extra virgin coconut oil - luckyvitamin · 2014. 7. 1. · along: coconut oil is a healthy oil; it...

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© 2006 Source Naturals, Inc., P.O. Box 2118, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 REVA0601 LC3260

Strategies for Wellnesssm

The above information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.www.sourcenaturals.com


oconut oil has been used forfood and health care for cen-turies in South and Central

America, Asia, and Africa. It has beenrecognized as a health oil in IndianAyurvedic herbalism for almost fourthousand years. Yet in the 1950s, it gota bad rap as a supposedly fattening“tropical oil.” Science now proves thetraditional wisdom was correct allalong: coconut oil is a healthy oil; it isnot typically stored as a fat in thebody. Since it is not stored, it provides

an immediate source of energy, and containsimportant nutrients for good health.

All saturated fats are not equal; all saturat-ed fats do not raise cholesterol levels inthe blood. Source Naturals EXTRA VIRGIN

COCONUT OIL is a natural saturated oil,not a hydrogenated, unsaturated, orpolyunsaturated mutated oil. It naturallycontains no toxic trans fats. It is an excel-lent addition to your wellness program.


Extra VirginCoconut OilA Healthy Oil from the Tropics

Good Fats, Bad FatsConfused about fats and oils? So aremany consumers. Since the 1950s, Amer-icans have been bewildered by the misin-formation given to them in the media.They have been provided with mislead-ing and conflicting cholesterol informa-tion, they’ve lacked proper studies of thedifferences in saturated fats, and they’venot been taught that there are fundamen-tal differences in the type and quality ofsaturated fats a person consumes, notrealizing that the health effects vary wide-ly. The confusion was then compoundedby misleading information from the edi-ble oils industry—as a result, billions ofdollars have been made marketing foodsmade with hydrogenated vegetable oils.The confusion has resulted in an Ameri-can diet glutted in hydrogenated, transfat-laden, highly toxic, rancid, unnaturaloils. Only relatively recently have the neg-ative effects of products such as margarineor refined shortening been known to thegeneral public. And in the meantime, thenatural, healthy oils have been ignored.

What’s the Difference?Coconut oil is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), so it is lesslikely to be stored in the body as fat asare long-chain triglycerides (LCTs).MCTs boost metabolism because theyare absorbed from the small intestineinto circulation and to the liver, quicklymetabolizing into energy. LCT’s, on theother hand, are stored as fat. MCTs helpthe body increase its metabolism and

give a feeling of fullness and increasedenergy. The MCTs in coconut oil arelargely comprised of lauric acid andcaprylic acid, both of which aid theimmune system.

Supporting NutrientsThe optimum use of EXTRA VIRGIN

COCONUT OIL is as a part of an overallhealthy lipid program, which means thatyou should also eat or supplement essen-tial fatty acids such as EPA and GLA.Coconut oil softgels, the consumption offatty fish or omega-3 supplements, anddecreasing the consumption of hydro-genated vegetable oils will help you attaina healthy lipid profile.

Part of Your Wellness ProgramPart of wellness is knowing when thebaby should not be thrown out with thebath water. In this case, the fear of satu-rated fats was overblown, and consumershave missed a healthy resource for theirown well-being by avoiding coconut oil.Source Naturals is pleased to bring youEXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL as a part ofyour overall wellness program.

References:PDR Health. Accessed at www.pdrhealth.comon April 18, 2005Roos, N, et al., 2000. American Society forNutritional Sciences, J.Nutr. 131:242-245.Sun, C., et al. 2003 Immunology and MedicalMicrobiology 36:9-17.Nevin, K.G., et al. 2004. Clinical Biochemistry37:830-835.

Good Fats, Bad FatsConfused about fats and oils? So aremany consumers. Since the 1950s, Amer-icans have been bewildered by the misin-formation given to them in the media.They have been provided with mislead-ing and conflicting cholesterol informa-tion, they’ve lacked proper studies of thedifferences in saturated fats, and they’venot been taught that there are fundamen-tal differences in the type and quality ofsaturated fats a person consumes, notrealizing that the health effects vary wide-ly. The confusion was then compoundedby misleading information from the edi-ble oils industry—as a result, billions ofdollars have been made marketing foodsmade with hydrogenated vegetable oils.The confusion has resulted in an Ameri-can diet glutted in hydrogenated, transfat-laden, highly toxic, rancid, unnaturaloils. Only relatively recently have the neg-ative effects of products such as margarineor refined shortening been known to thegeneral public. And in the meantime, thenatural, healthy oils have been ignored.

What’s the Difference?Coconut oil is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), so it is lesslikely to be stored in the body as fat asare long-chain triglycerides (LCTs).MCTs boost metabolism because theyare absorbed from the small intestineinto circulation and to the liver, quicklymetabolizing into energy. LCT’s, on theother hand, are stored as fat. MCTs helpthe body increase its metabolism and

give a feeling of fullness and increasedenergy. The MCTs in coconut oil arelargely comprised of lauric acid andcaprylic acid, both of which aid theimmune system.

