dlis description units class / lis servicevirtualpps.com/archive/eclipscurves.pdf · dlis...

Post on 21-Apr-2019






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DLIS Description Units Class / LIS Service

Name Units Name

A08A Amplified amplitude, 8 Hz long spacing (x10) FIXED pct A08A DMAG

A08L Amplitude, 8 Hz long spacing FIXED pct A08L DMAG

A08M Amplitude, 8 Hz medium spacing FIXED pct A08M DMAG

A08S Amplitude, 8 Hz short spacing FIXED pct A08S DMAG

A16L Amplitude, 16 Hz long spacing FIXED pct A16L DMAG

A16M Amplitude, 16 Hz medium spacing FIXED pct A16M DMAG

A16S Amplitude, 16 Hz short spacing FIXED pct A16S DMAG

A2F Receiver voltage, far FIXED mV A2F DEL2

A2N Receiver voltage, near FIXED mV A2N DEL2

A2TN Attenuation LENGTH dB/ft A2TN DEL2

A32L Amplitude, 32 Hz long spacing FIXED pct A32L DMAG

A32M Amplitude, 32 Hz medium spacing FIXED pct A32M DMAG

A32S Amplitude, 32 Hz short spacing FIXED pct A32S DMAG

A4F Receiver voltage, far FIXED mV A4F DEL4

A4N Receiver voltage, near FIXED mV A4N DEL4

A4TN Attenuation LENGTH dB/ft A4TN DEL4

AAV Average reflectance peak volts FIXED mV AAV CBIL

AAVE Amplitude average FIXED mV AAVE RAL

ABSP Absolute pressure in housing PRESSURE 1 ABSP RCOR

ABSPF Absolute pressure in housing PRESSURE 1 ABSP RCOR

ACBH Internal borehole size for QC traveltime estimate DIAMETER in ACBH ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

ACCL Analog (continuous) CCL for shooting FIXED dim ACCL CCL/PFC

ACCM Spartek memory tool acceleration ACCELERATION m/s2 ACCM COMR

ACCTIM Accumulated time FIXED s ACTM PDK/RPM




ACCZ2 Accelerometer Z (second tool) FIXED mG ACCZ TTMA/LWC

ACFC Accelerometer word count FIXED 1 ACCF TTMA

ACP1A Average capacitance pad 1 frequency 1 FIXED pF IA11 GXPL

ACP1B Average capacitance pad 1 frequency 2 FIXED pF IA21 GXPL

ACP2A Average capacitance pad 2 frequency 1 FIXED pF IA12 GXPL

ACP2B Average capacitance pad 2 frequency 2 FIXED pF IA22 GXPL

ACP3A Average capacitance pad 3 frequency 1 FIXED pF IA13 GXPL

ACP3B Average capacitance pad 3 frequency 2 FIXED pF IA23 GXPL

ACP4A Average capacitance pad 4 frequency 1 FIXED pF IA14 GXPL

ACP4B Average capacitance pad 4 frequency 2 FIXED pF IA24 GXPL

ACP5A Average capacitance pad 5 frequency 1 FIXED pF IA15 GXPL

ACP5B Average capacitance pad 5 frequency 2 FIXED pF IA25 GXPL

ACP6A Average capacitance pad 6 frequency 1 FIXED pF IA16 GXPL

ACP6B Average capacitance pad 6 frequency 2 FIXED pF IA26 GXPL

ACQSEQ Subset 6 acquisition sequence number FIXED 1 ACQS NIR

ADSTCK Number of waves stacked FIXED dim ADST HDIL

AG110 Silver 110 concentration FIXED api AG PRSM


AGND Auto ground FIXED raw AGND ORIT

ALHI Acoustic log hydrocarbon indicator ACOU-SLOW dim ALHI MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

ALHIX Acoustic log hydrocarbon indicator for QC (X-axis) ACOU-SLOW dim ALHX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

ALHIY Acoustic log hydrocarbon indicator for QC (Y-axis) ACOU-SLOW dim ALHY MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

ALRTM Downhole processing method indicator FIXED 1 ALRT ECBIL

AMA1 Amplitude of apparent sigma (short space) FIXED 1 AMA1 RPM

AMA2 Amplitude of apparent sigma (long space) FIXED 1 AMA2 RPM

AMA3 Amplitude of apparent sigma (extra long space) FIXED 1 AMA3 RPM

AMAV Average amplitude FIXED mV AMAV SBT

AMAV2 Average amplitude (second tool) FIXED mV AMV2 SBT

AMAV5 Average amplitude FIXED mV AMV5 SBT

AMAV52 Average amplitude (second tool) FIXED mV AM52 SBT

AMAX Maximum radius FIXED dim AMAX CBIL

AMB1 Amplitude of borehole from fastdx (short space) FIXED 1 AMB1 RPM

AMB2 Amplitude of borehole from fastdx (long space) FIXED 1 AMB2 RPM

AMB3 Amplitude of borehole from fastdx (extra long space) FIXED 1 AMB3 RPM

AMCBF Amplitude T1R1 (far) for CBL FIXED dim AMNF ACX/DAL

AMCBN Amplitude T2R1 (near) for CBL FIXED dim AMNN ACX/DAL

AME1 Early amplitude after subtracting SGL1 FIXED 1 AME1 RPM

AMED Median radius FIXED dim AMED CBIL

AMF1 Amplitude of formation from fastdx (short space) FIXED 1 AMF1 RPM

AMF2 Amplitude of formation from fastdx (long space) FIXED 1 AMF2 RPM

AMF3 Amplitude of formation from fastdx (extra long space) FIXED 1 AMF3 RPM

AMFV Amplitude (mV) T1R1 (far) for CBL FIXED mV AMFV ACX/DAL

AMIN Minimum radius FIXED dim AMIN CBIL

AML1 Amplitude of sigma late (short space) FIXED 1 AML1 RPM

AML2 Amplitude of sigma late (long space) FIXED 1 AML2 RPM

AML3 Amplitude of sigma late (extra long space) FIXED 1 AML3 RPM

AMMAX Amplitude maximum FIXED mV AMAX RAL

AMMIN Amplitude minimum FIXED mV AMIN RAL

AMNV Amplitude (mV) T2R1 (near) for CBL FIXED mV AMNV ACX/DAL

AMP11 Amplitude for 5-foot spacing FIXED dim AM11 AC/DAL

AMP113 Amplitude T1R13 FIXED dim AMP5 DAC

AMP12 Amplitude T1R2 FIXED dim AM12 AC/SBT


AMP213 Amplitude T2R13 FIXED dim AMP3 DAC

AMP22 Amplitude T2R2 FIXED dim AM22 AC

AMPB Signal amplitude T1R1 FIXED dim AMPB BAL


AMPF Amplitude far transmitter-receiver FIXED dim AMPF RAL/CBL

AMPN Amplitude near transmitter-receiver FIXED dim AMPN RAL/CBL


ANG Tool-to-centroid angle FIXED deg ANG BHP

ANGW Tool-to-centroid angle FIXED deg ANGW WGI


APGC Hydraulic system pressure FIXED psi APGC RCI

APH1A Pad 1 frequency A average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP1A GXPL

APH1B Pad 1 frequency B average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP1B GXPL

APH2A Pad 2 frequency A average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP2A GXPL

APH2B Pad 2 frequency B average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP2B GXPL

