english upsr essays

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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ESSAY 1 : My pet

My name is _________.Im _________.I love _________ very much. I have many _________at home. Its about _________ (numbers) _________.But only one that i think very special to me - its _________ (your pets name). Actually, my father bought _________one year ago from a pet shop. He gave to me as a gift because I got a good result in final examination. Im so happy because i can add my friend. I promised to myself that Ill take care of _________. _________is a female _________. Now, its 2 years old. _________ is a _________(your pet species).That is why, its has beautiful, smooth, and thick fur. _________ has a round and fluffy face. Its also a wise pet because it can take care itself. For example, she knows where and how to eat, drink, sleep and the most important things is she knows whereto pee.My fatherbuild a small house for my favourite _________,_________.My father also constructed the house from high quality woods. The size is very small. It can be refuge to _________ from sunlight and raining. So that _________ will comfortable and happy. I bought long rope and small ball that is suitable for _________ to play. _________ likes to play with them when she is free .When she plays with the ball and rope, she is very concentrate without pay heed to the people around her. During the holiday, _________ and i spend time together. Ill bring _________ to go out to recreation places near to my house. At least, we can reduce our stress and to have some fun. Im very happy to have a pet like Comel. Comel is likes my friend at home.I love comel so much.I hope comel will grow in good surrounding and be a good pet. Thank you.....

ESSAY 4 : My Bestfriend

Every person was born in this world needs a friend though only one. Without friend may our live bored and quiet. Therefore look for friend that makes our live more vibrant and meaningful. Friend and a good friend are different. A good friend is the friend closest to us. Friends may be easier to find but hard to find a good friend. Among the characteristics of a good friend is loyal friend, honest, trustworthy, responsibility and others. Faithful friend are the key features that should have good friends. Without this features may be broken friendship relationship. A loyal friend is always with us whether its hard or easy. World of camaraderie individuals now hard to find as well as our friend just as happy alone and its difficulty he had no sight of us with the availability of its loyal friends, friendship will improve and close. Features such as honest also should have a good friend to make the friendship last long. Honest is all speech, words, and deeds are true without lie. Honest thing in a relationship friendship is important though quite difficult place and will discourage friends. But, we must remember that our friends are definitely angrier with us if we lie to her. Honesty also makes their friendship flourish away from fights. Other features that should be included on our good friend are trust. Trust is implementing the responsibilities given to us know how to keep a secret is also a good friend features. We cannot reveal the secret of our friends from the knowledge of others. Without this features it would cause our friends offended and angry to us and thus can alienate friendship relationship. All the above features are very important to me to ensure long and friendly relations remains happy. But in my opinion is the best friend is the friend who took me and herself towards goodness. Friend like this will maintain the friendship because God loves anyone close to him. So, I hope to have many friends who can bring me towards the better. Thanks to all the friends who have taught me what life means to me. Thanks a million.

ESSAY 2 : My dream

My name is Farah Nini.Im 16 years old.Next year,ill confront with SPM examination.So fearful but i hope ill get a good result and can be accepted to USM in Pulau Pinang. I love science subject because it can see the powerful of Allah in create living things.Its so interesting.That why i desire to be a scientist when i grown up. In my opinion,scientist can bring me closer to Allah because scientist expose me to creation of Allah.Matter that to appear me to be a scientist is many scientist from the west became a muslim.(Glory be to Allah the Almighty) To be a scientist i must get a good grade espescially science subject and english subject,because it is necessary in scientist daily life.Therfore,i must master in this subject to be a calibre scientist. Unfortunately,i find myself weak in english subject.The prove is,in every test that i take,for sure that mark for english subect is very low than the other subject.Sometimes i feel hopeless but i must remember that Allah dontlike the hopeless people. However,i like it when the people around me such as my family,friends,teachers and cousin speak in english.my opinion is the people who can speak in english is so great. One day,my school held a public spaking competition in commemoration of english day.My friend took part in this event.Whan she start her speech,that time,i feel its amazing even though i dont understood the speech. Last but not least it is my hope that ill be a good in english subject and achieve my ambition to be a succesful scientist soon.The imortant thingsis to be avail to society,religion and country so thatour country will move forward similar the other country. Thank you..........

The Embarassing Moment In My Life

The most embarrassing moment in my life is when I entered the wrong toilet. It supposed to be entering the ladies room, but entered the gentlemen room. It happened when I am hurriedly to pee. I am hurriedly pay for the toilet until I forget that the ladies room was at left, but I entered the right side that is gentlemen room.In the toilet there it was no people there, because of that I am thinking I was right. Then, I go pee at the toilet. When I finished, there are men were going to zip out his trouser to pee. Then the men and I were screamed out loudly. Then I am hurriedly going out from the room.When I am out then I realized that I got entered the wrong rest room. For the lesson is, next time I will always able in calm and not be hurriedly like that moment anymore.

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