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  • 8/22/2019 &Filename=Wp Envisioning Mining


    Mining Industry

    White Paper

    Envisioning the Future o Mining

  • 8/22/2019 &Filename=Wp Envisioning Mining


    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    IntroductionHow does an industry over 5,000 years old view its own uture?

    Public perspective sees mining as old, dirty, dangerous and

    environmentally contentious. Within the business, mining is

    on a precipice o exciting change. Volatile and emerging

    markets, new technologies, increased customer demands, a

    dynamic workorce and riveting business model change poise

    the modern miner to become dierent, to become smarter.

    Looking orward, mining companies will have critical choicesto make about every aspect o their business. They can either

    innovate or stagnate. The most undamental change will be in

    ipping the supply chain on its head, where the goal wont be

    to the push product out o the ground to dump on the market,

    but to respond nimbly to sophisticated customer relationships

    and market dynamics. Mining companies will have to lose the

    rigid and ironclad business models and practices o old and

    become uid, exible and agile enterprises poised to pounce on

    opportunity. This, we believe, sets the vision and imperative

    or envisioning the uture o mining.

    Mining companies will haveto lose the rigid and ironcladbusiness models and practiceso old and become uid, exibleand agile enterprises poised to

    pounce on opportunity.

    I. Imperative: Volatility inside and out

    drives the need for a new visionMining enterprises, like many businesses today, see their

    marketplaces, customers and operations undergo a constant

    parade o changes and challenges. The volatile economy

    aects all, especially this particularly severe and destructive

    downturn we have been acing. With downturns in

    construction and industrial production (such as automobiles) in

    the West, providers o raw materials will fnd themselves with

    dierent demand curves than they were used to.

    Globalization, both with the emergence o new buyers and new

    providers, changes the playing feld or incumbents. Ongoing

    global industry consolidation (such as the Chinese steel

    industry buying mining companies to guarantee supply) drives

    business model change, with new company M&A

    confgurations and government inuence aecting outcomes.

    Industrialization in Asia and other growth markets creates new

    demand opportunities in commodities, but also uels the rise o

    Asian mining and metals conglomerates. Price volatility

    exacerbates external market conditions, with contracts and

    market prices changing supply chain dynamics between ore

    suppliers and consumers. Management o commodity prices,

    exchange risks and capacity constraints is increasing in

    complexity and importance. Expansions and contractions in

    the market have also rocked supply situations or consumables

    (e.g. tires, explosives) and or heavy equipment.

    The rising ocus and publicity on environmentalism and

    newound ocus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    creates pressure rom governments, customers and

    shareholders, with mining being a prominent target orenvironmental outrage rom all corners. At the same time,

    CSR is becoming a top priority among mining executives and

    mining employees and particularly to the prospective

    generation o uture workers.

  • 8/22/2019 &Filename=Wp Envisioning Mining


    IBM Global Business Services

    The number o skilled resources continues to decline and costs

    are increasing, with the number o upcoming retirees making

    the situation more difcult. Newer employees (e.g. Gen X,

    Gen Y, Millennials) have dierent attitudes and expectations

    that need to be taken seriously. Even when the next generation

    comes aboard, transerring the knowledge locked in the minds

    o the incumbent workorce will prove to be challenging. The

    enterprises experts are dispersed and oten unavailable.

    Stoking the fre o this change is the speedy evolution and

    adoption o new technologies, changing how companies view

    and interact with their operations and markets. As problems

    such as inefcient scheduling, wasted consumables and

    labor-intensive activities all appear to be prominent operational

    issues, companies oten ignore the underlying technological

    causes. The technology landscapes at the traditional mining

    company are now within their second and third generations.

    The technology ootprints have grown diverse and chaotic.

    Managers eel like theyre drowning in inormation while still

    unable to fnd the answers they need. Data is tracked in

    dierent conventions, systems and structures.

    I theres one constant in the mining industry it is constant

    change, unpredictability and complexity.

    In envisioning the idealmining enterprise thattackles the issues o today

    and tomorrow, we must lookbeyond the mine and acrossthe entire business.

    How do we rame a vision or the uture o mining?

    The grievances and issues o the day begin to paint a picture o

    what is needed going orward. Too oten, mining proessionals

    ocus on the mine itsel, wondering how to dig more product

    out o the Earth rather than look at the big picture. Others

    resort to the same old, tired levers o traditional cost cutting

    that only provide short-term benefts. Smart leaders are

    thinking about their companys path orward. In envisioning

    the ideal mining enterprise that tackles the issues o todayand tomorrow, we are prompted to ask several key strategic


    How will mining companies use business innovation to

    transorm the undamentals o their operations, their

    customers and supply chain?

    How will we increase sales revenue and proftability by better

    synchronizing the entire demand chain and improving

    customer service?

    How can we reduce operating costs in our operations,

    management structure, resource strategies and suppliers?How can we improve overall return on capital?

    How can we leverage the role that technology will play in

    enabling new capabilities in the mining business?


    and fnd the next generation o employees eager to do the

    right work in a new era?

    How do we improve utilization o our critical production

    assets? How do we achieve overall load balancing across

    acilities, while minimizing sensitivity to disruption and risk?

    What role will mining companies take in leading the world in

    environmentalism and corporate social responsibility?

    How will mining companies reduce risk and ensure optimal

    saety and security o workers and assets?

    How will mining companies utilize a geographically dispersed

    workorce and skill-set while retaining local control and


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    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    These questions and others begin to rame the discussion

    about the uture o mining. Perhaps the most proound

    insight we can draw is that the smarter mine o the uture will

    extend much urther than the mine itsel, leading a

    transormation to the entire enterprise o extracting, selling

    and delivering metals, materials and uels.

    We must recognise that the landscape haschanged and that we need to reinvigorate ourocus on cost management and operational e-fciencies. Importantly, efcient and predictableoperations underpin our cash generation capa-bility and establish the oundation to supporturther growth.

    Marius Kloppers, CEO Message, FY2010, BHP Billiton

    II. Vision: The Future of MiningIn envisioning the uture o mining, sometimes thequestion is what will be dierent?, and sometimes itwill be what will we do better?

