etb - focus: payment security (english)

Post on 09-May-2015



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Over the last decades, cash has quickly been abandoned to the advantage of digitalised payments. The benefits of a cashless society include a decreased number of shop robberies, fewer costly cash transports and increased national tax revenue due to the difficulty of using dirty money to pay for goods and services. Also, the various players of the payment system make money thanks to fees. At the same time, the digitalisation has opened up for new fraud possibilities, of a scale and a global nature that was unthinkable in the old system. The result: a increasingly costly struggle where banks and card companies are up against a global, hi-tech gangster culture. In close collaboration with the Swedish magazine Filter, Nordström & Frank has drilled deep into what happens when you use your payment card. This is the graphics piece that your bank would not want you to read. Costs: €500 Please send a mail to for downloading information.


  • 1.Editorial Toolbox FocusENGLISH EdITIoN A supplement to Nordstrm & Franks Editorial Toolbox 2009 Nordstrm & Frank AB,, .Purchase now! 500Info graphicspackage

2. Editorial staff:Rickard Frank Concept developer, art director and news graphics.Jacob Nordstrm Concept developer and design.Filter Magazine Research, texts and checking of facts.Sara Nordstrm Translation.Torkel Bohjort Translation. 3. Editorial Toolbox Payment Security Focus Over the last decades, cash has quickly been abandoned to the advantageContents Pageone transaction thousands of eyes .....................6 of digitalised payments. the benefits of a cashless society include a decreasedA global plague ............................................................7 number of shop robberies, fewer costly cash transports and increased from shell to chip .................................................. 89 national tax revenue due to the difficulty of using dirty money to pay for what is skimming? ...................................................10 goods and services. Also, the various players of the payment system make money thanks to fees.At the same time, the digitalisation has opened up for new fraud possibilities, of a scale and a global nature that was unthinkable in the old system. the result: a increasingly costly struggle where banks and card companies are up against a global, hi-tech gangster close collaboration with the swedish magazine filter, nordstrm & frank has drilled deep into what happens when you use your payment card.this is the graphics piece that your bank would not want you to read. An officiAl supplement to nordstrmfrAnks editoriAl toolbox 2009 nordstrmfrAnk Ab,, . 4. In cooperation with Editorial Toolbox Filter Magazine Get startedotnysva nov g m tu ivata korst na so ifflar banken pr f 1. Download blste An yfik fr n inet AgAs lsm Editorial Toolbox Payment Security Focus costs 500.2009Please send a mail to for maj aprildownloading info.2. Adjusttill ! Trycknjrer som iokonstpser32ra grntestat v The text has been typeset in Benton Sans, which canbe ordered from You can ofcourse switch to your newspapers own typographyand easily change the colors to your unique palette.ot t emott iA m dym i om oe PrAm dy P ro mo oe i Ad07Al le rg Pr omte rs en votn y306901 v Petu vA no An uvAt de rs Am sbyms by ek ni kkn ik f ryA rA ni ys r frnA te n in sten rsby r A ms 7 388333rs Pe ten in A rAdeni nA An The hoax 3. Edit and use In the latest issue of Filter, the magazine tells the storyPick and choose from the various elements. about how the Swedish banks kept the biggest creditThe material can be used in any suitable way as long card scam in Swedish history outside the court it used for editorial purposes. In order for us to Its also the tale about how the scandal was silenced. continuously improve Editorial Toolbox, please senda pdf of your graphics presentation made fromEditorial Toolbox to: 5. Payment Security Focus Layout guide tabloid Rubrik Rubrik Rubrik Rubrik XxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx3 Size: half pages,frn sncka till chip 7 En transaktion tusen goni framtiden: Bankkortets dd mobiltelefonen som vrdebrare delmetallernas terkomstFactsVad r skimning?S skapas falska Sveriges strsta kortutgivare Swedbank frutspr att Det redan patenterate systemet Cashbutler lter dig ladda nerI en frsk