fashion photography

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Task Four


Here I have an image that has been taken in a studio setting; by

it being taken in a studio makes the image look more

professional over all. I have purposely got my model to stand to

the right more and have all that space on the left as I was testing

out images for my final cover. For my photographs I wanted to

have an element of fashion within them. For this image I wanted

my model to be dressed casually but have an element of spring

within it. Due to this I decided to use the umbrella as a prop to

indicate the rainy springs that we can get. As I am mimicking the

work of Mario Testino I thought I would convert my image into

black and white as some of his photographs are in black and

white. I got my model to look directly at the camera so that it

grasps the attention of the people looking at it. Again I chose to

do this as I was testing this form of image for my final magazine

cover. By having adjusted the hue and saturation, and brightness

of the background, I came out with a bright white background

that makes the model stand out more as she is portrayed in

various shades of grey due to the dark colours that she was

wearing at the time.


For this image I tried to bring across a summer evening look.

Due to me try to portray a summer outfit I thought it was

appropriate to put my model in a dress; however, as it is an

evening outfit I thought the colours black and white would be

more suitable, rather than having bright day summer colours.

Again for this image I asked my model to look directly at the

camera so that it looked as if she was looking directly at the

person looking at the photograph. I got her to lean against

the wall with her arms behind her to give the photograph a

more casual look. As you can see with her left arms she has

created a triangular shape which we see a lot of in within

Mario Testino’s work. When editing this photograph I

adjusted the brightness and contrast of the image. I did this

so that the background was a brighter shade of white so that

the boldness of the black and blue dress would stand out.

This is because this is the main feature of the photograph as

the purpose of the image is to promote fashion (the dress).


For this image I wanted to present the element of

evening fashion to the audience. For this I got my model

to wear a dress that was likely to be worn in the evening. I

chose a black dress as primarily black dresses are an

obvious choice to be wear in the evening. I also asked my

model to wear red lipstick so that it completed the outfit.

Due to the purpose of the photograph being to focus on

the outfit that the model is wearing, I chose for my model

to be shot so that it only showed the dress off instead of

having a full body shot. I asked my model to put her hair

to one side so that the top of the dress was visible and so

that every aspect of the dress could be shown. For this

image I adjusted the brightness and contrast of the

photograph. However, when taking the photograph the

flash can up which already made the photograph brighter;

so by adjusting the brightness I feel like the image is over

exposed to light at the bottom. You can also see a shadow

due to the flash.


For this photograph I wanted to portray a winter theme

through fashion; because of this I got my model to

wear a winter coat and a hat and scarf. I got my model

to stand slightly side on so that she had to tilt her head

a bit to look at the camera; this is because I did not

want my model to be looking straight on at the camera.

Again when taking this photograph the flash was on so

I ended up with a shadow of my model on the wall.

Due to this being a winter photograph I also tried to

create a warm feeling through the editing of my

photograph. To do this I reduced the brightness of the

image and contrasted it. I also slightly adjusted the hue

and saturation of the image. Due to the coat within the

image being white I believe it stands out therefore

emphasising that this image is for the purpose of

winter fashion.


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