    In envisioning a uture state o smarter mining, the fnal image is

    neither concise nor discrete and may resemble a mosaic o new

    capabilities and business models more so than a monolithic

    solution or single transormation. The mine o the uture will

    likely have areas that we cant rightully predict or imagine. At

    the same time, many (i not most) o the core mining activities,

    practices and competencies will be carried orward rom

    practices today. Sometimes the question is what will be

    dierent? and sometimes what will we do better?.

    Energy andEnvironment


    Information integrationand visualization


    Productivity, efficiency &cost reduction


    The Future

    of Mining

    2. Sustainability

    3. Operations and Technology

    Business ModelInnovation

    Governance andWorkforce


    1. People and Work

    Figure 1: Strategic Areas of Focus for the Future of Mining

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    IBM Global Business Services

    In a vision or smarter mining, we are also careul to cement

    our orward views in a stable and sensible base o reality,

    practicality and easibility. For this, we identiy practices and

    tactics in use today. While we fnd no one company as an

    exemplar or the uture, we fnd the individual pieces in

    successul practice around the industry. In many ways, the

    uture mining enterprise could also be described as the perect

    mining company o today, i.e. a composite o all o the best

    and brightest operations being used currently. In someinstances, ideas may come rom outside the mining industry.

    Listed below are nine characteristics o the uture o mining,

    divided into three larger categories. For each characteristic we

    discuss a typical current state (with its companion problems

    and issues) and the capability or characterization o the uture,

    oten inspired by a best practice in use today. In general we

    ocus on the business o mining, leaving other relevant uture

    advancements (such as new technologies in geological

    surveying or ore extraction techniques) out o the scope o

    our discussion.

    1. People and workMany miners believe nothing can be changed: you have amine, a railway system, a nearby port and that is it. Thisbelie is untrue and many mining leaders are awakeningto a new reality.

    Business model innovation

    The most signifcant and most challenging transormations

    mining companies will ace are strategic in nature; making

    undamental business model shits that rail against

    conventional means o doing business. Currently, manymining companies view their business in terms o the ability to

    move material out o the ground and through the supply chain,

    all in hopes o fnding customers to purchase their payload

    upon completion. Emphasis is placed on maximizing capacity

    and reducing costs at each phase o the supply chain.

    Inventory management and distribution then become a yield

    and price game, with proft margins oten a mystery until the

    goods are shipped. Many miners are strapped with the belie

    that there's nothing that can be changed about a mining

    operation/logistics network: you have a mine, a railway system,

    a nearby port and that is it. This belie is untrue and many

    mining leaders are awakening to a new reality.

    The new business model should ocus on value, both or the

    organization and or customers. Mining companies will look

    to do more with less, optimizing their use o cash and capitaland building exibility. The ocus will be to realign

    relationships to build fnancial solidity o suppliers, partners

    and customers. This, in turn, will build long-standing

    proftable relationships that will enable the company to

    transcend commodity-trading relationships only.

    We believe that our strong relationships with majorcustomers, reinorced through long-term contracts,high quality products and a strong technical market-

    ing strategy, will help us achieve this goal.- Vale Annual Report 2008

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    6 Envisioning the Future of Mining

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

    Business model is commodity-ocused and driven by amount

    o product produced

    Operational optimization is siloed and ocused on eachdiscrete phase o the supply chain.

    Geography constrains operations and is locally ocused.

    Learning is rom mining experience and the past.

    Business results are tracked and measured post-mortem.

    The Future o Mining(Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Mine o Yesterday(Conventional practice)

    Business model is value- and relationship-ocused and is

    driven by customer demand.

    The supply chain is viewed holistically and optimized as anintegrated process.

    Operations become more geography-independent and a

    global perspective is taken.

    Mining companies also learn rom other industries, partners,

    acquisitions and other sources.

    Business decision making is orward looking, based on smarte

    plans and advanced business analytics.

    Imagine a new way where the old model is ipped on its head.

    Customer demand and needs drive capacity and resource

    planning. The mine adopts a new production discipline, best

    practices and supporting metrics that enables the company to

    ocus on maximizing the throughput and proftability o the

    entire process. Integrated plans and schedules drive production

    orders in the most cost eective ways, enabling companies to

    react to manuacturing variability and changing business

    conditions, all while minimizing disruption. Production is

    optimized by order and schedule. Equipment turnovers and

    downtime are reduced. Global visibility breaks silo-based

    operations, enabling collaboration and connectivity across the

    supply chain.

    Benefts o business model innovation in the uture o mining:

    Mining companies break the chains o commodity-based

    trading relations.

    Business model is exible and agile to deal with dierent

    market dynamics, economic conditions, customer demand and

    other orces.

    Proft margins are determined by value and relationship.

    Variety o operational options and tactics are greatly expanded

    to deal with ongoing business challenges.

    One example o a company changing its model to make a

    smarter supply chain was one o the worlds largest steel

    makers, capable o producing over 32 million tons per year. As

    most steel companies, their business model was one o "silos",

    separate business departments with separate unctions and

    targets. The company wanted to break through these silos with

    streamlined processes and all ocusing towards the single goal:

    customer satisaction. They began a program to changing thetypical heavy industrys mindset o maximizing throughput to

    starting rom market demand. They re-engineered business

    processes to synchronize external and internal processes rom

    suppliers through all divisions to customers, leveraging new

    end-to-end IT technology. This undertaking resulted in record

    Delivery Perormance levels (95%) and at the same time

    signifcant reductions in inventories, metrics that are typically


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    IBM Global Business Services

    Governance and workorce

    The smarter mining organization o the uture willimprove its utilization o governance and workers todrive change and improvement.

    Organizational aspects o mining enterprises such as structure,

    leadership, policy, culture, careers and workers are key to

    achieving a smarter mining enterprise o the uture. Mining

    companies today fnd themselves with an aging workorce and

    issues in attracting and retaining new quality leaders and

    workers or the uture. Years o acquisitions and mergers have

    created management layers and legacy-driven, organizational

    silos that may inhibit efcient management as well as drive

    higher costs. The management and transer o knowledge

    becomes especially important as operational execution

    becomes more about inormation and insight and less about

    the intuition and gut eelings o seasoned experts.

