

Scientific Name: Octopus Australis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mullusca

Class: Cephalopoda Order: Octopoda

Family: Octopodidae

Geography / Habitat: Live only off the coast of Australia.

Food / Feed Strategy: Move along the bottom of coral reefs using their tentacles to feel for,

find and open clams and small mollusks.

Body Form or Style: large eyes, long tentacles (8), and a beak. Also has the ability to use


Swim / Locomotion Style: can use jets of water to propel it forward, and also can use its

tentacles to pull it forward

Mouth Position: Under the head tucked behind its eight tentacles


Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 42

Common Name: Starry Night Octopus

Scientific Name: Callistoctopus Luteus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mullusca

Class: Cephalopoda Order: Octopoda

Family: Octopodidae

Geography / Habitat: Found near Komodo Indonesia.

Food / Feed Strategy: Moves along the sea floor using their tentacles to feel for small

mollusks, then pulls them into its beak.

Body Form or Style: large eyes, long tentacles (8), and a beak. Also has the ability to use


Swim / Locomotion Style: can use jets of water to propel it forward, and also can use its

tentacles to pull it forward.

Mouth Position: The mouth is under the head tucked behind its eight tentacles.

Citations: :

Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 43

Common Name: Mexican Four Eye Octopus

Scientific Name: octopus Maya

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mullusca

Class: Cephalopoda Order: Octopoda

Family: Octopodidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives along the coast of Central America primarily around Mexico

Food / Feed Strategy: Propels itself along the sea floor in search of food which it captures

with the use of its tentacles

Body Form or Style: large eyes, long tentacles (8), and a beak. Also has the ability to use


Swim / Locomotion Style: can use jets of water to propel it forward, and also can use its

tentacles to pull it forward. Mouth Position: The mouth is under the head tucked behind its

eight tentacles. Citations: :

Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 44

Common Name: Japanese Pygmy octopus

Scientific Name: Octopus Parvus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mullusca

Class: Cephalopodia Order: Octopoda

Family: Octopodidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives primarily around the coast of Japan

Food / Feed Strategy: Moves along the sea floor in search of mollusks, using its tentacles to

pull the prey into its beak.

Body Form or Style: large eyes, long tentacles (8), and a beak. Also has the ability to use


Swim / Locomotion Style: can use jets of water to propel it forward, and also can use its

tentacles to pull it forward. Mouth Position: The mouth is under the head tucked behind its

eight tentacles. Citations: :

Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 45

Common Name: Lesser Pacific Striped octopus

Scientific Name: octopus Chierchiae

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Cephalopoda Order: Octopoda

Family: Octopodidae

Geography / Habitat: Live along the Pacific coast of Panama and Nicaragua.

Food / Feed Strategy: Moves along the sea floor in search of food, that it catches with its

eight tentacles and then forces into its beak to break and eat.

Body Form or Style: large eyes, long tentacles (8), and a beak. Also has the ability to use


Swim / Locomotion Style: can use jets of water to propel it forward, and also can use its

tentacles to pull it forward. Mouth Position: The mouth is under the head tucked behind its

eight tentacles. Citations: :

Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 46

Common Name: Cannonball Jellyfish

Scientific Name: Stomolophus Meleagris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoa Order: Rhizostomae

Family: Stomolophidae

Geography / Habitat: Live in the open waters of the Pacific around Japan and California.

Food / Feed Strategy: Moves through the open water using its tentacles as a traps for prey,

then digests it alive.

Body Form or Style: Cannon ball shape made entirely of gelatinous tissue

Swim / Locomotion Style: can force water in a jet fashion to move but mainly uses the

water currents.

Mouth Position: Has no mouth, it has tentacles with digestive enzymes


Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 47

Common Name: Mushroom Jellyfish

Scientific Name: Rhopilema Verrilli

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozae Order: Rhizostomae

Family: Rhizostomatidae

Geography / Habitat: Gulfs of tropical landmasses

Food / Feed Strategy: Uses its tentacles to catch prey then digest it alive.

Body Form or Style: Mushroom shape, made entirely of gelatinous tissue.

Swim / Locomotion Style: uses the currents of the water to propel it.

Mouth Position: Has no mouth, only has tentacles that have digestive enzymes.


