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Post on 08-Nov-2014






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£100millionin research fundingreceived since 2008

Established in


Engineering College

TOP 10

UndErgradUaTE dEgrEEs



ansea U

niversity –













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02 Be part of our success

05 Why Engineering?

07 Why Engineering at swansea University?

10 Our location

13 Employability

16 an international perspective

18 Entry requirements

22 aerospace Engineering

26 Chemical Engineering

30 Civil Engineering

34 Electrical and Electronic Engineering

38 Environmental Engineering

42 Materials Engineering

46 Mechanical Engineering

50 Medical Engineering

54 Product design Engineering

58 sports science and Engineering

60 Foundation Year Engineering user/suEngineering


£100millionin research fundingreceived since 2008

new knowledge = new teaching{ }staff


Engineering at Swansea University was established in 1920. From our initial beginnings based on local links with industry, we have expanded. We have links with companies and institutions around the world. Some of the most brilliant engineering minds in their fields work here, together with inquisitive students who are prepared to push the boundaries of engineering further.

Do you want to be part of a University where engineers are involved in beating the world land-speed record, solving the world’s water shortages or collaborating with globally recognised companies? These are just some of the activities taking place here.

We’re ambitious and so should you be.

OUr rECOgniTiOn:• Our strong research base means that our courses are kept right up-to-date.

We have a well-earned international reputation for innovation of new techniques and ideas in engineering.

• Engineering at Swansea University is ranked 8th in the UK, for the combined score in the research quality across the Engineering disciplines, according to the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). The RAE assesses the quality of research in the UK Higher Education sector, assuring us of the standards we strive for.

• We offer accredited degrees in a range of engineering subjects. For more information see:

WE’rE prOUd Of tHE SUccESS Of OUr gradUatES in HElping tO EnginEEr OUr fUtUrE. WitH OUr WOrld-claSS rESEarcH, linKS WitH indUStry and OUtStanding facilitiES, WE prOvidE a grEat Start tO yOUr fUtUrE carEEr.


“ The University proved to be an excellent base for both studying and celebrating success.

Michael Weberstadt, graduated with a First Class mEng Civil Engineering degree in 2010 and is now completing a Phd in Computational Engineering at swansea university

Visit us!


Engineering College

TOP 10

(raE 2008)

EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 3

sUCCEssWe succeed, so you can


Tradition moving forward:



international opportunities

Links with universities

across the world


Qs stars awarded

for teaching

range ofaccredited


Established in



Courses up-to-date with industry trends

Employment prospects

degree programmes equipping you with

the right skills

Links with


EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 5

Do you want to apply maths and science to the real world and actually make a difference?

Do you want skills that will keep you in demand for your entire career?

Do you want an opportunity to change the way in which we live?

Do you want to be in a challenging and lucrative profession?

Are you fascinated by the way things work?

Do you like solving problems?

can you work hard?

Are you creative?

EnginEEring – ThE FUTUrE

WhY EnginEEring?









We offer accredited undergraduate degrees in a variety of engineering subjects. The accreditation is based on regular, rigorous reviews of our course content and delivery by the Professional Bodies. This means, that after an accredited degree from the college of Engineering and structured industrial training, our graduates can aim for the prized chartered Engineer status. this gives our graduates valuable experience, whilst adding to their qualifications, status and career prospects.

The accredited BEng degree programmes fully satisfy the educational base for an Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and partially satisfy the educational base for a chartered Engineer (cEng). a programme of accredited further learning will be required to complete the educational base for cEng.

prOfESSiOnally rEgiStErEd cHartErEd EnginEErS (cEng) Earn On avEragE SalariES Of


avEragE Starting Salary fOr gradUatES in

(Engineering UK 2012 report)

engineering and technology £24,953

higher than average


I decided to study Engineering at Swansea University as I have had a longstanding interest in chemistry and Science in general. Engineering applies science to practical projects. Swansea has a global reputation for Engineering. When I visited the staff were especially welcoming and enthusiastically showed me around their excellent facilities.

currently, i am a Unit process Engineer at phillips 66, Humber refinery, north lincolnshire. this job directly uses the skills i learned throughout my time at the University. The valuable insight into the industry provided by the tutors in the college of Engineering, when i made my application, was most helpful. i was offered the job whilst still studying, pending successful completion of my degree at an appropriate grade.

ceri James unit Process Engineer at Phillips 66,Chemical Engineering graduate

Engineering is a diverse field. The subjects you could study range from aerospace, chemical, civil, Electrical and Electronic, Environmental, Materials, Mechanical, Medical, Nanotechnology, or Product Design.

Starting Salary fOr all gradUatES Of

choose an accredited degree and earn More!

£62,386 dUring tHEir carEEr.


if you answered mostly yes... then engineering could be the right course for you!

EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 7

Our ground-breaking multidisciplinary research informs our world-class teaching. Several of our staff are leaders in their fields. Our world-class research is fed into our teaching. Students can often learn about new concepts before they are even published in text books. This creates an exciting and stimulating study environment for you as a student here.

We are a supportive environment. From our engineering mathematics resources, helping you to succeed in your degree, to careers advisors, assisting you to secure your first graduate job, we aim to help you be successful at university and in your degree. Our staff and students all share the same goal; to be ambitious and achieve their best. the Engineering Staff-Student committee has representatives from every subject and year group. This gives students the chance to provide comments and feedback about the programmes. Student views really do matter to us and are reflected in course delivery and content.

We have strong and established links with industry nationally and internationally. Our knowledgeable academic staff and students are valued by companies to bring a new perspective and insight into the latest engineering developments. Our industrial links benefit you as a student because:

• close working with industry ensures you’re kept up-to-date with industry trends

• collaboration with industry improves employment prospects

• practical degree programmes ensure that you are equipped with the full range of skills required to make a major contribution to organisations from day one

From our well-equipped modern laboratories, multimedia suites and study rooms, to the creation of the £22 million centre for nanoHealth, we have the equipment and resources to complement the innovative developments taking place at the college of Engineering.


WhY EnginEEring aT sWansEa UniVErsiTY?

The quality and availability of the laboratory equipment and IT systems is much better than anything I’ve seen at any other university.

luke Burke bEng medical Engineering


We have collaborative links with the following companies:

• Tata Steel • Rolls-Royce• Airbus• AkzoNobel• Axion Recycling• BAE Systems• BASF• Bayer• cogent• Ford

• HBM ncode• Novelis• Jaguar land rover• Pilkington• QinetiQ• RWE Innogy• TIMET• TWI (Wales)• vale inco

OUr indUsTrY Links:

Here at Swansea there is plenty of access to resources such as specialised labs and brand new cutting-edge equipment. There are laboratories for experimental work in structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, nanotechnology, electronics, communication, metallography, chemical processing, geotechnics and materials testing.

We offer Beng and Meng degree programmes. BEng degree schemes are of three years duration. The MEng course requires an additional year of study, which is set at a Master’s level. the normal entry is to level 1 (1st year), but if you do not possess relevant qualifications for direct admission to level 1 you may pursue a foundation year.

We have active student societies at the college of Engineering and within the University. The Engineering Society is a great way to meet like-minded people, take part in events held during term time and extend your knowledge via talks. you can enjoy socials ranging from pub golf to paintballing or 5-a-side football.

the swansea University Formula student team design and build a single-seater racing car to compete against other universities in the UK at a number of events. this on-going competition is highly regarded by the engineering industry since it provides an excellent source of innovative ideas and highly motivated graduates. Find out more at This year, the Swansea University team was able to develop and build the first successful integration of an engine with turbocharging and continuous variable transmission in the history of UK formula Student. the car was light and presented a totally new compact packaging.

Many of our courses offer the opportunity for a year in industry which can be undertaken in the UK or overseas. the advantages of this placement year are extensive. For example, not only will you gain valuable industrial experience, you are also paid a salary for that year. currently, the average annual salary is over £15,000. Support and guidance is provided to help you secure a placement, with cv writing workshops, presentations from students and companies, and advice on job hunting and application tips.

Bursaries worth up to £3,000 rewarding academic success


£250 million

new Science and

Innovation Campus

coming soon:


EnginEEring at SWanSEa UnivErSity 9

One of my favourite memories of the course is taking part in formula Student. The invaluable hands-on experience is highly and widely recognised by employers.

david Winfield MEng Mechanical Engineering and EngD Researcher


I chose Swansea University as it offered one of the few Product Design courses that had just the right combination of design and engineering, while at the same time having a high reputation for its Engineering department and for the University in general. I deliberately chose the year in industry option as i had heard about how much of a boost it provides while looking for employment after university.

During my placement with Praxair Surface Technologies, I won the 2012 Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP) ‘Maths in Work’ competition, for writing a piece to show how i used gcSE/a level maths in my work with the company. i decided to enter the competition as it was an opportunity to explore how my studies related to the work I was a part of at Praxair.

This year has been an incredible insight into the world of business and production, showing how what I was learning could be applied practically in the real world.

alice hardy BEng Product Design Engineering (with a year in industry)

More info

about Formula

Student at:



tHE city By tHE SEa WitH ExcEllEnt SpOrtS facilitiESSwansea University is home to exceptional sports facilities, including the Wales national pool, Swansea, and the state-of-the-art Sports village.

tHE UnivErSity in a parK, in a city, By tHE BEacHSwansea University was the UK’s first university campus. it is set in rolling parkland overlooking the majestic sweep of Swansea Bay, and within easy reach of the city of Swansea. the gower peninsula, Britain’s first “area of Outstanding natural Beauty”, is within easy reach from the University. Unspoilt beaches and dramatic cliff top views provide a stunning location for water-sports, cycling and walking.

the campus has a great atmosphere and location. Being situated in the parkland between the city and the gower, there is so much to do. Some of my favourite memories of Swansea are of the varsity sport competitions against cardiff and bonfire nights spent out on the beachfront.

emma Basketter Graduate Highways Engineer at Halcrow,Civil Engineering graduate


EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 11

More info at:



EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 13

91% of Engineering graduates were in employment or further study within six

months of graduation (hesa data 2010-11)


OUr EnginEEring gradUatES arE ExtrEMEly EMplOyaBlE and EnJOy a vEry HigH EMplOyMEnt ratE. tHEy arE gOOd prOBlEM SOlvErS WitH ExcEllEnt nUMErical and analytical SKillS WHO HavE BEEn EncOUragEd tO tHinK innOvativEly and crEativEly.

Many Engineering students go on and become world-leading engineers aiming for chartered status. The skills gained through an engineering degree also allow for work in areas as diverse as banking, teaching, law or general management.

We do everything we can to support and guide students, whatever direction they want to take. Whatever you want to achieve in life, an Engineering degree at Swansea can help you to get there.

Our close links with industry provide a large number of industrial contacts. Students have an opportunity to be involved in practical and research projects with our industrial partners. Students also have the opportunity to work in industry during a year out or during vacations.

We receive vacancies from companies who are specifically looking to recruit Engineering graduates from Swansea University. These vacancies are posted on our Facebook page and on college noticeboards.