    Governance is inormal and is dierent rom location to


    Critical knowledge and intuition suers attrition through an

    aging workorce.

    Mining deploys local workorces and struggles with fnding

    the right skills.

    Leadership is multi-layered, dispersed, bureaucratic, costly

    and decision-making is slow and complicated. Administrative

    costs are high and unwieldy.

    Recruiting new employees is difcult as the traditional view o

    the mining business is unattractive.

    The Future o Mining(Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Mine o Yesterday(Conventional practice)

    Formal, centralized corporate governance actions are in place

    and are supported by policy, measurements and incentives.

    Knowledge is captured and institutionalized and delivered to

    workers at the point o need. Knowledge strategies are

    proactive and pervasive.

    Global workorces and expertise are leveraged through

    virtualization and technology.Management organization is lean and mean with centralized

    organization and reduced cost structure, with streamlined and

    rapid decision-making. Administration is streamlined and cost


    A youth movement eagerly gravitates towards mining as it is a

    high-tech, ast-paced industry that projects an image o

    environmentalism and responsibility.

    According to a recent study in Australia, miningcompanies are among the worst perormers in anassessment o the corporate governance standardscompared to other industry sectors. According toUniversity o Newcastle Associate Proessor JimPsaros, the industry suers rom organization

    immaturity1. He attributes this shortcoming torecent growth, where the corporate governanceprinciples o the past did not grow ast enoughto keep up with the size and complexity o theorganization.

    - Mining Governance Standards Slip, Mining Daily, July 2009

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

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    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    Most mining companies have signifcant opportunities to

    improve their business by improving their organization and

    workorce. These areas need to be the ocus o ormal

    programs and investment. Too oten, they are delegated to

    inormal processes or ignored altogether.

    Benefts o improved governance and workorce in the uture

    o mining:

    The right employees have the best knowledge and the right

    time, driving better decisions, better execution and improving

    productivity and margins

    Cost reduction through streamlining and centralizing

    management and administration reduces costs while raising

    the eectiveness o decision-making and governance.

    Mining companies are able to attract a new generation o

    employees rom across the globe.


    We can envision a new mode where the mining company

    collaborates with customers and partners in new ways,

    becoming more intertwined and critical to their needs. This

    has the potential to extend the relationship, build customer

    loyalty, and even new revenue streams.

    Many o the new strategies mining companies will adopt such

    as taking a holistic view o the supply chain, working with

    partners and customers, breaking organizational silos, sharing

    knowledge and expertise, and remote operations require a new

    view o collaboration. Collaboration among departments,

    geographies, phases o the supply chain, partners, customers,

    and suppliers becomes critical to building enterprise agility.

    Collaboration among individuals improves the sharing o

    knowledge, enables better decision-making, and betterleverages experts who may be scattered throughout the

    enterprise. Collaboration among customers and partners can

    drive innovation and eectiveness unachievable within a single

    enterprise alone.

    In many cases, there are potent new collaboration

    opportunities with customers. Some companies completely

    decouple relationships at the port where the material is

    dumped and let or the customer to pick up. Some iron ore

    producers, or example, have very limited understanding o the

    impact on how blends may aect steel quality. Others are

    beginning to bridge this gap by preparing certain blends,

    deploying their own shipping vessels or delivery to the

    customer, and even establishing global distribution centers. We

    can envision a new mode where the mining company

    collaborates with the customer in new ways, becoming more

    intertwined and critical to the customers needs and processes.

    This has the potential to extend the relationship beyond

    commodity pricing, building customer loyalty and even new

    revenue streams.

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    IBM Global Business Services

    New programs, business models, techniques, products

    practices are developed in-house.

    Suppliers, customers and partners are kept at arms length.

    Phases o the supply chain are isolated rom each other,

    preerring to use a throw it over the wall approach to

    transerring work/product through the pipeline.

    Teams are isolated by location and do not communicate with

    a central control room or other mines.

    The Future o Mining(Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Mine o Yesterday(Conventional practice)

    R&D and innovation are ueled by collaboration: across the

    company; through partners and vendors; through others both

    within the industry and beyond; and by orming coalitions,

    joint ventures and other meetings o the minds.

    Suppliers, customers and partners are collaborated with

    requently to work on common issues, improve relationships,

    improve productivity and create better and more accurate

    plans (e.g. demand orecast accuracy).

    Teams collaborate with groups upstream and downstream to

    eectively control and streamline the entire supply chain.

    Teams communicate and collaborate across the enterprise and

    across multiple mines and sites. Activities are coordinated

    through a central control room or location.

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

    Collaboration is more than a technological tool or

    organizational mandate. True collaboration requires an

    attitudinal shit among workers who need to understand how

    working collaboratively is benefcial both or themselves and the

    organization at large. Collaboration also requires new incentives

    and perormance measurement to succeed. Organizations will

    need to invest in new tools and new skills or collaboration.

    Benefts o improved collaboration in the uture o mining:

    New sources o innovation are discovered, nurtured andleveraged.

    Issues and challenges are solved more quickly and more


    Institutional knowledge and expertise are leveraged to their

    ullest degree.

    Productivity and perormance are enhanced.

    Customers and suppliers are drawn closer to the enterprise

    to improve results, service and satisaction.

    The Corporation has implemented a system oworking together through alliances with companiesand organizations that are world leaders in researchand development. The objective is to speed up theintegration o knowledge and innovation into min-ing processes, adding value to the business.

    - Codelco Annual Report 2007

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    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    One leading example o extra-enterprise collaboration is the

    auto/steel partnership. The consortium consists o major US

    auto manuacturers and leading steel producers, and

    collaborates together on specifc programs that drive

    innovation, technology advancement and efciency across the

    steel-auto manuacturing pipeline. Although the participating

    companies are clear competitors and rivals, theyve realized

    that they can achieve more or the entire industry (and

    themselves) by working together.

    According to their vision statement2 they ocus on Using

    inter-company and inter-industry cooperative programs to

    ensure the success o the member companies as well as

    Proactively resolving governmental regulatory agency

    requirements and customer needs.