APH3A Pad 3 frequency A average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP3A GXPL

APH3B Pad 3 frequency B average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP3B GXPL

APH4A Pad 4 frequency A average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP4A GXPL

APH4B Pad 4 frequency B average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP4B GXPL

APH5A Pad 5 frequency A average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP5A GXPL

APH5B Pad 5 frequency B average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP5B GXPL

APH6A Pad 6 frequency A average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP6A GXPL

APH6B Pad 6 frequency B average phase over pad buttons FIXED deg AP6B GXPL


APQJ Straddle packer Quartzdyne gauge pressure PRESSURE psi APQJ RCI

APQK Drawdown Quartzdyne gauge pressure PRESSURE psi APQK RCI

APQL Packer Quartzdyne gauge pressure PRESSURE psi APQL RCI

AQAZ3X X-axis to Y-axis reference pad azimuth change for 3DeX FIXED deg AQA3 ORIT

AQRB3X X-axis to Y-axis relative bearing change for 3DeX FIXED deg AQR3 ORIT

AR1 Fixed gate amplitude T-R1 FIXED dim AR1 RAL

AR1A Average conductivity pad 1 frequency 1 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA11 GXPL

AR1B Average conductivity pad 1 frequency 2 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA21 GXPL

AR2 Fixed gate amplitude T-R2 FIXED dim AR2 RAL

AR2A Average conductivity pad 2 frequency 1 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA12 GXPL

AR2B Average conductivity pad 2 frequency 2 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA22 GXPL

AR3 Fixed gate amplitude T-R3 FIXED dim AR3 RAL

AR3A Average conductivity pad 3 frequency 1 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA13 GXPL

AR3B Average conductivity pad 3 frequency 2 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA23 GXPL

AR4 Fixed gate amplitude T-R4 FIXED dim AR4 RAL

AR4A Average conductivity pad 4 frequency 1 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA14 GXPL

AR4B Average conductivity pad 4 frequency 2 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA24 GXPL

AR5 Fixed gate amplitude T-R5 FIXED dim AR5 RAL

AR5A Average conductivity pad 5 frequency 1 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA15 GXPL

AR5B Average conductivity pad 5 frequency 2 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA25 GXPL

AR6 Fixed gate amplitude T-R6 FIXED dim AR6 RAL

AR6A Average conductivity pad 6 frequency 1 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA16 GXPL

AR6B Average conductivity pad 6 frequency 2 CONDUCTIVITY mmho/m CA26 GXPL

AR7 Fixed gate amplitude T-R7 FIXED dim AR7 RAL

AR8 Fixed gate amplitude T-R8 FIXED dim AR8 RAL

ARAD Reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in ARAD CBIL

ARAD1 Zero degree reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in ARA1 CBIL

ARAD2 90 degree reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in ARA2 CBIL

ARAD3 180 degree reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in ARA3 CBIL

ARAD4 270 degree reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in ARA4 CBIL

ARADS3 Reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in ARAD CBIL

ARADS5 Reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in ARAD CBIL

ARADS7 Reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in ARAD CBIL

AROL Accelerometer derived roll angle FIXED deg AROL POS

ARTA Frequency A average of array of pad average resistivities FIXED ohm.m ARTA GXPL

ARTB Frequency B average of array of pad average resistivities FIXED ohm.m ARTB GXPL

ASN Acquisition serial number, count of subset 0 acquires FIXED dim ASN MREX

ASP Additive multiplicative factor for long space FIXED 1 ASP DENX

ASP2 Additive multiplicative factor for long space FIXED 1 ASP DENX

ASPEP Packer element pressure, normalized FIXED psi ASPE RCI

ASPS Additive multiplicative factor for short space FIXED 1 ASPS DENX

ASPS2 Additive multiplicative factor for short space FIXED 1 ASP2 DENX

ATAV Average attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft ATAV SBT

ATAV2 Average attenuation (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft ATV2 SBT

ATC1 Attenuation pad 1 ATTENUATION dB/ft ATC1 SBT

ATC12 Attenuation pad 1 (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft AT12 SBT

ATC2 Attenuation pad 2 ATTENUATION dB/ft ATC2 SBT

ATC22 Attenuation pad 2 (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft AT22 SBT

ATC3 Attenuation pad 3 ATTENUATION dB/ft ATC3 SBT

ATC32 Attenuation pad 3 (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft AT32 SBT

ATC4 Attenuation pad 4 ATTENUATION dB/ft ATC4 SBT

ATC42 Attenuation pad 4 (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft AT42 SBT

ATC5 Attenuation pad 5 ATTENUATION dB/ft ATC5 SBT

ATC52 Attenuation pad 5 (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft AT52 SBT

ATC6 Attenuation pad 6 ATTENUATION dB/ft ATC6 SBT

ATC62 Attenuation pad 6 (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft AT62 SBT

ATMN Attenuation minimum ATTENUATION dB/ft ATMN SBT

ATMN2 Attenuation minimum (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft AMN2 SBT

ATMX Attenuation maximum ATTENUATION dB/ft ATMX SBT

ATMX2 Attenuation maximum (second tool) ATTENUATION dB/ft ATX2 SBT

ATT1 Uncompensated CBL attenuation curve for DAC/MAC/DAL ATTENUATION db/ft ATT1 DAL/DAC

ATT2 Uncompensated CBL attenuation curve for DAC/MAC/DAL ATTENUATION db/ft ATT2 DAL/DAC

ATTCBF Uncompensated CBL attenuation curve for far CBL spacing ATTENUATION db/ft ATTF DAL

ATTCBN Uncompensated CBL attenuation curve for near CBL spacing ATTENUATION db/ft ATTN ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1


ATTN Uncompensated attenuation for near xmtr-receiver spacing ATTENUATION db/ft ATTN XMAC

AU198 Gold 198 concentration FIXED api AU PRSM

AUXG Auxiliary downhole gain FIXED dim AUXG DIP

AUXP Auxiliary pressure, bit load PRESSURE psi AUXP RCOR

AUXPF Auxiliary pressure, bit load PRESSURE psi AUXP RCOR

AUXTMP Auxiliary processor temperature TEMPERATUREC degC AUXT MREX

AVCAL Average of C01M thru C10M diameters from DMAG tool DIAMETER in AVCL DMAG

AVEL23 Absolute flow velocity between detectors 2 and 3 LENGTH-SPD ft/min AV23 RPM

