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Office of the President

of the Philippines



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This Quality Manual is a property of PCUP, reproduction requires prior authorization.

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Quality Manual


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I. Introduction on the Manual

1. Scope of the Operations Manual

The Manual covers the four (4) major core processes of PCUP; such as:

1.1 Accreditation of Urban Poor Organizations

1.2 Social Preparation

1.3 Conduct of Pre Demolition Conference

1.4 Policy Recommendation and Formulation

2. Contents of the Manual

The Manual provides the policies, systems of procedures adopted and being implemented. It also

defines the structures, functions and responsibilities; major core processes; and management and

support services for the continual improvement of the operations.

3. Amendment of the Manual

The introduction of new policies and procedures, services, organizational structure and core

business processes may necessitate amendments to the Manual.

Requests/suggestions shall be made in writing to the management through the Quality

Management Representative for consideration. This is to ensure that such changes are reflected

in the Manual.

4. Distribution

The Quality Manual and related documents are considered properties of PCUP and reproduction

thereof needs prior authorization.

The manual will be posted in the Transparency Seal of the PCUP website.

II. Definition of Terms and Acronyms

AC – Area Coordinator refers to the PCUP personnel assigned to a specific city or municipality to

undertake consultation, monitor and assist the urban poor in matters relevant to their issues and


ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

AO – Administrative Order

BOS – Basic Orientation Seminar

CBL – Constitution and By-Laws

CBP – Capability Building Program

CDA – Cooperative Development Authority

CHR – Commission on Human Rights

CMP – Community Mortgage Program

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CO – Community Organizing

COC – Certificate of Compliance

CSO – Civil Society Organizations

DBM – Department of Budget and Management

DENR – Department of Environment and Natural Resources

DepEd – Department of Education

DILG – Department of Interior and Local Government

DNIP – Direct Negotiated Installment Purchase

DOH – Department of Health

DOJ – Department of Justice

DPWH – Department of Public Works and Highways

DSWD – Department of Social Welfare and Development

EO – Executive Order

HDMF – Home Development Mutual Fund

HGC – Home Guarantee Corporation

HLURB – Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

HUDCC – Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council

IEC – Information, Education and Communication

KSAs – Key Shelter Agencies

LGUs – Local Government Units

LRA – Land Registration Administration

MRBs – Medium Rise Buildings

NCR – National Capital Region

NGOs – Non-Government Organizations

NHA – National Housing Authority

NUPSC – National Urban Poor Sectoral Council

PCUP – Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor

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PDC – Pre- Demolition Conference

PNP – Philippine National Police

RA – Republic Act

RRAP –Relocation and Resettlement Action Plan

RPMD – Research, Planning and Monitoring Division

SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission

SHFC – Socialize Housing and Financing Corporation

TOSG – Technical Operations Support Group

UDHA – Urban Development and Housing Act

UPAO – Urban Poor Affairs Office

UPO – Urban Poor Organizations

III. General Information about PCUP and the Selected Areas of Operations

1. Mandate

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 82 dated December 8, 1986 the Presidential Commission for the

Urban Poor serves as the direct link of the urban poor to the government in policy formulation

and program implementation addressed to their needs.

As stated in Section 2 of Executive Order 82, PCUP has the following Functions and


To coordinate the speedy implementation of government policies and programs for the poor;

To set up a consultative mechanism which shall provide a forum for continuing dialogue

between the government and the urban poor on the proper planning and evaluation of

programs and projects affecting them;

To accredit legitimate urban poor organizations for the purposes of representation in the

formulation of recommendations to the President;

To review existing legislations, policies and programs of the government relating to the urban

poor, in consultation with the latter, and recommend appropriate actions thereon to the


To evaluate post and on-going shelter-related projects of the government in squatter and

resettlement areas in consultation with beneficiary communities, and recommend appropriate

actions thereon to the President;

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To help coordinate the various activities and services being rendered by the different

government organizations and non-government organizations for the Urban Poor;

To plan and monitor programs and projects for the development of urban poor communities

in coordination with agencies involved;

To request the assistance of any ministry, bureau, office or agency in the performance of its


To facilitate the funding of urban poor programs and projects both, from foreign and domestic

fund sources; and

To perform such other functions as may be authorized by the President of the Philippines.

On March 29, 2012, through Executive Order No. 69 strengthening the Presidential

Commission for the Urban Poor, PCUP was transferred to the Office of the President to

effectively coordinate, formulate, and evaluate policies and programs concerning the urban


Under E.O. 69, PCUP’s mandate are:

a. To undertake social preparation activities related to asset reform, human development and

basic services, employment and livelihood, and other programs of the government for the

urban poor.

b. To participate in policy discussions relating to the urban poor in board meetings of the

Housing and Urban Development and Coordinating Council (HUDCC), Key Shelter Agencies

(KSAs), Local Housing Board (LHB) or other similar bodies.

c. To submit quarterly reports to the OP, relative to the status of compliance with the

provisions of this Order and the pertinent provisions of the law governing eviction and

demolition activities.

Administrative Order No. 111 dated January 30, 1989:

Section 1. Coordination with the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor. – All government

departments, agencies and offices concerned shall coordinate with the Presidential

Commission for the Urban Poor in the planning, implementation and evaluation of their

respective programs and projects for the urban poor.

Section 2. Participation in tri-sectoral dialogues and activities. – All government departments,

agencies, and offices in coordination with the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor, are

hereby enjoined to actively and continuously participate in tri-sectoral dialogues and activities,

involving government, non-governmental organizations and urban poor organizations, in

response to the concerns of the urban poor.

Proclamation No. 367 dated January 30, 1989:

The Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor shall initiate the activities for the observance

of the Urban Poor Solidarity Week (UPSW).

All government departments, agencies, and offices, and non-governmental organizations are

hereby enjoined to extend the necessary cooperation and support in this undertaking.

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2. Vision

A society where the poor are empowered, economically productive and actively participating in

the poverty reduction program and sustainable development of the country.

3. Mission

To fulfill this vision, PCUP vows to undertake the following:

Improve coordination and monitoring for the speedy implementation of government policies

and programs for the urban poor.

Enhance accreditation of legitimate urban poor organizations for purposes of representation

and policy formulation.

4. Clients

The primary client of PCUP are the urban poor.

Urban Poor – refers to individuals or families in urban areas with income below the poverty line as

defined by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) or who are incapable of

meeting the minimum basic needs, and who live in slums, squatter and resettlement areas, or

along riverbanks, cemeteries, high tension wires, or other places in urban areas. (Source: PCUP

Commission Resolution 04-009)

5. Programs

PCUP has the following programs and strategies

5.1. Conduct of social preparation related to asset reform, human development and basic social

services, employment and livelihood and other programs of the government for the urban


a) Community Education including information dissemination

b) Provide assistance in Community Planning

c) Stakeholders convergence including Multi-Sectoral Dialogues

d) Advocacy on Gender and Development, Person with Disability and Senior Citizens.