    Their current initiatives ocus on driving innovation in using

    steel in new automotive applications, such as stamping high

    strength steel, multiple light-weight steel applications and

    improving durability/quality (e.g. atigue, corrosion,

    uniormity). The group also serves as a knowledge acility,

    with many projects ocused on standards, documenting best

    practices and developing analytic solutions.

    2. SustainabilityIn the uture o mining, saety eorts are bolstered by newtechnological approaches that stretch the saety net beyondwhat training and procedures can provide.

    Today, sustainability is more than regulations, corporate

    philanthropy, or a marketing campaign. Sustainability and its

    larger umbrella concept o Corporate Social Responsibility

    (CSR), is now being integrated into a companys business

    strategy, operations and culture to drive business value, reduce

    costs and provide benefts or the business and society.

    Most mines and mining acilities oten encompass large areas,

    multiple levels and complex layouts. Workers, contractors and

    visitors are oten surrounded by many dangers, rom hazardous

    environments to potential collisions and accidents with

    machinery. When underground, mines can collapse, there can

    be ventilation ailures and exposure to toxic mine gases,

    explosive gases and dust. On the surace, vehicle collisions,

    explosives, dangerous locations and the potential or human

    harm in material handling machinery (e.g. conveyers) pose

    more saety threats. The challenge is not only preventing

    dangers rom occurring, but also being able to act on problems

    quickly and eectively when they occur.

    In emergency or saety drill situations, it can be exceedingly

    difcult to learn quickly who has been evacuated, who is still

    missing and where the missing persons were last seen. While

    this critical inormation is gathered, rapid response can be

    delayed and incorrect and potentially time-consumingdecisions may be made in directing rescue teams and managing

    accountability activities. Increasingly, Mining companies have

    to deal with saety improvement issues as part o a social

    license contract to mine with municipalities, governments, or

    native groups (e.g. Aboriginal bands) and communities. In the

    uture o mining, saety eorts are bolstered by new

    technological approaches that stretch the saety net beyond

    what training and procedures can provide.

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    IBM Global Business Services

    Workers saety is solely a unction o training, procedures,

    policy and chance.

    Access, privileges, status and the management o employees is

    delegated to line managers and inormal processes.

    Security inormation, i available at all, is restricted to

    individual security systems and/or vendors.

    The Future o Mining(Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Mine o Yesterday(Conventional practice)

    New smart programs and technologies, such as location

    awareness technologies, GPS, RFIDs and collision detection/

    avoidance improve the saety o each employee both during

    daily business-as-usual and during catastrophes/accidents.

    Companies deploy sophisticated and automated Identity and

    Security Management programs that systematically and

    centrally track employees access rights, location, duration,

    training, saety certifcation, permissions, compliance and site


    Security inormation is integrated and available to those who

    need it, including security and human resources.

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

    One refning company improved their saety through real-time

    personnel location monitoring. Their program involved

    employees wearing RFID tags that would send location

    inormation at requent intervals, with the data uploaded to a

    control center. They integrated all these capabilities into a

    comprehensive location awareness and saety program. One

    innovative component is a real-time visualization engine that

    provides a rich graphical view o employee locations and

    associated metrics. In the event o an emergency or disaster,

    the system presents a real-time view o the location o

    employees in and around specifc areas o the refnery. Having

    this view drastically reduces the need or rescuers to conduct

    sweeps o a particular area in search o unaccounted oremployees. Sta can confgure the system any number o ways

    to create new or temporary security zones along with

    conditional business rules that apply to the zones. By

    integrating the solution with security clearance data within its

    HR systems, the system can identiy unauthorized personnel

    within a zone and automatically notiy saety personnel, who

    can take ast corrective action to ensure the saety o the


    Benefts o improved saety in the uture o mining:

    Saer mines or workers, which reduce injuries and atalities,

    which in turn reduce downtime, insurance costs and litigation,

    while improving employee retention, recruiting and morale.

    Certainty o which worker is located and or how long, with

    what training, saety certifcation and access privileges.

    Complying with implicit or ormal social and governmental

    requirements or saety.

    We will not mine i we cannot mine saely.- Nicholas Holland, Chie Executive Ofcer, Goldfelds Annual Report 2008

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    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    The company is also testing a variation o this approach to

    reduce accidents associated with the movement o overhead

    cranes, which represent one o the biggest causes o injury in

    the business. By integrating RFID position inormation, the

    crane saety initiative is designed to provide a collision

    avoidance warning to alert crane operators beore accidents


    Energy and environmentIt is time to take a proactive stance in energy and theenvironment to improve costs, attract new talent andmake substantial societal change at the same time.

    Energy and environment are emerging concerns within the

    mining industry, both within the ranks o its proessionals and

    rom the public. Government regulations are increasing (e.g.

    Australian Emission Trading Scheme, European Union

    Emission Trading Scheme, Kyoto Protocol, etc.), with carbon

    management issues coming to the oreront. Governments

    and public perception arent the only pressures. According to a

    Green and CSR are considered stand-alone programs ocused

    on marketing or corporate philanthropy with business value

    not ormally defned.

    Meeting government regulations is managed with little

    automation or integration.

    Carbon, water, energy and waste are managed manually with

    little automation or integration.

    Mining is perceived by prospective employees, the public and

    the media as environmentally unriendly.

    The Future o Mining(Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Mine o Yesterday(Conventional practice)

    CSR is a ormal and pervasive program that integrates into

    many (i not all) aspects o the business. It is ormally

    measured and includes business value drivers in its scope, such

    as reducing energy expediture, reducing regulatory costs and

    improving recruiting activities.

    Meeting government requirements is tracked via a ormal

    system o perormance metrics and automated analytic tools.

    Processes, inormation and analytical tools are used to

    proactively manage environmental and energy consumables,

    such as modeling carbon trade-os, carbon trading, water

    management, uel optimization and waste control.

    The perception o mines is positive, attracting

    environmentally-aware advocates to work and support clean

    mining operations.