Extra-curricular industrial visits and talks are also organised. They are very important elements of the student experience and development. There are also numerous other opportunities for students to interact with industry. This includes individual and group projects directly linked to companies, industry sponsored competitions and an engineering careers fair.

Every year, we organise a number of careers events and activities for our students. an annual careers fair is attended by many of the UK’s largest graduate recruiters. as you would expect, the University offers a full central careers service with specialist advisors, databases of vacancies and one-to-one appointments to discuss cvs, applications, interviews and career paths. We encourage all of our students to take the opportunity to use these facilities and services. you can find more information about the careers centre at

frOM gradUatES Starting tHEir carEErS, tO tHOSE WHO HavE BEEn WOrKing fOr SOME yEarS, WE caUgHt Up WitH a fEW Of OUr gradUatES tO HEar HOW StUdying EnginEEring at SWanSEa UnivErSity HElpEd tHEM gEt WHErE tHEy arE tOday.

andrew BrunsdonProject manager,Civil Engineering graduate

going to Swansea University was the turning point of my career; making me expect more from myself and instilling a sense of passion and drive that has made me the engineer I am today.

presently, i am working as a project Manager in the challenging Oil Sands sector in Western canada and without the knowledge gained studying civil Engineering at Swansea, in particular Soil/Structure interaction, I wouldn’t be here and involved on a multi-million dollar highly technical project. For that I am grateful.

Swansea University is a great place and stays with you forever; nearly 10 years after leaving i am still involved with the “SU Old Boy’s Hockey club” even being 4000 odd miles away!

elliot Fissenden-loweMEng civil Engineeringconsultant civil Engineer, Jacobs

sarah-Jane reesBEng Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineer, cr plus ltd

nicholas david senior Concept designer for General motors in Hollywood,mechanical Engineering graduate.

nicholas recently launched his Chevrolet tRu 140s in detroit.

The main reason I decided to study Engineering at Swansea University was that I had always been fascinated by engineering and the various disciplines that you end up learning, from design to aerodynamics right through to some very intricate mathematics. Mechanical Engineering at Swansea University gave me the opportunity to experience several different classes and give me a wide breadth of knowledge.

The second reason was due to its location. I was competing in surfing competitions around the country as well as representing Wales in the European surfing championships. you can surf, mountain bike, rock climb down the gower – it’s just a great place to balance your studies with extracurricular activities.

From an academic point of view, it was the standard of teaching. The engineering amenities were also great. I did my final thesis on the aerodynamics of racing cars and aircraft, so having a wind tunnel on site was useful.

Being required to work in group environments several times during the course was also good practice for real working environments too. I made some great friends from the group projects.

From a social side, meeting so many people from different areas of the country and even different countries was an eye-opener. It brought me out of my shell and I certainly matured a great deal during the course.

The great thing about engineering is the various disciplines that make up the course, giving you a great foundation to whatever career path you decide to go down in the future. i went on to specialise in vehicle design by doing a Masters course.

We’re proUd oF the sUccess oF oUr gradUates. here is a selection oF oUr recent gradUates:

EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 15

Jessica MatthewsBEng chemical Engineeringnuclear graduate planning Engineer, EDF Energy

osian West MEng Aerospace Engineering (with a year in industry)Design Engineer, Triumph Motorcycles

Matthew hillBEng Mechanical EngineeringDesign Engineer, BAE Systems Submarine Solutions

sophie porter thomasMEng Aerospace EngineeringStructural Engineer, Airbus

My time at Swansea gave me four years of fantastic experiences that have served me well in the challenging environment of the oil industry. Not only did Swansea give me the engineering skills required to progress with a career in the oil industry, it also provided me with many key life skills.

The department was a friendly close knit group that meant valuable working relationships were developed at all levels including lecturers and senior members of the department. In addition, the department had many extra-curricular activities that students were actively involved in organising and planning – from the annual cheese and wine party to the more serious industrial training visits.

delyth Williams Process Engineer at the Phillips 66 Humber oil refinery, Chemical Engineering graduate

lewys Jenkinsdevelopment Engineer for Jaguar land Rover,Electronic and Electrical Engineering graduate

Aerospace Engineering draws together the pinnacles of many different fundamental areas of engineering, such as mechanical, material and electrical engineering. Swansea University has an excellent grounding in all of these subjects, which allows Aerospace Engineering students to gain a good working knowledge in these key areas.

The breadth and flexibility of the course allowed me to rapidly become a key member of many large-scale, multi-disciplinary projects in my subsequent professional career.

The lab work and experiments were particularly useful. A key part of being an effective professional engineer is the communication of thoughts, ideas and concepts to a range of audiences. Undertaking a diverse range of experiments and producing reports about them has stood me in very good stead for my professional career.

Swansea has a fantastic social side, and it is very likely that the group you graduate with will later become a valuable professional network.

“ “


chris Walton Flight test support Engineer, marshall aerospace, Cambridge,aerospace Engineering graduate

My intention was to study in Wales, and Swansea offered it all! it has one of the most respected Engineering departments in the UK and is a world-leader in research. When I first visited Swansea, I was given a real sense of professionalism which I felt would serve me well in laying a good foundation for working in industry. At Swansea there is a clear feeling of motivation from the lecturers, which, when partnered with the excellent facilities, provides an environment which allows students to achieve their full academic potential.

My current role requires the use of the core technical knowledge I gained whilst studying at Swansea, and makes use of engineering management skills in order to deliver projects which are completed effectively and on time.

Swansea provided an excellent foundation in engineering, in both technical and management skills. This, combined with the support i received from the careers department, has allowed me to secure a position on one of the top rated graduate schemes in the country.

Studying Engineering at Swansea has given me a promising future, and has provided me with the skills necessary to gain employment in the toughest of economic climates.

We are a truly global engineering college. Our links with institutions and companies span the world. Our international reputation for innovation means that we attract eminent engineers from all over the world, whose input enhances our already global position.

Students from over 60 different countries currently study Engineering at Swansea. they chose our college to gain the engineering knowledge to be successful in their future careers.

We offer BEng and MEng degrees that are professionally recognised throughout the world due to the rigorous accreditation process by Professional Bodies.

Students from outside the UK often join the college at level 2 of the undergraduate degrees, having studied for an overseas diploma. We have formal links with many institutions around the world including in Hong Kong, USa, Malaysia, india, china and many more.

The international approach doesn’t just extend to students from overseas joining Swansea. All students are encouraged to study, work or travel abroad as part of, or alongside their degree programmes. Some students choose to undertake a year in industry after the second year of their studies.

an inTErnaTiOnaL PErsPECTiVE

EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 17

Swansea University has a fantastic academic history, with the college of Engineering at the forefront of the many renowned research projects that have gained it worldwide recognition. I chose Swansea because I wanted to be a part of the great innovative research that takes place here, as well as being able to learn from the highly skilled lecturers and researchers.

I was also extremely motivated by the collaborations that the University has gained with various industries and companies. The fact that lectures and labs are tailored towards industrial standards also appealed to me.

There have been so many memorable moments during the past three years. Some of the best memories come from the year two group design project that offered the opportunity to work as part of a small team to design an electronic micromouse. Having to meet customer specifications and requirements was the main focus of this task. We ran into all sorts of challenges and difficulties but at the end, the project was a huge success. We enhanced our managerial, technical and analytical skills in problem solving that a typical engineer has to face in everyday life. It was valuable experience.

At the end of that project, I valued the importance of working as a team; my team may not have won the micromouse contest but the

togetherness, commitment and focus of the team definitely made us winners.

With all the skills and experiences gathered in the last three years, I will be continuing with further education. I have been given the honour and opportunity to study for my PhD at Swansea University, due to my excellent performance and dedication throughout this course. I will then become a lecturer, which has always been my dream. The BEng course encompassed various areas which assisted me in way of progress, including the personal development course which enables the enhancement of communications skills. Being able to acquire such skills has given me a great foundation which will help with further studies.

Swansea University is a great place to study. The student experience is exciting, enjoyable and interesting. the college of Engineering is well equipped with modern industrial machines and equipment that facilitates learning. It helps to bridge the gap between theory and practical. The lectures are nearly always interactive which gives great hands-on experience and the lecturers are all very friendly and always willing to help. I can honestly say there has not been a dull moment at Swansea University.

professor Javier Bonet, Head of the college of Engineering, awarding the Top Student prize to Augustine Egwebe during the graduation Reception celebrations

This year the Top Student prize was awarded to Augustin Egwebe, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, from Nigeria, who achieved extraordinary results (100% in at least one module!) and graduated with a first class Honours degree. augustin is continuing at the college of Engineering as a phd student.

WE caUgHt Up WitH aUgUStin aftEr Winning tHE aWard tO find OUt WHy HE dEcidEd tO StUdy at SWanSEa UnivErSity, HiS MEMOriES Of tHE cOUrSE and HiS fUtUrE planS.

typical UK entry reqUireMents We welcome a wide range of qualifications such as A levels, the international Baccalaureate, BtEc and relevant equivalents.

Typically, A level offers are around BBB for the BEng schemes and AAB-ABB for the MEng schemes.

We recognise the individual nature of each application and so the standard offer should be viewed only as a guide. In some circumstances we may make different offers or points offers where appropriate.

Typical entry qualifications are 3 A levels including Mathematics (chemical Engineering requires a level Mathematics and chemistry. Materials Science and Engineering does not require A level Mathematics).

Other recommended subjects include:

• physics• further Mathematics• design technology• chemistry• it/computing• Biology

for those without the right qualifications, the college offers an integrated BEng scheme allowing access via an initial foundation year.

Students with industrial experience and qualifications will be considered on a case-by case basis.

if you are applying for level 2 entry, in order to be considered, you will need to have already covered the topics offered in Swansea at level 1 in a certified qualification, with a high overall score.

international BaccalaUreateFor the BEng schemes, we look for 32 at IB and for the MEng schemes, we look for 33-34 at iB (including good Hl marks in Mathematics for all courses, except for Materials Science and Engineering. chemical Engineering also requires good Hl marks in chemistry).

Btec BtEc students require ddd-ddM minimum including distinctions in all higher level Mathematical modules. A level Mathematics is also recommended for BtEc students.

international and eUropean Union entry reqUireMentsWe welcome a wide range of qualifications, some of the most popular are opposite. If your country or qualification is not listed here please contact us.

The table opposite is a general guide. The entry requirements displayed are the minimum requirement for level 1 entry and may vary according to factors such as the course applied for, the subjects previously studied and the content of an application as a whole. To allow for this variation, where possible, the entry requirements opposite are displayed as a range of scores.

