first united methodist churchfirst united methodist … · giance known. we should pray for our...

Post on 09-Sep-2018






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101 E. Barbour Street

P. O. Box 72

Eufaula, AL 36072

(334) 687-8227

(334) 687-8285 FAX



June 27, 2018


Dr. Alan Cassady

Youth/Missions Director

Britt Martin

Music Director

Billy Wilbourne

Office Staff

Jodi Stockberger

Pam Hunter

First United Methodist ChurchFirst United Methodist Church

Upcoming Meetings

►Hospitality Team

Sunday, July 8, 5:00 p.m.

►Missions Team

Monday, July 9, 11:00 a.m.

►Finance Committee

Thursday, July 12, 5:15 p.m.

►CARE Team

Tuesday, July 17, 4:30 p.m.

►Church Council

Tuesday, July 17, 5:30 p.m.

►Discipleship Team

Tuesday, July 24, 5:15 p.m.

All men are invited to join us on

Wednesday, July 4, at 7:00 a.m. in

the fellowship hall for our monthly

Men’s Breakfast. You’ll enjoy a

delicious meal for $5, a devotional

by Billy Wilbourne and wonderful

fellowship. Please join us!

We offer our deepest sympathy

and heartfelt condolences to

the family of Harry Nelson follow-

ing his death last weekend.

Please pray for the comforting

presence of God’s Holy Spirit to

surround this family in Christ.

Join a group of moms to build your

TRIBE in Eufaula!

►Meets every other Thursday at

FUMC from 8:30—10:30 a.m.

►Childcare provided


for more information or to register.

►Join the Mom Tribe of Eufaula

FaceBook group or email for

more information and to stay con-


A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.

(Proverbs 29:1)

Flower Calendar If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary on Sunday,

August 5, please call or email the church office.

Congratulations to Joey & Beth Conklin on the birth of their son, Charles

Hunter Conklin. He was born Monday, June 25th weighing 8 lbs. & 13 oz.

and measured 22”. Big brothers Benjamin and Jonah were delighted to

meet their baby brother! Please keep this sweet family in your prayers.

Calendar of Events

►Sunday, July 1

Worship 8:30

Sunday School 9:45

Worship 11:00

►Tuesday, July 3

Worship Team 9:00

►Wednesday, July 4

Men’s Breakfast 7:00

Church Office Closed

July 1 Volunteers


11:00 — Sellers & Sealy Smith

Claire Thomas

►Sacristy Prayer Leaders

8:30 — Alice Kay Shoemaker

11:00 — Carolyn Tweddell


8:30 — Aubrey & Margaret Baugh

11:00 — Logan Mitchell, John Gray

Dan McKenzie

Robert Bennett

►Lay Readers

8:30 — Erin Wingate

11:00 — Kay Whaley


8:30 — Phillip & Janet Wills

11:00 — Karen Bradford

West & Cameron Martin

►Elevate Supper

6:10 — No Elevate this week

Hey, FUMC Family. Here’s this week’s

Elevate Top 5!

1) Last week we sent 20 people to Atlanta

to serve on a local mission trip and we had a

BLAST! We served with several organizations

that primarily work with the homeless popu-

lation of the city. It’s my hope that we got a

great dose of perspective and came to the

realization that we’re closest to the heart of

God when we’re pouring ourselves out for others. I’d also like to thank

Jeff and Carly Wilbourne for coming on the trip in an adult capacity. We

couldn’t do it without our volunteers.

2) There’s no Elevate this week due to the 4th of July week! Take some

time to celebrate and relax with

your family and get ready for an

action-packed July!

3) Please pray for our Ecuador

mission team. We leave Saturday

morning to head to Quito for a

week. During this trip we’ll be

partnering with SIFAT to build a

daycare facility into a church as

well as run a week of VBS. Our

theme for VBS will be Decisions

and we’ll be talking through the

story of Joseph. We covet your

prayers for safe travel and an im-

pactful time of serving others.

4) Speaking of Missions, don’t forget

about 2nd Mile Mission Week July 30-

August 2. This is a trip that will hap-

pen right here in Eufaula! It’s for our

middle school students and led by our

high school students. You can sign up

now at


5) Don’t forget to follow us on Social

Media! You can even sign up for text

updates by texting @elevate88 to


That’s all for now!

God looks good on you — Britt

Prayer List

► New concerns:

The *Harry Nelson family

Joseph & Hayley Dove

Ronnie Heath

► Continue to pray for:

*Jackie Devlin

*Kirven Gary

Barbara Whitney

*Josh Jones

Mitzi Tzerman

Dave Allen

*Jane Pody

Jim Roberts

George Williams

Mary Sellers

Linda Dudewicz

Cruz Rios

*Mel Stephenson

*John Hagood

*Louise Britt

*Betty Searcy

Walter Harmer

*John Jenkins

Bobby Gray

Kathy Armstrong

*Taylor Washington

*Jeff Richards

*Brian Devlin-Meagher

Mary Lindsey Hannahan

*Richard Boyette

The Pastor’s Page

A Look at June 24 Sunday School .....................

