eric schmedt

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Eric Schmidt Delivers the opening keynote at the 2011 IAB Annual

Leadership MeetingHanin Rwaished 30403Diana Al-Laham 30945

Why do you use your mobile phone?

Identify 3 types of mobile users?

Why is the scale of market important for you as a student?

To Identify

The consumers, the people you want to hire

The problem, the challenge and objective

What is the value for customers?

What is secret of Google's approach?

To Solve

What is Double click?


Can you please operationalize the term change in Schmid's talk?

*The migration to online advertising

What does schmidt mean when he said " the market decides"

What is the key insight?

How can we approach advertising?

What is the publisher's solution?

To give more CHOICE in CONTROL

Identify the characteristics of the new online advertising model?

1) Client pays based on Effectiveness of ad placements 2) Elimination of pop up ads 3) Usage of contextual ads on SEARCH ENGINES 4)Usage of BANNERS AND RICH MEDIA ADS

Can you please capture the vision of of the future of information in one key word?

What do you think about the key term?

An easy way to use to get through certain work, field, or environment.

Who is the author of The Age of Access: The New Culture of Hypercapitalism, Where all of Life is a Paid-For Experience?

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