exclusive may/june 2011

Post on 25-Mar-2016






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Edinburgh Realty Ltd presents Exclusive, a high-quality real estate publication. Featuring a selection of current properties for sale from our 5 locations throughout the Otago region, and top editorial content, Exclusive targets a wide audience of home buyers, property investors and avid readers. Published every month with a growing circulation, now at 5,500 copies, Exclusive is the way to get your property on to everyone else’s coffee tables. For advertising inquiries, please contact Sam Moodie on sam@edinburghrealty.co.nz.






Welcome to the May/June edition of “exclusive”.

Last month the demand for our magazine was such that we ran out very quickly, and for this edition we have

increased the numbers to meet that demand. Over the last three months we have seen a significant increase in properties being sold by our firm. This magazine, our large team of experienced and qualified sales people, together with other marketing initiatives has gained the firm immense credibility in the Otago market, resulting in more people listing with us.

For those considering buying or selling, we feel that the market has “bottomed out” with prices likely to remain flat now until demand picks up again. This is likely to happen before the end of this year, as a looming shortage of housing starts to take effect. For buyers, interest rates are at the lowest that they are going to

Welcome to the May/June edition of ‘exclusive’


Edinburgh Realty Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008

Dunedin 578 George Street, PO Box 5772, Dunedin 9058. Phone (03) 474 0444 Fax (03) 477 3208 Email dunedin@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Mosgiel 123B Gordon Road, PO Box 69, Mosgiel 9053. Phone (03) 489 5444 Fax (03) 489 2022 Email mosgiel@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Wanaka Spencer House, Dunmore Street, Wanaka 9305. Phone (03) 443 0084 Fax (03) 443 0438 Email wanaka@edinburghrealty.co.nz www.edinburghrealty.co.nz

What’s Inside:Feature profile: Sam Foley 2

Wanaka Mountain Biking 4

Dunedin Midwinter Carnival 6

Cuisine 7

Dunedin 8

Lifestyle and Rural 30

Investments 33

University Investments 36

Commercial 48

Mosgiel 51

East Otago 56

Wanaka 60

Property Management 65

Our Team 66

get, what with inflationary pressures, such as increasing fuel and food prices, beginning to bite. Property prices are also probably at the lowest that they are going to get.

For sellers, holding on to properties for an expected higher price through increases in market prices generally, only widens the gap you need to bridge to purchase a replacement property. For example, a $200,000 property held on to now, with a 5% increase in the market in 6 months, means you might expect to receive an additional $10,000. However, that $300,000 house you could buy now, all things being equal, we cost you an additional $15,000 in 6 months’ time. Overall, a difference against you of $5,000.

So, if you are buying and selling in the same market, then consider doing that now. It’s a good time.

Regards,Roy BorgmanManaging DirectorEdinburgh Realty Limited

‘exclusive’ magazine designed by Sam Moodie - Edinburgh Realty Limited


Sam Foley: Passion for paintDunedin artist Sam Foley continues to

leave fans and critics alike in awe of

his amazingly detailed urban artwork.

When did you first become interested in Art? It is something that I’ve always been interested in from a young age. My mum was into painting, but she had quite a young family so she never really pursued it. So she kind of almost pushed me in that direction I think.

Do any of your siblings paint as well? No, but funnily enough one of them is an actor, one of them is a musician and one of them does design, so quite a creative family. And Mum’s a bit of a Sunday painter now.

Did you focus on art at high school? I went to Logan Park High School, there were really good art teachers there. Then I went straight to Art School through Otago Polytechnic. It was a good school, but pretty tough; it was a four year course for the Bachelor of Fine Arts (now three for a Bachelor of Visual Art). I did painting throughout the whole course. I was originally going to do printmaking, because I think I enjoyed that more as a subject back at high school.

What inspires you? What subject matters do you like to paint the most? At the moment I’m mostly concentrating on painting Dunedin. Dunedin’s a pretty cool place. You’re always inspired by what is around you; I think that’s just a natural progression. Of late I have been looking at different parts of the country; having a show in Ashburton and a show in Christchurch. In February I had a show in Auckland, and a show in Queenstown. I am looking for other subject matter, but I think Dunedin is definitely a subject that I will always return to.

Where do your ideas come from? The more you paint the more ideas you have. So it becomes a progression.

Do you challenge yourself by choosing difficult subjects instead? For sure. Some of the night time Dunedin alleyway graffiti stuff that I have done of

late, they’re quite challenging. Quite hard to paint and they take a long time as well. Sometimes it’s just nice to do a painting that’s not necessarily easy, but it’s just kind of fun to paint. It can’t all be hard grind.

When painting, do you work from photos? Yes. I usually visit the location I’m painting a number of times to get it just right. Especially the night time ones, I have to over and under expose the image to pull out details. I usually work from multiple photos.

Do many people come and approach you to have commission pieces done? I usually pick up a couple of commissions a year. I haven’t had any for a while actually; I’ve got to chase them down. They’re usually pretty fun, usually buildings. The last portrait I did was post-Art School, of Hardwicke Knight who was the Head of Photography at the Hospital for a long time, and also a painter and Dunedin historian. He was 89 when I painted him and he passed away a couple of years back. That was a fun painting, it was all full life and done over about 10 sittings so we talked a lot.

If you weren’t an artist, what would you be? A chef. I really enjoy cooking. Or maybe a furniture maker.

What challenges does your work bring? Just making a living from it is a challenge. I think anyone who can make a living off what they’re painting is doing well. I’ve never had to take up another job, I’ve always been supported by the government as far as the pay scheme goes. It’s a scheme that Labour brought in, spearheaded by Rob Garrett who was the head of Art School at the time and Anthony Deaker. Basically once you graduate from Art School you can get the dole for a couple of years, like a work opportunity. And then from there you can get the Enterprise allowance. It enabled me to work full time straight from Art School which was really important.

Where can we find your work right now? The Artists Room, Toi O Tahuna in Queenstown, White Space in Auckland, and White Room here as well.

What has been your favourite gallery? The Guggenheim in Bilbao. I was lucky, there was an Anselm Kiefer show on when I was there - he is an amazing German painter. The Prado Museum in Madrid is an amazing gallery. It has a similar content as the Louvre but not as much, it seems to be a quality over quantity kind of approach. The

Hamburg Bahnhof is probably my favourite contemporary gallery.

What is your highest achievement so far? Good question. Winning the People’s Choice Award at the William Wallace Awards maybe. My aim is just to keep painting. I’m driven enough that I will just keep painting.



What is your greatest ambition? I would like to get one of my works in a gallery in Berlin but I’m not going to be too worried if that doesn’t happen. The thing about being an artist is that it’s a marathon; it’s not a sprint race. You really have to be in it for the long haul. And those rewards, if you can call them rewards, will come at a

later point if you just keep doing what you’re doing. That’s the long term plan.

What are your plans while you’re in Berlin? I’m going to start with just doing a few paintings of the Tiergarten, which is an urban park inside Berlin. From there I’ll travel North up to the Gruenewald above

Berlin, there’s forests and a National Park up there. And then I want to get down to the Black Forest in Bavaria. My partner (who I’m going with) speaks German so that will help a lot. While I’m there I’ll be doing a four week German Language Scholarship course through the Goethe Institute which is a free scholarship available to people in the Arts.

We’re also going to do a little Euro trip. We’ll go to Edinburgh - I love Edinburgh, it’s such a cool place. Then through Amsterdam, down through France and to visit a friend in Barcelona. I haven’t had a summer holiday this year because I’ve been working right through to get everything ready for this, so we’ll have a bit of a holiday then before

we get set up in Berlin so we’re not paying rent. I did a big ten week trip, basically like a research and development trip, back in 2007 where I just tried to see as many public art galleries as possible. I saw about thirty in nine and a half weeks; I worked it out that every second day I was visiting a major gallery so it was pretty intense.

Where to next after you’re done in Berlin? Back to Dunedin because I still have to worry about my practice here. Also I own White Room, the design store, which I am pretty involved with – can’t let my business partner do that forever! I work there one day a week. It gets me out of the studio, meeting people. Otherwise I tend to go a bit insane.


On yer bike!Wanaka ‘shire’ sits at the base of Lake

Wanaka and at the feet of the most

‘Remarkable’ range of mountains in

the South Island of New Zealand.

Everyday you can be deafened from the

sound of cameras clicking ferociously on

the lake front. However, it also provides

the most amazing range of Mountain bike

tracks and trails for any level of rider.

Whether you are ‘on yer bike’ every day

and compete in Mountain Bike events, or

haven’t ridden a bike since your early days

to school, whatever your level, Wanaka

boasts to have it all.

So what do we have for the rather nervous

‘haven’t been on a bike for a while’ (ever),

and the ‘I’m not fit enough’ or ‘I am biking

with small children’ bikers... Let’s call this

category of riders Level 1.

Firstly, there is choice of tracks that link up

to form over 50km of riding. One of my

favorites starts where Lake Wanaka forms

the Clutha River (called the outlet track), it is

a 5kms round trip, and a gentle undulating

ride following the river all the way to Albert

Town, then return. Possibly, the most scenic

in the world!

Or if you feel like a longer return ride

you can start at the Swing Bridge over the

Hawea River (start across the road from the

Albert Town campground) and amble your

way along the Hawea River, out to Lake

Hawea (allow 1 hour 15min return). Both

of these rides are full of spectacular views

and are easily navigated, rolling over a

dirt-groomed track that you share with

walkers (Remember bikers give way!).

Now lets talk about the Grade 2 tracks,

these are for the more adventurous, and

present a slightly more challenging ride for

the ‘once a month rider’ - This is due to

some mild challenges, like steep short hills

and some narrow tracks!

There are two that I believe are the best

Grade 2 tracks in Wanaka. Glendhu Bay to

Wanaka (if you can get a car ride out there)

or Wanaka/Glendhu return - Allow 2 ½

hours for this ride. Not only are there some

‘wee’ hills to go over, and some great single

track (room for only one biker at a time), but

the views towards the top of Lake Wanaka,

and Mt. Aspiring are worth stopping for

(pays not to try and view them while riding!).

This track starts from the west end of Roy’s

Bay, or you can shorten it by starting at

Waterfall Creek. However, the Waterfall

Creek option will mean that you cannot

drop into Edgewater Resort on the way

home for a rewarding scone and coffee, or

something a little stronger in the afternoon.

The second Grade 2 track is from the mouth

of the Cardrona River (where it meets the

Clutha) to Luggate return, this follows the

Clutha River down to Luggate and has some

small hills to climb (if you pushed your bike

up them they would take approximately

5 minutes each) and again the views are

amazing and the track is a lot of fun to

navigate, as you weave through Manuka

and Poplar Trees the entire way. Allow 2

hours return for this trip.

Grade 3, is all about cranking up the speed

and the technical aspects of a ride! Wanaka

has a fantastic variety for Grade 3 riders

(people who are out on their bikes once



to twice a week). There are two immediate

options here; Deans Bank single track, which

is an 11kms loop starting and finishing from

the far end of the Albert Town campground.

It is a purpose built Mountain Bike single

rider track, that hugs Deans Bank over

looking the Clutha River, to Lake Wanaka,

then loops through the forest at the top,

and back again… Brilliant for good Grade

2 also, with plenty of challenges, stunning

views and cambered corners, well cared for

by the team at Bike Wanaka, the unofficial

guardians of the Wanaka bike tracks.


Sticky Forest is another great Grade 3 ride

and the biking Mecca of Wanaka. The tracks

are intertwined and pitch and drop through

mature pine forest, and features classic

track names like the ‘Tunnel of Love’ and

‘Sick Boy’ providing an awesome labyrinth

of technical fast tracks.

For the more adventurous there is Heli Biking

and guided cross-country trails that get you

through private farmland and onto the best

downhill tracks in the country. Free Ride

Wanaka guided tours will take you from the

top of Mt. Pisa through Lake McKay Station,

where the views of the Southern Alps are

amazing. You need to go by helicopter to

the top, then travel 22kms to the bottom,

finishing at the doors of the Luggate Hotel.

Don’t be scared by this, our Grade 2 bikers;

this is mostly ‘gravity assisted’ and at your

own speed is navigated without incident,

and for those that like to travel with their

hair on fire - you can! There are several

stops on the way down that provide a

regroup and debrief of the piece of track

just conquered!

For cross country, there are also options like

Heli cross country where you chopper up to

a destination and bike out. Again this can

suit most riders, but some general fitness is



Whatever your appetite for a mountain

biking adventure or quick ride, the Wanaka

bike Menu has it all. There is plenty of

information from local bike shops that all

stock maps, bikes and spare parts! Or local

guides for all levels and abilities, that include

all the gear you need and information to get

you started. So get to Wanaka and get on

yer bike!

