fh meeting minutes - 2013-10-09

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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A regular meeting of The Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris, State of New Jersey, was held on October 9, 2013, at the

Administration & Records Building, 10 Court Street, Morristown, New Jersey.

The meeting began at 8:00 p.m.

Clerk of the Board Diane M. Ketchum announced that adequate notice of

this regular meeting held the 9th day of October, 2013 has been providedthrough resolution adopted by this Board at its Regular Meeting held at the

Administration and Records Building on January 4, 2013, and by electronic

mailing to the Star Ledger, the Daily Record, and the Record through posting

on the County website and by filing a copy of same with the Morris County

Clerk and the Clerk of this Board.


PRESENT: Freeholders Douglas Cabana, John Cesaro, Ann Grossi,

John Krickus, Hank Lyon, David Scapicchio, and

Director Thomas Mastrangelo


ALSO PRESENT: Administrator John Bonanni, Assistant County Administrator

Mary Jo Buchanan, County Counsel Dan O’Mullan,

Assistant County Counsel Randy Bush, and Clerk of the Board

Diane M. Ketchum


County Counsel opened the meeting with a prayer and a salute to the




All meeting minutes from the September 16, September 19, and

October 2, 2013 special meetings and Open/Executive Work Session

Meeting Minutes from September 25, 2013.

On motion by Freeholder Lyon and seconded by Freeholder

Scapicchio, the meeting minutes from the September 16, September 19,

and October 2, 2013 special meetings and Open/Executive Work Session

Meeting Minutes from September 25, 2013 were approved.



1. The Borough of Wharton is asking permission to close a portion of Main

Street on November 10 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to conduct the annual

Veteran’s Eve Memorial Parade and Services.

On motion by Freeholder Cabana and seconded by Freeholder Lyon, the

request was approved.






Director Mastrangelo stated: “We will now consider for final

adoption the ordinance entitled ‘BOND ORDINANCE AMENDING BOND ORDINANCE



Clerk Ketchum read the following ordinance:


OF MORRIS, NEW JERSEY (not less than two-thirds of all the members

thereof affirmatively concurring), AS FOLLOWS:

Section 1. Bond Ordinance number 962267 of the County of Morris, New

Jersey (the “County”), finally adopted April 11, 2012 entitled “BOND


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NEW JERSEY” is hereby amended to read as follows:

Section 2. Section 3(a) of said Bond Ordinance number 962267 of theCounty, finally adopted April 11, 2012, is hereby amended to include the

acquisition of new and replacement furniture, benches and work stations for

the Office of Information Technology. Therefore, Section 3(a) of said bond

ordinance number 962267 shall read in its entirety as follows:

“The improvements hereby authorized and the purposes for the financing of

which said obligations are to be issued are for the acquisition of computer,

telecommunications, and information technology equipment, including, but not

limited to, the purchase of new and replacement information technology

systems, hardware, software, network hardware, services, furniture, benches

and work stations for the Office of Information Technology, including all

work, materials and equipment necessary therefor and incidental thereto (all

as shown on and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on

file in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Chosen Freeholders and hereby


Section 3. All other details of the bond ordinance referred to in

Section 1 hereof shall remain the same.

Section 4. This bond ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days

after the first publication thereof after final adoption, as provided by the

Local Bond Law.

Director Mastrangelo stated: “The Public Hearing is now open.”

There were no public comments, and the Director declared the Public

Hearing closed.

Freeholder Scapicchio moved that the ordinance under

consideration be adopted on the second and final reading. Freeholder

Cesaro seconded the motion.

The Clerk called and recorded the following vote:

YES: Freeholders Cabana, Cesaro, Grossi, Krickus, Lyon,

Scapicchio, and Director Mastrangelo (7)



Ms. Beth Jarett, resident of Rockaway, spoke to the Freeholder Board

about Assemblyman Webber’s visit and tour of Morris View this week. Families

and Friends of Morris View drove to other nursing homes in New Jersey

including the one located outside Pt. Pleasant. Executive Director of NJAC,

John Donnadio was there to meet them. Ms. Jarett thanked Director Scapicchio

for a great job as well as Assistant Administrator Buchanan and Director of

Human Services Pinto for their hard work.

Ms. Burd, Director of Employee Resources, announced the changes to the

Administrative Code which will be adopted at the October 23rd meeting. The

changes reflect the consolidation of Public Works and Planning and

Development into a new department, “Planning and Public Works,” incorporatingboth department divisions. This change will be effective December 1, 2013.

Also, effective January 1, 2014, the Mosquito Commission will be incorporated

into the new department being renamed, “Mosquito Control Division.”



Freeholder Scapicchio presented the following resolutions:




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WHEREAS, the Borough and County of Morris will be making changes to the

intersection of Main Street and Hilltop Road/Mountain Avenue in the Borough

of Mendham, County of Morris to expedite the safe movements of traffic and;

WHEREAS, the County of Morris will pay for the cost of the improvements

to the aforesaid intersection. The total cost being $42,545.00 with the

County share being $21,272.50 in accordance with the County Policy on CostSharing in Intersection Improvements, Channelization and Signalization

Projects issued August 12, 1974, which County Policy is in writing and on

record in the Office of the County Engineer.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That an Agreement between the County of Morris and the Borough of

Mendham is on file in the office of the County Engineer and which

Agreement will be made a part hereof by reference and is hereby

approved and shall be entered into by this Board.

2. That the Freeholder Director and Clerk of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders are hereby authorized to sign said Agreement.

