finally we're here

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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This is the story of us


Finally We’re Here

By: 1stjavmika

This is not the end of our journey, it just the beginning...

My name is Yogiswara Javmika.

People call me Yogi, Yogis or Handsome. :D

If 5 years ago someone told me that

I will marry my junior at College named Syifa

I would say that they must be crazy...

Time flies..real fast actually. Like a plane or jet plane or apache.

Well anyway, i’ve been working and living in Jakarta

for more than 4 years.

The Durian City. For some people Jakarta is suck.

Traffic jam, pollution, flood, crimes. Named it.

You can find all of the urban problems there.

But for some other people it has a magnet

that makes you want to go back to fight and struggle in this city.

As the legend band said:

“Ke Jakarta aku kan kembali walau apa yang kan terjadi...”

For me, this city has it own attraction that drag me to stay.

People I know leave me in the city one by one.

I’m thousand miles from home, no one to hold on to,

just try to impress myself...

Until I met this absurd girl...

She turn my world and since the time we met,

my whole life will never be the same...

I ever said that “the best partner for your life is your friend”. We

started our relation as friend, so we already know each other

without wearing a mask.

We enjoy our relation as friend, until one day we realize that

we’re in love.

It wasn’t easy at the beginning. There was blood and tears.

But we really have each other

we fight, we fall, we raise, we fall, we raise again and we won...

We’re not a perfect couple, we fought several times.

Differences makes us fought.

But it doesn’t matter because we know that we love each others.

However a relationship is about two things:

find the similarities and respect the differences.

I never introduce a girl to my parent before. And when it happens,

it means that I want that girl to be my wife.

It not a sudden decision when I ask this girl to be my wife.

It takes process.

A friend ask me: “How did you know that she’s the one?”

I said: “I don’t know. I just know.”

I've been questioning myself

“She’s the one that you’re going to see every day, is it okay?”

“You’re going to spend the rest of your life with her, is it okay?”

“Her family will be yours also, is it okay?”

“Are sure you want to have child from her?”

“She will be the one who always stand by your side, is it okay?”

When I found the answer for all those questions was “yes”

I don’t have any hesitation that she’s the one.

Dear Kao,

My future wife, mother of my child, I guarantee that it won’t easy

to marry a man like me.

Will you still marry me?

I’m an idealistic man and I really like to express myself.

Will you accept that?

Will you allow me to express my most silly expression?

There will be a time when my hair fall one by one

and my head getting bald

Will you still marry me?

There will be fights, tears, wept and struggle.

Maybe there will be a time that we want to end this.

Maybe. I hope no.

Will you still marry me?

But I can guarantee also that there will be laugh,

smile, joy and happiness.

And beyond all of that,

I know that in every moments we’re going to take,

I will always love you.

Will you still marry me?

Your Beloved One,


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