5.2 Monitoring of Demolition and Eviction activities

a) Monitoring of Demolition and Eviction (Pre–During–Post)

b) Preside the conduct of Pre-Demolition Conference (PDC)

c) Conduct of alternative dispute resolution through mediation

5.3 Monitoring of Resettlement Sites

5.4 Policy and program review, development and advocacy.

5.5 Capability building for the urban poor.

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5.6 Accreditation of urban poor organizations.

5.7 Continuing consultation with the urban poor.

6. Facilities

The offices of PCUP are situated in the following addresses –

Central Office – 5/F DHC Bldg., 1115 EDSA, Project 7, Quezon City

Research, Planning and Monitoring Division (RPMD) – 4/F DHC Bldg., 1115 EDSA, Project 7, Quezon


Information and Communication Technology Unit (ICTU) – 4/F DHC Bldg., 1115 EDSA, Project 7,

Quezon City

Administrative and Finance Division (AFD) – 5/F DHC Bldg., 1115 EDSA, Project 7, Quezon City

Field Operations for NCR – Mezzanine Floor, DHC Bldg., 1115 EDSA, Project 7, Quezon City

Field Operation for Luzon – 6/F DHC Bldg., 1115 EDSA, Project 7, Quezon City

Field Operations for Visayas – Room 303, WDC Bldg., P. Burgos Street corner Osmeña Blvd., Cebu


Field Operations for Mindanao – Door 12 Ebro Pelayo Building Juan Luna Street, Davao City

IV. Organizational Structure and Responsibilities of Relevant Roles

1. General Description of the Functional Units/Sections

1.1. Office of the Chairman (OC):

1.1.1. Formulate and recommend policies for the President’s appropriate action;

1.1.2. Set clear goals, objectives, performance indicators and targets to guide all

Commission Officials and staff;

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1.1.3. Approve operational policies, plans, programs and projects of all PCUP officials;

1.1.4. Monitor and evaluate the performance of PCUP officials and staff;

1.1.5. Submit as Chairman/CEO his semestral and annual performance and commitments

for review and approval by the President and the PCUP’s quarterly progress report

through the Presidential Management Staff;

1.1.6. Relate with key officials/principals of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches

of the government, UN and International bodies, local chief executives, NGOs, UPCCs

and the media;

1.2. Office of the Commissioners (OCOM):

1.2.1. Formulate and recommend poverty alleviation and people empowerment policies and

programs, for approval by the Commission-en-banc, for action by the President or for

consideration, adoption or guidance of concerned government agencies, LGUs, NGOs

and urban poor organizations;

1.2.2. Formulate and recommend PCUP internal operational policies for the Chairman/CEOs

evaluation and appropriate action;

1.2.3. Submit individual semestral and annual performance and commitments for review and

approval by the Chairman/CEO and regular monthly and quarterly progress report

thereof for the Chairman/CEO’s evaluation and appropriate action.

1.2.4. Relate with key officials/principals of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches

of government, U.N. and international bodies, local chief executives, NGOs, UPDDs and

the media, and report to the Chairman/CEO the outcome of such important


1.2.5. Represent the Commission in all inter-agency committees, task forces, and other

related bodies as may directed by the Chairman;

1.2.6. Perform other tasks delegated or assigned by the Chairman/CEO

1.3. Policy Unit

1.3.1. Review Policy Proposals submitted;

1.3.2. Write proponent of the action taken

1.4. Administrative and Finance Division (AFD):

1.4.1. Formulate and recommend administrative and financial policies for the appropriate

action of the Chief Executive Officer;

1.4.2. Establish and maintain a system that shall ensure the smooth delivery of the

necessary monetary, materials, and other logistical support;

1.4.3. Formulate procedures on records management and communications;

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1.4.4. Prepare and implement the budget, undertakes the financial management and

reporting in line with plans and programs of PCUP;

1.4.5. Ensure the availability of essential office supplies and services adopt economy

measure to prevent wasteful use of government resources; and

1.4.6. Provision of services to ensure effective and efficient human resource development.

1.5. Research, Planning and Monitoring Division (RPMD):

1.4.1. The Research, Planning and Monitoring Division shall develop and maintain a

computerized data bank on the programs/projects for the urban poor, status reports

from the Field Operations Divisions, etc. The staff shall likewise:

1.4.2. Initiate and lead planning activities, and assist the Divisions in planning and work

programming exercises, and properly undertaking their own evaluation;

1.4.3. Design and develop appropriate monitoring instruments and mechanism and ensure

the consistency and coherence of the activities of PCUP officials and staff to the over-

all directions set by the Chairman/CEO;

1.4.4. Formulate and recommend policies to improve the PCUP internal organization

systems and procedures, and to enhance its working relationship with other national

government agencies, LGUs, NGOs, UPCCs, and the urban poor organizations;

1.4.5. Conduct research on urban poor related programs, services, laws and issuances;

1.4.6. Conduct research on urban poor data and statistics;

1.4.7. Develop and design Information, Education, Communication Materials; and

1.4.8. Submit the Director’s individual semestral and annual performance commitments for

review and approval of the Chairman/CEO, and his regular monthly and quarterly

progress reports thereof for the Chairman/CEO’s evaluation.

1.5. Information and Communication Technology Unit (ICTU): (under the supervision of RPMD) Per Special Order No. 161-14.

1.5.1. Systems and Database Development – to perform Programming and create database

Systems for Admin. & Finance, Monitoring Reports, Accreditation, Socio-economic

Profiling and other information needs;

1.5.2. Trainings – to provide trainings/technology transfer to all personnel regarding IT

related matters;

1.5.3. Multimedia and Graphic Design – to create Audio-Visual Presentation (Video clips) like

Infomercial (promotional materials) and IEC materials (brochures, tarpaulins, fliers,


1.5.4. Web, Email and Social Media Administration – to administer the PCUP Website, official

emails, Facebook and Twitter accounts of the Commission;

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1.5.5. network and Systems Security Administration – to administer the computers, printers

and other devices that are linked together, allowing users to exchange and share

information and resources through Local Area Network (LAN);

1.5.6. Technical Support – to perform preventive maintenance and repair on computer

hardware/software and peripherals (install Anti-Virus, clear and disinfect vital files,

diagnose and troubleshoot computer defects).

1.5.7. Representation on ICT related matters – together with PCUP Officials, to represent the

Commission on ICT related matters to other agencies; and

1.5.8. Finalize the Information Systems Strategic Plan for submission to ICTO-DOST and DBM.

1.6. The Field operation Divisions (FODs: FOD-NCR, FOD-Luzon, FOD-Visayas, FOD-Mindanao):

1.6.1. Disseminate and advocate the enforcement/implementation of national government

policies and programs for the urban poor;

1.6.2. Establish consultative mechanism;

1.6.3. Accredit urban poor organizations (UPOs);

1.6.4. Review local government legislations, policies and programs for the urban poor in

consultation with the sector and recommend appropriate action;

1.6.5. Conduct regular assessment for the implemented programs and projects for the

urban poor;

1.6.6. Conduct an inventory of needs and profiles of the different urban poor communities

vis-a-vis an inventory of available resources;

1.6.7. Facilitate the adoption of identified strategies for the easy access of the needs of the


1.6.8. Establish multi-sectoral linkages with UPOs, non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

and government agencies;

1.6.9. Provide technical advice/assistance in the development of programs/projects for the

urban poor; and

1.7.0. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the Chairman or his authorized


V. Operational Control and Supervision

1. Powers of Authority

PCUP is headed by a Chairman.

