energy efficent stuctures

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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The energy for life………..

Energy is essential to our daily lives.It heats our home

Fuel our transport and supplies electricity .At the moment

we use most of the energy come from our

fuels.Unfortunately there is limited supply of fossil fules in

the world we are using them up at a very fast rate.

Why we use energy efficient

structure !

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is "using less energy to provide the

same service".

Energy Efficient Structure

Energy Efficient Structures can be described as the structures that

involve the use of less energy intensive materials required for the


Natural Ventilation

Natural ventilation is the process of supplying and

removing air through an indoor space by natural means,

meaning without the use of a fan or other mechanical

system. It uses outdoor air flow caused by pressure

differences between the building and its surrounding to

provide ventilation and space cooling.


Natural ventilation is important because it can provide and move

fresh air without fans. For warm and hot climates, it can help meet

a building's cooling loads without using mechanical air conditioning


Wood can be cheaper material.

Wood is naturally beautiful.

Wood is naturally insulator.

Wood Structure !

Wood is durable.

Wood is structurally very strong.

Wood is fast and efficient to build.

Wood Structure !

Roofing is a profund effect on our whole structure because it

effects on our building maintiance .

An efficent total roofing system can lower the energy

required for our building structure by 30 percent or more.

If the house is exposed to the low altitude winter sun

should be glazing on the south side.

Masonary walls and concret floor can absorb energy

during the day and release it gradually during the


Otherwise additional measures will be required to avoid

overheating in summer and excessive heat loss at night and on

overcast days in winter.

Structure of our building should be in such a way that we use

maximum sun light instead of electricity applieances.

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