easy to motivate

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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PhD. Diana Moise

Easy ways to motivate your self and others against fears

*Tuturor ne e frica de ceva- de apa, de paianjeni, de inaltimi, de esec , unele devin fobii altele sunt doar niste etape normale in viata noastra SI SA NU UITAM CA ORICE MONEDA ARE 2 FETE DECI……

*Frica de esec-acest tip frica isi are radacinile in conceptia , gresita de altfel, ca tot ceea ce faci trebuie sa aiba 100% succes

*Fear of failure-this type of fear has its roots in the misconception that everything you do has to be 100% successful.

*Frica de succes- Se bazeaza pe ideea ca probabil inseamna mai multa responsabilitate si consideratie dublata si de presiunea (stupida) ca de acum incolo trebuie sa continuii la acelasi nivel

* Fear Of Success-this type of fear is based on the idea that success is likely to mean more responsibility and attention, coupled with pressure to continue to perform at a high level.

*Frica de a fi judecat-acest tip de frica vine din copilarie cand aveam nevoie sa fim apreciati

* Fear Of Being Judged

-this type of fear comes from the need for approval that most people develop in childhood.

*Frica emotionala-vine dintr-o experienta nefasta in care actiunile tale au ca si consecinta ceva negativ si atunci faci tot posibilul sa o eviti

*Fear Of Emotional Pain

-this type of fear is rooted in wanting to avoid potential negative consequences of your actions.

*Frica de te face de rusine-este rezultatul imputernicirii altora cu dreptul sa te judece atunci cand arati ca esti om si poti gresi

* Fear Of Embarrassment-this type of fear is a result of empowering others to judge you when you demonstrate that you’re only human by making mistakes and having lapses of judgment.

*Frica de a fi singur- Este o frica proiectata de societate si strans legata de respingere si stima scazuta de sine

* Fear of Being Alone

-this type of fear is related to rejection and low self-esteem and it is projected by society

*Frica de a-ti exprima propriile sentimente

- Vine tot din frica de respingere si creaza o retinere in a fi sincer in discutiile cu cei din viata ta.

*Fear Of Expressing Your True Feelings

-this type of fear holds you back from engaging in open, honest dialogue with the people in your life.

*Frica de respingere-vine din scenariul ca ceilalti o sa spuna sau faca ceva neplacut care ne va afecta

* Fear Of Rejection-this type of fear comes from personalizing what others do and say, and may affect us

*Frica de intimitate-acest tip de frica se manifesta prin neputinta de a-i lasa pe ceilalti sa se apropie de noi ca sa nu descopere cum suntem cu adevarat

* Fear Of Intimacy-this type of fear manifests itself by an unwillingness to let others get too close, less they discover the “real you”

Frica de necunoscut-acest tip de frica se manifesta atunci cand ne imaginam ca ni se pot intampla lucruri rele, deoarece nu ni le putem explica, daca facem o schimbare in viata noastra

Fear Of The Unknown-this type of fear manifests itself as needless worry about all of the bad things that could happen if you decide to make a change in your life.

*Frica de a pierde-acest tip de frica este legat de o potentiala durere asociata cu o pierdere emotionala semnificativa pentru persoana in cauza

* Fear Of Loss-this type of fear is related to the potential pain associated with no longer having something or someone of emotional significance to you.

*Admite ca ceilalti nu sunt motivati de ceea ce esti tu motivat si ca frica ta nu este si frica lor


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