For the latest

information on

entry requirements

visit our website


EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 19

level 1 entry reqUireMentsWe also offer level 0 entry. visit our website or contact us for further information on level 0 entry requirements.

cOUntry QUalificatiOn MiniMUM ScOrE MiniMUM EngliSH

Austria Reifeprüfung / Matura 2 / Gut Reifeprüfung / Matura English Language Grade 2 / Gut

Brunei Cambridge GCE A Level BCC – AAB Cambridge GCE O Level Grade C6

BulgariaDiploma za Sredno Obrazovanie, or Diploma za Sredno – Spetzialno Obrazovanie

4 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test


Graduation Certificate Zhanke Diploma (possible 2nd year entry), or First Year of an Undergraduate Degree at a Chinese University

60% – 75% IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Cyprus Apolytirio of Lykeio 18 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

France French Baccalaureate 11 – 15 French Baccalaureate English Language Grade 16/20

Germany Abitur 3.0 – 1.5Abitur English Language, provided it has been taken as a Hauptfach / Leistungskurs, and a mark of 10 / gut has been obtained

Greece Apolytirio of Lykeio 17 – 18 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Hong Kong Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

444 – 554Pass Mathematics (compulsory part) with 5 and either M1 or M2 with 4, and pass two other science subjects with 4

HKDSE English Language Grade 3

India Year XII 75% Year XII English – 65%

IranPre-University Certificate (To be considered in conjunction with the High School Diploma)

Pre-University Certificate – 12High School Diploma – 14 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Kuwait PAEET* GPA 2.5 – 3.5 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Latvia Diploms Par Pirma L ımena Profesionalo Augstako Izgl ıt ıbu (Level IV) B IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Lithuania Brandos Atestatas 8 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Malaysia STPM Average Grade 3.00 (B) SPM English Language Grade 6

Nigeria National Diploma Lower Credit WAEC WASSCE English Language Grade C6

Norway Vitenmal Videregaende Opplaering (VVO) 4 VVO English Language grade 4

Poland Matura 70% IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test


Diploma of Technology (from a College of Technology), or Successful completion of the first year of an undergraduate degree at Qatari University

60% – 75% IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Saudi Arabia Associate Degree GPA 2.5 – 3.5 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Singapore Singapore / Cambridge GCE A level BCC – AAB Singapore / Cambridge GCE O level English Language Grade C6

Spain Título de Bachiller 7.5 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education (Advanced level) BCC – AAB IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

United Arab Emirates Higher College of Technology Diploma GPA 2.5 – 3.5 IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in each part of the test

EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity 21

22 aerospace Engineering

26 Chemical Engineering

30 Civil Engineering

34 Electrical and Electronic Engineering

38 Environmental Engineering

42 Materials Engineering

46 Mechanical Engineering

50 Medical Engineering

54 Product design Engineering

58 sports science and Engineering

60 Foundation Year Engineering

We offer a range of engineering degrees based on our expertise in the different disciplines. you can find out more about the degrees in the following pages. For the latest information and full list of courses visit our website Here you will find news, student video profiles and additional information on the course you are interested in.

teaching and assessMent on yoUr coUrseMost course modules last through one teaching block which is also known as a semester, and are delivered in a lecture format supported by example, laboratory and practical classes. They are examined by continuous assessment, written examination papers or by a combination of both. The compulsory modules are predetermined in accordance with the requirements of the professional engineering institutions. Wherever possible, every effort is made to ensure that the learning experience is relevant to the future career aspirations of students. you have every opportunity to attend seminars delivered by visiting researchers and industrial collaborators and to participate in the activities of the professional institutions.

A degree at Swansea is gained through a steady and consistent level of effort and application to your studies throughout your course. We have a modular course structure incorporating continuous assessment, project work and end of module examinations. When you start a degree, you are given a comprehensive ‘degree scheme handbook’ which will outline exactly how each degree scheme and the modules within it are assessed.



I truly believe that an Engineering course at Swansea University gave me an excellent head start in life to build an exciting and rewarding career.

yousef alzuhair Manager in the Business Development Department for a Power and Water Utility Company, Mechanical Engineering graduate




23EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity

From the inferno at the heart of a gas turbine to the computer nerve centre of the cockpit, modern aeronautical and aerospace vehicles demand cutting-edge engineering.

Aerospace Engineering is the classical engineering discipline for the design, manufacture and maintenance of any aerospace vehicle, such as planes and helicopters.

Aerospace Engineering degrees are among the most exciting degrees offered at universities. They are multi-disciplinary and give students a unique insight into the technology needed to travel in, make use of and explore the atmosphere and the universe. If you want to be a high-level decision-maker, with skills demanded worldwide, then choose Aerospace Engineering.

Why study Aerospace Engineering at Swansea University?

Aerospace Engineering at Swansea University is at the forefront of the latest technological developments. Our world-leading technology has contributed to many exciting industrial projects, including:

• Aerodynamics for the current world land-speed record car, Thrust SSC, and the future land-speed record car BLOODHOUND SSC

• Design of the double-decker super-jet Airbus A380

We are seen as a leader in many aspects of aerospace, both internationally and in the UK.

As a student on our Aerospace Engineering degree, you can expect to receive excellent teaching, driven by world-class aerospace research with the use of state-of-the-art facilities. Our degrees give a broad, multi-disciplinary education enabling you to succeed in a wide variety of aerospace related careers.

What does an Aerospace Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

Our Aerospace Engineering degrees are shaped by our research expertise and industrial collaboration. Students benefit from being taught by experts in their field.

As an Aerospace Engineering student, you will study aerodynamics, thermodynamics, computational modelling and aerospace materials, for which the College of Engineering has a worldwide reputation.

We prepare our students for the design, analysis, testing and flight of the full range of aeronautical vehicles, including propeller-driven and jet-powered planes, helicopters and gliders.

Faster than the speed of sound



ce eNG



The BLOODHOUND SSC project, the multifaceted research activities, which all make momentous contributions to major aerospace companies, and the accreditation and liaison with engineering institutions, impressed and motivated me to learn about aerospace engineering at the College of Engineering. Jatin Patrick, BEng Aerospace Engineering (with a Year in Industry)

Examples of final year projects

In recent years our undergraduate students have explored problems ranging from the design of the BLOODHOUND SSC jet intake duct through to hypersonic re-entry space vehicles and even nano-scale molecular flows as their research projects.

Industrial visits

There are opportunities in each year of the course for industrial visits to the likes of Airbus, Rolls-Royce and recently the BLOODHOUND SSC Technical Centre.

What skills will I gain?

The degrees cover the necessary aspects for a successful career in the growing aeronautical and aerospace industries. The comprehensive theoretical studies are complemented by group design exercises, industrial site visits and hands-on aerospace practicals. This offers you the chance to work on current industrially related issues, in addition to laboratory work utilising our in-house wind tunnel for aerodynamics and jet engine test stand.

Practical flying experience is gained from the College’s state-of-the-art MerlinMP521X engineering flight simulator and flying lessons at a local airport. You will also cover a flight test course in aircraft performance, stability and control at a flight school in a Jetstream twin turboprop aircraft.

The aim is for graduates to be able to understand, evaluate and interpret data, develop arguments and make judgements based on fundamental and advanced concepts relevant to the application of engineering to the aeronautical and aerospace industries. Our courses give a broad aerospace education and additionally offer an opportunity to specialise.

After my degree, what are my career options?

Our Aerospace Engineering graduates go on to have interesting and varied careers after being prepared for their exciting future through their studies at Swansea University.

The UK aerospace industry employs around 300,000 people and Aerospace Engineering graduates are continually in demand. Our degrees provide an excellent basis for a professional career in a wide variety of aerospace and related areas.

You can find jobs with aircraft manufacturers and component suppliers, research and development, and space, satellite and weapons systems. You can also work overseas for foreign aircraft manufacturers on joint ventures, and with some of the larger UK aerospace companies who have their own overseas operations.

Our undergraduate scheme also makes our graduates highly desirable in other engineering disciplines such as mechanical, automotive and performance engineering. Logical thinking, problem solving and strong numeracy skills are highly desirable and consequently some graduates choose to seek employment in other areas such as the finance sector, including banking, accountancy and consultancy.

A significant number of our graduates also go on to study for higher degrees here in the College choosing from a range of Masters or Doctoral degrees with extensive industrial links.

Whether you decide to further your education or go on into industry, the vast majority of our students have a suitable job or a place on a higher degree lined up before they have finished their degree.

OUr rESEArchEngineers at Swansea are part of the BLOODHOUND SSC Adventure which aims to take the current land speed record of 763mph to 1,000mph.

The iconic engineering project aims to excite young people about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications. After reading a comprehensive set of principal modules, in order to specialise in your own interest area, you will be able to choose between three streams of study: structural and computational, materials and propulsion or space.

Aerospace Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Aerospace Engineering / UCAS code H400

• MEng Aerospace Engineering / UCAS code H403

• BEng Aerospace Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H402

• MEng Aerospace Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H404

Entry requirements for Aerospace Engineering

at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics)

Meng: AAB at A level (including Mathematics)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


All Aerospace Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED).


Below is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1Design and Laboratory Classes 1Engineering MechanicsScientific and Engineering SkillsIntroduction to Materials EngineeringEngineering Analysis 1Introduction to Aerospace EngineeringStrength of MaterialsDynamic SystemsFluid Mechanics 1Thermodynamics 1Engineering Design 1Engineering Analysis II

Level 2Structural Mechanics 11aCircuit AnalysisThermodynamics 2Computer Aided EngineeringAerodynamicsFlight MechanicsControl SystemsDynamics 1Engineering Design IIExperimental StudiesAirframe Structures

Level 3Gas DynamicsDynamics 2Engineering Analysis 3Engineering ManagementPropulsionHigh Performance Materials and SelectionAerospace Engineering Design 3 Research Project

Level 4 (MEng only)Entrepreneurship for EngineersFlight Dynamics and ControlStrategic Project PlanningNumerical Methods for Partial Differential EquationsRotary Wing AircraftFluid-Structure InteractionComputational Fluid DynamicsGroup ProjectResearch Dissertation

Links with industry

Aerospace Engineering at Swansea University has a distinguished history of working with aerospace companies around the world. We pride ourselves in the extensive collaborations with international companies such as:

• BAE Systems

• Rolls-Royce


• Airbus



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Chemical engineers play an important role in determining our standard of living and quality of life. Their activities span over a wide range of industries and processes.

Chemical engineers design, operate and optimise chemical and physical processes that turn raw materials into valuable products for human use. They also use their skills to dispose of the by-products generated by these processes in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

The demand for Chemical Engineering graduates remains excellent with the highest starting salaries out of all engineering disciplines.

Why study chemical Engineering at Swansea University?

Chemical Engineering at Swansea University is ranked 7th in the UK, according to the Guardian University Guide 2013: league table for chemical engineering.

From authoring definitive text books on chemical engineering to finding solutions to the world’s water shortages, Swansea University has a proud tradition delivering pioneering and innovative process engineering solutions to meet our modern-day needs.

Our courses are designed to meet the needs of modern process engineering. Modules build on established chemical engineering areas with application to energy, health, food, water and the environment.

One of our major strengths is our close and extensive involvement with local, national and international engineering companies.

What does a chemical Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

Our Chemical Engineering degrees cover the necessary aspects for a successful career in a wide range of industries.

