either/or by dylan hastings. butterfly 1.butterflies have club-like antennas. 2.butterflies have...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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By Dylan Hastings


1. Butterflies have club-like antennas.

2. Butterflies have bright colors.

3. Butterflies’ wings are held together when resting.

4. Butterflies are usually active in daytime.

5. Butterflies’ pupa is unprotected and hanging from a branch.


1. Moths’ antennas are feathery.

2. Moths usually have dull colors.

3. Moths are usually active at night.

4. Moths’ pupa is protected by a pupate on the ground or at times, underground.

5. Moths’ wings are open and folded along its back while resting.


1. Alligators have u-shaped snouts.

2. Alligators’ salt glands are non-functional.

3. Alligators’ sensory pits are located at the jaws.

4. Alligators can live 30-35 years in the wild and 50 years in captivity .

5. Alligators’ upper jaws are bigger than their lower jaws.

6. Alligators’ lower teeth cannot be seen when their mouth is closed.


Crocodiles have v-shaped snouts.

Crocodile’s upper jaws are the same size of the lower jaws.

Crocodile’s lower teeth show when the mouth is closed.

Crocodile’s salt glands are functional.

Crocodiles have sensory pits all over their body.

Crocodiles have dark gray-green scaly skin.


1. Rabbits have soft gray, white, and/or black fur.

2. Rabbits have short tails.

3. Rabbits have short hind legs.

4. Rabbits are good house pets.

5. Rabbits are smaller than hares.


1. Hares have long fur.

2. Hares have long hind legs.

3. Hares have short-white tails.

4. Hares have firm-black ears.

5. Hares are larger than rabbits.


1. Tortoises live in fresh water.

2. Tortoises have feet.

3. Tortoises can walk on land good.

4. Tortoises like to be on land.


1. Turtles live in salt water.

2. Turtles have flippers.

3. Turtles can’t walk on land very good.

4. Turtles come in many sizes and have been sold as pets that can be housed in an aquarium.

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