AWRDD All status words for subset D FIXED dim AWDD 3DEX

AZ Azimuth of reference pad FIXED deg AZ DIP

AZ3X Azimuth of reference pad for 3DeX FIXED deg AZ3X ORIT

AZCB Azimuth of reference pad for CBIL FIXED deg AZCB ORIT

AZDP Azimuth of reference pad for HDIP FIXED deg AZDP ORIT

AZEI Azimuth of reference pad for EART FIXED deg AZEI ORIT

AZGFCB Filtered Z-axis accelerometer shifted to CBIL ACCELERATION mG AZGC ORIT

AZGFDP Filtered Z-axis accelerometer shifted to HDIP ACCELERATION mG AZGD ORIT

AZGFEI Filtered Z-axis accelerometer shifted to EART ACCELERATION mG AZGE ORIT

AZGFGX Filtered Z-axis accelerometer shifted to GXPL ACCELERATION mG AZGI ORIT

AZGFPK Filtered Z-axis accelerometer shifted to RCI ACCELERATION mG AZGP ORIT

AZGFST Filtered Z-axis accelerometer shifted to STAR ACCELERATION mG AZGS ORIT

AZGFW Filtered Z-axis accelerometer shifted to WGI ACCELERATION mG AZGW ORIT

AZGX Azimuth of reference pad for GXPL FIXED deg AZEI ORIT

AZHD Azimuth of reference pad for HTD FIXED deg AZHD ORIT

AZNM Azimuth of reference pad for MR services FIXED deg AZNM ORIT

AZOD Azimuth of reference pad FIXED deg AZOD ORIT

AZPK Azimuth of reference pad for WGI FIXED deg AZR ORIT

AZST Azimuth of reference pad for STAR FIXED deg AZST ORIT

AZW Azimuth of reference pad for WGI FIXED deg AZW ORIT

AZXE Azimuth of Y-receiver at acoustic tool reference FIXED deg AZXE ORIT

AZXM Azimuth of reference pad for XMAC FIXED deg AZXM ORIT

AZZ Azimuth of reference pad for ZDL FIXED deg AZZ ORIT

B08L Phase, 8 Hz, long spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B08L DMAG

B08M Phase, 8 Hz, medium spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B08M DMAG

B08S Phase, 8 Hz, short spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B08S DMAG

B16L Phase, 16 Hz, long spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B16L DMAG

B16M Phase, 16 Hz, medium spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B16M DMAG

B16S Phase, 16 Hz, short spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B16S DMAG

B32L Phase, 32 Hz, long spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B32L DMAG

B32M Phase, 32 Hz, medium spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B32M DMAG