Title: Marine Invertebrates

Species #: 48

Common Name: Southern Moon Jelly Fish

Scientific Name: Aurelia Marinalis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoan Order: Rhizostomae

Family: Rhizostomatidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives primarily off the coast of California

Food / Feed Strategy: Uses its tentacles to catch prey then digest the prey alive.

Body Form or Style: No definite shape made entirely of gelatinous tissue.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the ocean current to transport it.

Mouth Position: has no mouth it only has tentacles that have digestive enzymes.



Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 49

Common Name: Sea Nettle

Scientific Name: Chrysaora Fuscescens

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoan Order: Rhizostomae

Family: Pelagiidae

Geography / Habitat:

Food / Feed Strategy: Uses long tentacles to trap prey then digest them alive

Body Form or Style: No definite shape, entirely gelatinous tissue.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water currents to propel it.

Mouth Position: Has no mouth, only has tentacles t that have digestive enzymes.


Title: Marine Invertebrate

Species #: 50

Common Name: Portuguese Man of War

Scientific Name: Physalia Physalis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoan Order: Rhizostomae

Family: Physaliidea

Geography / Habitat:

Food / Feed Strategy: Uses long tentacles to capture prey then digest the prey whole.

Body Form or Style: Long tentacles with a large sail on top made entirely of gelatinous


Swim / Locomotion Style: uses wind and water currents to propel it forward

Mouth Position: It has no mouth; it has tentacles that have digestive enzymes.


Freshwater Vertebrates

Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 51

Common Name: Australian Bass

Scientific Name: Macquaria Novemaculeata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Percichthyidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives in the fresh water of Australian rivers.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats small fish, and large terrestrial insects.

Body Form or Style: Sharp spines on the dorsal fin, large eyes.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tail fins in a side to side motion to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: in the front of the body at the ends of the head under the eyes.





Title: Fresh water vertebrates

Species #: 52

Common Name: Black Bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography / Habitat: Live east of the Rocky Mountains in North America

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats small fish and any dead animals

Body Form or Style: Long with short dorsal fins, large tail fins, with small eyes.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tail fin in a side to side motion to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: Under the eyes and at the front of the head.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 53

Common Name: Guadalupe Bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus Treculii

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography / Habitat: Live only in the state of Texas.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feed primarily on small fish and terrestrial bugs.

Body Form or Style: Small pectoral fins, with large dorsal fins, small eyes and large mouth.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its large tail fins in a side to side motion to propel itself


Mouth Position: Under the eyes at the front of the snout.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 54

Common Name: Hybrid striped bass

Scientific Name: Morone Saxatilis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Moronidae

Geography / Habitat: Live in aquaculture farms in the U.S.

Food / Feed Strategy: They eat primarily specialized food pellets for Aquaculture.

Body Form or Style: Spinney pectoral and dorsal fins, small head and large body.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its large tail fins to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its small head, just under the eyes.


Title: Freshwater vertebrate

Species #: 55

Common Name: Large Mouth Bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus Salmoides

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography / Habitat: Found Primarily in the North Americas.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds primarily on bait fish.

Body Form or Style: Elongated body with large lower lip of the mouth has large dorsal


Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfins to propel it forward in the water.

Mouth Position: Under its small eyes at the front of its snout.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 56

Common Name: Rock Bass

Scientific Name: Ambloplites Rupestris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrachidae

Geography / Habitat: Live in North America primarily in the Great Lakes.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eat primarily small fresh water fish.

Body Form or Style: Small stocky body, with large spiny Dorsal fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its Tailfin to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: small in the front of its head right under the eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 57

Common Name: Shoal Bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus Cataractae

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography / Habitat: Found only in Alabama, Florida and Georgia

Food / Feed Strategy: Eat Primarily small fish.

Body Form or Style: Largemouth small dorsal and pectoral fins with a large tail fin.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tail fins to propel it through the water

Mouth Position: Under the eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 58

Common Name: Smallmouth Bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus Dolomieu

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography / Habitat: Found across North America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats small fish and insects.

Body Form or Style: Stocky body, with small spiny dorsal fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tail to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its snout.


Title: Freshwater vertebrate

Species #: 59

Common Name: Spotted Bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus Punctulatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography / Habitat: Live primarily in the region of North Carolina to Virginia.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats primarily small fish.

Body Form or Style: Very slender, with small fins

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfin to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: At the very front of its snout.


Title: Freshwater vertebrate

Species #: 60

Common Name: Spotted Tail Bass

Scientific Name: Sciaenops Ocellatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Sciaenidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives in the southern states of the U.S.