8:30 Worship ................... 36

11:00 Worship .................. 88

Total Worship ................. 124

Offering received ......... $4,419

YTD received ........... $202,304

BTT balance ............ $263,041

► Prayer list guidelines:

Names remain for 4 weeks unless

requested to remain.

* denotes church members.

Aliens and Exiles

This week we will celebrate the 242nd birthday of our nation — the United

States of America. And it is cause for celebration as the longest continuous

democratic republic on earth.

While there are indeed many reasons to celebrate, we have often fallen

short of our ideals and need to be reminded of the ideals of our founders.

Martin Luther King, Jr. did that at the March on Washington in 1963, “I have

a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of

its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created


We must also

remember that

we are citizens

of another

realm — the

Kingdom of

God. As the

Apostle Peter

reminded the

persecuted and

oppressed first



“Beloved, I

urge you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the desires of the flesh that

wage war against the soul. Conduct yourselves honorably among the Gen-

tiles, so that, though they malign you as evildoers, they may see your hon-

orable deeds and glorify God when he comes to judge.” (1 Peter 2:11–12)

Although we are citizens of the United States, we are aliens and exiles in

this world because of our allegiance to Jesus Christ as Lord. In a nation

where we are free to worship as we see fit, we don’t know any other way

to live. But it was not so among the early Christians. Among the many oth-

er false charges leveled against them was the charge of treason, because

they would not worship the Emperor as Lord.

The only way they had to answer these charges was the lives they lived. In

one essay from the middle of the 3rd century A.D. one Christian writes, “As

citizens, they share in all things with others, and yet endure all things as if

foreigners. Every foreign land is to them as their native country, and every

land of their birth as a land of strangers.”

I pray that we as citizens of the Kingdom of God would make our true alle-

giance known. We should pray for our leaders, obey the laws, as far as

conscience allows, work for peace and always remind our leaders of the

ideals of the nation, and call them to task when they stray. May we live as

aliens and strangers in the midst of a fallen world and country.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Alan

“Keep feeling fascination…”

Some of you may immediately recognize these words. If not, let me tell you about them.

Quite recently, I was listening to the 80’s station on Sirius XM, when a song came on that I had

not heard in a long time. The song was recorded in 1983 by a British group know as The Human

League. The title? … “Fascination.” I suppose my favorite part of the song is that part of the

refrain which begins with, “and so the conversation turned until the sun went down…” But

recently I heard the song with new ears. The refrain continues with these words; “Keep

feeling fascination, passion burning, love so strong. Keep feeling fascination, looking, learning,

moving on.” Immediately upon hearing those words I realized that I wanted to write my Music Notes article about

the song.

I think that the song itself is about moving on; perhaps away from a situation that has turned sour or perhaps away

from a break up. But that phrase just really hit home with me. Keep feeling fascination with life. I would like to

go one step more and ask this question: do we continue to remain fascinated with life and moreover are we still

fascinated with the amazing things that God provides every single day? Or have we become blasé and forgotten

how miraculous life really is?

Y’all know how fascinated I am with nature and God’s marvelous world all around us. But there is more with which

to be fascinated. Often we hear of new breakthroughs in medicine. And think of how far communication has come

in the last 20 years. Folks, I know that all of this was made possible by the inspiration that God planted in the

minds of those with the ability to carry out the miracles. God uses his children to serve him in so many ways. Many

times, he provides the inspiration for a well-equipped technician or scientist or engineer to provide answers to

many problems that exist. These are still miracles. We should remain fascinated by all of this. We should find joy

in this. We need to keep feeling fascination.

Also, like the song says, when you find that you need a new direction in life and decisions should be made about

that direction, continue to be fascinated. Remember that God intends for life to be exciting and God is there to

lead you in a new direction if you will allow it to happen. God does not leave us. Keep feeling fascination.

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday. God bless, Billy

The mission of First United Methodist Church is

to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the

transformation of our church, community and world.


Friday, June 29

► Margaret Crow

Rosie Jackson

Sydney Claire Givens

Ben Taylor

Saturday, June 30

► Beth Anne Baugh

Sunday, July 1

► Jim Martin

John Martin

Tod Singleton

Tuesday, July 3

► Mary Jensen Bailey



Alan Cassady:


Britt Martin:


Offerings left on the altar rail on communion

Sundays are used to assist families in need

through the Family Service Center. Thank you

in advance for your offerings!

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