Patrick McAteer lives in Wanaka with

his wife and 2 children. He has been

mountain biking for 20 years and is a

guide for FreeRide NZ, based in Wanaka.





2011 Dunedin Midwinter Carnival Saturday 25 June 5.30pm

2011 Dunedin Midwinter Carnival

Saturday 25 June, 5.30pm

The Octagon, Dunedin

The Dunedin Midwinter Carnival has

established itself as one of Dunedin

City’s major annual events. In 2010 over

10,000 people braved the year’s longest

night and chilly winter conditions in the

brazier lit Octagon in the heart of the


The 2011 Midwinter Carnival once again promises to be a visually stunning family event – this year’s carnival theme is ‘Night Creatures’, drawing on New Zealand’s diverse nocturnal wildlife. Expect giant lanterns in the shape of moths (puriri) and weta along with hundreds of smaller lanterns hand-made by children, representing returning light, creativity, and community.

The procession circumnavigates the Octagon

in the heart of the city, thousands of families

gather to acknowledge the shortest day

and longest night of the year in a way that

is unique to this vibrant city. The Octagon’s

historic buildings and St Paul’s Cathedral

illuminated by the surreal giant lanterns and

swarm of public lantern holders add further

to the fairytale.

The giant lanterns are created by well known

Dunedin artist Katrina Thomson. Spectacular

costumes are another essential element

of the Midwinter Carnival. Otago fashion

designer Fieke Neuman is partnering up

with fashion designer Rowan Holt to create

extraordinary stilt costumes, including giant

spiders, dragon flies and mosquitos. Last

year saw nearly 100 costumed performers –

this year’s procession promises even more.

Performance is major part of the procession.

This year’s line-up of musicians, dancers, stilt

walkers and entertainers will be richer and

stronger than ever, drawing on the talents

and energies of a huge range of local artists.

Light is at the heart of the Midwinter Carnival.

In the weeks preceding the festival, public

lantern-making workshops will be held

around Dunedin. The all-age workshops

are open to the public and attract hundreds

of children and families, taking place on

4-5 June, 11-12 June, and 18-19 June in

community halls across the city.



Alison Lambert’sParsnip & Hazelnut Cake


250g unsalted butter, softened

250g caster sugar

4 medium eggs

250g self-raising flour, sifted

1 tsp ground mixed spice

175g toasted hazelnuts, finely chopped

250g peeled and finely grated parsnips (weight after preparation)

For the topping

250g cream cheese or Ricotta

60g unsalted butter, softened

About 250g icing sugar, sifted

60g toasted hazelnuts, roughly chopped

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly grease and line using baking paper either a rectangular (28x18cm) or round tin (25cm diameter).

Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy beat in the eggs one at a time, adding a spoonful of flour with each one. Fold in the remaining flour, plus the spice, nuts, parsnips and milk.

Spoon the mixture into the tin and place in the centre of the oven and bake for 40-50 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven and leave in the tin for 10 minutes before turning out on a wire rack to cool completely.

To make the topping, place the cream cheese (or ricotta) and butter in a bowl and beat until soft. Now beat in enough icing sugar to give it a thick and glossy consistency. Spread it over the cake and scatter on the chopped hazelnuts.

Serve and enjoy.

Alison Lambert is a passionate chef, mother and

now teacher of cookery. Alison is known as the

Otago Farmers Market Chef, which is a role she

takes very seriously as she would love to get more

people eating locally sourced and seasonal food

as in return you get tastier, more nutritious and

delicious meals. Alison’s food represents many

years of travelling and eating her way around the

world. Alison is also a busy working mother which

helps her to create simple-to-use and realistic

recipes! Visit her inspirational blog for recipes and

more at www.alisonmarketchef.blogspot.com.

“Parsnips add a delightful subtle twist to this wonderfully moist and nutty cake.”

MAORI HILL 15 Grendon Street

Arguably one of Dunedin’s finest and most admired homes, this residence is now offered to discerning buyers. Impressive and imposing, this two level home embodies

grandness with timeless grace and modern luxury. Its sweeping entrance through beautifully manicured grounds, designed by Ben McMaster, is the start of something

majestic. Stepping into the magnificent entrance hall, you will be immediately captivated by the grand staircase leading up to a breathtaking handmade chandelier,

brought all the way back from Prague. This masterpiece illuminates the entire foyer and sets the elegant tone which is reflected throughout the house. With the skilfull

use of floor to ceiling glass, natural light streams into the formal lounge and the room enjoys the last of the day’s sun, as does the formal dining area. The kitchen

is unsurpassed and from the adjoining living/dining area you gain access to a private patio – perfect for alfresco breakfasts. Indoor/outdoor living is made easy

One of Dunedin’s most admired homes


5 3 2+


from the family room and outside entertaining is further enhanced by the outside fire and seating area. Four bedroom

accommodation upstairs includes a master suite with excellent wardrobe facilities and a stunning ensuite, while the main

bathroom features a claw foot bath. Downstairs features an ideal 5th guest bedroom with its own external access, ensuite

and steam room. This exemplary family home also offers a double garage with internal access and off-street parking is

plentiful. 15 Grendon Street is located in Maori Hill’s premier street and the finest finishes, fittings and appliances have

been employed throughout to create the ultimate in luxury living.


Deadline Sale Closing 4pm 24th May 2011 at our offices

www.edinburghrealty.co.nz Web iD# DO5836

Matt Shepherd0274 446 369


HELENSBURGH 3 Blantyre Road

Situated in a quiet and safe cul-de-sac and close to some of Dunedin’s top schools is this superb home. Receiving every

ray of sun, the home is built on two levels and would suit families with teenage children wanting some space or is ideal

for working from home with separate access to the downstairs area. Upstairs you will find the modern kitchen/dining area

which has a relaxing outlook, the conservatory has the same view and the large lounge is heated by a heat-pump. Also

upstairs are 3 double bedrooms, the bathroom and an abundance of storage. On the lower level are 2 double bedrooms,

a new bathroom and large basement garage - options are endless for even the largest of families. There is additional off

street parking for boats, trailers etc. Our advice is to visit this home early – you will not be disappointed!

Attention large families!

5 2 2

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5833

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

ST KILDA 16A & 16B Young Street

Architecturally designed by Reece Warnock, this home has been perfectly planned for easy living. Bathed in all-day sun,

the property offers three double bedrooms, all with excellent wardrobe facilities and you have the added benefit of the

master having an ensuite. The work space is generous in the designer kitchen and it is a place where family and friends

can gather, and the living room opens out to a gorgeous paved area with a small amount of grass. No expense has been

spared during construction, with double glazing, a heat-pump and top quality appliances throughout. The single garage

has internal access. 16B Young Street is ready for you to move in and enjoy, while construction is about to start on 16A.

Viewing is highly recommended.

Brand new townhouse

3 2 1

$389,000Web iD# DO5812

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106



3 1 OSP

MORNINGTON 26 Peel Street

Presented with real panache and situated in the heart of Mornington is this home which will delight you from the moment you

step inside. The three bedrooms are all of generous proportions and the bathroom is stylish. The galley kitchen is modern and

flows to the dining area and living room, these areas are heated by an inbuilt gas fire which creates a cosy atmosphere. From

here access is gained to a large deck which is a perfect place to entertain family and friends. The section is easy-care and

off-street is available for one car. Receiving a wealth of sun, this appealing home will suit first home buyers, young families or


Must be sold!

$195,000Web iD# DO5777

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

ANDERSONS BAY 56 Highcliff Road

A property of this calibre located in a sought after area rarely becomes available. Sophisticated style shows from the minute

you come through the door. Inspiring decor is featured throughout with a new kitchen and bathroom, both equipped

with quality fittings. The home comprises 3 generous sized double bedrooms. Great heating with double glazed windows

including two heatpumps and a gas fire. The adjoining open plan dining is sunny with indoor outdoor flow, perfect for

entertaining guests and providing children and pets with a secure and safe court yard. Internal access to the garage wand

basement which provides ample storage. Very close to schools, shops and bus stops. Don’t miss out on this - contact us


Rarely available

$359,000 Web iD# DO5831

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007

3 1 1


PENINSULA 1016 Harington Point Road

A once in a lifetime opportunity to own this unique little batch set on the edge of freehold land at Harington Point. The

batch is well designed giving you breathtaking views of the Otago Peninsula. With its very own jetty it is perfect for boating

activities, and is the ideal setting for entertaining guests with two living areas and decking giving it great indoor outdoor

flow. The property is immaculately presented with one bedroom, a separate studio room and one bathroom. Don’t delay

- A property of this calibre wont last!

The holiday home you dream of

$239,000 Web iD# DO5814

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007

2 1

GREEN ISLAND 44 Koremata Street

This first home wont last this property consists of three genuine double bedrooms with built in wardrobes and a good quality

bathroom. There is a large formal lounge perfect for entertaining, it also has great heating with a wood burner and heat

pump. The kitchen and dining get fantastic sun. Single car garaging and workshop area underneath the house with plenty

of storage. Good sized section with a good patio area.

Attention first home buyers

$210,000Web iD# DO5830

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007

3 1 1



MORNINGTON 25A Bridger Street

First time on the market is this perfect family home comprising of four generous sized bedrooms, with the master bedroom

having its very own ensuite. There is a great sized formal lounge, the open plan kitchen has been recently renovated and is

ideal for entertaining guests, the dining room offers good indoor outdoor flow and has a good sized section for children.

The garage and basement has great storage. The property has been faithfully maintained. Don’t delay as a property of

this calibre wont last.

What a family home!

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5832

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007

4 2 1+

ST CLAIR 21 Pretoria Ave

A property of this calibre located in one of St Clair’s finest streets rarely becomes available. Sophisticated style shows from

the minute you come through the door. Inspiring decor is featured throughout with a new kitchen and bathroom, both

equipped with quality fittings. The home comprises three generous sized double bedrooms with a studio. The adjoining

open plan dining and living area is spacious and sunny with a heat-pump keeping you warm on cooler days. The property

boasts late afternoon sun, with bi folding doors offering great indoor outdoor flow, perfect for entertaining guests and

providing children and pets with a secure and safe court yard. This is a rare opportunity to be part of the St Clair

lifestyle with it’s classy cafes, restaurants, hot salt water pool, health spa, hairdressers, schools and parks. Don’t delay, an

affordable home of this quality won’t last.

Sophisticated style

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5746

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007

3 1 1



Sit back and enjoy a coffee or wine while in the lounge or on the deck, and admire Dunedin’s fantastic harbour views.

Nothing is spared from this new home; open plan living, the family sized kitchen, modern decor and light fitings. Enjoy the

indoor/outdoor flow to the deck and easy care private and sheltered section. Totally low maintenance, with double carport

and generous off street parking. A home to be proud of, only minutes to town, and at an affordable price.Neg over $279,000Web iD# DO5541

Ann Fitzgibbon-Park021 770 063

3 1 2+OSP

Brand new - Just for you!

BROCKVILLE 250 Brockville Road

With 4 great sized bedrooms, 2 car garaging, modern kitchen with dishwasher, sunny lounge with multi-fuel burner on

wetback, & outdoor living set perfectly for the sun, this one is perfect for the growing family. It has a newly decorated

bathroom with shower, separate toilet, laundry and a neat little computer cubby for the family PC and masses of under

house storage. With a primary school, kindy and bus stop just up the road together with the local shops you will have

almost all you need at your doorstep.

Suprisingly spacious & sunny

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5828

Trevor Branton0220 50 10 20

4 1 2



GREEN ISLAND 21 Koremata Street

This superb 1950’s home is set in a fabulous family location and basks in all-day sun. With neutral decor throughout, the new owners will enjoy

the benefits of a modern kitchen and bathroom. From the living area you step through French doors to a gorgeous deck which is perfect for

entertaining, while the large rear section is fantastic for children and pets to run around. Also on offer are 3 bedrooms, two heat-pumps and

a Moisturemaster system. There is a single garage, off-street parking and two large sheds. Affordable homes of this calibre don’t last - don’t

delay your viewing.

3 1 1

An affordable brick and tile home

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5840

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

CORSTORPHINE 66 Corstorphine Road

This five bedroom, two bathroom home has to

be sold and represents outstanding value. In a

wonderful position capturing brilliant sun, it offers

open plan living, a sunny deck and section. Good

off street parking is available and the location is so

handy being close to numerous schools, shops and

the like.

5 2 1

Seriously good value!

