evaluation of media project q4

Post on 13-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Evaluation of Media Project

Magazine Advert/CD Cover/Music Video

Q4. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Sources used for Audience Feedback

These are the sources I used to receive audience feedback for my media project. I uploaded my main product and ancillary texts [CD digipak design and magazine advert]on social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and Twitter as these networking sites are were the potential target audience were for the consumption of my music video. I was able to upload the video from YouTube on the other sites as this brought favourable publicity to the product as the audience could recognise the product and watch it either on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or YouTube. I used secondary research through quantitative and qualitative research by conducting a questionnaire on my music video. In this question, I will discuss the advantages and limitations of using this type of research. I will also write down the questions answered from the questionnaire and the responses I was given back from the audience, negative and positive feedback.

Questionnaire on Music Video for Audience Feedback

• This is my music video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhs7c-dnmgs• What did you most like about the music video? ‘The transitions were professionally executed, clear,

effective and interesting to watch as the song has a fast beat as all the edits and cuts matched with the song ‘Let Me Flow.’ The directing of camera angles and shots was nicely shot. Also the lip syncing is all good and in time where this has been important in the music videos. Comparing to other music videos I have seen, your group have made a real great effort in making sure everything has been in sync with your edits as the beat is very rapid. I enjoyed the use of focus pulls and trombone shots in the video as it created a sense of diversity in the video. The use of variables in the music video such as the split screens was also great as well. The split screens create a sense of originality and it also follows codes and conventions of rap. From most rap music videos I have watched on TV, a lot of them have split screens, a number of effects and your music video follows these conventions.’

Questionnaire on Music Video for Audience Feedback

• What did you least like about the video? ‘There was really nothing that I didn’t like about the video. On a whole, the video was great!! I think that your group and yourself could have explored some camera shots of road signs, other buildings, maybe just the artist walking around places without him rapping the song and some establishing and point of view shots. I think that is what your video was lacking, just a couple establishing shots where the cinematographer should have shot this. I have looked at the video and have seen that you have got some establishing just after the artist is rapping the 3rd verse where the transitions are really good here as it brings out a nice effect. As I said before, you could have got shots of the artist like sitting on steps as the music is playing where the camera doesn’t focus on him it focuses on location and setting or you could have got him standing against a wall just looking around’.

Questions Continued• How many people viewed the video? There was 315 views on the video plus adding on the recent

uploads of the video with the last final upload. The first upload has 3 likes and 1 dislike and the final upload had no dislikes.

• Would you purchase the CD to listen to Concept’s exclusive track Let Me Flow and his collaborations with other artists? ‘Why not? I think he is a really charismatic artist that definitely can perform on stage and move from being independent to becoming mainstream, well that's his choice if he wants to move from being independent into mainstream but I don’t see why he wouldn’t. He really gets the crowd going, he’s a great performer and by far a good young upcoming artist but he still has a long way to go as it is. He just needs to remain consistent with selling his music to his fans and making music to generate favourable publicity. I have seen his CD pack and I really enjoy it. I can’t take my eyes of it and the innovative idea of putting the lyrics of his exclusive song ‘Let Me Flow’ in his CD pack engages with me and other potential viewers who want to look at his work. I would go buy the CD pack as I just enjoy listening to his music, his music is really good and I would like to see who he has collaborated with. That might be interesting to watch and hear.’

Questions Continued• What rating would you give for location scouting? The audience said the locations were great and the

rating was 10/10. I set out this question on paper and uploaded on my social networking sites and got a good amount of people to respond. This questionnaire was basically where the potential audience would put a tick next to the number they rated the location scouting.

• What rating would you give to recommend the music video to a friend? The audience said the music video is highly recommendable and the highest rating was a 9. This questionnaire is where I set out this question on paper and asked the audience to put a tick next to the number to show how highly recommendable the video was to generate favourable publicity.

Questions Continued• What music/radio channels do you think the music video would be shown on?

80% of the audience said that the music video has the potential to be shown on MTV base but 20% of the audience believed that our music video couldn’t make it on MTV Base because the artist has a independent label and would need to move into mainstream for the music video to become a blockbuster hit on the music channel. I was happy that the majority of the audience said the music video would be shown on MTV Base because MTV specialises in rap music as this is where our potential audience watch music videos so there will be a high consumption unit.

The audience said that the music video would be consumed on radio as people would rather consume the product by hearing the song, not watching it. BBC Radio 1 specialises in rap/grime music and it is a mainstream radio channel which gives the potential for the artist to become global in the products to be sold.

