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Drinking Patterns Questionnaire

We have found that each person has a unique or different pattern of drink-

ing alcohol. People drink more at certain times of the day, in particular

moods, with certain people, in specific places, and so forth. It is very com-mon for people to drink more under various stresses, before or after difficult

interactions, and when they are experiencing particular feelings. It may

sometimes seem that there are no circumstances that relate to your drink-

ing, that is, “I just drink.” However, after some thought, every person canidentify at least some important factors.

This questionnaire will help you to think about different aspects of your life

and how each might relate to your drinking. You will find instructions at

the beginning of each section. Please give each item careful consideration.

You will benefit most from this questionnaire if you are honest and openwith your responses.

For each item, mark with an “X” whether or not you drank in this situation

in the PAST 6 MONTHS.

Use the following options to answer each of the questions:

■ Mark “X” under Did not drink if you did not drink in this situation

in the past 6 months.

■ Mark “X” under Sometimes drank if you did drink in this situationin the past 6 months.

■ Mark “X” under Major drinking, if you drank often in this situation

in the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 1: Environmental Factors Related to Drinking

Various locations, times, people, activities, and events are associated withevery person’s drinking. The items in this section will help you to thinkabout these factors. Read each item carefully as some are divided into morethan one part.


Select one box next to each of the following items to indicate thefrequency with which you drank in each of the following locations duringthe PAST 6 MONTHS. If the location does not apply to you, answer “Didnot drink in this location.”


Did not drink inthis location

Sometimesdrank in thislocation

Major drinking location

1. Home

2. Bar

3. Club

4. Private club

5. Automobile

6. Outdoors

7. Church or temple

8. Work

9. Restaurant

10. Other’s home

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the location where you drank most often duringthe past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press


Select to each of the following items to indicate thefrequency with which you drank at each of the following times during thePAST 6 MONTHS. If the time does not apply to you, answer “Did notdrink at this time.”


Did not drink atthis time

Sometimesdrank at thistime

Major drinking time

11. During the morning

12. Lunchtime

13. Afternoon

14. After work (if employed)

15. During supper

16. During the evening

17. At bedtime

18. During the night

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the time during which you drank most oftenduring the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press


Select one box next to each of the following items to indicate thefrequency with which you drank with each of the following people duringthe PAST 6 MONTHS. If a particular person does not apply to you, answer“Did not drink with this person.”


Did not drinkwith this person

Sometimesdrank with thisperson

Major drinking companion

19. Spouse/Partner

20. Relative

21. Child

22. Male friend(s)

23. Female friend(s)

24. Male and femalefriend(s)

25. Alone

26. Strangers

27. Businessacquaintances

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the person with whom you drank most oftenduring the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press


Select one box next to each of the following items to indicate thefrequency with which you drank during each of the following activitiesduring the PAST 6 MONTHS. If a particular activity does not apply toyou, answer “Did not drink during this activity.”


Did not drinkduring thisactivity

Sometimesdrank duringthis activity

Major drinking activity

28. Cooking

29. Chores

30. Shopping

31. Smoking

32. Watching television

33. Eating

34. Reading

35. Resting

36. Doing crafts or hobby

37. Talking

38. Playing pool

39. Playing games (cards,pinball, etc.)

40. Gambling (horses, dogs)

41. Entertaining

42. Listening to entertainment

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press


Did not drinkduring thisactivity

Sometimesdrank duringthis activity

Major drinking activity

43. Attending a meeting

44. Partying

45. Driving

46. Playing sports

47. Attending sportingevent

48. Sunbathing

49. Cooking out

50. Walking or hiking

51. Recreationalactivities (fishing,swimming, etc.)

52. In sexual activities

53. Fighting (arguing)

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the activity during which you drank most oftenduring the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press


Select one box next to each of the following items that best describesyour drinking or urges to drink during the PAST 6 MONTHS. If a par-ticular situation does not apply to you, answer “Did not drink in thissituation.”


Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinking situation

54. I sometimes drinkwhen I see or hear anadvertisement for alcohol(TV commercial, magazinead, billboard, etc.)

55. I sometimes drink whenpassing a particular bar orrestaurant

56. I sometimes drink when Isee someone else drinking

57. I sometimes drink when Ihear people talking aboutdrinking

58. I seem to drink more onparticular days of the week

59. I seem to drink moreduring certain times of themonth

60. I seem to drink more atcertain times of the year(holidays, vacations, etc.)

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press


Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinking situation

61. I sometimes like to have adrink with certain foods,snacks, or meals

62. When I drink at home,I usually drink only incertain parts of the house

63. I sometimes drink morefrequently in certain typesof weather (hot day, coldday, etc.)

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the situation during which you drank mostoften during the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 2: Work Related

Select one box next to each of the following items to indicate YES orNO, whether each of the following three items applied to you in the PAST6 MONTHS.


A I have been employed at sometime in the PAST 6 MONTHS

B I have done volunteer work inthe PAST 6 MONTHS

C I have looked for work in thePAST 6 MONTHS

If you did not answer “Yes” to A, B, or C above, skip the entire “Work”section (questions 64–76).

If you did answer “Yes” to either item A, B, or C, please complete the entire“Work” section.

It is not unusual at times for people to drink because of work-related eventsor difficulties. This can happen in both paying jobs and volunteer work.The stress of looking for a job may also relate to drinking. Selectthe box next to each of the following items that best describes your drinkingin the PAST 6 MONTHS.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimes drankin this situation

Major drinkingsituation

64. I sometimes drink before I go towork

65. I sometimes drink on the job

66. I sometimes drink during workbreaks

67. I sometimes go drinking withfriends straight from workbefore stopping home

68. I sometimes drink after work tohelp relieve some of the pressurefrom the job

69. I sometimes drink with businessassociates at meetings,conventions, cocktail parties,etc.

70. I sometimes drink when I haveproblems with my coworkers orboss

71. I sometimes drink when I getnervous at work

72. I sometimes drink when I feelthat I’m not getting anywhere inmy job or career

73. I sometimes drink when I amhappy with the way work isgoing

74. I sometimes drink more onpayday after cashing my check

75. I sometimes drink after a jobinterview

76. I sometimes drink when I feelthat finding a new job is hopeless

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the situation during which you drank mostoften during the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 3: Financial

Often, people drink as a response to financial difficulties. For each of thefollowing items select the box that best describes your drinking inthe PAST 6 MONTHS. If a particular situation does not apply to you,select “Did not drink in this situation.”

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

77. I sometimes drink when I attemptto pay my bills and I get frustrated

78. I sometimes drink when I worryabout my finances

79. I sometimes drink when I feel bador guilty about not being a goodprovider

80. I sometimes drink when I can’t buysomething that a family memberrequests

81. I sometimes drink when I can’tafford something that I want verymuch

82. I sometimes drink when a familymember makes a purchase thatI know we can’t afford

83. I sometimes drink after I spend toomuch money

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

84. I sometimes drink when Ithink that my spouse doesn’tmake enough money

85. I sometimes feel like drinkingbecause of arguments overhow to spend money

86. I sometimes drink when I getangry over who controls themoney

87. I am sometimes more temptedto drink when my finances aregoing well and/or I havecaught up with all of my bills

88. I am sometimes more temptedto drink when I have a lot ofmoney in my pocket

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the situation during which you drank mostoften during the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 4: Physiological

Select one box next to each of the following items that best describesyour drinking behavior during the PAST 6 MONTHS. If a particular situa-tion does not apply to you, select the box that indicates “Did notdrink in this situation.”

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

89. I sometimes feel shaky and drinkto stop it

90. I sometimes drink when I feeltired or fatigued

91. I sometimes drink when I getrestless

92. I sometimes drink when I’mexperiencing physical pain (backpain, headache, etc.)

93. I sometimes take a drink if I havetrouble falling asleep

94. I sometimes wake up during thenight and take a drink to getback to sleep

95. I sometimes drink alcohol when Iam thirsty

96. I sometimes drink before mymenstrual period

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the situation during which you drank mostoften during the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 5: Interpersonal

People drink in social situations, that is, with other people, for many rea-sons. Select one box next to each of the following items that bestdescribes your drinking in the PAST 6 MONTHS. If a particular situationdoes not apply to you, select “Did not drink in this situation.”