Supporting NutrientsThe optimum use of EXTRA VIRGIN

COCONUT OIL is as a part of an overallhealthy lipid program, which means thatyou should also eat or supplement essen-tial fatty acids such as EPA and GLA.Coconut oil softgels, the consumption offatty fish or omega-3 supplements, anddecreasing the consumption of hydro-genated vegetable oils will help you attaina healthy lipid profile.

Part of Your Wellness ProgramPart of wellness is knowing when thebaby should not be thrown out with thebath water. In this case, the fear of satu-rated fats was overblown, and consumershave missed a healthy resource for theirown well-being by avoiding coconut oil.Source Naturals is pleased to bring youEXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL as a part ofyour overall wellness program.

References:PDR Health. Accessed at www.pdrhealth.comon April 18, 2005Roos, N, et al., 2000. American Society forNutritional Sciences, J.Nutr. 131:242-245.Sun, C., et al. 2003 Immunology and MedicalMicrobiology 36:9-17.Nevin, K.G., et al. 2004. Clinical Biochemistry37:830-835.

S t r a t e g i e s f o r W e l l n e s sSM

© 2006 Source Naturals, Inc., P.O. Box 2118, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 REVA0601 LC3260

Strategies for Wellnesssm

The above information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.www.sourcenaturals.com

#21078-JDCGAeS t r a t e g i e s f o r W e l l n e s s


Extra VirginCoconut OilA Healthy Oil from the Tropics

oconut oil has been used forfood and health care for cen-turies in South and Central

America, Asia, and Africa. It has beenrecognized as a health oil in IndianAyurvedic herbalism for almost fourthousand years. Yet in the 1950s, it gota bad rap as a supposedly fattening“tropical oil.” Science now proves thetraditional wisdom was correct allalong: coconut oil is a healthy oil; it isnot typically stored as a fat in thebody. Since it is not stored, it provides

an immediate source of energy, and containsimportant nutrients for good health.

All saturated fats are not equal; all saturat-ed fats do not raise cholesterol levels inthe blood. Source Naturals EXTRA VIRGIN

COCONUT OIL is a natural saturated oil,not a hydrogenated, unsaturated, orpolyunsaturated mutated oil. It naturallycontains no toxic trans fats. It is an excel-lent addition to your wellness program.


© 2006 Source Naturals, Inc., P.O. Box 2118, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 REVA0601 LC3260

Strategies for Wellnesssm

The above information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.www.sourcenaturals.com


oconut oil has been used forfood and health care for cen-turies in South and Central

America, Asia, and Africa. It has beenrecognized as a health oil in IndianAyurvedic herbalism for almost fourthousand years. Yet in the 1950s, it gota bad rap as a supposedly fattening“tropical oil.” Science now proves thetraditional wisdom was correct allalong: coconut oil is a healthy oil; it isnot typically stored as a fat in thebody. Since it is not stored, it provides

an immediate source of energy, and containsimportant nutrients for good health.

All saturated fats are not equal; all saturat-ed fats do not raise cholesterol levels inthe blood. Source Naturals EXTRA VIRGIN

COCONUT OIL is a natural saturated oil,not a hydrogenated, unsaturated, orpolyunsaturated mutated oil. It naturallycontains no toxic trans fats. It is an excel-lent addition to your wellness program.


Extra VirginCoconut OilA Healthy Oil from the Tropics

Good Fats, Bad FatsConfused about fats and oils? So aremany consumers. Since the 1950s, Amer-icans have been bewildered by the misin-formation given to them in the media.They have been provided with mislead-ing and conflicting cholesterol informa-tion, they’ve lacked proper studies of thedifferences in saturated fats, and they’venot been taught that there are fundamen-tal differences in the type and quality ofsaturated fats a person consumes, notrealizing that the health effects vary wide-ly. The confusion was then compoundedby misleading information from the edi-ble oils industry—as a result, billions ofdollars have been made marketing foodsmade with hydrogenated vegetable oils.The confusion has resulted in an Ameri-can diet glutted in hydrogenated, transfat-laden, highly toxic, rancid, unnaturaloils. Only relatively recently have the neg-ative effects of products such as margarineor refined shortening been known to thegeneral public. And in the meantime, thenatural, healthy oils have been ignored.

What’s the Difference?Coconut oil is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), so it is lesslikely to be stored in the body as fat asare long-chain triglycerides (LCTs).MCTs boost metabolism because theyare absorbed from the small intestineinto circulation and to the liver, quicklymetabolizing into energy. LCT’s, on theother hand, are stored as fat. MCTs helpthe body increase its metabolism and

give a feeling of fullness and increasedenergy. The MCTs in coconut oil arelargely comprised of lauric acid andcaprylic acid, both of which aid theimmune system.

