fh meeting minutes - 2015-03-25

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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8/21/2019 FH Meeting Minutes - 2015-03-25

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A regular meeting of The Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris, State of New Jersey, was held on March 25, 2!5, in the Freeholder

"u#lic Meeting $oom, Administration % $ecords Building, Court Street,

Morristown, New Jersey& The meeting #egan at '() *&m&

Cler+ of the Board iane M& -etchum announced that ade.uate notice of

this regular meeting held the 25th day of March, 2!5 has #een *ro/ided

through resolution ado*ted #y this Board at its Stated Annual Meeting held at

the Administration and $ecords Building on January 2, 2!5 and #y electronic

mailing to the Star 0edger, the aily $ecord and the $ecord, through *osting

on the County we#site and #y filing a co*y of same with the Morris County

Cler+ and the Cler+ of this Board&


"$1S1NT( Freeholders ouglas Ca#ana, John Cesaro, John -ric+us,

an+ 0yon, Thomas Mastrangelo and irector -athy eFilli**o 3'4

ABS1NT( Freeholder a/id Sca*icchio 3!4

A0S "$1S1NT( County Administrator John Bonanni, Assistant CountyAdministrator Cathy Burd, County Counsel

an 6Mullan, Assistant County Counsel $andy Bush and

Cler+ of the Board iane M& -etchum



County Counsel an 6Mullan o*ened the meeting with a *rayer and a

salute to the flag&



1rin eller, 8irl Scout Troo* 9:!5, Morristown Ser/ice ;nit

$e#ecca 0al+, 8irl Scout Troo* 9:!5, Morristown Ser/ice ;nit



January 29 and Fe#ruary !!, 2!5 1<ecuti/e =or+ Session Meeting Minutes

Fe#ruary 25, 2!5 =or+ Session Meeting Minutes

n motion #y Freeholder 0yon and seconded #y Freeholder Cesaro the

minutes were a**ro/ed&



!& Confirming>ratifying and a**ro/ing the action of the Freeholder Board to

a**ro/e a re.uest from the arding Townshi* "olice e*artment to

tem*orarily close a *ortion of 8len Al*in $oad 3C$ ?:?4 #y the New

@ernon Cemetery on Saturday, March 2! from ( a&m& to !2 noon&

2& The o/er $enaissance Fi/e -ilometer $un grou* is as+ing *ermission to

close a *ortion of Blac+well Street and South Salem Street for

a**ro<imately '5 minutes on Saturday, August 9 from 9() to (:5 a&m&

for the 5- fundraiser run&

)& The Tri7Town 0ittle 0eague will #e holding its annual o*ening day *arade

on Saturday, A*ril !9, at !( a&m& and is as+ing *ermission to close a

*ortion of Main Street in Boonton for the duration of the *arade&

:& The Borough of =harton is as+ing *ermission to close a *ortion of Main

Street on Saturday, A*ril !9 for the annual Base#all *ening ay "arade

that will start at ( a&m& and end #y !( a&m&

5& The istoric Chester Business Association is as+ing *ermission to hang

#anners across $oute 5!) 3Main Street4 in the Borough of Chester for the

following occasions(


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• May ! May 2 !5th Annual Car Show Banner

• cto#er 2 cto#er ! )2nd Annual ar/est

Cele#ration Banner

• No/em#er !) ecem#er 2? Sho* Small Business>

oliday Festi/ities


• No/em#er 2 January ), 2!5 oliday ecorations 0it Streetline

N1= for 2!5(

• June 2? July !) !st Annual "erry Street Food

Festi/al Series


• July 2: August ! !st Annual "erry Street Food

Festi/al Series


• Se*tem#er : Se*tem#er 2! !st Annual "erry Street Food

Festi/al Series


• cto#er 2 cto#er ! !st Annual "erry Street Food

Festi/al SeriesBanner

?& The St& @incent de "aul Church is as+ing *ermission to hang a #anner

across @alley $oad 3C$ 5!24 in 0ong ill Townshi* starting May ! until

June ! to ad/ertise the church6s annual s*ring carni/al fundraiser&

'& The Broo+side Community Clu# is re.uesting *ermission to hang a #anner

across Main Street 3C$ 5!4 in Mendham Townshi* from No/em#er ? 2) to

announce the Broo+side Community Clu# Annual oliday Bouti.ue&

9& The Chatham Borough "olice e*artment is as+ing *ermission to #riefly

close a *ortion of Fairmount A/enue 3C$ ?)94 and *ortions of North

"assaic A/enue 3C$ ?'4 the morning of July : for the *arade&

& The Chester70ong @alley $otary Clu# is as+ing *ermission to hang a

#anner across Main Street 3C$ 5!)4 in Chester Borough starting on June

5 through cto#er : 3#ased on a/aila#ility with Chester Borough during

that time *eriod4 to announce the Chester Farmers Mar+et&

!& The Chester Merchants Association is as+ing *ermission to hang a #anner

across Main Street 3County $oute 5!)4 in Chester Borough to announce the

2nd Annual Chester =ine and Food Festi/al ta+ing *lace June 2th and 2!st&

The #anner would #e hung u* two wee+s *rior to the e/ent and ta+en down

three days afterwards&

!!& The o/er Memorial Association is as+ing *ermission to close a *ortion

of Blac+well Street in o/er on Monday, May 25 #etween !( *&m& to )(*&m& to conduct the annual Memorial ay "arade&

!2& The 0ong ill Cham#er of Commerce is as+ing *ermission to close a

*ortion of 0ong ill $oad 3County $oute ?54 on Sunday, June ' 3rain

date June !:4 from a&m& to : *&m& to hold the Millington owntown ay&

They also see+ *ermission to hang a #anner across @alley $oad 3County

route 5!24 in 0ong ill Townshi* from May 25 to June ' to ad/ertise the


!)& The Netcong Fire Com*any No& ! is as+ing *ermission to use the

intersection at Allen Street 3County $oute ?)!4 and 0edgewood A/e& for

their annual Coin ro*D fundraiser for the following dates(

Friday, May 22 from 2() to '() *&m&

Saturday, May 2) from 9( a&m& to )() *&m& and

Sunday, May 2: from 9( a&m& to !( *&m&

n motion #y Freeholder 0yon and seconded #y Freeholder Mastrangelo, the

re.uest was a**ro/ed&





irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider the introduction #y

title an ordinance&D


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Freeholder 0yon stated( E would li+e to introduce #y title an

ordinance entitled, BN $ENANC1 AM1NEN8 BN $ENANC1 N;MB1$1 ?2):) F

T1 C;NTG F M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G FENA00G A"T1 MAG !:, 2!:, EN $1$ T


Freeholder Ca#ana stated( E second the motion&D

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form in the local news*a*er together with the notice of

*u#lic hearing and consideration of final *assage of this rdinance which will

ta+e *lace at the Freeholder meeting to #e held at the Administration and

$ecords Building, Morristown, New Jersey, on A*ril 9, 2!5 at '() *&m&

Freeholder Ca#ana stated( E second the motion,D which *assed with si<

G1S /otes&




irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled CA"ETA0 EM"$@1M1NT F;N $ENANC1 A""$"$EATEN8

I5, F$ T1 $1"0AC1M1NT F S"$EN-01$ 1AS F$ T1 1"A$TM1NT F "0ANNEN8

AN ";B0EC =$-S&6D

Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G AS F00=S(

Section !& The *ur*oses descri#ed in Section 2 of this Ca*ital

Em*ro/ement Fund rdinance are here#y authoriHed to #e made #y the County of

Morris, New Jersey& There is here#y a**ro*riated from the Ca*ital Em*ro/ement

Fund the sum of I5, for the hereinafter designated *ur*oses&

Section 2& The *ur*oses authoriHed herein are the re*lacement of

s*rin+ler heads for the de*artment of "lanning and "u#lic =or+s&

Section )& Et is the o*inion of this Board of Chosen Freeholders that

the a**ro*riation from the Ca*ital Em*ro/ement Fund and the use of thea**ro*riation for said *ur*oses are in the #est interest of the County of


Section :& This Ca*ital Em*ro/ement Fund rdinance shall ta+e effect

u*on final *assage in *u#lication in accordance with the law&

irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tionthe ordinance entitled CA"ETA0 EM"$@1M1NT F;N $ENANC1 A""$"$EATEN8


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I'5, F$ $10CATEN CSTS =ETEN T1 1"A$TM1NT F "0ANNEN8 % ";B0EC


Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G AS F00=S(

Section !& The *ur*oses descri#ed in Section 2 of this Ca*ital

Em*ro/ement Fund rdinance are here#y authoriHed to #e made #y the County of

Morris, New Jersey& There is here#y a**ro*riated from the Ca*ital Em*ro/ement

Fund the sum of I'5, for the hereinafter designated *ur*oses&

Section 2& The *ur*oses authoriHed within the de*artment of "lanning

and "u#lic =or+s are the costs for the eritage Commission to #e relocated to

the County 0i#rary&

Section )& Et is the o*inion of this Board of Chosen Freeholders that

the a**ro*riation from the Ca*ital Em*ro/ement Fund and the use of the

a**ro*riation for said *ur*oses are in the #est interest of the County of


Section :& This Ca*ital Em*ro/ement Fund rdinance shall ta+e effect

u*on final *assage in *u#lication in accordance with the law&

irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled CA"ETA0 EM"$@1M1NT F;N $ENANC1 A""$"$EATEN8

I!!, F$ T1 $1"0AC1M1NT F F;$ 3:4 @A0@1S F$ T1 1"A$TM1NT F "0ANNEN8AN ";B0EC =$-S&6D

Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G AS F00=S(

Section !& The *ur*oses descri#ed in Section 2 of this Ca*ital

Em*ro/ement Fund rdinance are here#y authoriHed to #e made #y the County of

Morris, New Jersey& There is here#y a**ro*riated from the Ca*ital Em*ro/ement

Fund the sum of I!!, for the hereinafter designated *ur*oses&

Section 2& The *ur*oses authoriHed herein are the re*lacement of four

3:4 outside Stem and Gol+ /al/es for the de*artment of "lanning and "u#lic


Section )& Et is the o*inion of this Board of Chosen Freeholders that

the a**ro*riation from the Ca*ital Em*ro/ement Fund and the use of the

a**ro*riation for said *ur*oses are in the #est interest of the County of


Section :& This Ca*ital Em*ro/ement Fund rdinance shall ta+e effect

u*on final *assage in *u#lication in accordance with the law&

irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&


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Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled BN $ENANC1 "$@EEN8 F$ T1 AC;ESETEN F

1;E"M1NT, T$;C-S AN S"$TS ;TE0ETG @1EC01S F$ T1 1"A$TM1NT F "0ANNEN8

AN ";B0EC =$-S EN AN BG T1 C;NTG F M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G, A""$"$EATEN8I955, T1$1F$ AN A;T$EKEN8 T1 ESS;ANC1 F I9!:, BNS $ NT1S F


Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G 3not less than two7thirds of all mem#ers thereof

affirmati/ely concurring4 AS F00=S(

Section !& The im*ro/ement descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond

ordinance is here#y authoriHed to #e underta+en #y the County of Morris, New

Jersey 3the LCountyL4 as a general im*ro/ement& For the im*ro/ement or

*ur*ose descri#ed in Section )3a4, there is here#y a**ro*riated the sum of

I955,, including the sum of I:!, as the down *ayment re.uired #y the

0ocal Bond 0aw& The down *ayment is now a/aila#le #y /irtue of *ro/ision for

down *ayment or for ca*ital im*ro/ement *ur*oses in one or more *re/iously

ado*ted #udgets&

Section 2& En order to finance the cost of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose

not co/ered #y a**lication of the down *ayment, negotia#le #onds are here#y

authoriHed to #e issued in the *rinci*al amount of I9!:, *ursuant to the

0ocal Bond 0aw& En antici*ation of the issuance of the #onds, negotia#le #ond

antici*ation notes are here#y authoriHed to #e issued *ursuant to and within

the limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

Section )& 3a4 The im*ro/ement here#y authoriHed and the *ur*ose for

the financing of which the #onds are to #e issued is the ac.uisition ofe.ui*ment, truc+s and non7*assenger utility /ehicles for the e*artment of

"lanning and "u#lic =or+s, including all related costs and e<*enditures

incidental thereto&

3#4 The estimated ma<imum amount of #onds or #ond antici*ation notes to

#e issued for the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose is as stated in Section 2 hereof&

3c4 The estimated cost of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose is e.ual to the

amount of the a**ro*riation herein made therefor&

Section :& All #ond antici*ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at

such times as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance *ro/ided

that no #ond antici*ation note shall mature later than one year from its date&

The #ond antici*ation notes shall #ear interest at such rate or rates and #e

in such form as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance& The

County irector of Finance shall determine all matters in connection with #ond

antici*ation notes issued *ursuant to this #ond ordinance, and the County

irector of Finances signature u*on the #ond antici*ation notes shall #e

conclusi/e e/idence as to all such determinations& All #ond antici*ation

notes issued hereunder may #e renewed from time to time su#Oect to the

*ro/isions of the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The County irector of Finance is here#y

authoriHed to sell *art or all of the #ond antici*ation notes from time to

time at *u#lic or *ri/ate sale and to deli/er them to the *urchasers thereof

u*on recei*t of *ayment of the *urchase *rice *lus accrued interest from their

dates to the date of deli/ery thereof& The County irector of Finance is

directed to re*ort in writing to the go/erning #ody at the meeting ne<t

succeeding the date when any sale or deli/ery of the #ond antici*ation notes*ursuant to this #ond ordinance is made& Such re*ort must include the amount,


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the descri*tion, the interest rate and the maturity schedule of the #ond

antici*ation notes sold, the *rice o#tained and the name of the *urchaser&

Section 5& The County here#y certifies that it has ado*ted a ca*ital

#udget or a tem*orary ca*ital #udget, as a**lica#le& The ca*ital or tem*orary

ca*ital #udget of the County is here#y amended to conform with the *ro/isions

of this #ond ordinance to the e<tent of any inconsistency herewith& To the

e<tent that the *ur*oses authoriHed herein are inconsistent with the ado*ted

ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital #udget, a re/ised ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital

#udget has #een filed with the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices&

Section ?& The following additional matters are here#y determined,

declared, recited and stated(

3a4 The im*ro/ement or *ur*ose descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond

ordinance is not a current e<*ense& Et is an im*ro/ement or *ur*ose that the

County may lawfully underta+e as a general im*ro/ement, and no *art of the

cost thereof has #een or shall #e s*ecially assessed on *ro*erty s*ecially

#enefitted there#y&

3#4 The *eriod of usefulness of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose within thelimitations of the 0ocal Bond 0aw, according to the reasona#le life thereof

com*uted from the date of the #onds authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance, is 5


3c4 The Su**lemental e#t Statement re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw has

#een duly *re*ared and filed in the office of the Cler+ of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders, and a com*lete e<ecuted du*licate thereof has #een filed in the

office of the irector of the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices in the

e*artment of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey& Such statement

shows that the gross de#t of the County as defined in the 0ocal Bond 0aw is

increased #y the authoriHation of the #onds and notes *ro/ided in this #ond

ordinance #y I9!:,, and the o#ligations authoriHed herein will #e within

all de#t limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

3d4 An aggregate amount not e<ceeding I!, for items of e<*ense

listed in and *ermitted under N&J&S&A& :A(272 is included in the estimated

cost indicated herein for the *ur*ose or im*ro/ement&

Section '& The County here#y declares the intent of the County to issue

#onds or #ond antici*ation notes in the amount authoriHed in Section 2 of this

#ond ordinance and to use the *roceeds to *ay or reim#urse e<*enditures for

the costs of the *ur*oses descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond ordinance&

This Section ' is a declaration of intent within the meaning and for *ur*oses

of Treasury $egulations&

Section 9& Any grant moneys recei/ed for the *ur*ose descri#ed in

Section ) hereof shall #e a**lied either to direct *ayment of the cost of theim*ro/ement or to *ayment of the o#ligations issued *ursuant to this #ond

ordinance& The amount of o#ligations authoriHed #ut not issued hereunder

shall #e reduced to the e<tent that such funds are so used&

Section & The County irector of Finance is here#y authoriHed to

*re*are and to u*date from time to time as necessary a financial disclosure

document to #e distri#uted in connection with the sale of o#ligations of the

County and to e<ecute such disclosure document on #ehalf of the County& The

County irector of Finance is further authoriHed to enter into the a**ro*riate

underta+ing to *ro/ide secondary mar+et disclosure on #ehalf of the County

*ursuant to $ule !5c27!2 of the Securities and 1<change Commission 3the

A$uleP4 for the #enefit of holders and #eneficial owners of o#ligations of the

County and to amend such underta+ing from time to time in connection with any

change in law, or inter*retation thereof, *ro/ided such underta+ing is and

continues to #e, in the o*inion of a nationally recogniHed #ond counsel,

consistent with the re.uirements of the $ule& En the e/ent that the County

fails to com*ly with its underta+ing, the County shall not #e lia#le for any

monetary damages, and the remedy shall #e limited to s*ecific *erformance of

the underta+ing&

Section !& The full faith and credit of the County are here#y *ledged

to the *unctual *ayment of the *rinci*al of and the interest on the

o#ligations authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance& The o#ligations shall #e

direct, unlimited o#ligations of the County, and the County shall #e o#ligated

to le/y ad /alorem ta<es u*on all the ta<a#le real *ro*erty within the County

for the *ayment of the o#ligations and the interest thereon without limitation

of rate or amount&


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Section !!& This #ond ordinance shall ta+e effect 2 days after the

first *u#lication thereof after final ado*tion, as *ro/ided #y the 0ocal Bond


irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled BN $ENANC1 "$@EEN8 F$ T1 AC;ESETEN F