    2008 IBM Institute or Business Value study on Global

    Corporate Social Responsibility, a third o todays companies

    are required by their business partners (i.e. customers) to adopt

    or acquire new carbon management standards3. Regardless o

    whether environmentalism is considered to be a critical

    imperative or merely a hot topic, it is the right time to take a

    proactive stance in energy and the environment to improve

    costs, attract new talent and make substantial societal change at

    the same time.

    For mining companies, being green will need to be more

    than a marketing campaign. New technologies and programs

    now exist that are able to manage consumables such as carbon,

    water and uel rom end to end, as well as providing new

    capabilities in perorming trade-o analysis on productivity vs.

    environmental impact. These programs also may extend to

    ootprint management, waste management, ecosystem risk

    management, mine closure and re-habitation, tailings

    placement management and stewardship management.

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

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    IBM Global Business Services

    Benefts o improved environment and energy in the uture

    o mining:


    Reduced management costs and improved eectiveness in the

    management o consumables that impact the environment

    (e.g. carbon, water, energy, waste).

    Tighter compliance with regulations and reduced costs omeeting/monitoring regulations.

    Improved image, recruiting and public acceptance.

    We manage this risk through implementing energyefciency plans across our operations and develop-ing energy efcient technologies which reducesthe energy consumption o errochrome smeltingby over 20% compared to conventional processes.Long-term energy contracts are negotiated to re-duce dependence on spot markets and we seek todiversiy power sources and identiy alternatives.

    - Xstrata Annual Report 2008

    3. Operations and TechnologyThe heavy liting aspects o mining will improve in the

    uture even whilst the core objective o unearthingproduct stays the same. New technologies will make themine and both its local and remote managers smarterby becoming instrumented, interconnected andintelligent.

    Asset management

    Assets will be instrumented, interconnected andintelligent, reporting their location, their status and otherkey metrics remotely and automatically.

    Massively capital-intensive, mining business perormance is

    tied to the availability, maintenance, fnancing and deployment

    o assets. Every moment without the right equipment or

    transportation can have severe eects on productivity and

    proftability or miners. Repairs oten create double jeopardy

    or mining companies as emergency fxes have high costs while

    the asset is simultaneously down and not producing revenue.Worse, repairs are typically perormed reactively ater the asset

    is down. In a traditional view, assets may only include items

    rom a ew categories, such as equipment, vehicles, or specifc

    inrastructure. The responsibility or these items may have

    been lumped by their job unction, fnancing scheme or their

    procurement categories. The issues o capital deployment,

    leasing, ownership, location and countless other actors make

    asset management as much a puzzle or fnance as it is or


    The smarter mining enterprise will need a new view and

    approach to asset management. This new view encompasses

    the entire asset management lie cycle (i.e. rom needs analysis

    to disposal) and takes a wider view o asset classes (i.e. the way

    assets are categorized e.g. transportation, equipment,

    inormation technology, land) and how they each behave and

    contribute value dierently. The uture approach will also

    improve how well each asset management activity is


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    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    Developing optimal asset management capabilities requires an

    attitudinal shit. In low-perorming situations, managers might

    think in terms o cost such as reactive maintenance instead o

    taking a value-based approach that predicts maintenance and

    integrates reliability into the overall planning process. In this

    sense, asset management is no longer a practice o managing

    maintenance and equipment costs, but instead one o planningon how assets contribute to productivity and overall


    Status and location o assets is managed through sight and

    manual tracking.

    As a strategic practice and business unction, assetmanagement is limited to a ew asset classes such as

    equipment and transportation.

    Assets are managed by job unction or fnancing scheme.

    Asset management is perormed separately across sites or

    geographies and oten involves manual or unconnected

    inormation, processes and systems.

    Asset management is separate rom other business planning


    The Future o Mining(Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Mine o Yesterday(Conventional practice)

    Assets are instrumented and intelligent, reporting their

    location, their status and other key metrics remotely and

    automatically. "Predictive condition monitoring" is used

    where systems using predictive data modeling trigger

    maintenance orders beore equipment ailures happen.

    Asset management includes a broad array o asset classes,

    including land, felds, inventory, inormation technology, real

    estate, inrastructure, etc.

    The entire asset management liecycle is planned or and

    analyzed/managed on many dierent dimensions.

    A centralized asset management program is deployed and

    used, leveraging sophisticated asset management practices and

    integrated asset management tools/technologies.

    Asset management is integrated with other business unctions

    and systems, such as ERP.

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

    An emerging trend within the industry is to improve uptime

    and reduce emergency repairs through condition and health

    monitoring. By enabling new methods in instrumentation and

    sensors, predictive analytics and remote monitoring

    technologies, mining companies will be able to track a living

    pulse o their key equipment and assets. The machines and

    systems will monitor equipment health and use both onsiteindicators and predictive analytical models to allow asset

    managers to repair or prevent breakdowns beore they happen,

    employ more sophisticated maintenance schedules and reduce

    the time, expense and downtime that repairs entail. One major

    heavy equipment manuacturer is currently outftting their

    eet with this new technology and approach, shiting rom a

    reactive health maintenance mindset to one where equipment

    is viewed in its total contribution to production eectiveness.

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    IBM Global Business Services

    The Future o Mining

    (Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Production scheduling is manual, perormed with little

    visibility to the overall supply chain and heavily reliant on the

    individual skills o the scheduler.

    Few or poorly supported programs exist to promote quality

    and efciency.

    Material blending and scheduling o production is based on

    manual analysis and the skill o the production supervisor.

    Hundreds or thousands o supply vendors are used with little

    central oversight. Dierent sites and departments run their

    own procurement activities independently o one another,

    duplicating purchases and driving up costs.

    Mine o Yesterday

    (Conventional practice)

    Scheduling or the mine is integrated rom mine operation to

    shipping, including blend design and dynamic order book

    allocation to stocks in the system wherever they are.

    Quality and efciency programs, such as Six Sigma, are

    utilized to manage productivity and to defne optimal


    Production supervisors use advanced optimization capabilities

    to determine the optimal material blend option and

    scheduling production to optimize mine/plant throughput.

    Strategic procurement programs such as category

    management, strategic sourcing, supplier integration,

    procurement centers o excellence (COEs) and transaction

    optimization all work to reduce costs and wastes in the supply

    procurement process.