utredning spr Ekobrottsmyndigheten att utvecklingenmnga banker redan 2015 har slutat att ge ut egnavalfri summa frn banken till mobiltelefonens Simkort. Pengarnamot ett helt digitaliserat betalningssystem som drmed r mer figures kreditkort bankkort. Istllet domineras betal- och kreditkorts- kan sedan anvndas fr betalning, antingen som ett SMS-lik-kontrollerbart fr skatte- och ekobrottsutredare kommer attsmidighet och frtroende har alltid varit ledorden fr utvecklingen av mnniskans det som tidigare var en transaktion mellan kpare och sljare r i dag en komplicerad, skimning innebr att informationen i ett kontokortsmarknaden av ett ftal stora paneuropeiska fretag nande meddelande eller genom att mobiltelefonen placeras pdriva den svarta marknaden till gammaldags byteshandel medbetalmedel. det ska vara enkelt att handla, och det ska g att lita p att det jag frsom konkurrerar med storleken p kortavgifterna. en platta vid kassaterminalen som drar summan automatiskt. guld, silver och delstenar. landsverskridande process i mnga steg och med en mngd institutioner inblandade.tabloid magnetremsa kopieras. drefter verfrs den 115,1i handen nr jag sljer en vara betingar samma vrde dagen drp. antingen till ett nytt kort, eller utnyttjas fr kp per internet, telefon eller postorder.Dimensions: 1 Magnetkortsskrivaremiljoner betalkort fanns Service- clearing- en 2 5 i Sverige 200, med USB-anslutningtiKbyrn centralenbu kostar ngra hundra 4 dollar, och finns att 6,1 1 bestlla via internet frn248 mm x 160 mm86 tillverkare i Kina. 3fre 1000 650 200-talet 15181661 1795 1890-talet1951 1958Brjan av 1960-talet 1967 1978 7 2Kaurisnckan var den vikti-Det frsta myntet tillverkades Den romerska denaren komI tyska Joachimsthal prgladesSverige var frst i vrlden medI efterdyningarna av den Amerikanska varuhus infrde Med visitkortet som frebild BankAmericard, fregngaren Londons tunnelbana infrde I Londonfrorten Enfield Den franske uppfinnarengaste valutan i forntida Kina, i kungariket Lydien i frmre med det romerska rikets den nya tidens frsta interna-att ge ut banksedlar av papper.franska revolutionen infr-charge coins numreradetillverkade Frank MacNamaratill Visa, lanserades i Kalifor-det frsta betalkortet med ppnade Barclays den 27 juni Roland Moreno uppfann chip-Indien, Sydostasien och Afrika.Asien av elektrum, en naturlig etablering som vrldsmakt att tionellt gngbara valuta, talern. De skulle bara utlmnas t des den frsta valutan med metallbrickor som gav kundendet frsta moderna kreditkor-nien. Samma r sjsattesmagnetremsa. Tio r senare 167 vrldens frsta uttags- tekniken. Den introduceradesmiljoner av dem var Liksom andra tidiga betal- legering av guld och silver. glla som huvudvaluta i all in- Alla hrskare i norra Europadem som satte in motsvarande decimalsystemet som grundrtt att handla p kredit.tet, Diners Club. Materialet American Express, som blev magnetremsan standard automat, med komplicerad snabbt p telefonkort, men 9KparenSSljarenSkreditkort. ningsmedel hade den fleraDess vrde var identiskt med ternationell handel. P s stt prglade mynt till samma halt mngd mynt, men det efter- (1 franc = 100 centimes), vilket Uppgifterna kontrolleradesvar papp och ursprungligen redan frsta dagen fick in 275ven fr kontokort.hlkortsteknik. Redan en vecka det drjde en bit in p 0-taletbanKbanKanvndningsomrden, blandmetallvrdet. Kungamaktens var denaren en fregngare till och vikt vilket gjorde talern (p levdes inte och riksbanken gickfrenklade kontanthantering- mot en frteckning som fannsaccepterades kortet bara 000 kortanskningar frn senare fanns den frsta svens- innan franska banker blev frstannat som prydnadsfreml. symbol, lejonet, garanterade dagens dollar och euro. svenska daler) till den stora i konkurs efter sju r. Grunda-en avsevrt. i kassan. Nordiska Kompanietp lyxrestauranger runt Wall allmnheten. 