3. The referenced Agreement between the Borough of Mendham and the

County of Morris is attached herewith and made a part of this


4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

5. The County will undertake this work with no cost to Mendham








WHEREAS, the Culvert carrying a Tributary to Beaver Brook under Rathbun

Road, known as the Rathbun Road Culvert in the Township of Montville, County

of Morris is in need of replacement due to its deteriorated condition; and

WHEREAS, the County maintains many culverts of this size; however, there

is no record of the County ever having accepted ownership of this culvert, and

the County will not accept any culvert until such time as it is brought up to

county standards for acceptance, and

WHEREAS, the County of Morris and the Township of Montville have deemed it

in their best interest to enter into an Inter-Local Agreement in order to

provide for the replacement of the Rathbun Road Culvert in the Township of

Montville, County of Morris New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, by previous agreement, adopted on February 13, 2008, the County

of Morris and the Township of Montville contributed equally to the design and

permitting cost for the replacement of the culvert and now would like to enter

into an another inter-local agreement to equally contribute towards the cost of

bidding, inspection and construction for replacement of the culvert, not to

exceed $225,000.00; and

WHEREAS, in order to undertake this project, the Township of Montvilleagrees to act as the lead agency for the construction of the replacement of the

Rathbun Road Culvert; and

WHEREAS, the Township of Montville will provide copies of all bid

documents and as-built plans to the County Engineer; and

WHEREAS, the County of Morris agrees that it will accept the culvert as a

County facility upon the completion of the project and final inspection.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the Agreement between the Board

of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris and Township Committee of the

Township of Montville for the replacement of the Rathbun Road Culvert in the

Township of Montville, currently on file in the Office of the County Engineer,


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is made a part of this resolution by reference and is approved and entered into

by the County of Morris.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director and the Clerk of the Board are

hereby authorized to execute said Agreement attached hereto and made a part




WHEREAS, on March 24, 2010 an agreement was entered into between the

County of Morris and Kindercare Learning Centers, inc. 650 NE Holladay Street,

Suite 1400 Portland, OR 97232, which allowed the Director of Finance/County

Treasurer to retain twenty (20%) percent of Thirty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred

Ninety Three Dollars ($37,893.00) which is Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy

Eight Dollars and Sixty Cents ($7,578.60) to be placed on deposit in an interest

bearing account with the County through its Road Inspection Office in lieu of a

Maintenance Bond for Road Opening Permit #03-22 for work and construction done

at Whippany Road, Hanover Township.

WHEREAS, the Engineering Division of the County of Morris has requested

that the County of Morris through its Director of Finance/County Treasurer to

release the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Eight Dollars and Sixty

Cents ($7,578.60) together with accrued interest on said amount to KinderCare

learning Centers, Inc., 650 NE Holladay Street, Suite 1400 Portland, OR 97232.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris that the Director of Finance/County Treasurer be and is hereby

authorized to release the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Eight

Dollars and Sixty Cents ($7,578.60) together with accrued interest on said

amount to KinderCare Learning Centers, Inc. 650 NE Holladay Street, Suite 1400

Portland, OR 972332.



WHEREAS, on January 1, 2013 the County of Morris entered into contract

agreement SH13014 with the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division

of Family Development for $221,855.00 for the period January 1, 2013 to

December 31, 2013 to provide services to the homeless population; and,

WHEREAS, the aforesaid contract is being amended by increasing it by

$100,000.00 to a new total of $321,855.00 for a Disaster Social Services

Block Grant to assist families and individuals experiencing short-term non-

recurring emergencies as a consequence of Hurricane Sandy; and,

WHEREAS, the time frames for utilization of the additional $100,000.00

in funds under the aforesaid grant will be extended from September 1, 2013

through September 20, 2015;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. The Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby

authorized to sign and execute Contract Modification Form P1.10.

2. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to sign Annex B and

accept the aforesaid funds, crediting account 02-213-41-754515-391.

3. The Director of Human Services is hereby authorized to sign AnnexB and related contract documents, as required.



WHEREAS, Resolution #14 adopted at the October 10, 2012 Freeholder

Public Meeting authorized execution of agreement #STASHUT-13M-JARC between

State Shuttle, Inc. and Morris/Sussex/Warren Employment and Training Services

for the period September 1, 2012 to March 27, 2013 in the amount of

$103,190.96; and,

WHEREAS, Resolution #19 adopted April 10, 2013 authorized Modification

#1 extending the end date to August 23, 2013 and increasing the total amount

to $177,048.75; and,


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WHEREAS, funding is now available to extend this agreement to August

31, 2013;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris, in the State of New Jersey, that the Director of the

Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authorized to sign and executeModification #2 to Agreement #STASHUT-13M-JARC between Morris/Sussex/Warren

Employment & Training Services and State Shuttle, Inc. which extends the

contract to August 31, 2013 and increases the contract amount by $1,571.55,

to a new total of $178,620.30.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of Finance and County

Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue an amended CAF# 65957, charging this

increase to Account No. 02-213-41-741415-392 (TANF) the amount of $1,257.24

and Account No. 02-213-41-741420-392 (GA) the amount of $314.31.



1. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-15, a contract is hereby

awarded, for the provision of maintenance of proprietary computer

software to the Morris View Healthcare Center, to:

Optimus EMR Inc.

17802 Sky Park Circle

Ste 105

Irvine CA 92614

Amount: $8,600.00

Term: 09/01/13 thru 10/31/13

Budget Line item: 01-201-27-350100-040

Using Department: Morris View Healthcare Center

2. The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to execute said

contract as prepared by County Counsel.

3. This resolution shall take effect immediately.



BE IT RESOLVED as follows:

1. The County of Morris wishes to purchase goods and services from the

following authorized vendors under the State of New Jersey Cooperative

Purchasing Program 1-NJCP, according to Local Public Contract Laws,


R.D. Sales Door & Hardware Morris View Healthcare

220 West Parkway 01-201-27-350110-262

Pompton Plains NJ 07444 Amount: $4,225.00

Leading Age

J.A.Sexauer Morris View Healthcare

304 S. 20th St. 01-201-27-350110-204

Fairfield IA 52556 Amount: $5,705.92

Leading Age

Emerald Professional Morris View Healthcare

285 Pierce St 01-201-27-350125-182Somerset NJ 08873 Amount: $13,773.05


Read Supply Morris View Healthcare

P O Box 571 01-201-27-35025-182

Montvale NJ 07645 Amount: $4,440.00

Leading Age

Read Supply Morris View Healthcare

P O Box 571 01-201-27-350125-182

Montvale NJ 07645 Amount: $2,960.00

Leading Age



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BE IT RESOLVED as follows:

1. The County of Morris wishes to purchase goods and services from the

following authorized vendors under the State of New Jersey Cooperative

Purchasing Program 1-NJCP, according to Local Public Contract Laws,N.J.S. 40A:11-12.

