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Post on 16-Oct-2020






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Allegan United Methodist Church 409 Trowbridge Street

Allegan, MI 49010

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00-12:00 p.m. Pastor’s Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00-12:00 p.m. or by appointment

Phone: 269.673.4236 ● Fax: 269-673-8856 ● Email: secretary@allumc.org ● Website: alleganumc.org

Allegan United Methodist Church – September 2020

From the Heart of the Pastor

Rev. Robert Lynch Allegan UMC Synergy: The Power of Togetherness!

“Growing People to Love God” “Hope”

Usually we anticipate September with teachers and students returning to full-time in-person classes, the Allegan County Fair and the traditional fall kick-off for Rally Sunday in our Church, but this year will be different! None of those events will be happening during these troublesome times! So will be continuing our “social distancing” and “masks” Sunday Worship and preparing for our early Church Conference October 5th at 7pm. Because of social distancing, Our District Superintendent, Rev. Dwayne Bagley has asked that we have a simple Conference by only meeting with the governing body of our Church, the Administrative Board on October 5th! In preparation for this Conference I am asking the current Leadership Committees to continue with their current appointments through 2021. Enclosed you will find the latest Leadership Directory. We still need a number of appointments to be made: Trustee Committee needs one person and the Membership Committee needs a Chair. Please review the Directory to make sure that everything is in order! The Staff Pastor Parish Committee is meeting through emails to evaluate the Pastor and will have a recommendation for Church Conference for Compensation Package for the Pastor for 2021. The Administrative Board will update the Church Profile Report, and the Trustees will file their usual annual reports! May we continue during these troubling times to remain united in faith in God and each other!

September September 6, 2020 No Stage for Moses Exodus 12:1-14 More important than any preacher on a platform are the traditions that form us as followers of Christ. They shape us as a distinctive community and make the institutional church more trustworthy. September 13, 2020 Compromise Is Not a Dirty Word Romans 14:1-12 The person who stands for and fights for something as a matter of principle is often seen as a noble person of character and integrity. In fact, such a person may just be a stubborn old fool who makes it difficult for others to fulfil their mission. Have we forgotten the value of compromise? September 20, 2020 Looking Death in the Face Philippians 1:21-30 When faced with an ending, we don’t have to fall apart. Instead, we can become stronger, as well as more focused, productive and positive. September 27, 2020 Timeout! Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16 How should a child be disciplined? Take away her iPad? Ground him from certain activities? Put him in timeout? In Psalm 78, God doesn’t equivocate. The punishment for disobedience is swift and harsh.

HEALTH CONCERNS: Continued prayers for Norm Pierson, Jim Elmore, Kris Blackburn, & Debbie Stutzman, June Querback, Ginny Borgman. Prayers for all those affected by the

COVID-19 Coronavirus, whether they are sick, out of school, or off work.

PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY: Those connected with this congregation: John Barber, Alyssa Chamberlain, Sadie Clark, Zachary Cooke, Andrew Cowen, Matt Fullam, Stephanie Hadley, Isaiah Hadley, Aaron Maule, Gregory McIntire, Chelsea Reed, Mara Ruiz, Jason Star, Dai Wessman, and Dan Wrobleski.


Jane Allen, Tom Arlington, Evelyn Bierlein, Terry Brink, Ed Bronson, Paul Buckler, Denise Cherry, Jim Conlon, Stacy David, Jessica Green, Vic Hitchcock, Ryan Howrigan, Lesley Kibiloski, Bruce Mejeur, Philip Nicolai, Michele Randal, Terri Stapleton, Toby Star, Judy Stark, Jackson Stout, Florene Stultz, Mindy Sturman, Deb Stutzman, Cessily Wotring Thackler, Nola Thole, Danny Truong, Rhyan Veenkant, Jenny Walsh, Jen Wessman, Steve Wrobleski & those known but unnamed.

CONCERNS & SYMPATHY: Prayers for the friends and families of Pat Cantwell at her passing. Continued prayers for those unnamed, having health problems, or have suffered loss.


Food Pantry – Chris Jurkas – Financial: The pantry currently has $22,837.80, plus $1,000.00 in Meijer food cards. Music Concert: Will be held September 5, 2020, at Mahan Park, from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, benefiting our pantry and Christ Community Church (The Vine). Bring a Chair and a picnic. We will be supplying bottles of water. July Client Visits: Comparing this year vs. last year: Total People Adults Children

2019 425 264 161 2020 148 99 49


Cereal Drive: We received 17 cases of cereal from the drive. For August, each child (under 17) receives 3 boxes of cereal. We will be receiving more cereal for the month of October and November.