B32S Phase, 32 Hz, short spacing offset 360 degrees FIXED deg B32S DMAG

BAS Bond attenuation T2R3 ATTENUATION dB/ft BAS BAL

BAT Bond attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft BAT BAL

BCLX MLL guard current, real part FIXED 1 BCLX MLL

BCLY MLL guard current, imaginary part FIXED 1 BCLY MLL

BCSA Borehole cross-sectional area DIAMETER in2 BCSA BHP

BCSAW Borehole cross-sectional area DIAMETER in2 BCSW WGI

BCVO Borehole cumulative volume VOLUME ft3 BCVO BHP

BCVOW Borehole cumulative volume VOLUME ft3 BCVW WGI

BDET Bottom detector FIXED cts/s BDET NFL

BHA Calculated borehole size for ABC processing DIAMETER in BHA HDIL

BHAL Borehole aluminum FIXED 1 BHAL FLEX

BHC Borehole carbon FIXED 1 BHC FLEX

BHCA Borehole calcium FIXED 1 BHCA FLEX

BHCACO3 Borehole calcium carbonate FIXED 1 BCA3 FLEX

BHCL FLeX borehole chlorine content FIXED kppm BHCL FLEX

BHCLC FLeX chlorine correction factor FIXED 1 BCLC FLEX

BHCORC Borehole correction factor, capture FIXED 1 BHCC FLEX

BHCORI Borehole correction factor, inelastic FIXED 1 BHCI FLEX

BHDCB Borehole diameter from CBIL measurement DIAMETER in BHDC CBIL

BHKGR Gamma ray due to borehole potassium FIXED gAPI BKGR SL

BHS Borehole sulfur FIXED 1 BHS FLEX

BHT Borehole temperature TEMPERATUREC degC BHT MREX

BHTA Reflectance peak volts FIXED mV BHTA CBIL

BHTA3 Reflectance peak volts FIXED mV BHTA CBIL

BHTA5 Reflectance peak volts FIXED mV BHTA CBIL

BHTA7 Reflectance peak volts FIXED mV BHTA CBIL

BHTT Reflectance traveltime FIXED us BHTT CBIL

BHTT3 Reflectance traveltime FIXED us BHTT CBIL

BHTT5 Reflectance traveltime FIXED us BHTT CBIL

BHTT7 Reflectance traveltime FIXED us BHTT CBIL

BI Bond index (near) FIXED pct BI CBL/SBT

BI2 Bond index (near) (second tool) FIXED pct BI2 SBT


BKG Background gamma ray for correlation FIXED cts/s BKG PRSM

BKG1 Short space PHA background spectrum FIXED 1 BKG1 RPM

BKG2 Long space PHA background spectrum FIXED 1 BKG2 RPM

BKG3 Extra long space PHA background spectrum FIXED 1 BKG3 RPM

BKL Long space background count rate FIXED cts/s BKL PDK/RPM

BKRG Bucker driver value FIXED dim BKRG STAR/EART

BKS Short space background count rate FIXED cts/s BKS PDK/RPM

BKX Extra long space background count rate FIXED cts/s BKX RPM

BLKC Block counter value FIXED dim BLKC STAR/EART

BLKCNT Transmission block count, 16-bit FIXED dim BLKC HDLL/TCR

BMDE Bucker driver mode FIXED dim L*** STAR/EART

BP01 Band pass filter 200-600 Hz passband FIXED mV BP1 SON

BP02 Band pass filter 600-1000 Hz passband FIXED mV BP2 SON

BP03 Band pass filter 1000-2000 Hz passband FIXED mV BP3 SON

BP04 Band pass filter 2000-6000 Hz passband FIXED mV BP4 SON

BPDR Barrels per day apparent from flow meter FIXED bbl BPDR SPNR

BPDS Barrels per day apparent from spinner FIXED bbl BPDS FMCS/FMFI



BPUD1 User input band pass filter 1 FIXED mV BPU1 SON

BPUD2 User input band pass filter 2 FIXED mV BPU2 SON

BPUD3 User input band pass filter 3 FIXED mV BPU3 SON

BR Short bond index FIXED dim BR CBL



BRAT Bond rating FIXED dim BRAT BAL

BRCR Break core position DIAMETER raw BRCR RCOR

BRCRF Break core position DIAMETER raw BRCR RCOR

BRIT Micro-caliper borehole rugosity indicator DIAMETER in BRIT TBRT

BRS Short bond index FIXED dim BRS BAL

BT1C Gain corrected value from button 1 FIXED mV BT1C DIP/HDIP

BT2C Gain corrected value from button 2 FIXED mV BT2C DIP/HDIP

BT3C Gain corrected value from button 3 FIXED mV BT3C DIP/HDIP

BT4C Gain corrected value from button 4 FIXED mV BT4C DIP/HDIP

BT5C Gain corrected value from button 5 FIXED mV BT5C HDIP

BT6C Gain corrected value from button 6 FIXED mV BT6C HDIP

BTMP MCF bottom temperature sensor TEMPERATUREC degC BTMP MCFM

BTN1 Resistivity trace from button 1 FIXED mV BTN1 DIP/HDIP

BTN2 Resistivity trace from button 2 FIXED mV BTN2 DIP/HDIP

BTN3 Resistivity trace from button 3 FIXED mV BTN3 DIP/HDIP

BTN4 Resistivity trace from button 4 FIXED mV BTN4 DIP/HDIP

BTN5 Resistivity trace from button 5 FIXED mV BTN5 HDIP

BTN6 Resistivity trace from button 6 FIXED mV BTN6 HDIP

BUFI Subset 6 acquisition buffer index FIXED 1 BUFI NIR

BUQC Build-up quality curve PRES-TGRAD psi/s BUQC RCI

BV Battery voltage FIXED V BV MRPM


BVLX MLL button voltage, real part FIXED 1 BVLX MLL

BVLY MLL button voltage, imaginary part FIXED 1 BVLY MLL


BXPOS Bit box position DIAMETER raw BXPS RCOR

BXPOSF Bit box position DIAMETER raw BXPS RCOR

BYPC Bypass valve current feedback voltage FIXED V BYPC RCI

C01M Sectional caliper 1 DIAMETER in C01M DMAG

C02M Sectional caliper 2 DIAMETER in C02M DMAG

C03M Sectional caliper 3 DIAMETER in C03M DMAG

C04M Sectional caliper 4 DIAMETER in C04M DMAG

C05M Sectional caliper 5 DIAMETER in C05M DMAG

C06M Sectional caliper 6 DIAMETER in C06M DMAG

C07M Sectional caliper 7 DIAMETER in C07M DMAG

C08M Sectional caliper 8 DIAMETER in C08M DMAG

C09M Sectional caliper 9 DIAMETER in C09M DMAG

C10M Sectional caliper 10 DIAMETER in C10M DMAG

C11M Sectional caliper 11 DIAMETER in C11M DMAG

C12A 16 Hz row 1 uphole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C12A MCFM

C12M Sectional caliper 12 DIAMETER in C12M DMAG

C13 Caliper axis from arms 1 and 3 DIAMETER in C13 4CAL/DIP/TCAL

C13M Sectional caliper 13 DIAMETER in C13M DMAG

C14A 16 Hz row 1 downhole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C14A MCFM

C14M Sectional caliper 14 DIAMETER in C14M DMAG

C15M Sectional caliper 15 DIAMETER in C15M DMAG

C16M Sectional caliper 16 DIAMETER in C16M DMAG

C21A 16 Hz row 2 uphole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C21A MCFM

C24 Caliper axis from arms 2 and 4 DIAMETER in C24 4CAL/TCAL/DIP

C24A 16 Hz row 2 downhole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C24A MCFM

C2DE Dielectric conductivity FIXED ms C2DE DEL2

C31A 16 Hz row 3 uphole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C31A MCFM

C34A 16 Hz row 3 downhole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C34A MCFM

C41A 16 Hz row 4 uphole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C41A MCFM

C4DE Dielectric conductivity FIXED ms C4DE DEL4

C51A 16 Hz row 5 uphole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C51A MCFM

C57 Second caliper from axis 5, 7 DIAMETER in C57 TCAL

C61A 16 Hz row 6 uphole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C61A MCFM

C64A 16 Hz row 6 downhole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C64A MCFM

C68 Second caliper from axis 6, 8 DIAMETER in C68 TCAL

C71A 16 Hz row 7 uphole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C71A MCFM

C74A 16 Hz row 7 downhole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C74A MCFM

C81A 16 Hz row 8 uphole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C81A MCFM

C83A 16 Hz row 8 downhole single ended capacitance, method A FIXED dim C83A MCFM

CAC1 Calcium in capture spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 CAC1 RPM

CAC2 Calcium in capture spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 CAC2 RPM

CAI1 Calcium in inelastic spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 CAI1 RPM

CAI2 Calcium in inelastic spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 CAI2 RPM


CAL1 Diameter from pad 1 and its opposite DIAMETER in CAL1 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART

CAL12 Diameter from pad 1 and its opposite (second tool) DIAMETER in CA12 WGI

CAL1A Caliper from single arm caliper tool DIAMETER in CA1A TBRT/MLP/MSL/MDC

CAL1W Diameter from pad 1 and its opposite DIAMETER in CA1W WGI

CAL2 Diameter from pad 2 and its opposite DIAMETER in CAL2 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART

CAL22 Diameter from pad 2 and its opposite (second tool) DIAMETER in CA22 DIP/HDIP/STAR

CAL2W Diameter from pad 2 and its opposite DIAMETER in CA2W WGI

CAL3 Diameter from pad 3 and its opposite DIAMETER in CAL3 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART

CAL32 Diameter from pad 3 and its opposite (second tool) DIAMETER in CA32 DIP/HDIP/STAR

CAL3A Caliper from 3-arm caliper tool DIAMETER in CA3A CAL

CAL3W Diameter from pad 3 and its opposite DIAMETER in CA3W WGI

CAL4 Caliper from 4-arm caliper DIAMETER in CAL4 CAL

CALA Caliper from 3104 or 1233 with other calipers in string DIAMETER in CALA ML/MLL/PROX/TBRT

CALB Caliper from fourth caliper tool DIAMETER in CALB ML/MLL/PROX/TBRT

CALD Borehole caliper from multi-arm tool DIAMETER in CALD HDIP/STAR/DIP/WGI/EART

CALL Lower lock arm caliper DIAMETER in CALL RCOR

CALLF Lower lock arm caliper DIAMETER in CALL RCOR

CALMU Borehole diameter for RTeX borehole corrections DIAMETER in CAMU RTEX

CALSD Standard deviation of caliper DIAMETER in CASD CAL

CALU Upper lock arm caliper DIAMETER in CALU RCOR

CALUF Upper lock arm caliper DIAMETER in CALU RCOR

CALX Caliper from X-axis of XY caliper(s) DIAMETER in CALX SYST

CALY Caliper from Y-axis of XY caliper(s) DIAMETER in CALY SYST

CALY2 Second caliper from Y-axis of XY caliper(s) DIAMETER in CAY2 SYST

CARB Carbonate weight fraction FIXED 1 CARB FLEX

CATN Compensated attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft CATN BAL

CBKOA Combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBA MREX

CBKOA2 Second T2 combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBA2 MREX

CBKOA3 Third T2 combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBA3 MREX

CBKOA4 Fourth T2 combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBA4 MREX

CBKOA5 Fifth T2 combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBA5 MREX

CBKOB BVI combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBB MREX

CBKOB2 Second BVI combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBB2 MREX

CBKOB3 Third BVI combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBB3 MREX