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

97. It is sometimes difficult for menot to drink when people aroundme are drinking

98. I sometimes find it hard to resistif someone buys me a drink oroffers to do so

99. I sometimes drink to be part ofthe group

100. I sometimes drink as a way tomeet people or be with others

101. I sometimes drink to feel morecomfortable with others

102. I sometimes think that I don’trelate well to others and drinkinghelps me do so

103. I sometimes feel that I’m not asgood as other people anddrinking helps me feel better

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

104. I sometimes find that I drink afterI become angry at someone

105. I sometimes drink after feelinghurt by someone

106. I sometimes drink when I want tohurt or get back at someone

107. I sometimes drink when I amangry at myself for not speakingmy mind to someone

108. I sometimes drink to help meexpress my feelings towardsomeone (anger, love, etc.)

109. I sometimes drink when I feellonely

110. I sometimes drink because I thinkit’s the only way to have fun

111. I sometimes drink when I’m boredand have nothing to do

112. I sometimes drink when I thinkthat nobody cares about me

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

113. I sometimes drink whenI want someone to payattention to me

114. I sometimes drink when I feelthat people have put toomuch responsibility on me

115. I sometimes drink whenI think about pastrelationships

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the situation during which you drank mostoften during the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 6: Marital/Relationship

Select the YES or NO box to indicate whether you have beenmarried or involved in a romantic relationship in the PAST 6 MONTHS:


I have been married or involved in a romantic relationship in the past6 months

If you answered “NO” to this question, skip the entire “Mari-tal/Relationship” section (questions 116–142).

If you answered “Yes” to this question, please complete the entire “Mari-tal/Relationship” section.

Although sometimes hard to discuss, it is quite common for relationshipissues to be related to drinking. Select the box after each of thefollowing items that best describes your drinking in the PAST 6 MONTHS.If a particular situation does not apply to you, select “Did notdrink in this situation.”

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

116. I sometimes drink whenI anticipate an argument with mypartner

117. I sometimes drink after having anargument with my partner

118. I sometimes drink after mypartner nags me about something

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

119. I sometimes drink after mypartner criticizes me

120. I sometimes drink when mypartner is drinking or offersme a drink

121. I sometimes drink to help meexpress my feelings toward mypartner

122. I sometimes drink when mypartner and I are celebratingsomething

123. I sometimes drink after mypartner and I disagree aboutsexual relations

124. I sometimes drink or get anurge to drink when I want toavoid sexual relations with mypartner

125. I sometimes drink when I’mconcerned about my sexualadequacy

126. I sometimes drink whenI want to enjoy sexualrelations more

127. I sometimes drink afterphysical violence occurs in thefamily or when I haveconcerns about it

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

128. I sometimes drink whenI think my partner or familydoesn’t care about me

129. I sometimes drink when I feelthat my partner doesn’tunderstand my needs ordesires

130. I sometimes drink when mypartner doesn’t spend enoughtime with me

131. I sometimes drink when I feel“trapped” in my relationship

132. I sometimes drink when I’mfrustrated that my partner andI can’t resolve a conflict

133. I sometimes drink after mypartner embarrasses me inpublic

134. I sometimes drink at timeswhen I am jealous

135. I sometimes drink when mypartner and I have conflict onhow to deal with ourchild(ren)

136. I sometimes drink when I amnot happy with my role in thefamily

137. I sometimes drink when itseems that my partner is nottreating my like an adult

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

138. I sometimes drink whenI think my partner is tooinvolved with my affairs

139. I sometimes drink when I feelthat my partner doesn’t meethis or her responsibilities

140. I sometimes drink whenI feel that I don’t meet myresponsibilities

141. I sometimes drink to “getback” at my partner

142. I sometimes drink more whenmy partner tries to stop mydrinking

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the situation during which you drank mostoften during the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 7: Parents

Select the YES or NO box to indicate whether at least one of yourparents and/or in-laws are still living:


A My parents are still living

B My in-laws are still living

If you answered “No” to both A and B, skip the entire “Parents” section(questions 143–154).

If you answered “Yes” to either A or B, please complete the entire “Parents”section.

Put an “X” in one box that best describes your drinking in the PAST 6MONTHS. If a particular situation does not apply to you, put an “X” under“Did not drink in this situation.”