C;NTG F M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G, A""$"$EATEN8 I)?5, T1$1F$ AN A;T$EKEN8


CST T1$1F&6D

Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G 3not less than two7thirds of all mem#ers thereof

affirmati/ely concurring4 AS F00=S(

Section !& The se/eral im*ro/ements descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance are here#y res*ecti/ely authoriHed to #e underta+en #y the County of

Morris, New Jersey 3the LCountyL4 as general im*ro/ements& For the se/eral

im*ro/ements or *ur*oses descri#ed in Section ), there are here#y a**ro*riated

the res*ecti/e sums of money therein stated as the a**ro*riation made for each

im*ro/ement or *ur*ose, such sums amounting in the aggregate to I)?5,, and

further including the aggregate sum of I!9, as the se/eral down *ayments

for the im*ro/ements or *ur*oses re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The down

*ayments ha/e #een made a/aila#le #y /irtue of *ro/ision for down *ayment or

for ca*ital im*ro/ement *ur*oses in one or more *re/iously ado*ted #udgets&

Section 2& En order to finance the cost of the se/eral im*ro/ements or

*ur*oses not co/ered #y a**lication of the se/eral down *ayments and the

County Funds referred to in Section ! hereof, negotia#le #onds are here#y

authoriHed to #e issued in the *rinci*al amount of I):', *ursuant to the

0ocal Bond 0aw& En antici*ation of the issuance of the #onds, negotia#le #ond

antici*ation notes are here#y authoriHed to #e issued *ursuant to and within

the limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

Section )& The se/eral im*ro/ements here#y authoriHed and the se/eral

*ur*oses for which the #onds are to #e issued, the estimated cost of each

im*ro/ement and the a**ro*riation therefor, the estimated ma<imum amount of

#onds or notes to #e issued for each im*ro/ement and the *eriod of usefulness

of each im*ro/ement are as follows(


A**ro*riation %

1stimated Cost


Ma<imum Amount

of Bonds % Notes

"eriod of


a4 The ac.uisition of

/arious /ehicles, including

#ut not limited to, cargo

/ans, *ic+7u* truc+s and

dum* truc+s, including all

related costs and

e<*enditures incidental


#4 Em*ro/ements to the

Access Control and ClosedCircuit T@ System,

I!, I!9,? 5 years


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including all related costs

and e<*enditures incidental

thereto and further

including all wor+ and

materials necessary

therefor and incidental


I), I29,55 ! years

c4 Masonry restoration at

/arious County #uildings,

including, #ut not limited

to #ric+ facades, sidewal+s

and cur#ing, including all

wor+ and materials

necessary therefor and

incidental thereto&

d4 The ac.uisition and

installation of *edestrian

and garage doors, including

all related costs ande<*enditures incidental






! years

!5 years

TTA0( I)?5, I):',

The e<cess of the a**ro*riation made for each of the im*ro/ements or

*ur*oses aforesaid o/er the estimated ma<imum amount of #onds or notes to #e

issued therefor, as a#o/e stated, is the amount of the down *ayment for each


Section :& All #ond antici*ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at

such times as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance *ro/ided

that no #ond antici*ation note shall mature later than one year from its date&

The #ond antici*ation notes shall #ear interest at such rate or rates and #e

in such form as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance& The

County irector of Finance shall determine all matters in connection with #ond

antici*ation notes issued *ursuant to this #ond ordinance, and the County

irector of Finances signature u*on the #ond antici*ation notes shall #e

conclusi/e e/idence as to all such determinations& All #ond antici*ation

notes issued hereunder may #e renewed from time to time su#Oect to the

*ro/isions of the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The County irector of Finance is here#y

authoriHed to sell *art or all of the #ond antici*ation notes from time to

time at *u#lic or *ri/ate sale and to deli/er them to the *urchasers thereof

u*on recei*t of *ayment of the *urchase *rice *lus accrued interest from their

dates to the date of deli/ery thereof& The County irector of Finance is

directed to re*ort in writing to the go/erning #ody at the meeting ne<t

succeeding the date when any sale or deli/ery of the #ond antici*ation notes*ursuant to this #ond ordinance is made& Such re*ort must include the amount,

the descri*tion, the interest rate and the maturity schedule of the #ond

antici*ation notes sold, the *rice o#tained and the name of the *urchaser&

Section 5& The County here#y certifies that it has ado*ted a ca*ital

#udget or a tem*orary ca*ital #udget, as a**lica#le& The ca*ital or tem*orary

ca*ital #udget of the County is here#y amended to conform with the *ro/isions

of this #ond ordinance to the e<tent of any inconsistency herewith& To the

e<tent that the *ur*oses authoriHed herein are inconsistent with the ado*ted

ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital #udget, a re/ised ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital

#udget has #een filed with the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices&

Section ?& The following additional matters are here#y determined,

declared, recited and stated(

3a4 The im*ro/ements or *ur*oses descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance are not current e<*enses& They are all im*ro/ements or *ur*oses

that the County may lawfully underta+e as general im*ro/ements, and no *art of

the cost thereof has #een or shall #e s*ecially assessed on *ro*erty s*ecially

#enefitted there#y&

3#4 The a/erage *eriod of usefulness, com*uted on the #asis of the

res*ecti/e amounts of o#ligations authoriHed for each *ur*ose and the

reasona#le life thereof within the limitations of the 0ocal Bond 0aw, is 9&2!


3c4 The Su**lemental e#t Statement re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw has#een duly *re*ared and filed in the office of the Cler+, and a com*lete


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e<ecuted du*licate thereof has #een filed in the office of the irector of the

i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices in the e*artment of Community Affairs

of the State of New Jersey& Such statement shows that the gross de#t of the

County as defined in the 0ocal Bond 0aw is increased #y the authoriHation of

the #onds and notes *ro/ided in this #ond ordinance #y I):',, and the

o#ligations authoriHed herein will #e within all de#t limitations *rescri#ed

#y that 0aw&

3d4 An aggregate amount not e<ceeding I!, for items of e<*ense

listed in and *ermitted under N&J&S&A& :A(272 is included in the estimated

cost indicated herein for the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements&

Section '& The County here#y declares the intent of the County to issue

#onds or #ond antici*ation notes in the amount authoriHed in Section 2 of this

#ond ordinance and to use the *roceeds to *ay or reim#urse e<*enditures for

the costs of the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance& This Section ' is a declaration of intent within the meaning and

for *ur*oses of Treasury $egulations&

Section 9& Any grant moneys recei/ed for the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements

descri#ed in Section ) hereof shall #e a**lied either to direct *ayment of thecost of the im*ro/ements or, if other than the County Funds referred to in

Section ! hereof, to *ayment of the o#ligations issued *ursuant to this #ond

ordinance& The amount of o#ligations authoriHed #ut not issued hereunder

shall #e reduced to the e<tent that such funds are so used&

Section & The County irector of Finance is here#y authoriHed to

*re*are and to u*date from time to time as necessary a financial disclosure

document to #e distri#uted in connection with the sale of o#ligations of the

County and to e<ecute such disclosure document on #ehalf of the County& The

County irector of Finance is further authoriHed to enter into the a**ro*riate

underta+ing to *ro/ide secondary mar+et disclosure on #ehalf of the County

*ursuant to $ule !5c27!2 of the Securities and 1<change Commission 3the

A$uleP4 for the #enefit of holders and #eneficial owners of o#ligations of the

County and to amend such underta+ing from time to time in connection with any

change in law, or inter*retation thereof, *ro/ided such underta+ing is and

continues to #e, in the o*inion of a nationally recogniHed #ond counsel,

consistent with the re.uirements of the $ule& En the e/ent that the County

fails to com*ly with its underta+ing, the County shall not #e lia#le for any

monetary damages, and the remedy shall #e limited to s*ecific *erformance of

the underta+ing&

Section !& The full faith and credit of the County are here#y *ledged

to the *unctual *ayment of the *rinci*al of and the interest on the

o#ligations authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance& The o#ligations shall #e

direct, unlimited o#ligations of the County, and the County shall #e o#ligated

to le/y ad /alorem ta<es u*on all the ta<a#le real *ro*erty within the County

for the *ayment of the o#ligations and the interest thereon without limitationof rate or amount&

Section !!& This #ond ordinance shall ta+e effect 2 days after the

first *u#lication thereof after final ado*tion, as *ro/ided #y the 0ocal Bond


irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled BN $ENANC1 "$@EEN8 F$ @A$E;S CA"ETA0EM"$@1M1NTS EN AN BG T1 C;NTG F M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G, A""$"$EATEN8


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I!,)5, T1$1F$ AN A;T$EKEN8 T1 ESS;ANC1 F I!,295, BNS $ NT1S


Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G 3not less than two7thirds of all mem#ers thereof

affirmati/ely concurring4 AS F00=S(

Section !& The se/eral im*ro/ements descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance are here#y res*ecti/ely authoriHed to #e underta+en #y the County of

Morris, New Jersey 3the LCountyL4 as general im*ro/ements& For the se/eral

im*ro/ements or *ur*oses descri#ed in Section ), there are here#y a**ro*riated

the res*ecti/e sums of money therein stated as the a**ro*riation made for each

im*ro/ement or *ur*ose, such sums amounting in the aggregate to I!,)5,,

and further including the aggregate sum of I?5, as the se/eral down

*ayments for the im*ro/ements or *ur*oses re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The

down *ayments ha/e #een made a/aila#le #y /irtue of *ro/ision for down *ayment

or for ca*ital im*ro/ement *ur*oses in one or more *re/iously ado*ted #udgets&

Section 2& En order to finance the cost of the se/eral im*ro/ements or*ur*oses not co/ered #y a**lication of the se/eral down *ayments and the

County Funds referred to in Section ! hereof, negotia#le #onds are here#y

authoriHed to #e issued in the *rinci*al amount of I!,295, *ursuant to the

0ocal Bond 0aw& En antici*ation of the issuance of the #onds, negotia#le #ond

antici*ation notes are here#y authoriHed to #e issued *ursuant to and within

the limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

Section )& The se/eral im*ro/ements here#y authoriHed and the se/eral

*ur*oses for which the #onds are to #e issued, the estimated cost of each

im*ro/ement and the a**ro*riation therefor, the estimated ma<imum amount of

#onds or notes to #e issued for each im*ro/ement and the *eriod of usefulness

of each im*ro/ement are as follows(


A**ro*riation %

1stimated Cost


Ma<imum Amount

of Bonds % Notes

"eriod of


a4 @arious #uilding

im*ro/ements, including,

#ut not limited to, Atrium

u*grades, window

re*lacements, the

ac.uisition of fences,

gates, ceiling and wood

structures, outside

furniture, motors, fans,

*um*s, and *lum#ing

fi<tures, ele/atoru*grades, and re*airs to

A%$ *ar+ing garage,

including all wor+ and

materials necessary

therefor and incidental

thereto and further

including all related costs

and e<*enditures incidental


#4 The ac.uisition of

office furniture and the

ac.uisition and

installation of car*et and

flooring, including all

related costs and

e<*enditures incidental

thereto and further

including all wor+ and

materials necessary

therefor and incidental






!5 years

5 years

TTA0( I!,)5, I!,295,

The e<cess of the a**ro*riation made for each of the im*ro/ements or

*ur*oses aforesaid o/er the estimated ma<imum amount of #onds or notes to #e


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issued therefor, as a#o/e stated, is the amount of the down *ayment for each


Section :& All #ond antici*ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at

such times as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance *ro/ided

that no #ond antici*ation note shall mature later than one year from its date&

The #ond antici*ation notes shall #ear interest at such rate or rates and #e

in such form as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance& The

County irector of Finance shall determine all matters in connection with #ond

antici*ation notes issued *ursuant to this #ond ordinance, and the County

irector of Finances signature u*on the #ond antici*ation notes shall #e

conclusi/e e/idence as to all such determinations& All #ond antici*ation

notes issued hereunder may #e renewed from time to time su#Oect to the

*ro/isions of the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The County irector of Finance is here#y

authoriHed to sell *art or all of the #ond antici*ation notes from time to

time at *u#lic or *ri/ate sale and to deli/er them to the *urchasers thereof

u*on recei*t of *ayment of the *urchase *rice *lus accrued interest from their

dates to the date of deli/ery thereof& The County irector of Finance is

directed to re*ort in writing to the go/erning #ody at the meeting ne<t

succeeding the date when any sale or deli/ery of the #ond antici*ation notes

*ursuant to this #ond ordinance is made& Such re*ort must include the amount,the descri*tion, the interest rate and the maturity schedule of the #ond

antici*ation notes sold, the *rice o#tained and the name of the *urchaser&

Section 5& The County here#y certifies that it has ado*ted a ca*ital

#udget or a tem*orary ca*ital #udget, as a**lica#le& The ca*ital or tem*orary

ca*ital #udget of the County is here#y amended to conform with the *ro/isions

of this #ond ordinance to the e<tent of any inconsistency herewith& To the

e<tent that the *ur*oses authoriHed herein are inconsistent with the ado*ted

ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital #udget, a re/ised ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital

#udget has #een filed with the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices&

Section ?& The following additional matters are here#y determined,

declared, recited and stated(

3a4 The im*ro/ements or *ur*oses descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance are not current e<*enses& They are all im*ro/ements or *ur*oses

that the County may lawfully underta+e as general im*ro/ements, and no *art of

the cost thereof has #een or shall #e s*ecially assessed on *ro*erty s*ecially

#enefitted there#y&

3#4 The a/erage *eriod of usefulness, com*uted on the #asis of the

res*ecti/e amounts of o#ligations authoriHed for each *ur*ose and the

reasona#le life thereof within the limitations of the 0ocal Bond 0aw, is !)&5


3c4 The Su**lemental e#t Statement re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw has

#een duly *re*ared and filed in the office of the Cler+, and a com*lete

e<ecuted du*licate thereof has #een filed in the office of the irector of thei/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices in the e*artment of Community Affairs

of the State of New Jersey& Such statement shows that the gross de#t of the

County as defined in the 0ocal Bond 0aw is increased #y the authoriHation of

the #onds and notes *ro/ided in this #ond ordinance #y I!,295,, and the

o#ligations authoriHed herein will #e within all de#t limitations *rescri#ed

#y that 0aw&

3d4 An aggregate amount not e<ceeding I!5, for items of e<*ense

listed in and *ermitted under N&J&S&A& :A(272 is included in the estimated

cost indicated herein for the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements&

Section '& The County here#y declares the intent of the County to issue

#onds or #ond antici*ation notes in the amount authoriHed in Section 2 of this

#ond ordinance and to use the *roceeds to *ay or reim#urse e<*enditures for

the costs of the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance& This Section ' is a declaration of intent within the meaning and

for *ur*oses of Treasury $egulations&

Section 9& Any grant moneys recei/ed for the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements

descri#ed in Section ) hereof shall #e a**lied either to direct *ayment of the

cost of the im*ro/ements or, if other than the County Funds referred to in

Section ! hereof, to *ayment of the o#ligations issued *ursuant to this #ond

ordinance& The amount of o#ligations authoriHed #ut not issued hereunder

shall #e reduced to the e<tent that such funds are so used&

Section & The County irector of Finance is here#y authoriHed to

*re*are and to u*date from time to time as necessary a financial disclosuredocument to #e distri#uted in connection with the sale of o#ligations of the


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County and to e<ecute such disclosure document on #ehalf of the County& The

County irector of Finance is further authoriHed to enter into the a**ro*riate

underta+ing to *ro/ide secondary mar+et disclosure on #ehalf of the County

*ursuant to $ule !5c27!2 of the Securities and 1<change Commission 3the

A$uleP4 for the #enefit of holders and #eneficial owners of o#ligations of the

County and to amend such underta+ing from time to time in connection with any

change in law, or inter*retation thereof, *ro/ided such underta+ing is and

continues to #e, in the o*inion of a nationally recogniHed #ond counsel,

consistent with the re.uirements of the $ule& En the e/ent that the County

fails to com*ly with its underta+ing, the County shall not #e lia#le for any

monetary damages, and the remedy shall #e limited to s*ecific *erformance of

the underta+ing&

Section !& The full faith and credit of the County are here#y *ledged

to the *unctual *ayment of the *rinci*al of and the interest on the

o#ligations authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance& The o#ligations shall #e

direct, unlimited o#ligations of the County, and the County shall #e o#ligated

to le/y ad /alorem ta<es u*on all the ta<a#le real *ro*erty within the County

for the *ayment of the o#ligations and the interest thereon without limitation

of rate or amount&

Section !!& This #ond ordinance shall ta+e effect 2 days after the

first *u#lication thereof after final ado*tion, as *ro/ided #y the 0ocal Bond


irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled BN $ENANC1 "$@EEN8 F$ T1 CNST$;CTEN F A