Membership – We are continuing to make progress on this project. We appreciate all the assistance we have received from members, member’s family and friends, the Executive Assistant (Mandy) from the District office, and many others. 2020 Statistics as of 8/17/2020: 257 Active Members 27 Constituents 8 members removed by death 12 members requested withdrawal 94 In-Active members were on compiled list. 79 letters mailed 11 responses 1 – removed by death (prior 2020 – no paper work filed) 2 – asked to remain on active member role 5 – withdrew membership 3 – transferred to another church (prior to 2020 – no paper work filed) The first reading for removal of in-active/no contact/no response members will be read at the October 2020 Church Conference. The second reading will be at the Church Conference of 2021 and these names will then be removed from the roles (per Book of Discipline guidelines).

Missions – Trevah Dalrymple – The mission for September is UMCOR Disaster Relief (Clean UP & Rebuilding from the floods in mid-Michigan.)

Scouting – Joan L. Rininger – Troop 91/191 scouts continue to meet virtually as well as one meeting off site. They are following Covid19 guidelines at all times. On Sunday, August 23, an Eagle Scout ceremony will take place at the J.C. Park. This ceremony has been postponed three times due to the pandemic but hopefully this time we will be able to have it while using social distancing, etc.

UMW – Cindy Thiele - 1. Grad gifts have been wrapped and are at the church for the Grads to pick up. I would still like to acknowledge them with a 2-3 minute talk during worship. 2. Bazaar does not look good for 2020. We have not officially called it off at this time. 3. We had a board meeting last Sunday, but there haven't been any circle gatherings. 4. We encourage all women to take part in one or more of the online studies and videos offered by the national UMW website.

Worship – Judy Jennings - Worship Committee continues to tweak the way we are doing church as some have not been comfortable with the lack of social distancing. We have some awesome volunteers but we need to have more as some volunteers have worked every Sunday since we started! I am asking members of the Ad/Bd to please consider helping at one of the posts on Sunday mornings. Worship Committee has not met as we do not know when church, as we knew it, will open up.

2 – Tom & Karen Voigts 9 – George & Emmie Babcock 13 – John & Claudia Watson 18 – Jon & Kris Blackburn 19 – Jon & Joyce Brink 21 – Doug & Amy Brink 25 – Dennis & Leah Van Order 27 – Dave & Cathy Foune Dave & Heather Hitchcock 30 – Brian & Ami Salisbury

2 – Amy Brink 5 – Aaron Salisbury 6 – Eliza DeLaet 9 – Claudia Watson 12 – Samantha (Wood) Fontanez Brendan Campeau 14 – Heather Hitchcock 15 – Kyle Heather Harleigh Hard 17 – Patrick Ramaker 20 – Ellen Bierlein 25 – Andrea Caskey Rachel Wait 26 – Brian Salisbury 27 – Hanford Brink Brianna Kersting 28 – Marc Wilcox

The mission for the month of September is UMCOR for the work they continue to do in the Midland area due to the large flood they had earlier this year.

The massive flood is estimated to have impacted over 1,000 homes as well as churches and businesses, including United Methodist

properties. Many of those whose homes flooded are still unable to return. The impact was especially difficult because so many people were working, as well as living, out of their homes during the COVID virus.

UMCOR is involved is carrying out long-term recovery plans.

If you would like to help and are unable to donate at the communion offering (which is designated for missions) in person, you may

designate a check for missions and note it on your offering envelope that you mail in. Thank you.

• Donations: July: 32 bread, 3 tortillas, 21 desserts, 13 meds, 18 jelly, 20 lbs. sugar, 3 cereal, Donation Center-Feed the Need-12 pkgs of fish sticks, 9 cereal 1 XL gloves, 1 M gloves, 2 L gloves, 17 cases of cereal, 18 Catholic Charity boxes; Village Market-8 desserts, 2 bread, ; August: 1 Bisquick mix, 14 sides, 1 spam, 10 soup, 4 refried beans, 1 dressing, 11 can veggies, 1 cereal, 1 ketchup, 1 can salmon, Village Market 62 bread, 4 pies, 4 pkgs muffins, 19 desserts, 18 baby food, 2 crackers, 1 chip pkg, 1 pie, 1 ketchup, 1 mustard, 6 spaghetti sauce, 2 bags of rice, 1 bag beans, 1 pasta, 2 shelf milk, 1 tortilla; Donation Center-Feed the Need-9 instant mashed potatoes, 5 2lb pkgs rice, 2 mac & cheese, 1 stuffing mix, 2 pasta sauce, 3 pkgs instant oatmeal, 1 pkg of 6 ramen noodles, 2 pkgs granola bars, 2 pkgs pasta, 2 peanut butter, 1 jelly, 4 soup, 6 veggies, 1 pkg of 6 apple sauce, 2 baked beans (1 w/hot dogs), 1 can spaghetti & meatballs, 4 suddenly pasta salad, 22 Catholic Charity boxes

• Donation request for September: Flour or Sugar. Any type of donation is greatly appreciated not just the ones listed.