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5778

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

OPOHO 78 Signal Hill Road

Beautifully situated for sun is this delightful 2

bedroom home. The bedrooms are generous in

size and there is a separate lounge/optional third

bedroom. The kitchen/dining/living area has

potential to increase in size and open out to the

peaceful section. Underneath the home is a large

area which also has the possibility of revamping.

The separate garage is double in length plus good

off-street parking. This property awaits a new owner!

2 1 2

Opportunity to buy in Opoho

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5834

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106


ST CLAIR 34 Forbury Road

Elevated for sun and views in a very popular

location, this home offers 4 bedrooms

upstairs and a 5th bedroom downstairs with

its own bathroom. The kitchen/dining area

has been beautifully remodelled and flows

onto the living room which opens out to the

rear patio. Separate formal lounge. Single


5 2 1

Vendor relocating

$495,000Web iD# DO5721

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

DALMORE 22 Orbell Street PINE HILL 18 Truby King Crescent

Recently professionally painted on the outside,

this substantial home is awaiting the new owner

to renovate and decorate on the inside. The home

currently offers 4 bedrooms, kitchen/dining area,

living room & utility room. The possibilities with the

spaces are endless. Character features throughout

include ornate fireplaces, leadlight windows and

rich solid timber. Delightful courtyard area with flat

rear section and there is a single garage.

4 1 1

Potential plus

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5841

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

Situated on an extremely sunny section with a

relaxing rural outlook is this superb permanent

material home. Offering 3 bedrooms, spacious

open plan living, new kitchen, new bathroom

and new carpet throughout. Excellent basement

garaging with lots of storage. Great location for a

number of schools and close to all amenities. An

exciting opportunity to own a family home or to

add to your investment portfolio.

3 1 1

Immaculately presented

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5842

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

• Spacious, light and inviting home

• 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

• 4 car garaging

• Beautiful kitchen with granite bench top and all

new appliances

• Sunny, well maintained grounds

• Close to Dunedin’s best schools and the city


Premier address in Maori Hill

MAORI HILL 92 Grendon Street

$879,000Web iD# DO5695

Matt Shepherd0274 446 369

5 2 4



ST CLAIR 19B Highgrove

Situated in the exclusive Highgrove Estate

subdivision is this beautiful 1666m2 section.

The property offers stunning views over St

Clair, the city and harbour and is in close

proximity to historic Cargills Castle. Plans

by award winning designer, Gary Todd, are

available for a magnificent 4 bedroom, 2

bathroom home.

Excellent building site with plans

$215,000Web iD# DO5765

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

CORSTORPHINE 17A Milburn Street

Located in prestigious Milburn Street is

this North facing section, 977m2, private

location to build your dream home. Being

affordable and quality - a rare opportunity

in Dunedin, phone Shane for further details

Unbelievable harbour view and sunshine

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5844

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

The Esplanade, St. Clair www.carleyjones.co.nz03 455 6545


MUSSELBURGH 35A Musselburgh Rise

Situated down a beautiful private lane and amongst

a pocket of quality properties, is this 1970’s home.

Featuring a functional kitchen which flows through

to the dining area and sunny lounge. Off the

lounge flows a spacious conservatory. The two

bedrooms are both double size and have built-in-

wardrobes and there is a large separate laundry

and excellent storage. Single garage. This home is

superbly located to all amenities.

2 1 1

Must be sold!

WAVERLEY 31 Belford Street

This home has been meticulously maintained and

offers three bedrooms and a tidy bathroom. The

kitchen has a vast amount of drawer space and

from here you enter the sun-drenched dining area

which flows onto the lounge. The section is safe for

children and pets to play and there is an excellent

basement/workshop area with lots of storage. A

carport is available for your car and being in close

proximity to the city and excellent schools is a bonus.

3 1 1

Perfect first home

MAORI HILL 49 Newington Avenue

Located adjacent to Mercy Hospital and the

Marionoto Clinic is this character-filled home

which has recently been repainted outside. The

conservatory sitting above the kitchen is a feature

of the home, and offers indoor/outdoor living to

the secluded section. Living spaces are generous

with a dining/living area and lounge, both rooms

are well heated. Double garage and excellent off-

street parking.

4 1½ 2

Location, location

$249,000Web iD# DO5188

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

Neg over $390,000Web iD# DO5707

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

$245,000Web iD# DO5763

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

CONCORD 2C Thoreau Street

Construction is going well on this quality three

bedroom “Jennian Home”, which will be covered

by a Jennian warranty. Featuring sunny north-

facing living areas and clever design creates

private outdoor living spaces. Be quick and secure

this fine property for your family.

3 1 2

Quality new home

$379,000Web iD# DO5720

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106



DUNEDIN SOUTH 38D Wesley Street

2 1

Handy locationThis is an excellent example of a 90’s style

townhouse. The home features two good size

bedrooms, an open plan kitchen and living that

flows onto a private courtyard. The living area is

heated with a large heat pump. This is the back

unit of three so is nice and private. Close to shops,

schools and other amenities this is a good home for

someone looking to down size.


3 1 OSP

Vendor says SELL!This character villa is the perfect home for those looking

for a great balance of modern living and charm! The

well positioned, hill-top villa has a great outlook over

Port Chalmers. Consisting of three double bedrooms,

brand new kitchen with appliances and a bathroom

that will suit any modern family. The house has been

finished to a very high standard inside and out and to

top things off a new roof has been fitted to ensure all

the hard work will stay dry.

$229,000Web iD# DO5623

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

Neg over $169,000Web iD# DO5729

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

ST CLAIR 11 Trafalgar Street

Inspiring décor and sophisticated style combine

beautifully in this stunning home. Totally renovated

throughout it offers three double bedrooms and a

gorgeous new bathroom which includes the clever

use of laminex. The modern kitchen overlooks the

private rear section and the separate lounge has

an inbuilt gas fire. This outstanding St Clair home

attracts all day sun and is just a short stroll to the

beach, Salt Water Pool, cafes and schools.

3 1

Close to the beach

$239,000Web iD# DO5776

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

KENMURE 311A Kenmure Road

Located down a private driveway is this substantial

home on a manageable section. The new kitchen

has been designed for chefs and the open plan living

area receives every ray of sun. Also on this upper

level are three double bedrooms, an office and the

main bathroom. On the lower level are two double

bedrooms, bathroom, office and a large double

garage with internal access. Unique opportunity to

either work from home or have overseas students.

5 2 2+

Seriously for sale

$369,000Web iD# DO5722

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106


OWAKA 26-28 Waikawa Road

Retail premise property situated on the main road

of the southern scenic route of Owaka, ideal for

those looking to run their own business or to rent

to a local artist/craftsman for extra income. The

shop has its own flat attached with a kitchenette

& living area. Behind the shop is a separate brick

house built in the 1970’s consisting of 4 double

bedrooms, warm and sunny living area with a

single garage plus off street parking.

4 1 1

Reduced to SELL!

$189,000Web iD# DO5697

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

KEW 7 Dornoch Street

3 1 1

Out-of-town vendor says SELLCome and be mesmerized by the magnificent view

right down the harbour, over the city and ocean.

Offering three bedrooms and the bathroom is tidy.

The view is stunning from the kitchen and off this

room is the dining/living area. There is a separate

lounge where you can sit back and relax and watch

the ships come down the harbour. Underneath the

house is the laundry and a workshop/storage area

and the garage is at street level.

$199,000Web iD# DO5904

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

GREEN ISLAND 1A Price Street

Positioned well for sun and a great outlook over

Abbotsford and surrounds, is this 1980’s 4 bedroom

home. The kitchen and open plan living area is

heated by a pellet fire, there is also a heat-pump

in the hallway and an HRV system. Cars are taken

care of with off-street parking and the section has flat

areas for children to play.

4 1 OSP

4 bedrooms!

$199,000Web iD# DO5774

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

LIBERTON 14 Hislop Street

2 1 OSP

Opportunity awaitsFirst home buyers must view this cute and tidy

two bedroom home comprising open plan living/

dining area with updated kitchen and separate

bathroom and toilet. There is a good sized laundry

with easy outdoor access. The home is sited on a

generous 630m2 section and captures all day sun.

Don’t miss this opportunity, call today!

$193,000Web iD# DO5330

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106



OPOHO 15 Grandview Crescent

This home has had an extraordinary rebuild and

refurbishment to a very high spec and now offers

fabulous family living. The gorgeous new kitchen

is the hub of the home with the living area on one

side and the dining area on the other side. The

three bedrooms are all generous in size and there

is a vast amount of storage. The section has been

beautifully landscaped section and the single garage

has internal access. Blue chip location!

3 1½ 1

New kitchen and décor

ANDERSONS BAY 40 Somerville Street

This affordable three bedroom home is essential

viewing. The kitchen is modern and you will be

kept toasty warm in the living room by an inbuilt

woodburner, there is also a heat-pump in the

hallway. There is a good basement garage plus

additional off-street parking. This is a perfect

opportunity to own your first home or to extend your

investment portfolio. Make no mistake, this home

will be sold!

3 1 1

Ideal for first home buyers or investors

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5779

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

$385,000Web iD# DO5781

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

ANDERSONS BAY 37 Puketai Street

Come and enjoy this inviting, well-cared for home

on top of the hill in sunny, sought after Andersons

Bay. 2 good sized bedrooms, refurbished

bathroom, kitchen & replacement steel roof. This is

a great first home or addition to a rental portfolio.

Room to expand on a large section & the location

makes this a home with a lot of potential. Close to

schools, shops, garage and restaurants. Be quick

& grab this opportunity to own a gem.

$175,000Web iD# DO5827

Quinton Taylor027 733 9158

First home or investment2 1 OSP

MACANDREW BAY 23 Irvine Road

Option 1. Section with plans from Mason &

Wales architects to build the third

Harbour Cove Villa.

Option 2. Completed Harbour Cove Villa,

designed by Mason & Wales architects

and built by J. J Oskam Master Builders.

Call today for more information.

$300,000 Web iD# DO5031

Matt Shepherd0274 446 369

Stunning harbour views


RAVENSBOURNE 16A Wanaka Street

Build your dream home on this lovely sunny

462m2 section in an established setting with lovely

harbour views and easy access.$55,000 Web iD# DO5677

Ann Fitzgibbon-Park021 770 063

Best priced section in town!

GLENLEITH 29 Tanner Road

You will enjoy family living in this spacious four

bedroom home which offers open plan living

plus a separate lounge, and two bathrooms. The

large master bedroom also includes a lounge area

come office area or fantastic for extended families.

The easy care 610m2 section is well fenced and

includes garage plus off street parking. Other

features include near by walking tracks, schools,

buses and only minutes to town.

$379,000Web iD# DO5665

Ann Fitzgibbon-Park021 770 063

4 2 1+

Spacious family home

CAVERSHAM 36 Playfair Street

Sit on the veranda and admire the city lights or

enjoy the benefit of having a shopping centre at

the end of the Street. This spacious home offers

four bedrooms, open plan living and off-street

parking. Room to put your renovation skills to work

to enhance this good home. Currently rented at

$245 per week. Well worth an inspection.

$176,000Web iD# DO5517

Ann Fitzgibbon-Park021 770 063

4 1

Renovators delight

LIBERTON 27 Hillary Street

Delightful 2 bedroomed home, bathed in sun

with a wonderful rural aspect. Wine or beer on

the deck sounds great. New kitchen and excellent

decor. Well maintained home in a popular area.

Woodburner for winter nights, 1 OSP. Grounds are

a picture with dog or child fencing. You can’t go


$162,000Web iD# DO5818

Mark Wallace0274 386 121

2 1 1

Great wee ripper of a house



BRIGHTON 14 Bennett Road

Panoramic beach and coastal views from this sunny

section situated in an established neighbourhood.

Approximately 1135m2 and cannot be built out.

Build your dream home, sit back and enjoy the

beach lifestyle. Phone for further details.

By negotiationwww.edinburghrealty.co.nz

Ann Fitzgibbon-Park021 770 063

Panoramic views!

BRIGHTON 16 Bennett Road

Admire the sea views and enjoy the space this

290m2 home has to offer. Upstairs has panoramic

views of the beach & coastline from the open plan

kitchen, dining, living room and separate lounge.

4/5 bedrooms plus 2 lounges and the downstairs

area would be great for extended family or to work

from home. Lovely landscaped grounds, garaging

for 3 vehicles plus OSP. A fantastic opportunity to

purchase a big home only minutes from the beach.