"01 BA$N AT T1 ";B0EC SAF1TG CM"01Q EN AN BG T1 C;NTG F M$$ES, N1=J1$S1G, A""$"$EATEN8 I)5, T1$1F$ AN A;T$EKEN8 T1 ESS;ANC1 F

I))), BNS $ NT1S F T1 C;NTG T FENANC1 "A$T F T1 CST T1$1F&6D

Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G 3not less than two7thirds of all mem#ers thereof

affirmati/ely concurring4 AS F00=S(

Section !& The im*ro/ement descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond

ordinance is here#y authoriHed to #e underta+en #y the County of Morris, New

Jersey 3the LCountyL4 as a general im*ro/ement& For the im*ro/ement or

*ur*ose descri#ed in Section )3a4, there is here#y a**ro*riated the sum of

I)5,, including the sum of I!', as the down *ayment re.uired #y the

0ocal Bond 0aw& The down *ayment is now a/aila#le #y /irtue of *ro/ision for

down *ayment or for ca*ital im*ro/ement *ur*oses in one or more *re/iously

ado*ted #udgets&

Section 2& En order to finance the cost of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose

not co/ered #y a**lication of the down *ayment, negotia#le #onds are here#y

authoriHed to #e issued in the *rinci*al amount of I))), *ursuant to the

0ocal Bond 0aw& En antici*ation of the issuance of the #onds, negotia#le #ond

antici*ation notes are here#y authoriHed to #e issued *ursuant to and within

the limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

Section )& 3a4 The im*ro/ement here#y authoriHed and the *ur*ose for

the financing of which the #onds are to #e issued is the construction of a


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*ole #arn at the "u#lic Safety Com*le<, including all wor+, e.ui*ment and

materials necessary therefor and incidental thereto&

3#4 The estimated ma<imum amount of #onds or #ond antici*ation notes to

#e issued for the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose is as stated in Section 2 hereof&

3c4 The estimated cost of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose is e.ual to the

amount of the a**ro*riation herein made therefor&

Section :& All #ond antici*ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at

such times as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance *ro/ided

that no #ond antici*ation note shall mature later than one year from its date&

The #ond antici*ation notes shall #ear interest at such rate or rates and #e

in such form as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance& The

County irector of Finance shall determine all matters in connection with #ond

antici*ation notes issued *ursuant to this #ond ordinance, and the County

irector of Finances signature u*on the #ond antici*ation notes shall #e

conclusi/e e/idence as to all such determinations& All #ond antici*ation

notes issued hereunder may #e renewed from time to time su#Oect to the

*ro/isions of the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The County irector of Finance is here#y

authoriHed to sell *art or all of the #ond antici*ation notes from time totime at *u#lic or *ri/ate sale and to deli/er them to the *urchasers thereof

u*on recei*t of *ayment of the *urchase *rice *lus accrued interest from their

dates to the date of deli/ery thereof& The County irector of Finance is

directed to re*ort in writing to the go/erning #ody at the meeting ne<t

succeeding the date when any sale or deli/ery of the #ond antici*ation notes

*ursuant to this #ond ordinance is made& Such re*ort must include the amount,

the descri*tion, the interest rate and the maturity schedule of the #ond

antici*ation notes sold, the *rice o#tained and the name of the *urchaser&

Section 5& The County here#y certifies that it has ado*ted a ca*ital

#udget or a tem*orary ca*ital #udget, as a**lica#le& The ca*ital or tem*orary

ca*ital #udget of the County is here#y amended to conform with the *ro/isions

of this #ond ordinance to the e<tent of any inconsistency herewith& To the

e<tent that the *ur*oses authoriHed herein are inconsistent with the ado*ted

ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital #udget, a re/ised ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital

#udget has #een filed with the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices&

Section ?& The following additional matters are here#y determined,

declared, recited and stated(

3a4 The im*ro/ement or *ur*ose descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond

ordinance is not a current e<*ense& Et is an im*ro/ement or *ur*ose that the

County may lawfully underta+e as a general im*ro/ement, and no *art of the

cost thereof has #een or shall #e s*ecially assessed on *ro*erty s*ecially

#enefitted there#y&

3#4 The *eriod of usefulness of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose within thelimitations of the 0ocal Bond 0aw, according to the reasona#le life thereof

com*uted from the date of the #onds authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance, is !5


3c4 The Su**lemental e#t Statement re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw has

#een duly *re*ared and filed in the office of the Cler+ of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders, and a com*lete e<ecuted du*licate thereof has #een filed in the

office of the irector of the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices in the

e*artment of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey& Such statement

shows that the gross de#t of the County as defined in the 0ocal Bond 0aw is

increased #y the authoriHation of the #onds and notes *ro/ided in this #ond

ordinance #y I))),, and the o#ligations authoriHed herein will #e within

all de#t limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

3d4 An aggregate amount not e<ceeding I!, for items of e<*ense

listed in and *ermitted under N&J&S&A& :A(272 is included in the estimated

cost indicated herein for the *ur*ose or im*ro/ement&

Section '& The County here#y declares the intent of the County to issue

#onds or #ond antici*ation notes in the amount authoriHed in Section 2 of this

#ond ordinance and to use the *roceeds to *ay or reim#urse e<*enditures for

the costs of the *ur*oses descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond ordinance&

This Section ' is a declaration of intent within the meaning and for *ur*oses

of Treasury $egulations&

Section 9& Any grant moneys recei/ed for the *ur*ose descri#ed in

Section ) hereof shall #e a**lied either to direct *ayment of the cost of theim*ro/ement or to *ayment of the o#ligations issued *ursuant to this #ond


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ordinance& The amount of o#ligations authoriHed #ut not issued hereunder

shall #e reduced to the e<tent that such funds are so used&

Section & The County irector of Finance is here#y authoriHed to

*re*are and to u*date from time to time as necessary a financial disclosure

document to #e distri#uted in connection with the sale of o#ligations of the

County and to e<ecute such disclosure document on #ehalf of the County& The

County irector of Finance is further authoriHed to enter into the a**ro*riate

underta+ing to *ro/ide secondary mar+et disclosure on #ehalf of the County

*ursuant to $ule !5c27!2 of the Securities and 1<change Commission 3the

A$uleP4 for the #enefit of holders and #eneficial owners of o#ligations of the

County and to amend such underta+ing from time to time in connection with any

change in law, or inter*retation thereof, *ro/ided such underta+ing is and

continues to #e, in the o*inion of a nationally recogniHed #ond counsel,

consistent with the re.uirements of the $ule& En the e/ent that the County

fails to com*ly with its underta+ing, the County shall not #e lia#le for any

monetary damages, and the remedy shall #e limited to s*ecific *erformance of

the underta+ing&

Section !& The full faith and credit of the County are here#y *ledged

to the *unctual *ayment of the *rinci*al of and the interest on theo#ligations authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance& The o#ligations shall #e

direct, unlimited o#ligations of the County, and the County shall #e o#ligated

to le/y ad /alorem ta<es u*on all the ta<a#le real *ro*erty within the County

for the *ayment of the o#ligations and the interest thereon without limitation

of rate or amount&

Section !!& This #ond ordinance shall ta+e effect 2 days after the

first *u#lication thereof after final ado*tion, as *ro/ided #y the 0ocal Bond


irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled BN $ENANC1 "$@EEN8 F$ $1"0ACM1NT, $1"AE$S AN


M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G, A""$"$EATEN8 I5'5, T1$1F$ AN A;T$EKEN8 T1



Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G 3not less than two7thirds of all mem#ers thereof

affirmati/ely concurring4 AS F00=S(

Section !& The im*ro/ement descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond

ordinance is here#y authoriHed to #e underta+en #y the County of Morris, New

Jersey 3the LCountyL4 as a general im*ro/ement& For the im*ro/ement or

*ur*ose descri#ed in Section )3a4, there is here#y a**ro*riated the sum of

I5'5,, including the sum of I29, as the down *ayment re.uired #y the

0ocal Bond 0aw& The down *ayment is now a/aila#le #y /irtue of *ro/ision for

down *ayment or for ca*ital im*ro/ement *ur*oses in one or more *re/iously

ado*ted #udgets&

Section 2& En order to finance the cost of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose

not co/ered #y a**lication of the down *ayment, negotia#le #onds are here#yauthoriHed to #e issued in the *rinci*al amount of I5:', *ursuant to the


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0ocal Bond 0aw& En antici*ation of the issuance of the #onds, negotia#le #ond

antici*ation notes are here#y authoriHed to #e issued *ursuant to and within

the limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

Section )& 3a4 The im*ro/ement here#y authoriHed and the *ur*ose for

the financing of which the #onds are to #e issued is re*lacement, re*airs and

u*grades to @AC systems at /arious County facilities, including, #ut not

limited to, roof air handlers and e.ui*ment and further including all wor+ and

materials necessary therefor and incidental thereto&

3#4 The estimated ma<imum amount of #onds or #ond antici*ation notes to

#e issued for the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose is as stated in Section 2 hereof&

3c4 The estimated cost of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose is e.ual to the

amount of the a**ro*riation herein made therefor&

Section :& All #ond antici*ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at

such times as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance *ro/ided

that no #ond antici*ation note shall mature later than one year from its date&

The #ond antici*ation notes shall #ear interest at such rate or rates and #e

in such form as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance& TheCounty irector of Finance shall determine all matters in connection with #ond

antici*ation notes issued *ursuant to this #ond ordinance, and the County

irector of Finances signature u*on the #ond antici*ation notes shall #e

conclusi/e e/idence as to all such determinations& All #ond antici*ation

notes issued hereunder may #e renewed from time to time su#Oect to the

*ro/isions of the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The County irector of Finance is here#y

authoriHed to sell *art or all of the #ond antici*ation notes from time to

time at *u#lic or *ri/ate sale and to deli/er them to the *urchasers thereof

u*on recei*t of *ayment of the *urchase *rice *lus accrued interest from their

dates to the date of deli/ery thereof& The County irector of Finance is

directed to re*ort in writing to the go/erning #ody at the meeting ne<t

succeeding the date when any sale or deli/ery of the #ond antici*ation notes

*ursuant to this #ond ordinance is made& Such re*ort must include the amount,

the descri*tion, the interest rate and the maturity schedule of the #ond

antici*ation notes sold, the *rice o#tained and the name of the *urchaser&

Section 5& The County here#y certifies that it has ado*ted a ca*ital

#udget or a tem*orary ca*ital #udget, as a**lica#le& The ca*ital or tem*orary

ca*ital #udget of the County is here#y amended to conform with the *ro/isions

of this #ond ordinance to the e<tent of any inconsistency herewith& To the

e<tent that the *ur*oses authoriHed herein are inconsistent with the ado*ted

ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital #udget, a re/ised ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital

#udget has #een filed with the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices&

Section ?& The following additional matters are here#y determined,

declared, recited and stated(

3a4 The im*ro/ement or *ur*ose descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond

ordinance is not a current e<*ense& Et is an im*ro/ement or *ur*ose that the

County may lawfully underta+e as a general im*ro/ement, and no *art of the

cost thereof has #een or shall #e s*ecially assessed on *ro*erty s*ecially

#enefitted there#y&

3#4 The *eriod of usefulness of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose within the

limitations of the 0ocal Bond 0aw, according to the reasona#le life thereof

com*uted from the date of the #onds authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance, is !5


3c4 The Su**lemental e#t Statement re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw has

#een duly *re*ared and filed in the office of the Cler+ of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders, and a com*lete e<ecuted du*licate thereof has #een filed in the

office of the irector of the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices in the

e*artment of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey& Such statement

shows that the gross de#t of the County as defined in the 0ocal Bond 0aw is

increased #y the authoriHation of the #onds and notes *ro/ided in this #ond

ordinance #y I5:',, and the o#ligations authoriHed herein will #e within

all de#t limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

3d4 An aggregate amount not e<ceeding I:!, for items of e<*ense

listed in and *ermitted under N&J&S&A& :A(272 is included in the estimated

cost indicated herein for the *ur*ose or im*ro/ement&

Section '& The County here#y declares the intent of the County to issue

#onds or #ond antici*ation notes in the amount authoriHed in Section 2 of this#ond ordinance and to use the *roceeds to *ay or reim#urse e<*enditures for


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the costs of the *ur*oses descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond ordinance&

This Section ' is a declaration of intent within the meaning and for *ur*oses

of Treasury $egulations&

Section 9& Any grant moneys recei/ed for the *ur*ose descri#ed in

Section ) hereof shall #e a**lied either to direct *ayment of the cost of the

im*ro/ement or to *ayment of the o#ligations issued *ursuant to this #ond

ordinance& The amount of o#ligations authoriHed #ut not issued hereunder

shall #e reduced to the e<tent that such funds are so used&

Section & The County irector of Finance is here#y authoriHed to

*re*are and to u*date from time to time as necessary a financial disclosure

document to #e distri#uted in connection with the sale of o#ligations of the

County and to e<ecute such disclosure document on #ehalf of the County& The

County irector of Finance is further authoriHed to enter into the a**ro*riate

underta+ing to *ro/ide secondary mar+et disclosure on #ehalf of the County

*ursuant to $ule !5c27!2 of the Securities and 1<change Commission 3the

A$uleP4 for the #enefit of holders and #eneficial owners of o#ligations of the

County and to amend such underta+ing from time to time in connection with any

change in law, or inter*retation thereof, *ro/ided such underta+ing is and

continues to #e, in the o*inion of a nationally recogniHed #ond counsel,consistent with the re.uirements of the $ule& En the e/ent that the County

fails to com*ly with its underta+ing, the County shall not #e lia#le for any

monetary damages, and the remedy shall #e limited to s*ecific *erformance of

the underta+ing&

Section !& The full faith and credit of the County are here#y *ledged

to the *unctual *ayment of the *rinci*al of and the interest on the

o#ligations authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance& The o#ligations shall #e

direct, unlimited o#ligations of the County, and the County shall #e o#ligated

to le/y ad /alorem ta<es u*on all the ta<a#le real *ro*erty within the County

for the *ayment of the o#ligations and the interest thereon without limitation

of rate or amount&

Section !!& This #ond ordinance shall ta+e effect 2 days after the

first *u#lication thereof after final ado*tion, as *ro/ided #y the 0ocal Bond


irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled BN $ENANC1 "$@EEN8 F$ @A$E;S CA"ETA0

EM"$@1M1NTS EN AN BG T1 C;NTG F M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G, A""$"$EATEN8

I9,?)9, T1$1F$ AN A;T$EKEN8 T1 ESS;ANC1 F I',2':, BNS $ NT1S


Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G 3not less than two7thirds of all mem#ers thereof

affirmati/ely concurring4 AS F00=S(

Section !& The se/eral im*ro/ements descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance are here#y res*ecti/ely authoriHed to #e underta+en #y the County of

Morris, New Jersey 3the LCountyL4 as general im*ro/ements& For the se/eral

im*ro/ements or *ur*oses descri#ed in Section ), there are here#y a**ro*riatedthe res*ecti/e sums of money therein stated as the a**ro*riation made for each