Supporting NutrientsThe optimum use of EXTRA VIRGIN

COCONUT OIL is as a part of an overallhealthy lipid program, which means thatyou should also eat or supplement essen-tial fatty acids such as EPA and GLA.Coconut oil softgels, the consumption offatty fish or omega-3 supplements, anddecreasing the consumption of hydro-genated vegetable oils will help you attaina healthy lipid profile.

Part of Your Wellness ProgramPart of wellness is knowing when thebaby should not be thrown out with thebath water. In this case, the fear of satu-rated fats was overblown, and consumershave missed a healthy resource for theirown well-being by avoiding coconut oil.Source Naturals is pleased to bring youEXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL as a part ofyour overall wellness program.

References:PDR Health. Accessed at www.pdrhealth.comon April 18, 2005Roos, N, et al., 2000. American Society forNutritional Sciences, J.Nutr. 131:242-245.Sun, C., et al. 2003 Immunology and MedicalMicrobiology 36:9-17.Nevin, K.G., et al. 2004. Clinical Biochemistry37:830-835.

Good Fats, Bad FatsConfused about fats and oils? So aremany consumers. Since the 1950s, Amer-icans have been bewildered by the misin-formation given to them in the media.They have been provided with mislead-ing and conflicting cholesterol informa-tion, they’ve lacked proper studies of thedifferences in saturated fats, and they’venot been taught that there are fundamen-tal differences in the type and quality ofsaturated fats a person consumes, notrealizing that the health effects vary wide-ly. The confusion was then compoundedby misleading information from the edi-ble oils industry—as a result, billions ofdollars have been made marketing foodsmade with hydrogenated vegetable oils.The confusion has resulted in an Ameri-can diet glutted in hydrogenated, transfat-laden, highly toxic, rancid, unnaturaloils. Only relatively recently have the neg-ative effects of products such as margarineor refined shortening been known to thegeneral public. And in the meantime, thenatural, healthy oils have been ignored.

What’s the Difference?Coconut oil is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), so it is lesslikely to be stored in the body as fat asare long-chain triglycerides (LCTs).MCTs boost metabolism because theyare absorbed from the small intestineinto circulation and to the liver, quicklymetabolizing into energy. LCT’s, on theother hand, are stored as fat. MCTs helpthe body increase its metabolism and

give a feeling of fullness and increasedenergy. The MCTs in coconut oil arelargely comprised of lauric acid andcaprylic acid, both of which aid theimmune system.

Supporting NutrientsThe optimum use of EXTRA VIRGIN

COCONUT OIL is as a part of an overallhealthy lipid program, which means thatyou should also eat or supplement essen-tial fatty acids such as EPA and GLA.Coconut oil softgels, the consumption offatty fish or omega-3 supplements, anddecreasing the consumption of hydro-genated vegetable oils will help you attaina healthy lipid profile.

Part of Your Wellness ProgramPart of wellness is knowing when thebaby should not be thrown out with thebath water. In this case, the fear of satu-rated fats was overblown, and consumershave missed a healthy resource for theirown well-being by avoiding coconut oil.Source Naturals is pleased to bring youEXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL as a part ofyour overall wellness program.

References:PDR Health. Accessed at www.pdrhealth.comon April 18, 2005Roos, N, et al., 2000. American Society forNutritional Sciences, J.Nutr. 131:242-245.Sun, C., et al. 2003 Immunology and MedicalMicrobiology 36:9-17.Nevin, K.G., et al. 2004. Clinical Biochemistry37:830-835.

S t r a t e g i e s f o r W e l l n e s sSM

© 2006 Source Naturals, Inc., P.O. Box 2118, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 REVA0601 LC3260

Strategies for Wellnesssm

The above information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.www.sourcenaturals.com

#21078-JDCGAeS t r a t e g i e s f o r W e l l n e s s


Extra VirginCoconut OilA Healthy Oil from the Tropics

oconut oil has been used forfood and health care for cen-turies in South and Central

America, Asia, and Africa. It has beenrecognized as a health oil in IndianAyurvedic herbalism for almost fourthousand years. Yet in the 1950s, it gota bad rap as a supposedly fattening“tropical oil.” Science now proves thetraditional wisdom was correct allalong: coconut oil is a healthy oil; it isnot typically stored as a fat in thebody. Since it is not stored, it provides

an immediate source of energy, and containsimportant nutrients for good health.

All saturated fats are not equal; all saturat-ed fats do not raise cholesterol levels inthe blood. Source Naturals EXTRA VIRGIN

COCONUT OIL is a natural saturated oil,not a hydrogenated, unsaturated, orpolyunsaturated mutated oil. It naturallycontains no toxic trans fats. It is an excel-lent addition to your wellness program.


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