$395,000Web iD# DO5820

Ann Fitzgibbon-Park021 770 063

Live by the Sea4/5 1 3


KAIKORAI 400 Kaikorai Valley Road

Neg over $255,000 Web iD# DO5726

Viv Patrick0274 324 335

5 2 1

Precious little time?Value what you do and want to spend it doing the

things that you and the family enjoy? Consider this

for a moment – with hardly any lawns to mow, then

there will be more time to put the feet up! Do you

need plenty of room – for when the kids come and

go? With five bedrooms or (four plus an office)

then this may well accommodate the sleeping

requirements of any extended family.

ST KILDA 23 Gourley Street

$299,000Web iD# DO5905

Viv Patrick0274 324 335

4 1 1

Desirable family homeThis family home has been refurbished throughout

while retaining the original character features such

as the beautiful ornate ceilings and the stunning

stained glass windows. Featuring four double

bedrooms each of which offers excellent storage.

The family area is an open plan kitchen/dining/

living room, together with a separate lounge.

Secure backyard and single garage with plenty of

parking. This home must be viewed!

FORBURY 30 Surrey Street

$279,000Web iD# DO5715

Viv Patrick0274 324 335

2 1 1

Enduring qualitiesThis brand new low maintenance stand alone

townhouse has it all, with double glazing, full

insulation and a heat pump this home is kept

cosy and warm. The living area is positioned for

maximum sunshine. The kitchen is spacious and

finished to a high standard. Lovely modern décor

leads to the two double bedrooms, master with semi

ensuite and with built in wardrobes. Internal access

to a single garage with automatic door opener.

BALACLAVA 11 Mercer Street

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5829

Viv Patrick0274 324 335

3 1 1+

Location, sun and spaceA great family home positioned on a low

maintenance section enjoying all day sun and

an attractive outlook. Upstairs has a warm sunny

open plan kitchen living area, 3 bedrooms

and bathroom facilities including a spa bath +

separate shower area. Internal access takes you to

the additional 2 rooms and garaging. This home

will be enhanced with some re-decoration so here

is a chance to add your own touches!



FORBURY 3 Richmond Street

This excellent 4 bedroom home has been carefully

renovated and the tenants just love it. Featuring

recent renovation to interior including new kitchen

and bathroom, it is a great investment starter. Oh

so handy location to schools, shops and buses.

$179,000 Web iD# DO5625

Noel Jenkins0272 888 450

4 1

High standards - 4 bedrooms

CORSTORPHINE 72 Columba Avenue

This home represents top value. Brick and tile, ex

Government issue, built to last. Good kitchen and

bathroom with separate lounge. Superb entry level

first home or investment. $129,000Web iD# DO5653

Noel Jenkins0272 888 450

2 1

Neat two bedrooms in brick!

MORNINGTON 6 Haig Street

Are you looking for a fully renovated, centrally

located, easy-care home with garage, outdoor

area and a great outlook for under $150,000??

Then you must come and see this home now. Lovely

modern décor, easy walk to town and very handy

to the local Mornington shops, supermarket and

cafes. Please call for set viewing times. Furniture

may be included.

$149,000Web iD# DO5838

Sel Sefo-Collins021 2255 735

1 1 1

One bedroom stand alone townhouse

DUNEDIN CENTRAL 81 Canongate Street

Fresh to the market, well presented three bedroom

home in a central location. The home has been re-

roofed, the exterior plaster repainted. New carpet

and decor throughout. There is a wet back on

an open fire for savings on hot water plus winter

comfort. Well fenced easy care section. With petrol

for ever increasing one could walk the few minutes

to town or catch a very well supported bus route.

First home buyers and investors should inspect.

$185,000 Web iD# DO5749

Sel Sefo-Collins021 2255 735

3 1

Bound to appeal


ST KILDA 45B Plunket Street

Located close to local beaches, sits this very tidy

low maintenance rear unit (one of two), offering

spacious open plan kitchen/dining & living. Two

double bedrooms both with built in wardrobes

and a separate toilet as well as an easily accessed

bathroom. The home has lots of storage space,

a carport and is set on a very private, sunny easy

care section, ideal to enjoy on those lovely summer

days. This lovely unit is well worth an inspection!

$175,000Web iD# DO5717

Debbie O’Driscoll0274 397 761

2 1 1

Walking distance to St Clair

FAIRFIELD 5 Sunninghurst Drive

$519,000Web iD# DO5691

Debbie O’Driscoll0274 397 761

4 2 2

Fantastic presentation in lovely homeComprising of a spacious open plan kitchen/

dining flowing onto a large separate living area

with then flows out through double opening doors

onto a private courtyard. Three large bedrooms

master with walk in wardrobe and en-suite. An

office or fourth bedroom! Very stylish bathroom

with separate toilet. Also has a separate laundry.

Double garaging with internal access plus off street


NORTH EAST VALLEY 18 Uxbridge Street

Nestled on the sunny side of North East Valley, this

charming 1920s cottage offers beautiful polished

timber & stunning views. 3-4 generous bedrooms,

cosy living/kitchen/dining (with log burner & 2

separate heatpumps), newly refurbished bathroom,

large new deck, basement laundry, extra toilet

& ample storage space, and a small attached

garage. Stairs from the deck lead to a spacious

garden & brand new polycarbonate greenhouse.

Offers around $195,000 Web iD# DO5837

Debbie O’Driscoll0274 397 761

4 1 1

A home with heart in the valley

CAREYS BAY 6 Harbour Terrace

Located in ever popular Careys Bay sits this 1970’s

home! Comprising of three good sized bedrooms,

open plan living, and two basement hobbies

rooms. This home has huge potential. Put your

own mark on it and make it yours!

Offers over $190,000 Web iD# DO5784

Debbie O’Driscoll0274 397 761

3 1

Careys Bay delight



DUNEDIN SOUTH 28 Atkinson Street

Located on lovely corner site sits this very cute

home. Very tidy and beautifully presented! Open-

plan kitchen/dining with separate living. Small

easy care secure section with gated off-street

parking. This tidy home is very realistically priced.

$119,000 Web iD# DO5550

Debbie O’Driscoll0274 397 761

2 1 OSP

Fantastic first home or investment

KENMURE 368 Kenmure Road

Low maintenance two bedroom cottage always

easily rented in popular Kenmure. Great sun

especially in the evening, plus plenty of off-street

parking. Previously rented at $245 per week.

A very affordable easy entry level investment or

positive cash flow addition to an existing portfolio.

$145,000 - 8.8%Web iD# DO5582

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Barclay Sievwright021 351 781

2 1 2

Entry level investment

VAUXHALL 1A Glengyle Street

Free up your weekends and come home to

this modern family home featuring privacy and

picture book harbour views nestled on an easily

maintained bush clad section and so close to town.

Four bedrooms – two up, two down with light and

airy living on the middle level. Master with ensuite

plus further family bathroom. Good onsite parking

plus single garage. Superbly presented and in a

world of its own. Viewing will impress.

$456,000Web iD# DO5816

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

4 2 1

Harbour views & privacy

WAVY KNOWES 51A Friendship Drive

This is a superb family home situated on a large

flat section, so handy to the beach. Fantastic for

the family with four bedrooms - the master has an

ensuite, large open plan kitchen and living room.

Spacious separate lounge, double doors bring the

outdoor in from both living rooms. Double garage

with internal access completes the picture. This

large family home is ready for you now, with a

genuine seller - Don’t miss out!

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5835

Peter Wilson0274 327 489

4 2 2

Transferring, offers invited


BALACLAVA 1 Renfrew Street

Here is a great opportunity for first home buyers

or investors to purchase this well presented home.

Sitting on a corner section in a great location. Two

double bedrooms with built in wardrobes, kitchen/

dinning combined and a separate lounge with a

gas fire for the colder months. Good size deck to

have those bbqs on or relax after a hard day at

work. Fully fenced backyard for the kids or family

pet. Carport for the family car.

All offers consideredWeb iD# DO5750

Leah Greer027 211 1603

2 1 1

Ideal first home or rental

CONCORD 8 Orr Street

Size is the key word here; this modern home has

plenty to offer the person who needs space and

room to move. Three plus bedrooms (one with

ensuite and walk in robe) Lounge, separate dining

area, kitchen, conservatory, bathroom even the

laundry and garage are super-sized. More info and

floor plans are at www.branton.co.nz/realestate.


Web iD# MO1217

Trevor Branton0220 50 10 20

3+ 2 4

When size matters!

ABBOTSFORD 3A Totness Street

Offers over $298,000Web iD# MO1215

Trevor Branton0220 50 10 20

3+ 1 1

Large living, easy careAn immaculately presented three bedroom family

home with excellent sized living space and a

well-appointed kitchen. Additional benefits of

this property is that is captures the sun well, has

multiple heating sources, views, an additional

multifunction room and excellent storage space.

More info and floor plans at www.branton.co.nz/


ST KILDA 1A Culling Street

Enjoy the sunshine, privacy and comfort of this

stand alone townhouse. Two good size bedrooms,

well appointed bathroom. The large bright open

plan living area is sure to impress complimented

with a well planned kitchen. Garage with internal

access. If you want to enjoy life in a very pleasant

environment be sure to inspect.

$262,000 Web iD# DO5907

Colin McCrone0274 327 833

2 1 1

Modern stylish living



FORBURY 61A Helena Street

Two bedroom unit, very sunny, great outlook over

Bathgate park. Front unit built in the 1970’s,

good size lounge, both bedrooms with built-in

wardrobes, separate toilet there’s also a bath in

the bathroom. Don’t delay view now!

2 1 OSP

Price slashed now $139,000!

$139,000Web iD# DO5432

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007

BROCKVILLE 239 Brockville Road

Great first home! Low maintenance brick and

aluminium three bedroom open plan living very

tidy and well presented. Good kitchen and new

carpet throughout. Single car garage basement

plus loads of off street parking. Fantastic sun and

views all on a family size section. Be quick this

home represents great value.

$207,000 Web iD# DO5762

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007

3 1 1

Dunedin’s best buy!


TAIERI 46 Wingatui Road

This is a wonderful opportunity to buy a lovely little farmlet (just over 2 acres), so close to the City and Mosgiel. This spacious home offers

three good bedrooms, a neat bathroom, open plan kitchen leading onto a dining room and then flowing through to the lounge.Excellent

indoor/outdoor living and well fenced for kids and dogs. The paddocks are all well fenced and divided so you may choose your own stock.

Excellent shed space for workshop and car storage plus a very cool studio.Excellent buying on todays market.


Taieri lifestyle gem - Vendor transferring

$449,000Web iD# MO1228

Peter Wilson0274 327 489

3 1 2




GREEN ISLAND 8A Tomkins Street

$650,000 Web iD# DO5786

Peter Wilson0274 327 489

4 2 2

Superb modern lifestyle homeThis is a wonderful opportunity to buy a top quality family home, only a few years old and offering so much. Situated on 16.7ha of elevated,

gently rolling green pasture with superb sun and views, the home is quality throughout with four generous bedrooms and ensuite. The kitchen

is at the hub of the living for the home featuring quality appliances and excellent indoor/outdoor living. Double garage, plenty of off street

parking, a three bay shed and yard - all so close to town! Needs to be viewed to be appreciated. Vendor registered for GST.


Just 25 minutes from the city and airport. Lies this beautiful coastal retreat of

Taieri Mouth. Exclusive subdivision with both coastal and river views. Under

ground services, on the school bus route. Great for a weekend retreat or

permanent home. Fantastic recreational fishing both sea and fresh water. These

sections represent outstanding value!

Lot 1: On Offer

Lot 2: SOLD

Lot 3: $130,000 $98,500

Lot 4: $139,000 $109,000

Lot 5: $135,000 $89,000

Lot 6: $135,000 $89,000

Lot 7: SOLD

Lot 8: $180,000 $119,000

Lot 9: SOLD

Lot 10: SOLD

Lot 11: $180,000 $98,000

Also modern wharf: $65,000 (circled)

Developer says SELL! Prices Slashed!

From $89,000Web iD# DO5785

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007



3 45






ST CLAIR HEIGHTS 277 Hillhead Road

Amazing family home overlooking Tunnel Beach,

views as far as the eye can see, top quality

throughout. This is clearly a magnificent home in

a fantastic position. Open plan kitchen/living with

formal lounge, beautiful and spacious, situated on

almost five acres of top quality land with sea views.

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5713

Peter Wilson0274 327 489

4 3 2+

Lifestyle beside the sea

HAMILTON BAY 323 Aramoana Road

Excellent buying on todays market is this three

bedroom home with open plan living and sitting

almost on the water. The ships pass by very close to

this home and this the truly an amazing experience.

Garaging for three cars plus off street parking. The

land rises up from the harbour to a flat area on

top, currently the owner has run sheep, but great

for goats and chooks. Approx five acres.