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im*ro/ement or *ur*ose, such sums amounting in the aggregate to I9,?)9,,

including I!,, in County funds 3County FundsD4, and further including

the aggregate sum of I)?:, as the se/eral down *ayments for the

im*ro/ements or *ur*oses re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The down *ayments

ha/e #een made a/aila#le #y /irtue of *ro/ision for down *ayment or for

ca*ital im*ro/ement *ur*oses in one or more *re/iously ado*ted #udgets&

Section 2& En order to finance the cost of the se/eral im*ro/ements or

*ur*oses not co/ered #y a**lication of the se/eral down *ayments and the

County Funds referred to in Section ! hereof, negotia#le #onds are here#y

authoriHed to #e issued in the *rinci*al amount of I',2':, *ursuant to the

0ocal Bond 0aw& En antici*ation of the issuance of the #onds, negotia#le #ond

antici*ation notes are here#y authoriHed to #e issued *ursuant to and within

the limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

Section )& The se/eral im*ro/ements here#y authoriHed and the se/eral

*ur*oses for which the #onds are to #e issued, the estimated cost of each

im*ro/ement and the a**ro*riation therefor, the estimated ma<imum amount of

#onds or notes to #e issued for each im*ro/ement and the *eriod of usefulness

of each im*ro/ement are as follows(


A**ro*riation %

1stimated Cost


Ma<imum Amount

of Bonds % Notes

"eriod of


a4 The resurfacing and

reconstruction of /arious

roads, all as set forth on

a list on file in the

ffice of the Cler+ of the

Board, /arious roadway

*roOects and the

resurfacing of Morris @iew

*ar+ing lot, including all

wor+ and materials

necessary therefor and

incidental thereto&

#4 $aildroad re*airs and

reconstruction, including,

#ut not limited to, Erene

Storm damage re*airs,

installation of new siding,

and the relocation of

trac+s, including all wor+

and materials necessary

therefor and incidental




I!,, in

County Funds4




! years

) years

TTA0( I9,?)9, I',2':,

The e<cess of the a**ro*riation made for each of the im*ro/ements or

*ur*oses aforesaid o/er the estimated ma<imum amount of #onds or notes to #e

issued therefor, as a#o/e stated, is the amount of the down *ayment for each


Section :& All #ond antici*ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at

such times as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance *ro/ided

that no #ond antici*ation note shall mature later than one year from its date&

The #ond antici*ation notes shall #ear interest at such rate or rates and #e

in such form as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance& The

County irector of Finance shall determine all matters in connection with #ond

antici*ation notes issued *ursuant to this #ond ordinance, and the County

irector of Finances signature u*on the #ond antici*ation notes shall #e

conclusi/e e/idence as to all such determinations& All #ond antici*ation

notes issued hereunder may #e renewed from time to time su#Oect to the

*ro/isions of the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The County irector of Finance is here#y

authoriHed to sell *art or all of the #ond antici*ation notes from time to

time at *u#lic or *ri/ate sale and to deli/er them to the *urchasers thereof

u*on recei*t of *ayment of the *urchase *rice *lus accrued interest from their

dates to the date of deli/ery thereof& The County irector of Finance is

directed to re*ort in writing to the go/erning #ody at the meeting ne<t

succeeding the date when any sale or deli/ery of the #ond antici*ation notes

*ursuant to this #ond ordinance is made& Such re*ort must include the amount,

the descri*tion, the interest rate and the maturity schedule of the #ondantici*ation notes sold, the *rice o#tained and the name of the *urchaser&


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Section 5& The County here#y certifies that it has ado*ted a ca*ital

#udget or a tem*orary ca*ital #udget, as a**lica#le& The ca*ital or tem*orary

ca*ital #udget of the County is here#y amended to conform with the *ro/isions

of this #ond ordinance to the e<tent of any inconsistency herewith& To the

e<tent that the *ur*oses authoriHed herein are inconsistent with the ado*ted

ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital #udget, a re/ised ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital

#udget has #een filed with the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices&

Section ?& The following additional matters are here#y determined,

declared, recited and stated(

3a4 The im*ro/ements or *ur*oses descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance are not current e<*enses& They are all im*ro/ements or *ur*oses

that the County may lawfully underta+e as general im*ro/ements, and no *art of

the cost thereof has #een or shall #e s*ecially assessed on *ro*erty s*ecially

#enefitted there#y&

3#4 The a/erage *eriod of usefulness, com*uted on the #asis of the

res*ecti/e amounts of o#ligations authoriHed for each *ur*ose and the

reasona#le life thereof within the limitations of the 0ocal Bond 0aw, is !&!)years&

3c4 The Su**lemental e#t Statement re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw has

#een duly *re*ared and filed in the office of the Cler+, and a com*lete

e<ecuted du*licate thereof has #een filed in the office of the irector of the

i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices in the e*artment of Community Affairs

of the State of New Jersey& Such statement shows that the gross de#t of the

County as defined in the 0ocal Bond 0aw is increased #y the authoriHation of

the #onds and notes *ro/ided in this #ond ordinance #y I',2':,, and the

o#ligations authoriHed herein will #e within all de#t limitations *rescri#ed

#y that 0aw&

3d4 An aggregate amount not e<ceeding I?!, for items of e<*ense

listed in and *ermitted under N&J&S&A& :A(272 is included in the estimated

cost indicated herein for the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements&

Section '& The County here#y declares the intent of the County to issue

#onds or #ond antici*ation notes in the amount authoriHed in Section 2 of this

#ond ordinance and to use the *roceeds to *ay or reim#urse e<*enditures for

the costs of the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance& This Section ' is a declaration of intent within the meaning and

for *ur*oses of Treasury $egulations&

Section 9& Any grant moneys recei/ed for the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements

descri#ed in Section ) hereof shall #e a**lied either to direct *ayment of the

cost of the im*ro/ements or, if other than the County Funds referred to in

Section ! hereof, to *ayment of the o#ligations issued *ursuant to this #ondordinance& The amount of o#ligations authoriHed #ut not issued hereunder

shall #e reduced to the e<tent that such funds are so used&

Section & The County irector of Finance is here#y authoriHed to

*re*are and to u*date from time to time as necessary a financial disclosure

document to #e distri#uted in connection with the sale of o#ligations of the

County and to e<ecute such disclosure document on #ehalf of the County& The

County irector of Finance is further authoriHed to enter into the a**ro*riate

underta+ing to *ro/ide secondary mar+et disclosure on #ehalf of the County

*ursuant to $ule !5c27!2 of the Securities and 1<change Commission 3the

A$uleP4 for the #enefit of holders and #eneficial owners of o#ligations of the

County and to amend such underta+ing from time to time in connection with any

change in law, or inter*retation thereof, *ro/ided such underta+ing is and

continues to #e, in the o*inion of a nationally recogniHed #ond counsel,

consistent with the re.uirements of the $ule& En the e/ent that the County

fails to com*ly with its underta+ing, the County shall not #e lia#le for any

monetary damages, and the remedy shall #e limited to s*ecific *erformance of

the underta+ing&

Section !& The full faith and credit of the County are here#y *ledged

to the *unctual *ayment of the *rinci*al of and the interest on the

o#ligations authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance& The o#ligations shall #e

direct, unlimited o#ligations of the County, and the County shall #e o#ligated

to le/y ad /alorem ta<es u*on all the ta<a#le real *ro*erty within the County

for the *ayment of the o#ligations and the interest thereon without limitation

of rate or amount&


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Section !!& This #ond ordinance shall ta+e effect 2 days after the

first *u#lication thereof after final ado*tion, as *ro/ided #y the 0ocal Bond


irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled BN $ENANC1 "$@EEN8 F$ @A$E;S B$E81

$1"0AC1M1NTS EN AN BG T1 C;NTG F M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G, A""$"$EATEN8

I2,99?, T1$1F$ AN A;T$EKEN8 T1 ESS;ANC1 F I2,':9, BNS $ NT1S


Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G 3not less than two7thirds of all mem#ers thereof

affirmati/ely concurring4 AS F00=S(

Section !& The im*ro/ement descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond

ordinance is here#y authoriHed to #e underta+en #y the County of Morris, New

Jersey 3the LCountyL4 as a general im*ro/ement& For the im*ro/ement or

*ur*ose descri#ed in Section )3a4, there is here#y a**ro*riated the sum of

I2,99?,, including the sum of I!)9, as the down *ayment re.uired #y the

0ocal Bond 0aw& The down *ayment is now a/aila#le #y /irtue of *ro/ision for

down *ayment or for ca*ital im*ro/ement *ur*oses in one or more *re/iously

ado*ted #udgets&

Section 2& En order to finance the cost of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose

not co/ered #y a**lication of the down *ayment, negotia#le #onds are here#y

authoriHed to #e issued in the *rinci*al amount of I2,':9, *ursuant to the0ocal Bond 0aw& En antici*ation of the issuance of the #onds, negotia#le #ond

antici*ation notes are here#y authoriHed to #e issued *ursuant to and within

the limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

Section )& 3a4 The im*ro/ement here#y authoriHed and the *ur*ose for

the financing of which the #onds are to #e issued is the re*lacement of

/arious #ridges owned #y Morris County, including all wor+ and materials

necessary therefor and incidental thereto&

3#4 The estimated ma<imum amount of #onds or #ond antici*ation notes to

#e issued for the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose is as stated in Section 2 hereof&

3c4 The estimated cost of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose is e.ual to the

amount of the a**ro*riation herein made therefor&

Section :& All #ond antici*ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at

such times as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance *ro/ided

that no #ond antici*ation note shall mature later than one year from its date&

The #ond antici*ation notes shall #ear interest at such rate or rates and #e

in such form as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance& The

County irector of Finance shall determine all matters in connection with #ond

antici*ation notes issued *ursuant to this #ond ordinance, and the County

irector of Finances signature u*on the #ond antici*ation notes shall #e

conclusi/e e/idence as to all such determinations& All #ond antici*ation

notes issued hereunder may #e renewed from time to time su#Oect to the

*ro/isions of the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The County irector of Finance is here#y

authoriHed to sell *art or all of the #ond antici*ation notes from time totime at *u#lic or *ri/ate sale and to deli/er them to the *urchasers thereof


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u*on recei*t of *ayment of the *urchase *rice *lus accrued interest from their

dates to the date of deli/ery thereof& The County irector of Finance is

directed to re*ort in writing to the go/erning #ody at the meeting ne<t

succeeding the date when any sale or deli/ery of the #ond antici*ation notes

*ursuant to this #ond ordinance is made& Such re*ort must include the amount,

the descri*tion, the interest rate and the maturity schedule of the #ond

antici*ation notes sold, the *rice o#tained and the name of the *urchaser&

Section 5& The County here#y certifies that it has ado*ted a ca*ital

#udget or a tem*orary ca*ital #udget, as a**lica#le& The ca*ital or tem*orary

ca*ital #udget of the County is here#y amended to conform with the *ro/isions

of this #ond ordinance to the e<tent of any inconsistency herewith& To the

e<tent that the *ur*oses authoriHed herein are inconsistent with the ado*ted

ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital #udget, a re/ised ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital

#udget has #een filed with the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices&

Section ?& The following additional matters are here#y determined,

declared, recited and stated(

3a4 The im*ro/ement or *ur*ose descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond

ordinance is not a current e<*ense& Et is an im*ro/ement or *ur*ose that theCounty may lawfully underta+e as a general im*ro/ement, and no *art of the

cost thereof has #een or shall #e s*ecially assessed on *ro*erty s*ecially

#enefitted there#y&

3#4 The *eriod of usefulness of the im*ro/ement or *ur*ose within the

limitations of the 0ocal Bond 0aw, according to the reasona#le life thereof

com*uted from the date of the #onds authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance, is )


3c4 The Su**lemental e#t Statement re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw has

#een duly *re*ared and filed in the office of the Cler+ of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders, and a com*lete e<ecuted du*licate thereof has #een filed in the

office of the irector of the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices in the

e*artment of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey& Such statement

shows that the gross de#t of the County as defined in the 0ocal Bond 0aw is

increased #y the authoriHation of the #onds and notes *ro/ided in this #ond

ordinance #y I2,':9,, and the o#ligations authoriHed herein will #e within

all de#t limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

3d4 An aggregate amount not e<ceeding I!,'5?, for items of e<*ense

listed in and *ermitted under N&J&S&A& :A(272 is included in the estimated

cost indicated herein for the *ur*ose or im*ro/ement&

Section '& The County here#y declares the intent of the County to issue

#onds or #ond antici*ation notes in the amount authoriHed in Section 2 of this

#ond ordinance and to use the *roceeds to *ay or reim#urse e<*enditures for

the costs of the *ur*oses descri#ed in Section )3a4 of this #ond ordinance&This Section ' is a declaration of intent within the meaning and for *ur*oses

of Treasury $egulations&

Section 9& Any grant moneys recei/ed for the *ur*ose descri#ed in

Section ) hereof shall #e a**lied either to direct *ayment of the cost of the

im*ro/ement or to *ayment of the o#ligations issued *ursuant to this #ond

ordinance& The amount of o#ligations authoriHed #ut not issued hereunder

shall #e reduced to the e<tent that such funds are so used&

Section & The County irector of Finance is here#y authoriHed to

*re*are and to u*date from time to time as necessary a financial disclosure

document to #e distri#uted in connection with the sale of o#ligations of the

County and to e<ecute such disclosure document on #ehalf of the County& The

County irector of Finance is further authoriHed to enter into the a**ro*riate

underta+ing to *ro/ide secondary mar+et disclosure on #ehalf of the County

*ursuant to $ule !5c27!2 of the Securities and 1<change Commission 3the

A$uleP4 for the #enefit of holders and #eneficial owners of o#ligations of the

County and to amend such underta+ing from time to time in connection with any

change in law, or inter*retation thereof, *ro/ided such underta+ing is and

continues to #e, in the o*inion of a nationally recogniHed #ond counsel,

consistent with the re.uirements of the $ule& En the e/ent that the County

fails to com*ly with its underta+ing, the County shall not #e lia#le for any

monetary damages, and the remedy shall #e limited to s*ecific *erformance of

the underta+ing&

Section !& The full faith and credit of the County are here#y *ledged

to the *unctual *ayment of the *rinci*al of and the interest on theo#ligations authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance& The o#ligations shall #e


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direct, unlimited o#ligations of the County, and the County shall #e o#ligated

to le/y ad /alorem ta<es u*on all the ta<a#le real *ro*erty within the County

for the *ayment of the o#ligations and the interest thereon without limitation

of rate or amount&

Section !!& This #ond ordinance shall ta+e effect 2 days after the

first *u#lication thereof after final ado*tion, as *ro/ided #y the 0ocal Bond


irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



irector eFilli**o stated( =e will now consider for final ado*tion

the ordinance entitled BN $ENANC1 "$@EEN8 F$ @A$E;S EM"$@1M1NTS T

T1 8$1GSTN1>C1NT$A0 A@1N;1 CM"01Q EN AN BG T1 C;NTG F M$$ES, N1=

J1$S1G, A""$"$EATEN8 I!,:2, T1$1F$ AN A;T$EKEN8 T1 ESS;ANC1 F

I!,))5, BNS $ NT1S F T1 C;NTG T FENANC1 "A$T F T1 CST T1$1F&6D

Cler+ -etchum read the following ordinance(

B1 ET $AEN1 BG T1 BA$ F CS1N F$1101$S F T1 C;NTG F

M$$ES, N1= J1$S1G 3not less than two7thirds of all mem#ers thereof

affirmati/ely concurring4 AS F00=S(

Section !& The se/eral im*ro/ements descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond

ordinance are here#y res*ecti/ely authoriHed to #e underta+en #y the County of

Morris, New Jersey 3the LCountyL4 as general im*ro/ements& For the se/eral

im*ro/ements or *ur*oses descri#ed in Section ), there are here#y a**ro*riated

the res*ecti/e sums of money therein stated as the a**ro*riation made for each

im*ro/ement or *ur*ose, such sums amounting in the aggregate to I!,:2,,

and further including the aggregate sum of I?', as the se/eral down*ayments for the im*ro/ements or *ur*oses re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The

down *ayments ha/e #een made a/aila#le #y /irtue of *ro/ision for down *ayment

or for ca*ital im*ro/ement *ur*oses in one or more *re/iously ado*ted #udgets&

Section 2& En order to finance the cost of the se/eral im*ro/ements or

*ur*oses not co/ered #y a**lication of the se/eral down *ayments and the

County Funds referred to in Section ! hereof, negotia#le #onds are here#y

authoriHed to #e issued in the *rinci*al amount of I!,))5, *ursuant to the

0ocal Bond 0aw& En antici*ation of the issuance of the #onds, negotia#le #ond

antici*ation notes are here#y authoriHed to #e issued *ursuant to and within

the limitations *rescri#ed #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw&

Section )& The se/eral im*ro/ements here#y authoriHed and the se/eral

*ur*oses for which the #onds are to #e issued, the estimated cost of each

im*ro/ement and the a**ro*riation therefor, the estimated ma<imum amount of

#onds or notes to #e issued for each im*ro/ement and the *eriod of usefulness

of each im*ro/ement are as follows(


A**ro*riation %

1stimated Cost


Ma<imum Amount

of Bonds % Notes

"eriod of


a4 The remediation of the

8reystone Coal 8as "lant,

including, #ut not limited

to, creation of a

remedial action wor+ *lan,

and further including allwor+ and materials

I:!, I)9!,9 2 years


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necessary therefor and

incidental thereto&

#4 Em*ro/ements to the

Central "ar+ Access $oad,

including all wor+ and

material necessary therefor

and incidental thereto&






! years

The e<cess of the a**ro*riation made for each of the im*ro/ements or *ur*oses

aforesaid o/er the estimated ma<imum amount of #onds or notes to #e issued

therefor, as a#o/e stated, is the amount of the down *ayment for each *ur*ose&

Section :& All #ond antici*ation notes issued hereunder shall mature at

such times as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance *ro/ided

that no #ond antici*ation note shall mature later than one year from its date&

The #ond antici*ation notes shall #ear interest at such rate or rates and #e

in such form as may #e determined #y the County irector of Finance& The

County irector of Finance shall determine all matters in connection with #ondantici*ation notes issued *ursuant to this #ond ordinance, and the County

irector of Finances signature u*on the #ond antici*ation notes shall #e

conclusi/e e/idence as to all such determinations& All #ond antici*ation

notes issued hereunder may #e renewed from time to time su#Oect to the

*ro/isions of the 0ocal Bond 0aw& The County irector of Finance is here#y

authoriHed to sell *art or all of the #ond antici*ation notes from time to

time at *u#lic or *ri/ate sale and to deli/er them to the *urchasers thereof

u*on recei*t of *ayment of the *urchase *rice *lus accrued interest from their

dates to the date of deli/ery thereof& The County irector of Finance is

directed to re*ort in writing to the go/erning #ody at the meeting ne<t

succeeding the date when any sale or deli/ery of the #ond antici*ation notes

*ursuant to this #ond ordinance is made& Such re*ort must include the amount,

the descri*tion, the interest rate and the maturity schedule of the #ond

antici*ation notes sold, the *rice o#tained and the name of the *urchaser&

Section 5& The County here#y certifies that it has ado*ted a ca*ital

#udget or a tem*orary ca*ital #udget, as a**lica#le& The ca*ital or tem*orary

ca*ital #udget of the County is here#y amended to conform with the *ro/isions

of this #ond ordinance to the e<tent of any inconsistency herewith& To the

e<tent that the *ur*oses authoriHed herein are inconsistent with the ado*ted

ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital #udget, a re/ised ca*ital or tem*orary ca*ital