PCUP has four (4) Commissioners.

The Chairman shall be Chief Executive Officer of PCUP.

Its four (4) Field Operations Divisions Office are headed by Chief of Operations and Assistant Chief

of Operations.

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The two (2) Support Divisions are the Administrative and Finance Division and the Research

Planning and Monitoring Division.

2. The Planning

The PCUP’s Physical Plans are the result of PCUP National Planning process. This is the venue

where the strategic directions are defined, commitments are set, and resource requirements are

determined, physical targets are set.

The top management, Field Operations Division, Support Divisions and various operating units

conduct their respective planning activities to assess performance, gather information from

customer requirements and expectation and review and align target to the defined strategic


VI. Statement of QMS Scope

1. Scope and Application

This Quality Manual applies to the PCUP Quality Management System which covers the four (4)

major core processes of PCUP, specifically:

1.1. Accreditation of Urban Poor Organization

1.2. Social Preparation

1.3. Conduct of Pre-Demolition Conference

1.4. Policy Review and Formulation

2. Process Map

Office of the President



Access of the Urban Poor to Asset Reform, Human development and Basic Services, Livelihood and Employment and other programs enhanced



Status Improved





Access to

Asset Reform,



Basic Services,

Livelihood and


and other


Client Delivery Units

Field Operations Divisions for: NCR, Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao

CORE Operations Process

Urban Poor Policy Coordination Services


Social Preparation

Pre-Demolition Conference

Policy Formulation

Private Sector

Research Planning

and Monitoring



and Finance


Support to Operations



VII. Justification for ISO 9001 requirements that is not applicable to the scope of the QMS


VIII. Description of the core process covered by the QMS

A) Accreditation of UPO

PCUP is mandated to accredit legitimate Urban Poor Organizations (UPOs) for purposes of

representation in the formulation of recommendations to the President. The processing of

accreditation includes, ocular inspection, data validation, pre-accreditation orientation, among


B) Social Preparation

Social Preparation refers to the series of activities designed to prepare the affected families to cope with the changes brought about by government infrastructure or development projects and to encourage them to actively participate and prepare their societal, community and personal responsibilities in their quest for tenurial security, human development and basic services, employment and livelihood and other government programs for the urban poor. Asset reforms cover the following land and housing programs facilitated by PCUP:

Presidential Proclamation


Community Mortgage Program

Direct Negotiated Installment Purchase

Medium Rise Building

Human Development refers to urban poor acquiring more capabilities and enjoy more opportunities to use those capabilities, somehow it’s a process of enlarging or increasing people’s choices and opportunities to access basic social services. PCUP undertakes the following activities on social preparation: On Asset Reform

a. Consultation b. Information, Education and Communication c. Community Organizing d. Conflict Management e. Multi-Sectoral Dialogue f. Advocacy or People’s Participation g. Coordination

On Human development and Basic Services

a. Basic orientation on programs and projects of the government

b. Linkages with concerned government agencies for urban poor access to health services, education, legal counselling, and basic facilities like water, electricity.

On Employment and Livelihood

a. Reinventing their values

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b. Enhancing individual’s existing line of work through skills training that will upgrade their abilities for livelihood and employment

c. Facilitate the funding of urban poor livelihood programs and projects.

C) Pre-Demolition Conference (PDC)

The Pre-Demolition Conference (PDC) is a conference to be called upon prior to the

execution of the demolition and/or eviction, be it on the basis of a court or an

administrative order as a requirement for provision of police assistance. This covers the

demolition and eviction involving underprivileged and homeless citizens.

D) Policy Formulation/Recommendation and Advocacy

PCUP conducts policy review in order to:

a. Submit recommendations to the Office of the President, Senate, Congress and other

government agencies.

b. Submit policy recommendations to the Local Government Units (LGU)

PCUP prepares and submits Position papers on Senate Bills and House Bills that affect the

urban poor. It formulates policies responsive to the needs of the urban poor.

- At the local level, PCUP assists in the drafting and endorsement of policy

recommendations for the passage of ordinances and resolutions and executive

orders. It also acts as author/co-author of these policy recommendations.

PCUP continuously coordinates and conducts advocacy efforts with the concerned

agencies to seek approval of these policy recommendations and consequently, to have

these policies implemented for the purpose of improving their (urban poor) lives.

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IX. Description of the Organizational Context

The Organization and its Context

Political Factors Economic Factors

Partnership with Government Sector, Private, Academe, CSOs, LGUs

Linkages with all the branches of the Government, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary

Local Inter Agency Committee

Budget for resettlement of families affected by court ordered demolition and eviction

Philippine Development Plan


Livelihood and Employment for the urban poor

Basic services in the resettlement site

Basic services in urban poor communities

Social Factors Technology Factors

Urban migration

Information Communication Technology Resources

Use of Social Media

Cultural Factors

Cultural diversity in the urban poor communities

X. Description of type and extent of control of external providers to ensure that externally

provided services meet requirements.

The following external processes are availed through PhilGeps and public bidding; in

compliance to RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act)

1. Janitorial

2. Utility services

3. Security services

4. Telecommunication services

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XI. Description of key stakeholders

XII. Annexes

Annex 1: Approved Quality Policy

Annex 2: Approved Quality Objective

(PCUP Physical Plan 2016)

Annex 3: List of Internal and Externally generated references/documents

Annex 4: Mechanism for determining client satisfaction and feedback

Annex 5: Operations Procedure

Annex 6: Tools, Forms, templates guidelines for control of documents

Annex 7: Relevant Parties

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Annex 1

Quality Policy

The Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor envisions a capacitated society where the

poor are empowered, economically productive and actively participating in the poverty

reduction program and sustainable development of the country.

We are committed to enhance client satisfaction and public trust by providing quality and

timely public service and promote transparency and accountability in all levels of


We strive toward the maintenance and continual upgrading of our services as “Lingkod ng

Maralitang Taga-Lungsod” by developing strategies and methods to keep abreast with the

new and ever increasing demands and challenges of public service.

To this end, we shall implement and maintain at all levels in the organization the following


1. Strengthen coordination and monitoring for the speedy implementation of government

programs and policies for the urban poor;

2. Ensure that all requests for assistance for land and housing, relocation, just and humane

demolition and eviction, basic services and livelihood and employment, among others,

shall be effectively and efficiently processed on time;

3. Ensure that all processes and requirements shall be clear and transparent to all concerned

as documented in the Quality Management System Manual;

4. Ensure that all services and interventions shall be in compliance with legal and statutory

requirements and promote the legitimate interests of the Urban Poor through advocacy

and coordination with concerned bodies;

5. Constantly review the strategic objectives to ensure relevance to the Commission and

continual improvement of the quality management system;

6. Compliance with the Service Standard and Code of Conduct where all employees shall

uphold the virtues of honesty and integrity at all times and employ transparency in its

performance and functions.

All offices involved shall, at all times, ensure strict adherence to the documented Quality

Management System.

