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Project Planning Brief

Realigning and Optimizing Facilities Operations Resources and Services

Based on the Strategic Redesign Initiative Report created by McKinsey & Co. for the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees in August of 2011.

Version: 3.0

February 14, 2013

Contact: JP Lacombe


Version Notes:

Final Draft Document Submitted for Approval.

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Contents: ................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Project Stakeholders: ................................................................................................................................................ 2

Project Statement ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

Realignment Objective, organizational Objective, & Expected Outcomes ............................................................... 3

Project Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 4

Listing of Realignment Projects & Project Teams ...................................................................................................... 5

Summary of Recommended Actions for Project Teams ............................................................................................ 7

1. Change Res-Life Operations Reporting Relationship ................................................................................... 7

2. Establish a Residential Services & Renovations Group within Facilities Operations ................................... 7

3. Establish an Enterpise Dispatch Function .................................................................................................... 7

4. Technology Requirements Analysis & Design Specification ........................................................................ 8

5. Re-deploy “Zone” Resources Into Functional Trades Alignment ................................................................. 8

6. Improve Professional Work Practices Across Facilities Operations Units .................................................... 9

Works Cited ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

Appendix A: Slides Referenced from the McKinsey Report .................................................................................... 11

Appendix B: Res-Life Positions Moving to Facilities Operations ............................................................................. 27


Project Requestor Susan Herbst, President

Executive Sponsors

Mun Y. Choi, Interim Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Richard Gray, Executive Vice President for Administration & Chief Financial Officer

Sponsors John Saddlemire, Vice President of Student Affairs

Kenneth Egeberg, Associate V.P. of Architectural, Engineering and Building Services

Lead Contributors (Co-Chairs)

Logan Trimble, Director of Operations for Residential Life

Tony Weston, Director, Work Planning & Management Architectural, Engineering and Building Services

David Clokey, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

Ken Crowell, Director of Facilities Maintenance Management Architectural, Engineering and Building Services

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The McKinsey & Company Strategic Redesign Initiative Report (McKinsey Report) completed for UConn administration in November of 2011 recommended the re-alignment of UConn stand-alone facilities operations units into a centralized model, while concurrently optimizing resource planning, resource allocation and service delivery. The report also suggests realigning other stand-alone facilities operations functions across the campus into the greater Facilities Operations (FAC-OPS) organization. Residential Life Operations (RL-OPS) has been selected as the first organization to be realigned with Facilities Operations.

As this project moves forward, it will be guided by the McKinsey report recommendations and improvements suggested by both FAC-OPS and RL-OPS employees at all levels. To initiate the project, the following pages provide recommended actions, to be completed in the near term, which will enable the McKinsey recommendations to be implemented. These recommended actions; defined as phase 1 projects, are to be completed over the balance of the 2012 calendar year. Phase 2 and phase 3 projects are to follow semi-concurrently (short lag) through the balance of the fiscal year and into August. Below you will find a summary of recommended actions, including references to the McKinsey report, a listing of positions to be moved and a working project plan.



The primary objective of this realignment project is to successfully realign the people, processes, technology, and positive cultural components of the Facilities Operations and Residential Life Operations, resulting in a unified organization that can more efficiently and effectively provide its customers timely, high quality work, while providing services at a lower cost to the university.


To provide all campus customers with timely, professional, best-in-class services in the maintenance, repair, renovation, and upkeep of all campus buildings, grounds, and infrastructure, while striving to be innovative in avoiding unnecessary costs, managing job costs, avoiding waste, and seeking efficiencies.


Organizational Structure Realignment

1. Realignment of Facilities Operations units as specified in the revised Facilities Operations (6/10/2012) organizational chart (informed by the McKinsey Report) with the addition of a Residential Services Group (RL-OPS). [1, pp. 16, 26-29]

Operations Realignment

1. Establishment of an enterprise-wide work order dispatch unit, with Resource Planners assigning and monitoring work/resources/projects, advised by industry “wrench-time” standards and metrics, to provide better planning and oversight of facilities work across all campuses [2, pp. 19, 34-37].