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

143. I sometimes drink with myparents or in-laws

144. I sometimes drink after spendingtime with my parents or in-laws

145. I sometimes drink to help meexpress my feelings toward myparents or in-laws

146. I sometimes drink when I’mupset with my parents or in-laws

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

147. I sometimes drink when I feelthat my parents or in-lawsdon’t respect me as an adult

148. I sometimes drink when I feelguilty about something relatedto my parents or in-laws

149. I sometimes drink whenI hurt or embarrass myparents or in-laws

150. I sometimes drink when I feelthat my parents or in-laws aretoo demanding or interfering

151. I sometimes drink after myparents or in-laws andI disagree about something

152. I sometimes drink whenI think about things that myparents did to me when I wasyounger

153. I sometimes drink when I seethat my parents or in-laws aregetting older

154. I sometimes drink whenI think about the death of oneor both of my parents orin-laws

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the situation during which you drank mostoften during the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 8: Children

If you have children, interactions with your children can lead you to certainfeelings or moods related to your drinking. Select the YES orNO box to indicate whether you have any children.


If you do not have any children, skip the remainder of this section(questions 155–171).

Please complete this section even if children from your present or previousmarriage are not currently living with you. Select each of thefollowing items for the PAST 6 MONTHS. If a particular situation doesnot apply to you, select “Did not drink in this situation.”

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

155. I sometimes drink afterinteracting with my children

156. I sometimes drink when myspouse and I have a disagreementabout our children

157. I sometimes drink to help meexpress my feelings toward mychildren

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

158. I sometimes drink when I’mannoyed with my children

159. I sometimes drink when I feelthat my children don’t respectme

160. I sometimes drink when I feelthat my children are ashamedof me

161. I sometimes drink after mychildren get in troubleat school or with legalauthorities

162. I sometimes drink after mychildren do not follow myorders or wishes

163. I sometimes drink when I feelthat my children are too muchresponsibility

164. I sometimes drink when I feelthat I cannot control mychildren

165. I sometimes drink when I feelguilty about something relatedto my children

166. I sometimes drink whenI can’t give my childrensomething they want

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink inthis situation

Sometimesdrank in thissituation

Major drinkingsituation

167. I sometimes drink afterpunishing my children tooharshly or losing my temper

168. I sometimes drink after mychildren manipulate myspouse/partner into doingsomething with which I’m notpleased

169. I sometimes drink whenI want to see my children butI can’t do so

170. I sometimes drink when mychildren talk back to me

171. I sometimes drink when I feelthat my children don’t needme any longer

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the situation during which you drank mostoften during the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Section 9: Emotional

People often drink when they are experiencing some type of emotion, eithernegative or positive. Select next to each emotion on the following listto describe the emotions you have or haven’t experienced before drinking inthe PAST 6 MONTHS. If a particular emotion does not apply to you,Select “Did not drink with this emotion.”

Did not drinkwith thisemotion

Sometimesdrank in thissituation


172. Angry

173. Sad

174. Depressed

175. Hurt

176. Spiteful

177. Lonely

178. Hopeless

179. Frustrated

180. Guilty

181. Fearful

182. Nervous

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

Did not drink withthis emotion

Sometimes drankin this situation


183. Restless

184. Insecure

185. Fatigued

186. Happy

187. Relaxed

188. Self-confident

189. Loving

After you have answered each of the above questions, go back andselect the number of the feeling with which you drank most oftenduring the past 6 months.

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press


You have now finished the sections of the questionnaire dealing with events, people, andfeelings that come before your drinking or urges to drink. We would like you to look backover the questionnaire and think about the relative importance of each of these sections asit applies to your drinking, that is, how important each section is compared to the othersections.

The different sections of the questionnaire that you have just completed are listed below.Think about the section that is most important, out of all nine sections, in relation to yourdrinking or urges to drink. Select next to that section. Then think about the section that issecond most important to your drinking, and select “2” next to that section. Then thinkabout the section that is third most important to your drinking, and select next to that “3”section. Continue to do that until you have ranked each of the nine sections listed below.Each number should be used only once. The sections marked “8” and “9” should be leastimportant related to your drinking, compared to the other sections.

Most Important- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Least Important

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Section 1 Environmental(p. 220)

Section 2 Work (p. 227)

Section 3 Financial (p. 229)

Section 4 Physiological (p. 231)

Section 5 Interpersonal (p. 232)

Section 6 Marital/Relationship (p. 235)

Section 7 Parents (p. 239)

Section 8 Children (p. 241)

Section 9 Emotional (p. 244)

Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Drinking Patterns Questionnaire.Copyright © 2009 by Oxford University Press

Oxford Clinical Psychology | Oxford University Press

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