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Annex 2

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Annex 3

List of internal and externally generated references/documents

1.0. Internal

Document Title Effective Date Source

1. Accreditation 2. Social Preparation

3. Conduct of PDC 4. Policy Review and


May 13, 2009 November 25, 2013 October 10, 2014 November 25, 2013

*Commission Resolution 04-009 *Commission Resolution 05-2013 & EO 69 *Commission Resolution07 series 2014 *Commission Resolution 04-2013

2.0. List of externally generated documents

Document Title Effective Date Source

EO 82 “creating the

Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor(PCUP)”

EO 69 “strengthening the


Commission for the Urban Poor” AO 111 “directing all

concernd government agencies in cooperation with the PCUP to participate in tri-sectoral dialogues ad activities in response to the concerns of the urban poor” Proclamation 367 “declaring

Dec 2 to 8 of every year as Urban Poor Solidarity Week (UPSW)” RA 7279 “of the Urban

Development and Housing Act (UDHA) providing for a comprehensive and continuing urban development and housing program”

December 8, 1986 March 29, 2012 January 30, 1989 January 30, 1989 March 24, 1992

Executive Order Executive Order Administrative Order Presidential Proclamation Republic Act

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Annex 4

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Annex 4

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Annex 4

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Annex 5

Operations Procedure

A. Accreditation of UPO

PCUP is mandated to accredit legitimate Urban Poor Organizations (UPOs) for purposes of

representation in the formulation of recommendations to the President. The processing of

accreditation includes, ocular inspection, data validation, pre-accreditation orientation, among


PCUP adheres to the Citizen’s Charter on Accreditation of UPO in compliance with Anti Red Tape

Act (RA 9485) or ARTA Law.

General Principle

The Urban poor shall be encouraged to organize themselves for the purpose of community action

and group representation to ensure the preparatory consciousness among them in relating with

the government especially in policy formulation and program implementation, and evaluation of

programs and projects affecting the urban poor sector.


The Implementing Rules and Regulations shall provide guidance and assistance to concerned

(PCUP) personnel, other government agencies (GAs) and non-government organizations (NGOs)

in the implementation of Section 2 (c) of Executive Order 82.

Definition of Terms

Accreditation - refers to the process of recognizing an urban poor organization for purposes of

ensuring community action and participation in policy formulation, program planning,

implementation, and evaluation.

Accreditation Committee - refers to the committee that deliberates on the merits of the

validation report on the application for accreditation. It is composed of the Head NCR/Luzon;

Head RPMD; representative from the Legal Unit. In the Visayas and Mindanao, it shall be

composed of the Head, Field Operation Division; Head, TOSG; and Area Coordinator concerned.

Area Coordinator (AC) – refers to the PCUP employee assigned to a specific area to undertake

consultation, monitoring and assisting the urban poor in matters relevant to their issues and


BOS – refers to Basic Orientation Seminar conducted by PCUP

RPMD – refers to Research, Planning and Monitoring Division in PCUP

TOSG – refers to the Technical Operations Support Group of various Division in PCUP

Underprivileged and homeless citizens – refers to the individuals or families residing in urban

and urbanizable areas whose income or combined household income fall within the poverty

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threshold as defined by NEDA and do not own housing facilities including those who live in

makeshift dwelling units and do not enjoy security of tenure.

Urban Areas – refers to all cities regardless of their population density and to municipalities with

a population density of at least five hundred (500) persons per square kilometers.

Urbanizable Areas - refers to sites and lands which, considering present characteristics and

prevailing conditions, display marked and great potential of becoming urban areas within the

period of five (5) years.

Urban Poor Organization – refers to voluntary groupings of the urban poor with at least fifteen

(15) members organized along community-based projects and activities.

1.0 The Application Procedure

The application shall be filed with the RPMD/TOSG either by personal delivery or by mail. Only

applications with complete requirements shall be considered for processing.

1.1 The Applicant shall file completely filled up documents together with the requirements

(see attached requirements) with the RPMD/TOSG.

1.2 The RPMD/TOSG shall check the completeness of the documentary requirements. If

incomplete, applicant shall be informed that application shall be kept on file pending

receipt of all requirements.

1.3 The RPMD/CASHIER shall issue an Acknowledgement Receipt for the application and

documentary requirements.

1.4 The Applicant shall present the Acknowledgement Receipt to the Cashier and pay the

Php 100.00 Application Fee.

1.5 The Cashier shall issue an Official Receipt indicating the name of the UPO and the

Application Control Number.

1.6 The Applicant shall present the Official Receipt to the RPMD/TOSG for recording of the

OR in the logbook.

1.7 The RPMD/ACCOM shall post the name of UPO applying for accreditation in conspicuous

places, to wit: the concerned PCUP Regional Office, LGU, UPAO or similar body and the

urban poor community where the urban poor organization is located for seven (7)

working days to afford time for third party complaint/protest.

2.0 The Application Validation

2.1 The RPMD/TOSG Officer shall forward the application to the AC.

2.2 The AC shall conduct the ocular inspection, data validation, social investigation and

pre-accreditation orientation within ten (10) working days upon receipt of the


2.3 The AC shall then endorse the application to the AcCom with its corresponding

evaluation report and recommended action.

2.4 With the assistance of the concerned Community Leader, the AC shall conduct a

Socio-Economic Profile of the community within one (1) month from the submission

of the complete application and submit such to the RPMD/TOSG. The profile shall not,

however, be a pre-requisite for accreditation but shall be the basis for future


3.0 The Certificate of Accreditation

3.1 AcCom shall deliberate on the AC recommendation and return the application to the

RPMD/TOSG with the corresponding recommendation for final action.

3.2 RPMD/TOSG shall notify applicant regarding action on application.

3.3 If approved, RPMD/TOSG issue Certificate of Accreditation.

3.4 If disapproved, RPMD/TOSG returns application to the applicant with a written

explanation of reason/s for disapproval.

Effectivity of Accreditation

Upon approval, the accreditation shall be in effect for two (2) years and be subject to

renewal every two (2) years thereafter. RPMD/TOSG shall send the UPO a written reminder

two (2) months before their accreditation expires. An accredited UPO shall be dropped

from the roster of accredited organization if it falls to renew its accreditation on time.

Obligations of Accredited Urban Poor Organizations

a) Submission of annual report on activities;

b) Adherence to its Constitution and By-Laws;

c) Submission of notice of amendments to CBL, change of officers, change of name and

address and other organizational changes that may occur;

d) Compliance with other rules and regulations which the Commission may promulgate.

e) Submission of Minutes of Meeting when present officers were elected, duly certified by

the Secretary.

Grounds for Denial of Application

a) Misrepresentation of the data or information supplied by the UPO in the Application


b) Involvement in illegal activities.

c) Objectives contrary to law.

d) Commission of other acts contrary to the interest of the urban poor and to the society in


e) Dual or multiple membership of individual member in the community-based or

occupation-based UPO of the same level.