166 lanserades ka uttagsautomaten p platsi vrlden med chipfrsedda1,2 Programvaran rChokladbnor och metallbitar dess kthet. grnsverskridande valutanren Johan Palmstruch dmdes infrde ett liknande system Street.Mastercard.vid Uppsala Sparbanks kontor betalkort. Svenska bankkort endast 2 Mb stor, vilket var andra tidiga betalnings-fram till 1700-talets mitt. till dden (men bendades). under 130-talet. vid Stora Torget i chip debuterade 2004.medel. gr att bedragaren kan ladda ner den frn Inter- net vid behov och inte 1000 00 00 700 600 400 300 0 100 200300400 500 600 70000 00 100011001200 1300140015001600170000Fas 1: Betalningen Fas 2: Clearingen Fas 3: Inlsen behver spara den pmiljarder transaktioner den egna hrddisken. utfrdes med bank- och Frfalskare och bedragare 3kreditkort i Sverige 200. butiKen: Kortet dras i butikens kortterminal.butiKen: Butikens kassa stmplas ut vid dagensKparenS banK: Den reserverade summan dras Kparen bekrftar att hon/han r innehavare av slut. Mer detaljerad kortinformation skickas till servi-frn kparens konto, och skickas till clearingcentralen233 Miniskimmer ButiksskimmerUttagsautomatskimmer kortet genom namnunderskrift och legitimation ellercebyrn (4).().fre 650 220 1670 1755 1988199920022005 pin-kod. Butiken kontaktar Servicebyrn (1) fr ettGenom att manipulera vgarna lurade korrupta Under denarens hjdpunkt bestod den av 98 procent silver. Fr att komma t vrdefull metall filade eller klippte Trots tidigt anvndande av vatten- Checkbedrge- Konsumenttid- Fenomenet phishing att bedragare lurar till Den frsta pharming-attacken i USA. S diskret att en servitr eller butiks-Under ett inbrott placeras Genom att fsta en kopieringstillsatssnabbgodknnande av kpet. Servicebyrn: Servicebyrn sammanstller be-clearingcentralen: Clearingcentralen verfrkpmn till sig fler silver- och guldstycken n de terkommande ekonomiska kriser i det romerska imperietbedragare bort delar av mynt utan att det mrktes. mrke, silvertrd och att alla sedlar barrierna ndde sinningen Rdrnsig kontoinformation via falska Internetsidor eller Pharming innebr att datahackers brytertalningsuppdragen frn en mngd butiker och snderpengarna till butikens bank (8). anstlld kan gmma den i handen,kopieringsutrustning inne i butikens framfr bankomatens kortlsare, egentligen skulle ha fr sina varor. fick kejsaren att spda ut denaren s att den p ett parSom mottgrd infrdes 1670 den frsta randskriften p en mening om att straffet fr frfalsk-hjdpunkt i Sve-rapporterade fre-post ndde Sverige. Mastercards kunder fick sig igenom exempelvis en banks skerhets- Informationen Servicebyrn: r kortet sprrat? Finns den efter-dem vidare till kortutgivaren fr clearing (5). och kopiera ditt kort utan att du ser egen kortlsare, eller en helt ny, eller montera p en komplett falskP motsvarande vis lt orliga kpare gravera in rtionden frvandlades till ett kopparmynt. Fr att dlja ett svenskt mynt, manibvs ne laedar avaris (m jag ickening var hngning, skenade frfalsk- rige, med 17 000frsta gngen omett e-postmeddelande frn en Mastercardadress system, och gr s att kunder som loggat in kan skrivas antingenfrgade summan p det till kortet kopplade kontot? SljarenS banK: Tv till sju dagar efter att kunden det. D lsaren r s lik utrustningenspecialpreparerad, kortterminal. front, kan bedragare stjla din frtroendeingivande stmplar p metallstyckena,frsmringen doppades mynten i silverbad men detskadas av giriga hnder). I dag underlttar ornamenten pningen i takt med tryckteknikens sprid-fall. Ngra r se-det nya fenome- och uppmanades att klicka p en lnk som togsig p bankens skra hemsida omdirigeras4 Servicebyrn skickar ett sekundsnabbt godknnandeclearingcentralen: Av den kortutgivande har dragit sitt kort finns pengarna tillgngliga frmiljarder kontantlsa p vilket gammalt betal- man anvnder fr att rengra kre- Vid ett nytt inbrott hmtaskontoinformation nr du tar utsom inte stmde verens med deras faktiska haltfrhindrade inte att den upphrde att fungera som myntens rand fr synskadade och lter myntautomaterning. 1755 grundade drfr Sverigesnare var checkennet skimming. dem till en exakt kopia av Mastercards hemsida. till en falsk sida dr kunden sedan slr in sina (2) eller felmeddelande till betalterminalen ihop medbanken i Sverige, eller av kortorganisationerna Visafretaget som ger butiken (9). transaktioner utfrdes eller medlemskort med ditkort, r en annan variant att du fr utrustningen och informationen hem.pengar. Kombineras ofta med enoch vikt internationellt handelsmynt.skilja mellan olika valrer. Riksbank Tumba Bruk fr att tillverkap utdende som Nr kunderna skrev in sina kontouppgifter och kontouppgifter. ett unikt kontrollnummer. Samtidigt skickas ett med- eller Mastercard i London respektive Bryssel, sam-i vrlden 200. magnetremsa som helst, eller punikt papper fr sedelutgivningen. betalningsmedel.lsenord skickades informationen till bedragarna. ditt kort tvttat men i sjlva verketspionkamera som registrerar din kod. delande (3) till kparens bank, som reserverar det