every day one drug

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  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One Drug

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One DrugAMIODARONE

    Amiodarone has a broad-spectrum of activity on the heart. In addition to having an anti-

    arrhythmic activity, it also has anti-anginal effects. This may result from its __ and__

    adrenoceptor blocking properties as well as from its calcium channel blocking effect in the

    coronary vessels.

    It causes minimal myocardial depression. It is therefore often a first-line drug in critical

    care situations. It has an extremely long half-life (15105 days). Unlike oral Amiodarone, IV

    administration usually acts relatively rapidly (2030 min).


    Good results with both ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, including those

    associated with WPW syndrome.


    Iodine sensitivity (amiodarone contains iodine) Sinus bradycardia (risk of asystole) Heart block (unless pacemaker fitted)


    Loading: 300 mg in 250 ml 5% dextrose IV over 20120 min, followed by 900 mg in.500 ml 5% dextrose over 24 h

    Maintenance: 600 mg IV daily for 7 days, then 400 mg IV daily for 7 days, then 200mg IV daily

    Administer IV via central line Continuous cardiac monitoring Oral: 200 mg 8 hourly for 7 days, then 200 mg 12 hourly for 7 days, then 200 mg daily

    How not to use amiodarone:

    Incompatible with 0.9% saline Do not use peripheral vein (thrombophlebitis)

    Adverse effects:


    Skin reactions common Vasodilation and hypotension or bradycardia after rapid infusion Corneal microdeposits (reversible on stopping)

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One DrugLong-term

    Pulmonary fibrosis, alveolitis and pneumonitis (usually reversible on stopping) Liver dysfunction (asymptomatic in LFT common) Hypo- or hyperthyroidism (check TFT before starting drug) Peripheral neuropathy, myopathy and cerebellar dysfunction (reversible on stopping)


    Increased risk of bradycardia, AV block and myocard ial depression with __ blockersand calcium-channel antagonists

    Potentiates the effect of digoxin, theophylline and warfarin reduce doseOrgan failure

    Hepatic: worsens Renal: accumulation of iodine may risk of thyroid dysfunction

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One DrugALTEPLASE

    The use of thrombolytics is well established in myocardial infarction.

    They act by activating plasminogen to form plasmin, which degrades fibrin and so breaks up

    thrombi. Alteplase or tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) can be used in major

    pulmonary embolism associated with hypoxia and hemodyn amic compromise.

    While alteplase is more expensive than streptokinase, it is the preferred thrombolytic as it

    does not worsen hypotension.

    Severe bleeding is a potential adverse effect of alteplase and requires discontinuation of the

    thrombolytic and may require administration of coagulation factors and antifibrinolytic

    drugs (aprotinin and tranexamic acid).


    Major pulmonary embolism


    Recent hemorrhage, trauma, or surgery Coagulation defects Severe hypertension Esophageal varices Severe liver disease Acute pancreatitis


    Pulmonary embolismIV: 10 mg, given over 12 min, followed by IV infusion of 90 mg over 2 hours

    Dissolve in WFI to a concentration of 1 mg/ml (50 mg vial with 50 ml WFI)

    Monitor: BP (treat if systolic BP > 180 mmHg or diastolic BP > 105mmHg)

    How not to use alteplase:

    Not to be infused in glucose solutionAdverse effects:

    Nausea and vomiting Bleeding

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One DrugCautions:

    Acute stroke (risk of cerebral bleed) Diabetic retinopathy (risk of retinal bleeding) Abdominal aortic aneurysm and enlarged left atrium with AF (risk of embolization)

    Organ failure

    Renal: risk of hyperkalemia Hepatic: avoid in severe liver failure

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One DrugADENOSINE (Adenocor)

    This endogenous nucleoside is safe and effective in ending 90% of re-entrant paroxysmal

    SVT. However, this is not the most common type of SVT in the critically ill patient.

    After an IV bolus effects are immediate (1030 s), dose-related and transient (half-life 10s;

    entirely eliminated from plasma in 1 min, being degraded by vascular endothelium anderythrocytes). Its elimination is not affected by renal/hepatic disease.

    Adenosine works faster and is superior to verapamil. It may be used in cardiac failure, in

    hypotension, and with __ blockers, in all of which verapamil is contraindicated.


