ethical and unethical

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Shoplifting: The taking or using of store items without paying for them.

Retailers loose an average of 4% of their annual sales to shrinkage

Shoplifting is

becoming an


Stores spend a great deal of money to attract their customers

They make big displays

They want customers to buy as many items they can

The ethical customer buys the items they want

The unethical customer

Sees a display

And helps themselves

Theft is not just from the consumer

Employees account 47% of the lost merchandise

Vendor fraud and administrative errors add up to nearly 20% of

the loss

Stores have added scanners

And electronics to reduce errors and lost merchandise

Shoplifting takes many forms

Eating fruit from a display

Giving food to a child

Buying a dress only to return it after it has been worn

And some even brag about shoplifting

Or shoplift with their friends

In order to reduce the theft

Stores have added cameras

Surveillance teams and

Electronic monitoring devices

The objective of security is to catch the thief

Electronic tags are added to most store merchandise

Including raw chickens

Those who are caught

May be forced to wear a sign

Shoplifting adds to the cost of everything we buy

Consumer Rights

The right to safety- protection against goods that are dangerous to health and life.

The right to be informed- information for protection against fraud, but as basis for reasoned choices.

The right to choose- need for markets to be competitive and for the government to protect consumers when competition doesn’t exist.

The right to be heard – guarantees that consumer interests will be listened to when laws are being written.

The right to redress- the ability to obtain from the manufacturer adequate payment in money or goods for financial or physical damages.

Consumer Responsibilities

1. Report the problem immediately with a product.2. State the problem and suggest a simple and fair answer.3. Add details and copies of documents to help support

your claims.4. Describe any corrective measures that you have taken.5. Keep a record of efforts to solve the problem.6. Allow each individual reasonable time to correct the

problem.7. Keep copies of any emails or letters you might need to

send.8. Keep calm. Getting upset does not help anything.


Thank you for taking the time to listen and look through my presentation. I hope you enjoyed my analysis through example of ethical and unethical consumer behavior.

By KatLynne Joerg

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