CBKOC Combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 CBC MREX

CBL Waveform, 12-bit data with 4-bit gain code FIXED dim CBL AC

CCAL Circumferential caliper DIAMETER in CCAL DMAG

CCKSUM Computed CRC checksum FIXED 1 CCKS MPC

CCL Casing collar locator FIXED mV CCL BAL/MPC

CCL1 Casing collar locator 1 FIXED mV CCL1 CMI/MPC

CCL2 Casing collar locator 2 FIXED mV CCL2 CMI

CCLY Capture chlorine yield FIXED 1 CCLY FLEX

CCSA Cement cross-sectional area DIAMETER in2 CCSA BHP

CCSAW Cement cross-sectional area DIAMETER in2 CCAW WGI

CCVO Cement cumulative volume VOLUME ft3 CCVO BHP

CCVOW Cement cumulative volume VOLUME ft3 CCVW WGI

CDE0 Density command status error, EEPROM 0 FIXED 1 CDE0 DENX

CDE02 Density command status error, EEPROM 0 FIXED 1 CD02 DENX

CDE1 Density command status error, EEPROM 1 FIXED 1 CDE1 DENX

CDE12 Density command status error, EEPROM 1 FIXED 1 CD12 DENX

CDER Density command status error FIXED 1 CDER DENX

CDER2 Density command status error FIXED 1 CDR2 DENX

CDPD Conductivity derived porosity POROSITY pu CDPD DIFL

CDPF Focused log conductivity derived porosity POROSITY pu CDPF DIFL

CDPI Conductivity derived porosity POROSITY pu CDPI IEL

CDPL Conductivity derived porosity POROSITY pu CDPL DLL

CDPN Short normal conductivity derived porosity POROSITY pu CDPN IEL

CDPP Conductivity derived porosity POROSITY pu CDPP DPIL

CDPS Spherically Focused Log conductivity derived porosity POROSITY pu CDPS DPIL

CDPT Conductivity derived porosity POROSITY pu CDPT TBRT

CDTC Combined correlation for monopole compressional FIXED dim CDTC ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCA Combined correlation for monopole compressional (4 wave) FIXED dim CDTA ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCAR Combined correlation for mono compressional (4 wave), rcvr FIXED dim CDTR ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCAT Combined correlation for mono compressional (4 wave), xmtr FIXED dim CDTT ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCF Combined correlation for monopole compressional far array FIXED dim CDTF ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCFR Combined correlation for mono compressional far rcvr array FIXED dim CDTR ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCFT Combined correlation for mono compressional far xmtr array FIXED dim CDTT ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCN Combined correlation for monopole compressional near array FIXED dim CDTN ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCNR Combined correlation for mono compressional near rcvr array FIXED dim CDTR ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCR Combined correlation for monopole compressional rcvr array FIXED dim CDTR ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTCT Combined correlation for monopole compressional xmtr array FIXED dim CDTT ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTQ Combined correlation for quadrupole FIXED dim CDTQ XMACF1

CDTQR Combined correlation for quadrupole, receiver FIXED dim CDQR XMACF1

CDTQT Combined correlation for quadrupole, transmitter FIXED dim CDQT XMACF1

CDTSH Combined correlation for monopole shear FIXED dim CDTS DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTSHR Combined correlation for monopole shear receiver FIXED dim CDSR DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTSHT Combined correlation for monopole shear, transmitter FIXED dim CDST DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTST Combined correlation for monopole Stoneley FIXED dim CDTT DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTSTR Combined correlation for monopole Stoneley, receiver FIXED dim CDTT DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTSTT Combined correlation for monopole Stoneley, transmitter FIXED dim CDTT DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTXX Combined correlation for dipole XX FIXED dim CDTX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTXXR Combined correlation for dipole XX, receiver FIXED dim CDTX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTXXT Combined correlation for dipole XX, transmitter FIXED dim CDTX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTYY Combined correlation for dipole YY FIXED dim CDTY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTYYR Combined correlation for dipole YY, receiver FIXED dim CDTY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CDTYYT Combined correlation for dipole YY, transmitter FIXED dim CDTY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CEID Deep conductivity from EID processing CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CEID DPIL/DIFL

CEIM Medium conductivity from EID processing CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CEIM DPIL/DIFL

CEMC Calibrated cement map FIXED deg CEMC SBT

CEMC2 Calibrated cement map (second tool) FIXED deg CMC2 SBT

CEMO Calibrated and oriented cement map FIXED deg CEMO SBT

CEMO2 Calibrated and oriented cement map (second tool) FIXED deg CMO2 SBT

CEMR Cement map raw values FIXED deg CEMR SBT

CEMR2 Cement map raw values (second tool) FIXED deg CMR2 SBT

CF11 Center frequency FIXED Hz CF11 NT 1

CF12 Center frequency FIXED Hz CF12 NT 1

CF21 Center frequency FIXED Hz CF21 NT 1

CF22 Center frequency FIXED Hz CF22 NT 1

CFAV Flux leakage average FIXED VU CFAV DVRT

CFOC Focused log conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CFOC DIFL

CHAD Characteristic caliper diameter DIAMETER in CHAD BHP

CHADW Characteristic caliper diameter DIAMETER in CHDW WGI

CHC Cablehead current FIXED mA CHC MRPM

CHF1 Reduced chi-square of dual-exponential fit, short space FIXED 1 CHF1 RPM

CHF2 Reduced chi-square of dual-exponential fit, long space FIXED 1 CHF2 RPM

CHF3 Reduced chi-square of dual-exponential fit, extra long space FIXED 1 CHF3 RPM

CHI Goodness of fit of each echo data packet FIXED dim CHI MREX/PNHI/RPM

CHI21D Confidence factor FIXED 1 C2 INDX

CHI21DI Confidence factor, invasion model FIXED 1 C2DI INDX

CHI2NI Confidence factor, non-invasion model FIXED 1 C2NI INDX

CHIA2 Second T2 goodness of fit of each echo train FIXED dim CHA2 MREX

CHIA3 Third T2 goodness of fit of each echo train FIXED dim CHA3 MREX

CHIA4 Fourth T2 goodness of fit of each echo train FIXED dim CHA4 MREX

CHIA5 Fifth T2 goodness of fit of each echo train FIXED dim CHA5 MREX

CHIB Goodness of fit of each echo data packet FIXED dim CHIB MREX

CHIB2 Second BVI goodness of fit of each echo train FIXED dim CHB2 MREX

CHIB3 Third BVI goodness of fit of each echo train FIXED dim CHB3 MREX

CHIC Goodness of fit of each echo data packet FIXED dim CHIC MREX

CHKSUM Checksum result FIXED dim CHKS HDLL

CHSTMP Chassis temperature of MR TEMPERATUREC degC CTMP MREX


CHT4 Cable head tension TENSION lbf CHT4 CHTS/TTRM/PDK/CHT

CHTF Cable head tension TENSION lbf CHTF RCOR

CHTRC Cablehead tension FIXED 1 CHRC RCOR

CHV Cablehead voltage FIXED mV CHV BAL/LWC

CHV2 Cablehead voltage, subset 2 FIXED V CHV2 LWC

CI1 Carbon in inelastic spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 CI1 RPM

CI2 Carbon in inelastic spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 CI2 RPM

CIDQ Deep conductivity quadrature CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CIDQ DPIL

CIDR Deep conductivity real CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CIDR DPIL

CILD Deep induction conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CILD DIFL

CILM Medium induction conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CILM DIFL

CIMQ Medium conductivity quadrature CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CIMQ DPIL

CIMR Medium conductivity real CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CIMR DPIL


CIPM Medium conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CIPM DPIL

CIRD Raw deep induction conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CIRD DIFL

CIRM Raw medium induction conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CIRM DIFL

CIX1 Carbon/inelastic index (near detector) FIXED 1 CIX1 RPM

CIX2 Carbon/inelastic index (far detector) FIXED 1 CIX2 RPM

CLAY Clay weight fraction FIXED 1 CLAY FLEX

CLC1 Chlorine capture indicator (near detector) FIXED 1 CLC1 RPM

CLC2 Chlorine capture indicator (far detector) FIXED 1 CLC2 RPM

CLLD Deep conductivity FIXED mS/m CLLD DLL

CLLS Shallow conductivity FIXED mS/m CLLS DLL

CLS Long space capture count rate channels 10-99 FIXED cts/s CLS PDK/RPM

CLSR CLS reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s CLSR RPM

CMAMP Cement map from amplitudes FIXED 1 CMAP RAL

CMAT Matrix carbon FIXED 1 CMAT FLEX

CMAX Maximum caliper radius DIAMETER in CMAX MFC

CMDS Last command status FIXED 1 CMDS RCOR

CMER Density communication status warning FIXED 1 CMER DENX

CMER2 Density communication status warning FIXED 1 CMR2 DENX

CMIN Minimum caliper radius DIAMETER in CMIN MFC

CMLL Conductivity from Microlaterolog CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CMLL MLL