$269,000 Web iD# DO5604

Peter Wilson0274 327 489

3 1 3

Harbour views, lifestyle property

CONCORD 125 & 121 Stevenson Road

Option 1. 125 Stevenson Road, Concord.

Approx three acre block, rear lot,

elevated 11816m2 section.

Option 2. 121 Stevenson Road, Concord.

Approx five acre block, straight off

the road, some trees and stream.

19788m2 section. Great buying.

Option 1: $99,000 Option 2: $105,000 Web iD# DO5788

Web iD# DO5789

Peter Wilson0274 327 489

2 options to choose from....

WAVY KNOWES 5 Kilmarnock Close

$869,000 Web iD# DO5593

Peter Wilson0274 327 489

8 3 2

Tremendous ambienceThe indoor/outdoor flow is effortless with the

outdoor settings, sun drenched kitchen with bi-fold

doors bring the outside in. Formal lounge with

tremendous ambience. Four generous bedrooms,

master has ensuite and walk-in wardrobe. Upstairs

to two bedrooms nicely elevated for sun and views.

Downstairs is two more rooms another bathroom

and currently a theatre. Double garage and ample

off street parking.


DUNEDIN CENTRAL 16 London Street

Right in the heart of the city, so close to medical

and dentistry in an incredibly popular location.

This house has Iconic status with six studio rooms,

two rooms with ensuites and two additional

bathrooms. Five of six rooms are let for 2010.

Lady owner has never had to advertise for tenants.

Return of around 8.3% gross, 18 London street

already sold so don’t miss this one.

$725,000Web iD# DO5162

Matt Shepherd0274 446 369

6 4

Inner City landmark

ANDERSONS BAY 31 Cranston Street

17 6 OSP

Rateable value $1,050,000Very motivated vendors want this massive home sold! On the downstairs level are 17 bedrooms, six toilets, generous living and dining areas,

commercial kitchen and laundry facilities and much more. Upstairs is a two bedroom flat, also of generous proportions, which could provide

separate accommodation if needed. There are lovely outdoor areas for sitting back in the sun and relaxing. Off-street parking is available for

numerous cars. Some leases are currently in place for rooms, but a huge opportunity exists for further letting. The quality of this property is of

the highest standard and is very impressive. Numerous options are available to the new owners!

$625,000Web iD# DO5740

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

KEW 37 Easther Crescent

This property is seriously for sale. It is currently

rented at $270.00 per week until 6 July 2011.

Offering stunning views over the city and harbour

and excellent indoor/outdoor flow to a fabulous

deck. Three good size bedrooms and tidy kitchen

and living area. A must inspect.

3 1

Affordable investment

$195,000Web iD# DO4948

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106


DUNEDIN CENTRAL 245/247 High Street

$900,000 - 17% gross

Web iD# DO5664

Lane Sievwright021 526 366 Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

25 6

Check out the return!This substantial three property investment returns

a gross annual income of $152,000 from a total

of 25 bedrooms. All rooms are fully furnished and

include electricity. Six bathrooms, six kitchens. Very

tidy throughout providing the owner with a huge

positive cash flow return. A genuine cash cow.



Our instructions are clear, our vendors need to

have their property sold now. The home is situated

for sun and is in a handy location close to the

university and hospital - ideal home or investment

opportunity. Offering two bedrooms, new kitchen

and separate lounge. The section is easy-care

and there is off-street parking. Our vendors are

seriously motivated to sell, take this opportunity!

$169,000Web iD# DO4944

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

2 1 OSP

Investment or home

DUNEDIN CENTRAL 90 Russell Street

Located in the heart of the city and well situated

for sun is this renovated roughcast villa. Offering

four double bedrooms, the bathroom is new and

there are two toilets. The kitchen is also new and the

living area opens out wonderfully to the outdoors.

There is off street parking for two cars. The property

is so conveniently located close to the city, hospital

and university and can be used either as a home or

rental investment (has a good rental history).

4 1.5 OSP

9% return!

$232,000Web iD# DO5606

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

Edinburgh Realty clients moving house

in the Dunedin City area can receive a

10% discount with Best Removals Otago Ltd.

Contact Chris Lawrence, Operation Manager on

03 455 6655 (0800 266 834), fax: 03 477 6949

or ops@bestremovals.co.nz to discuss discount

quotes when shifting nationally or internationally!


ST KILDA 5A & B Royal Crescent

This property will surprise. Superbly renovated

four bedroom bungalow with designer kitchen,

excellent bathroom and ensuite. Plus a completely

separate two bedroom unit with a very spacious

garage. Both currently tenanted. Lots of possibilities

of ownership.

$269,000 Web iD# DO4994

Noel Jenkins0272 888 450

6 3 1

Great investment or home + income


DUNEDIN SOUTH 44 Macandrew Road

Fantastic location, built in the 1970’s. Four two

bedroom flats. Open plan living. Some are in need

of refurbishment. Two x $130 per week, one x

$140 and one x $160 per week. Great opportunity

to increase return. Inspection by appointment.

$365,000 Web iD# DO5611

Jim Columb0274 327 486James Columb0274 761 007

8 4

Great opportunity for increased returns

DUNEDIN CENTRAL Flats A & B 112 Stafford Street

These two x two bedroom flats are in a very popular

area of the city and are fully let for 2011 at $450

per week. Each flat has two double bedrooms,

bathroom, open-plan kitchen and living, outdoor

sitting areas, single garaging, and laundries. The

front flat has views over the city and sea, and the

back flat is very private. A wise investment decision

here with potential to improve and raise the rents.

Phone me to view.

Over $269,000Web iD# DO5692

Sel Sefo-Collins021 2255 735

4 2 2

Grand location - Great investment!!!

FORBURY 62A Fitzroy Street

Wonderful passive investment. Head-leased

to Housing New Zealand, 10 years plus ROR.

You sit back and receive your rent every month.

Built-in rental reviews and you are indemnified

against damage. Brand new modern designed two

bedroom townhouses, garage with internal access

and fully landscaped. Long term investment with

upside in rents and capital growth.

Call now to discuss.

$280,000 Web iD# DO5566

Mark Wallace0274 386 121

2 1 1

Government guaranteed rent

By negotiation Web iD# DO5771

Peter Wilson0274 327 489

18 6 6

UNIVERSITY 2 Ethel Benjamin Place

Sitting right across the road from the Otago University Central Library is this substantial quality student investment. This

magnificently designed complex is for sale as one lot and comprises three six bedroom flats plus under ground parking for

six vehicles. Outstanding in design with plenty of natural light and warmth, these flats have always been very popular to

rent and tenants enjoy the location and balcony’s. Enjoy the pride of ownership this complex has to offer.

Phone me today to book in your inspection.

Blue chip University




UNIVERSITY 54A & 54B Bank Street

Two modern 6 bedroom units an easy stroll to

University and handy to Gardens Shopping Centre.

Good size double rooms with built in furniture

plus 2 bathrooms, 2 toilets and spacious living.

Currently rented at $1260pw to 31/12/2011.

Low maintenance and well insulated on easy care

section. Great return as an investment or available

for kids at Uni next year. Also features double

glazing, heat pump and insulation.

$820,000 - 7.7%Web iD# DO5799

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

12 4

Low maintenance investment

UNIVERSITY 56A & 56B Bank Street

An excellent opportunity to purchase 2 modern

purpose built student flats. One has 6 bedrooms

and the other has 8 (rented as 7). Both have 2

bathrooms and 2 toilets, spacious open plan living.

Currently tenanted at $1365pw to 31/12/2011.

Only a short walk to the Gardens Shopping centre,

across the road from the Gardens sports ground

and a short walk to University. Also features double

glazing, heat pump and insulation.

$887,000 - 8%Web iD# DO5798

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

14 4

Modern multi-unit investment

UNIVERSITY 23A London Street

This properties location is second to none. Located a stone’s throw from George Street and only minute’s walk to Medical School, Dental

School and the Hospital. Multi income stream investment ($105,300 - 2011) consisting of three (two bedroom) and three (one bedroom)

flats along with two studios, all self-contained. Elevated to receive great sun, on a leg in site with parking for eight vehicles, plus two garages.

This type of investment is seldom available. $1,190,000 - 8.84%Web iD# DO5805

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

11 8 8+

Location, location, location


UNIVERSITY 150 Dundas Street

Rented for 2011 at $575 per week to five students,

this property offers four double bedrooms, plus

an ensuited sleepout. Well maintained and very

popular with students being only minutes walk to

University, Polytech and Logan Park sports fields.

Plenty of off street parking adds to the appeal.

$430,000 - 6.95%Web iD# DO5362

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

5 2 3/4

Tidy investment

UNIVERSITY 2/535 George Street

Superbly located Spanish style apartment. Two

spacious bedrooms, large separate living and

secure garaging. Walk to University, Hospital

and town. Blue chip investment or inner city pad.

Security of an established quality complex in a

sought after location. Rented at $350 per week.

$299,000 Web iD# DO5361

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

2 1 1

Superb location


Modern five bedroom unit. Open plan living

opening to patio area. Off street parking. Low

maintenance easy care property. $115 per room

for 2011. Easy increase in rents for 2012. Great

location, easy walk to university and only a minutes

walk to city shops.

$421,000 - 7.1%Web iD# DO5803

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

5 2 1

Inner city quality investment

UNIVERSITY 598/3 Castle Street

Six quality six bedroom student units, for sale

individually or as one block. All unit titled. Each

unit rented for 2011 in July 2010 $125per

room ($750pw/$39,000pa), with six spacious

bedrooms, two full bathrooms and open plan

living with a heat pump. Good scope for rental

increases going forward. Each unit has good

indoor/outdoor flow with a sunny courtyard with

BBQ area.

$573,000 – 6.8% Web iD# DO5752

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

6 2

Premium long term investment



UNIVERSITY 97/12 Queen Street

Very popular two bedroom unit with car park.

Spacious open plan living. Recent new kitchen and

bathroom. Extensive chattel list. Superbly located

just above George Street views over looking the

university. Currently rented at $300 per week until

31/12/11. An easy straight investment or suitable

for family at University 2012.

$259,000Web iD# DO5797

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Barclay Sievwright021 351 781

2 1

Superb unit - Great location!

UNIVERSITY 10 Glencairn Street

Low maintenance roughcast brickie! Upstairs has

two rented rooms (both with heat pumps) plus

kitchen and bathroom, while down stairs there

are two further rooms (one heat pump) plus utility

room. Total rental is $400pw. Residential 1 zoning

and a garage. A great house for kids at Uni next

year. All the shops so handy and an easy flat walk

to Uni

3 1 1

Kids at Uni for 2012?

$280,000Web iD# DO5735

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366


UNIVERSITY 760C George Street

Modern 1980’s, two bedroom town house on

iconic George Street. Convenient low maintenance

living only a few minutes’ walk to everything!

Rented for 2011 at $360pw but could be great

accommodation for family at University in 2012.

$325,000 - 5.76%Web iD# DO5805

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Lane Sievwright021 526 366

2 1 1

When location matters

UNIVERSITY 14 Hyde Street

The rental history on this property is amazing. Two

vacant weeks in 10 years!!! Rented at $500 per

week for 2011 – this is your opportunity! It’s not

every day you get to purchase in famous Hyde


4 1

Prime Campus location

$349,000Web iD# DO4622

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

UNIVERSITY 158 Queen Street

Popular student flat with great sun and expansive

Northern views. Five bedrooms rented at $450pw

for 2011. Room to improve, but it has five double

bedrooms and two large decks facing North.

Purchase now with a positive cash flow.

5 1

Popular scarfie flat

$260,000 – 9%Web iD# DO5743

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

UNIVERSITY 54 Howe Street

Standalone two bedroom brick house with

spacious living area and heat pump. Sunny easy

care section. Walk to all faculties. Rented for 2011

at $240 per week. Family at University in 2012?

Stand alone two bedroom houses on campus are

like hens teeth!

$260,000 Web iD# DO5529

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

2 1

Ideal for family in 2012!



UNIVERSITY 4 Duke Street

Just off George Street at the North end of Campus

Very tidy six bedroom villa, rented at $555 per

week for 2011. Short walk to University, Dairy at

corner of the street. Handy, quiet location. Very

affordable at this level!

$395,000 - 7.3%Web iD# DO5045

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

6 2

Renovated villa

UNIVERSITY 598/5 Castle Street

Six quality six bedroom student units, for sale

individually or as one block. All unit titled. Each

unit rented for 2011 in July 2010 $125 per room

($750 per week/$39,000pa), with six spacious

bedrooms, two full bathrooms and open plan

living with a heat pump. Good scope for rental

increases going forward. Each unit has good

indoor/outdoor flow with a sunny courtyard with

BBQ area.