Questions Continued

Our focus group said that our music video will not be shown on this music channel as a rap/grime video would not sell on a dance channel as this channel is for dance anthems an as a group, we knew that our main product wouldn’t sell on this channel and create word of mouth and word of mouse.

Capital Fm is one of the biggest hit music stations in London. A high number of the audience said that the music video would be played on this radio channel as this is where the potential audience are at. The potential audience would listen to the song on this radio channel. The majority of our target audience listen to this radio station which is a very good thing as we would like our product to be shown alongside other mainstream products.

Audience Feedback for Music Video Continued

• Directed by Daniel Acheampong- ‘The director did a good job in making sure everything was on point with the location scouting, the setting of the scenes, the performance/facial expressions and body language of the artist to make the music video look realistic. I think the director done a fantastic job in making sure correct camera shots and angles were executed in the video. As the director works with the editor, Daniel done a good job helping to make sure lip syncing was good and cuts in the video was good. Daniel maintained the use of the editor using the effects as the sfx were used at the right times in the right places as the effects wasn’t too much which would have made the video be over the top. I feel that Daniel could have assisted the cinematographer in exploring more camera shots as the angles were good enough. I just feel that their could have been more establishing shots in the music video which would have been interesting to create a collection of shots in the main product. Basically, more content/footage was needed to do this. Overall, Daniel did a fantastic job on directing and I have to give credit to him and his group in making a marketable product.

Audience Feedback for Music Video Continued

• Edited by Abdullah Ezzat- ‘I liked the editing. I think that was the best part of the music video. The transitions were really quick and to the beat and it got me to keep on watching the video as I couldn’t take my eye off the screen. Editing seems to be professional and I don’t really see anything wrong with it as a whole.

• Produced by Mena Ramsis- ‘The production overall for the video was good. The production manager working with Daniel [the director ]setting out dates for shooting schedules and times of when and where to meet done a good job. Overall a good job done.

• Cinematography by Jordan Patterson- ‘I enjoyed the camera angles. They were interesting and innovative and it went with the cuts. I feel that the cameraman could have explored more camera shots in this music video but as a whole well done Jordan for conducting good camerawork in making a good music video.

Secondary Research- Quantitative and Qualitative

• Quantitative Research is: the Collection of numerical data in order to describe, explain, predict, and/or control phenomena of interest.

• Qualitative Research is: A set of research techniques in which data is obtained from a relatively small group of respondents and not analyzed with statistical techniques.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research

• It is easy to get and quick and easy to carry out• Easy to process data• Gives a good idea of people’s views and opinions on something• Less time consuming

• It doesn’t give a detailed response to question being asked• Can lead to bias opinions/views• Doesn’t allow the person to give detailed answers

Advantages and Disadvantages of Qualitative Research

Magazine Advert Magazine Advert for Music Video

Audience Feedback for Magazine Advert

• My magazine advert has been related to my CD digipak design as I have now decided to put my picture in black and white. The reason why I have made this decision to change the magazine advert from colour to black and white is because I conducted a focus group and also a questionnaire and asked the potential audience what colour theme for the photo would suit better for the magazine advert. The majority of the audience said that black and white would be a good colour theme for the advert so this is why I changed the colour theme as I am promoting the artist to the potential audience and it is important to give the audience what they want to see in the media product. The colour theme was a very important factor as the colour in the advert is what makes the product stand out and can generate a higher consumption unit to make it a marketing vehicle. This is where I followed codes and conventions in making this a good magazine advert that potential consumers will want to consume.

• • The magazine advert was stated as professional by the potential audience as they thought the layout, framing of

the picture and the colour theme red, black and white was seen to be very good in making the advert become a marketing vehicle. The audience also related my magazine advert to my CD digipak design as they thought that everything in my media products kept a consistent flow such as the colour theme, the mise en scene and they like how there was a variety of camera shots with different angles. They also said that the photo for the magazine advert looks professionally taken and that the photo relates to my music video as this is the type of location the video was shot at.

• The audience said the use of red in the magazine advert was predominant as red is an effective colour in making the advert stand out as this is what is going to promote the artist. The typography was also known to be a clever idea as the way I wrote JUST AN IDEA relates to the graffiti look we used in our music video. This typography is also used in the other ancillary texts such as the CD digipak design. Also the use of leaving the background in the magazine advert was known to be clever as potential consumers said most rap magazines leave a location background to show where they have come from/just to relate the advert to the music video locations. This was said to be innovative as it represents the artist's identity, job and status within the magazine advert.