2. Improved functionality and alignment of FAMIS to business needs; enable effective tracking, management, and reporting of all facilities related information [3, pp. 46-49].

3. Facilities trade workers aligned in central shops and assigned to a primary campus zone, with the possibility to move them to jobs outside of their zone when demand requires [4, pp. 18, 25-32].

Cost Saving Opportunities

1. Cost savings identified through resource attrition over a 3 yr. period [5, pp. 4, 6, 8].

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2. Improved efficiency in delivery of service. As measured by improved productivity of workers over baseline [6, pp. 38-42].

3. Identified “wrench time” savings calculated via comparison to University and industry standard metrics [7, pp. 13-14, 42-43, 55-56].

4. Proactive procurement and installation of preventive maintenance parts and equipment in buildings, as calculated via comparison to University and industry standard metrics.

5. Documented and consistently applied professional and customer service standards for completing facilities work; measured via customer service surveys

6. Improved and measured utilization of a facilities asset management system to enable further business analysis and cost reduction.


For the terms of this project, the realignment effort will include the following areas:


Maintenance and Renovation Services.

Renovations, Repairs & Elevators [Trades]: Carpenter, Glass, HVAC, Mason, Paint, Plumbing, Roofing, Second shift, Signs, and Sheet Metal.

Zone Maintenance – Zones 1-4.

Landscape Department: Lawn, tree, and plant care; pest management, animal removal, litter control and snow removal.

Financial Services: Accounting, billing, service fees, charge guidelines, accounts receivable.

Work Order Services.

FAMIS and FAMIS Support.

Work Order Control – Shifts 1-3.


Residential Life Operations – Facilities and Grounds Functions.

Work order scheduling and oversight (as it relates to interfacing with Facilities Operations).


All in-house and contracted Custodial Services.

Residential Life Front Desk Operation (student related services).

Academic Renovations.

Athletics Facilities Operations.

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The following table lists the projects, project goals, and affiliated project teams that comprise the realignment initiative. These projects are sourced directly from the operational recommendations stated in the McKinsey Report (see McKinsey Report references on page 4 and corresponding slides in Appendix A for additional information). The projects also include additional work based on UConn’s specific and unique operating challenges.

Project team members were either selected for their expertise in a specific area and/or they have volunteered to work on the project. Additional team members are welcome on all projects.

PROJECT 1: ADMINISTRATIVE REALIGNMENT OF RL-OPS | COMPLETE BY MARCH 1, 2013 Project Goal: Effect “paper” change of RL-OPS organizational reporting relationships to enable physical change.

Ginny Holihan Fiscal Manager, Residential Life


Kelley Wihbey Budget Analyst III, Budget Office Logan Trimble Interim Director of Residential Life

Melanie Savino Executive Assistant, AEBS Tony Weston Director, Work Planning & Management, Facilities Operations

PROJECT 2: BUDGET/EXPENSE MODEL CREATION | COMPLETE BY MARCH 1, 2013 Project Goal: Determine and implement the fiscal changes necessary to operationalize the realignment.

Ginny Holihan Fiscal Manager, Residential Life PROJECT TEAM

Kelley Wihbey Budget Analyst III, Budget Office Logan Trimble Interim Director of Residential Life

Melanie Savino Executive Assistant, AEBS Tony Weston Director, Work Planning & Management, Facilities Operations Tracey Miller Administrative Services Assistant, Facilities Operations Wendy Salisbury Assistant Finance Director, Facilities Operations

PROJECT 3: RESIDENTIAL SERVICES AND RENOVATIONS | COMPLETE BY JUNE 21, 2013 Project Goal: Establish and operationalize a Residential Services and Renovations Group that will serve customers directly (e.g. Residential Life), using service level agreements and statements of work to guide the scope of operations.