CMOSS Clausius-Mossotti refractive index FIXED 1 CMOS NIR

CMTT Cement map from traveltimes FIXED 1 CMTT RAL

CMV Cablehead motor voltage FIXED V CMV RCOR

CN Compensated neutron porosity POROSITY pu CN CN

CNC Borehole size corrected compensated neutron porosity POROSITY pu CNC CN

CNCDL Borehole size corrected dolomite compensated neu porosity POROSITY pu CNCD CN

CNCF Field normalized compensated neutron porosity POROSITY pu CNCF CN

CNCFDL Field normalized dolomite compensated neutron porosity POROSITY pu CNFD CN

CNCFLS Field normalized limestone compensated neutron porosity POROSITY pu CNFL CN

CNCFSS Field normalized sandstone compensated neutron porosity POROSITY pu CNFS CN

CNCLS Borehole size corrected limestone compensated neu porosity POROSITY pu CNCL CN

CNCSS Borehole size corrected sandstone compensated neu porosity POROSITY pu CNSS CN

CO1 C/O ratio in inelastic spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 CO1 RPM

CO2 C/O ratio in inelastic spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 CO2 RPM

COCOR TTLC corrected CO1 for PNHI processing FIXED 1 CCOR RPM

COMP Compressibility PRESSURE psi COMP NIR


CORB Borehole correction FIXED 1 CORB RPM

CORDR Correlation from dipole shear peaks, receiver FIXED dim CORD MAC

CORDT Correlation from dipole shear peaks, transmitter FIXED dim CORD MAC

CORF Formation correction FIXED 1 CORF RPM

CORM Correlation from monopole compressional peaks FIXED dim CORM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMA Correlation from monopole compressional peaks (4 wave) FIXED dim CORA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMAR Correlation from monopole compressional peaks (4 wave), rcvr FIXED dim CORA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMAT Correlation from monopole compressional peaks (4 wave), xmtr FIXED dim CORA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMD Correlation from monopole shear peaks FIXED dim COMD DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMDR Correlation from monopole shear peaks, receiver FIXED dim COMD DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMDT Correlation from monopole shear peaks, transmitter FIXED dim COMD DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMFR Correlation from monopole compressional peaks, far receiver FIXED dim CORM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMFT Correlation from monopole compressional peaks, far xmtr FIXED dim CORM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMNR Correlation from monopole compressional peaks, near receiver FIXED dim CORM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMNT Correlation from monopole compressional peaks, near xmtr FIXED dim CORM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMR Correlation from monopole compressional peaks, receiver FIXED dim CORM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMSR Correlation from monopole Stoneley peaks, receiver FIXED dim COMS DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMST Correlation from monopole Stoneley peaks, transmitter FIXED dim COMS DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORMT Correlation from monopole compressional peaks, transmitter FIXED dim CORM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORQR Correlation from quadrupole waveforms, receivers FIXED dim CORQ XMACF1

CORQT Correlation from quadrupole waveforms, transmitter FIXED dim CORQ XMACF1

CORR Density correction FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 CORR CDL/HTD

CORR2 Density correction (second tool) FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 COR2 CDL/HTD

CORS Core switch status FIXED 1 CORS RCOR

CORXR Correlation from dipole XX, receiver FIXED dim CORX XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORXT Correlation from dipole XX, transmitter FIXED dim CORX XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORYR Correlation from dipole YY, receiver FIXED dim CORY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CORYT Correlation from dipole YY, transmitter FIXED dim CORY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

CP12 250 Hz row 1 uphole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP12 MCFM

CP14 250 Hz row 1 downhole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP14 MCFM

CP1B 500 Hz row 1 spacing b differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP1B MCFM

CP1C 500 Hz row 1 spacing c differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP1C MCFM

CP21 250 Hz row 2 uphole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP21 MCFM

CP24 250 Hz row 2 downhole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP24 MCFM

CP2A 500 Hz row 2 spacing a differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP2A MCFM

CP2B 500 Hz row 2 spacing b differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP2B MCFM

CP2C 500 Hz row 2 spacing c differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP2C MCFM

CP31 250 Hz row 3 uphole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP31 MCFM

CP34 250 Hz row 3 downhole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP34 MCFM

CP3A 500 Hz row 3 spacing a differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP3A MCFM

CP3B 500 Hz row 3 spacing b differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP3B MCFM

CP3C 500 Hz row 3 spacing c differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP3C MCFM

CP61 250 Hz row 6 uphole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP61 MCFM

CP64 250 Hz row 6 downhole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP64 MCFM

CP6A 500 Hz row 6 spacing a differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP6A MCFM

CP6B 500 Hz row 6 spacing b differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP6B MCFM

CP6C 500 Hz row 6 spacing c differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP6C MCFM

CP71 250 Hz row 7 uphole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP71 MCFM

CP74 250 Hz row 7 downhole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP74 MCFM

CP7A 500 Hz row 7 spacing a differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP7A MCFM

CP7B 500 Hz row 7 spacing b differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP7B MCFM

CP7C 500 Hz row 7 spacing c differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP7C MCFM

CP81 250 Hz row 8 uphole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP81 MCFM

CP83 250 Hz row 8 downhole sensor single ended delta module, sine FIXED dim CP83 MCFM

CP8A 500 Hz row 8 spacing a differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP8A MCFM

CP8B 500 Hz row 8 spacing b differential delta module, sine FIXED mV CP8B MCFM

CPC12 16 Hz row 1 uphole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC12 MCFM

CPC14 16 Hz row 1 downhole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CS14 MCFM

CPC21 16 Hz row 2 uphole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC12 MCFM

CPC24 16 Hz row 2 downhole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC24 MCFM

CPC31 16 Hz row 3 uphole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC31 MCFM

CPC34 16 Hz row 3 downhole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC34 MCFM

CPC41 16 Hz row 4 uphole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC41 MCFM

CPC51 16 Hz row 5 uphole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC51 MCFM

CPC61 16 Hz row 6 uphole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC61 MCFM

CPC64 16 Hz row 6 downhole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC64 MCFM

CPC71 16 Hz row 7 uphole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC71 MCFM

CPC74 16 Hz row 7 downhole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC74 MCFM

CPC81 16 Hz row 8 uphole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC81 MCFM

CPC83 16 Hz row 8 downhole sensor raw capacitance, cosine FIXED dim CC83 MCFM

CPL1 Capture spectrum using large windows (near detector) FIXED 1 CPL1 RPM

CPL2 Capture spectrum using large windows (far detector) FIXED 1 CPL2 RPM

CPP Crossplot porosity POROSITY pu CPP CDL/HTD

CPP2 Crossplot porosity (second tool) POROSITY pu CPP CDL/HTD

CPPC2 Crossplot porosity (second tool) POROSITY pu CPPC CDL/HTD

CPPZ Crossplot porosity from ZDEN POROSITY pu CPPZ CN/ZDL

CPPZ2 Crossplot porosity from ZDEN (second tool) POROSITY pu CPZ2 CN/ZDL

CPPZC Crossplot porosity from ZDEN POROSITY pu CPZC CN/ZDL

CPPZC2 Crossplot porosity from ZDEN (second tool) POROSITY pu CPC2 CN/ZDL

CPRS Energy spectrum compression mode FIXED 1 CPRS RPM/FLEX

CPRX Conductivity from Proximity Log CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CPRX PROX