    Benefts o improved asset management in the uture o


    Better utilization o assets to contribute business value and


    Less downtime

    Lower MRO costs

    Improved fnance strategies via smarter asset deployment,

    smarter purchasing/leasing decisions and ultimately improved

    return on capital employed (ROCE)

    Productivity, efciency, and cost reduction

    Increasing productivity and efciency will happensimultaneously with reducing costs.

    Increasing productivity and reducing costs oten present

    trade-os or most companies. Mining companies o the uture

    will need to improve both simultaneously without sacrifcing

    customer service, saety or operational exibility. Some

    traditional costs levers such as labor, supplies and vendorservices can be adjusted through renegotiation, integration,

    virtualization and other strategies. More proound productivity

    and efciency transormations can occur when undamental

    business processes are redesigned to become lean or

    streamlined, and advanced analytics and optimization is used to

    support the decision making process.

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

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    6 Envisioning the Future of Mining

    Benefts o improved productivity, efciency, and cost reduction

    in the uture o mining:






    In the near term, we will continue to ocus on reduc-ing costs and maintaining our Core Assetsto position us to beneft when conditions improve.

    - Letter to Shareholders rom James R. Moett, Chairman o the Board,

    Richard C. Adkerson, President and Chie Executive Ofcer, Freeport 2009

    Inormation integration and visualization

    In the uture, we can imagine scenarios whereinormation integration, visualization and new modes ocollaboration that wildly improves business perormance

    The traditional mining mindset is a look and see mentality.

    Aged experts rely on their intuition and gut eeling based on

    what they experience in the feld and while sophisticated

    technology has permeated many o the operational aspects o

    mining, ew have tied all o the inormation into

    comprehensive views o the mine(s) or insight-driven decision


    The new vision or inormation in mines interconnects all

    entities in the environment including instrumented assets and

    equipment, transportation, people, supplies and plans into

    integrated views. Called visualization, this integration o

    inormation provides production and maintenance operations,

    analysts, feld crew and other decision-makers with a real-time

    view o their entire operation via consolidated, synoptic

    interaces. Alerts, alarms and triggers enable the mine to be

    hyper-responsive to change and challenges. Advanced analytics

    help miners predict and plan or the uture, not just react.

    One emerging practice or visualization relies on a new vision

    or the mining control room, and uses new technology

    techniques to integrate many sources o data without

    reinstalling or replacing dierent systems across the mine.

    These include using reerence semantic models, industry

    standards, intelligent service oriented architecture (SOA)

    approaches and new, intuitive visualization dashboards and

    interaces. The management o the mines operations also linkto key business systems, such as ERP or sales orecasting,

    enabling the entire supply chain to be managed in synch across

    the enterprise.

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    IBM Global Business Services

    Lack o inormation creates decision-making based on partial

    inormation, guestimation, or bad/missing acts.

    Inormation about assets and people is manually gathered.

    Access to mining inormation is limited and is delivered on a

    time scale that hinders responsiveness.

    There are no integrated views o mine perormance or

    monitoring, management or decision-making.

    Perormance measures only scratch the surace o providing a

    quantitative view o most activities.

    Business inormation, such as fnancial planning or sales

    orecasting, is separate and unconnected to mine operation

    inormation and must be reconciled or accounted or through

    manual processes.

    Technology architecture is rigid, expensive to change and slow

    to upgrade to address new business capabilities.

    Mine o Yesterday(Conventional practice)

    The Future o Mining(Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Decision makers have access to a timely and comprehensive

    set o acts and a single version o the truth.

    Assets and people are instrumented with location-aware

    technology that provides real-time metrics on perormance

    and status.

    Inormation reects the current business reality, delivered in

    real-time or right-time. Reporting and analysis o operations

    is real-time and can be predictive. Companies spend more

    time looking orward instead o reporting on the past.

    Production operations and others are able to visualize their

    entire mining operations via intuitive interaces that provide

    synoptic and detailed views o perormance, including alerts

    and events.

    A broad and rigorous set o key perormance indicators are

    defned and tracked throughout the enterprise.

    Operational data rom mines interconnects and

    communicates with key business systems, enabling

    administration, fnance, sales, service and other unctions to

    respond to mining and supply chain events.

    Technology architecture leverages new strategies such as

    SOA to become exible, allowing new capabilities to be built

    and deployed rapidly.

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

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    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    Imagining inormation integration, visualization,and collaboration in the uture

    In the uture, we can imagine scenarios where inormation

    integration, visualization and collaboration wildly improve

    business perormance. For example, imagine an

    unexpected machine ailure deep in the mine site. Sensors

    on the machine alert an intelligent control room thousandso miles away and provide diagnostics and perormance

    metrics to a Remote Control Room production supervisor.

    The production supervisor then assembles a virtual team o

    experts to discuss the problem via multiple monitors in his

    control room. Experts rom dierent mines across the

    globe are connected in real-time, as well as a maintenance

    repair person on the ground and a team o technical

    support experts rom the equipments manuacturer.

    Together, they discuss options and devise an approach to

    solving the problem. Recommendations and documented

    past fxes are sent rom the Intelligent Analytics knowledge

    repository to onsite repair technicians.

    The collaboration system inorms other business users

    such as Finance and Sales o the machine downtime who

    are then able to adjust their production orecasts and to

    contact customers i need be. The event and solution are

    logged into the collaboration and knowledge system so

    that uture problems can leverage this expertise.

    Benefts o improved inormation, integration, and

    visualization in the uture o mining:

    Make more accurate, timelier decisions that enable the mine

    to produce and unction more eectively and respond to

    business changes better and aster.

    Enable technology architecture and inrastructure to be more

    exible in responding to changing business conditions.

    Improve mine/plant throughput while increasing margins and

    improving customer service.

    Reduce IT spending.

    A Norwegian petroleum company ound great benefts by

    deploying an integrated inormation ramework with the goal

    o identiying the methods, technology and work processes

    needed to integrate its operations. Previously plagued by

    unconnected systems and a lack o shared inormation, the

    company deployed an integrated industrial-semantic model

    based on a linkage o key oil and gas standards to create aexible inormation integration and interoperability

    ramework. Within this ramework, nearly any systems data,

    regardless o its ormat, is accessible where it's needed most.