Grounds for Cancellation of Accreditation

a) Misrepresentation in the annual report of accomplishments;

b) Misrepresentation in the minutes of the meeting when the constitution and by-laws

were adopted or in the minutes of the meeting when the officers were elected;

c) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in connection with the election of officers,

the list of voting members, or failure to submit these documents together with the list

of the newly elected/appointed officers and their postal addresses within thirty (30)

working days from election;

d) Acting as a squatting syndicate or otherwise engaging in any activity prohibited by law;

e) Non-compliance with Section 12 (Obligation of Accredited Urban Poor Organization).

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Third Party Complaint/Protest

Any individual or organization may file a complaint/protest against an organization:

a) whose application for accreditation is pending; or

b) for cancellation of Certificate of Accreditation.

Where to file Complaint/Protest:

The third party complaint/protest shall be filed with the RPMD/TOSG, either by personal

delivery or mail. The RPMD/TOSG shall then apprise the AcCom of the nature of the


Procedure to file Complaint/Protest:

a. Within two (2) working days after receipt of the third party complaint/notice of protest,

the RPMD/TOSG shall furnish the concerned UPO a copy of the complaint/protest and

advise it to answer the complaint/protest within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof.

b. After the lapse of fifteen (15) working days, the AcCom shall, within fifteen (15) working


Promptly conduct hearing/s wherein both parties are accordingly presented;

If deemed necessary, order the AC to conduct an investigation, ocular survey

and verification of information and submit his/her recommendation within

five (5) working days from receipt of the order, or invite the AC for

clarificatory questions.

c. Where the application or complaint needs further action, the AcCom shall return such

application or complaint to the AC for appropriate action and compliance. After

appropriate action has been taken, the AC returns the application, together with its

final decision, to the AcCom.

d. The AcCom, through the RPMD/TOSG, shall notify the parties of its final decision

within two (2) working days from submission of such decision. If pursuant to Section

15, no motion for consideration or an appeal is filed after the prescribed period, the

decision becomes final and executory. RPMD/TOSG proceeds with the accreditation

process until the issuance of the Certificate of Accreditation. If a motion for

reconsideration or an appeal is filed, the AcCom shall notify the Commission of such

motion or appeal.

e. Where the AcCom deems it fit, the services of the Alternative Dispute Resolution

(ADR) Team may be requested at any instance within the hearing process.

Provision for Appeal/Motion for Reconsideration with AcCom

Either party to the application (the applicant UPO or the third party

complaint/protester) shall first file a motion for reconsideration within fifteen (15)

working days from receipt of the decision. The AcCom shall, within ten (10) working days

from receipt of the motion, decide whether to grant or deny the motion.

Appeal to the Commission en-Banc

a. The AcCom decision may be appealed to the Commission-en-Banc within ten (10)

days from receipt of the AcCom decision. The Chair shall direct the AcCom to submit

all the records of accreditation to the Commission-en-Banc.

b. Within fifteen (15) working days, the Commission-en-Banc shall either approve or

deny appeal:

If approved, the Commission-en-Banc shall order the AcCom to issue the

corresponding Certificate of Accreditation or cancel the certificate as the case

may be, within two (2) working days from receipt of the appeal.

If denied, the AcCom shall notify the UPO within two (2) working days from

receipt of the decision of the Commission-en-Banc.

The decision of the Commission-en-Banc shall be final and executory.

Waiver of Right to Appeal

Any applicant UPO who fails to file Notice of Appeal after the 15 working days

grace period shall be considered to have waived its right to appeal.

Any accredited UPO or one with pending application who fails to answer a third

party complaint/protest within fifteen (15) days shall be considered in default, thereby

losing its right to present evidence in its favor.

The concerned UPO shall count the fifteen (15) working days period from the

actual receipt of Notice of Denial of the complaint/protest. The proof of failure of the UPO

to act/reply within the grace period shall be the actual received copy sign by the

representative of the UPO.

Extension of the Filling Period

The period within which to file an answer or to file an appeal shall be suspended

provided that the UPO filed a request for extension of the filling period. If the extension

is not granted, the original prescriptive period of fifteen (15) working days shall be in


The AcCom may grant a maximum of fifteen (15) working days extension period

provided a reasonable ground has established. However, for every case of appeal, only

extension period shall be awarded.



Shall be filed with the RPMD/TOSG either by personal delivery or by mail. Only

applications with complete requirements shall be considered for processing.


a) Check the completeness of the documentary requirements. If incomplete,

applicant shall be informed that application shall be kept on file pending

receipt of all requirements.

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b) Issue an Acknowledgement Receipt for the application and documentary



a) Post the name of UPO applying for accreditation in conspicuous places, to

wit: the concerned PCUP Regional Office, LGU, UPAO or similar body and the

urban poor community where the urban poor organization is located for

seven (7) working days to afford time for third party complaint/protest

4.0 PCUP Cashier Issue an Official Receipt for the Application Fee indicating the name of the UPO

and the Application Control Number

5.0 Area Coordinator (AC)

a) Ocular inspection

b) Social investigation

c) Data validation/Community profile

d) Basic orientation seminar

6.0 Accreditation Committee (AcCom)

Deliberates on the merits of the validation report on the application for

accreditation. It is composed of the Head LGCA-NCR/Luzon; Head RPMD;

representative from the Legal Unit. In the Visayas and Mindanao, it shall be

composed of the Head, Field Operation Division; Head, TOSG; and Area

Coordinator concerned

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Urban Poor Organization (UPO) to fill up Accreditation Form with complete requirements and submit to RPMD-TOSG (15 min.)


Check the completeness of the documentary requirements. If incomplete, applicant shall be informed that application shall be kept on file pending receipt of all requirements.

Issue an Acknowledgement Receipt for the application and documentary requirements.

Post the name of UPO applying for accreditation in conspicuous places, to wit: the concerned PCUP Regional Office, LGU, UPAO or similar body and the urban poor community where the urban poor organization is located for seven (7) working days to afford time for third party compliant/protest

(1 hour)


AREA COORDINATOR Ocular inspection; Social investigation; Data validation/Community profile; Basic orientation seminar (10


APPROVE? RPMD/ACCOM returns application to the applicant with a written explanation of reason/s for disapproval (1 day)

PCUP Cashier

Issue an Official Receipt for the Application Fee indicating the name of the UPO and the Application Control Number (15 min)

RPMD/TOSG issue Certificate of Accreditation.

Upon approval, the accreditation shall be in effect for two (2) years and be subject to renewal every two (2) years thereafter. RPMD/TOSG shall send the UPO a written reminder two (2) months before their accreditation expires. An accredited UPO shall be dropped from the roster of accredited organization if it falls to renew its accreditation on time. (1day)






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B) Social Preparation

Social Preparation refers to the series of activities designed to prepare the affected families to cope with the changes brought about by government infrastructure or development projects and to encourage them to actively participate and prepare their societal, community and personal responsibilities in their quest for tenurial security, human development and basic services, employment and livelihood and other government programs for the urban poor. Asset reforms cover the following land and housing programs facilitated by PCUP:

Presidential Proclamation


Community Mortgage Program

Direct Negotiated Installment Purchase

Medium Rise Building

Human Development refers to urban poor acquiring more capabilities and enjoy more opportunities to use those capabilities, somehow it’s a process of enlarging or increasing people’s choices and opportunities to access basic social services. PCUP undertakes the following activities on social preparation: On Asset Reform

h. Consultation i. Information, Education and Communication j. Community Organizing k. Conflict Management l. Multi-Sectoral Dialogue m. Advocacy or People’s Participation n. Coordination

On Human development and Basic Services

c. Basic orientation on programs and projects of the government d. Linkages with concerned government agencies for urban poor access to health services,

education, legal counselling, and basic facilities like water, electricity.