Dave Koehler Building Renovation Projects Director, Academic Renovations


Donald Bradway MTCE Supervisor 1 - Carpenter, Facilities Operations Jay Johnston Assistant Director of Operations, Residential Life

Joe Landry Qualified Craft Worker - Electrician, Residential Life Jonathan Cooke Qualified Craft Worker - Painter, Residential Life Ken Crowell Director of Facilities Maintenance Management Kevin Mahan General Trades Worker, Residential Life Linda Sumner Qualified Craft Worker - Carpenter, Residential Life Mickey Gorman Maintenance Supervisor, Facilities Operations Mike Mitchell Qualified Craft Worker - Carpenter, Residential Life Peter Mcqueeney MTCE Supervisor 2 - HVACR, Facilities Operations Richard Watson Assistant Director of Operations, Residential Life Scott Gallo Associate Director of Operations, Residential Life

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PROJECT 4: ENTERPRISE DISPATCH | COMPLETE BY JUNE 21, 2013 Project Goal: Establish and operationalize an enterprise dispatch function, as recommended by the McKinsey implementation report, to enable the ability to realize savings via improved work planning and practices.

Allison Dempsey Executive Assistant, Facilities Operations


Chuck Morrell Associate Director, Student Union George Sabo Maintenance Supervisor, Facilities Operations

Heather Mokoski Work Order Control Ops. Supervisor, Facilities Operations Logan Trimble Interim Director of Residential Life Mike Majnich General Trades Worker, Residential Life Peter Dunnack Assistant Director of Operations, Residential Life, South/West Richard Watson Assistant Director of Operations, Residential Life Scott Gallo Associate Director of Operations, Residential Life Tony Weston Director, Work Planning & Management, Facilities Operations Tracy Cree Assistant Director of Operations, Residential Life Front Desk

PROJECT 5: FAMIS OPTIMIZATION | COMPLETE BY JUNE 21, 2013 Project Goal: Conduct a Famis requirements analysis & develop a design specification that will inform Famis functionality enhancements and the exploration of other related software tools that can enable improved productivity within Facilities Operations.

Alexandria Roe Director of Planning, Office of University Planning


Heather Mokoski Work Order Control Ops. Supervisor, Facilities Operations Jessica Alson Quality Assurance and IT Management, AEBS

JP Lacombe Manager, Organization & Staff Development Lara Bordick Computer Programmer/Analyst 2, UITS Lauren Barrett Operations Manager, Police Department Melanie Savino Executive Assistant, AEBS Tim Grady Power Plant Supervisor Tony Weston Director, Work Planning & Management, Facilities Operations Tracy Cree Assistant Director of Operations, Residential Life Front Desk

PROJECT 6: ZONES & TRADES FUNCTIONAL ALIGNMENT | COMPLETE BY AUGUST 9, 2013 Project Goal: Consolidate the zone and trades workers into central shops, to enable better utilization of staff via managed resource pools, improved oversight of field work by supervisors, and improved consistency of day-to-day work through the utilization of industry standard metrics and measures as guides for operations.

Aris Ristau Assistant Director of Operations, Residential Life


Gene Boutot General Trades Worker, Facilities Operations Joseph Landry Qualified Craft Worker-Electrician, Residential Life

Ken Crowell Director of Facilities Maintenance Management Mark Flynn Qualified Craft Worker-Plumber, Facilities Operations Mike Richards Qualified Craft Worker-Electrician, Facilities Operations Paul Kalajian General Trades Worker, Facilities Operations Steven Werth Qualified Craft Worker-Electrician, Facilities Operations Timothy Gray Qualified Craft Worker-Plumber, Facilities Operations Tom Trahan Zone Maintenance, Facilities Operations Tracey Miller Administrative Services Assistant, Facilities Operations

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The following recommended actions expand the project goals stated in the project list above and also are derived from the McKinsey report. Project team members should expect to follow through on these recommended actions and also expand the project task list based on needs for improvement in their particular areas. This project is not meant to singularly implement the McKinsey recommendations; rather it is an opportunity for us to improve University operations as it relates to the McKinsey Report.


Change the Res-Life Operations organizational reporting relationship from Student Affairs to Facilities Operations. Maintain the Res-Life Operations organizational structure when initially placed within Facilities Operations.

a. With few exceptions, those Residential Life Operations resources that are actively supervising or completing facilities oriented work are slated to move to Facilities Operations.

b. It is important to include all individuals who are willing to participate in the planning and execution of the active Facilities Operations re-alignment, enabling direct, equal, and supported feedback from all constituencies.