• Simply Give: Hungry for Christ begins their Simply Give donation program August 23rd and runs through October 24th. Double match days are September 11 & 12. Please shop at the Meijer at 746 E. 16th St., Holland and support Hungry for Christ.

• Cereal Drive: We received 17 cases of cereal on July 31st for the month of August (each child receives 3 boxes of cereal). August 28th we will receive 19 cases of cereal. We will be receiving cereal for the month of October also

• Amazon Smile Foundation: Our church will receive $22.64 donation which covers activity between April 1 and June 30, 2020.

Month 2019 Visits

# of People

2020 Visits

# of People

# of Kids

Jan.-July 729 2,339 1,173 1,293 468 August 174 572 50 187 72

Aug-Dec 665 2,176 Total 1,394 4,515 1,223 1,480 540

The Worship Committee would like to thank all those volunteers who have helped us keep church happening on Sunday mornings. It takes 6 people to fill all the spots at the doors and inside. We could always use, and would appreciate, other volunteers. Corlee Harris has been at her appointed spot every Sunday since we began having church in late June! If you feel led to help us please call Judy Jennings, 673-4989, or see me at church. We are all in this together and none of us knows how much longer church will need to done in this manner.

The Worship Committee has not met as we cannot plan for the fall season until we know when church services will resume and the church will be opened up for worship as we knew it. In essence the church is still closed to meetings, choir rehearsals, group usage, and we await the Governor’s orders and direction from our Bishop as to when we can begin to plan for choirs, Sunday school, Kids Hope, youth group, and all the other special happenings that are such an important part of our church families’ lives. Be patient my friends, God’s got this.

Joan Rininger and I have been on a journey that began in early March before the Governor’s order to Shelter in Place took effect; in fact, I was at her house when the announcement came across the television! Since we had been together, we felt safe to continue our journey and met almost weekly through the Pandemic to complete it. What kind of journey you ask? Well it was kind of a sentimental journey through our church’s past which was guided by an old dog-eared membership book. We went through it page

by page and listed the names of those who were on the roles but haven’t been seen or had any connection with the church in years, some in decades! Some names brought fond memories, some names were surprising, and there were some we didn’t even know. We painstakingly listed these names, and then our goal was to reach out to them in some way. Letters were written and sent; email messages were sent; and private messages on Facebook were another way we reached out. We told them that we were doing a bit of housekeeping on our church’s membership and let them know they were important to us and extended the hand of fellowship to them by offering to keep their membership with us, transfer their membership to another church, or they could withdraw their membership. We expressed to them that they were important to our church and regardless of their decision they would always be part of our church family and reminded them that we would always be here for them. Those we had contact with were gracious, surprised, and thankful for our reaching out to them. Some have moved out of state, others have joined churches near them, and then there were some who asked to remain on the membership list as this was their church home! We gladly took care of all of their wishes and had wondrous conversations with them. There are other names that will be read at our church conference in October and again in 2021 and if we have not heard from them they will be removed. One thing you must know is that if their name has been removed, they can always be re-instated at any time. A long journey but a heart-felt one and now the dog-eared book will be retired to the archives and the membership will be on a spreadsheet and kept up to date as needed. Thank you to all who graciously talked to us, messaged us, or reached out to us in other ways as you shall remain in our hearts and prayers. School is starting in a few days, and this year is like no other year we have ever had. With the Pandemic there is fear, sadness, anger, and the unknown weighs heavily on our minds and hearts. We all want our children, teachers, support staff, bus drivers, and every person who comes in contact with each other to be safe and be spared from getting the virus or spreading the virus. We, the church, must support and encourage them with our help, our prayers, and let them know we are here for them if there is anything we can do to help them as they enter these unknown waters. Remember the old hymn “God Will Take Care of You” where it says “God will take care of you, Through every day, o’er all the way He will take care of you, God will take care of you.” and our prayer must be that He will! Blessings my friends, Judy

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