On Employment and Livelihood a. Reinventing their values b. Enhancing individual’s existing line of work through skills training that will upgrade their

abilities for livelihood and employment c. Facilitate the funding of urban poor livelihood programs and projects.

Coverage of Social Preparation Guidelines This guideline specify the set of initial activities that maybe conducted relative to the implementation of government programs on asset reform, human development and basic social services, employment and livelihood for the benefit of the underprivileged and homeless families.

Objectives This guideline is intended to:

a. Prepare and set the tone for the social transformation of the underprivileged and

homeless families as regards the program or project that will be implemented;

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b. Encourage participation of underprivileged and homeless families from the preparation

and planning to the final stage of the program or project; and

c. Empower and developed the underprivileged and homeless families as partners in the community’s development process which geared towards comprehensive community development; and

d. Establish sustainable mechanism through consolidation and assessment integrating the inputs of the underprivileged and homeless families.

Definition of Terms

Asset Reform – refers to the redistribution of wealth from one group of entities to a broader

range of entities, usually by utilizing some sort of mechanism put in place.

Human Development – refers to the process of enlarging people’s choices and enhancing

human capabilities and freedoms, enabling them to live a long and healthy life.

Social Preparation – refers to the series of activities designed to prepare the underprivileged

and homeless families to cope with the changes brought about by government infrastructure

or development projects.

Underprivileged and homeless citizens – refers to the individuals or families residing in

urban and urbanizable areas whose income or combined household income fall within the

poverty threshold as defined by NEDA and do not own housing facilities including those who

live in makeshift dwelling units and do not enjoy security of tenure.

Process of Social Preparation Activities

1.0 Approaches in conducting Social Preparation Activities

a) On Eviction and Demolition:

1. Consultation;

2. Information, Education and Communication (IEC);

3. Community Organizing;

4. Multi-sectoral dialogues; and

5. Coordination.

b) On Human Development and Basic Services:

1. Basic Orientation Seminar (BOS) on the programs and projects to the


2. Capability building program;

3. Values formation;

4. Gender and Development programs; and

5. Linkaging with the concerned agencies as regards the provision of

basic services and facilities such as roads, schools, livelihood sites,

Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs), clinics and the like.

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c) On Employment and Livelihood:

1. Human resource development which essentially enhances the

individuals’ existing lines of work, refining their innate

entrepreneurial capabilities and reinventing their values;

2. Skills training and cooperative or community enterprise formation

that will upgrade their abilities for livelihood and employment;

3. Fund sourcing for the livelihood component of the relocation or

resettlement site to finance income-generating projects in order to

sustain the basic needs of the homeless and underprivileged families;


4. Community based enterprises development that provides and

enhance a different range of enterprises, products, services and

projects to address the social, economic and environmental needs in


d) On Asset Reform, the activities under this approach is the same as that of

demolition and eviction, however the supplementary are:

1. Land Status Verification with the Department of Environment and

Natural Resources (DENR) or Land Registration Administration (LRA);

2. Evaluation of the Property; and

3. Estate Management which include among others management of the

physical capital assets, maintenance of the utilities and manage all

acquired properties or equipments.

e) On Participation in Governance and Advocacy:

1. Community organizing for effective People’s Participation by actively

interfacing with local special bodies such as local housing board, etc.

2. Capability building to facilitate participation from the barangay level

to municipal, provincial, as well as national; and

3. Skills training to participate, to develop planning and budgeting at the

local level that maximizes the opportunities for participation at the

local housing board.

2.0 Community and Household Profiling

In all social preparation activities that will be conducted, there shall be a

community and household profiling of the underprivileged and homeless families

to determine the physical boundaries, actual number of households and

occupants, and possible option for programs pertaining to asset reform, human

development and basic social services, employment and livelihood. This shall also

serve as PCUP data on the underprivileged and homeless families. In relation with

this, the following shall be undertaken:

a. Community Scan;

b. Coordination with Local Government Units’ (LGUs) Officials;

c. Coordination with the Urban Poor Organization (UPOs) Leaders;

d. Interview with the families;

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e. Census, Mapping and Household Tagging;

f. Data Gathering;

g. Data Processing; and

h. Data Analysis

3.0. PCUP, in coordination with the Key Shelter Agencies (KSAs), shall

conduct social preparation activities:

1. For the areas covered by Presidential Proclamation, Community

Mortgage Program (CMP), Direct Negotiated Instalment Purchase (DNIP),

Relocation or Resettlement, Medium-Rise Buildings (MRBs) and other

alternative housing programs to facilitate access by the urban poor to the

asset reform program of the government;

2. Assist the underprivileged and homeless citizens in getting access to

human development and basic social, livelihood and employment

opportunities, which activities shall include;

3. Orientation-seminars to disseminate information on the existing

programs and basic social services of the government for the unprivileged

and homeless citizens;

4. Capability-building activities geared towards the empowerment of the

underprivileged and homeless citizens and ensuring their meaningful

participation in governance and nation-building; and

5. Provision of all aspects of decent living and support services to the

affected underprivileged and homeless families at the relocation or

resettlement sites by the concerned LGU or the government agency

authorized to demolish, with the assistance of the concerned

government agencies and Civil Society Organization (CSOs).

4.0 The concerned LGUs and government agencies in the executive department that

are authorized to demolish shall be called upon to coordinate with PCUP in the

implementation of all their administrative demolition and eviction activities

affecting underprivileged and homeless citizens;

The PCUP shall regularly secure updates from all government agencies involved

in the implementation of poverty alleviation programs, specifically in urban

centers and resettlement areas, to increase the people’s awareness on the

government programs for the underprivileged and homeless citizens, and

promote the participation of prospective program for the beneficiaries; and

When it is not possible to undertake the social preparation activities, PCUP may

enter into contract with the CSO for assistance.

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On Employment and Livelihood 1. Human resource development; 2. Skill training and cooperative; 3. Fund sourcing; 4. Community based enterprises

On Asset Reform 1. Land Status Verification with DENR/LRA; 2. Evaluation of the Property; and 3. Estate Management

On Participation in Governance and Advocacy 1. Community Organizing 2. Capability Building for facilitate participation 3. Skill Training

COMMUNITY AND HOUSEHOLD PROFILING a. Community Scan; b. Coordination with Local Government Units’ (LGUs) Officials; c. Coordination with the Urban Poor Organizations (UPOs) Leaders; d. Interview with the families; e. Census, Mapping and Household Tagging; f. Data Gathering; g. Data Processing; and h. Data Analysis

Coordinates with Agencies to access services to underprivileged 1. Housing/Relocation/Resettlement 2. Livelihood 3. Basic Services 4. Trainings 5. Alternative Dispute Resolve


On Eviction and Demolition 1. Consultation; 2. IEC; 3. Community Organizing; 4. Conflict management; 5. Multi-sectoral dialogues; and 6. Coordination

On Human Development and Basic Services 1. BOS; 2. Capability building program; 3. Values formation; 4. Gender and Development programs; and 5. Linkaging with the concern agencies



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C) Pre-Demolition Conference (PDC)

The Pre-Demolition Conference (PDC) is a conference to be called upon prior to the

execution of the demolition and/or eviction, be it on the basis of a court or an

administrative order as a requirement for provision of police assistance. This covers the

demolition and eviction involving underprivileged and homeless citizens.