$573,000 – 6.8% Web iD# DO5754

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

6 2

Premium long term investment

UNIVERSITY 43 Malvern Street

Five bedrooms, open plan living with heat pump

and tidy bathroom Relined and very tidy throughout

Large sunny backyard Rented at $300 pw 2011.$208,000 Web iD# DO5118

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Lane Sievwright021 526 366

5 1 1

Kids at Uni

UNIVERSITY 18 Malvern Street

Three bedrooms, plus a sleepout Open plan living,

bathroom with shower over bath and separate

toilet Relined and has a heat pump Large sunny

backyard that backs onto Woodhaugh Gardens

Bus stop at gate. Rented at $140pw for 2011.

$208,000 Web iD# DO5119

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Lane Sievwright021 526 366

4 1

Popular rental


UNIVERSITY 14 Titan Street

All the right ingredients here: prime central

campus, four bedrooms, outdoor area and two

car parks. Current rent is $400 per week - 2011.

Serious scope for improving and raising rents.

Money to be made here. An easy, safe and long

term investment in a magic location.

$295,000 - 7.05%Web iD# DO5416

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

4 1 2

Vendor wants sold!

UNIVERSITY 26/28 Clyde Street

Location doesn’t get any better than this.

Strategically positioned between Central Library

and City shops, cafes, these two, four bedroom

terrace flats on one title rented at $420 per week

each will provide a buyer with good capital gain

with a tidy up. (Next door to 30 and 32).

$582,000 - 7.5%Web iD# DO5711

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

8 2

Strategic opportunity #1

UNIVERSITY 30/32 Clyde Street

Superb long term hold with great wealth creation

potential with a do up. Currently rented at $525

per week each, these two, five bedroom terrace

flats are ideally located to maximize future rental

increases. A unique opportunity to purchase 26,

28, 30 and 32 Clyde Street in one block.

$728,000 – 7.5%Web iD# DO5710

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

10 2

Strategic opportunity #2

UNIVERSITY 598/4 Castle Street

Six quality six bedroom student units, for sale

individually or as one block. All unit titled. Each

unit rented for 2011 in July 2010 $125per

room ($750pw/$39,000pa), with six spacious

bedrooms, two full bathrooms and open plan

living with a heat pump. Good scope for rental

increases going forward. This prime opportunity

to purchase a quality long term investment with

upside, and low maintenance.

$573,000 – 6.8% Web iD# DO5753

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

6 2

Premium long term investment



UNIVERSITY 766 & 766A George Street

Five bedroom house rented at five x $110pw for

2011 - $28,600 plus four ensuited studio units

rented at $240pw each for 2011 - $49,920

gross. Total 2011 rental income $78,520pa

gross. With potential rental increase in 2012 gross

rental could easily be $83,200pa. Studio expenses

are gas/electricity/cleaner Nett return for 2011 -

$78,520 gross - 7.65% nett

$939,000 - 7.65%Web iD# DO4920

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

9 5 2

Multi income stream

UNIVERSITY 818 Cumberland Street

Two flats, three bedroom upstairs rented at $290

per week and two bedroom downstairs rented at

$280 per week - $28,600 p.a. Modern bathrooms

and kitchens, and located only minutes walk to all

faculties makes this investment a popular renter

with senior students.

$445,000 - 6.7%Web iD# DO5513

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

5 2

Two tidy flats


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UNIVERSITY 635 Castle Street

Substantial holding on iconic Castle Street. Two x

five bedroom plus one x four bedroom flats. 2011

rental income - $87,360 (14 x $120 per room).

All spacious bedrooms, open plan living, minutes

to all faculties. All the right investment ingredients

– absolute prime location, low maintenance,

superb future rental growth. Some serious money

to be made here!

$1,195,000 - 7.3%Web iD# DO5587

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

14 3 3

Great location

UNIVERSITY 84 Dundas Street

Four bedroom terrace house. Heatpump and DVS

system. Tidy condition throughout. Small courtyard

at rear. Properties at this price level are rare on

Campus. Rented at $260pw until 31.12.2011. $215,000Web iD# DO5629

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Lane Sievwright021 526 366

4 1

Owner wants SOLD!

UNIVERSITY 69 Malvern Street

Four bedroom house with heat pump plus sleepout

with two big bedrooms all newly lined, painted,

carpeted and heat pump. Rent for 2011 is $500

total for the house and sleepout (separate power).

An ideal opportunity for a local hands on investor

or out of town investor with management in place.

$289,000 - 9%Web iD# DO4347

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

6 2 1

Invest in your future

UNIVERSITY 598/6 Castle Street

Six quality six bedroom student units, for sale

individually or as one block. All unit titled. Each

unit rented for 2011 in July 2010 $125per

room ($750pw/$39,000pa), with six spacious

bedrooms, two full bathrooms and open plan

living with a heat pump. Good scope for rental

increases going forward. This prime opportunity

to purchase a quality long term investment with

upside, and low maintenance.

$573,000 – 6.8% Web iD# DO5755

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

6 2

Premium long term investment



UNIVERSITY 1074 George Street

Original character look from the street, with an

architecturally designed extension at the rear of the

house. Currently rented as four bedrooms. $440

per week for 2011. Could easily be turned into

five or six bedroom with a little work and resource

consent. Good open plan living with private rear

yard. Walking distance to the Gardens Shopping

Centre, University and across the road from

Woodhaugh Gardens.

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5595

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Lane Sievwright021 526 366

4 2

Open to offers!

UNIVERSITY 129 Cargill Street

This large six bedroom, two bathroom investment is

rented for 2011 at $700 per week. Could do with

a tidy up but the return and location are excellent.

Walk to University and Central City shops. Difficult

to find high yielding properties in this location.

$359,000 - 10%Web iD# DO5734

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

6 2

High yield important?

UNIVERSITY 12 Clyde Street

Tidy four bedroom prime campus Investment. Low

maintenance section with rear courtyard. Only a

few minutes walk to all faculties, and rented at

$380 per week. Room to improve and add value.

Difficult to find entry level flats in this location.

$289,000 - 6.83%Web iD# DO5671

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Barclay Sievwright021 351 781

4 1

Affordable on Campus

UNIVERSITY 38 & 38A Carlyle Street

38 has 3 bedrooms + sleep out, tidy kitchen and

bathroom, living area with heat pump. Currently

tenanted until 31/12/11 at $350pw. 38A has 2

bedrooms, tidy kitchen and bathroom, gas hot

water system, living area with heat pump. Currently

tenanted at $250pw until 31/12/11. Superb

OSP for several vehicles. Only a minutes’ walk

to Gardens shopping centre and a short stroll to


$346,000 - 9%Web iD# DO5823

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

6 1

Multi income investment


UNIVERSITY 23 Cornhill Street

Purpose built low maintenance block of eight

ensuited studio rooms. Strategically located in

the heart of the “Gardens” area on the edge of

Campus and a flat walk to all faculties. Excellent

rental history showing regular income increases

each year. Only six years old with spacious rooms

plus large sunny common kitchen/dining/lounge

and outdoor patio. Fully let for 2011 at $88,920


$990,000 - 8.14% nett

Web iD# DO5206

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

8 8 4

Astute retirement plan

UNIVERSITY 148 & 148A Dundas Street

Two very lettable flats on one title in a very

hand location between both the University and

Polytechnic. Four bedroom Villa plus three

bedroom purpose built. All rooms good size and

fully let for 2011 at $100 per room. Realistic

upside in rents going forward. Superb future

proofed investment. Money to be made here!

$520,000 - 7%Web iD# DO5590

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

7 2

Upside in rents here!

UNIVERSITY 93/7 Queen Street

Very tidy two bedroom unit. Open plan living with

heat pump. Rented at $250 per week for 2011.

One car parking space. Walk to all faculties. Ideal

for kids at University or straight easily managed


$239,000 - 5.43%Web iD# DO5491

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

2 1 1

Easily managed investment

UNIVERSITY 598/8 Castle Street

Six quality six bedroom student units, for sale

individually or as one block. All unit titled. Each

unit rented for 2011 in July 2010 $125per

room ($750pw/$39,000pa), with six spacious

bedrooms, two full bathrooms and open plan

living with a heat pump. Good scope for rental

increases going forward. This prime opportunity

to purchase a quality long term investment with

upside, and low maintenance.

$573,000 – 6.8% Web iD# DO5757

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

6 2

Premium long term investment



DUNEDIN NORTH 24 Ramsay Street

Very tidy villa elevated above the Gardens

shopping centre. Four bedrooms, open plan living

with heat pump. Completely renovated a couple

of years ago. Plenty of off street parking. A short

walk to the Gardens precinct and University. Has

been occupied by family at Uni. Rented at $280pw

until 31.12.2011.

$235,000Web iD# DO5630

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Lane Sievwright021 526 366

4 1 OSP

Extremely tidy villa


$775,000 Web iD# DO5554

Ann Fitzgibbon-Park021 770 063

8 2

Superannuation alternativeYour tenants will enjoy the peace and charm these

eight studio rooms offer. Good bathroom and

kitchen facilities plus neutral décor throughout.

Walking distance to the University, Hospital and

the city. Small easy care section. 9.1% nett return

of studio costs. Great buying on today’s market.

Phone me now for further details!

UNIVERSITY 598/7 Castle Street

Six quality six bedroom student units, for sale

individually or as one block. All unit titled. Each

unit rented for 2011 in July 2010 $125 per

room ($750pw/$39,000pa), with six spacious

bedrooms, two full bathrooms and open plan

living with a heat pump. Good scope for rental

increases going forward. Each unit has good

indoor/outdoor flow with a sunny courtyard with

BBQ area.

$573,000 – 6.8% Web iD# DO5756

Barclay Sievwright021 351 781Lane Sievwright021 526 366

6 2

Premium long term investment

UNIVERSITY 27 Hyde Street

Absolute prime middle earth location on south side

of central library (adjacent block). Very popular

with students. 6 bedroom villa with modern kitchen

and bathroom. Superb front of street verandah

facing the sun and all the action. Current rental

is 6 x $120 but could easily increase. Flats in this

location will always be scarce and appreciate

more than anywhere else on campus over time.

This is an opportunity that seldom comes up.

$520,000 - 7.2%Web iD# DO5822

Lane Sievwright021 526 366Barclay Sievwright021 351 781

6 1

Prime campus location

For leaseWeb iD# COMAC2

Alister Calvert0272 168 252

SOUTH DUNEDIN 86 Macandrew Road

Multiple commercial & industrial options• Development site, building to your specification

• Options from 200m2 to 1130m2

• Commercial, industrial and retail options

• Excellent access

• Minutes from beachside cafes

• Economical rates

• Ample car parking, yard space available

• Building security and fire alarm

• Separate tenancy alarm

For leaseWeb iD# COMAC1

Alister Calvert0272 168 252

SOUTH DUNEDIN 70 Macandrew Road

A range of premium professional offices• Several offices available now

• Options from 15m2 to 600m2

• Premium style and substance

• Great access, ample car parking

• Iconic Dunedin site, peaceful & sunny location

• Air conditioning, well appointed lighting

• Monitored building fire alarm

• Kitchen and staffroom amenities

For lease $15,000 pa + GSTWeb iD# COMAC4

Alister Calvert0272 168 252

SOUTH DUNEDIN 278A King Edward Street

Modern space with ample parking• 130m2 commercial/office/retail

• Ample car parking

• Great access off two main roads

• Minutes from beachside cafes

• Separate small office/shop

• Modern kitchen & disabled toilet

For lease $22,000 pa + GSTWeb iD# COMAC3

Alister Calvert0272 168 252

SOUTH DUNEDIN 278C King Edward Street

Warehouse, showroom, office combo• 227m2 warehouse/showroom/office

• Several interior layout options

• Ample car parking, access off two main roads

• Minutes from beachside cafes

• Interior refurbishment just completed

• Large ground floor warehouse, two offices

• Kitchen & two toilets

• Monitored building fire alarm

• Separate tenancy security alarm



For sale by tenderWeb iD# COMME196

Mike Elford0274 342 220

DUNEDIN 150 Kaikorai Valley Road

Commercial & industrial options• First floor rooms 515m2 (approx)

• Comprises large areas, several including


• Includes on-site car park, opportunity for clubs,

groups or societies, and caretakers apartment

For leaseWeb iD# COMME98

Mike Elford0274 342 220

DUNEDIN 161 High Street

High quality professional offices• Quality offices - 272m2

• Top end fitout

• Includes 4 covered car parks

• Rental $41,800pa + GST + Outgoings


For leaseWeb iD# COMME256

Mike Elford0274 342 220

DUNEDIN 9 Timaru Street

Well located industrial property• Comprises quality offices, warehouse, chiller,


• Owner will alter and/or remove chiller, freezers

• Includes parking

• Land area 500m2 (approx)

• Rental $60,000pa plus building outgoings

DUNEDIN 504 George Street

For leaseWeb iD# COMME246

Mike Elford0274 342 220

Character first floor offices• 120m2 (approx)

• High quality fitout

• Includes three car parks

• Close to Hospital/University

• Great exposure - Excellent corner profile

• Terms/Conditions negotiable



BALCLUTHA 130-132 Clyde Street

• Five self contained apartments - low maintenance

• Freehold site, excellent main street location

• Easily managed investment property

• Excellent rental history - Don’t delay!