#udget has #een filed with the i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices&

Section ?& The following additional matters are here#y determined,

declared, recited and stated(

3a4 The im*ro/ements or *ur*oses descri#ed in Section ) of this #ondordinance are not current e<*enses& They are all im*ro/ements or *ur*oses

that the County may lawfully underta+e as general im*ro/ements, and no *art of

the cost thereof has #een or shall #e s*ecially assessed on *ro*erty s*ecially

#enefitted there#y&

3#4 The a/erage *eriod of usefulness, com*uted on the #asis of the

res*ecti/e amounts of o#ligations authoriHed for each *ur*ose and the

reasona#le life thereof within the limitations of the 0ocal Bond 0aw, is !2&95


3c4 The Su**lemental e#t Statement re.uired #y the 0ocal Bond 0aw has

#een duly *re*ared and filed in the office of the Cler+, and a com*lete

e<ecuted du*licate thereof has #een filed in the office of the irector of the

i/ision of 0ocal 8o/ernment Ser/ices in the e*artment of Community Affairs

of the State of New Jersey& Such statement shows that the gross de#t of the

County as defined in the 0ocal Bond 0aw is increased #y the authoriHation of

the #onds and notes *ro/ided in this #ond ordinance #y I!,))5,, and the

o#ligations authoriHed herein will #e within all de#t limitations *rescri#ed

#y that 0aw&

3d4 An aggregate amount not e<ceeding I599, for items of e<*ense

listed in and *ermitted under N&J&S&A& :A(272 is included in the estimated

cost indicated herein for the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements&

Section '& The County here#y declares the intent of the County to issue

#onds or #ond antici*ation notes in the amount authoriHed in Section 2 of this

#ond ordinance and to use the *roceeds to *ay or reim#urse e<*enditures for

the costs of the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements descri#ed in Section ) of this #ond


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ordinance& This Section ' is a declaration of intent within the meaning and

for *ur*oses of Treasury $egulations&

Section 9& Any grant moneys recei/ed for the *ur*oses or im*ro/ements

descri#ed in Section ) hereof shall #e a**lied either to direct *ayment of the

cost of the im*ro/ements or, if other than the County Funds referred to in

Section ! hereof, to *ayment of the o#ligations issued *ursuant to this #ond

ordinance& The amount of o#ligations authoriHed #ut not issued hereunder

shall #e reduced to the e<tent that such funds are so used&

Section & The County irector of Finance is here#y authoriHed to

*re*are and to u*date from time to time as necessary a financial disclosure

document to #e distri#uted in connection with the sale of o#ligations of the

County and to e<ecute such disclosure document on #ehalf of the County& The

County irector of Finance is further authoriHed to enter into the a**ro*riate

underta+ing to *ro/ide secondary mar+et disclosure on #ehalf of the County

*ursuant to $ule !5c27!2 of the Securities and 1<change Commission 3the

A$uleP4 for the #enefit of holders and #eneficial owners of o#ligations of the

County and to amend such underta+ing from time to time in connection with any

change in law, or inter*retation thereof, *ro/ided such underta+ing is and

continues to #e, in the o*inion of a nationally recogniHed #ond counsel,consistent with the re.uirements of the $ule& En the e/ent that the County

fails to com*ly with its underta+ing, the County shall not #e lia#le for any

monetary damages, and the remedy shall #e limited to s*ecific *erformance of

the underta+ing&

Section !& The full faith and credit of the County are here#y *ledged

to the *unctual *ayment of the *rinci*al of and the interest on the

o#ligations authoriHed #y this #ond ordinance& The o#ligations shall #e

direct, unlimited o#ligations of the County, and the County shall #e o#ligated

to le/y ad /alorem ta<es u*on all the ta<a#le real *ro*erty within the County

for the *ayment of the o#ligations and the interest thereon without limitation

of rate or amount&

Section !!& This #ond ordinance shall ta+e effect 2 days after the

first *u#lication thereof after final ado*tion, as *ro/ided #y the 0ocal Bond


irector eFilli**o stated( The "u#lic earing is now o*en&D There

were no *u#lic comments, and the irector declared the "u#lic earing closed&

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the ordinance under consideration #e ado*ted

on the second and final reading& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion&

The Cler+ called and recorded the following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4

Freeholder 0yon mo/ed that the Cler+ #e authoriHed to *u#lish the

rdinance in summary form and notification of its *assage in the local

news*a*er in accordance with the law& Freeholder Ca#ana seconded the motion,

which *assed with si< G1S /otes&



-en ols+y, "arsi**any resident, as+ed the Freeholder Board to *lease

*ass a resolution to o**ose the "ilgrim "i*eline&

-atherine A##ott, Chatham Townshi* resident, also endorses the

resolution to o**ose the "ilgrim "i*eline& She feels it endangers the

*ro*erty /alues as well as health&

Brendon -eating and =endy "ierson, Chatham Townshi* residents, than+ed

the Board for adding the resolution to o**ose the "ilgrim "i*eline to the

agenda this e/ening&

=ayne 0araway, =ashington Townshi* resident, .uestioned the 2!5 #udget

where there are )! additional new *ositions and increasing the #udget #y I!2

million& irector eFilli**o said there are 2 *ositions& Mr& 0araway would

li+e to see the Board more trans*arent& e does not understand the solar


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issue and the dis*aragement clause& e feels this is the same as non7


Chris Gates, arding Townshi* resident, as+ed .uestions a#out the o*en

s*ace ta< that increased #y R cent&

$ay Newman, =harton resident, s*o+e a#out the solar settlement and the

*ossi#le change of consultants& Administrator Bonanni said the Em*ro/ement

Authority Commissioners are discussing a num#er of alternati/es and then we

will mo/e ahead *u#licly after the Em*ro/ement Authority meets&

Bar#ara 1ames, ano/er Townshi*, said she read the document that the

County *ut out yesterday& She would li+e to ha/e an accounting of where the

money went concerning solar and how much is left& Concerning the #udget she

as+ed what sustaina#le means& Et is a I!2 million increase *art state

funding& She would li+e to see more cuts for ne<t year&

8eorge Mo+en, Morris Townshi* resident, feels that in order to #e more

trans*arent, the *u#lic needs to s*ea+& e ho*es the *u#lic is allowed to get

u* later for another three minutes *u#lic comment& The Board confirmed&

Mr& Mo+en noted that according to we# *age, the Em*ro/ement Authority is

#ac+ed #y Morris County and there has #een a sa/ings of o/er I!5&: million in

de#t ser/ices o/er a !7year *eriod and that !>) is directly attri#uta#le to

Morris County6s AAA #ond rating& e was wondering what fees Morris County

collected for this& Administrator Bonanni said there were no fees collected&

The num#ers are sitting on the we#site 777 all entities that were ta<ing

entities so there was no ris+ to the County& Mr& Mo+en feels there should

ha/e #een remuneration for the County to hel* ameliorate the loss the County

has suffered& e as+ed to *lease loo+ into this and collect a fee for this&

Bar#ara 1ames, ano/er Townshi* resident, as+ed if it is *ossi#le to get

a financial accounting of the solar deal& Mr& Bonanni said he is going to sit

down with the Em*ro/ement Authority *rofessionals to *ut something together

for her&

Mr& Mo+en as+ed a#out the I))&! million in #onds issued he would li+e

to +now after the settlement how much is left of the I))&! million& Mr&

Bonanni said he would try to get that into the analysis he will *re*are for

Ms& 1ames&

Mr& Mo+en feels that all the resolutions should #e #rought u* at one

meeting and then /oted on at the ne<t meeting& There is not enough time to

e/aluate these resolutions at each meeting& e also as+ed that the County

come u* with a sheet to identify to the *u#lic what the unfunded lia#ilities

are& For the #udget, it must #e reduced& e feels the ta<*ayer should ha/e a

#rea+down to #etter understand the #udget& e as+ed a#out the solar

in/estigation and why did the Board select the state com*troller to do theanalysis&

Freeholder Mastrangelo res*onded that we suggested the com*troller to

a/oid s*ending ta< dollars& Et was also said that we would consider #ringing

in a third *arty to *erha*s do an in/estigation de*ending on when the

com*troller comes #ac+ to us from a timing *ers*ecti/e&

Mr& Mo+en felt the ta< dollars would #e well worth it to ha/e a third

*arty& Em*ortant information could #e gained on how to *roceed with the


Administrator Bonanni said he s*o+e to the de*uty com*troller who will

re/iew the material and get #ac+ to him u*on com*letion of her re/iew and


Mr& 0araway, =ashington Townshi* resident, said if the administrator is

going to loo+ at this, he is interested in +nowing more details of what monies

went where& e has a *ro#lem with the non7dis*aragement clause sees that as

a shell to a/oid the *u#lic getting the facts on the settlement&

Mr& 6Mullan said a non7dis*aragement clause is not a gag order& The

Board is free to discuss the matter in detail as long as in essence they do

not call someone a croo+ or mis.uote the facts& The County, as *art of the

lawsuit, is su#Oect to the su*er/ision of the Court&

Mr& Mo+en wants to +now what has the County as+ed the com*troller to

loo+ for& The ta<*ayers are loo+ing for e<*lanation on Solar E % EE to followthe money, what ad/ice was gi/en, who ga/e the ad/ice, and who #enefited from


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the ad/ice& There has #een #ad ad/ice& Someone too+ a ris+ with the

ta<*ayers6 dollars& e wants a thorough in/estigation and loo+ at e/eryone

in/ol/ed& e would li+e that to #e con/eyed to the com*troller& e

understands that there are ) *roOects and that !' ha/e #een com*leted& e

as+ed a#out the *rognosis of the !' com*leted, whether those are ta+ing


Administrator Bonanni #elie/es they will not *ay for themsel/es& e

feels the num#ers that were stated were accurate&

Freeholder -ric+us said for Solar E it is right now *roOected at current

S$1C *rices at I million so that is I!? million so that6s related to the

comment that sa/ings that the Em*ro/ement Authority made o/er the last !5

years has #een wi*ed out& n Solar EE #etween the #udget and the whole solar

wor+ that we did E ha/en6t loo+ed closely at the Solar EE num#ers lately& Et

has a lower #rea+e/en *oint #ut at current S$1C *rices, it would still lose


Administrator Bonanni said that there is a large swing to the #est of

his recollection for the *otential e<*osure #ased on if we #uild out or not

#uild out& There is a#out a I! million or I!! million swing&

Freeholder Mastrangelo said from the last meeting, a recommendation was

made that we will do a re/iew and analysis whether we #uild the *roOects out

or don6t #uild the *roOects out to minimiHe the cost to the ta<*ayer&

Ms& 1ames said she is not *leased that the Board uses a timer for each

*erson who wants to s*ea+ at the *u#lic *ortion&



Freeholder -ric+us introduced the following resolutions(


B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris as follows(

!& The location of the informal meeting and formal meeting of the Board of

Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris scheduled for =ednesday,

A*ril 22, 2!5 at :( *&m& and '() *&m&, res*ecti/ely has #een changed

from the Administration and $ecords Building, Court Street, Morristown,

New Jersey to ta+e *lace in the Townshi* of arding, 2! Blue Mill

$oad, New @ernon, New Jersey ''? at which time formal action may #e


2& The Cler+ of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morrisshall *ost a certified co*y of this resolution in the Cler+6s ffice and

the ffice of the Morris County Cler+ and send a co*y to the aily

$ecord and to the Star 0edger&

)& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris as follows(

!& The location of the informal meeting and formal meeting of the Board of

Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris scheduled for =ednesday, May

2', 2!5 at :( *&m& and '() *&m&, res*ecti/ely has #een changed from

the Administration and $ecords Building, Court Street, Morristown, New

Jersey to ta+e *lace in the Town of Morristown, 2 South Street,

Morristown, New Jersey '?) at which time formal action may #e ta+en&

2& The Cler+ of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris

shall *ost a certified co*y of this resolution in the Cler+6s ffice and

the ffice of the Morris County Cler+ and send a co*y to the aily

$ecord and to the Star 0edger&

)& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&




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B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris as follows(

!& The location of the informal meeting and formal meeting of the Board of

Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris scheduled for =ednesday, June

2:, 2!5 at :( *&m& and '() *&m&, res*ecti/ely has #een changed from

the Administration and $ecords Building, Court Street, Morristown, New

Jersey to ta+e *lace in the Townshi* of Chatham, 59 Meyers/ille $oad,

Chatham, New Jersey '29 at which time formal action may #e ta+en&

2& The Cler+ of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris

shall *ost a certified co*y of this resolution in the Cler+6s ffice and

the ffice of the Morris County Cler+ and send a co*y to the aily

$ecord and to the Star 0edger&

)& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, on Se*tem#er ', 2! an agreement was entered into #etween the

County of Morris and @ision 1.uities c>o =hi**any @illage, 00C, : BloomfieldA/enue, Mountain 0a+es, NJ ':?, which allowed the irector of Finance>

County Treasurer to retain twenty 324 *ercent of Twel/e Thousand Si<

undred 1ighty Se/en ollars and Thirteen Cents 3I!2,?9'&!)4 which is Two

Thousand Fi/e undred Thirty Se/en ollars and Forty Three Cents 3I2,5)'&:)4

to #e *laced on de*osit in an interest #earing account with the County through

its $oad Ens*ection ffice in lieu of a Maintenance Bond for $oad o*ening

*ermit 7:!) for wor+ and construction done at Troy ills $oad, ano/er



=1$1AS, the i/ision of 1ngineering % Trans*ortation of the County of

Morris has re.uested that the County of Morris through its irector of

Finance>County Treasurer to release the sum of Two Thousand Fi/e undred

Thirty Se/en ollars and Forty Three Cents 3I2,5)'&:)4 together with accrued

interest on said amount to @ision 1.uities c>o =hi**any @illage, 00C, :

Bloomfield A/enue, Mountain 0a+es, NJ ':?&

N= T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris that the irector of Finance>County Treasurer #e and is

here#y authoriHed to release the sum of Two Thousand Fi/e undred Thirty Se/en

ollars and Forty Three Cents 3I2,5)'&:)4 together with accrued interest on

said amount to @ision 1.uities c>o =hi**any @illage, 00C, : Bloomfield

A/enue, Mountain 0a+es, NJ ':?&



=1$1AS, the County of Morris, in the interest of greater traffic

safety, to re/ise the e<isting weight restriction on Schooley6s Mountain$oad, County $oute 5!' in =ashington Townshi*&

=1$1AS, =ashington Townshi* has as+ed for a reduction in the weight

limit from the a**ro/ed 2 Tons 8ross =eight restriction a**ro/ed on A*ril

29, !92 #y the County of Morris Board of Chosen Freeholders to a 8ross =eight

of !5 Tons&

N=, T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& All truc+s o/er !5 Tons gross weight are e<cluded from Schooley6s

Mountain $oad, County $oute 5!', in =ashington Townshi*, from New#urgh

$oad to 1ast>=est Mill $oad with the e<ce*tion of local deli/eries and

emergency /ehicles&

2& All *rior ordinances or resolutions or *ortions thereof related to the

weight limit along Schooley6s Mountain $oad of the Morris County Board

of Chosen Freeholders thereof inconsistent with this resolution are

here#y re*ealed&

)& This resolution shall #ecome effecti/e u*on ado*tion re.uired #y law


:& That is any clause, section or *ro/ision of this resolution is declared

in/alid #y a Court of com*etent Ourisdiction, such *ro/ision shall #e

deemed a se*arate, distinct and inde*endent *ro/ision and shall not

affect the /alidity of the remaining *ortion thereof and


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5& =hen the resolution is finally ado*ted, the Cler+ of the Board is to

send certified co*ies to the following(

a& =ashington Townshi* Cler+

#& =ashington Townshi* "olice e*artment

c& County of Morris 1ngineering



N= T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& That the "lans and S*ecifications for the Entersection Em*ro/ements ;&S&

$oute 22 and Change#ridge $oad 3C$ ?2!4 in the Townshi* of Mont/ille

are here#y a**ro/ed&

2& The irector is authoriHed to sign the *lans&

)& That the County "urchasing Agent is here#y directed to ad/ertise for

#ids for the *roOect forthwith&

:& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



N= T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& That the "lans and S*ecifications for the Enstallation of Traffic Signal

at $idgedale A/enue 3C$ ?)24 and Mann A/enue 1ast ano/er Townshi* %

Borough of Florham "ar+ are a**ro/ed&

2& The irector is authoriHed to sign the *lans&

)& That the County "urchasing Agent is here#y directed to ad/ertise for

#ids for the *roOect forthwith&

:& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



N=, T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& That the "lans and S*ecifications for the Ann Street "ar+ing 8arage

$eha#ilitation "roOect located on Ann Street #etween Court Street and

Chestnut Street in the Town of Morristown are here#y a**ro/ed&

2& The irector is authoriHed to sign the *lans&

)& That the County "urchasing Agent is here#y directed to ad/ertise for

#ids for the *roOect forthwith&

:& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&





B$;8 F =A$TN AN $C-A=AG T=NSE"

B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& That -athryn A& eFilli**o, Freeholder irector, and iane M& -etchum,

Cler+ of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, of the County of Morris are

here#y authoriHed to sign the agreement #etween the e*artment of

Trans*ortation of the State of New Jersey and the County of Morris for(

ighway Maintenance and Control with the $oad Em*ro/ements will #e made

to State ighway $oute !5 in ConOunction with the Agreement No& :'5!