Tilcon New York Inc. Road Division

625 Mt Hope Rd 01-201-26-290100-222

Wharton NJ 07885 Amount: $11,148.37


Tilcon New York Inc. Road Division

625 Mt Hope Rd 01-201-26-290100-222

Wharton NJ 07885 Amount: $2,671.35


State of NJ Morris View Healthcare

P O Box 234 01-201-27-350115-185

Trenton NJ 08625 Amount: $5,058.20


Grainger Morris View Healthcare

55 Jackson Drive 01-201-27-350110-262

Cranford NJ 07016 Amount: $2,499.79


Dell Marketing LP Prosecutor’s Office

One Dell Way 02-213-41-783310-391

Round Rock TX 78682 Amount: $3,773.71


Staples Business OTA

125 Mushroom Blvd 01-201-27-345100-058

Rochester NY 14623 Amount: $6,288.38


Inter City Tire Motor Service Center

777 Dowd Avenue 01-201-26-315100-245

Elizabeth NJ 07201 Amount: $4,819.14




With respect to recent bidding for Snow Plowing & Ice Removal for

Morris County Facilities, a contract is hereby awarded to the lowest

responsible bidder as follows:

JJS Services, Inc.

PO Box 555

Mount Freedom NJ 07970

Term: October 9th, 2013 thru April 30th, 2014

Amount: $40,000.00

Dept: Buildings & Grounds


Split Year:

2013 $15,000.00

2014 $25,000.00

1. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a Certificate of

Availability of Funds charging the appropriate department account

for amounts reflecting all liabilities to be incurred through

March 31, 2014, in accordance with N.J.R. 3644, 5:34-5.3 (a).

Upon final adoption of the budget, a Certificate of Availability

of Funds shall be issued for the remaining balance subject to the

appropriation of sufficient funds.

2. The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to execute said

contract as prepared by County Counsel.

3. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

4. This contract is awarded pursuant to a fair and open process in


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compliance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.1, et seq.



BE IT RESOLVED as follows:

1. The County of Morris wishes to purchase goods and services from

the following authorized vendors under the State of New Jersey

Cooperative Purchasing Program 1-NJCP, according to Local Public

Contract Laws, 30:9-87.

FIA Card Services

A Bank of America Co.

750 Walnut Avenue

Cranford NJ 07016

Term: 08/08/13 thru 08/07/16




1. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-15, a contract is hereby

awarded, for the provision of maintenance of proprietary computer

software to the Board of Taxation, to:

Microsystems-NJ Com, LLC

985 Route 202-206

Bridgewater NJ 08807

Term: 01/01/13 thru 9/30/13

Amount: $24,000.00

Budget Line Item: 01-201-20-150-100-040Using Department: MC Board of Taxation

2. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a Certificate of

Availability of Funds.

3. The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to execute said

contract as prepared by County Counsel.

4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.



BE IT RESOLVED as follows:

1. The County of Morris wishes to purchase goods and services from

the following authorized vendors under the State of New Jersey

Cooperative Purchasing Program 1-NJCP, according to Local Public

Contract Laws, N.J.S. 40a:11-12.

SHI Law & Public Safety

290 Davidson Avenue 01-201-25-252105-078

Somerset NJ 08873 Amount: $75,000.00


2. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue Certificate ofAvailability of Funds.



WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in the

State of New Jersey approved a Solid Waste Environmental Agreement for

provision of the Solid Waste Component of the County Environmental Health Act

by the Morris County MUA and the Morris County Office of Health Management

for a 7-year term; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders hereby intends to renew the

aforesaid solid waste enforcement agreement;


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NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders hereby approves and endorses an extension of the aforesaid Solid

Waste Enforcement Agreement for provision of the Solid Waste Component of the

County Environmental Health from the termination date of the old agreement to

December 31, 2104, retroactively.



WHEREAS, the US Secretary of Transportation is authorized to make

grants for a general public transportation program of projects in other than

urbanized areas under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act, as amended;


WHEREAS, the Morris County Risk Management has submitted the current

“Alcohol and Drug Policy” as required by the FTA; and,

WHEREAS, the Morris County Board of the Chosen Freeholders approved and

signed the FTA Section 5311 application through Resolution #31 on June 13,


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the county of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the Director of the Board is hereby authorized to approve

and sign the FY 2014 Federal Transit Administration Section 5311

contract and Addendum D “Annual Affidavit of Compliance with NJ

Transit’s Code of Ethics for Vendors and State of New Jersey

Ethics Law”.

2. That the Director of Finance and County Treasurer is hereby

authorized to accept the aforesaid funds in the following


Federal $210,667 02-213-41-786415-391

State $105,334 02-213-41-786415-392

County $105,333 02-213-41-786415-394

on behalf of the County of Morris for provision of transportation

services for the rural residents of Morris County.



Whereas, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris, by

resolution #13 adopted July 10th, 2013, awarded funding to ADS Solid Waste of

NJ Inc., 27-33 Iowa Avenue Paterson, NJ 07512; and

Whereas, effective August 21st, 2013 said organization has changed their

name to Interstate Waste Services, Inc., 375 Route 1&9 South, Jersey City NJ

07306 and is operating under the new name, in accordance with a letter dated

September 11th, 2013, copies of which are on file at the Morris County Office

of the Purchasing Agent and are made a part hereof by reference,

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the Treasurer is hereby

authorized to issue an amended Certificate of Availability of Funds #’s 84125

relative to the account#: 01-201-25-280100-084 and relative to the

account#:60-201-84-PKM140-646 reflecting said change.

This resolution shall take effect immediately.



WHEREAS, the County of Morris has had a contract on behalf of Morris View

Healthcare Center with the Head Start Community Program of Morris County, Inc.

to provide meals to Head Start; and,

WHEREAS, the contract is due for the period of September 16, 2013 through

June 27, 2014; and,

WHEREAS, the rates for the breakfast, lunch and P.M. Supplement shall be

as follows:


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• Breakfast $1.07

• Lunch $2.13

• P.M. Supplement $0.54

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the action of the Director of

the Human Services in signing and executing the aforesaid agreement, a copy of

which is on file in the Office of the Department of Human Services and made a

part hereof by reference, is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed.