Our internationally leading research underpins our taught schemes that provide knowledge of physical, chemical and biological processes. Our enthusiastic staff are committed to excellence in teaching and research, with high academic standards achieved in a modern teaching and learning environment. An excellent rapport exists between the students and staff.

ranked 7th in the UK

Examples of final year projects

• Production of Paracetamol• Manufacture of Hydrogen• Manufacture of Acrylonitrile• Design of a Crude Oil Refinery• The Design of a Process Plant to Manufacture Ethylene from

Sugar and Waste Wood Liquor Feedstocks• Design of a Process Plant to Manufacture Naptha

Hydrocarbons from Gasification of Coal and Anaerobic Biodigestion of Domestic and Industrial Food Waste

• Design of a Wastewater Treatment Plant• Design of a 1500MW Coal Fired Electrical Power Station

Industrial visits

The course involves industrial visits to various companies such as:• Valero, Pembroke Refinery• Avalon (AstraZeneca), Bristol• Aberthaw Power Plant, Cardiff• First Milk, Haverfordwest Creamery• Tata Steel, Port Talbot• Vale INCO Ltd in Clydach, Swansea

I chose Swansea because of the friendly nature of the lecturers and overall department. I felt that I would receive excellent tutoring both in and outside of lectures, from lecturers who had real experience of industry and knew what a Chemical Engineer does. Furthermore, Swansea University demonstrated that they had good relationships with local companies, with previous students gaining valuable experience during placements in industry. There is a long history of Chemical Engineering at Swansea, and I am very pleased that I studied there.

Paul Beer, Chemical Engineering graduate and employed at AstraZeneca


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What skills will I gain?

Our Chemical Engineering degree programmes encourage the development of analytical and creative skills. These skills are necessary for the economic and safe design, safe operation and management of processes from large-scale industrial production to medical applications; from improved food processes and environmental impact.

After my degree, what are my career options?

The demand for Chemical Engineering graduates remains excellent with the highest starting salaries out of all engineering disciplines.

Recently published results from IChemE’s Salary Survey 2012 found that 2011 graduates earned a median starting salary of £28,000 per year, making it the third highest paying degree course after medicine and dentistry.

There are global career opportunities available in a range of industries including energy, water, healthcare and the environment.

See the website for more information on the career options for chemical engineers.

OUr rESEArchChemical Engineering staff carry out research associated with the Centre for Water Advanced Technologies and Environmental Research (CWATER), the Centre for Complex Fluids Processing, the Systems and Process Engineering Centre, and the Centre For NanoHealth. Students are given the opportunity to complete research projects within these centres. There are also opportunities to conduct research projects in any part of the College of Engineering. The Research Centres have extensive experimental and theoretical expertise and are well equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.

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Below is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1Chemical Process PrinciplesChemical Engineering ScienceChemical and Environmental Engineering LaboratoryHeat TransferScientific and Engineering SkillsEnvironmental Awareness for EngineersEngineering Analysis 1Fluid Mechanics 1Engineering Analysis 2Chemical Process Analysis and DesignIntroductory Organic ChemistryInstrumental and Analytical Chemistry

Level 2Separation ProcessesReactor DesignInstrumentation Measurement and ControlFluid FlowStatistical Techniques in EngineeringBiochemical Engineering Principles IProcess Design and SimulationThermodynamics of Process DesignProcess ModellingProcess and Environmental Plant OperationsPilot Plant Operations

Level 3Safety and Loss PreventionSeparation Processes IIProcess Equipment DesignApplied Process EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering PracticeParticulate SystemsReactor Design IIEngineering ManagementEnergy and Low Carbon Technologies

Chemical Engineering Design Project

Level 4 (MEng only)Complex Fluids and FlowsBiochemical Engineering Principles IIMembrane TechnologyOptimisationEthics, Safety and RegulationColloid and Interface ScienceDesign ProjectResearch ProjectIndustrial Engineering Practice


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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications.

chemical Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Chemical Engineering / UCAS code H831

• MEng Chemical Engineering / UCAS code H801

• BEng Chemical Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H832

• MEng Chemical Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H890

Entry requirements for chemical Engineering

at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics and Chemistry)

Meng: AAB at A level (including Mathematics and Chemistry)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.

AccreditationAll Chemical Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).

• GlaxoSmithKline

• Nestle

• Murco

• Phillips 66

• Unilever

• Valero

• Imerys

• Murco

• Solutia

Links with industry

Chemical Engineering at Swansea has always had a good relationship with industrial organisations which are the main destination of our graduates. The industrial inputs to our courses range from site visits to seminars delivered by industrial contacts. The companies include:

• Acordis

• Astra Zeneca

• Avecia

• BP Chemicals

• Bulmers

• Dow Corning

Students who opt for schemes with a year in industry spend the third year on placement with one of our industrial partners. Recent placements have included:

• Dow Corning

• Valero

• Huntsman



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Civil engineers play a vital role in society. They are responsible for the design of the majority of the built environment around us. This includes bridges, tunnels, transport systems, buildings, flood defences and water management.

Why study civil Engineering at Swansea University?

Swansea University is consistently rated as one of the top universities for Civil Engineering in the UK. In the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2008, Civil Engineering ranked 2nd in the UK.

Civil Engineering at Swansea University is well known as one of the most prestigious degrees in the UK. You can be assured of getting the best resources and teaching staff as well as top quality learning facilities.

Our research and development centre, specialising in computer methods for the solution of engineering problems, is acknowledged to be one of the finest in the world. This is why we have been part of the design teams for the NASA space shuttle and the record breaking THRUST and Bloodhound Supersonic Car, amongst many other major projects. This gives you an immediate advantage when it comes to future employment or study. You reap the benefits of being a part of that same cutting-edge team.

Our courses are based on these eminent contributions, on the input of experts in the civil engineering industry and on our own world-wide reputation, which gives you a very real knowledge that your new skills and education will be up-to-date, useful and of the highest quality.

What does a civil Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

Civil Engineering students at Swansea University receive excellent teaching driven by world-class research and strong links with industry.

Our degrees equip students to play an important role in society and also to be prepared to become involved in challenging engineering projects. This includes BLOODHOUND SSC’s attempt to target 1000mph, in which Swansea University’s civil engineers are playing a key part through the design of all the computational fluid dynamics software being used for the virtual testing of the supersonic car.

There are both theoretical and practical elements to the degree courses, to give you a challenging yet hands-on learning experience. You will be designing, building and testing structures to failure, eventually moving on to bigger and more complicated examples like aeroplane hangars, bridges and skyscrapers.

For instance you will:

• Learn to design and analyse large steel and concrete structures using the latest European Design Codes and state-of-the-art computer aided design and modelling techniques.

• Study the behaviour of fluids and learn how to control and manage their flow to your own advantage. This will include flow through pipes, over weirs and spillways, down rivers and the effects of tides and winds.

• Understand the mechanics of soils when designing foundations or earth retaining structures, eventually writing your own computer software to check your results against laboratory experiments.

• Understand Project and Business Management and the engineer’s social and environmental responsibilities. Be trained in all kinds of effective professional communications.

• Be exposed to the outdoor aspects of civil engineering fieldwork through the surveying and geology courses as well as site visits.

ranked 2nd in the UK for research

Examples of final year projectsSome examples of final year industry linked projects include:• Bronglais Hospital - Proposed Expansion (Aecom)• A465 Rassau Industrial Estate Junction (Arup)• A40 Canaston Bridge (Atkins)• Bicester NW – Sustainable Development, Water & Zero

Carbon (Hyder)• Cefn Hengoed School, Swansea (Mott MacDonald)

What skills will I gain?

The objective of the Civil Engineering programme is:

• To provide students with a solid background in the design and analysis of civil engineering structures.

• To build engineering skills of critical importance when working in industry, including the ability to break a complex engineering problem down into its component parts, to sketch/model engineering solutions and to be able to understand and prepare technical reports.

• To build awareness of current Design Practices through the use of the latest Engineering Standards (e.g. Eurocodes).

• To nurture computer modelling skills by encouraging students to develop their own software with the final purpose of analysing realistic civil engineering problems.

• To build critical awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of different design approaches when facing a civil engineering problem, including aspects such as environmental constraints, economy or health and safety.

After my degree, what are my career options?

Graduates are in continually high demand with civil engineering employers. Our degrees provide an excellent basis for a professional career in civil, structural and allied engineering fields. Civil engineers are also highly valued in sectors requiring numeracy and problem solving skills.

Industrial visits

As part of the degree, you will attend a series of site visits to experience civil engineering first hand. Some recent visits include:

• Construction of a school in Port Talbot (Contractor: Dawnus)

• Construction of a learning campus in Penarth (Contractor: Leadbitter)

• Construction of Children’s Hospital for Wales in Cardiff (Constructor: Interserve)

As soon as I got to the gates at the entrance to Swansea University, I knew it was somewhere special. I’d visited perhaps 12 other universities prior to my visit to Swansea, and it was already better than the rest. It was in the middle of a park, it was right by the beach, and it had the right ‘feel’; that all important vibe that makes you comfortable in your environment.

I was thrilled to discover that the Civil Engineering department was (and still is) the second best in the country for research quality. So, what I’d found was, a University that had world class research, excellent teaching, and was a stone’s throw from the beach.

There were only two choices on my UCAS application... Swansea (Civil MEng) and Swansea (Civil BEng). It was Swansea or nothing.

The four years I spent at Swansea University as an undergraduate truly were excellent. Lecturers are enthusiastic about what they teach and are always on hand to answer questions.

Michael Weberstadt, Civil Engineering graduate and now completing a PhD in Computational Mechanics at Swansea University

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ModulesBelow is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1Civil Laboratory 1Engineering SustainabilityEngineering MechanicsScientific and Engineering SkillsIntroduction to Materials EngineeringEngineering Analysis 1Strength of MaterialsSurveyingConceptual DesignCivil Laboratory IIFluid Mechanics 1Engineering Analysis 2

Level 2Structural Mechanics IIaReinforced Concrete DesignBasic Soil MechanicsSteel DesignStatistical Techniques in EngineeringIntroductory Geology for EngineersFluid Mechanics IIStructural Mechanics IIbCivil Laboratory IIIDynamics 1Engineering ManagementCivil Engineering Design Practice 1

Level 3GeomechanicsFinite Element MethodGround and Water Engineering DesignSuperstructure DesignCoastal Processes and EngineeringStructural Mechanics IIIEngineering of FoundationHydrology and Unsteady FlowCivil Engineering Design Practice IIResearch Project

Level 4 (MEng only)Finite Element Computational AnalysisAdvanced Structural AnalysisEntrepreneurship for EngineersCoastal EngineeringDynamics and Transient AnalysisAdvanced Structural DesignFluid-Structure InteractionComputational PlasticityReservoir Modelling and SimulationGroup Project

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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications.

civil Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Civil Engineering / UCAS code H200

• MEng Civil Engineering / UCAS code H201

• BEng Civil Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H202

• MEng Civil Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H204

Entry requirements for civil Engineering

at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics)

Meng: AAB at A level (including Mathematics)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


All Civil Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM).

