faroe islands - encyclopedia britannica · 2016-02-19 · (faroe islands). political...

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HealthHealth (2013): physicians 76 (1 per 635 persons); hospital beds 227 (1

per 212 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (2014) 6.3;undernourished population, n.a.

The turmoil in Ukraine had a huge upside for the Faroe Islands in2015. Following its annexation of the breakaway Ukrainianrepublic of Crimea in 2014, as well as its continued support of

ethnic Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, Russia became the targetof diplomatic and economic sanctions by the U.S. and the EU. WhenRussia responded with sanctions of its own, including banning the impor-tation of food products from the EU, the Faroe Islands—which is notsubject to EU policy initiatives—assumed a virtual monopoly oversalmon sales to Russia, with overall Faroese fish exports growing bysome 12% in the first half of 2015.

Vital statisticsBirth rate per 1,000 population (2014): 13.1 (world avg. 19.5).Death rate per 1,000 population (2014): 8.1 (world avg. 8.1).Life expectancy at birth (2014): male 79.4 years; female 84.1 years.

whales captured 48. Mining and quarrying: negligible7. Manufacturing:principally fish processing; also handicrafts, woolen textiles and cloth-ing, and small ship repair. Energy production (consumption): electricity(kW-hr; 2014) 305,000,000 ([2011] 274,000,000), by source (2012): fossilfuels 60.5%; renewable energy 39.5%, of which hydroelectric 35.2%,wind 4.3%; coal, none (none); crude petroleum, none (none); petrole-um products (metric tons; 2011) none (184,000); natural gas, none(none).

Population economically active (2014): total 28,839; participation rates:ages 15–74, male (2013) 86.0%; female (2013) 79.4%; unemployed3.6%, of which youth (ages 15–24; 2005) 9.4%.

Public debt (external, outstanding; January 2009): U.S.$511,448,000.Average household size: n.a.Land use as % of total land area (2009): in temporary crops, left fallow,

or in permanent crops 2.1%; in pasture, n.a.; forest area 0.1%.

Faroe Islands1

Official name: Føroyar (Faroese); Færøerne (Danish)(Faroe Islands).

Political status: self-governing overseas administrativedivision of Denmark with one legislative house(Løgting, or Parliament [33]).

Head of state: Danish Monarch, Queen Margrethe II.

Heads of government: High Commissioner (for Denmark) Dan M. Knudsen; PrimeMinister (for Faroe Islands) Aksel V. Johannesen.

Capital: Tórshavn (Thorshavn).Official languages: Faroese; Danish.Official religion: Faroese Lutheran2.Monetary unit: Danish krone3 (DKK); valuation (Sept. 1, 2015) 1 U.S.$ = DKK 6.63;

1 £ = DKK 10.16.

National economyBudget (2009). Revenue: DKK 4,042,000,000 (tax revenue 84.3%, trans-

fers from the Danish government 15.7%). Expenditures: DKK4,544,000,000 (current expenditure 94.9%, development expenditure5.1%).

Gross national income (at current market prices; 2009):U.S.$2,232,190,000 (U.S.$45,822 per capita).

Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing(2014): potatoes (2013) 1,600, other vegetables, grass, hay, and silageare produced; livestock (number of live animals) (2013) 70,000 sheep,1,917 cattle; roundwood, none; fisheries production 542,840 (includingblue whiting 226,228, mackerel 150,544, herring 43,327, cod 36,461, andpollock 26,513; from aquaculture 13% [including salmon 70,893]). Pilot

Foreign trade8

Imports (2010): DKK 4,365,000,000 (machinery and apparatus 23.2%,refined petroleum products 22.0%, food and food products 14.6%,chemicals and chemical products 8.5%, road vehicles 4.0%). Majorimport sources (2014): Denmark 27.2%; Norway 19.7%; Germany9.2%; China 4.9%; Sweden 4.8%; other 34.2%.

Exports (2010): DKK 4,639,000,000 (chilled, frozen, and salted fish85.4%, ships, boats, and related products 4.7%). Major export destina-tions (2014): U.K. 10.4%; Germany 10.0%; Denmark 6.6%; China6.1%; France 4.5%; other 62.4%.

TransportTransport. Railroads: none. Roads (2007): total length 292 mi, 470 km

(paved 99%); passenger-km (2011) 216,900,000; metric ton-km cargo,n.a. Vehicles (20154): passenger cars 21,417; trucks, vans, and buses4,337.

MilitaryDefense responsibility lies with Denmark.

1English-language alternative spelling is Faeroe Islands. 2Formally independent of thenational Danish Lutheran church from July 2007. 3The local currency, the Faroesekróna (plural krónur), is equivalent to the Danish krone. Banknotes used are Faroeseor Danish; coins are Danish. 4January 1. 5Represents the 5 main islands (with associ-ated islets) and the northeasternmost (Northern) islands. Actual local administrationis based on 34 municipalities. 6Detail does not add to total given because of rounding.7The maritime boundary demarcation agreement between the Shetland Islands (U.K.)and the Faroes in 1999 has allowed for the still unsuccessful exploration for deep-seapetroleum as of mid-2015. 8Imports c.i.f.; exports f.o.b.

Internet resources for further information:• Statistics Faroe Islands www.hagstova.fo/en• Statistics Denmark www.dst.dk/en

DemographyPopulation (2015): 48,900.Density (2015): persons per sq mi 90.6, persons per sq km 35.0.Urban-rural (2014): urban 42.0%; rural 58.0%.Sex distribution (20154): male 51.66%; female 48.34%.Age breakdown (20134): under 15, 21.3%; 15–29, 18.4%; 30–44, 18.5%;

45–59, 20.0%; 60–74, 14.7%; 75–84, 5.0%; 85 and over, 2.1%.Population projection: (2020) 48,900; (2030) 50,800.Ethnic composition (20154): Faroese 88.7%; Danish 7.3%; other

Scandinavian 1.3%; Filipino 0.3%; other 2.4%.Religious affiliation (2005): Protestant c. 91%, of which Lutheran c.

79%, Plymouth Brethren c. 10%; other (mostly nonreligious) c. 9%.Major municipalities (20154): Tórshavn 20,235; Klaksvík 4,893; Runavík

3,793; Eystur 2,001; Vága 1,991.

Area and population area population

Largest 20154

Regions5 municipalities sq mi sq km estimate

Eysturoy Runavík 110 286 10,785Nordhoy (Northern) Klaksvík 93 241 5,862Sandoy Skopun 48 125 1,274Streymoy Tórshavn 151 392 23,070Sudhuroy Tvøroyri 64 167 4,651Vágar Sørvágur 73 188 3,082TOTAL 5406 1,399 48,724

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