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed on small to medium sized fish.

Body Form or Style: Slender with short fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfin to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its snout.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 61

Common Name: White Bass

Scientific Name: Morone Chrysops

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Morone

Geography / Habitat: Lives Primarily across the U.S.

Food / Feed Strategy: Will eat anything from bait to medium sized fish.

Body Form or Style: Short with a stout body, with spiny dorsal fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfin to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: Under the eyes at the front of the snout.


Title: freshwater vertebrate

Species #: 62

Common Name: Flathead Catfish

Scientific Name: Pylodictis Olivaris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Lctaluridae

Geography / Habitat: Lives Primarily in the Appalachian Mountains in the U.S.

Food / Feed Strategy: Will eat primarily anything it can find.

Body Form or Style: Very flat and elongated.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its elongated tail to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its snout under its eyes and neutrals


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 63

Common Name: Blue Catfish

Scientific Name: Lctalurus Furcatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Lctaluridae

Geography / Habitat: Found primarily in the Mississippi River.

Food / Feed Strategy: Will eat almost any easy prey it comes across.

Body Form or Style: Thick elongated body

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its large tail to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: At the bottom of its head.


Title: Freshwater

Species #: 64

Common Name: Common Carp

Scientific Name: Cyprinus Carpio

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Cypriniformes

Family: Cyprinidae

Geography / Habitat: Live all over the world in almost any environment.

Food / Feed Strategy: They are primarily bottom feeders but will eat anything they can


Body Form or Style: Elongated body form, with a small head and thin fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tail fins to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its snout under the eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 65

Common Name: Channel Catfish

Scientific Name: Lctalurus Punctatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Lctaluridae

Geography / Habitat: Live mostly in Canada and Eastern U.S.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eat primarily on the bottom, they are primarily carnivores but will

be omnivores.

Body Form or Style: Elongated body, with elongated whiskers that allow it taste what is

around it.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfins to propel it forward

Mouth Position: At the front of its snout between its whiskers.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 66

Common Name: Freshwater Drum

Scientific Name: Aplodinotus Grunniens

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Sciaenidae

Geography / Habitat: Live in Northern and Central America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats small insect, and small fish along the bottom.

Body Form or Style: Short but stout then tappers out into a thinner tail.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tail to move forward.

Mouth Position: Under the eyes, at the front of the snout.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 67

Common Name: Shortfin Eel

Scientific Name: Anguilla Australis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Anguilliformes

Family: Anguilldae

Geography / Habitat: Live only in Australia, and New Zealand.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eat primarily small fish, they catch it with their primary jaws then

rip off a part and bring it back into its throat using a second set of jaws.

Body Form or Style: Snake like elongated body, with small eyes.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its long body in a side to side motion to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: At the very front of its elongated body under its small eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 68

Common Name: American Eel

Scientific Name: Anguilla Rostrata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Elopomorpha Order: Anguilliformes

Family: Anguillidae

Geography / Habitat: Live primarily in eastern U.S.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feed primarily on small fish, but can feed on medium sized fish.

Body Form or Style: Elongated body, very short overall, with small eyes and mouth.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its long body in a side to side motion to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body under its eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 69

Common Name: Artic Grayling

Scientific Name: Thymallus Arcticus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Salmoniformes

Family: Salmanidae

Geography / Habitat: Live from Siberia to Alaska and Canada.

Food / Feed Strategy: They eat small sediment dwelling animals, and small free swimming


Body Form or Style: Thin, with a long sweeping dorsal fin.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfin to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: Is located at the front of its body under the eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 70

Common Name: Brownpoint Shield Skin longirostris

Scientific Name: Aspidoras Fuscoguttatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygtii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Callichthyidae

Geography / Habitat: Live only in the inland water of South America, primarily in Brazil

and Peru.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eat primarily small sediment animals on the bottom of rivers.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and very well camouflaged with clear see through spiny


Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfin in a side to side motion to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body under the eyes, at the end of the snout between its

sensory whiskers.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 71

Common Name: Green Gold Catfish

Scientific Name: Corydoras Melanotaenia

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Callichthyidae

Geography / Habitat: Live only in South America primarily in Colombia.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eat primarily plant particles in sediment or fish flakes.