    Using data rom wireless sensors, which monitor subsurace

    conditions (such as the pressure and temperature at dierent

    points in the feld, as well as the movement o gas or oil

    deposits), the solution will provide the companys engineers

    with the inormation they need to know when, where and how

    much to pump. Getting data eeds rom its sensors in real time

    will give the company the means to make decisions or

    production optimization on the spot, without having to waitweeks or months to gather and synthesize inormation. The

    program has been a key enabler o their preventative

    maintenance strategy, which is designed to identiy potential

    maintenance issues beore they become critical and cause

    shutdowns. Algorithms will process this data to determine

    when proactive (or condition-based) maintenance should be


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    IBM Global Business Services

    The company expects to increase its overall production by 5

    percent while reducing its operating and maintenance costs by

    30 percent and expects a drastic reduction in shutdowns and

    the eects they produce. This model will also help the

    company to optimize turnarounds and shutdowns across all


    Remote operations

    With the growing level o remote automation andcomputer-driven management, many operationsmanagers) may fnd themselves asking Couldnt Irun this remotely?

    Most mines are still run with a localized approach.

    Increasingly, mining leadership is fnding that they are

    constrained in many ways locally, especially when trying to fnd

    qualifed sta. At the same time, there is a shit in where more

    work is completed on the computer screen than in the feld.

    With the growing level o remote automation and computer-

    driven management, many operations managers may fnd

    themselves asking Couldnt I run this remotely? I we can

    mine on Mars, we can certainly mine without being at the site.

    This leads to a philosophical shit rom decentralized to

    centralized mining management.

    Besides expanding the potential skilled workorce, remote

    operations and centralization provide other benefts. By

    moving control centers to centralized locations, mining

    perormance can be measured across sites and locations.Measurement processes can be standardized and universally

    adopted. Knowledge and experts can be shared across the

    enterprise more easily via collaboration. Procurement

    programs can be unifed across the enterprise or greater

    synergies and cost control. Customer relationships and

    production orders can be managed on a global scale.

    In many ways, remote operations may best defne the uture o

    the mining enterprise. It requires the culmination o

    inormation, collaboration, smarter and leaner organization,

    governance and workorce, visualization and business model


    Managers and teams are mentally and physically locked into

    local operations.

    There is little coordination or integration between sites and


    Management, leadership and decision-making capabilities and

    structure are duplicated many times throughout the enterprise

    and maintaining organizational control is difcult.

    Sta must be on site.

    Equipment and transport are ully manned at location.

    The Future o Mining(Todays emerging practices to adopt)

    Mine o Yesterday(Conventional practice)

    Sites across the enterprise are managed centrally and synergies

    and advanced capabilities are realized by uniying processes,

    inormation, control and knowledge.

    A lean, centralized management unction achieves improved

    control o the enterprise. The reduction o redundant

    management reduces costs while making governance and

    coordination more streamlined and eective.

    Leadership and sta can be located in ideal locations

    independent o mine sites.

    When appropriate, automated, robotic and remotely

    controlled equipment and transportation are used to improve

    productivity, saety and boost employee retention.

    Characteristics o the mining enterprise o yesterday and the uture o mining include:

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    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    Benefts o remote operations in the uture o mining:

    More expansive resource pools are available at dierent cost


    Redundant expenses are mitigated.

    Greater control o the enterprise.

    Synergies, efciency, prowess and speed realized through

    unifed processes, inormation and knowledge.

    The uture in action today: Remote Operations in the

    uture o mining4

    One mining company, with a site located in the deep

    Northwest o Australia, has taken on an acute technology ocus

    that includes the development o a remote operations center

    (ROC) that will eventually control trains, drills and tracks rom

    as ar as 1,300 km away. This company chose one o their many

    mines as a test bed or innovation, such as testing automated

    trucks, automated drills and blasts and automated logisticsapplications (e.g. driver-less trains, autonomous haulage


    The ROC will house around 350 employees who will oversee,

    operate and optimize the use o key assets and processes,

    including all mines, processing plants, the rail network, ports

    and power plants. Operational planning and scheduling

    unctions will also be based in the ROC, which eatures an

    operational control room, ofce block and supporting

    inrastructure. Having maintenance, rail, HR and all other

    departments located together will improve managing the

    operations scale. As a difcult place to live and raise a amily,the remote mines suer high employee attrition. The ROC

    will improve sta retention dramatically. These types o

    initiatives begin to show how mining can transorm itsel in

    innovative new ways or the uture.

    In an industry that oten thinks in 25-year time rames, this

    depiction o the smarter mining enterprise o the uture may

    seem more immediate than ar reaching. In light o the

    challenges acing the mining industry today, uture leaders will

    likely be those who speed their path to uture capabilities,

    leaving the reluctant and slow-to-change in the dust.

    III. Forging your vision

    Purposely break rom conventional mining thought processesand tradition; elicit provocative, adventurous, trailblazing and

    transormative points o view.

    Just as every mining interest is unique, each mining company

    must crat their own vision o the uture to adapt to its own

    distinctive operations, business challenges, strengths and

    opportunities. As each enterprise is mature or weak in

    dierent areas, defning a uture vision becomes an exercise in

    sel-analysis and setting priorities. Ultimately, the vision

    should cast a unique profle or the company, combining areas

    o competitive dierentiation and excellence while also

    leveraging widely accepted best practices and tactics.

    While establishing a vision is a critical step, real change can

    only be enacted through purposeul transormation activity. In

    this sense, a careully crated vision becomes a destination and

    the journey to get there is a sequence o small changes and

    steps, each moving the enterprise orward while achieving

    short-term goals. Mining leadership should start with a

    thorough understanding o their challenges and internal

    environments via a rigorous and thoughtul look inward. The

    vision should defne clear goals and business capabilities. Tools

    such as business component modeling can help achieve thisanalysis and pre-existing industry models can be leveraged to

    ensure that all areas o the business and best practices are


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    IBM Global Business Services

    Upon defning the vision, leadership should look to understand

    gaps between their existing state and their proposed vision.