Links with industry

Our courses are designed to meet the needs of the civil engineering industry. We are continuously reviewed by an industrial liaison panel made up of practising engineers from companies such as:

• Arup

• Atkins

• Binnie Ferguson McIlveen

OUr rESEArchThe Civil and Computational Engineering Centre at the College of Engineering, Swansea University is one of the leading centres in the world for computational modelling research, with fundamental advancements in the field first being made over 40 years ago by Civil Engineers here at Swansea.

Computational engineering is the development and use of carefully-written computer codes to simulate the physics of a particular engineering phenomenon. This often involves very large-scale mathematics being solved using a supercomputer.

Computational engineering is now fundamental to manufacturing, the automotive and aerospace industries, design of civil engineering structures, such as bridges, dams and buildings, oil and gas pipelines, as well as the development of technology for new renewable energy sources, to name but a few.

Exciting current research addresses areas such as: sustainable energy, water engineering, fluid-structure interaction, biomedicine and oil and gas exploration.

• Dean & Dyball

• Halcrow

• Interserve

• Mott MacDonald

• Veryards

Electrical and



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Electrical and Electronic Engineering is amongst the most exciting subjects available to a university student. From mp3 players to the internet and from global mobile phone networks to renewable energy sources, electrical engineering defines the world around us.

If you like a challenge, are good at solving problems and interested in how things work, then you could make a contribution to the technological revolution that is radically changing the way that we live.

Electrical and electronic engineering offers the chance to work all over the world. From the excitement of Formula One and BLOODHOUND SSC, to the massive particle accelerator CERN in Switzerland.

Why study Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Swansea University?

The College of Engineering has an international reputation for electronics research. Our internationally-renowned research in power electronics, telecommunications, nanotechnology and biometrics feeds back into our courses to keep them up-to-date and relevant to industry. Our courses have a strong emphasis on practical lab classes, supported by state-of-the-art equipment.

What does an Electrical and Electronic Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

At Swansea we offer an exciting range of Electrical and Electronic degree schemes. Students can expect to receive excellent teaching driven by world-class research.

Defining the world around

Examples of final year projects• Performance Comparison of Commercially Available

Solar Cells• Smart Grey Water Recycling Monitoring System• Voice Controlled Car• Cyber Warfare: Detection of Online Terrorist Activities• Ultra Sensitive Gas Sensors based on Zinc Oxide and

Carbon Nanostructures

Links with industry

Our courses benefit from an active involvement with industry, with many of our activities being sponsored by companies such as:

• Agilent

• Auto Glass

• BT

• Siemens

Upon graduating I applied for various graduate jobs around the country with three great offers before deciding to take a role with Sagentia as a Junior Embedded Systems Consultant in Cambridge.Hefin Evans, BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering

After my degree, what are my career options?

Students from Swansea University have become senior executives in a range of organisations all over the world. Some have opted to start their own businesses and have become successful entrepreneurs.

Our Electrical and Electronic degree schemes are designed to give both the necessary fundamentals for a solid grounding in the subject and advanced concepts that enable our graduates to opt for careers in industry, research centres, government or as entrepreneurs.

What skills will I gain?

As well as teaching a wide range of technical skills necessary to a successful career in electrical and electronic engineering, our modules and assessments are designed to develop problem solving, team work, report writing and oral presentation skills.

New Scheme

Our BEng and MEng degrees in Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology introduce students to the increasingly emergent specialism of Nanoscience.

Students will learn about new nanoelectronic materials, quantum devices and the techniques required to manipulate and characterise these materials and devices. They will draw on the expertise of staff, and utilise the state-of-the-art equipment of the highly successful Systems and Process Engineering Centre within the College of Engineering.

OUr rESEArchThe main research areas in electronic and electrical engineering include advanced telecommunications where staff are striving to increase mobile phone coverage and decrease optical fibre loss for high speed internet. The Electronic Systems Design Centre focuses on improving the performance of microelectronic devices such as transistors using novel designs and materials. In the Systems and Process Engineering Centre, researchers are developing sensors that are smaller, more sensitive and cheaper than existing technology, as well as improving solar panel performance.

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ModulesBelow is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year and from course to course. For example Dynamic Systems in the first year is replaced by The Quantum World for the Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology degree scheme.

Level 1Digital Design Microcontrollers Circuit AnalysisEngineering Analysis 1Engineering Analysis 2Instrumentation and ControlSignals and SystemsPower Engineering 1Dynamic SystemsAnalogue DesignScientific and Engineering SkillsFunctional and Smart Materials

Level 2Electronic Materials and DevicesSoftware EngineeringCommunicationsElectromagneticsElectronic CircuitsPower Engineering 2Control SystemsSignal and SystemsSemiconductor TechnologyPractical CircuitsGroup Design Exercise

Level 3Design ElectronicsMicrowave Circuits and AntennasSpeech and Image CommunicationsQuantum DevicesIC DesignPower ElectronicsDigital CommunicationsEngineering ManagementNanoelectronicsResearch Project

Level 4 (MEng only)Advanced Power Electronics and DrivesEnergy Efficient Electronics TechnologiesWide Band Gap ElectronicsModern Control SystemsEntrepreneurship for EngineersGroup Project


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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng honours degree qualifications.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering / UCAS code H602

• MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering / UCAS code H606

• BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (with a year in Europe, N. America, Australia or industry) / UCAS code H603

• MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering with a year out (with a year in Europe, N. America, Australia or industry) / UCAS code H600

• BEng Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology / UCAS code H613

• MEng Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology / UCAS code H614

A full list of courses can be found on our website:

Entry requirements for Electrical and Electronic

Engineering at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics)

Meng: AAB - ABB at A level (including Mathematics)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


All Electrical and Electronic Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). This excludes Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology degrees at Swansea University, which are awaiting accreditation by the IET. Swansea University is an Enhanced Academic Partner of IET.



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With the world’s population set to reach nine billion in 2050, obtaining enough clean water, air, land and food becomes even more pressing. It is to environmental engineers that we turn for solutions.

Environmental engineers optimise the use of natural resources, help develop renewable energy sources, maximise the use of materials and make our environment sustainable for generations to come.

A wide range of rewarding career opportunities exist in the private and public sectors, and in health, safety and environment agencies. The demand for Environmental Engineering graduates remains high with excellent starting salaries offered to graduates.

Why study Environmental Engineering at Swansea University?

At Swansea University we offer innovative courses that are based on the rational that environmental engineering is important for all human endeavour and not simply about construction within the environment.

Our Environmental Engineering degrees equip graduates to be 21st century engineers prepared to meet the environmental challenges of industry and society.

What does an Environmental Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

Our schemes provide knowledge of physical, chemical and biological processes and encourage development of the analytical and creative skills necessary for the economic and safe design, safe operation and management of environmental process facilities. They also provide a deep insight into how environmental resources need to be managed to achieve sustainability.

Making our environment sustainable for generations to

Final year projectThe final year features a major project where you will design a process plant with a focus on its environmental impact. As a student on the course, you will gain vital training and experience in working in a team environment on a large scale, industry relevant project.

Industrial visitsSite visits to some of our industrial partners are included in the degree to provide experience with day-to-day operation of process and environmental plants. Examples of industries that our students visit include:

• Welsh Water • AstraZeneca• Aberthaw Power Plant• First Milk • Tata Steel

“ My future plan is to follow a career in renewable energy and become a Chartered Engineer. Studying at the College of Engineering has helped by giving me lots of career advice.Nicole Gawne, MEng Environmental Engineering ”

What skills will I gain?

Our course provides knowledge of a wide range of engineered processes and how they interact with, and impact, on the natural environment.

As a student on the course, you will gain analytical and creative skills that enable you to design, operate and manage process facilities and product development in a way that is safe, economic and environmentally sustainable.

After my degree, what are my career options?

A wide range of rewarding career opportunities exist in the private and public sectors, and in health, safety and environment agencies. The demand for Environmental Engineering graduates remains high with excellent starting salaries offered to graduates.

There is also demand from many other industries and new, small-to-medium enterprises find that they need technical expertise from this discipline to solve process problems and to manage their environmental interfaces.

Links with industry

Environmental Engineering at Swansea University has strong links with industry. This includes both large and small industrial manufacturing companies such as Tata Steel and Tubex, the alternative energy sector, companies in water treatment, and local authorities in the areas of recycling and waste treatment.

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ModulesBelow is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1Chemical Process PrinciplesChemical and Environmental Engineering LaboratoryScientific and Engineering SkillsEnvironmental Awareness for EngineersEngineering Analysis 1Fluid Mechanics 1Engineering Analysis 2Introductory Organic ChemistryInstrumental and Analytical ChemistryChemical Engineering ScienceSustainability in a Fragile World

Level 2Heat TransferSeparation ProcessesReactor DesignInstrumentation Measurement and ControlPractical Environmental ChemistryEngineering for SustainabilityFluid Mechanics IIBiochemical Engineering Principles IChemical Process Analysis and DesignPower for Transport, Industry and the HomeProcess and Environmental Plant OperationsData Analysis

Level 3Safety and Loss PreventionWater and Wastewater EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering PracticeIntroduction to Environmental Law for EngineeringParticulate SystemsEngineering ManagementEnergy and Low Carbon TechnologiesEnvironmental ModellingEnvironmental Engineering Design Project

Level 4 (MEng only)Membrane TechnologyMaterials Recycling TechniquesEnvironmental Analysis and LegislationDesign ProjectDesalinationEthics, Safety and RegulationColloid and Interface ScienceResearch ProjectIndustrial Engineering Practice





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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications.

Environmental Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Environmental Engineering / UCAS code H834

• MEng Environmental Engineering / UCAS code H836

• BEng Environmental Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H2G0

• MEng Environmental Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H2F0

Entry requirements for Environmental Engineering

at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics)

Meng: AAB - ABB at A level (including Mathematics)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


All Environmental Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). We are also seeking accreditation by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). Visit our website for the latest accreditation information.



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Materials Science and Engineering is a multi-disciplinary subject which focuses on how the properties of matter can be controlled for applications in a large number of areas of science and engineering. It includes elements of physics and chemistry, and links strongly to most other areas of engineering.

Materials Engineering combines science with engineering to give an understanding of how designing the structure of materials can control their properties and is one of the most multi-disciplinary science and engineering university degrees.

Materials engineers are at the cutting edge of almost all technological developments in the world. Most new innovations are completely dependent on the choice of material and its performance; whether it is for aerospace, cars, new energy generation technologies or development of sports equipment.

Why study Materials Science and Engineering at Swansea University?

Swansea is one of the UK’s leading centres for materials teaching and research. It is ranked number 1 in the UK for student satisfaction in the National Student Survey 2012, with 93% of Materials Science and Engineering students satisfied with their course. The recent Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008) ranked us joint 8th in the UK and 1st in Wales.

With our outstanding teaching and research facilities and state-of-the-art laboratory and computer technologies, our graduates are equipped to secure excellent jobs or to progress further with high-level research degrees.