CPS1 Capture spectrum using small windows (near detector) FIXED 1 CPS1 RPM

CPS12 16 Hz row 1 uphole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS12 MCFM

CPS14 16 Hz row 1 downhole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS14 MCFM

CPS2 Capture spectrum using small windows (far detector) FIXED 1 CPS2 RPM

CPS21 16 Hz row 2 uphole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS21 MCFM

CPS24 16 Hz row 2 downhole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS24 MCFM

CPS31 16 Hz row 3 uphole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS31 MCFM

CPS34 16 Hz row 3 downhole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS34 MCFM

CPS41 16 Hz row 4 uphole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS41 MCFM

CPS51 16 Hz row 5 uphole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS51 MCFM

CPS61 16 Hz row 6 uphole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS61 MCFM

CPS64 16 Hz row 6 downhole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS64 MCFM

CPS71 16 Hz row 7 uphole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS71 MCFM

CPS74 16 Hz row 7 downhole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS74 MCFM

CPS81 16 Hz row 8 uphole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS81 MCFM

CPS83 16 Hz row 8 downhole sensor raw capacitance, sine FIXED dim CS83 MCFM

CPT1 Short space PHA capture spectrum FIXED 1 CPT1 RPM

CPT2 Long space PHA capture spectrum FIXED 1 CPT2 RPM

CPT3 Extra long space PHA capture spectrum FIXED 1 CPT3 RPM

CPTV Cumulative pump-through volume VOLUME-FLUID ft3 CPTV RCI

CPTVF Cumulative pump-through volume, first pump VOLUME-FLUID ft3 CPTF RCI

CPTVS Cumulative pump-through volume, center sample VOLUME-FLUID ft3 CPTS RCI

CPVDB Cumulative straddle packer pump volume VOLUME-FLUID ft3 CPVD RCI

CPVDS Accumulative DB pump volume, second instance VOLUME-FLUID ft3 CPDS RCI

CPVMBF Cumulative packer pump volume from packer VOLUME-FLUID ft3 CPVB RCI

CPVMBS Cumulative packer pump volume from second MA/MB VOLUME-FLUID ft3 CPVS RCI

CR1 Slim Z-Densilog caliper from backup arm DIAMETER in CR1 SZDL/DENX

CR12 Slim Z-Densilog caliper from backup arm DIAMETER in CR12 SZDL/DENX

CR2 FOCUS caliper from short arm DIAMETER in CR2 DENX

CR22 Slim Z-Densilog caliper from short arm DIAMETER in CR22 SZDL/DENX

CR51 Chromium 51 concentration FIXED api CR PRSM



CREF Long axis caliper reference DIAMETER in CREF CAL

CRGD Enhanced processing deep conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CRGD DPIL

CRGDQ Enhanced processing deep imaginary conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CRDQ DPIL

CRGDR Enhanced processing real deep conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CRDR DPIL

CRGM Enhanced processing medium conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CRGM DPIL

CRGMQ Enhanced processing medium imaginary conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CRMQ DPIL

CRGMR Enhanced processing medium real conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CRMR DPIL

CRKO01 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR01 MREX

CRKO02 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR02 MREX

CRKO03 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR03 MREX

CRKO04 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CC04 MREX

CRKO05 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR05 MREX

CRKO06 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR06 MREX

CRKO07 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR07 MREX

CRKO08 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR08 MREX

CRKO09 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR09 MREX

CRKO10 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR10 MREX

CRKO11 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR11 MREX

CRKO12 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR12 MREX

CRKO13 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR13 MREX

CRKO14 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR14 MREX

CRKO15 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR15 MREX

CRKO16 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR16 MREX

CRKO17 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR17 MREX

CRKO18 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR18 MREX

CRKO19 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR19 MREX

CRKO20 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR20 MREX

CRKO21 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR21 MREX

CRKO22 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR22 MREX

CRKO23 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR23 MREX

CRKO24 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR24 MREX

CRKO25 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR25 MREX

CRKO26 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR26 MREX

CRKO27 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR27 MREX

CRKO28 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR28 MREX

CRKO29 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR29 MREX

CRKO30 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR30 MREX

CRKO31 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR31 MREX

CRKO32 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR32 MREX

CRKO33 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR33 MREX

CRKO34 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR34 MREX

CRKO35 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR35 MREX

CRKO36 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR36 MREX

CRKO37 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR37 MREX

CRKO38 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR38 MREX

CRKO39 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR39 MREX

CRKO40 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR40 MREX

CRKO41 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR41 MREX

CRKO42 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR42 MREX

CRKO43 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR43 MREX

CRKO44 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR44 MREX

CRKO45 Calibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 CR45 MREX

CRSX Core switch position FIXED 1 CRSX RCOR

CS1 Ca/Si ratio in inelastic spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 CS1 RPM

CS11 Center frequency index FIXED 1 CS11 NT 1

CS12 Center frequency index FIXED 1 CS12 NT 1

CS2 Ca/Si ratio in inelastic spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 CS2 RPM

CS21 Center frequency index FIXED 1 CS21 NT 1

CS22 Center frequency index FIXED 1 CS22 NT 1

CSFL Spherically Focused Log conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m CSFL DPIL



CSPK Cesium peak channel number from Z-density FIXED dim CSPK ZDL/SZDL/DENX

CSPK2 Cesium peak channel number from Z-density (second tool) FIXED dim CSP2 ZDL/SZDL

CSPKS Cesium peak channel number from Z-den, short space detector FIXED dim CSPS ZDL/SZDL/DENX

CSPKS2 Cesium peak channel number from Z-den, short space detector FIXED dim CSS2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX

