evaluation questions 4 to 6 - media studies music magazine

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Media Studies Music Magazinequestion 4-6


By Chloe Burgin

Music MagazineMedia Studies Evaluation

‘Rock Circuit’Question 4-6

To find out who my audience would be, I had to find out information about Who would be interested in my magazine?, What social group they were in?, What they like and dislike?, What music they were into? and other information that would

be helpful to know to find an exact target audience.

To find this out, I created a questionnaire. I handed it to several different people of different genders and slightly

different social life’s to see the range of information

After I took the information from the questionnaire, I decided that teenagers that were interested in rock were the right choice for my audience. The reason I decided on this genre

and target audience was because it is very popular for teenagers and as they don’t have much else to spend there money on they will be likely to buy it if it shows something that interests them. I have also noticed that the majority of the teenage population enjoy rock magazines and I know of

‘kerrang’ which is a successful rock magazine.

I have also created a readership profile that shows who my audience are, what their interests are, the age range and

social group .etc.



To create a magazine on a particular genre and targeting it at an audience that is interested in that genre of music meant that you had to find information on how to

present that type of magazine. This would include the audiences dress style, interests, the artist/band and what way to present the language used. Example:

serious .etc.


The clothing and props show what the genre is and because of the way they dress and the props they are using in the whole of mise en scene, shows us who the target audience are.

The font, colours and masthead would have to suit the genre so that we can see who it is aimed at. The way things are presented on my magazine will draw in the audience who I am trying to aim my magazine at in to buying it because it show their interests and style.


This is my readership profile. It helped me to answer the question 4 and shows you who my audience are, what they like and whether or not they liked the magazine or not.



To attract my audience, I used 3 basic colours that are contrasting to one another. Red, yellow and black are colour that together stand out against each other and is appealing to the eye. It can be very eye catching and make people look at it when it is on the shelf. These 3 colour are used throughout the magazine giving the magazine a ‘house style’ this is a way of making it look more professional.

The masthead is another way of how I have tried to attract my audience by it taking a fair bit of room along the top of the magazine. It is also quite bold and stands out to the rest of the writing around it. It address the audience to the genre of music the magazine is based on. As it clearly says ‘Rock Circuit’.

The main image takes up the majority of the space on the magazine. This is to attract the audience. It is the most dominant image on the page and therefore, it needs to stand out against every other image. The main image of a magazine is often a celebrity figure and is used to draw the reader in. If they admire the celebrity on the front of the magazine, they would be likely to buy the magazine and read the article they are in. So it is very important to have a main feature image as well as the smaller images such as the secondary lead image etc.

PhotoshopThroughout the process to create my magazine coursework, we have used different programs to

construct it so that it looks very professional.

The First Program we learnt to use was Adobe Photoshop. Although I knew how to work Photoshop from past experience, I learnt a few new ways of doing things. Such as cutting out using different

tools. A few of the ones that were the easiest to use for me were:



Selection tool – I found this one to be the easiest to use. This is because you could click and drag the selection, then press delete.

Lasso Tool – You could use this to draw around the object you want to delete. Another easy tool to use but took longer than the selection tool.

The magic wand tool – This tool was similar to the selection apart from you just had to click and delete.

I already knew how to use the selection and wand tool. However, the lasso, lasso magnetic and polygonal lasso tools were something that I learnt to use. I also improved on using the layers in Photoshop.

InDesignAnother program that we used was Adobe InDesign. This program was completely new to me and

I hadn’t used it before so I knew nothing about it.

However, throughout the construction on my magazine I learnt how to use it. I learnt how to create text, import images, change the colour of text and all the basic tools like the shapes etc. I

also learnt how to select, resize and move thing around on the page.


These tools were to move and select objects.

This tool creates a text box which then you can write whatever you want to.Creates a box that I used to place my images into.

This tool is used to create a background.

This tool move the page about.

To insert a picture I went to file > Place and then selected the file I wanted to insert into InDesign.

Photography & LightingFor this coursework, I had to take my own photos in a photo-shoot for the magazine. In order to

do this I had to learn about the camera and how to work it.

We also needed to work with and learn about the camera shots and angles etc. Then we also had to make sure the lighting was right so we didn’t have loads of light and dark areas on the face or body and are able to see it clearly. Learning about the camera techniques helped my to create

more professional looking photos.

In my photos I thought it would be best if I had one colour in the background so I used a blue screen and a blank wall.


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