Body Form or Style: Very small with large eyes compared to body size.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfin to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body, under its eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 72

Common Name: Salt and Pepper Catfish

Scientific Name: Corydoras Habrosous

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Callichthyidae

Geography / Habitat: Live in tropical environments but mainly will be found in pet stores.

Food / Feed Strategy: Depending on where it is found they will either be bottom feeders or

they will eat fish flakes

Body Form or Style: Very small, short whiskers and small eyes.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfins to propel itself through the water.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body between its whiskers.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 73

Common Name: Panaque

Scientific Name: Panaque

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Loricariidae

Geography / Habitat: Found only in South America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eat Primarily wood, it attaches itself to the wood in a sucker


Body Form or Style: Very stout body, armor plated body with a large dorsal fin.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tail fin to propel itself through the water.

Mouth Position: Mouth is on the underside of the body, almost directly under the eyes.


Title: Freshwater vertebrates

Species #: 74

Common Name: Whiptail Catfish

Scientific Name: Dasyloricaria Filamentosa

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Loricariidae

Geography / Habitat: Are found only in Columbia South America.

Food / Feed Strategy: They latch onto plants.

Body Form or Style: Very small, with a long whip like tail.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its long tail to move it through the water.

Mouth Position: On the bottom of its head.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 75

Common Name: Banjo Catfish

Scientific Name: Aspredinidae

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Aspredinidae

Geography / Habitat: Live only in South America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Skim along the bottom in search of food using its whiskers to detect


Body Form or Style: Very small head with large finlike protrusions from its dorsal side.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tail to move it through the water.

Mouth Position: at the front of its short head, between its whiskers.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 76

Common Name: Walking Catfish

Scientific Name: Clarias Batrachus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Clariidae

Geography / Habitat: Found Primarily in South East Asia.

Food / Feed Strategy: It is primarily a bottom feeder.

Body Form or Style: Very thick and long, with long whiskers on the front of its face.

Swim / Locomotion Style: It uses its elongated body to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: At the very front of its face.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 77

Common Name: Cuckoo Catfish

Scientific Name: Synodontis Multipunctata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Mochokidae

Geography / Habitat: Found only in an African lake called, Lake Tanganyika

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats primarily small insects and very small particles of fish.

Body Form or Style: Very small, with a long swept back dorsal fin and a profound tailfin

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfin to propel itself through the water.

Mouth Position: At the front of the face on the animal.


Title: freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 78

Common Name: Feather Fin Squeaker

Scientific Name: Synodontus Euptera

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Mochokidae

Geography / Habitat: Found only in Africa.

Food / Feed Strategy: These fish are bottom feeders.

Body Form or Style: They have long spiny dorsal fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: They use their tailfins to push them forward.

Mouth Position: At the very front of the body.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 79

Common Name: Even spotted Squeaker

Scientific Name: Synodontis Petricola

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Synodontis

Geography / Habitat: Found only in Africa.

Food / Feed Strategy: Are primarily bottom feeders but have also been kept as pets, so they

also eat fish flakes.

Body Form or Style: Very short but sweeping dorsal fin, covered in an even pattern of


Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfins for movement.

Mouth Position: At the very front of its body, just under its whiskers.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 80

Common Name: Bucktooth Tetra

Scientific Name: Exodon Paradoxus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Characiformes

Family: Characidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives primarily in the Amazon Basin.

Food / Feed Strategy: They eat small bait style fish primarily.

Body Form or Style: Small, with very thin short fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its tailfin to propel it through the water.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body under its eyes at the front of its snout.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 81

Common Name: Cave Tetra

Scientific Name: Astyanax Mexicanus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Characiformes

Family: Characidae

Geography / Habitat: Found from Texas down to Mexico.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feed on small insects and fish particles.

Body Form or Style: Very small, but is fairly “fat” with small fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to push it through the water.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body, directly under its eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 82

Common Name: Silver Dollar

Scientific Name: Metynnis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Characiformes

Family: Characidae

Geography / Habitat: Live primarily in tropical climates.

Food / Feed Strategy: Will scavenge on small to medium sized fish.

Body Form or Style: Very wide body, very much like the shape of a silver dollar.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to propel it through the water.

Mouth Position: At the very front of its body.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 83

Common Name: Piaractus Brachypomus

Scientific Name: Piaractus Brachypomus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Characiformes

Family: Serrasalmidae

Geography / Habitat: Found only in South America.