What does a Materials Science and Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

Our Materials Science and Engineering degree schemes ensure that graduates develop the technical expertise and key personal skills required for successful careers. The course includes specialist subjects on the structure, mechanical performance and functional properties of advanced alloys, polymers, composites and ceramics. In addition to our BEng and MEng degrees, we also have options with a Year in Industry. Industrial experience is enhanced with site visits to Tata Steel, Timet, Ensinger and Airbus.

Due to the increased application of new materials in the field of sports, we now offer a 3 year degree programme BEng in Sports Materials (J400). As a result, graduates will be eligible for a career in Materials in general in addition to employment in the sports related industry.

Materials at Swansea ranked 1st in the UK for student satisfaction

Examples of final year projects• Metallurgy of a Samuri sword• The Effect of Processing Method on the Mechanical Response

of Titanium Alloys• Intelligent-Release Coatings for the Protection of Metal Surfaces• The Effects of Prodegradants on Weathering of Polymers used

for Tree Shelters• Modelling of the Laser Melting of Metallic Powders• Recycling of Carbon Fibres• Growth of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures• Water Purification Using Solar Energy Photocatalysis

I was lucky enough to gain sponsorship towards my degree from Chevron (a major oil company) so I spent my university holidays working at a refinery to gain industrial experience.

I also spent a sandwich year at the refinery between the second and third year of my degree which gave me a lot of relevant experience and helped in the third year of the course – for example, I’d seen firsthand a lot of the corrosion and metal failure modes we were learning about.

A sandwich year teaches you so much and gives you a huge amount of transferable skills. I graduated with a 1st class degree and was offered an immediate position with Chevron, so the placement experience definitely proved worthwhile.

Tim Rudd, BEng Materials Science and Engineering (with a Year in Industry)



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What skills will I gain?

The technical content covers the fundamental science of materials, the links between structure, processing and properties and engineering design of materials. Hands-on experience includes laboratory investigations using state-of-the-art equipment and computer applications including materials modelling. In the final year research project, students gain further experience in project management, information review and the use of advanced research equipment such as electron microscopy or X-ray tomography.

After my degree, what are my career options?

Materials engineers are at the cutting edge of all technological developments in the world. Their research and knowledge drives science and technology forwards. Our graduates are equipped to secure excellent jobs or to progress further with high-level research degrees.

Career paths include advanced research and development, product design and production management, consultancy and technical marketing in industrial sectors including aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, sports, and energy generation.

Career destinations of some of our recent graduates include:

• Design Engineer with MBA Polymers Ltd

• Materials Engineer with Airbus

• Applications Engineer with Solent & Pratt

• Materials Engineer with Rolls-Royce

• Graduate Engineer with Chevron

• Operational Specialist with Tata Steel

In addition, about 40% of our graduates go on to postgraduate study, normally on funded industry-collaborative places.

OUr rESEArch

The internationally leading materials research conducted at Swansea is funded by prestigious organisations such as Rolls-Royce, Airbus, The European Space Agency, and Tata Steel. The Materials Research Centre has pioneered postgraduate degrees that are tailored to the needs of industry and produce top quality research. This successful approach is demonstrated by a research grant portfolio in excess of £40 million.

The SPECIFIC (Sustainable Product Engineering Centre for Innovation in Functional Coatings) project is a unique research and development facility consisting of a multidisciplinary, international consortium led by Materials staff within the College of Engineering and Tata Steel. The £20 million project includes a £9.5 million award from the EPSRC and TSB to develop functional

coatings to turn buildings into power stations. SPECIFIC is based in a state-of-the-art facility close to the University campus incorporating new laboratories and offices and housing 55 researchers from the University and industry.

The EPSRC Strategic Partnership in Structural Materials for Gas Turbines in collaboration with Rolls-Royce is a major initiative designed to extend the capability of existing high temperature metallic systems and develop novel alloys for potential use within a twenty-year horizon (the so called “Vision 20” materials). In partnership with Birmingham and Cambridge Universities, this £50 million scheme supports post- doctoral level research and a Doctoral Training Centre with a rolling cohort of approximately 30 EngD and PhD students at Swansea University.

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ModulesBelow is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1Design and Laboratory Classes 1Scientific and Engineering SkillsIntroduction to Materials EngineeringMaterials ResourcesMechanical Properties of MaterialsMaterials Case Studies

Level 2Functional and Smart MaterialsMaterials PracticalsOrder and Disorder in MaterialsModelling and Simulation of MaterialsPolymers: Structure and ProcessingMechanical Deformation in Structural Materials

Level 3Fracture and FatiguePhysical Metallurgy of SteelsComposite MaterialsCeramicsMicrostructure and CharacterisationEngineering ManagementResearch Project

Level 4 (MEng only)Materials Recycling TechnologyAerospace MaterialsStructural Integrity of Aerospace MetalsEnvironmental AnalysisEntrepreneurship for EngineersPower Generation SystemsGroup ProjectResearch Dissertation



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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications.

Materials and Science Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Materials Science and Engineering / UCAS code J500

• MEng Materials Science and Engineering / UCAS code J504

• BEng Materials Science and Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code J502

• MEng Materials Science and Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code J503

• BEng Materials Science and Engineering (with a Year Abroad) / UCAS code J510

• BEng Sports Materials / UCAS code J400

Entry requirements for Materials Science

and Engineering at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level

Meng: AAB - ABB at A level

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


All Materials Science and Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3).

Links with industry

Our internationally leading materials research is funded by prestigious organisations including:

• Rolls-Royce

• Airbus

• Tata Steel

These industrial research links provide excellent opportunities for our students to undertake vacation and year-out placements, as well as giving good research and employment opportunities.


Entrance scholarships worth up to £1,500 available to students with high A level grades (or equivalent). Further prizes and travel scholarships are available throughout the course.



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Mechanical engineers are found in every aspect of the engineering industry. They are innovative professionals transforming ideas into inventions.

Mechanical Engineering is a key discipline in today’s highly technological society, and mechanical engineers are involved in the design and manufacture of almost everything you see or touch. Mechanical Engineering at Swansea University maintains a high standard of teaching and research in a relaxed and sociable atmosphere. The course is engaging and interesting with excellent job prospects for graduates.

Why study Mechanical Engineering at Swansea University?

Our undergraduate courses are linked to our international research excellence. Our research is related to practical problems in industry and our expertise in these fields strongly influences the content and presentation of the course material. We use engineering design as a central integrating feature throughout every level of our degree programmes.

Our Mechanical Engineering staff work closely with a range of industries. This keeps our staff constantly up-to-date with the practical problems that are reflected in our teaching. Our courses are stimulating and our graduates are rewarded with excellent job prospects.

What does a Mechanical Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

The College of Engineering at Swansea University is recognised world-wide for its research excellence which is paramount in influencing the course content. Within this high standard research and teaching portfolio, some of the more specific areas of research include computational modelling to underpin product and manufacturing process design, the development of next generation manufacturing technologies for innovative devices, and research to support future energy and process industries.

The overwhelming majority of this research work is directly related to practical problems in industry and our expertise in these fields strongly influences the content and presentation of the course material.

Turning ideas into inventions

Examples of final year projects

• Design of power components for a wave power device

• Understanding the relationship between variability of resource and export cable capacity for combined wind/wave/ tidal arrays

• Race car drivetrain design

• Energy harvesting of vibrations using a piezoelectric generator attached to a HVAC duct

• Motility properties of cancer cells on patterned substrates

• Desert refrigerator

• An investigation of a solar updraft tower

• Finite element analysis of notched beams In bending

• Computer-based strain gauge bending experiment

• Exploring the use of lasers for skin conditions and their treatment

• Printing alkaline batteries

• Composite roof panel demonstrator design

• Current state-of-the-art in the generation of hydrogen using solar energy

Industrial visits

Within the scope of the teaching programmes, the student experience is supplemented by a range of industrial visits. A few exampes of the companies visited include Rolls-Royce, GE and Airbus.

In addition to this, on the Year in Industry programmes, students have the opportunity to gain expert advice in CV writing, presentation skills and interview skills.

What skills will I gain?

All aspects of mechanical engineering are involved in new product development. As an example, consider a hybrid car. The Research Engineer will be concerned with fundamental research on aspects such as efficient fuel combustion, aerodynamics, control systems, structural mechanics and crash-worthiness. The Design Engineer will use this knowledge, together with various computer packages, to produce a new design that combines style with performance, quality and reliability. The Development Engineer will test the performance of the prototype in the wind tunnel and on the test track and, with the Design Engineer, will make any modifications necessary. Manufacturing Engineers will develop the manufacturing systems to produce the car in a cost effective way, which will involve high levels of automation with extensive use of computer based systems to complete the manufacturing process and to control the manufacturing system itself.

The key skills required to do each of these jobs include fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, structural analysis, materials, manufacturing, design and management. Our courses all contain a series of modules in each key skill ensuring that our students can learn how to be professional engineers.

After my degree, what are my career options?

Mechanical engineers are found in every aspect of the engineering industry. They are involved in automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, power generation, chemical plant, and manufacture of raw materials like steel, aluminium and composites. The newer industries also rely on mechanical engineers, such as renewable energy, recycling systems, even extreme sports equipment design.

Mechanical engineering covers the widest range of products of all branches of engineering. The Mechanical Engineer, who needs to be at the leading edge of technology, is probably the most versatile and therefore the most marketable of all professional engineers. Many engineers take on a more managerial role as their career develops.

FOrMULA STUDENT At Swansea University you can design and build a single-seater racing car to compete against other universities. Find out more on page 9.

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Below is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1Engineering SustainabilityDesign and Laboratory Classes 1Engineering MechanicsScientific and Engineering SkillsIntroduction to Materials EngineeringEngineering Analysis 1Strength of MaterialsFluid Mechanics 1Thermodynamics 1Engineering Design 1Manufacturing Technology 1Engineering Analysis 2

Level 2Heat TransferFluid FlowCircuit AnalysisThermodynamics 2Computer Aided EngineeringDesign of Machine ElementsDynamic SystemsDynamics 1Stress Analysis 1Engineering Design 2Experimental StudiesManufacturing Technology II

Level 3Finite Element MethodDynamics 2Manufacturing OptimisationEngineering Analysis 3Engineering Design 3Control SystemsFluid Mechanics 3Engineering ManagementMechanical Engineering PracticeResearch Project

Level 4 (MEng only)Entrepreneurship for EngineersCondition Monitoring and Plant OperationStrategic Project PlanningAdvanced Fluid MechanicsOptimisationComposite MaterialsSimulation Based Product DesignModern Control SystemsGroup ProjectResearch Dissertation



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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications.

Mechanical Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Mechanical Engineering / UCAS code H300

• MEng Mechanical Engineering / UCAS code H304

• BEng Mechanical Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H305

• MEng Mechanical Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H306

Entry requirements for Mechanical Engineering

at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics)

Meng: AAB at A level (including Mathematics)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


All Mechanical Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED).

I chose the College of Engineering at Swansea University for a few reasons; the variety of courses, the range of modules within the course; and for its reputation as a good place to learn engineering as an undergraduate.