BE IT FURTHER REQUIRED, that the Director of Finance and County Treasurer

is hereby authorized to accept the aforesaid funds, crediting the appropriate




RESOLVED that the Director is hereby authorized to execute and the Clerkshall certify, attest and affix the seal to the Release of Receipt of Grant and

Lien in the matter of the following client (s), and the Clerk shall deliver the

same to Community Development.

Francis Abbate

Michael P & Sandra E Quast



BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the County of Morris hereby awards a grant of $45,120 from

the FY 2013 Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund to

Daughters of the American Revolution, Morristown Chapter for a

project entitled Schuyler-Hamilton House.

2. That the Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby

authorized to sign and execute an agreement to expire on

09/25/2015 for the aforesaid grant, and the Clerk to attest to

the same, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the

Department of Planning & Development and made a part hereof by


3. That the Treasurer issue a Certificate of Availability of Fundsindicating that funds are available from the Morris County

Dedicated Open Space Account #13-290-56-580-550-888 and process

payment to the grantee as directed by the office of the

Department of Planning & Development, all in accordance with this




BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the County of Morris hereby awards a grant of $25,000 from

the FY 2013 Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund to

Church of the Assumption for a project entitled Church of the


2. That the Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby

authorized to sign and execute an agreement to expire on

09/25/2015 for the aforesaid grant, and the Clerk to attest to

the same, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the

Department of Planning & Development and made a part hereof by


3. That the Treasurer issue a Certificate of Availability of Funds

indicating that funds are available from the Morris County

Dedicated Open Space Account #13-290-56-580-550-888 and processpayment to the grantee as directed by the office of the


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Department of Planning & Development, all in accordance with this




WHEREAS, the County Treasurer has been advised that the followingchecks are no longer needed and have been voided,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby

authorized to redeposit the following checks.


368175 08/28/13 $870.00 Viking Termite & Centralized

Pest Control, Inc. Disbursement Bank of America

368665 09/12/13 $ 99.00 Bally’s Park Centralized Bank of America

Place Casino Disbursement



WHEREAS, the County Treasurer has been advised that the following check

was issued to both the homeowner and vendor and has been advised that the

homeowner is deceased;


17094 09/29/11 $82.00 Maggie Babbitt & Community Bank of America

Larry Bannat Development

Excavating Corp.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body that the County

Treasurer be authorized to re-issue the above in the following manner.


$82.00 Larry Bannat Community Bank of America

Excvating Corp Development



BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey that the Director of Finance & County

Treasurer is hereby authorized to reclassify the following payments as


CHECK# DATE PAYEE AMOUNT FROM TO368510 09/11/2013 Papermart Inc. $699.67 01-201-25-275100-058 02-213-41-777305-391


10000376 06/08/2009 Housing $310.00 Local Home–24/06/816 Local Home-22/05-816


10000378 06/24/2009 Housing $675.00 Local Home-24/06-816 Local Home-22/05-816


10000382 07/09/2009 Housing $117.50 Local Home-24/06-816 Local Home-22/05-816




WHEREAS, the County Treasurer has been advised that the following check has

been lost and payment has been stopped on same.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to

reissue the same.



366309 07/24/13 $6,599.91 Trimboli & Centralized

Prusinowski, LLC Disbursement Bank of America



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WHEREAS, the following Grant Fund budget appropriation balances remain

unexpended or have been reduced:

741370 WFNJ – NJ Build $ 4,000.00741511 SCCC – Health Pathways $ 60.00

741512 WCCC – Health Pathways $ 60.00

741513 CCM – Health Pathways $ 3,024.00

794215 Rail Grade Crossing/STP-BOOS (991) LS4E $14,645.28

WHEREAS, it is necessary to formally cancel said balances so that the Grant

program may be closed out and removed from the open balances, and

WHEREAS, it may be necessary to refund any excess funds received from the

Grant Agency if Morris County receives funding in excess of the requirement of the


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders that the above

listed balances in the grant fund be canceled and any excess funds received be

returned to the appropriate Grant Agency.



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in

the State of New Jersey that the following individual is hereby appointed to the

Morris County Housing Authority, to serve without salary, for a five-year term to

expire on 10/10/18:

Joseph Dolan

16 Forrest RoadRandolph, NJ 07869



In accordance with the authorization to pay per Chapter 127 P.L. 1985,

the following checks have been issued by the County Treasurer:


09/25/13 369222 NJ Motor Vehicle 01-201-26-315100-098 $225.00


09/25/13 369223 NJ Motor Vehicle 01-201-26-315100-098 $275.00


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above payments be confirmed.



WHEREAS, pursuant to (1) Section 510 (c) of that certain Lease Purchase

Agreement dated as of August 1, 2011 (the “Original Lease Agreement”) as

amended and supplemented by that certain Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement

dated as of June 1, 2012 (the “lease Amendment No. 1” and together with the

Original Lease Agreement, the “Lease Agreement”) by and between The MorrisCounty Improvement Authority (the “Authority”) and the County of Morris, New

Jersey, and (ii) Section 5.02 of the Authority’s bond resolution entitled


COUNTY IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY” duly adopted by the Authority on July 20, 2011

as amended and supplemented by a Certificate of an Authorized Officer of the

Authority dated August 30, 2011, as further amended and supplemented by a

Certificate of an Authorized Officer of eh Authority dated June 28, 2012

collectively, the “Lease Revenue Bond Resolution,” U.S. Bank National

Association, as Trustee for the holders of the captioned bonds (the “Bonds”)

is hereby requested to pay from moneys on deposit in the Acquisition Fund

bills associated with the Public Safety Academy project

Block 7, Lot 2 in Parsippany-Troy Hills, New Jersey, and


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WHEREAS, Requisition Number 14 in the amount of $3,115.00, payable to

Team Fabrication, Inc. is being sent to U.S. Bank on October 10, 2013.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the action of the Treasurer in submitting

the bill for payment to the Trustee U.S. Bank, as approved by the Director of

Engineering, is hereby approved.



BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the County of Morris hereby awards a grant of $292,480 from

the FY 2013 Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund to

Boonton Town for a project entitled Boonton Holmes Public

Library-Phase II Interior.

2. That the Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby

authorized to sign and execute an agreement to expire on

09/25/2015 for the aforesaid grant, and the Clerk to attest to

the same, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the

Department of Planning & Development and made a part hereof by


3. That the Treasurer issue a Certificate of Availability of Funds

indicating that funds are available from the Morris County

Dedicated Open Space Account #13-290-56-580-550-888 and process

payment to the grantee as directed by the office of the

Department of Planning & Development, all in accordance with this




WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris, by

resolution #48 adopted February 13, 2013, awarded a Service Agreement to Pino

Consulting Group, Inc., of West Windsor, New Jersey to provide Financial

Consulting Services related to the preparation of a central service cost

allocation plan and indirect cost rates based on calendar year 2011 (to be

completed in 2013) and 2012 actual costs (to be completed in 2014), and,

WHEREAS, the specifications provided a first option to renew for a

period of one (1) year, and;

WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the County of Morris to

exercise the option to renew the contract for additional one (1) year, under

the same terms and conditions as agreeable to both parties;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. Said contract with

Pino Consulting Group, Inc.

8 Snowbird Court

West Windsor, NJ 08550

Vendor ID#:17047

Term: January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014

Amount year 2: $23,750Account#: 01-201-20-130100-084

Be renewed for additional one (1) year.

2. The Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authorized to

execute said agreement conditioned upon the contractor’s compliance with

the requirements set forth in paragraph 5 below.

3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a Certificate of Availability

of Funds charging the appropriate account for amounts reflecting all

liabilities to be incurred through March 31, 2014, in accordance with

N.J.R. 3644, 5:34-5.3 (a) (2).

4. Upon final adoption of the budget, a certificate of Availability of

Funds shall be issued for the remaining balance, subject to the


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appropriation of sufficient funds.

5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

6. This contract is awarded pursuant to a fair and open process in

compliance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4, et seq.



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey that the Director of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders is hereby authorized to sign and execute grant agreement FFY13

State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) (CFDA #97.073, Award #EMW-2013-SS-

00032) for $316,787.65 for county and regional projects with the State of New

Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness.

BE IT FURHTER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance and County

Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept the aforesaid funds, crediting the

appropriate account.



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey that the Director of the Board is hereby

authorized to sign and execute an amendment to the 2013 Community Development

Block Grant (CDBG) Sub Grantee Agreement authorizing the approval of the

repair of an elevator at the Madison Housing Authority, pending approval of

the 2013 Action Plan, between the County of Morris and the Madison Housing




WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders believes that the Common Core

State Standards initiative is not representative of Morris County’s residents

but rather developed by non-governmental organizations and unelected boards

outside Morris County; and,

WHEREAS, the Common Core violates privacy laws by requiring storage and

sharing of private student and family data without individuals consent; and,

WHEREAS, the New Jersey General Assembly and New Jersey Senate have

introduced legislation to further evaluate and delay the implementation of

the principles of The Common Core Initiative and that the Morris County Board

of Chosen Freeholders fully supports the passage of A4197 and S2973;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Morris County Board of Chosen

Freeholders opposes The Common Core Initiative; asks Congress and the

Administration to withdraw support and discontinue funding The Common Core

Standards Initiative;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the

sponsors of the aforesaid bill, all our local state representatives, the

Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, the Chairman of the Assembly

Education Committee, the Speaker of the New Jersey Assembly, the President of

the New Jersey Senate, the New Jersey Commissioner of Education, theHonorable Governor of the State of New Jersey Christopher J. Christie,

Senator Robert Menendez, Senator Jeffrey Chiesa, Congressman Rodney P.

Frelinghuysen, Congressman Leonard J. Lance, Speaker of the House John A.

Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid, and the Honorable President of

the United States Barrack Hussein Obama.



BE IT RESOLVED as follows:

1. The County of Morris wishes to purchase goods and services from the

following authorized vendors under the State of New Jersey Cooperative

Purchasing Program 1-NJCP, according to Local Public Contract Laws,


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Keyboard Consultant Information Technology

6 Kingsbridge Road 04-216-55-962322-955

Fairfield NJ 07004 Amount: $39,119.00

Vendor#: 101444


2. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue Certificates of

Availability of Funds.



With respect to recent bidding for Snow Plowing & Ice Removal for the

2013-2014 Winter Snow Season, a contract is hereby awarded to the lowest

responsible bidder as follows:

Using Dept: Road DepartmentAmount: Not to exceed $1,000,000.00

Contract Term: October 9th, 2013 through April 30th, 2014.

Budget: 01-201-26-290100-228

Plow Service

Vendor Section#

Tree King 5

12 Lenel Road

Landing NJ 07850

M & B Trucking 3, 9

1301 Route 23

Butler NJ 07404

Mike Fitzpatrick & Son Inc 6

18 Cozy Lake Road

P O Box 430

Oak Ridge NJ 07438

Andy Matt Inc 16, 20, 21,

19 Scrub Oak Road

Mine Hill NJ 07803

Mountain View 25

P O Box 395

Califon NJ 07830

Frank Brodeen 24, 28, 31,

132 Oakdale Rd

Chester NJ 07930

VA Spatz & Sons 32, 33

91 Lone Pine Drive

Berkeley Heights NJ 07922

JJS Service Inc 11, 19, 27

P O Box 555

Mt Freedom NJ 07970

Salt/Plow Section Section#

Tree King 10, 17, 22, 26, 30, 34

12 Lenel Road

Landing NJ 07850

Andy Matt Inc 23

19 Scrub Oak Road

Mine Hill NJ 07803

1. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a Certificate of

Availability of Funds charging the appropriate department account for

amounts reflecting all liabilities to be incurred through March 31,2014, in accordance with N.J.R. 3644, 5:34-5.3 (a) (2).


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2. Upon final adoption of the budget, a Certificate of Availability of

Funds shall be issued for the remaining balance, subject to the

appropriation of sufficient funds.