    Closing these gaps sets the basis or transormation work,

    aligning projects and initiatives along short- and long-term

    timescales to achieve specifc results, capabilities and benefts.

    This plan is oten called a roadmap.

    Mining companies looking to establish their own vision or

    their uture should be mindul o several actors that can help

    drive success:

    Purposely break rom conventional mining thought processes

    and tradition; elicit provocative, adventurous, trailblazing and

    transormative points o view.

    Provoke, recruit and engage dierent stakeholders rom across

    and outside the enterprise to contribute to the vision,

    including dierent unctional areas (e.g. operations, IT, sales,

    fnance), geographies and managerial levels.

    Focus on gaining consensus, excitement and advocacy or the

    vision at every step o development.

    Glean, leverage and learn rom partners, vendors and other

    industries to broaden the scope o possibilities and to cull

    innovation rom these sources.

    Follow the money by creating rigorous and comprehensive

    fnancial justifcation with a business case to ortiy decisions

    and to gain commitment.

    Communicate more and share the vision in new ways across

    the enterprise. Stop using the traditional passive means o

    communication (the same video or presentation) and fnd new

    ways to engender energy and momentum with leaders and

    sta alike.

    Be smart and pragmatic when setting direction. While

    examining all angles rom the wildest to the most conservative,

    choose change techniques that can ft with the style, appetite

    and resources o your organization.style, appetite, and

    resources o your organization.

    These steps describe the beginning o the journey. Making the

    frst step requires initiative and courage. The champion or

    leader o creating the vision will be tasked with energizing and

    motivating the organization. This begins with a purposeul

    and pointed conversation about business today and the uture.

    Figure 2: IBM Business Component Model for the Mining Enterprise

    Tools such as a mining-specifc component business model can

    help leaders envision their uture operations. It provides a

    comprehensive and relational view o the enterprise that

    ensures all areas o opportunity are analyzed and discussed.





    Opportunity Origination/Deal Capture

    Develop &Secure Knowledge &Intell ectualPr operty (Innovation)

    Analyze & Select HighValue Opportunities

    ExplorationP rogramExecution

    ExplorationDa taProcessing

    ExplorationDat aInterpretation

    Mineral Resource







    Implement Production






    Drill & Complete Main

    Haulage Development

    Mineral ReserveReconciliation










    Maintain & ImproveEquipment Performance


    Maintenance and

    Engineering Execution

    AssetMonitoring and

    Predictive Maintenance



    Compiling SHEC reports

    (Periodic & Exception)



    SHEC Monitoring


    & Training

    Hospital & ClinicOperations


    IT Systems& Operations



    Governance, Risk and

    Legal ComplianceExecution



    Secure Services&Materials (SCM)



    Financial Accounting

    Legal & CompanySecretarial Services



    Acquire Data

    Manage Performance (Planvs. Actual)

    Project Management


    Manage MineralReserve



    Manage Extraction


    Manage Construction

    Schedule & Plans

    Mine Design

    & Scheduling

    ShortTe rm Mine Plan

    (6 Months)



    Strategic Relationship


    Manage & Prioritize

    Portfolio ofOpportunities,

    Include Exits



    Horizontal Planning

    Utilities Planning

    Services Planning

    Surface Planning






    Metal AccountingandReconciliation

    Engineering/MaintenanceManagementa nd



    EquipmentP erformance


    Governance, Risk andLegal Compliance

    Financial Control



    Risk Management

    Property Management

    Environmental ImpactPlanning

    Occupational Environ.ImpactPlanning



    SHEC Legal


    Operational Risk


    Hospital & Clinic


    Manage Data

    Performance Benchmarks & Criteria

    Mineral ResourceStrategy

    ExplorationStrat egy

    Alliance & Partner


    Data Acquisition,



    ExplorationP rotocol

    Appraisal & ApprovalStrategy

    Ore BodyStrategy (Group)

    Mine Production


    Mine PlanSt rategy(LOM)


    Benchmarks& Criteria

    Operational Plan

    (2 yrs)

    Vertical Strategy

    Horizontal Strategy


    Service Strategy

    Surface Strategy





    Slimes/Waste/WaterManagementS trategy

    Energy Strategy

    Engineering Design

    Technology Strategy

    Engineering Capacity


    Maintenance and

    Replacement Strategy


    Safety Strategy


    Mine Design

    & Scheduling


    Manage ExtractionPlan

    Manage ConstructionSchedule & Plans

    Mine Design

    & Scheduling

    Corporate Strategy

    New Business


    & Divesting


    Appraisal &




    & Extraction



    OperationsE ng in ee ri ng S HE C



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    Envisioning the Future of Mining

    IV. ConclusionThe challenges acing mining enterprises today are pushing

    leaders to abandon the traditional ways o thinking about their

    business to discover and explore new practices that will

    improve the business o mining. The uture o the mining

    enterprise is characterized in all aspects o the business, rom

    improving people and leaders, to engaging new business

    models and processes, to employing new techniques in

    developing insight, knowledge and working remotely. Most oall, the mine o the uture is smarter. It responds to change

    aster. It is agile and exible. Leaders looking to establish

    their own vision or the uture must begin frst by taking a

    critical and sometimes painul look inward to their own

    operations. Understanding their own priorities and matching

    them with newer practices and ideas can result in a re-

    imagined mining business that is both best in class and

    competitively dierentiated. The true beginning o this

    change starts with an energized conversation about the uture.

    And then, the journey begins.

    The Corporations current innovation projectspoint to substantially improving processes in currentmining operations, generating high impact in pro-ductivity and environmental care and protection, as

    well as employee and operation saety. Without los-ing sight o the need to optimize operations, the

    company has strongly emphasized the search or newprocesses and technological breakthroughs to re-spond to the uture challenges in the mining busi-ness.

    - Codelco Annual Report 2007

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    IBM Global Business Services

    SourcesSource: Mining Governance Standards Slip, Mining Daily, July 2009,1


    Auto/Steel Partnership website, www.a-sp.org/vision.htm2

    IBM Institute or Business Value 2008 Global CSR survey.3


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