final presentation frysklab makertour2015, national library of the netherlands

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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FryskLab MakerTour2015


Aan Kootstra

Jappie Wiersma

Jan BosmaJeroen de Boer

Bertus Douwes

Marleen Andela

Jurgen Bakker

European Road Trip with a dedicated focus on developing tools and services for people with visual/reading disabilities, using the European FabLab and library network


Supported by: Bibliotheekservice Fryslân Stichting Aangepast Lezen Chistelijke Bibliotheek voor Blinden en Slechtzienden Sectorinstituut Openbare Bibliotheken Dedicon OCLC

• Info at bus and train stations, airports

•Websites: dyslectics want images, blind want text

•Unexpected street armatures

•Signage in super markets

•Menus in restaurants

•Receipts and pin machines

•Navigation systems

•Picking clothes and other applications for physical appearance

•Building design / revolving doors

•How to move in a foreign country?

• Images in non-fiction books

•Mathematics / physics / chemistry

•Learn how to use new technology

Common problems for blind/visually disabled:

Supported by: Bibliotheekservice Fryslân Stichting Aangepast Lezen Chistelijke Bibliotheek voor Blinden en Slechtzienden Sectorinstituut Openbare Bibliotheken Dedicon OCLC



Supported by: Bibliotheekservice Fryslân Stichting Aangepast Lezen Chistelijke Bibliotheek voor Blinden en Slechtzienden Sectorinstituut Openbare Bibliotheken Dedicon OCLC

Letter of intent ENSGSI (Ecole Nationale Supérieure en Génie des Systèmes et de l’Innovation, University of Loraine, Nancy) Connector between departments University of Pisa Participation Fab Academy student(s) Cascina FabLab Intention to include 10 Fab Academy students worldwide Cooperation Frisian Design Factory (NHL Hogeschool) Numerous international invitations (Italy, Luxembourg, France) to come and visit

Prototype: talking poster Stichting Aangepast Lezen

“A good story is between your ears”

Supported by: Bibliotheekservice Fryslân Stichting Aangepast Lezen Chistelijke Bibliotheek voor Blinden en Slechtzienden Sectorinstituut Openbare Bibliotheken Dedicon OCLC


MakerTour2015 Prototyping

David Weinberger visits the truck and has a ‘borrel’

John Patrick: “A highlight of our time in Florence was FryskLab.”

Thank you!

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