Food / Feed Strategy: They are opportunistic hunters and will eat anything from fruit to

small fish.

Body Form or Style: Silver and red with a high dorsal fin and small head.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to propel it through the water.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body under the eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 84

Common Name: Tambaqui

Scientific Name: Colossoma Macropomum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Characiformes

Family: Serrasalmidae

Geography / Habitat: Live only in South America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Is an opportunistic hunter, will eat almost anything it comes across.

Body Form or Style: Very thin but tall with short fins and small eyes.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to propel it through the water.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body between its eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 85

Common Name: Dog toothed Cichlid

Scientific Name: Cynotilapia Afra

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Cichlidae

Geography / Habitat: Native to Easter Africa.

Food / Feed Strategy: They are opportunistic hunters.

Body Form or Style: Very small and brightly colored with long sweeping fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body under its eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 86

Common Name: Zebra Acara

Scientific Name: Nannacara Adoketa

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Cichlidae

Geography / Habitat: Found only in Brazil, South America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Primarily opportunistic omnivores.

Body Form or Style: Very thin, but tall for its body shape, with short fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to propel it forward.

Mouth Position: At the front of its body in front of its eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 87

Common Name: Two Striped Dwarf Cichlid

Scientific Name: Apistogramma Borellii

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Cichlidae

Geography / Habitat: Found only in South America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feed primarily on small fish.

Body Form or Style: Very small with bright fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to propel itself forward.

Mouth Position: In front of its eyes.



Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 88

Common Name: Yellow Dwarf Cichlid

Scientific Name: Apistogramma bitaeniata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Cichlidae

Geography / Habitat: Lives only in South America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds primarily on zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, with long spiny fins, most of its size comes from fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to swim through the water.

Mouth Position: In front of its eyes.



Title: Freshwater Vertebrate

Species #: 89

Common Name: Red Devil Cichlid

Scientific Name: Amphilophus Labiatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Cichlidae

Geography / Habitat: found primarily in Central America.

Food / Feed Strategy: Primarily omnivores but are also pets, so they also will eat fish food.

Body Form or Style: Large lips, with short spikey fins and a red black coloring.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its fins to push it through the water.

Mouth Position: Under and in front of its eyes.


Title: Freshwater Vertebrates

Species #: 90

Common Name: Red Discus

Scientific Name: Symphysodon Discus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Cichlidae

Geography / Habitat: Live only in the Amazon River Basin.

Food / Feed Strategy: They are highly valued as pets, so they eat primarily fish food, but

they eat mainly zooplankton in the wild.

Body Form or Style: Can come in a verity of colors, most of their body is composed of their

long sail like fins.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its long fins to maneuver it through the water.

Mouth Position: At the very front of its body.


Fresh Water Invertebrates

Title: Freshwater Invertebrates

Species #: 91

Common Name: Phagocata Bulbos

Scientific Name: Phagocata Bulbosa

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: Live in almost any fresh water across the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: They generally eat Bacteria.

Body Form or Style: Very flat and similar to that of a slug or earth worm.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses its snake like body to move through the water.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.


Title: Freshwater invertebrate

Species #: 92

Common Name: Phagocata Morgani

Scientific Name: Phagocata Morgani

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat:

Food / Feed Strategy:

Body Form or Style: Flat very short.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current and its body shape to move through the


Mouth Position: At the front of the body.


Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 93

Common Name: Albata

Scientific Name: Albata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.



Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 94

Common Name: flamenca

Scientific Name: flamenca

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.



Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 95

Common Name: Iwamai

Scientific Name: Iwamai

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.



Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 96

Common Name: ochridana

Scientific Name: ochridana

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.



Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 97

Common Name: stankovici

Scientific Name: stankovici

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.



Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 98

Common Name: undulata

Scientific Name: undulata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.



Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 99

Common Name: vivida

Scientific Name: vivida

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.



Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 100

Common Name: N. Spain

Scientific Name: N. Spain

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.



Anyone who has the link can access. No sign-in Title: Freshwater invertebrates

Species #: 93

Common Name: Albata

Scientific Name: Albata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria Order: Tricladida

Family: Planariidae

Geography / Habitat: All fresh waters around the world.

Food / Feed Strategy: Feeds on bacteria and zooplankton.

Body Form or Style: Very small, and flat.

Swim / Locomotion Style: Uses the water current to carry it.

Mouth Position: At the front of the body.




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