manstlls kparens betalningsfrpliktelser till en info graphics: nordstrmfrank fabriksnya kort med remsa.aktuella beloppet .utbetalningsorder som skickas till kparens bank (6). kopierat medan du ser p.klla: BankFreningenFreeware For newspapers printed and online editions. non-commercial use editorial use only. nordstrmFrank aB,, inFo@nordstromFrank.sefor newspapers printed and online editions. non-commercial use editorial use only. nordstrmfrank aB,, info@nordstromfrank.sefor newspapers printed and online editions. non-commercial use editorial use only. nordstrmfrank aB,, info@nordstromfrank.sefor newspapers printed and online editions. non-commercial use editorial use only. nordstrmfrank aB,, 36 9 8 25Spread Single page Two pagesFull-width panorama graphics (7) (or on two half pages The graphic piece is very wellExpand the space and present a larger news package.placed next to each other) are very well placed at the placed at the top (1) of the page Add an angle to the story on the left page (4), fortop of the page. Headline and text are then best placed to avoid clashes with headlines instance a meeting with the local police, the local bankunderneath. The story (8) contains around 6,000 and preambles. This leaves a spaceor a person who has been affected by scammers.characters. underneath the graphics for an article (2) of approximatelyTo generate a spread that is easy to assimilate,Additional pictures half-column or a whole column 4,500 characters. the picture (5) is preferably placed underneathwide are placed in the text on the right page (9). the article on the left page. Additional pictures Additional pictures half-column half-column or a whole column wide are placed or a whole column widein the text on the right page (6). are placed in the text (3). 6. Payment Security The transaction One transaction thousands of eyesFacts andgures what used to be a transaction between buyer and seller is today a complicated15,1 process involving many different steps as well as several institutions.million Swedish payment1 cards existed in 2007.SERVICE CLEARING 2 5OP SH AGENCYCENTRAL6,148 6 3 7 million of those cards werecredit cards.9 BUYERS SELLERS BANKBANK1,2billion transactions werePhase 1: Payment Phase 2: ClearingPhase 3: Redemptionmade in Sweden with bankand credit cards in 2007.THE SHOP: The card is registered in the shops THE SHOP: At the end of the day, the stores THE BUYERS BANK: The reserved amount is233 card terminal. The buyer conrms that he/she ischeckout is summed up. More detailed carddrawn from the buyers account and sent to the clearing central (7). the cardholder by signing and showing his/her id orinformation is then sent to the Service agency. entering a PIN. The shop contacts The Service agency (1) for a quick conrmation of the purchase. THE SERVICE AGENCY: The Service agency sumsTHE CLEARING CENTRAL: The money is transferred from the clearing central to the shops bank (8).up the payment orders from a number of shops and THE SERVICE AGENCY: Is the card blocked? sends them on to the card issuer for clearing (5). THE SELLERS BANK: Two to seven days after billions cashless trans- Is the demanded amount of money on the accountTHE CLEARING CENTRAL: By the issuing bank connected to the card? In seconds the Service Agencythe buyer swiped its card the money is available for actions were performed transfers an OK (2) or an error-message to the card the store owner (9). or by Visa or Mastercard the buyers paymentglobally in 2007. terminal along with a unique control number. obligations get summed up and sent as a debitslip to the buyers bank (6). At the same time, a message is sent to the buyersinfo grAphics: nordstrmfrAnksource: bank, reserving the requested amount. fActs And texts: filter mAgAzine, sweden swedish bAnking AssociAtion6 A supplement to nordstrmfrAnks editoriAl toolbox 2009 nordstrmfrAnk Ab,, 7. Payment Security The attacks 8 A global plague2 with the same speed that the payment systems4 4 Lord Fake have been digitalized, crime has followed. here are 8 4 5 By bribing the head the most extensive attacks of the past years. of security, self-titled Lord Hugh Rodley,34 Great Britain, gained 68 14himself entrance for a weekend to the London office of the Japanese bank 12 3 45 67 Sumitomo Matsuis. In 2004, Belgian com- puter experts Jan Van Osselaer and Gilles Poelvoorde were engaged to install spy NetFill