#etween the State and Morris County&

2& The referenced State>County Agreement is attached hereto and made a *art

of this resolution #y reference&


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)& That co*ies of this $esolution and Agreement #e forwarded to the

istrict 1ngineer, i/ision of 0ocal Aid and 1conomic e/elo*ment, Mount

Arlington #y the Morris County 1ngineer&

:& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



N=, T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& That the "lans and S*ecifications for the Morris County Courthouse $oof

$e*lacement, located at Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey are here#y


2& The irector is authoriHed to sign the *lans&

)& That the County "urchasing Agent is here#y directed to ad/ertise for

#ids for the *roOect forthwith&

:& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, there e<ists a need for the *ro/ision of 1ngineering esign

Ser/ices for 1rosion Control along Flanders7Netcong $oad a**ro<imately 9

feet west of its intersection with $oute 2? in the Townshi* of Mount li/e,

County of Morris, New Jersey and,

=1$1AS, the contract needs to #e award as a "rofessional Ser/iceD in

accordance with N&J&S&A& :A(!!753!43a43i4 et se.& through a fair and o*en

*rocess, *ursuant to N&J&S&A& !(::A72&! e se.

N=, T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& The agreements #etween the County of Morris and

Cherry, =e#er % Associates, "&C&

'55 Memorial "ar+way, Suite !!

"hilli*s#urg, NJ 99?5

@endor E( !)'99

Amount( I5,?)2

Term( days from notice to *roceed

Account ( :72!?75575)2?7

For the aforesaid ser/ices, a co*y of which is on file at the Morris

County "urchasing i/ision and is made a *art hereof #y reference, ishere#y a**ro/ed and shall #e entered into #y this Board&

2& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said agreement conditioned u*on the contractor6s com*liance with

the re.uirements set forth in *aragra*h 5 #elow&

)& The Treasurer is here#y authoriHed to issue a Certificate of

A/aila#ility of Funds in accordance with the aforesaid agreement&

:& A notice of this action will #e *u#lished in accordance with the law&

5& This contract is awarded *ursuant to a fair and o*en *rocess in

com*liance with N&J&S&A& !(::A72&! et se.&



B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey that the action of the Morris County

"rosecutor6s ffice in a**lying for a ighway Traffic Safety 8rant F172!?

Morris County7:?, for I2,& for a County =E Tas+ Force "rogram, and

of the irector of Finance and County Treasurer in signing off on the same,

are here#y a**ro/ed, ratified and confirmed&

B1 ET F;$T1$ $1S0@1, that the irector of Finance and County

Treasurer is here#y authoriHed to acce*t the aforesaid funds, crediting the

a**ro*riate account&



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=1$1AS, a contract was awarded to ind Sight, Enc& for su**ort and

maintenance of systems and

=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase the

contract due to e<tension of e<isting contract until new #idder can #e chosen

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contracts $egulations, contract modification as detailed on LContract Change

rder $e.uestL No& !72?2 is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( ind Sight, Enc&

52 Merlin ri/e

=ashington, NJ '992

2& Etem( 1<tension of e<isting contract until new #idder

can #e chosen&

)& Encrease in Cost( I ?),&

:& New Contract Total( I)!5,&

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account !72!72'7):5!7)25 and

said account shall #e charged&

?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&

'& $esolution num#er )), ado*ted #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders at the

their March !!, 2!5 "u#lic Meeting is here#y rescinded&



=1$1AS, the following 8rant Fund #udget a**ro*riation #alances remain

une<*ended or ha/e #een reduced(

''::5 $1 Call ut and Assistance "rogram I !2&!2

''):5 Northern NJ Safe Communities I2,:5?&9

9?)2 FG!2 "aul Co/erdell I 29'&!

=1$1AS, it is necessary to formally cancel said #alances so that the

8rant *rogram may #e closed out and remo/ed from the o*en #alances, and

=1$1AS, it may #e necessary to refund any e<cess funds recei/ed from

the 8rant Agency if Morris County recei/es funding in e<cess of there.uirement of the *rogram&

N=, T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders that

the a#o/e listed #alances in the grant fund #e canceled and any e<cess funds

recei/ed #e returned to the a**ro*riate 8rant Agency&



En accordance with the authoriHation to *ay *er Cha*ter !2' "&0& !95,

the following chec+s ha/e #een issued #y the County Treasurer(


)>!?>!5 )?2 Eliff7$uggiero Funeral ome,Enc& !72!725725:!75 I),&

)>!?>!5 )?) T1= Funeral Ser/ices, Enc& !72!725725:!75 I2,9)&

T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1, that the a#o/e *ayments #e confirmed&



=1$1AS, the County Treasurer has #een ad/ised that the following chec+

has #een lost and *ayment has #een sto**ed on same,

T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1, that the County Treasurer is here#y

authoriHed to reissue the same&


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)9!?9 2>25>!5 I?2&: Anne 0awless CentraliHed


Ban+ of America



=1$1AS, the County Treasurer has #een ad/ised that the following chec+

is no longer needed and has #een /oided,

T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1 that the County Treasurer is here#y authoriHed

to rede*osit the following chec+&


)9'':2 !>29>!5 I2& A"C CentraliHed Ban+

Enternational is#ursement of America



=1$1AS, the County of Morris has a "CA$ *rogram with Ban+ of America,


=1$1AS, transactions were *rocessed through the *rogram during the

month of Fe#ruary 2!5, as *er the attached documentation, and

=1$1AS, *ayment to Ban+ of America was *rocessed on )>2:>!5 in the

total amount of I'&&

N=, T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1 that authoriHation is here#y gi/en to the

Treasurer6s ffice and the a#o/e *ayment is confirmed&



B1 ET $1S0@1 as follows(

=1$1AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris, #y

resolution ! ado*ted Fe#ruary 25, 2!5, awarded a contract to Concrete

Construction Cor*& for Entersection Em*ro/ements to Susse< Turn*i+e 3C$ ?!'4,

Townshi* of $andol*h, County of Morris, New Jersey and,

=1$1AS, said resolution incorrectly stated the #udget amount charged to

account 272!)7:!79?:?'7)!was I:5?,:&:2, and the correct amount charged to

the aforesaid account should ha/e #een I),952,2'5&?

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& The resolution #e amended to e/idence said correction

2& The irector of Finance and County Treasurer is here#y authoriHed to

correct the Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds !!::5' % Account 27

2!)7:!79?:?'7)!, reflecting said amount&

)& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, the State of New Jersey has a**ro*riated funds for S*ecial

Child ealth Case Management to Morris County residents and,

=1$1AS, the State of New Jersey recogniHes AS os*ital Cor*>Morristown

Medical Center as the sole *ro/ider of this ser/ice, and AS os*ital

Cor*>Morristown Medical Center has agreed to *erform the aforesaid ser/ices


=1$1AS, the estimated ma<imum amount of the su#7grant to #e awarded is

I9, !::& and,

=1$1AS, the 0ocal "u#lic Contracts 0aw 3N&J&S&A& :A(!!7! et se.&4

re.uires that a resolution authoriHing the award of su#7grant for

L*rofessional ser/icesL without com*etiti/e #idding, and the su#7grant itself,

must #e a/aila#le for *u#lic ins*ection

AS os*ital Cor*>Morristown Medical Center! Madison A/enue, Morristown, New Jersey '?


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@endor Code( !)!5:

Account ( !72!72'7):)!'7

Amount( I9,!::

Term( ne year, January !st, 2!5 through ecem#er )!st, 2!5&

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows(

!& The *rofessional ser/ices agreement #etween the County of Morris and AS

os*ital Cor*>Morristown Medical Center, which is on file in the ffice

of the County Administrator and made a *art hereof referenced, is here#y


2& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

sign and e<ecute this agreement&

)& This su#7grant is awarded without com*etiti/e #idding as a L*rofessional

ser/iceL under the *ro/isions of the 0ocal "u#lic Contracts 0aw #ecause

it is for ser/ices to #e rendered #y a *erson or *ersons whose *ractice

is regulated #y law&

:& The Treasurer is here#y authoriHed to issue a Certificate of

A/aila#ility of Funds, charging the a**ro*riate account for amounts

reflecting all lia#ilities to #e incurred through March )!, 2!5& ;*on

final ado*tion of the 2!5 #udget, a Certificate of A/aila#ility of

Funds shall #e issued for the remaining #alance, su#Oect to the

a**ro*riation of sufficient funds in the calendar years #udget&



En accordance with resolution '! a**ro/ed at the January 2, 2!5

$eorganiHation Meeting, the following emergency chec+s ha/e #een issued #y the

Morris County ffice of Tem*orary Assistance for the month of Fe#ruary 2!5&

AT1 C1C-  N&  "AG11 ACC;NT  T  B1  CA$81  AM;NT

2>)>2!5 59!? @oid Chec+ @oid Chec+ 7

2>)>2!5 59!' eights ;r#an $enewal Senior !72)72'7):5!7)?5 9:&

2>:>2!5 59!9 City 0imo % Ta<i Ser/ices !72)72'7):5!7): ?!&!2

2>:>2!5 59!9 City 0imo % Ta<i Ser/ices !72!72'7):5!7): ')&

2>:>2!5 59! Falcon il 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 :&5

2>:>2!5 592 8oodale "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 )5&

2>:>2!5 592! Molnar "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 )2&:)

2>:>2!5 5922 $8 $ealty En/estors 00C !72!72'7):5!7)?5 !,52&:9

2>:>2!5 592) =hi**any 0odging 00C !72)72'7):5!7)?5 5&

2>:>2!5 592: =hi**any 0odging 00C !72)72'7):5!7)?5 2,:&

2>:>2!5 592: =hi**any 0odging 00C !72!72'7):5!7)?5 :&

2>?>2!5 5925 JC" % 0 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 2?2&5)

2>?>2!5 592? Molnar "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 5&2'

2>?>2!5 592' uality Enn !72)72'7):5!7)?5 )?&

2>?>2!5 5929 $i/er#end e/elo*ers, 00C 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 !,&

2>!>2!5 592 Scott ic+erson !72)72'7):5!7)?5 !,)5&

2>!>2!5 592 Scott ic+erson 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 9&25

2>!>2!5 59) 1agle $oc+ @illage 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 9'5&

2>!>2!5 59) 1agle $oc+ @illage !72!72'7):5!7)?5 25&

2>!!>2!5 59)! City 0imo % Ta<i Ser/ices !72)72'7):5!7): !22&2:

2>!!>2!5 59)! City 0imo % Ta<i Ser/ices !72!72'7):5!7): ?&'

2>!!>2!5 59)2 NJ Ta<i % Blac+ Car Ser/ices !72)72'7):5!7): !&9'

2>!!>2!5 59)) Molnar "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 2,29&99

2>!!>2!5 59): Molnar "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 !,5)!&)9

2>!!>2!5 59)5 Molnar "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 !,'?&:2

2>!!>2!5 59)? Molnar "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 !,!5&'

2>!!>2!5 59)' Netcong eights 00C !72!72'7):5!7)?5 !,:2&5

2>!!>2!5 59)9 =algreens "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 !5'&:5

2>!)>2!5 59) City 0imo % Ta<i Ser/ices !72)72'7):5!7): !2&!5

2>!)>2!5 59: "itney Bowes !72!72'7):5!7?9 :,&

2>!)>2!5 59:! "ostmaster !72!72'7):5!7?9 9&

2>!)>2!5 59:2 1agle $oc+ @illage !72!72'7):5!7)?5 !,)9'&5

2>!'>2!5 59:) Molnar "harmacy !72)72'7):5!7))9 :9:&!5

2>!>2!5 59:: JC" % 0 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 !92&)'

2>2)>2!5 59:5 ousing Authority 7 Town of


!72!72'7):5!7)?5 2)?&

2>2)>2!5 59:? Molnar "harmacy !72!72'7):5!7))9 ?&

2>2)>2!5 59:' =hi**any 0odging 00C !72)72'7):5!7)?5 55&

2>2:>2!5 59:9 1agle $oc+ @illage 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 )'5&'

2>2:>2!5 59:9 1agle $oc+ @illage !72!72'7):5!7)?5 !,':&)

2>2:>2!5 59: Ari#a il Co& Enc& 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 :5&

2>2?>2!5 595 =hi**any 0odging 00C !72!72'7):5!7)?5 525&


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2>2?>2!5 595! Boundary Motel !72!72'7):5!7)?5 '5&

2>2?>2!5 5952 i<on il 272!)7:!7'5:5!7)2 :!&):

2>2?>2!5 595) Morris County ousing Authority !72!72'7):5!7)) )9&

2>2?>2!5 595: -ingtown Motel !72!72'7):5!7)?5 52&

2>2?>2!5 5955 "arsi**any Enn !72!72'7):5!7)?5 !2&

2>2?>2!5 595? uality Enn !72!72'7):5!7)?5 :&

2>2?>2!5 595' $o<#ury Circle Motel !72)72'7):5!7)?5 5&

2>2?>2!5 595' $o<#ury Circle Motel !72!72'7):5!7)?5 5&

2>2?>2!5 5959 S+yto* Motel !72!72'7):5!7)?5 5&

2>2?>2!5 595 Morris County ousing Authority !72!72'7):5!7)) ??'&

Total ),2&)

T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1, that the a#o/e *ayments #e confirmed&



=1$1AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris agrees

to acce*t #y ratification a *re/iously recorded 8rant of Sight Triangle

1asement 31asementD4 #etween 2 =hi**any $oad, 0&0&C&, a New Jersey 0imited

0ia#ility Com*any, whose address is c>o $osemary Stone7ougherty, 1s.&, 5:

Main Street, Chatham, New Jersey '29, and the County of Morris, ha/ing its*rinci*al address at "&& Bo< , Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey '?)7

for *ro*erty +nown as Ta< Bloc+ :'!, 0ot 29, located in ano/er

Townshi*, more *articularly descri#ed in the attached 1asement&

N= T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris, State of New Jersey as follows(

!& The 1asement #etween 2 =hi**any $oad, 0&0&C&, a New Jersey 0imited

0ia#ility Com*any, whose address is c>o $osemary Stone7ougherty, 1s.&,

5: Main Street, Chatham, New Jersey '29, and the County of Morris,

ha/ing its *rinci*al address at "&& Bo< , Court Street, Morristown,

New Jersey '?)7, and recorded in the Morris County Cler+6s ffice

on March !?, 2!5 in eed Boo+ 22?'', "age 2, for *ro*erty +nown as

Ta< Bloc+ :'!, 0ot 29, located in ano/er Townshi* is here#y acce*tedand ratified and *laced on file in the ffice of the Morris County Board

of Chosen Freeholders&

2& The within resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris agrees

to acce*t #y ratification a *re/iously recorded eed #etween Anthony J&

eCaro, Sr&, and 0ois M& eCaro, hus#and and wife, whose address is !!: "ar+

A/enue, Con/ent Station, New Jersey '?, and the County of Morris, ha/ing

its *rinci*al address at "&& Bo< , Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey

'?)7 for *ro*erty +nown as Ta< Bloc+ :'!, 0ot ), located in ano/erTownshi*, more *articularly descri#ed in the attached 1asement&

N= T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris, State of New Jersey as follows(