I was very drawn in by the professionalism of the staff within the Engineering department. Before choosing Swansea University I was given a tour, in which all staff and students were friendly and welcoming. The facilities are excellent and the resources available are unparalleled.

Studying at the College of Engineering is enjoyable and it has made me realise how great engineering is as a subject. I have enjoyed studying engineering so much here that it has driven me to study it to a higher level in the future. It has certainly further ignited my already great passion for engineering!

Richard Pearson, BEng Mechanical Engineering (with a Year in Industry)



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Medical engineering is the application of engineering principles to both the human body and to a broad range of instrumentation used in modern medicine. The subject is multidisciplinary, combining engineering subjects and medicine.

Why study Medical Engineering at Swansea University?

The courses at Swansea University draw on the exciting medical research that is taking place within the College of Engineering and the College of Medicine. The research success in the two colleges led to the creation of the £22 million Centre for NanoHealth (CNH), a unique facility linking engineering and medicine.

What does a Medical Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

Our Medical Engineering degrees are taught within the Colleges of Engineering and Medicine at Swansea University. This reflects the strong collaboration that exists between both colleges at undergraduate level.

In the final year, there will be an opportunity for students to undertake research projects within the College of Medicine or within local NHS hospitals. Teaching will take place within both Colleges.

The subject by its nature is multi-disciplinary and this is reflected by the exposure of the students to a broad range of activities; from the design of prosthetic devices and new biocompatible materials, to the study of the behaviour of complex bio-molecules and fluids with the body.

Our Medical Engineering degrees have three engineering themes:

• Biomechanics and materials: the development and analysis of materials in terms of strength and biocompatibility

• Instrumentation: advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques

• Bioprocesses: physical and chemical processes occurring in the human body

A strong clinical theme runs throughout the course, including case studies within engineering modules, e.g. design of electrocardiograph circuitry in Level One Electrical Engineering module, and biological and clinical modules taught within the College of Medicine, which are specifically designed for the medical engineers.

cutting-edge research informs our medical engineering

Examples of final year projects

• The use of robotics in surgery• Snoring problems and solutions• Analysis of lymphatic flow• The design and comparison of heart valve models• Mechanical analysis of the gastrointestinal system• Data visualisation from medical sensors• Automated imaging and analysis of tumour cell proliferation• The reduction of bacterial adhesion at medical implant surfaces

Site visits

• Medical physics and clinical engineering department at Singleton Hospital

• Biomet: a company based in Bridgend that is specialised in the design and manufacturing of joint replacements

• Clinical engineering department at Morriston Hospital

What skills will I gain?

Our Medical Engineering graduates gain the skills of engineering, whilst also providing employers with the added experience and knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and the ability to communicate with clinicians.

Our courses are designed so that graduates have sufficient strength in engineering to be able to function effectively as a mainstream engineer.

After my degree, what are my career options?

Job opportunities in the field of medical engineering are good and cover a wide range of careers. These include established technologies such as the design and manufacture of medical instrumentation and devices. For example, dialysis machines and artificial hip joints.

Opportunities also exist for clinical engineers within the NHS. They provide a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic services in collaboration with medical professionals.

Funding for medical research is growing rapidly and is likely to continue to grow. There is an increasing need for researchers to work at the interface between the traditional disciplines of physical and biomedical sciences. A graduate in Medical Engineering would be ideally placed to take advantage of these opportunities.

Graduates may wish to remain in Medical Engineering, transfer to one of the conventional branches of engineering, or study medicine in the longer term. Our courses also provide a suitable background to help gain entry into medical school.

OUr rESEArch

Academics at Swansea work within a diverse range of medical engineering research areas. Examples include the characterisation of bacterial biofilms, which has been used in the development of therapeutic particles for the treatment of cystic fibrosis.

In tissue engineering research, academics at Swansea are looking at the mechanical properties of different tissues and the mechanical properties of stem cells. Further tissue engineering research at Swansea focuses on the development of bone implants.

Another exciting area is the development of printed electronics and silver containing fibres for the next generation of wound healing dressings. We also have a major project between engineering and a local hospital looking to monitor blood clotting through characterising the visco-elastic properties of blood and how these change when clots form.

Spend a semester in Texas: As part of our undergraduate exchange programme with Texas A & M University, Medical Engineering students have the opportunity to study a semester of their degree in Texas.

My semester at Swansea was hands down one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It was a successful study abroad for me both academically and socially. The professors are eager to help and when I left I felt like I had a very good understanding of the material. Swansea honestly feels like a second home to me and I hope to be back there soon.Michelle Eifert, from Texas A&M University, recently spent a semester at Swansea University

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ModulesBelow is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1

Engineering Analysis I & IIIntroduction to Medical EngineeringInstrumentation and ControlFluid MechanicsStrength of Materials

Level 2

Cell Biology and Cell Mechanics for EngineersComputer Aided EngineeringSelected Medical Diagnostic TechniquesProcess Modelling

Level 3

Implant & Prosthetic TechnologyComputer Aided Product DesignMedical Engineering Group Design projectIndividual Research Project

Level 4 (MEng only)

Medical ImagingComputational BiomechanicsEthics, Safety and Regulation in EngineeringProject with Medical Industry or NHS


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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications.

Medical Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Medical Engineering / UCAS code HB18

• MEng Medical Engineering / UCAS code HBIV

Entry requirements for Medical Engineering

at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics)

Meng: AAB - ABB at A level (including Mathematics)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


All Medical Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

I chose Medical Engineering as I liked the way in which the course covered so many disciplines of engineering, from mechanical to electrical, as well as the chemical and biological studies which were fairly new to me.

I felt that studying such a range of topics, both individually and jointly, would make the course far more interesting than focusing on a single discipline of engineering. On top of this I felt the advantage of having a wide spread of skills in engineering and chemical sectors improves my job opportunities, especially when considering project management style positions.

Luke Burke, BEng Medical Engineering

Product Design


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Product Design Engineering degree courses are technical, creative, practical and innovative to enable students to design the products of the future.

Why study Product Design Engineering at Swansea University?

The College of Engineering has a range of courses in Product Design for students who wish to continue Design and Technology beyond A level.

Our product design courses are a good balance of engineering and product design, meaning our graduates have a vast range of skills for employment when they have completed their degree.

What does a Product Design Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

Our Product Design Engineering degrees are particularly suited to students with an interest in Mechanical Engineering and who also have a creative design ability they want to develop further.

Courses are structured to teach students how to take a product from the initial concept and design stages right through to production and manufacture. In the early stages of design more artistic skills are used, from hand sketches to sketch models, while the design detailing requires the application of engineering sciences in mechanics, fluid mechanics and other areas. Finally, design for manufacture requires an understanding of the performance of materials and the processes of manufacture. Our Product Design Engineering degrees cover all of these areas.

The main themes of our courses are:

• Product Design

• Computer-Aided Engineering Design

• Engineering Sciences (solid mechanics, fluids, thermodynamics)

• Materials Science, Manufacturing

• Project work with an industrial application

Taking a product from design to

Examples of final year projects

• Design of a prothestic leg

• A conceptual design and economic feasibility analysis of robotic device to help disabled or elderly people

• Composite roof panel demonstrator design • Solar powered desk light • Analysis of rock climbing protection

Links with industry

Over recent years staff and students have worked with a wide range of industries on a variety of projects.

Recent collaborations include:• Airborne Systems - Parachute design• SKF - Bearing design parameters• Swanturbines – Renewable energy turbines• Brecon Coaches – Design of new minibus• Connaught Cars – Sports car design• Swansea NHS – Wheelchair lift and plaster cast performance• Bloodhound SSC – Part of design for world land speed

record attempt

What skills will I gain?

The Product Design Engineering degree scheme offers a coherent learning experience designed to satisfy industrial requirements for our graduates. The course is taught in a modular format, with theoretical subjects alongside assignment based learning. Practical learning is through the studio based product design projects, the CAD computer lab based engineering design and (optional) involvement in the mechanical workshop for the design, build, test and race of our formula student race car.

After my degree, what are my career options?

With the Product Design Engineering courses giving a good balance of subject material in both engineering and product design, the graduate has a vast range of skills making them very marketable when they have completed their degree.

OUr rESEArchASTUTE (Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies) is a £27million project, led by Swansea University in collaboration with other universities in Wales. It targets the aerospace and automotive sectors, as well as other high technology manufacturing companies to create sustainable, higher value goods and services

and bring them to a global market. Product design and innovation, the manufacturing route, lifecycle analysis and market deployment are a few of their areas of expertise that they bring to companies to assist throughout the different stages of the manufacturing process. Find out more at

57EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity

ModulesBelow is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1Engineering SustainabilityDesign and Laboratory Classes 1Engineering MechanicsScientific and Engineering SkillsIntroduction to Materials EngineeringEngineering Analysis 1Strength of MaterialsProduct Design Workshop 1Engineering Design 1Manufacturing Technology IEngineering Analysis 2

Level 2Circuit AnalysisComputer Aided EngineeringProduct EvaluationDesign of Machine ElementsStatistical Techniques in EngineeringFluid Mechanics 1Thermodynamics 1Stress Analysis 1Engineering Design 2Manufacturing Technology IIProduct Design Laboratory 2

Level 3Computer Aided Product DesignFinite Element MethodManufacturing OptimisationEngineering Design 3Mechanical Deformation in Structural MaterialsEngineering ManagementHigh Performance Materials and SelectionResearch ProjectProduct Design Laboratory 3

Level 4 (MEng only)Entrepreneurship for EngineersStrategic Project PlanningPower Generation SystemsMaterials Recycling TechniquesEnvironmental Analysis and LegislationOptimisationComposite MaterialsSimulation Based Product DesignGroup ProjectResearch Dissertation



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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications.

Product Design Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Product Design Engineering / UCAS code H150

• MEng Product Design Engineering / UCAS code H155

• BEng Product Design Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H154

• MEng Product Design Engineering (with a Year in Industry) / UCAS code H156

Entry requirements for Product Design

Engineering at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics)

Meng: AAB - ABB at A level (including Mathematics)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


All Product Design Engineering degrees at Swansea University are accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED).

Students on this course will have a great opportunity to learn world-leading design and modelling software used by the leading international design engineers and corporations.

Sports Science and Engineering is the application of key engineering and human science principles to sport and exercise challenges. This new degree scheme is designed to develop your core knowledge in design, mechanical and structural analysis, materials and computational modelling. It also provides insight in physiology, biomechanics, psychology, sport and exercise science.

Sport and Exercise Scientists and Engineers play key roles in shaping athletic success as well as promoting healthy activity.

Why study Sports Science and Engineering at Swansea University?

Our Sports Science and Engineering degree schemes benefit from the expertise and research-led teaching in the College of Engineering, which is also home to the Sport and Exercise Science department.

As a student on this programme, you will experience the best of both worlds, interacting with students on the MEng and BEng Mechanical and Product Design Engineering programme and sharing enthusiasm and challenges faced in assessing human performance with students on the BSc Sport and Exercise Science programme.