scandal, Alfabank/Union- Cardsystems,TJX hackers, The Godfather,CardersMarketThe Rock Phish ware that registered the accounts, pass- 1998 card scandal, 20052006 2007coup, 200607Gang, 2005 words and security19992000 Kenneth Taves, Group of hackers, Group of hackers,Maxim MaksikMax Iceman Butler, Group of hackers,codes that the staff California the USUSA, Ukraine, China, Jastremskij, UkraineSan Franciscoresident unknown were using duringAndrej Golov, Russia,Estonia and Belarus This Malibu resident Hackers took Maxim MaksikDuring a few days in At the top of theworking hours. DuringMagnus Jakobsson, and porn industryadvantage of theIn 2008, elevenJastremskij isAugust 2005 MaxAmerican Secretlater weekend visitsSweden entrepreneur shortcomings in the people of differentsuspected to be Butler hacked his wayServices list of most Lord Rodley and hisThe head of security cunningly connectedsecurity system atnationalities were involved in most of into a forum of othersought after Internetfellow accomplicesand crypt expert in 900,000 card the US companycharged for obtainingthe large attacks Internet con men.crooks. Behind the tried to transfer 229one of Russias big- customers to his CardSystems, whichthe card numbers ofagainst AmericanThe forum containedname Rock Phish is million pounds fromgest banks, Andrej Go- on-line adult pay sites. handled the card41 million shop cus- nancial institutions information on the probably a group ofJapanese multina-lov, used his position More than half of thetransactions fortomers to a value of the last ve years. Hesales of stolen card hackers responsibletional corporationsto obtain 00,000 people involved didMastercard and Visa.millions of U.S. dollars was sentenced to 0 information. One for half of all phishing to a number of fakecard numbers with the not even own a Using a virus-like pro- on the black market. years in prison by aby one, the forums attacks in the world.companies fronted byassociated PINs. With computer, but from gram that the hackers The group was ledTurkish court in Janu-were closed down The group is believedsex shop owner Davidthe help of the Swede 1997 to 1998 Ken placed within the by American citizenary 2009, for havingand the users were to have earned tens of Nash. The scam failedMagnus Jakobsson, Taves earned 7.5companys computerand Secret Service-hacked his way into instead referred tomillions of U.S. dollars on such a simplenew plastic cards million U.S. dollars.system they wereinformer Alberttwelve banks and sold Butlers creationon their activitiesmistake as an inputwere manufactured In 2004, he wasable to obtain card Sagvec Gonzalesinformation for a total CardersMarket. including direct-made wrong and onand with these crimi- sentenced to eleveninformation num-and the card numbers of eleven million U.S.Com becoming the ing bank customers March 5,, 2009, somenal gangs could pick years in prison. Anbers, names and were stolen usingdollar. Jastremskij isbiggest black market with false e-mails togang members wereup tens of millions accomplice to Tavescodes concerninga virus programmeone of the prime sus- in the world, handling a fake copy of the sitesentenced to prisonof Swedish kronor ed to Jamaica and 200,000 customers.that was placed in the pects in the so calledcards. This was theof their own Internetfor three to eightfrom cash machines has not yet been A total of 40 billion wireless network until September bank and then gather-years.around Europe. convicted. card numbers is esti- large retail chains. 2007 when the Secret ing all the informationMagnus Jakobssonmated to having been Service stormed thethe bank customerswas then arrested andexposed before the home of Max Butler.entered on the fakethe whole story was fActs And texts:info grAphics:attack was filter mAgAzine, sweden nordstrmfrAnk7 A supplement to nordstrmfrAnks editoriAl toolbox 2009 nordstrmfrAnk Ab,, 8. Payment Security HistoryFrom shell to chipconvenience and trust have always been watchwords in the development of mansmeans of payment. shopping must be easy, and you should be able to trust that theamount you get when selling something has the same value the next day.Before 1 000 BCECa 650 BCE200 BCE15181661 1795The Kauri shell was the mostThe rst coin was manufac-With the Roman EmpireIn German town of Joachimst-Sweden was the rst countryIn the aftermath of the Frenchimportant currency in ancient tured out of electrum, a naturalspreading