!& The eed #etween Anthony J& eCaro, Sr&, and 0ois M& eCaro, hus#and and

wife, whose address is !!: "ar+ A/enue, Con/ent Station, New Jersey

'?, and the County of Morris, ha/ing its *rinci*al address at "&&

Bo< , Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey '?)7, and recorded

in the Morris County Cler+6s ffice on March !?, 2!5 in eed Boo+

22?'', "age !99, for *ro*erty +nown as Ta< Bloc+ :'!, 0ot ), located

in ano/er Townshi* is here#y acce*ted and ratified and *laced on file

in the ffice of the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders&

2& The within resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, the *reser/ation of agricultural lands in the County of Morris

is /ital to the economic /itality of farming and

=1$1AS, the Morris County Agriculture e/elo*ment Board 3MCABD4 is

charged with the *reser/ation of farmland using funds from the Morris County

*en S*ace and Farmland "reser/ation Trust Fund 3the "rogramD4 and

=1$1AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris 3theBoardD4 is interested in *reser/ing farmland owned #y Thomas N& TorHews+i,


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1s.&, Administrator, 1state of 8eorge 1& Scheller 3the SellerD4, +nown as

Bloc+ 2, 0ots 22, :?&!, :?&2 and 5, =ashington Townshi*, Morris County,

New Jersey and

=1$1AS, the Board6s commitment to com*lete the *urchase is contingent

u*on certain conditions, one condition #eing the Board6s recei*t of State

cost7share funds from the State Agriculture e/elo*ment Committee 3SAC4

easement *urchase *rogram&

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris, State of New Jersey as follows(

!& The Agreement to Sell e/elo*ment 1asement #etween Thomas N& TorHews+i,

1s.&, Administrator, 1state of 8eorge 1& Scheller, and the County of

Morris for the *urchase of de/elo*ment easement rights for Bloc+ 2,

0ots 22, :?&!, :?&2 and 5, =ashington Townshi*, Morris County, New

Jersey, a co*y of which is on file in the ffice of the County

Administrator, which is contingent among other conditions that the Board

recei/e State cost7share funds from the SAC easement *urchase *rogram

is here#y a**ro/ed and the Freeholder irector and the Cler+ of the

Board of Chosen Freeholders are here#y authoriHed to e<ecute and attest,res*ecti/ely, the aforesaid Agreement&

2& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris has

re/iewed and agrees to acce*t a eed of Bridge Maintenance 1asement 3eed of

1asementD4 #etween enise A& 8rella, as Trustee of the enise A& 8rella !57

Gear Morristown ualified "ersonal $esident Trust, and 8ary 8rella, as Trustee

of the 8ary 8rella !57Gear Morristown ualified "ersonal $esidence Trust, as

e.ual tenants in common, whose address is 22 ld arter $oad, Morristown, New

Jersey '? 38rantor4 and the County of Morris, ha/ing its *rinci*al address

at Court Street, "&& Bo< , Morristown, New Jersey '?)7 38rantee4

which eed con/eys *ro*erty +nown as Ta< Bloc+ No& ?5, 0ot No& !:, located

in Morris Townshi*, and State of New Jersey, more *articularly descri#ed in

the attached eed, a co*y of which is on file in the ffice of the Morris

County Administrator&

N= T1$1F$1 B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris, State of New Jersey as follows(

!& The eed of 1asement #etween enise A& 8rella, as Trustee of the enise

A& 8rella !57Gear Morristown ualified "ersonal $esident Trust, and 8ary

8rella, as Trustee of the 8ary 8rella !57Gear Morristown ualified

"ersonal $esidence Trust, as e.ual tenants in common, whose address is

22 ld arter $oad, Morristown, New Jersey '? 38rantor4 and theCounty of Morris, ha/ing its *rinci*al address at Court Street, "&&

Bo< , Morristown, New Jersey '?)7 38rantee4 which eed con/eys

*ro*erty +nown as Ta< Bloc+ No& ?5, 0ot No& !:, located in Morris

Townshi*, and State of New Jersey, more *articularly descri#ed in the

attached eed, a co*y of which is on file in the ffice of the Morris

County Administrator, #e and is herewith acce*ted&

2& The Cler+ of the Board shall record the eed with the ffice of the

Morris County Cler+&

)& The within resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, a contract was awarded on Fe#ruary !, 2!: to Fire and

Security Technologies for fire e<tinguisher test and ins*ection and

=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase the

contract due to actual cost of fire e<tinguisher maintenance and ins*ection

sur*assed estimate

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contracts $egulations, contract modification as detailed on LContract Change

rder $e.uestL No& !72!) is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( Fire and Security Technologies29! "otterstown $oad


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0e#anon, NJ 99))

2& Etem( Cost of fire e<tinguisher maintenance and

ins*ection sur*assed estimate&

)& Encrease in Cost( I !,!&

:& New Contract Total( I 22,?&

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account '72!72)72!2!79: and

said account shall #e charged&

?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&

'& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&


32'4=1$1AS, a contract was awarded July 2', 2!! to -on+us Cor*oration for

re*lacement of Smith $oad Bridge No& :' in "arsi**any7Troy ills Townshi*


=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase said

contract due to construction close out of all as #uilt .uantities

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contracts $egulations, contract modification as detailed on LContract Change

rder $e.uestL No& 27:!!9) is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( -on+us Cor*oration

2:5 Main Street, Suite 22

Chester, NJ ')

2& Etem( Construction close out

)& Encrease in Cost( I )9,!&?

:& Contract Total( I ?9,5'9&!9

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account :72!?75575)!)'75!

3I!9,5&5:4 and Account :72!?75575)!9:75! 3I!,?&!54 and said

accounts shall #e charged&

?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&

'& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, a contract was awarded on June 25, 2!: for *ro/ision of la#or

rates>@AC re*air and

=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase said

contract due to unantici*ated emergency re*airs at /arious County #uildings

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contracts $egulations, contract modification as detailed on LContract Change

rder $e.uestL No& !7!2)95 is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( Bins+y % Snyder Ser/ices, 00C

29! Centennial A/enue

"iscataway, NJ 995:

2& Etem( ;nantici*ated emergency re*airs at /arious

County #uildings

)& Encrease in Cost( I ?9,&


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:& New Contract Total( I !5),&

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account !72)72?7)!!72?:

I25,& and Account :72!?75575))!!75! I:),& and said

accounts shall #e charged&

?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&

'& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, a contract was awarded on cto#er , 2!) for *ro/ision of snow

*lowing and salt contracting for Morris County roads and

=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase said

contract to *ro/ide for additional snow *lowing and salting ser/ices due to

se/ere winter storms

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contracts $egulations, contract modification as detailed on LContract Change

rder $e.uestL No& !7!!)2)2 is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( @arious @endors

2& Etem( Additional salt and snow *lowing ser/ices due

to se/ere winter storms&

)& Encrease in Cost( I '5,&

:& New Contract Total( I!,'5,&

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account !72!72?72!7229 and

said account shall #e charged&

?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&

'& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&


3)4=1$1AS, a contract was awarded for la#or rates *lum#ing and

=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase said

contract for additional funds needed to re*lace three 3)4 grease tra*s in the

+itchen of the correctional facility

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contracts $egulations, contract modification as detailed on LContract Change

rder $e.uestL No& !7!!:: is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( =e#ster "lum#ing % eating

" Bo< 52

Broo+side NJ '2?752

2& Etem( $e*lacement of three 3)4 grease tra*s in the

+itchen at the correctional facility&

)& Encrease in Cost( I ':,!&

:& New Contract Total( I!:,!&

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account 272!)7:!79?9!57)! and

said account shall #e charged&


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?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&

'& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, a contract was awarded on cto#er , 2!) for *ro/ision of snow

*lowing and salt contracting for Morris County roads and

=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase said

contract to *ro/ide for additional salting ser/ices at the correctional


N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contracts $egulations, contract modification as detailed on LContract Change

rder $e.uestL No& ?7!!??' is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( JJS Ser/ices, Enc&

" Bo< 555Mt& Freedom, NJ ''

2& Etem( Additional salt ser/ices at the correctional facility&

)& cto#er , 2!: through A*ril ), 2!5

riginal Amount I:,&

:& Encrease( I!2,&


New Total I52,&

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account !72!725729!79: and

said account shall #e charged&

?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&



=1$1AS, a contract was awarded on June 25, 2!: for *ro/ision of la#or

rates>@AC re*air % ser/ice and

=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase said

contract due to additional maintenance needed at the correctional facility

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contracts $egulations, contract modification as detailed on LContract Change

rder $e.uestL No& 27!2)95 is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( Bins+y % Snyder Ser/ices, 00C

29! Centennial A/enue

"iscataway, NJ 995:

2& Etem( Additional maintenance needed at the

correctional facility

)& Encrease in Cost( I :,&

:& New Contract Total( I !),&

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account !72!725729!79: and

said account shall #e charged&

?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&

'& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



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=1$1AS, a contract was awarded on cto#er !), 2!: for /arious security

im*ro/ements and

=1$1AS, it has #een determined that it is necessary to increase said

contract to *ro/ide for additional e.ui*ment

N=, T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that, *ursuant to 0ocal "u#lic

Contract $egulations, contract modification as detailed on Contract Change

rder $e.uestD No& 27!??9? is here#y a**ro/ed as follows(

!& @endor( Com*lete Security Systems, Enc&

: @ander#urg $oad

Marl#oro, NJ '':?

2& Etems( Additional e.ui*ment

)& Encrease( I !:,?95&

:& New Contract Total( I 25:,9'&

5& The necessary amended Certificate of A/aila#ility of Funds has #een

*ro/ided #y the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

a/aila#ility of funds is as listed in Account :72!?75575:):75? and

said account shall #e charged&

?& The irector of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is here#y authoriHed to

e<ecute said contract modification&

'& This resolution shall ta+e effect immediately&



=1$1AS, "ilgrim "i*eline oldings, 00C 3L"ilgrimL4 is *ro*osing to

#uild a new #i7directional *i*eline through Morris County that would trans*ort

crude oil and refined *etroleum *roducts #etween Al#any, New Gor+, and 0inden,

New Jersey and

=1$1AS, the *i*eline will carry oil e<tracted from North a+otas

Ba++en shale through the *rocess of hydraulic fracturing or frac+ing, an

e<treme method of oil and gas e<traction that de*letes and des*oils clean

water resources, creates to<ic air emissions and radioacti/e waste, and

releases large .uantities of methane gas into the atmos*here and

=1$1AS, in Fe#ruary, the =all Street Journal com*ared oil from 9?

locations around the world and found Ba++en crude oil to #e the most

e<*losi/e and

 =1$1AS, identical resolutions #efore New Jerseys 2!?th 0egislature

3Assem#ly $esolution !! and Senate $esolution !?4 declare LThe "ilgrim

"i*eline *roOect raises significant safety concerns for the State of New

Jersey including *otential harm to munici*al and county infrastructure, and

would li+ely ha/e a negati/e im*act u*on future de/elo*ment in the communityL


=1$1AS, while Morris County is located in the heart of northern New

Jersey, the most densely *o*ulated state in the ;nited States, ne/ertheless

through careful long term *lanning the densely *o*ulated *ortions of Morris

County are interwo/en with o*en s*ace areas designed for the *rotection of

Morris Countys residents water resources and other natural resources


3a4 the 8reat Swam* National =ildlife $efuge, esta#lished more than 5 years

ago #y the ;nited States e*artment of Enterior =ilderness Act, offering

*rotection to the headwaters of the "assaic $i/er

3#4 the New Jersey ighlands $egion created in 2: #y the New Jersey

legislature with the *assage of the New Jersey =ater "rotection and "lanning

Act to *rotect against the de*letion of water .uality and .uantity, as the

region *ro/ides drin+ing water to 5&: million New Jersey residents

3c4 Morris County through its Munici*al ;tilities Authority, its "ar+

Commission and through its *en S*ace "reser/ation "rogram ha/e since !)

dedicated tens of millions of ta<*ayer dollars to the *reser/ation and

*rotection of its water and other natural resources and


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• All of Chatham Borough and Madison Borough are ser/ed #y *u#lic water

which comes from *u#lic wells within their #oroughs& The wellhead

*rotection areas for these munici*al wells fall within the *ro*osed

*i*eline route&

• The Townshi* of 1ast ano/er and the Townshi* of Mont/ille are ser/ed #y

*u#lic wells within their community& Some of these wells wellhead

*rotection areas are within the *ro*osed *i*eline route&

• The *ro*osed route goes through the Buried @alley, $oc+away and

ighlands Sole Source A.uifers in Morris County&

• The "ilgrim "i*eline would also cross two maOor transmission lines

deli/ering water to the east, the Newar+ A.ueduct in "e.uannoc+ Townshi*

and the Jersey City "i*eline in "arsi**any7Troy ills&

=1$1AS, the County of Morris and its com*osite munici*alities are

highly ground water de*endent and rely on *u#lic community water systems and,

in *laces, functioning se*tic systems for waste dis*osal and the *otential

im*act of this *i*eline *roOect on groundwater .uality and .uantity and se*tic

fields along and near the *roOect right7of7way is the source of gra/e concern

to this Board and

=1$1AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris is

concerned a#out the haHards the *roOect may create due to the nature and

/olume of the highly flamma#le oil flowing through the *i*eline, and its

*ro*osed route, which crosses #oth residential neigh#orhoods and

en/ironmentally sensiti/e water *rotection areas 7 these areas will li+ely #e

in the Lim*act radiusL should an e<*losion and>or s*ill occur and

=1$1AS, according to "u#lic 1m*loyees for 1n/ironmental $es*onsi#ility,

the "i*eline and aHardous Materials Administration 3"MSA4 only has !)5ins*ectors to o/ersee 2&? million miles of *i*eline, and only one7fifth of

that *i*eline system has #een ins*ected #y "MSA or its state *artners since

2? and

=1$1AS, the *otential for an e<*losion of oil lea+ed from the *i*eline

could harm hundreds of *eo*le, the Board has gra/e concerns a#out this *roOect

negati/ely affecting the health, safety, and welfare of our citiHens and

=1$1AS, the *i*eline *roOect safety concerns for the County of Morris

includes *otential harm to munici*al and County a.uifers and infrastructure

with significant *otential for negati/e im*act on future de/elo*ment within

the County and

=1$1AS, the *ro*osed *roOect may result in a loss of ta< re/enue for

Morris County #ased on right7of7way agreements with "ilgrim "i*eline and a

decline in the *ro*erty /alues of homes along and adOacent to the new *i*eline

and surrounding neigh#orhoods as a direct result of the *roOect and

=1$1AS, *rotection of Morris Countys water su**ly and resources is

#etter accom*lished #y *re/ention of contamination and en/ironmental

degradation, rather than attem*ting to clean u* contamination and restoring

degraded en/ironments after the fact and

=1$1AS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris see+s

to *ro/ide a safe en/ironment for its residents, and this *i*eline raises

serious safety concerns as descri#ed a#o/e and

=1$1AS, #alancing the ris+s to the many necessary measures ta+en #y/arious le/els of go/ernment in terms of *lanning and in/estment #y ta<*ayers

in the *reser/ation and *rotection of infrastructure and natural>water

resources o/er the *ast three decades against the s*eculati/e #enefits that

will accrue to Morris County citiHens from com*letion of this *i*eline

*roOect, this Board finds the *ro*osed *i*eline *roOect wanting and de/oid of


N= T1$1F$1, B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris as follows(

!& The Board o**oses the *ro*osed "ilgrim "i*eline&


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2& The Board calls for a moratorium on any and all *lanning, *ro*osals,

sur/eying, or construction of the "ilgrim "i*eline through Morris


)& Because this *roOect will tra/erse and may negati/ely im*act numerous

significant natural areas and resources of the County and the ighlands

region, the Board re.uests that a full 1n/ironmental Em*act Statement

31ES4 #e conducted to assess the myriad en/ironmental conse.uences of

the *ro*osed *roOect&

:& The Cler+ of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris

shall forward certified co*ies of this $esolution to the following(

!& New Jersey 8o/ernor Chris Christie

2& Congressman $odney Frelinghuysen

)& Congressman 0eonard 0ance

:& Assem#ly S*ea+er @incent "rieto

5& Senate "resident Ste*hen M& Sweeney

?& All Morris County 0egislati/e $e*resentati/es

'& All Morris County Munici*alities

9& New Jersey Association of Counties& New Jersey 0eague of Munici*alities

!& New Jersey e*artment of 1n/ironmental "rotection

!!& New Jersey ighlands Council



B1 ET $1S0@1 as follows(

!& The County of Morris wishes to *urchase goods and ser/ices from the

following authoriHed /endors under the State of New Jersey Coo*erati/e

"urchasing "rogram !7NJC", according to 0ocal "u#lic Contract 0aws,

N&J&S& :A(!!7!2&

@eriHon 0aw % "u#lic Safety

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I!!,))?&


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

2:! Mall r S*lit Account(

N Charleston SC :? Amount( I9,995&95


!72!7)!7:)!7!:? I',5)2&!2

!72!727!2!7)! I!,??&?)

