february 2020 · below are some ps for how to prepare for power outages and what to do during a...

Post on 09-Oct-2020






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February 2020A NOTE FROM JOHN

Hi Team:

I’m going to call it: change is in the air and it feels a bit like spring. Days are longer and warmer and I’m seeing the beginning of a transi�on. Our leadership team is seeing a transi�on, too, with a significant departure and an exci�ng arrival.

As I’ve already communicated, Michael Evans has resigned as Police Chief, effec�ve March 2nd. He’s given quite a bit of himself to our city’s residents over the past 20 years. I’ve been inspired by the proac�ve approach that the Police Department has taken under Michael’s leadership to build las�ng connec�ons with community groups like Dove House, Port Townsend School District, and the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) partnership. The emergence of the Navigator program came under Michael’s watch and I’m proud of our compassionate, proac�ve and responsible

approach to behavioral health. Michael was also well known as a community volunteer and mentor, par�cularly through his li�le league coaching.

Please join us at Mountain View (Parks Office) on Wednesday, February 26 12-2:00 p.m. for an informal potluck to celebrate Michael’s service and contribu�ons.

On the arrival side, I’m excited to announce that Steve King has accepted the role of Public Works Director. Steve comes to us from Wenatchee as their current Economic Development Director, and formerly their Planning Director and Public Works Director. His enthusiasm, smarts and curiosity resonated with community, staff and directors alike and we’re eager for him to start on March 23.

Police Department NewsShanya Nisbet started the 19-week Washington State Law Enforcement Officers Academy today in Burien WA. She will be residing on campus. All at the PD wish her the best and an enjoyable experience at the academy. Her workload will be heavy and includes classroom instruc�on on laws and police procedures as well as prac�cal training to include firearms, emergency vehicle driving, defensive tac�cs, and mock scenes. There are many wri�en and prac�cal exams, all having to be passed to graduate.

Finance NewsThe Finance Department will be closed for a staff retreat on Wednesday, March 25th.

Mountain View Pool News

Come Learn to swim at the Pool!Lessons are Monday, Wednesday & FridayLevels 2/4 - Feb 17 - 28 at 3:30 p.m.Levels 1/3 - Feb 17-28 4:00 p.m.

Open Swim Every Saturday & Sunday12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Only $6 for Adult and $4 for youth

Human Resources NewsHelp wanted! Do you know anyone interested in full-�me Seasonal work with the City?

Recruitment will be star�ng soon for Seasonal Maintenance Workers for Parks & Streets. Seasonal full-�me assignments for 4-months; $16/hour, non-benefi�ed. Mul�ple posi�ons available to start work in April or May/June.

Contact Melissa Saksa at msaksa@cityofpt.us.


Dec - Page 2

In January 2020 the following people began employment with the City:

Chloe Vogel........................Library Associate – Youth Services Focus


The City recognizes employees for service anniversaries in five year increments. In February 2020 the following employees reached milestones:

5 Years..................Melody Sky Eisler....................Library15 Years................Sarah Tiffany.....................Public Works Engineering

Congratula�ons and thank you for your service to the City!



Dec - Page 3


COM MITTEEPower outages can happen at any�me. Whether or not you know it's coming, a power outage can be a major disturbance. It never hurts to be prepared and to know what to do once the lights go out. Below are some �ps for how to prepare for power outages and what to do during a power outage.

• Have a place in your home where flashlights, a ba�ery-powered radio, and extra ba�eries can be easily found.• If you know the outage is coming, set aside extra water and buy or make extra ice. You can use the ice to keep perishable items cool.• Fill locking freezer bags with water and let them freeze; this helps the freezer stay cooler longer, and when they thaw, you have drinking water.• Make sure the ba�ery in your smoke detector is fresh. Test the smoke detector on a monthly basis to make sure it's working.• Avoid opening the refrigerator and freezer. This will help keep your food as fresh as possible. Be sure to check food for signs of spoilage.• Keep an appliance thermometer in the freezer. If the freezer is 40 degrees fahrenheit or colder when the power returns, all the food is safe.• If possible, use flashlights instead of candles for emergency ligh�ng. Candles used in unfamiliar se�ngs can be dangerous fire hazards.• Turn off or disconnect any appliances, equipment, or electronics that were on when the power went out. When power comes back on, it may come back with momentary "surges" or "spikes" that can damage equipment such as computers and motors in appliances like the air condi�oner, refrigerator, washer, or furnace.• Leave one light on so you know when the power returns.• Use generators safely. If you have a portable generator, only run it outdoors with adequate ven�la�on. Never use a generator indoors or in a�ached garages. The exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide, which can be deadly if inhaled.• If you have a propane BBQ, make sure the tank is full, so you can cook without power if needed• Keep your vehicle fuel tank full – we usually get a warning when a storm is coming, and your vehicle may be your only vessel for heat. If you have extra fuel cans, fill them up too. In addi�on to this, keep an emergency stash in your car that has blankets, a change of clothes, extra ba�eries and flashlights, and perhaps toiletries in case you are able to temporarily relocate.• Have emergency cash stashed somewhere; if the power is out, ATMs don’t work and stores cannot process debit/credit cards.• Sign up for local alerts and warning systems and keep an eye on weather reports. Jefferson County Emergency Nixel updates: www.ocal.nixle.com/city/wa/port-townsend/

Wellness CommitteeWellness CommitteeCold & Flu Information

Dec - Page 4

Stay Healthy!According to Washington State Department of Health, as of February 1, 2020 flu ac�vity in Washington is currently Elevated. Fortunately, a few simple steps can help you improve your chances of staying healthy and avoiding flu and other illnesses such as colds and viruses:

• Wash your hands o�en with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. • Cover your nose and mouth with a �ssue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the �ssue in the trash a�er you use it. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

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