and taking control hal, the Thaler, the rst modernto release bank notes on paper.revolution, the rst currencyChina, India, Southeast Asiaalloy of gold and silver, in theover large areas of the globeinternational currency, was Those were only meant to bebased on the decimal systemand Africa. Alike many otherKingdom of Lydia, in the Near the Roman denarii became minted. All rulers of northernhanded out to those who put(1 franc = 100 centimes) wasearly means of payment it East. Its value was identical the main currency in all Europe minted coins with thein coins of the same value,introduced. This simpliedwas useful in many ways, forto that of metal. The symbolinternational trading. Thus thesame content and weight,but the system collapsed and dealing with cash a great deal.instance as an ornament.of the Kingdom the lion denarii were the forerunners tomaking the Thaler the big and the Bank of Sweden wentChocolate beans and pieces of vouched for its authenticity. todays dollars and Euro.commonly used currency up tobankrupt after seven years.metal were other early means the middle of the 18th century. The founder was sentenced toof payment.death, but later reprieved. 1000 800 600 400 200 100 0 100 20000 400 Con men and scammersBefore 650 BCE 220 CE 1670By manipulating the scales, corrupt merchantsDuring the height of the denarius, it consisted of 98% silver. To obtain valuable metal, con men rasped or cut away bitscheated the buyers and received more silver andRecurring economical crises in the Roman empire had theof coins without this showing. To prevent this, the rstgold for their goods than they deserved. Emperor dilute the denarius, reducing it in a pair of decadesinscription on the edge of a Swedish coin was made in 1670In a similar way, dishonest buyers had trust to a coin of copper. To hide the value reduction the coin was manibvs ne laedar avaris meaning may I not be hurt by ,worthy stamps engraved in the metal objects, dipped in a silver bath. When this did not help, the denariusgreedy hands. Today ornaments on the edge of coins helpthat did not match the real value and weight.ceased to function as an international coin of trade.blind people and coin machines to tell the differencebetween the different values.8 A supplement to nordstrmfrAnks editoriAl toolbox 2009 nordstrmfrAnk Ab,, 9. Payment Security HistoryIN THE FUTURE: Death of the credit cardMobile phone to carry your cashComeback of precious metals Swedbank, Swedens no 1 issuer of bank cards, foresees that, asAlready a patented system, Cashbutler allows you to download a In a recent study, the Swedish department of economical crime early as 2015, many banks will have stopped issuing their ownsum of your choice from the bank to the sim card of your mobilesays that the evolution towards a completely digitalized payment bank cards. Instead, the market for payment and credit cards willphone. The money can thereafter be used as payment, either system being more controllable for tax and economical crime be dominated by a few big pan-European companies competing through an sms-like message or by placing the phone on a plate inspection will have the black market going back to trading with for the customers with the card fees only. by the cash terminal, where the amount is automatically drawn. gold, silver and precious stones. 1890s 19511958Early 1960s 1967 1978 American shopping mallsModeled on the business BankAmericard, the forerun- The rst magnetic stripOn June, 1967 the worldsFrench inventor Roland introduced charge coinscard, Frank McNamara manu-ner to Visa, was introduced payment card was launchedrst cash machine with Moreno comes up with the numbered metal badgesfactured the rst modernin California. The same by the London Underground. a complicated punch-card chip technique. It was quickly giving the customer the rightcredit card Diners Club.year, American Express wasTen years later, the magnetictechnique was opened inintroduced on telephone to shop on credit. The dataIt was made out of paper andlaunched and in the rst daystrip became the standard forEneld, a suburb to, but it was not until mid were checked in a register originally the card was only275,000 card applications credit cards too.No more than a week later, the 1980s that the French banks kept in the cash desk. accepted in luxurious restau- were made by the Ameri-rst Swedish cash machinebecome rst in the world