faith matters a growing body of research suggests that: religion is an important protective factor...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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A growing body of research suggests that:

Religion is an important protective factor against substance use and an important support for persons in recovery.*

Youth who attend religious services weekly are less likely

to use marijuana.*

Teens say that religion helps them deal with problems

related to drugs and alcohol.**

Children for whom religion is important report learning more

about the risks of drugs.*

Instilling strong values is a protective factor in preventing

many high-risk behaviors including substance use.*

* Report prepared for the Annie E. Casey Foundation

** 1999 Gallup Pole


According to a recent study:

“Teens whose parents were consistent in their discipline and generally knew what their children were up to, were less likely to use drugs or alcohol. However, some of that protection was erased if their friends' parents were more lenient." The study, "empowers parents to know that not only can they have an influence on their own children, but they can also have a positive influence on their children's friends as well”.

“By acting together - the notion of 'it takes a village' - can result in better outcomes for adolescents.“

(Penn State Study published in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, May 2012 issue)

The Faith Community is the village that instills strong values in children guiding them to make healthy choices.

2009-2010 California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) 2010-2011 Placer County Youth Surveys

What Placer Youth Have Said

Among Placer 11th graders:

• 52% said drinking alcohol 1-2 times/week was NOT harmful

• 77% said it’s easy to get alcohol

• 44% had been to a party where adults allowed youth to drink alcohol

• 34% had been to an event where parents allowed youth to drink alcohol

• 19% (1 in 5) had used a prescription painkiller

• 11% reported getting Rx medicines from their own home or home of family member

• 1 in 5 Placer County Youth drank alcohol by age 13 (20%)

• 10% of 9th graders and 22% of 11th graders had binged in the last 30 days (5 or more drinks in a row)

The only norm is that it is normal for teens to drink.Placer County Youth

Youth say parental disapproval of underage drinking is the key reason they have chosen not to drink.

Only 51% of Placer 11th graders surveyed said their parent/guardian had talked with them about the dangers of drinking alcohol.

58% of 9th graders said their parents would feel it is very wrong for them to drink any alcohol.

"Parents need to have consequences. Talk to your kids specifically about what will happen if they use. Follow through and don't give empty threats." Placer County Teen

Parent Influence

The conversation we have with our teen is our HOPE.

Take a Secure medicines and alcohol in your home

Talk with your teens about the dangers of alcohol and drugs

Assure alcohol and other drugs are not available at teen parties

Network with other parents

Drug test your teen

Take the Parent PledgeJoin our efforts to reduce youth

access to alcohol and prescription medications


Join 1,000 Placer County parents enrolling in the

responsible host database and make a commitment to not allow underage drinking in

your home.


Faith Leaders Play a Key Role

Clergy are the first professionals many people with personal problems like substance abuse contact for help.

94% of clergy feel substance abuse is an important issue in their congregations.

Nearly 40% indicate that half or more of the family problems they confront are substance abuse related

Only a third (37%) report they preach a sermon on the topic of substance abuse more than once a year.

Substance abuse is America’s number one health problem – a problem that touches the life of every American child, family, congregation and community.

The tragedy is not that we don’t know what to do; rather, it is that we simply fail to do it.

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, June 2011

1. Elevate substance abuse prevention on your faith agenda- Establish a strong position statement and policies against drugs use as well as underage alcohol use.- Partner with community-based organizations that have substance abuse prevention programs.

2. Promote substance abuse prevention messages - Incorporate prevention messages into sermons, homilies, newsletters, religious education, parenting

classes, youth and parent events.- Select a day, a week, or a month to celebrate your faith community’s commitment to substance abuse prevention.

3. Help youth sort out the meaning in media messages.- Educate parents and other adults about the importance of helping kids analyze the media.- Incorporate media literacy lessons into youth programs.

4. Look for opportunities to spread the word.- Develop partnerships with faith- and community-based organizations to coordinate training, share information and substance abuse prevention education resources. - Include sections on your Web site to promote youth outreach and parenting resources.


Encourage parent-teen communication about the risks of alcohol and drug use.Promote the Parent Pledge - reduce youth access to alcohol and Rx medicines.

Contact Information:Shari Crow, Coordinator

(530) 889 - 7238

Be an active participant Join our CPY Leadership Team

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