!)7275?75'9!7999 I299&:

@eriHon Enformation Technologies2:! Mall r S*lit Account(

N Charleston SC :? Amount( I,'?&!


!72!7)!7:)!7!:? I',?'&?

!72!727!2!7)! I!,?'&5

!)7275?75'9!7999 I29?&52

@eriHon Business Enformation Technologies

" Bo< ??': !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

allas TQ '52??7': Amount( I5,9!&


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I','!!&)2


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I!:,)!:&:


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I5,52:&55



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@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I5,':?&?


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I2,5!9&9)


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I),5:&'


@eriHon Business Enformation Technologies

" Bo< ??': !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

allas TQ '52??7': Amount( I5,9!&


@eriHon Enformation Technologies)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I','!!&)2


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I!2,):9&92


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I?,!:&5


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I5,9?5&)


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I2,55'&9)


@eriHon Enformation Technologies

)) =alnut Street !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

arris#urg "A !'!! Amount( I),5?&9)TA$$EF

@eriHon Enformation Technologies

2:! Mall r !72!72572'5!7)!

N Charleston SC :? Amount( I?,52&2


C= 8o/ernment 00C Enformation Technologies

2) N Millwau+ee A/e !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

@ernon ill E0 ??! Amount( I:,:9&2'




B1 ET $1S0@1 as follows(

!& The County of Morris wishes to *urchase goods and ser/ices from the

following authoriHed /endors under the State of New Jersey Coo*erati/e

"urchasing "rogram !7NJC", according to 0ocal "u#lic Contract 0aws,


$ Sales oor Morris @iew ealthcare

22 =est "ar+way !72!72'7)5!!72?2

"om*ton "lains NJ '::: Amount( I!,'?&

0eading Age

State of NJ Morris @iew ealthcare

" Bo< 2): !72!72'7)5!!57!95Trenton NJ 9?25 Amount( I5,9)&!:


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S*ecialty Medical Morris @iew ealthcare

5 "ennsyl/ania A/e !72!72'7)5!)7259

Mal/ern "A !)55 Amount( I),!&?

0eading Age

=oodruff 1nergy Morris @iew ealthcare

') =ater Street !72!72'7)5!!7!:!

Bridgeton NJ 9)27: Amount( I:5,)'&'5


irect Su**ly Enc& Morris @iew ealthcare

?'?' N Endustrial $d S*lit Account(

Milwau+ee =E 5)22) Amount( I),!)&!

:72!?755755):57: I!,9'!&'

!72!72'7)5!!72: I!,)2!&:


3)'4B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey that the following indi/idual is here#y

a**ointed to the Gouth Ser/ices Ad/isory Committee, without salary(


onora#le Catherine 1nright, J&S&C& !2>)!>!5

Morris County Courthouse



B1 ET $1S0@1 as follows(

!& The County of Morris wishes to *urchase goods and ser/ices from the

following authoriHed /endors under the State of New Jersey Coo*erati/e

"urchasing "rogram !7NJC", according to 0ocal "u#lic Contract 0aws,

N&J&S& :A(!!7!2&


S*ace Farms Enc& $oad i/ision

2!9 $t 5! !72!72?72!7)?

Susse< NJ ':?! Amount( I),:?5&


$eed Systems $oad i/ision

" Bo< 2 !72!72?2!72:2

1llen/ille NG !2:29 Amount( I!9,!)?&'


Tilco New Gor+ Enc& $oad i/ision

?25 Mt o*e $d !72!72?72!7222

=harton NJ '995 Amount( I?,9)&:


S*ace Farms Enc& $oad i/ision

2!9 $t 5! !72!72?72!7)?

Susse< NJ ':?! Amount( I2,59&


Tilco New Gor+ Enc& $oad i/ision

?25 Mt o*e $d !72!72?72!7222

=harton NJ '995 Amount( I),99&25


1<tel Communications Enformation Technology

9) Belmont A/enue !72!7)!7:)!7!:?

North aledon NJ '59 Amount( I),'2&5


Scientific =ater Buildings % 8rounds

5!5 "ennsyl/ania A/e& !72!72?7)!!7::

0inden NJ ')? Amount( I2,!'5&

$iccardi Brothers Buildings % 8rounds

!:5 South Street !72!72?7)!!72):

Morristown NJ '? Amount( I!,:!2&?2NJSCA9222:


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Bayway 0um#er Buildings % 8rounds

: Ashton A/enue !72!72?7)!!722)

0inden NJ ')? Amount( I ),::&!5


Central "oly Co& Buildings % 8rounds

2: Bedle "lace !72!72?7)!!72:2

0inden NJ ')?7:2)? Amount( I!?,?&


$ug and Floor Store Buildings % 8rounds

29 N Midland A/enue :72!?75575))5275!

Saddle Broo+ NJ '??) Amount( I!?,')&


8reelco Enc& Motor Ser/ice Center

5 $oano+e A/e& !72!72?7)!5!72:)

Newar+ NJ '!5 Amount( I2,?!&'


"lainsman Auto Su**ly Motor Ser/ice Center

)!5 1ast ano/er A/enue !72!72?7)!5!72!

Morristown NJ '? Amount( I2,''&:9


$oute 2) Automall 00C Motor Ser/ice Center

!)! $oute 2) !72!72?7)!5!72!

Butler NJ ':57!'' Amount( I!,?':&!!


Smith Motor Co& Motor Ser/ices Center

" Bo< )! $t& )! !72!72?7)!5!72!

=ashington NJ '992 Amount( I!,2'5&59


Fastenal Com*any Buildings % 8rounds

5) South Jefferson $d !72!72?7)!!72:

=hi**any NJ '9! Amount( I!,5):&??


Flemington Chrysler Motor Ser/ices Center

2: $t& 227)! !72!72?7)!5!72!

Flemington NJ 9922 Amount( I!,!)&)


Bae Systems 1mergency Management

!!:9' Sunset ills $d 72!)7:!7'9:?)7)!$eston @A 2! Amount( I2!,?'&


Chemung Su**ly Motor Ser/ice Center

" Bo< 52' !72!72?7)!5!72:!

1lmira NG !:2 Amount( I:,92&2


a/id =e#er il Motor Ser/ice Center

?! Endustrial $d !72!72?7)!5!72)2

Carlstadt NJ ''2 Amount( I2,:)!&


% B Auto Su**ly Motor Ser/ice Center

)2 0incoln Bl/d !72!72?7)!5!72

Middlese< NJ 99:? Amount( I2,5??&?5


1<tel Communications "rosecutor6s ffice

9) Belmont A/enue :72!?7557?:)?:75)

North aledon NJ '59 Amount( I!2,9&


Jas*er Seating Co& "rosecutor6s ffice

" Bo< 2)! :72!?7557?:)))75)

Jas*er EN :'5:' Amount( I5,25:&9



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FS Brands "rosecutor6s ffice

!2: 1 Si<th Street :72!?7557?:)?:75)

unting#urg EN :'5:2 Amount( I!9,!5&:2


ell Mar+eting 0" 0aw % "u#lic Safety

ne ell =ay 272!)7:!7'!9557)!

$ound $oc+ TQ '9?92 Amount( I2,:2:&9


1<tel Communications Buildings % 8rounds

9) Belmont A/enue :72!?75575))?275!

North aledon NJ '59 Amount( I:,)9&


1astern Concrete $oad i/ision

:'5 Mar+et Street !72!72?72!72:2

1lmwood "ar+ NJ ':' Amount( I),9))&9



=1$1AS, the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the Morris

County "rosecutor6s ffice, the Morris County Sheriff6s ffice, the ffice of

the Morris County Su*erior Courts, the Morristown "olice e*artment, the

Jersey Battered =omen6s Shelter, 0egal Ser/ices of Northwest Jersey, the

Morris County Bar Foundation, the Morris County ffice for is*anic Affairs,

eidre6s ouse and Mana/i, wish to enter into a Memorandum of ;nderstanding to

*ool their resources and assistance to *ro/ide aid and su**ort ser/ices to

/ictims of domestic /iolence in Morris County, under the aegis of the Morris

Family Justice Center /ersight Council, as descri#ed in the said Memorandum

of Agreement, a co*y of which is on file in the ffice of the County

Administrator and made a *art hereof #y reference and,

=1$1AS, the term of the aforesaid Memorandum of Agreement is for the

*eriod of one year, starting in March of 2!5 and,

=1$1AS, a Certification 0etter to the ;&S& e*artment of Justice>

ffice on @iolence Against =omen, a co*y of which is on file in the ffice of

the County Administrator and made a *art hereof #y reference is a com*onent of

this agreement and,

=1$1AS, a grant a**lication for I:5,& #y and for the Morris

County Family Justice Center /ersight Council, to fund the Center6s start7u*

e<*enses, has #een su#mitted to the ;&S& e*artment of Justice>ffice on

@iolence Against =omen, under the terms of the aforesaid Memorandum of

Agreement and Certification 0etter

N=, T1$1F$1, #e it resol/ed, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey, that the action of the County

Administrator in signing and su#mitting the aforesaid Memorandum of Agreement

and Certification 0etter, is here#y a**ro/ed, ratified and confirmed&



=1$1AS, transfers are *ermitted #etween A**ro*riation $eser/es during

the first three months of the fiscal year(

B1 ET $1S0@1, #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris, New Jersey, that transfers #etween A**ro*riation $eser/es #e made as



County Administrator, >1 I !'5, County Counsel, >1

"ersonnel, >1 !, Treasurer, S>=

County Cler+, >1 5, Treasurer, S>=

Board of 1lections, >1 5, County Counsel, >1

Su*erintendent of 1lections, S>= 25, County Counsel, >1

Su*erintendent of 1lections, >1 25, County Counsel, >1

County Cler+71lections, S>= !5, County Counsel, >1

County Cler+71lections, >1 25, County Counsel, >1

Treasurer, >1 5, County Counsel, >1

"urchasing, S>= !5, County Counsel, >1

Enformation Technology, >1 !5, County Counsel, >1

&0&E&S&, S>= ), County Counsel, >1&0&E&S&, >1 !, County Counsel, >1


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1ngineering, S>= ',5 County Counsel, >1

1ngineering, >1 !?, County Counsel, >1

"lanning Board, >1 5, County Counsel, >1

=or+er6s Com*ensation !, County Counsel, >1

1m*loyee 8rou* Ensurance 2,'52, County Counsel, >1

1mergency Management, S>= !5, County Counsel, >1

1mergency Management, >1 5, County Counsel, >1

Communication Center, >1 5, County Counsel, >1

Medical 1<aminer, S>= 2, County Counsel, >1

Sheriff, S>= 5, County Counsel, >1

Sheriff, >1 '5, County Counsel, >1

"rosecutor, S>= 2, County Counsel, >1

"rosecutor, >1 !, County Counsel, >1

Enformation Technology, >1 2, Audit, >1

8rou* Ensurance ), Audit, >1

Jail, S>= !)5, County Counsel, >1

Jail, >1 25, County Counsel, >1

Ju/enile etention Center, S>= 95, County Counsel, >1

Ju/enile etention Center, >1 25, County Counsel, >1

ealth Management, S>= 5, County Counsel, >1

uman Ser/ices, S>= '5, County Counsel, >1Gouth Shelter, S>= :, County Counsel, >1

Gouth Shelter, >1 !5, County Counsel, >1

Aging, S>= ?5, County Counsel, >1

NJ 1ase "hase EE !, County Counsel, >1

Senior, isa#ility % @ets, S>= 5, County Counsel, >1

"atients in County "sychiatric

  os*itals ?, County Counsel, >1

Morris @iew, S>= 5, County Counsel, >1

Morris @iew, >1 ), County Counsel, >1

AdOuster, S>= !5, County Counsel, >1

0i#rary, >1 5, County Counsel, >1

$utgers 1<tension Ser/ices, S>= 2, County Counsel, >1

$eim#ursement 2 Gear ut of

  County College 25, County Counsel, >1

"u#lic Safety Training Academy, S>= 5, County Counsel, >1

"&1&$&S& !,!):,295&9? County Counsel, >1

Social Security :, County Counsel, >1

Nutrition, S>= :, County Counsel, >1

Enformation Technology, S>= !2, County Counsel, >1

NJ 1ase "hase EE )5, ;tilities, >1



B1 ET $1S0@1, that the Tem*orary Budget introduced at the annual

meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris, January

2, 2!5, #e amended as follows(

By increasing the following a**ro*riations(

8eneral 8o/ernment(

County Administrator, Salaries % =ages I !,&

"ersonnel, Salaries % =ages 5,&

Freeholders, Salaries % =ages 5,&

Treasurer, Salaries % =ages 25,&

ffice Ser/ices, ther 1<*enses 5,&

Ta< Board, ther 1<*enses !,&

County Counsel, ther 1<*enses 5,&

Surrogate, ther 1<*enses !,&

1ngineering, Salaries % =ages 25,&

Code 1nforcement % Administration(

=eights % Measures, Salaries % =ages 5,&


8rou* Ensurance ),,&

ealth Benefit =ai/er 2,&

0aw % "u#lic Safety(

1mergency Management, Salaries % =ages 5,&

Communication Center, ther 1<*enses 2,&

Medical 1<aminer, ther 1<*enses 25,&

Sheriff, ther 1<*enses 2,&

"rosecutor, ther 1<*enses 2,&

Ju/enile etention Center, ther 1<*enses 5,&


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"u#lic =or+s(

Shade Tree, ther 1<*enses !,&

Buildings % 8rounds, ther 1<*enses 25,&

Motor Ser/ice Center, ther 1<*enses !,&

Mos.uito Control, ther 1<*enses 5,&

ealth % uman Ser/ices(

ealth Management, Salaries % =ages !,&

ealth Management, ther 1<*enses 5,&

uman Ser/ices, Salaries % =ages 25,&

uman Ser/ices, ther 1<*enses !,&

Gouth Shelter, ther 1<*enses !,&

Aging, ther 1<*enses !,&

8rant En Aid 5,&

Morris @iew, ther 1<*enses !,'5,&

AdOuster, ther 1<*enses !,&

"atients in County "sychiatric os*itals 25,&

"ar+s % $ecreation(

"ar+ Commission !,,&


Su*erintendent of Schools, ther 1<*enses 2,&

County College !,,&

Statutory 1<*enditures(

efined Contri#ution $etirement "lan 5,&

"&1&$&S& 9,'2,?!)&

"&F&$&S& :,:,5)&

"u#lic % "ri/ate "rograms ffset #y $e/enues(

Nutrition, ther 1<*enses 5,&

Area "lan 8rant, ther 1<*enses 25,&

County e#t Ser/ice(

Bond "rinci*al( County !,'5,&

"ar+ 5,&

County College !,5,&

Bond Enterest( County 5:','22&5

"ar+ 2,!2!&25

County College !::,:2&

B1 ET F;$T1$ $1S0@1, that the total a**ro*riations will now #e




B1 ET $1S0@1 #y the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County ofMorris in the State of New Jersey that the following indi/idual is here#y

a**ointed to the Morris County Ad/isory Committee on =omen, without salary(


r& 8ayle "earson !2>)!>!5

!2: Shady 0ane

$andol*h, NJ '9?


Freeholder -ric+us made a motion to ado*t $esolution Nos& ! 7 :2 and

this was seconded #y Freeholder Ca#ana& The Cler+ called and recorded the

following /ote(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4



Freeholder -ric+us commented a#out dis*aragement that it does ha/e a

chilling effect, as a *u#lic official&

Freeholder Mastrangelo noted that the dis*aragement clause is not a gagorder& County Counsel e<*lained it well& =e can tal+ a#out Solar E and Solar


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EE, tal+ a#out the facts and dollars& =here the dollars went, we Oust can6t

call someone a croo+ they would ha/e a right to come #ac+ and sue& e has

seen the dis*aragement clause on settlements in the *ri/ate sector& Any

mem#er will discuss the settlement clearly and factually with all the num#ers

*ro/ided #y the *rofessionals who were in/ol/ed for months and months&



B1 ET 1$1BG $1S0@1 that the #ills as shown on the Schedule of

=arrants all ha/ing #een a**ro/ed #y the *ro*er committees of officials where

legally re.uired, #e and the same are here#y authoriHed to #e *aid& The

Schedule of =arrants designated as Bill $esolution ?7!5 totals I5,?,?))&9

dated and made a *art hereof #y reference&

Freeholder Ca#ana mo/ed the ado*tion of the Bill $esolution& The motion

was seconded #y Freeholder 0yon, and the following /ote was recorded(

G1S( Freeholders Ca#ana, Cesaro, -ric+us, 0yon, Mastrangelo,

and irector eFilli**o 3?4

ABS1NT( Freeholder Sca*icchio 3!4



There was no further #usiness& n motion #y Freeholder Cesaro and

seconded #y Freeholder Ca#ana, the meeting adOourned at 9(: *&m&

$es*ectfully su#mitted,

iane M& -etchum

Cler+ of the Board

top related