using Nordiska Kompaniet inrants around Wall Street. can public. Mastercard was was opened at the office ofpayment cards with a chip. Sweden introduced a similarlaunched in 1966.Uppsala Sparbank in Uppsala. Swedish chip bank cards made system during the 190s.their debut in 2004.500 600700 800900 1000 11001200 1001400 1500 1600170018001900 17551988 199920022005 Despite the use of watermarks,With 17 000Swedish con-Phishing where a scammer gets hold of The rst pharming-attack takes place in silver threads and the mentioning oncases, cheques sumer magazineinformation about an account through a fake the US. Pharming is when a hacker cracks the every note that the punishment forfrauds peakedRdRn Internet site or e-mail reached Sweden. security system of, for instance, a bank and forgery was hanging, forgery increasedin Sweden. A reported on the Mastercard customers got an e-mail from a redirects customers logged in on the banks tremendously with the spreading offew years later, new phenomenonMastercard address asking them to click a linksecure site, to a false one where the customer printing techniques. Therefore, the cheque as aof skimming for that took them to an exact copy of the Mastercard then enters information about her/his account. the Bank of Sweden founded Tumbameans of pay-the rst time.homepage. When customers then entered infor- bruk, a paper-mill manufacturing ament was dying.mation about their accounts and passwords,info grAphics: nordstrmfrAnk unique paper for notes in 1755.this information was sent to the scammer. fActs och texts: filter mAgAzine, sweden 9 A supplement to nordstrmfrAnks editoriAl toolbox 2009 nordstrmfrAnk Ab,, 10. Payment Security Skimming What is skimming? The making of a false credit card skimming is when information in the magnetic strip of a credit card gets copied. thereafter, 1 the information is either transferred to another card, or used for purchases on the internet, or by telephone or mail order. A magnetic card writer with a USB connection costs a few hundred US dollars, and can be ordered online from manufacturers in China. 2 The software is only 2MB, enabling the scammer to download it from the Internet when needed. This way, he doesnt have to store it on his hard drive. 3 Miniature skimmerShop skimmerATM skimmer Discrete to the point where a waiter orDuring a break-in a copying By placing a copying device a shop assistant could hide it in theirdevice is placed inside the shops(a skimming card reader) in front of hands and copy your card without own card reader, or a completelythe ATM card reader, or mounting a you noticing. Since the skimmernew, especially prepared, cardcompletely false front, the scammer The information can looks almost exactly like the device terminal. During another break-in,can steal the information connected be written on both new being used for cleaning credit cards,the equipment gets picked upto your account when you withdraw and old credit or membership another way of skimming is when youand the information used. your money. This is often combined info grAphics:nordstrmfrAnk cards, as long as they are get your card cleaned but in reality with a spy cam that registersfActs And texts: equipped with a magnetic strip. copied while watching. your PIN code. filter mAgAzine, sweden10 A supplement to nordstrmfrAnks editoriAl toolbox 2009 nordstrmfrAnk Ab,, 11. Unlimited editorial useNordstrmFrank owns After purchase (500) all rights to the Editorial all the material in thisToolbox according to the toolbox is free to use in any copyright law and all other channel and on anyapplicable legislation. number of occasions as Any other use of the long as it is used forEditorial Toolbox than what editorial purposes. is permitted in the left hand column, therefore consti- The material in tutes an infringement to the Editorial Toolbox:the rights of Nordstrm- Must not be used in any Frank, and could therefore form of advertisement lead to indemnities and - Must not be shared or other legal measures. distributed to any third Publication party - Must not be sold in any Upon publication, please form to any third party state: Infographics: NordstrmFrank . CopyrightIn order to secure the The Editorial Toolbox and development of the its contents have beenEditorial Toolbox, feel free developed by Nordstrmto send a pdf copy of theFrank. 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