esperanza renace por pam muÑoz ryan 1. what does this statement mean to you? aquel que hoy se cae,...

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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Esperanza Renace


1. What does this statement mean to you?

“Aquel que hoy se cae, se levantará mañana.”

“He who falls today may rise tomorrow.”

Main Characters and Setting of the Story


Esperanza es una chica que vive con sus padres en Aguascalientes, Mexico.

Su padres son muy ricos y su padre es un dueño de tierra.

Su familia tiene una casa grande y bonita, y tambien tienen criados.

Esperanza tiene una vida facil y amable.

Can you find Aguascalientes?

Su vida en México

Su padre tenía un rancho con fruta, veduras y ganado

Criados y Vaqueros trabajaban para la familia de Esperanza

La criada de la casa es una indigenia.

Se llama Hortensia.

2. These are some of the main characters at the beginning of the story.

Esperanza (Tenía 12 años al principio) Su mama, Ramona Su papa, Sixto Su Abuelita, grandmother Su mejor amiga, Marisol Rodríguez Hortensia, la criada Alfonso, El esposo de Hortenisa Miguel, El hijo de Hortensia y Alfonso Tío Luis, the bank president and Sixto’s step-brother Tío Marco, mayor of the town and Sixto’s step-brother

En la historia,la vida de Esperanza cambia mucha.

Hay malos eventos que pasaron en México, y la familia

de Esperanza tuvieron que salir.

3. What do you think happened to force them to leave? Make a prediction.

4. In 1930, the United States was going through a terrible crisis called the Great Depression.

Many people lost their jobs and homes.

Banks closed and people lost all their money.

The weather was very dry which destroyed many farms.

People were desperate to find work anywhere just to feed their families.

A lot of people moved to California to work in the fields.These men are all unemployed.

This is a Mexican family in California looking for work.

These women are trying to take care of their families.

These are Mexican children in California.

Their parents are probably working in the fields.

Suddenly, Esperanza’s life changed drastically.

Instead of living like this . . .

She started living like this . . .

She and her mother moved from place to place looking for work in the fields.

5. Write down five ways you think Esperanza’s life would have changed.

6. Do you agree with this Mexican proverb?“Es más rico el rico cuando empobrece que el pobre cuando enriquece.”“The rich person is richer when he becomes poor, than the poor person when he becomes rich.”

We often hear about poor people who become rich, but what about rich people who become poor?

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