    It has both therapeutic and diagnostic uses:

    Alternative to DC cardioversion in terminating paroxysmal SVT, including thoseassociated with WPW syndrome

    Determining the origin of broad complex tachycardia; SVT responds, VT does not(predictive accuracy 92%; partly because VT may occasionally respond).Though

    adenosine does no harm in VT, verapamil may produce hypotension or cardiac arrest


    Second- or third-degree heart block (unless pacemaker fitted) Sick sinus syndrome (unless pacemaker fitted) Asthmatic may cause bronchospasm Patients on dipyridamole (drastically prolongs the half-life and enhances the effects of

    adenosine may lead to dangerously prolonged high degree AV block)


    Rapid IV bolus: 3mg over 12s into a large vein, followed by rapid flushing with 0.9%saline

    If no effect within 2 min, give 6mg If no effect within 2 min, give 12mg If no effect, abandon adenosine Need continuous ECG monitoring More effective given via a central vein or into right atrium

    How not to use adenosine:

    Without continuous ECG monitor

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One DrugAdverse effects:

    Flushing (18%), dyspnoea (12%), and chest discomfort are the commonest side-effectsbut are well tolerated and invariably last __ 1 min.

    If given to an asthmatic and bronchospasm occurs, this may last up to 30 min (useaminophylline to reverse).


    AF or atrial flutter with accessory pathway ( conduction down anomalous pathwaymay increase)

    Early relapse of paroxysmal SVT is more common than with verapamil but usuallyresponds to further doses

    Adenosines effect is enhanced and extended by dipyridamole if essential to givewith dipyridamole, reduce initial dose to 0.51.0mg

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One Drug

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug



  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One DrugNIMODIPINE

    A calcium-channel blocker with smooth muscle relaxant effect preferentially in the

    cerebral arteries. Its use is confined to prevention of vascular spasm after subarachnoid

    haemorrhage. Nimodipine is used in conjunction with the triple H regime of hypertension,

    hypervolaemia and haemodilution to a haematocrit of 3033.


    Subarachnoid haemorrhage


    IV infusion

    1 mg/h, to 2 mg/h if BP not severely

    If 70 kg or BP unstable start at 0.5 mg/h

    Ready prepared solution do not dilute

    But administer into a running infusion (40 ml/h) of 0.9% saline or 5% dextrose,

    via a central lineContinue for between 5 and 14 days

    Use only polyethylene or polypropylene infusion sets

    Protect from light

    10 mg in 50 ml vial (0.02%)

    0.5 mg/hr 2.5 ml/hr

    1 mg/hr 5 ml/hr

    2 mg/hr 10 ml/hr

    Orally (prophylaxis)

    60 mg every 4 h for 21 days

    How not to use nimodipine:

    Avoid PVC infusion sets

    Do not use peripheral venous access

    Do not give nimodipine tablets and IV infusion concu rrently

    Avoid concurrent use of other calcium-channel blockers, b-blockers or

    nephrotoxic drugs

    Adverse effects:

    Hypotension (vasodilatation)

    Transient liver enzymes with IV use Cautions:

    Hypotension (may be counter-productive by cerebral perfusion)

    Cerebral oedema or severely ICP

    Renal impairment

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One Drug

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One Drug

    LABETALOL (Trandate)

    Labetalol is a combined beta- and alpha

    -adrenoceptor antagonist.The proportion of

    -blockade to -blockade when given orally is 3:1,and 7:1 when given IV. It lowers the blood

    pressure by blocking -adrenoceptors in arterioles and thereby reducing the peripheral

    resistance. Concurrent


    -blockade protects the heart from reflex sympathetic drive normally induced by peripheral



    All grades of hypertension, particularly useful when there is tachycardiav Pre-eclampsia


    Asthma (worsens)

    Cardiogenic shock (further myocardial depression)

    Second- or third-degree heart block


    Orally: 100800 mg 12 hourly

    IV bolus: 1020 mg over 2 min, repeat with 40 mg at 10 min intervals as necessary, up to

    300 mg in 24 h

    Maximum effect usually occurs within 5 min and the durati on of action is usually 6 h

    IV Infusion: 20160 mg/h

    Rate: 432 ml/h (20160 mg/h), adjust rate until satisfactory BP obtained

    Available in 20 ml ampoules containing 100 mg labetalol (5 mg/ml)

    Draw up three ampoules (60 ml) into a 50 ml syringe

    How not to use labetalol:

    Incompatible with sodium bicarbonate

    Adverse effects:

    Postural hypotension

  • 7/27/2019 Every Day One Drug


    Every Day One DrugBradycardia

    Heart failure


    Rare reports of severe hepatocellular damage (usually reversible) Presence of labetalol

    metabolites in urine may result in false positive test for phaeochromocytoma

    Organ failure:

    Hepatic: reduce dose

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