3. The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to execute said contract as

prepared by County Counsel.

 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.



WHEREAS, the County of Morris established the Flood Mitigation Program

(“FMP”); and

WHEREAS, the Rules and Regulations (“Rules”) for the administration of

the FMP were adopted by the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders

(“Freeholders”) on March 14, 2012 and are amended as necessary; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Flood Mitigation

Committee (“Committee”), it is the intention of the Freeholders to amend and

update portions of the current Rules.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Freeholders as follows:

1. Section 6.11 - Flood Mitigation Committee of the Rules for the

RMP shall be amended in whole to read as follows:

6.11 Flood Mitigation Committee (FMC)

The FMC, comprised of five members shall review, prioritize and

make funding recommendations to the Morris County Board of Chosen

Freeholders. Meetings shall be held monthly, on an as neededbasis. A quorum shall consist of three FMC members.

All nominees to the FMC shall be residents of Morris County. The

Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders shall appoint the FMC


The term of the FMC member shall be three years in length.

Members may serve up to 2 consecutive terms and then must be off

the FMC for one year before serving again. Terms shall be

staggered amongst the 5 members. Current Open Space Trust Fund

Committee members are not restricted from serving on the FMC.

The Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders may also appoint a

Freeholder liaison to the FMC who shall not have votingprivileges.

At the First Freeholder re-organization meeting, after adoption

of the resolution delineating these rule revisions, five persons

shall be appointed as the members of the FMC by the Freeholders.

This initial group of members shall, by resolution of appointment,

be designated to serve for terms expiring on the first day of

January after one, two and three years, respectively, have ensured

as a Committee member. The resolution of appointment designates

the terms of one member to expire on the first ensuring January,

two members to expire on the second ensuring January and two

members on the third ensuring January. The member appointed for the

initial one-year term may be reappointed for two additional full

terms of three years. In the event of a vacancy in the membershipof the VMC occurring during the unexpired term of appointment, a

person shall be appointed as a member of the FMC to serve for said

unexpired term.

Each year at their first annual meeting, the FMC shall elect two

officers from their ranks: a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, for

a term of one year. The chairperson shall preside at all meetings

of the FMC and shall appoint all standing and ad hoc committees as

may be required. The Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of

the Chairperson in his/her absence. Should the office of

Chairperson become vacant, the Vice-Chairperson shall succeed to

the office of the Chairperson for the balance of the term. The

Vice-Chairperson shall perform such duties as may be assigned bythe Chairperson.


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All FMC members shall be required to properly file a financial

disclosure statement as required by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-22.1

2. Section 6.13 Appraisal Requirements of the rules for the RMP shall

be amended in part to read as follows:


If a property is under Foreclosure, the offer to the bank will be

post-flood, current fair market value or the remaining principal

balance on the mortgage, whichever is less.

3. All other Rules for the RMP not inconsistent herewith shall remain

in full force and effect.

4. These changes shall take effect immediately.



BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the County of Morris hereby awards a grant of $17,600 from the

FY 2013 Open Space and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund to the Town

of Boonton for a project entitled Boonton Holmes Public Library-

Contract Documents.


2. That the Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby

authorized to sign and execute an agreement to expire on

9/25/2015 for the aforesaid grant, and the Clerk to attest to the

same, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Department

of Planning & Development and made a part hereof by reference.

3. That the Treasurer issue a Certificate of Availability of Funds

indicating that funds are available from the Morris County

Dedicated Open Space Account #13-290-56-580-550-888 and process

payment to the grantee as directed by the office of the

Department of Planning & Development, all in accordance with this




WHEREAS, there exists a need for Professional Engineering Consultants,

licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey, to provide Design and

Construction Administration for Asbestos Abatement at the Morris County

Courthouse. The Morris County Courthouse is located at Washington Street,

Morristown New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, the contract needs to be awarded as a “Professional Service”

in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5 (1)(a)(i) et seq. through a fair and

open process, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq.;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. The agreements between the County of Morris and

LS Engineering Associates Corporation

150 River Road, Bldg. E, Suite E2

Montville, NJ 07045

Vendor ID#26155

Amount: $18,750.00

Account #04-216-55-953314-909

Term: Should be completed within one hundred twenty (120)

calendar days after the award.

for the aforesaid services, a copy of which is on file at the

Morris County Purchasing Division and is made a part hereof by

reference, is hereby approved and shall be entered into by this


2. The Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authorized


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to execute said agreement conditioned upon the contractor’s compliance

with the requirements set forth in paragraph 5 below.

3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a Certificate of

Availability of Funds in accordance with the aforesaid agreement.

4. A notice of this action will be published in accordance with thislaw.

5. This contract is awarded pursuant to a fair and open process in

compliance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4, et seq.



WHEREAS, under Social Services for the Homeless Contract SH13014 the

New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development (DFD)

will provide funding to assist families and individuals experiencing short-

term non-recurring emergencies as a consequence of Hurricane Sandy through

the Sandy Homeowner/Renter Assistance (SHRAP) Program for the period

September 1, 2013 through September 30, 2015; and,

WHEREAS, the SHRAP program will be administered locally through an

interdepartmental Affiliation Agreement between the Division of Community &

Behavioral Health Services and the Morris County Office of Temporary

Assistance for direct services up to the amount of $100,000 (Account

#: 02-213-754515-391);

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the county of Morris in the State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby

authorized to sign and execute the affiliation agreement with theabove named agency, copies of which are on file in the Department

of Human Services and made a part hereof by reference.

2. Executions of this agreement is contingent upon receipt of the

year 2013 Social Services for the Homeless Funds and their

inclusion in the year 2013 County Operating Budget.



WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires

subgrant agreements with the County of Morris to be signed by the Director of

the Board of Chosen Freeholders and subgrantees in conjunction with funded

activities for the Community Development Block Grant Program, Home Investment

Partnerships Program and Emergency Solutions Grant Program.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the Director of the

Board of Chosen Freeholders, on behalf of the Department of Human Services,

Division of Community and Behavioral Health Services, Office of Community

Development, be authorized to sign and execute subgrant agreements with the

following subgrantees which agreements are on file in the Office of Community

Development and made a part hereof by reference:


 03 Public Facilities and Improvements

Family Promise of M.C. Family Room Rehab $ 20,000

Our Place, Inc. Facility Renovations $ 50,000

VFW Post 2833 Paving Parking Lot $ 35,000 03A Senior CentersTownship of Denville Senior Center Imp. $ 67,000

Township of Jefferson Sr. Center Roof Replacement $ 28,000

03B Handicapped Centers

Community Hope, Inc. Special Needs Housing Upgrades $ 27,800

Special Homes of New Jersey Emergency Generators $ 55,040

03E Neighborhood Facilities

Church of the Redeemer Doors,Windows,Electrical, Painting $ 56,411

St. Peter’s Church Undercroft Renovations $ 50,114

03I Flood Drain Improvements


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Township of Mt. Olive Budd Lake Drainage Imp,Phase III $ 42,000

03J Water/Sewer Improvements

Borough of Butler Water Main Replacement $ 80,000

Borough of Rockaway Potable Water System Improvements $ 80,000

03K Street Improvements

Borough of Wharton Street Paving – Phase II $ 80,000

03M Child Care Centers

Housing Authority of Morris County Day Care Floor Finish Replacement $ 20,000

03O Fire Stations/Equipment

Borough of Netcong New Stair/Wheelchair Lift Firehouse $ 80,000

03P Health Facilities

Daytop Village Window Replacement-Ph II $ 56,411

05B Handicapped Services

Employment Horizons, Inc Exp. Of Job Placement Services $ 20,000

NewBridge Services, Inc. 70001 Job Plus Program Scholarship $ 46,500

05G Battered and Abused Spouses

Jersey Battered Women’s Service Children's Program $ 15,000

05L Child Care Services

Cedar Hill Community Development Summer Camp Scholarships $ 15,500

Children on the Green Childcare Scholarships $ 26,000

Morristown Neighborhood House Childcare Scholarships $ 33,774

The Salvation Army Day Care Scholarships $ 15,000

05N Abused/Neglected Children

CASA of Morris & Sussex Case Supervisor Positions $ 33,774

Deirdre O'Brien Child Advocacy Program Clinical Counseling Program $ 50,000

14A Rehab; Single-Unit Residential

Hope House Operation Fix-it $ 99,600

14C Public Housing Modernization

Madison Housing Authority Emergency Generators $ 60,000


12 Construction of Housing

M.C. Affordable Housing Carlton Street Townhouses $ 91,282

Morris Habitat for Humanity Duplex Affordable Housing $ 51,407

NewBridge Services, Inc. Henry St. Supportive Housing $300,000

13 Direct Homeownership Assistance

Housing Partnership Homebuyer Education Program $ 15,000

05S Rental Housing Assistance

Office of Community Development Tenant Based Rental Assistance $ 90,000

21 Program Administration

Office of Community Development Tenant Based Rental Assistance -


$ 9,000

HOME Total $556,689


Homeless Solutions, Inc. Emergency Shelter-Families and


$ 21,716

Jersey Battered Women’s Service Nights of Shelter $ 15,000

Our Place, Inc. Case Mgt/PSH $ 13,175

Prevention and Rapid Re-housing

Family Promise of Morris County Homeless Prevention-Community Support


$ 21,716

Roots and Wings Housing Aged Out Foster Youth $ 21,716

Morris County Office of Temporary


Homeless Prevention Program $ 21,716

ESG Total $115,039



WHEREAS, a contract was awarded on April 1, 2010 for postage machine

equipment rental; and


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WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is necessary to increase said

contract to increase the CAF to cover the third quarter lease payment.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that pursuant to Local Public

Contracts Regulations, contract modification as detailed on “Contract Change

Order Request” No. 1 -70044 is hereby approved as follows:

1. Vendor: Pitney Bowes, Inc.

1305 Executive Blvd.

Chesapeake, VA 23320

2. item: Postage Machine Lease Payment

3. Increase in Cost: $ 2,559.00

4. New Contract Total: $35,826.00

5. The necessary amended Certificate of Availability of Funds has been

provided by the Treasurer and said amended Certificate indicates the

availability of funds is as listed in Account #02-201-20-130110-164 and


6. The Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authorized to

execute said contract modification.

7. This resolution shall take effect immediately,



WHEREAS, since the establishment of the Morris County Mosquito

Extermination Commission on September 1, 1912 and its reactivation onNovember 29, 1927, the County of Morris and the Board of Chosen Freeholders

of the County of Morris has been dedicated to control and eradication of

mosquitoes and to the education of the public related to the prevention of

mosquito-born illnesses; and

WHEREAS, the County of Morris is currently undergoing a restructuring

of its organizational structure in order to improve efficiency, to control

costs, to maximize the County’s ability to deliver essential services to the

citizens of Morris County, and to more closely coordinate the mechanisms by

which such services are rendered; and

WHEREAS, by Resolutions to be introduced on October 9, 2013 and adopted

on October 23, 2013 the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris

is amending the Morris County Administrative Code to implement the

organizational changes described above; and

WHEREAS, among the several organizational changes, the Board of Chosen

Freeholders of the County of Morris has determined that the restructuring of

the personnel and resources of the Morris County Mosquito Extermination

Commission to the Morris County Department of Planning & Public Works as a

newly identified division to be known as the Division of Mosquito Control

will promote the effective coordination and provision of vital mosquito

control services; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris

wholeheartedly supports the historic and vital mission of the Morris County

Mosquito Extermination Commission and its commitment to ensuring the unabatedcontinuance of that mission as the Division of Mosquito Control; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris

supports not only the costs efficiencies that will result as a part of the

merger but also desires to encourage synergies which will allow the personnel

of the Division of Mosquito Control to focus more fully on its unique mission

without the administrative burdens of being a separate administrative entity;