Please reference appendix B for a chart that illustrates the amount and nature of the Residential Life Operations positions that will move to Facilities Operations.


Develop a working business plan, including fiscal model, to develop and implement a “Residential Services & Renovations Group” that provides Facilities Operations the capability to work “on contract” for organizations with specialized business needs (e.g. Student Affairs).

The plan is to (at least) include proposed solutions to meet the following known business needs:

a. Develop the organizational plan, structure and chart that specifies how the Residential Services and Renovations Group will be organized within the greater facilities operations organization; including the similarities and differences of the fiscal business models and customer base.

b. Develop a tactical realignment plan including; space needs, personnel needs, the transfer of intellectual property, technology, and equipment assets.


Establish an enterprise dispatch function to service all non-student facilities work requests. Develop a working business plan, including fiscal model, which prioritizes, assigns, and coordinates the completion of work-orders for all building and grounds maintenance work.

The plan is to (at least) include proposed solutions to meet the following known business needs:

a. Develop a strategy for how the enterprise dispatch function will be accountable for optimizing worker utilization for on call, maintenance, and renovation projects.

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b. Determine and document whether in-house resources can be re-deployed as Resource Planners (minor maintenance work) and Project Managers (renovation work) who can lead all maintenance and renovations projects.

c. Develop the organizational structure and chart that specifies how Resource Planners and Project Managers will work directly with trades supervisors, (including Landscaping) to ensure the appropriate worker is assigned to the job and is successful.

d. Identify and document industry standard SLAs, pricing and “wrench time” standards across Facilities functions (assumes these metrics currently exist from industry associations).

e. Develop requirements for a facilities information and work order system; compare these requirements to FAMIS functionality to determine gaps.

f. Develop a report that recommends the best use of a facilities information and work order system in the near-term and the long-term (upgrade or new system). Include a basic cost benefit analysis and a short list of recommended systems that can meet UConn’s needs long term.

g. Determine and document how enterprise dispatch resources will establish and maintain relationships with facilities management contacts in each department across campus.

h. Determine and document how enterprise dispatch resource planners will work with FAC-OPS management to ensure:

▪ Implementation of clear work prioritization principles

▪ Guidelines are followed for (1) use of overtime (2) when to outsource, and (3) approach to completing planned and deferred maintenance.


Perform a requirements analysis for Facilities Operations to determine their space, asset, work order and reporting business needs. Develop a design specification, project plan, and cost estimate to communicate enhancements that can be made to FAMIS, or other related software, to enable improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. Functional areas to be included are:

a. Maintenance Management | Space Management | Capital Project Management


Develop a working business plan, including fiscal model, on how to re-deploy FAC-OPS “Zone” resources into a central resource pool aligned by trade. The plan needs to (at least) include solutions to meet the following known business needs:

a. Develop the organizational structure and chart that specifies how existing zone personnel and zone supervisors will be realigned into a single pool of facilities workers aligned by trade. Work with Labor Relations and Employment Services to ensure plans are acceptable.

b. Develop a tactical realignment plan including; space needs, personnel needs, and the transfer of intellectual property, technology, and equipment assets.

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c. Design and develop a plan for functional training and a performance management program across Facilities Operations to improve/update technical skills and learn to meet standard “wrench” times for common maintenance jobs.

d. Plan for the logistics associated with moving and housing Zone resources and assets during and post realignment.


In every area of the realignment project, project teams need to include exploration and identification of best practices which can be used as guidelines for baseline operations. These guidelines will also be used to effectively and consistently compare industry data to actual data. Project teams need to at least consider:

a. Identifying and/or developing standards for work practices and equipment use.

b. Identifying and/or developing standard job and install timeframes.

c. Developing a plan to streamline sourcing and purchasing of materials in partnership with procurement services.

d. Agreeing on format for, and automate generation of, internal and external performance reports.

e. Providing customer service training for customer facing employees.

f. Providing Interaction Skills or Supervisory/Leadership training for appropriate personnel.

g. Providing performance management training appropriate personnel.