To be sold by public tender closing at our offices at 578 George Street, Dunedin, 4.00pm Wednesday 1 June 2011.

For Sale by Tenderwww.edinburghrealty.co.nz

Mike Elford0274 342 220

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555

Passive superanuation investment

Dunedin’s commercial property expertsWith over 40 years of experience in

the Otago and wider commercial/

industrial sales and leasing market,

Edinburgh Realty has the team you

should talk to first...

Mike Elford 0274 342 220

Kevin Marks 0272 791 648

Alister Calvert 0272 168 252

Call us today!



MOSGIEL 233 Gladstone Road

$798,000 Web iD# MO1224

Jenny Lambert0274 326 354

4 2 2

Peaceful lifestyleQuality family home with feature macrocarpa ceilings and joinery. Spacious and well appointed kitchen/dining flowing to lounge and outdoors

overlooking the gardens and paddocks. Four double bedrooms, master with en-suite and walk-in-robe. A well insulated home with wegi burner on

the wet-back. Lined double garage with internal access. Also on this property, a one bedroom cottage, implement shed, shelter shed and plenty of

storage options. Self sufficiency at it’s best here on approx 2.8 acres; fruit trees, nuts and berries, vegetables, wood and sheep meat if you wish.

This property is zoned Residential, well suited to the lifestyler, retiring farmer, developer or person who enjoys space and privacy.

MOSGIEL 2 Windsor Place

By negotiation Web iD# MO1229

Peter Stechman0274 330 062

4 2 2

A great family homeThis 290m2 four bedroom brick home with three

living areas has been renovated in the last five

years with high quality appliances and furnishings.

Excellent kitchen, double garage with internal

access and a private sunny sheltered outdoor living

area. This home lends itself to extended family

living in all respects. View this fantastic property

you will not be disappointed

MOSGIEL 31B Gordon Road

$249,000 Web iD# MO1219

Jenny Lambert0274 326 354

2 1 1

Sunny and spaciousBrick & tile spacious unit, open plan kitchen/

dining opening to lounge. Two double bedrooms,

excellent storage. Great heating with a small metro

fire, heatpump and a DVS system. Bath, separate

shower & toilet. Excellent tidy decor throughout.

Small garden, carport. Handy to the local shop &

a short walk to teh main shops.


MOSGIEL 8 William James Close

Negotiable from $465,000 Web iD# MO1202

Jenny Lambert0274 326 354

3 2 2

Designer homeDesigned by R.J Oliver, a very spacious and sunny

home. Brand new - be the first people to call this

property home. Two large living areas capturing

excellent sun, three large bedrooms, master with

ensuite & walk-in-wardrobe. Plenty of storage, a

large double garage. Quality fittings & finishings,

the builder has gone the extra mile on this one.

MOSGIEL Didham Drive Subdivision

Great buying at $395,000 for a brand new

three bedroom house and $410,000 for a

brand new four bedroom house. They are built

on manageable sized sections for busy lifestyles.

Affordable with all the extras, ensuite, walk-in

wardrobe for master bedroom. Double glazed,

fully insulated, brick, functional stylish kitchens,

open plan living.

$395,000 (3 bedroom)$410,000 (4 bedroom)

Gill Verburg0273 762 313

3/4 2 2

Great buying, great price

MOSGIEL 18A Gordon Road

$159,000Web iD# MO1218

Trevor Branton0220 50 10 20

Nest or investThis handy unit close to Mosgiel town centre could

be suitable for a first time buyer, a retirement

option or suitable for an astute investor. It has a

sunny lounge with a bright outlook together with

a separate kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bathroom. It

also comes with its own garden area, carport &

garden shed.

2 1 1

MOSGIEL 5A Ayr Street

$385,000 Web iD# MO1223

Jenny Lambert0274 326 354

4 1 3

A REAL family propertySituated in a very handy, sunny spot, in walking

distance to the local schools, kindys and shops.

Four very large bedrooms, open plan living areas,

with a modernised kitchen including dishdrawers.

Woodburner & heatpump in this area. Brand

new carpet throughout. Three car garaging/

workshop all internally accessed. Large office off

the garaging. Plenty of off street parking and a well

fenced section.


MOSGIEL 18 William James Close

By negotiationWeb iD# MO1213

Peter Stechman0274 330 062

All ready to build on• A 997m2 fenced section

• Exceptional building site

• All services at boundary

• Site division is a possibility

• Fantastic location.

MOSGIEL 32 Joe Brown Avenue

Nicely elevated with a North West aspect this

910m2 section is positioned to receive all day

sun and has great views over Mosgiel to the

Maungatuas. $169,000 Web iD# DO5659

Clayton Sievwright021 191 5555Lane Sievwright

Prime building site


MOSGIEL 24A Gladstone Road

Sitting back from the road on a 1165m2 section,

and elevated for stunning views over Mosgiel, is this

quality 1970’s home. It comprises 5-6 bedrooms,

2 modernised bathrooms and sundrenched open

plan living. There is a double garage with internal

access and ample of off-street parking. This is a

truly remarkable home worthy of your inspection.

5/6 2 2

Magnificent family home

By negotiationWeb iD# DO5845

Shane Robinson021 953 676Julie Robinson021 453 676Bradley Lee021 941 106

EAST TAIERI 78 Riccarton Road

$89,000Web iD# MO1221

Trevor Branton0220 50 10 20

Grab a bargain - grab a deal!This 500m2 section is located perfectly to allow

great sunshine. With great access to Mosgiel, and

the highway, the essential commuter could build

their perfect home. House and Land package

available. Please call for more information. Approx

land size is 500m2


OUTRAM 35 Huntly Road

$485,000Web iD# DO5487

Trevor Branton0220 50 10 20

5 2 3

Calling extended familiesJust eight minutes from Mosgiel you will find this

huge family home. Faithfully constructed in the

1980’s on a ¼ acre with a lovely rural backdrop.

Great outlook with all day sun, four bedrooms plus

study and a huge rumpus/games room which opens

onto decking and a swimming pool. Fully fenced

and totally private. New kitchen, large lounge and

a master bedroom with en-suite. Huge garage/

workshop. Inspect now you will not be disappointed.

OUTRAM 28 Beaumaris Street

Whether you are a young family looking for that

country community or if you are downsizing from

the farm but really can’t see yourself any closer

to town, then this is the place for you. Plenty of

room outside to plant the vege garden, to house

the pets and for the children/grandchildren to play

for hours.

$305,000Web iD# MO1210

Gill Verburg0273 762 313

3 1 1+

Come and live in Outram



Proving to be a very popular and desirable commodity are the classic mosgiel 1960’s brick and roughcast bungalows suited to buyers from all

walks of life. The market recognises that these properties are not only excellent value for money, but also well-constructed home suiting buyers that

are seeking retirement options, rental/investment opportunities, family homes or great option for first time buyers.

Our recent success over the last few months have not only shown how popular these properties are but also the successful dynamics of our Mosgiel

Branch working together as a team to achieve great results for their vendors properties.

Mosgiel teamEnjoying a fantastic and successful start to the year, the Mosgiel team at Edinburgh Realty are eagerly looking for more

quality properties to offer their growing database of buyers following a recent flurry of great sales in the area.

In the last year, our Mosgiel team has added some new faces alongside the existing team of Peter Stechman & Jenny Lambert. Gill Verburg is our

hard working rookie, Leah Greer has been in the industry for a number of years and Trevor Branton has re-joined our team having a few UK gap

years. Lastly, but very importantly, behind the scenes keeping us motivated and organised is Robyn Johnston. You will hear her cheery welcoming

voice when you phone our office.

If you know of anyone who is looking to buy or sell in the Mosgiel area, be sure to give the team a call to discuss what they can do for you.

Office (03) 489 5444

Jenny Lambert m 0274 326 354 a/h (03) 489 1900

Peter Stechman m 0274 330 062 a/h (03) 489 4391

Gill Verburg m 0273 762 313 a/h (03) 489 4363

Leah Greer m 0272 111 603 a/h (03) 489 6683

Trevor Branton m 0220 50 10 20 a/h (03) 489 0019




MOSGIEL 57 Goodall Street MOSGIEL 52 Eden Street MOSGIEL 50 McDonald Street MOSGIEL 42 McDonald Street MOSGIEL 35 Shaw Street MOSGIEL 31 Irvine Street


WAIKOUAITI 60 Stewart Street

You will enjoy living in this property with lovely views and a sheltered landscaped section. The property has two bedrooms, the master with

a ranch slider opening onto a covered patio with glassed in corner. The second bedroom has an ensuite plus a mini kitchen and its own

private, covered patio area. The house also has a room suitable as an office or third bedroom. The property features a modern kitchen with

dish draw and the sunny open plan living area has a large bay window, perfect to enjoy views of the lagoon. Walk straight out the gate and

down the track to enjoy our beautiful beach.

$289,000Web iD# DO5819

Vicki Offen0212 127 842

2/3 2 1

Much admired!

WAIKOUAITI 162 Beach Street

You will fall in love with this 1920’s two storey

villa. There are five bedrooms, three upstairs, two

downstairs. Large sunny lounge with inbuilt burner

plus mosaic fireplace. Separate dining and large

modern kitchen/laundry which opens onto a huge

deck area to enjoy the flat sheltered section. There

is a double garage bird aviaries only 200 meters

from our fantastic beach, seldom available.

$280,000 Web iD# DO5687

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

5 1 2

Vendors want SOLD!

WAIKOUAITI 20 Scotia Street

This two bedroom bungalow has had new carpet

in the lounge and dining areas with a gas fire for

heating. The back bedroom opens onto a deck to

enjoy sheltered BBQ’s. There is an office or third

bedroom a good size bathroom, laundry. It is on

a ¼ acre section with single garage, garden and

storage sheds, need some TLC

$130,000 Web iD# DO5759

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

2 1 1

Great starter

WAIKOUAITI 52 Stewart Street

This two bedroom home is on a small landscaped

section with single garage/workshop plus it has

shower toilet and vanity included. The sunny open

plan living area has covered decks on both sides to

make the most of all day sun. Large bathroom with

wet shower area for wheel chairs plus ramp into

the house as well. So if you have a motor home

enjoy travelling plus a great home base.

$247,000 Web iD# DO5790

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

2 2 1

Great outdoor living

WAIKOUAITI 120 Thomas Street

Warm sunny three bedroom family home set on a

private quarter acre section only minutes from the

beach. With two open plan living areas both with

attached conservatories, large separate kitchen

with double door fridge/freezer with ice maker.

There is a double garage and this is all set on a

large flat section. This could be your home away

from home so don’t delay and inspect this home


$234,000 Web iD# DO5327

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

3 1

Furniture included


WAIKOUAITI 33 Collins Street

This property features sunny open plan living, a

free standing woodburner, modernised kitchen

and bathroom, new carpet throughout and large

laundry storage room. The private back section

has a large tunnel house, carport and lots of

off street parking. Approx land size is 1,005m2.

Approx house size is 90m2.

$165,000 Web iD# DO5704

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

3 1

Three bedroom villa


WAIKOUAITI 84 Thomas Street

This two bedroom cottage has good size living with

inbuilt multi-fuel, heatpump plus an HRV system.

The lounge opens onto a lovely private sheltered

landscaped fenced section with sleepout. There

is a large single garage/workshop plus sealed

driveway to the house for off street parking. The

property is on a small section so would make a

great retirement home or holiday house.

$160,000 Web iD# DO5760

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

2 1 1+

Look what’s behind the fence

KARITANE 133 Grimness Street

You will be impressed with the standard of finishing

with this three bedroom home. The open plan

living has lovely rural views with French doors open

onto a fenced private landscaped area to enjoy

barbeques in the sunshine. Only meters to the

river and beach. Single garage plus lots of storage

underneath the house. A must to view.