Audience Feedback for Magazine Advert Continued

• The negative feedback that I received from my target audience is that maybe I could have made his face be a bit more bright in other terms I could have added some light to his face which would create a more glamorous look in showing his facial gestures and features. I did take this feedback on board but because my music video is a rap video, I decided to use low level lighting in relating to my other ancillary texts as from most rap magazine adverts that I have seen they intend to use low key/level lighting. This is where I followed the codes and conventions in making sure that audience expectations were met. A minority of the potential audience mentioned this factor that I should use top lighting for the photo. I experimented this but when I saw the outcome not many people liked it as the majority of the audience said when there was low level lighting, the artist stood out more and it created a nice effect whereas the picture with top lighting would decrease the publicity in the product as many people didn't like so it which would result in a low consumption unit.

Audience Feedback Continued• The audience said that since you have made a rap music video with a high tempo beat and where the

artist facial expressions is mostly dark, angry and all in your face then it is best to use low level lighting in the advert as it would suit the genre of the video and make an effective meaning. The audience told me that if the song you made was a different genre of music such as like R n B where the beat would be slow, calm and the artist would seem more relaxed in engaging with the potential audience then top lighting and using key lights when taking the photo for the advert would be a good idea as different genres of music have different ways of engaging/communicating to their potential audience.

Audience Feedback for CD cover

To receive audience feedback for my CD cover, I uploaded my ancillary texts on Facebook. From uploading the CD cover on Facebook, I received views and comments which assisted me with my feedback where adjustments could be made before the final copy was given in. I was told from the potential audience that they thought the CD cover was really good and that there was a limited amount of changes to be made on the product. The audience enjoyed how the CD cover followed the rap codes and conventions which was quoted by a consumer 'I like the colour scheme and the framing of the shots. It really meets the US codes and conventions.’ They said the CD cover relates to the magazine advert and to the music video but they said I should consider using different colours to represent the video as most of the video is shot in light as I have put the CD cover in red and black which makes the CD have a dark shading to it.

CD Cover Audience Feedback Continued

• I asked the potential audience what could be done to improve the CD cover, one viewer pointed out- there is not really anything you have to improve, I like the framing and camera shots you have chosen, well done.

• I spoke to the audience to tell me what should be in the CD cover- they mentioned biography, a mini advert, lyrics of the music video song, collaborations with other artists etc.. When creating the inside cover, I listened to what the audience said to meet the codes and conventions of the rap genre. They said the whole colour theme of red, black and white being integrated was interesting and the images in black and white was good as part of the video was shot in black and white.

• For the back cover, I took a side angle shot of the artist looking away from the camera where the audience said this was seen to be good as it was breaking the codes and conventions in film and media. The audience said, the shot was nicely framed and suited the back of the CD cover and it also related to the music video.

What I learnt from my feedback overall?

• Audience feedback is essential for the success of a project, as it enables you to see mistakes you may have not noticed as well as to see how the potential audience responds to the media project. This is very important as I want to attract my target audience in generating favourable publicity for the potential of the media text to be a marketing vechicle. Feedback ensures me that I am following the conventions and meeting interests and expectations of the potential audience.

• Overall, I am very pleased with my feedback to the media product from our target audience as the majority of our audience feedback was seen to be positive. The limited negative feedback we received as a group is things that we couldn’t get a hang on it or there just wasn’t enough time to do these things or the audience was maybe taking a different reading of our media text such as more content needed for the music video. I feel that through the process of receiving feedback on my music video, I have learnt a lot about how to make videos in the future for different audiences if there is a different genre to be looked on such as Rock, Indie, R ‘n’ B/Drum and Bass as opposed to grime/rap which I have explored. Also I have learnt that audience feedback has been essential for the success of the work as I would want to make sure the audience needs and wants are met as this brings a higher consumption unit, favourable publicity to the media product and potential of the music video and related products such as the magazine advert and CD cover design to be a marketing vehicle. The main thing I have learned is that when planning and researching before undertaking the whole project, you know what you want first as ideas come up into your head as how you would want the video to look like with different techniques to achieve a desired outlook for the music video to engage with the potential consumers but what I need to consider is how the audience read the media text and how they will understand and interpret the ancillary texts.

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