WHEREAS, Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris recognizes

the expertise and contributions made by generations of Mosquito Commissioners

and commits itself to continue to seek the assistance of such expert

volunteers to serve on the newly formed Division of Mosquito Control Advisory

Board; and


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WHEREAS, Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris wishing to

avail itself of the continued assistance and expertise of all of the

commissioners, is committed to the appointment of the new advisory board of

any current commissioner who wishes to continue to serve as a volunteer in

order to ensure an orderly transition and to avail the Division of Mosquito

Control with the broad based public health expertise related to mosquito

control and the prevention of mosquito-born illnesses; and

WHEREAS, the County of Morris, through the Division of Mosquito

Control, will continue to work with local public health officials, the County

Office of Health Management and the state and federal governments to ensure

that the connections, working partnerships and professional network that

exist in the current Mosquito Commission will continue and that all

applicable state and federal regulations are followed; and

WHEREAS, all steps necessary will be taken to ensure that all pesticide

use certifications for staff and environmental permits will remain in effect

and be continued in the Division; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:20-1.2, et seq. and N.J.S.A. 26:9-27,et seq., the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris has the

legal responsibility and authority to implement the reorganizations

envisioned by this Resolution and accompanying Administrative Code

Resolutions; and

WHEREAS, Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris has

determined that such reorganization is in the public interest of the citizens

of Morris County.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris, State of New Jersey that effective on December 31, 2013 the

Morris County Mosquito Extermination Commission be dissolved as an autonomous

agency of the County of Morris and shall be merged, consolidated and all of

its duties, employees and equipment transferred, effective January 1, 2014 tothe Division of Mosquito Control of the newly reorganized Morris County

Department of Public Works; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the position of Superintendent of the

Mosquito Control Commission shall, effective January 1, 2014, be transferred

to the Division of Mosquito Control and serve as Division Director

responsible for all field operations and other day to day activities of the

Division and report to the Director of Planning & Public Works; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mosquito Control Commission employees

are, effective January 1, 2014, transferred to the Division of Mosquito

Control, the internal reporting lines of authority and internal assignments

shall remain unchanged until further determination of the Division Directorand/or the Director of the Department of Planning & Public Works subject to

the superseding authority of the County Administrator, the New Jersey Civil

Service Commission and pre-existing labor agreements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective January 1, 2014, the authority

of the existing Mosquito Extermination Commission to issue vendor payments

will become subject to the approval of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-18; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that unless specifically rescinded by the Board

of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris, all preexisting contracts

shall be performed by the Division pursuant to the authority of the Board of

Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that none of the Mosquito Extermination

Commission services rendered to the residents of the Morris County shall, in

any way, be diminished; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that prior to the effective date January 1,

2014, after consultation with the existing Commissioners of the Mosquito

Extermination Commission, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris will appoint seven (7) individuals to serve as members of the Division

of Mosquito Control Advisory Board; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that between the date of adoption of this

Resolution and December 31, 2013, the effective date of dissolution of the

Morris County Mosquito Extermination Commission shall remain in existence,its duties and authority in full force and effect; and


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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders of the County of Morris shall forward a certified copy of this

Resolution to the following:

(a) Morris County Administrator,

(b) Current members of the Mosquito Control Commission,(c) Director of Personnel for the County of Morris,

(d) Director of the State Experiment Station,

(e) Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Health,

(f) Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental

Protection, and

(g) Chairman, Civil Service Commission.



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of

Morris in the State of new Jersey as follows:

1. The Memorandum of Agreement between the County of Morris and PBA 151

Sheriff Officers, dated September 26, 2013 is hereby approved and


2. The Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authorized to

sign and execute a Bargaining Agreement between the County of Morris,

and PBA 151 Sheriff Officers, in accordance with the aforesaid

Memorandum of Agreement.



WHEREAS, Policy No. 1:2.13, Morris County Employees Suggestion Awards

Program, was adopted to encourage employee creativity and ingenuity by

providing compensation for adoptable suggestions which enhance the efficiency

and economy of County government operations; and

WHEREAS, an award for a suggestion shall be made to any eligible

employee whose constructive proposal has been implemented; and,

WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:5-31, the Board of Chosen

Freeholders shall appoint a five-person Public Employee Suggestion Awards


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the following individuals

shall be appointed to the Suggestion Awards Committee, to serve without

compensation, for the following specified terms:

Name Department Term Exp. Date


Karl Klingener Law and Public Safety Unepired term 12/31/2014

of R. Graziano

Heidi Peer Morris County Library unexpired term 12/31/2013

of C. Burd

Cathy Burd Employee Resources Pleasure of the BoardExecutive Secretary



WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 30:4-34 provides that the governing body shall

designate some official or employee as County Adjuster in the event of a

vacancy; and

WHEREAS, Laurie Becker, by Resolution No. 49 adopted on January 23,

2013 by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris was

designated Acting County Adjuster; and


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WHEREAS, the County of Morris desires to appoint Laurie Becker as

County Adjuster; and

WHEREAS, the Treasurer’s Office will continue to take responsibility

for the checking account of the County Adjuster’s Office.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of theCounty of Morris, State of New Jersey that Laurie Becker be and is hereby

appointed County Adjuster; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the within resolution shall take effect



Freeholder Scapicchio made a motion to adopt Resolution Nos. 1

through 44. This was seconded by Freeholder Lyon. The Clerk called and

recorded the following vote:

YES: Freeholders Cabana(except to ABSTAIN on Res. Nos. 28 and

36),Cesaro (except to ABSTAIN on Res. No.2) Grossi,

Krickus, Lyon, Scapicchio, and Director Mastrangelo (7)




There were no Freeholder comments.



BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the bills as shown on the Schedule of

Warrants all having been approved by the proper committees of officials where

legally required, be and the same are hereby paid. The Schedule of Warrants

designated as Bill Resolution #19-13 is detailed below and totals

$6,838,185.08 dated this date and made a part hereof by reference.

Freeholder Cabana moved the adoption of the Bill Resolution. The

motion was seconded by Freeholder Lyon, and the following vote was recorded:

YES: Freeholders Cabana, Cesaro, Grossi, Krickus,

Lyon, Scapicchio, and Director Mastrangelo



There was no further business. On motion by Freeholder Cesaro and

seconded by Freeholder Grossi, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Ketchum

Clerk of the Board


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