Coverage on Requesting for Police Assistance in Demolition or Eviction Activities under


The set of Guidelines shall apply to requests for Police Assistance in Demolition or Eviction

activities affecting Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens whether through (1) a Court Order

or (2) Administrative Order (Summary or Extra-Judicial Eviction and/or Demolitions)


Prevent, and if not, to stop the hostility and violence arising from the Demolition and/or

Eviction of Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens; and Safeguard from hostility and violence,

not only the affected Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens but also the representative of

government agencies and police personnel, that are likewise involved in the Demolition

and/or Eviction.

Definition of Terms

Administrative Order – refers to an order of Eviction and/or Demolition from the

administrative or government agencies with quasi-judicial functions involving the

Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens.

Court Order – refers to writ of eviction and/or demolition issued by a court of competent

jurisdiction. This does not include orders or decisions of court of competent jurisdiction which

merely grant or lift temporary restraining orders, permanent or indefinite

injunctions/prohibitions arising from actions filed relative to initial Extra-judicial Eviction and

Demolition orders as defined herein. Neither does this include writ, orders and/or decisions

of courts of competent jurisdiction that do not involve Underprivileged and Homeless


Danger Areas – refer to areas which when occupied for residential purposes actually pose

danger to the life, safety and property of either the concerned residents or of the general

community. The danger is due to an unavoidable source of probable harm of human life or


Demolition – refers to the dismantling by the Local government Unit (LGU), any legally

authorized agency or personnel of the government of all structures within the premises

subject for clearing.

Eviction – refers to the removal of a person and their belongings from a subject building,

structure or area or removal or both.

Extra-judicial Eviction and Demolition – refers to the Eviction of Underprivileged and

Homeless Citizens and/or the Demolitions of their dwellings located in danger areas such as

“esteros”, railroad, tracks, garbage dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, public places

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such as sidewalks, public cemeteries, roads, parks and playgrounds; or the Eviction or

Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens and/or the Demolition or their dwellings because of

government infrastructure projects with available funding that are to be implemented by

national or local government or any legally authorized government agency without a need of

a court order pursuant to Section 28 (a) and (b) of the UDHA.

Government Funded Infrastructure project – refers to the government initiated project for

purposes of enhancing, introducing or adding to the local or national infrastructure, such as

the interrelated web or roads, highways, public buildings, socialized housing projects, public

utilities, flood control projects and the like.

Police Assistance – refers to the peacekeeping and law enforcement support of the PNP

during the conduct of Demolition and/or Eviction.

Proponent – refers to the party requesting for Police Assistance

Summary Eviction and Demolition – refers to the immediate dismantling of new illegal

structures by the LGUs or government agency authorized to conduct Demolition activities and

to the immediate removal of professional squatters and members of squatting syndicates

pursuant to Section 27 and 30 of the UDHA.

Underprivileged and homeless citizens – refers to the individuals or families residing in

urban and urbanizable areas whose income or combined household income fall within the

poverty threshold as defined by NEDA and do not own housing facilities including those who

live in makeshift dwelling units and do not enjoy security of tenure.

Process of Pre-Demolition Conference for Requesting Police Assistance

1.0 The Proponent shall make a formal letter request for police assistance to the Chief PNP at the PNP National Headquarters for requests for Police Assistance in the National Capital Region (NCR) or to the relevant Regional Director at the PNP

Regional Office for requests for police assistance outside the NCR at least ten (10) days prior to the schedule date of the Demolition and/or Eviction;

The following documents shall be attached: a) Certified true copy of the relevant Court Order or Administrative Order and/or a certified true copy of the Certificate of Compliance (COC) on Demolition or Eviction issued by the Chairman of the Local Housing Board (LHB) pursuant to the DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2008-143; and b) Certified true copy of the Proponent’s formal letter request for assistance addressed to the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP) Regional/Field Office or PCUP Head Office, marked as “Received”; and c) Other pertinent information in support of the request.

2.0 Upon receipt of the formal letter request, the PCUP shall within forty eight (48) hours,

prepare and serve Notice of the Pre-Demolition Conference to the following: a) DILG - Department of Interior and Local Government b) DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development c) NHA – National Housing Authority d) CHR - Commission on Human Rights e) LGU – Local Government Unit

f) DepEd- Department of Education g) PNP- Philippine National Police

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3.0 Pre-Demolition Conference shall be convened and conducted by the PCUP at least three (3) days or seventy-two (72) hours prior to the scheduled date of Demolition and/or eviction. Nothing herein shall prevent PCUP from convening the PDC even before the receipt of requests for assistance mentioned under 5 (b2), such as if the Proponent presents the PCUP with a copy of a demand to vacate or other similar documents.

4.0 PCUP shall preside over the PDC and may call on the assistance of other agencies as necessary.


a. project case brief; b. review on Section 28 of RA No. 7279; c. PNP Operational Procedures; d. roles and participation of LGU and other government agencies; e. the designation of the appropriate Person-In-charge during the

actual conduct of Demolition and/or Eviction; f. designation of the PNP Officer-In-Charge of the maintenance of

peace and order during the actual operations; g. information or updates on police intelligence activities which may

affect the orderly and peaceful implementation of the eviction and/or demolition

h. availability of the documents submitted to the PNP for verification; i. deliberate Plan of Action of the PNP; j. other issues and concerns of the affected families, participating

agencies and other stakeholders;

5.0 DILG representative of the City/Municipality/PCUP in case of Luzon area, shall

serve as the secretariat of the PDC. He/She shall be responsible for recording and documenting the entire proceedings.

6.0 Police Assistance shall be provided only upon compliance of all the requirements

stated in Section 28 of UDHA and procedures sated in the preceding section.

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The proponent’s formal letter request assistance addressed to PCUP

Writes a letter request for PDC to PCUP attached certified true copy of Court Order or Administrative Order and/or Certificate of Compliance (COC) issued by the Chairman of Local Housing Board (LHB)

PCUP – upon receipt of formal letter within 48 hrs.prepare Notice of PDC to the following concern agency: DILG, PNP, DWSD, NHA, DPWH, CHR, DEPED, LGU, representative of affected families, Land owner if privately owned.

PCUP – shall convene the PDC at least 3days or 72 hrs. prior to the scheduled date of Demolition.