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[1] McKinsey & Company, "UConn Strategic Redesign Initiative, Facilities Opportunities Implementation Report: slides 16, 26-29," August 2011.

[2] M. &. Company, "UConn Strategic Redesign Initiative, Facilities Opportunities Implementation Report: slides 19, 34-37," August 2011.

[3] M. &. Company, "UConn Strategic Redesign Initiative, Facilities Opportunities Implementation Report: slides 46-49," August 2011.

[4] M. &. Company, "UConn Strategic Redesign Initiative, Facilities Opportunities Implementation Report: slides 18, 25-32," August 2007.

[5] M. &. Company, "UConn Strategic Redesign Initiative, Facilities Opportunities Implementation Report: slides 4, 6, 8," August 2011.

[6] McKinsey & Company, "UConn Strategic Redesign Initiative, Facilities Opportunities Implementation Report: slides 38-42," August 2011.

[7] M. &. Company, "UConn Strategic Redesign Initiative, Facilities Opportunities Implementation Report: slides 13-14, 42-43, 55-56," August 2011.

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Slide 2 outlining 4 step improvement plan based on a preceding diagnostic report from the same study.

This improvement plan forms the basis of discussion for all project teams.

Slide 3 outlining an agenda for improvement based on a two phase deployment – productivity model.

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Slide # 4. This slide was used as a reference for information on the realignment of zones and trades shops.

Slide # 6. This slide was used as a reference for information on cost savings from attrition.

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Slide # 8. This slide was used as a reference for information on cost savings from attrition.

Slides# 13 & 14 were used as a reference for wrench time metric information – how it can be utilized to determine resource capacity.

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Slide #14

Slide # 16. This slide was used as a reference for understanding the proposed organizational structure and how it maps to Central Shops, Enterprise Dispatch, and Residential Services.

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Slide # 18. This slide was used as a reference for understanding the proposed steps McKinsey suggests to achieve cost savings through consolidation of resources into Central Shops.

Slide # 19. This slide was used as a reference for understanding the proposed steps McKinsey suggests to achieve cost savings through the installation of a central “enterprise” dispatch function.

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Slide # 25. This slide was used as a data point to understand where McKinsey expects UConn to achieve savings via resource leveling.

Note: Given collective bargaining contracts, the information on this slide is not directly applicable to our workforce.

Slide # 26-29. The following slides were used as data point to understand the organizational structure McKinsey has proposed and how that structure informs and/or guides the work the project teams need to complete.

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Slide 27.

Slide 28.

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Slide 29.

Slides 34-37 were referenced to understand McKinsey’s recommendations regarding establishing a central planning & scheduling function and performance management function. The information informs how the Enterprise Dispatch function is described in this document and will inform the level of detail required of the project team.

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Slide 35.

Slide 36.

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Slide 37.

Slides 38-42 were used as a reference to help demonstrate in the document the importance of resource planning and scheduling to maximize worker efficiency.

This data also helps demonstrate that Famis is integral tool in helping Facilities manage information to effective improve its business. As such a project team has been created to work towards optimizing Famis.

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Slide 39

Slide 40

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Slide 41

Slide 42

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Slide 43 was used as a reference to understand and highlight wrench-time standards in the document and for project teams.

Slides 46-49 were used as a reference to further build the case that Famis must be addressed to enable the successful implementation of the McKinsey recommendations.

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Slide 47

Slide 48

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Slide 49

Slide 55 further highlights the concept and application of wrench time data. This information is also referenced in this document.

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Slide 56

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1 Managerial - Confidential

5 UCP-9 Building Renovations

Project Directors

5 Quality Craft Worker - Carpenters

6 Quality Craft Worker - Electrical

1 Quality Craft Worker - Plumber

1 Quality Craft Worker - Painter

1 Quality Craft Worker - Machinist

2 UCP-7 Residence Hall

Complex Managers

3 Maintenance Supervisors

26 General Trades Workers

4 Skilled Maintainers

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