$380,000Web iD# DO5727

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

3 1 1

Lovely timber finishings

KARITANE 42A Coast Road

Sunny open plan living area with French doors

opening onto a covered deck area – fantastic for

those hot summers days. Comprising of three good

sized bedrooms with built in wardrobes, master

bedroom has an ensuite and walk in wardrobe

plus doors which open onto a great sunny deck.

Lovely bathroom with a claw bath, great to relax in

after a hard day’s work. Small fenced section with

a large garage and plenty of off street parking.

$325,000 Web iD# DO5286

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

3 2 2

Spend the days fishing


KARITANE 106 Stornoway Street

This is a one bedroom crib with sunny open plan

living. The property also has two older cribs in need

of TLC plus a storage shed. The large flat 2908m2

section is subdividable (subject to consent) and has

the potential to build your dream home. Handy to

boat ramp and beach.

$179,000 Web iD# DO5478

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

1 1

Three cribs

KARITANE 63 Grimness Street

This home has been extended over the years with a

new living area, three large decks for all day sun.

Three bedrooms with upstairs master bedroom to

take in the superb river and sea view. Set on a

private 1/4 acre section with single garage plus

two older sleep outs. Only a short walk to the river

and beach.

$265,000 Web iD# DO5551

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

3 1 1

Three large deck areas



WAIKOUAITI 171 Edinburgh Street

Great holiday home, with golf course next door

and a short walk to the beach. The two bedroom

roughcast home has open plan living with

sunroom. Single garage with storage under the

house. The property is on a small landscaped

section with storage shed.

$159,000 Web iD# DO5675

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

2 1 1

Handy to golf course

WAIKOUAITI 146 Main Road

Great first home or rental

• Four bedrooms

• Open plan living

• Open fire

• ¼ section with fenced backyard

• Handy to school and shops

• Approx land size is 1,012m2

• Approx house size is 100m2

$115,000 Web iD# DO5404

Vicki Offen021 212 7842

4 1 4

TLC required

HAWEA FLAT 458 Camp Hill Road

Are you looking for lifestyle living close to Wanaka in a sunny private location? This wonderful homestead could be for

you. As you walk into the entrance and are struck by the wooden panel walls and doors you will be taken back in time. The

property has 4 bedrooms, 2 living areas and sits on an established garden setting with its own pond sheltered by oak and

other trees. As well as paddocks for the ponys this property has 2 separate double garages, boat shed and a self contained

unit that is rented for up to $150 a night.

Lifestyle living

By negotiationWeb iD# WA56260

Harry Briggs027 431 1550

4 2 4


WANAKA 64 Mt Aspiring Road

Now that both the owner and council have or are removing trees on nearby properties, the views have opened up and

provide wonderful views from this 3,440m2 section, and further more the consented building platform. The gardens have

developed over 20 years to privatise and enhance this site and with the lakefront just 300m away, you will be hard pressed

to find a similar section close to the water, let us walk you around the property. Phone me today for a complete property

sale memorandum.

The views are very revealing!

$695,000Web iD# WA56208

Howard Brown0274 346 900



CROMWELL 82 Burn Cottage Road

A 3.6 hectare property in an idyllic location in

Cromwell reflects a lifestyle for those of us who

pursue that balance between Town and Country

living. A substantial single level brick residence,

three car garaging complex set amidst wonderful

gardens, only five minute drive to Cromwell cafes

and stores! Rateable value $880,000

$650,000Web ID# WA56131

Howard Brown0274 346 900

3 2 3

The centre of wine country!

By negotiationWeb iD# WA56247

Howard Brown0274 346 900

A private road leads to this 4.9498ha lifestyle

property, developed over the last 3yrs to include

a new home, outbuildings, fencing & irrigation.

Overlooking the Cardrona River just 5 mins from

the lakefront, the views are spectacular from

the open plan living areas & separate lounge.

Entertaining comes easy with doors opening onto

patios and lawns. Plans in place for an additional

ensuited bedroom.

A location to dream about

WANAKA 83C Black Peak Road

ALBERT TOWN 67 Lagoon Avenue

This really is “one stop shopping” if you need room for the family, all day sun and fantastic indoor/outdoor living. Step through the front

gate and feel yourself relax in the beautifully presented gardens which are fully fenced for child or pet security. A lovely peaceful 4 bedroom

home in a quiet location. Logfire/heatpump, electronic irrigation and double garage.By negotiationWeb iD# WA56094

Harry Briggs027 431 1550

4 2 2

Family first


3 1 2

By negotiationWeb iD# WA56193

Howard Brown0274 346 900


WANAKA 10 Heaton Park

Tucked away at the top of Studholme Road, several

rural lifestyle blocks are now developed with

superior housing in place. Lot 10 is now offered for

sale and provides wonderful vistas of lake Wanaka

and mountains. A north facing slope with homes

built on either side, the opportunity to build that

special home is here now. Phone us today for full


Edge of town - 4194m2 Section

WANAKA 94 McDougall Street

$495,000Web ID# WA56224

Jeanette Brown0274 533 009

Breathtaking Wanaka viewsYou will feel on top of the world in your new home

on this fabulous 793m2 section. The natural gradient

provides spectacular, panoramic views taking in Lake

Wanaka, surrounding mountain ranges and Wanaka

township. Close to town, the lakefront, the park &

the Golf Course. The leg-in location provides good

privacy, peace and quiet. Engineers reports and

concept drawing plans for a 2-level home available.

By negotiationWeb iD# WA56093

Howard Brown0274 346 900

WANAKA 78 Anderson Road

Our landlord is keen to sit down with you and

package a deal to suit your requirements for a

business lease. A prime location, this 2,400²

property features a state of the art retail/wholesale

warehouse with major recent improvements

including, air conditioning, alarm system, extensive

bathroom features, sound system with wiring and

fully tile carpeted. In addition the rear parking for

26 vehicles with “flood lit facility” as required.

Lets negotiate a new lease!

$448,000 Now $429,000!Web iD# WA55576

Howard Brown0274 346 900

WANAKA Villa 7, Heritage Village

200m² of spacious, relaxed living awaits you at

this home located in a picturesque park-like setting

in Heritage Village. Price has been reduced for

early action. An excellent ski base for owners or

an investment property. Mountain views from every

room and the village offers tennis court, gym and

spa facilities all year round. Live in fulltime or let

out. Double glazed throughout & fully furnished,

this price is hard to beat anywhere in Wanaka.

Tennis, gym and spa on-site


3 2½ 1



WANAKA Bella Fashion, Spencer House

$175,000 + stock + GST

Web ID# WA56185

Jeanette Brown0274 533 009

Fashion business opportunityAn opportunity exists for a new owner/operator

to grow this business. With a long list of Wanaka

exclusive fashion labels, a fit out designed to

enhance buyer pleasure and a visual, high foot-traffic

location it is easy to see why it has become Wanaka’s

foremost female fashion outlet. If you have a passion

for fashion, want to own your own business and have

the desire and drive to fine tune and further enhance

this flourishing retail store then we need to talk!

Property Management services now available in Wanaka!

Call our Wanaka Property

Manager, Betsy Rae, to

discuss the management of

your rental property.

Betsy RaeProperty Manager

Ph: (03) 443 0430



Do you know the benefits of listing with us?•FourbranchescoveringOtagoandCentralLakes

•Otago Daily Times - Wednesday advertising plus Saturday’s Properties Today supplement

•Property Press - Central Lakes District

•Exclusive - The Edinburgh Realty Magazine, disrtibuted monthly throughout Otago and Central Lakes






Give one of our team a call today to discuss your property needs



Excellence in Property ManagementOver 10 years ago Edinburgh Realty

recognized the need to establish a dedicated

Property Management Division. We started

with one property, one Property Manager

and the determination and drive to establish

ourselves as a market leader in property

management in Otago. Edinburgh Realty

Property Management now comprises a staff of

9 who professionally oversee one of Otago’s

largest rental property portfolios, via offices in

Dunedin, Mosgiel and now Wanaka.

We successfully manage a broad spectrum of

properties including residential homes, units,

apartments, student flats and studio rooms.

Our Property Managers are fully trained in

all aspects of property management and

understand the obligations of landlords and

tenants contained in the relevant legislation.

We understand that giving the keys to your

investment to a Property Manager requires a

huge degree of confidence and trust. We

do not just collect rent; we take pride in

ensuring that your property is fully cared for.

Yes, we do have up to the minute technology,

systems and innovative flair, but we remain

steadfastly old-fashioned in our customer

service delivery and believe in establishing

long-term relationships with our property


There are numerous responsibilities and tasks

that are associated with owning a rental

property and choosing the right property

management team is crucial in protecting your

asset and capitalizing on your investment long-


Property management is our business and we

work in the Otago rental market all day, every

day. This exposure ensures that our knowledge

of market conditions and trends is up to date.

Our understanding of property supply and

demand across all price ranges enables us

to attain the best possible rent return for you,

taking into account current market conditions.

We provide excellence in property

management. Our experienced and dedicated

team is committed to ensuring your property

investment works positively for you.

Call our Business Development Manager to

discuss the benefits of appointing Edinburgh

Realty Property Management to manage your

rental property………….

Landlords! Property investors! z No spare time? z Tenants interrupting your sleep? z Fed up with your mobile ringing? z No work/life balance?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, call Robyn Broughton at Edinburgh Realty Property Management and reclaim the lifestyle you deserve. Let us manage your rental property!

Robyn BroughtonBusiness Development Manager

Ph: (03) 470 2541



Roy Borgmanm 021 288 2307DDI (03) 470 2513e roy@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Peter Wilsonm 0274 327 489a/h (03) 489 4666e peter@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Mike Elfordm 0274 342 220DDI (03) 470 2510e mike@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Jim Columbm 0274 327 486DDI (03) 470 2512e jim@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Ann Fitzgibbon-Parkm 021 770 063DDI (03) 470 2514e ann@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Bradley Leem 021 941 106DDI (03) 470 2528e bradley@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Barclay Sievwrightm 021 351 781DDI (03) 470 2515e sievwright@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Lane Sievwrightm 021 526 366DDI (03) 470 2516e sievwright@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Clayton Sievwrightm 021 191 5555DDI (03) 470 2517e sievwright@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Colin McCronem 0274 327 833DDI (03) 470 2518e colin@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Debbie O’Driscollm 0274 397 761DDI (03) 470 2529e debbie@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Gavin McBridem 0274 335 257DDI (03) 470 2519e gavin@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Julie Robinsonm 021 453 676DDI (03) 470 2520e julie@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Shane Robinsonm 021 953 676DDI (03) 470 2521e shane@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Mark Wallacem 0274 386 121DDI (03) 470 2523e mark@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Matt Shepherdm 0274 446 369DDI (03) 470 2522e matt@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Noel Jenkinsm 027 2888 450DDI (03) 470 2524e noel@edinburghrealty.co.nz

James Columbm 0275 270 770DDI (03) 470 2531e james@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Quinton Taylorm 027 733 9158DDI (03) 470 2550e quinton@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Sel Sefo-Collinsm 0212 255 735DDI (03) 470 2526e sel@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Viv Patrickm 0274 324 335DDI (03) 470 2527e viv@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Vicki Offenm 0212 127 842a/h (03) 465 7124e vicki@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Kevin Marksm 0272 791 648DDI (03) 470 2532e kevin@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Jenny Lambertm 0274 326 354a/h (03) 489 1900e jenny@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Peter Stechmanm 0274 330 062a/h (03) 489 4391e peters@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Gill Verburgm 0273 762 313a/h (03) 489 4363e gill@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Trevor Brantonm 022 050 1020a/h (03) 489 0019e trevor@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Veronica Scottm 027 278 8537DDI (03) 470 2535e veronica@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Mick Walshm 027 251 1774 DDI (03) 470 2536e mick@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Natasha Durstm 027 321 4711DDI (03) 470 2537e natasha@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Ian Arthurm 027 564 4556 DDI (03) 470 2538e ian@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Rory Hibbsm 027 422 2975 DDI (03) 470 2539e rory@edinburghrealty.co.nz


Property Management:

East Otago:



Managing Director:

Lifestyle and Rural:


Jeanette Brownm 027 453 3009 DDI (03) 443 0433e jeanette@edinburghrealty.co.nz


Howard Brownm 027 434 6900 DDI (03) 443 0439e howard@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Harry Briggsm 027 341 1550 DDI (03) 443 0435e harry@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Robyn Broughtonm 0276 565 758 DDI (03) 470 2541e robyn@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Jake Wrightm 027 447 4337 DDI (03) 470 2540e jake@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Leah Greerm 0272 111 603a/h (03) 489 6683e leah@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Alister Calvertm 0272168 252DDI (03) 470 2549e alister@edinburghrealty.co.nz

Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008

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