(NOTED: PCUP shall certify that the Notice of PDC were serve)

PCUP – shall preside over the PDC

(NOTE: DILG/PCUP representative shall serve as secretariat responsible for recording and documenting the entire proceedings)

DILG/PCUP Representative – shall send a copy of proceedings to all agencies who attended the PDC


a) Project or Case Brief b) Review of Sec. 28 of RA 7279 or UDHA c) PNP Operation Procedure d) Role of participation of LGU and other agencies e) Designation of the appropriate Person-In-Charge during the actual conduct of Demolition/Eviction f) Designation of the PNP Officer-In-Charge of the maintenance of Peace and Order during the actual operations g) Information/update on police intelligence activities h) Availability of the documents submitted to PNP for verification i) Deliberate Plan of Action of the PNP. j) Other issues/concerns of the affected families and participating agencies band of the stakeholders.

PNP – shall provide police assistance upon compliance of all the requirements stated in Sec.28 of R.A.7279 or UDHA and procedures stated in preceding sections.

(NOTE: Actual Demolition/Eviction must be properly documented)



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D) Policy Formulation/Recommendation and Advocacy

PCUP conducts policy review in order to:

c. Submit recommendations to the Office of the President, Senate, Congress and other

government agencies.

d. Submit policy recommendations to the Local Government Units (LGU)

PCUP prepares and submits Position papers on Senate Bills and House Bills that affect the

urban poor. It formulates policies responsive to the needs of the urban poor.

- At the local level, PCUP assists in the drafting and endorsement of policy

recommendations for the passage of ordinances and resolutions and executive

orders. It also acts as author/co-author of these policy recommendations.

PCUP continuously coordinates and conducts advocacy effort with the concerned agencies

to seek approval of these policy recommendations and consequently, to have the policies

implemented for the purpose of improving their (urban poor) lives.

Coverage of Policy Paper Formulation, Adoption & Implementation

This set of guidelines shall apply to policy formulation, adoption and implementation affecting

the urban poor sector within the PCUP that will be used for recommendation to the President

or other concerned Government Agencies.


Recommending policies and programs relating to the urban poor, in consultation with latter;

a. Coordinating the speedy implementation of government policies and

programs for the urban poor; and

b. Recommending appropriate actions thereon to the President or other

concerned Government Agencies.

Definition of Terms

Complete Staff Work (CSW) – refers to the technical and administrative activities to comply

with the requisites for drafting a policy that may be used in making legislations, policies and

programs of the government relating to the urban poor.

Policy – refers to the process of making important organizational decisions, including the

identification of different alternatives such as programs or spending priorities, and choosing

among them on the basis of the impact they will have. Policies can be understood as political,

management, financial and administrative mechanism arranged to each explicit goals.

Policy Proposal – refers to a written plan or suggestion made by a person or a group relating

to a program or policy that affects the urban poor sector. This may also emanates from the

result of a consultation or dialogue with the urban poor sector.

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Policy Paper – refers to the document that defines an urgent policy issue, identifies and

evaluates policy options and recommends solution to the identified problems.

Proponent – refers to an individual, group or community, or other entities that makes a

proposal or lays down a proposition towards working for the improvement of the lives of the

urban poor.

Stakeholders–may refer to a person or organization that has a legitimate interest in a project

or entity.

Process of Policy Formulation, Adoption & Implementation

1.0 The proponent will have to accomplish the Policy Form, stating therein the title

of the policy, executive summary, problems description, policy option,

recommendation and appendices or other documents that may be attached to

support the policy proposal. Subsequently, he accomplished form will be

submitted to the field Operations Divisions (FODS).

2.0 The FODS must conduct a Complete Staff work (CSW) to evaluate and verify the

policy proposal submitted. The CSW must be composed of the following activities

among others:

Validate the issue identified in the Policy Proposal and establish work process; Conduct consultation with various stakeholders; Assess option and recommendations stated in the policy proposal; and draft report on CSW conducted.

3.0 The CSW report together with the Policy Proposal will then be endorsed by the

FOD Directors to the Policy Unit for evaluation. The Policy Unit after reviewing

the documents submitted will endorsed the same o the Legal Unit for the drafting

of Policy Paper, if the document is for policy implementation. If not, it will be

forwarded to the Research, Planning and Monitoring Division (RPMD) databank

for future reference.

4.0 The Legal Unit after receiving the policy proposal shall: Write the proponent acknowledging the receipt of the policy proposal; a) Review the policy recommendation b) Conduct further research and consultation; c) Draft Policy Paper;

5.0 The Policy paper will be forwarded to the Commission En-Banc for PCUP adoption

and to the Office of the PCUP Chairman/CEO for endorsement to Office of the

President (OP), Local Government Units (LGUs) or concerned government


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PROPONENT (Accomplish Policy Proposal Form)

Chairman/CEO (Endorse Policy for OP or concerned Government Agencies

LEGAL UNIT (Drafting of Policy Paper, review policy recommendation with the Commissioners, and conduct other activities related to the policy paper being prepared)

POLICY UNIT (Review Policy Proposals submitted; write proponent of the action taken)

Commission En-Banc (Adoption of Policy


Research, Planning

and Monitoring

Division (RMPD)

(Data banking of submitted

policy proposals)


Conducts Complete Staff

If for


If for P


Policy Paper for Internal Implementation


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Office of the President of the Philippines


POLICY PROPOSAL (Note: Attached is the guide in accomplishing this policy proposal)







Submitted by: _______________________________

(Full Name and Signature) Position: _______________________________ Name of Organization: _______________________________ (if applicable) Date: _______________________________

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The title should clearly state the policy issue or problem that need to be addressed because of the current need of the urban poor sector or demand of development. It should be brief and concise.


This part of the policy paper contains the synopsis of all the main part.


The problem description identifies, defines and elaborates the nature of the problem being discussed. This may include:

The background of the problem (the history of the problem: its causes; who is affected; past policies and their outcomes); and

The current status of problems (who is or are affected by the policy, the current extent and impact of the problem, the current policy and its successes and failures).


This section outlines, evaluates and compares the possible policy alternatives. All policy options should be presented to build a comprehensive and convincing case. The focus is on evaluating how each option compares in solving the specific problem. On the basis of this evidence an argument is made for the preferred policy alternative.


This section provides a major summary of the findings, but highlights the main policy recommendation, which consists of practical steps that need to be taken to implement the proposed policy option.


This may present the data and methodology collected and used. They can be useful for additional information which supports the policy.

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Annex 6

Control of Documents

PCUP has a Records Unit which undertakes the Centralized Receiving and Releasing of

Documents. This Unit record the documents released and received in the logbook and also

maintains a file copy thereof.

The revision of the Quality Manual will be done through consultation with all PCUP Divisions

and Units.

Monitoring and Measurement of Client Satisfaction

PCUP installed a feedback box in all divisions and offices. All walk-in clients are requested to

fill-up the Feedback Form. These are gathered and consolidated every end of the month and

submitted to the Chairman and Division Heads for appropriation action.

On the trainings conducted, feedback from the participants is also generated. This is to ensure

that the participants are satisfied and acquired knowledge from the trainings.

Management Review

Management review is an activity that specifies action to take in response to internal and

external issues affecting the Commission. It considers the information on the performance of

the system, resources, and action taken in response to these concerns.

Among others management review include discussion on:

Customer satisfaction and feedback from interested parties.

Adequacy of resources

Effectiveness of the action taken to address the issues

Opportunities for improvement.

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Annex 7

Relevant Interested Parties

top related