early middle ages through the crusades. england 1066 william the conquer becomes william i of...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Early Middle Ages Early Middle Ages Through the Crusades Through the Crusades

EnglandEngland 1066 William the Conquer 1066 William the Conquer becomes William I of ________becomes William I of ________ 1215 King John loses lots1215 King John loses lots of land in warsof land in wars Will tax the _________Will tax the _________ To prevent Rebellion he signs the _________To prevent Rebellion he signs the _________

King must get Noble’s permission to __________King must get Noble’s permission to __________ Couldn’t arrest and imprison without just causeCouldn’t arrest and imprison without just cause Limits _________________!!!!!!!!!Limits _________________!!!!!!!!!

11stst document to limit government’s power document to limit government’s power



Magna Carta Raise Taxes

King’s Power

The Rest of EuropeThe Rest of Europe

After Charlemagne the empire was divided After Charlemagne the empire was divided West - ________ generally remains unifiedWest - ________ generally remains unified East - _________ smaller states, ruled by DukesEast - _________ smaller states, ruled by Dukes

936 Otto the Great becomes King of _______936 Otto the Great becomes King of _______ Will help Pope John XII when challenged by Will help Pope John XII when challenged by

the nobles the nobles Pope will crown him____________________Pope will crown him____________________ By 1100s HRE will be ________ not inheritedBy 1100s HRE will be ________ not inherited Must be crowned by the _________ Must be crowned by the _________




Holy Roman Emperor



SpainSpain Located on __________________Located on __________________ Controlled by the Moors = _____________Controlled by the Moors = _____________ 722 Christians begin to try and force them out722 Christians begin to try and force them out Take advantage of Muslim civil war in 1000sTake advantage of Muslim civil war in 1000s Attempt to take back Iberian PeninsulaAttempt to take back Iberian Peninsula

Known as _________________Known as _________________

1236, 3 Christian Kingdoms working together 1236, 3 Christian Kingdoms working together ________ - Queen Isabella________ - Queen Isabella ________ - King Ferdinand ________ - King Ferdinand ________________________

Only Muslim kingdom left is ___________, surrenders Only Muslim kingdom left is ___________, surrenders in ______in ______

Iberian Peninsula






Granada 1492

Power of the ChurchPower of the Church Bishops making day to day religious decisionsBishops making day to day religious decisions Popes becoming corrupt Popes becoming corrupt

Simony - _________________________________Simony - _________________________________ Pope Leo IX – first to try to right the clergy Pope Leo IX – first to try to right the clergy 1054 Excommunicated Constantinople Bishop1054 Excommunicated Constantinople Bishop

Pope’s supporters - ________________Pope’s supporters - ________________ Bishops supporters - _______________Bishops supporters - _______________

Buying and selling of Church offices

Roman Catholics


Catholic Orthodox

Crusades Crusades Religious Wars – launched Religious Wars – launched by Christians to take _________ by Christians to take _________ back from Muslimsback from Muslims Turks attack Constantinople Turks attack Constantinople Pope Urban calls _____________________Pope Urban calls _____________________

Set aside differences Set aside differences Slogan: ___________________Slogan: ___________________

9 crusades, 19 crusades, 1stst successful, the rest not successful, the rest not 1291-Muslims had driven the Christians out 1291-Muslims had driven the Christians out

of the Holy Land of the Holy Land

Holy Land

Council of Clermont

“God Wills It”

Effects Effects

Strengthened existing ______ routes Strengthened existing ______ routes ______ owners didn’t return, Kings gained ______ owners didn’t return, Kings gained

more Land = more _________more Land = more _________ Participants became more _________Participants became more _________ Others became more intolerant especially Others became more intolerant especially

of non-Christians such as ________of non-Christians such as ________






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