film trailer analysis 1

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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Film trailer analysis 1-5

Sam Stockwell


At the start of the trailer the music has a light pitch and creates a happy atmosphere however the scene then changes to show a boxing match which is an aggressive atmosphere. The boxer talks about how important his wife is in his life as depressing music starts to appear. This makes the audience infer that something bad is going to happen. Even though he spoke so highly of his wife, he then ignores her when she tells him to walk out. This then turns bad when he got into a fight and his wife was shot. After the gun shot goes off, there is a pleonastic sound of a high pitched triangle. This could disorientate the audience as it does to the boxers wife. The scenes after this have a dark setting which represents how he feels. The trailer shows the boxer crumbling and distraught without his wife. During the boxers lowest point he is in danger of losing his child. There is a mid shot of his daughter looking confused and depressed. It then changes to a mid shot of the boxer and he is laughing as if it isn’t real. As the child is shouting the music builds tempo and there are quick transitions. One shot is an over the shoulder shot of the boxer smashing a mirror, this implies he can’t get any more bad luck. The boxer crashes his car and the screen blacks out, this suggests he has been knocked out which links in to his boxing. After this black out, the boxer comes to his senses and sorts his life out. He goes back to his passion which is boxing. The setting is still dark implying his still in a bad place. There is a two shot of the father and daughter. The daughter runs away as he goes to touch her. This shows how the father has changed for the worst so his daughter resents him. The next scene is at the gym, showing how hard he is working and the pain he is going through. The boxer feels that he needs win the title to then get his daughter back. The voice over says that the cards are stacked against Hope implying he has no chance. There are then flashbacks of his daughter and wife as the voice over says he can control his destiny. Lastly the title Southpaw appears which relates to the film as southpaw is a stance in boxing.

Jurassic world

At the start of the trailer there is a close up of a boy looking worried about going on his trip. The diegetic sound of his Mum saying “I'm glad you’re going on this trip” implying she nagged him to go. She jokingly says “if something chases you, run”. This give the audience an idea that something could happen on this trip. There is a long shot of the Jurassic world gates, there are tree’s all around them and they are entering through very narrow doors into a huge park. This could make the people on the trip feel enclosed. There is a long shot of hundreds of people in the park. This shows how popular the park and is realistic to a zoo. There is a low angle shot of a dead great white shark hanging on a cable then suddenly a gigantic sea creature disperses from the water and eats the shark. This is not verisimilitude as we would imagine a great white shark being the predator however the shark is the prey. After the cheering from the crowd the music changes to mysterious. This suggests to the audience that something bad is going to happen. There is a high angle shot of a worker looking at where the creature had escaped. This makes the man look vulnerable and weak. Also there is big dinosaur bone in the background suggesting that this creature has eating or already caused a problem. The next shot is a low shot of a broken helmet. These helmets are worn by builders for safety as they are difficult to break. Again the broken helmet proves how dangerous this creature is. There is another low shot of the keeper being chased by the dinosaur. The keeper is fully in the shot however we can only see the legs and feet of the dinosaur showing how big and powerful it is. The scientist shouts “run” which refers back to the boys mum saying the same thing. This tells the audience something is about to happen. There is then the boy in a dark room which sets the scene as being scary.


At the start of the trailer there is dramatic music when it shows a two shot. Due to the music at this moment we can tell these are the antagonists. Next the music turns more heroic as it turns to James Bond this makes it obvious to the audience who the protagonists is. There is a mid shot of James walking through the office. As he is walking everyone's head is turning and looking at him. This implies to the audience his hierarchy in his job. After a few shots, there is a close up of a man getting hit by one of the antagonists. The woman says to James “once you go over there you are crossing a lace there is no mercy”, this proves her point and shows the audience that they are dangerous. The music builds tempo every time there is action, this creates tension in the audience. There is non-diegetic sound of a triangle. This has slowed the tempo down and put a mysterious feeling in the trailer. This sound is when James is undercover at the antagonists meeting putting the audience in suspense about what will happen next. There is a shot reverse shot of Bond and the main antagonist, Bond looks shocked and nervous which is different to how we expect. During the action, there is fast transitions making the audience have to keep up with what is going on. In the trailer there is lots of shooting and explosions showing the audience how action packed the film is. The non diegetic sound of the music is building tension as the tempo gets faster and faster, in then end with a boom as the title of the film “spectre” appears. They use CGI to match the shot James Bond does with his gun to connect with the smash in the background of the titles.

7 minutes

At the beginning of the trailer there is a close up of a digital clock. As the clock hits 8:30 a non diegetic sound of a clock ticking starts. This tells the audience they have a time limit in what they are going to do. There is diegetic sound of a man saying “first rule is don’t go in with anybody who has more to lose than you do”, the next shot is a two shot of a man with his girlfriend who is holding her belly implying she is pregnant. The man has already broke the first rule. The man then says that the second rule is “don’t get caught”. After this there is a shot of the man pulling a gun towards someone. The man then says is his name “Sam”, he has already broke the second rule. It suddenly cuts to a title of starz digital. There is an establishing wide shot of a prison, and follows with a two shot of two of the bank robbers. They shake hands together and say its good to have you back. This implies to the audience that they could be foreshadowing an event. By having him the back they could be ready to go again. There is titles that appear that are about the film giving the audience an insight to the film. The trailer includes many voiceovers of the characters explaining what’s going on. Just before the action part of the trailer it slows down and then suddenly there a rapid transitions as the action takes place.

Mission: Impossible- rogue nation

At the start of the trailer there is a voiceover of the dispatcher telling them advice about the mission. There is pleonastic sound of the motorbikes engine to make it obvious to the audience how fast they are going. The trailer shows the audience who the protagonist is by showing him running away from bullets. There are titles during the trailer informing the audience when the film is and about the film. There is a close up of pictures of people on a wall and on a desk this suggests who the antagonists. The tempo of the music is slowed to create a calmer atmosphere. There is a ticking sound implying there is a countdown for something to happen. The trailer shows the antagonists all wearing black and driving the same motorbike proving they are all together. There is diegetic sound of a woman telling them the mission is “impossible” then following a close up of the alpha male smirking implying he thinks it will be easy. The music starts to build tension as it shows parts of the action in the film. The alpha male tells a joke implying it is also a comedy. The camera is upside down which makes the audience disorientated.

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