What does a Sports Science and Engineering course at Swansea University involve?

At Levels One and Two, you will gain a thorough appreciation of design, mechanics, instrumentation and control, materials, engineering analysis, physiology and biomechanics, anthropometry, exercise metabolism, human neuromusculoskeletal systems and sports and exercise psychology. A significant proportion of the sport and exercise science biomechanics and physiology modules are spent “hands-on” undertaking laboratory work.

Level Three is designed to broaden your skills in, and knowledge of, engineering management, computer-aided design with further understanding of biomechanics, psychology, human nutrition and physiology. You will gain experience of state-of-the-art 3D scanning and rapid prototyping equipment to assist the design process. In the final year project, you will apply your engineering skills to a sports related project.

The MEng is a four-year programme, with the first three years identical to the BEng degree. At Level Four, you will broaden and deepen your knowledge of key themes, including: biomechanics, exercise and sport physiology, computational intelligence and data analysis, finite element analysis and computer modelling, design project and management and entrepreneurship.

What skills will I gain?

As a student on this degree programme, you will be introduced to modern techniques in computational problem solving and presentation, including analysis data collection and interpretation and study design analysis. You will also be equipped with transferable skills, including team working, communication, presentation, problem solving, and analytical skills.

After my degree, what are my career options?

A degree in Sports Science and Engineering will give you the technical knowledge and experience required for a successful career in the fields of sports engineering, sports and exercise physiology, sports biomechanics, human nutrition and psychology, and engineering design and analysis.

Engineering sporting


Science and


Olympic Games stretch human strength

and endurance. Understanding fundamentals

of sports science and applying engineering

knowledge can help athletes go further.


59EnginEEring at swansEa univErsity

ModulesBelow is a sample of the modules that you might expect to study at each level. It should be noted that these do vary from year to year.

Level 1Fluid Mechanics IEngineering Design IEngineering SkillsStrength of MaterialsEngineering Analysis I and IIIntroduction to BiomechanicsHuman PhysiologyInstrumentation and ControlDesign and Laboratory Classes IHuman Neuromusculoskeletal Systems

Level 2AnthropometryHeat TransferEngineering MechanicsDynamics IStress Analysis ISports Psychology 1Instrumentation Measurement and ControlComputer-Aided EngineeringEngineering Design IIExercise Metabolism

Level 3Polymers, Materials and ProcessingEngineering Design 3Individual ProjectExercise PhysiologyBiomechanical Analysis of Human MovementSports Psychology 2

Level 4 (MEng only)Computational Intelligence in EngineeringGroup ProjectResearch DissertationEntrepreneurship for EngineersFinite Element Computational AnalysisSport and Exercise PhysiologySimulation Based Product DesignSports Biomechanics

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course structure

We offer innovative and exciting full-time degree programmes leading to BEng and MEng single honours degree qualifications.

Sports Science and Engineering courses we offer:

• BEng Sports Science and Engineering / UCAS code CH61

• MEng Sports Science and Engineering / UCAS code CH6C

Entry requirements for Sports Science and Engineering

at Swansea University

Beng: BBB at A level (including Mathematics)

Meng: AAB - ABB at A level (including Mathematics)

We view each application on an individual basis and make a range of offers.

For full details on entry requirements, including recommended subjects and other accepted entry qualifications, please see page 18.


As this is a new scheme, all Sports Science and Engineering degrees at Swansea University are seeking accreditation by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).




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Providing wider access to accredited honours

Engineering offers an enormous range of opportunities for graduates. If you do not have typical entry qualifications, or are an overseas student without the entry requirements for the first year, these four-year schemes are designed to provide wider access to accredited honours degrees.

Why study an Engineering Integrated Foundation Year at Swansea University?

The Foundation Year scheme is a common one which leads on to any of our branches of engineering. It is not a stand-alone qualification, but is the first year of a 4-year BEng degree, hence why it is known as an integrated programme.

As all Foundation Year students study the same modules, there is a good rapport amongst students which creates a friendly and supportive study atmosphere to allow students to really concentrate on getting the good grades they require to progress onto the different engineering pathways.

The majority of our Foundation Year students work very hard and pass all modules with good marks, which means that they are in the perfect position of being able to choose one of our engineering degree schemes.

What does an Engineering Integrated Foundation course at Swansea University involve?

The Foundation Year class is made of students with a wide range of backgrounds, primarily those who didn’t study the correct qualifications to allow level 1 entry to one of our degrees.

The scheme is just the same as any other year of engineering. As a student on the course, you will be allocated a personal tutor and will have regular tutorials throughout the year alongside the lectures, laboratory and seminar classes.

Students typically progress to a BEng degree, but it is also possible to move up to the MEng degree after the end of level 2 (this is the end of the third year for foundation year students as their first year is known as level 0) provided you have around a 60% average. Completing a MEng degree from the foundation year will take 5 years. Numerous foundation year students have progressed right through to MEng level and many have graduated with our top qualification, a 1st class honours degree.









What skills will I gain?

The syllabus and content of modules has been rigorously developed over time and is varied in delivery. Modules are largely technical in content, concentrating on gaining the applied mathematical and scientific knowledge to ensure success in an engineering degree.

After my degree, what are my career options?

Career prospects for Engineering graduates are excellent, with starting salaries well above the national average. It is currently around £25,000 per year.

Throughout our courses at Swansea University, you will find professional development modules and career skills seminars ensuring that our students are successful in finding employment that is right for them. Engineering graduates work not only in engineering, but also in law, finance, teaching and general business management.

Our graduates are highly numerate with the ability for complex problem solving, which ensures they are always in demand.


As a student studying on the Foundation Year, don’t worry that you will miss out on an accredited engineering degree. You won’t. The courses are accredited by a range of professional institutions. Depending on which course you choose, will depend on which Professional Body accredits your degree.

The various examples of accreditation organisations include IET, IMechE, IOM3, IChemE, RAeS, JBM and IED.

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ModulesThe modules below give an indication of the types of subjects studied during the common Foundation Year. This should be used as a guide as all modules are subject to change as we constantly review our courses.

Modules will include subjects in the following areas:

• Mathematics• Key skills for engineers• Fundamentals of materials• Thermofluid mechanics• Engineering science• Chemistry• Electricity and magnetism• Mechanics









Engineering Foundation courses we offer:

• Aerospace Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code H405

• Chemical Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code H835

• Civil Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code H205

• Electrical and Electronic Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code H605

• Environmental Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code H837

• Materials Science and Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code J505

• Mechanical Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code H307

• Medical Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code HBC9

• Product Design Engineering Foundation Year / UCAS code H157

• Engineering Deferred Choice Foundation Year / UCAS code H101

Entry requirements for Engineering Foundation

Year at Swansea UniversityWe accept a wide range of qualifications and backgrounds for the Engineering Foundation Year. Each application is considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the educational background and work experience of the applicant.

For A level or IB students wishing to be considered for the foundation course, our standard offer is CCC at A level or 26 at IB.

All applicants are also expected to hold GCSE (or equivalent) Mathematics and all Sciences at grade B or above.

Mature students with relevant work experience or access courses with a good mathematical and science content are also considered for this scheme and an interview may be required.

Students studying for BTEC or other vocational qualifications who might not have the right pre-requisite Mathematical background for level 1 entry, are also encouraged to apply for this scheme. The entry requirement for BTEC students is DDM.

International applicants are welcomed to this scheme with a variety of qualifications which are not of the right standard to allow standard level 1 entry. See page 18 for more information.

English Language Support for International Students

If you are considering joining the Foundation Year programme from outside of the UK, we will require IELTS 6.0 or equivalent in order to join our foundation scheme, but we do provide English Language support classes for any student who wishes to join them. If your English is not at the required level for entry directly into Engineering, we would recommend that you consider studying English Language for up to a year with our English Language Training Service (ELTS) department who offer an excellent range of courses. Visit for more information.


q. can I visit Swansea University?

A. Yes. We offer a number of Open Days ( throughout the year and in addition we are also happy to arrange independent visits. Just get in touch! We really encourage students and their parents/friends to visit us to get a feel for Swansea and the University.

q. Does the college offer part-time or distance learning options?

A. We offer part-time options. However, all the courses are taught on campus. Distance learning is not available.

q. Should I choose an MEng or BEng degree?

A. The prestigious MEng degrees demand higher entry qualifcations, so you firstly need to see whether you can meet this. The MEng is a 4-year course which covers every aspect of engineering to work in the engineering industry. MEng students typically go on to be influential engineers and managers so the emphasis during the course is on team management and some very high-tech engineering skills based on our world-class research. An accredited MEng is the fastest way to achieve the educational requirements for Chartered Engineer status (CEng).

However, the BEng degrees are often the most popular option and contain everything you need to know to be an engineer. Students can choose to take a further ‘matching section’ if they wish to apply to be a Chartered Engineer. The matching section can be achieved through further study, typically during a master’s degree or studying alongside employment on graduate training schemes.

There is no right or wrong here, but the key is, if you want to become a Chartered Engineer, you should ensure that you choose an accredited degree, whether it is BEng or MEng. The first and second year of our degrees are the same, whether you are on an MEng or BEng scheme. There is the opportunity to transfer between courses at the end of the second year provided you have achieved a 60% average.

q. Do I need A level Mathematics?

A. Students ask us this frequently. The answer is that some schemes do require Mathematics and others don’t. Materials Engineering can be studied without A level Mathematics and can be an excellent choice for those looking for a slightly less mathematical engineering degree. The remainder of the schemes do require Mathematics to A level standard or equivalent. However, our integrated Foundation Year schemes are designed to allow students without Mathematics to study Engineering – it just means an additional year of study at university.

q. can I choose a year in industry?

A. Many of the courses offer the opportunity for a year in industry, which can be undertaken in the UK or overseas. In recent years, students have used this option to work or study in Europe, America and Australia. This will add a further year to the length of the programme.

Want to find out more?

If you’re a teacher, careers or education advisors, visit our website for more information on the resources available. We are happy to visit schools or colleges and give talks on a range of topics.

Summer Taster courses

We run summer schools every year designed for year 12 students who are thinking about applying to university. They are residential courses which give an insight into all our courses and help students decide whether an engineering degree is likely to be for them. They usually run in July and you can register your interest in the summer schools throughout the year. To find out more information, visit:

If you require any further information about what we have to offer, you can contact Engineering Recruitment and Admissions on:

College of EngineeringSwansea University, Singleton Park,Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1792 295514


The information we’ve published in this prospectus is intended as a guide for prospective students thinking about studying Engineering at Swansea University. It does not form part of any contract, and we have made every effort to ensure that everything we have included is accurate and up-to-date at the time of going to print in February 2013. Swansea University reserves the right to change our fees, regulations, and services, and to modify, withdraw, or add new courses and degrees programmes at any time, and without notice.This prospectus is printed on paper made from pulp produced from sustainable sources using vegetable-based inks. Produced by the College of Engineering, Swansea University. Design: Icon Creative Design, Swansea University is a registered charity. No.1138342

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