CSS Short space capture count rate FIXED cts/s CSS PDK/RPM

CSSR CSS reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s CSSR RPM

CSTAT Cycle status FIXED dim CSTA SBT

CSTAT2 Cycle status, second tool FIXED dim CSTA SBT

CSUM24 Check sum FIXED dim CS24 MREX

CSUMD Checksum for subset D FIXED dim CSMD 3DEX/MREX

CTB1 Control table 16, subset 1 FIXED dim CTB1 3DEX

CTBD Control table 16, subset D FIXED dim CTBD 3DEX


CTMP Spartek pressure reference temperature TEMPERATURE degF CTMP MRPM

CTRLD DB control curve FIXED 1 CTRD RCI

CTSBRIT Count rate from brit on TBRt for manufacturing FIXED cts/s CTSB TBRT

CTSCAL Count rate from caliper on TBRt for manufacturing FIXED cts/s CTSC TBRT

CUMMINV Cummulative mineral volumes for plotting FIXED 1 CUMV FLEX

CUMMINW Cummulative mineral weights for plotting FIXED 1 CUMW FLEX

CURRENT Sum of injection current samples (SPM2) FIXED raw ICUR HDLL

CVEC Vector to center of mass DIAMETER in CVEC BHP

CVECW Vector to center of mass DIAMETER in CVCW WGI



CXS Extra long space capture count rate channels 10-99 FIXED cts/s CXS RPM

CXSR CXS reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s CXSR RPM

CXY Caliper from C13 and C24 DIAMETER in CXY TCAL

CXY2 Caliper from C13 and C24 of second 8240 4-arm caliper DIAMETER in CXY2 CAL

CYQ Cycle quality FIXED dim CYQ SBT

CYQ2 Cycle quality (second tool) FIXED dim CYQ2 SBT

D01 Diameter from DMAG tool DIAMETER in D01 DMAG

D02 Diameter from DMAG tool DIAMETER in D02 DMAG

D03 Diameter from DMAG tool DIAMETER in D03 DMAG

D04 Diameter from DMAG tool DIAMETER in D04 DMAG

D05 Diameter from DMAG tool DIAMETER in D05 DMAG

D06 Diameter from DMAG tool DIAMETER in D06 DMAG

D07 Diameter from DMAG tool DIAMETER in D07 DMAG

D08 Diameter from DMAG tool DIAMETER in D08 DMAG

D2EC Dielectric constant FIXED dim D2EC DEL2

D4EC Dielectric constant FIXED dim D4EC DEL4

DAF Attenuation gain flags all subsets FIXED raw DAF RTEX

DAI Differential anomaly indicator FIXED pct DAI DMAG

DAVG Average caliper diameter DIAMETER in DAVG HDIP/STAR/EART/GXPL

DAZ Deviation azimuth FIXED deg DAZ DIP

DAZ3X Deviation azimuth for 3DeX FIXED deg DZ3X ORIT

DAZCB Deviation azimuth for CBIL FIXED deg DZCB ORIT

DAZDP Deviation azimuth for HDIP FIXED deg DZDP ORIT

DAZEI Deviation azimuth for EART FIXED deg DZEI ORIT

DAZGX Deviation azimuth for GXPL FIXED deg DZEI ORIT

DAZHD Deviation azimuth for HTD FIXED deg DZHD ORIT

DAZNM Deviation azimuth for MR services FIXED deg DZNM ORIT

DAZOD Deviation azimuth FIXED deg DZOD ORIT

DAZPK Deviation azimuth for WGI FIXED deg DZR ORIT

DAZST Deviation azimuth for STAR FIXED deg DZST ORIT

DAZW Deviation azimuth for WGI FIXED deg DZW ORIT

DAZXE Borehole azimuth at acoustic tool reference FIXED deg DZXE ORIT

DAZXM Deviation azimuth for XMAC FIXED deg DZXM ORIT

DAZZ Deviation azimuth for ZDL FIXED deg DZZ ORIT

DBAL23 Detector balance of long and extra long space detectors FIXED 1 DB23 RPM

DBDEPTH Depth of 1970DB straddle packer DEPTH DU DBDP RCI




DCBW Clay bound porosity from direct calculation POROSITY pu DCBW MREX

DCMI Current reading FIXED mA DCMI RCOR

DCMS DC motor status FIXED 1 DCMS RCOR



DCSA Dead cross-sectional area DIAMETER in2 DCSA BHP

DCSAW Dead cross-sectional area DIAMETER in2 DCAW WGI



DCVO Dead cumulative volume VOLUME ft3 DCVO BHP

DCVOW Dead cumulative volume VOLUME ft3 DCVW WGI

DDV Drawdown volume VOLUME-FLUID cm3 DDV RCI

DECSB Pressure less than 1.0 FIXED 1 DECB RCI

DEN Compensated bulk density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 DEN CDL/HTD

DEN2 Compensated bulk density (second tool) FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 DEN2 CDL/HTD

DENI Integrated compensated bulk density FORM-DENSITY psi DENI CDL/HTD

DENI2 Integrated compensated bulk density (second tool) FORM-DENSITY psi DEI2 CDL/HTD

DENIC Integrated corrected compensated bulk density FORM-DENSITY psi DNIC CDL/HTD

DENIC2 Integrated corrected compensated bulk density (second tool) FORM-DENSITY psi DNC2 CDL/HTD

DEPC Corrected depth DEPTH ft DEPC TTMA


DERR Acquisition data error code FIXED 1 DERR RPM

DERR1 Acquisition data error code (short space) FIXED 1 DER1 RPM

DERR2 Acquisition data error code (long space) FIXED 1 DER2 RPM

DERR3 Acquisition data error code (extra long space) FIXED dim DER3 RPM

DEV Deviation FIXED deg DEV DIP

DEV3X Deviation at 3DeX position FIXED deg DV3X ORIT

DEVA Wellbore deviation from accelerometers FIXED deg DEVA POS

DEVCB Deviation at CBIL position FIXED deg DVCB ORIT

DEVDP Deviation at HDIP positon FIXED deg DVDP ORIT

DEVEI Deviation at EART position FIXED deg DVEI ORIT

DEVGX Deviation at GXPL position FIXED deg DVEI ORIT

DEVHD Deviation azimuth for HTD FIXED deg DVHD ORIT

DEVNM Deviation for MR services FIXED deg DVNM ORIT



DEVPK Deviation at WGI position FIXED deg DVR ORIT

DEVS Deviation from directional survey for correcting FDDP FIXED deg DEVS FDDP


DEVT Wellbore deviation from tilt sensors FIXED deg DEVT POS

DEVW Deviation at WGI position FIXED deg DVW ORIT

DEVX Wellbore deviation from external data FIXED deg DEVX POS

DEVXE Borehole deviation at acoustic tool reference FIXED deg DVXE ORIT

DEVXM Deviation at XMAC position FIXED deg DVXM ORIT

DEVZ Deviation at ZDL position FIXED deg DVZ ORIT

DFLG Dead cross-sectional area flag FIXED dim DFLG BHP

DFLGW Dead cross-sectional area flag FIXED dim DFGW WGI

DFRM Mud resistivity from rmudtmp2_0 processing function FIXED ohm.m DFRM DIFL

DGND Instrument ground FIXED mV DGND DIP

DIEL Dielectric curve from PRAL (Lee) tool FIXED cts/s DIEL DIEL

DIFE13 Differential porosity from T2 echo trains 1 and 3 POROSITY pu DI13 MREX

DIFE23 Differential porosity from T2 echo trains 2 and 3 POROSITY pu DI23 MREX

DIFE24 Differential porosity from T2 echo trains 2 and 4 POROSITY pu DI24 MREX

DIP1 Pad 1 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV DIP1 STAR/GXPL

DIP2 Pad 2 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV DIP2 STAR/GXPL

DIP3 Pad 3 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV DIP3 STAR/GXPL

DIP4 Pad 4 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV DIP4 STAR/GXPL

DIP5 Pad 5 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV DIP5 STAR/GXPL

DIP6 Pad 6 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV DIP6 STAR/GXPL

DLRM Computed mud resistivity FIXED ohm.m DLRM DLL



DNC Corrected bulk density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 DNC CDL/HTD

DNC2 Corrected bulk density (second tool) FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 DNC2 CDL/HTD

DO3X Depth offset of 3DeX from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DO3X ORIT

DOCB Depth offset of CBIL from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOCB ORIT

DODP Depth offset of HDIP from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DODP ORIT

DOEI Depth offset of EART from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOEI ORIT

DOGX Depth offset of GXPL from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOEI ORIT

DOHD Depth offset of HTD from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOHD ORIT

DONM Depth offset of MR from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DONM ORIT

DOPK Depth offset of WGI from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOR ORIT

DOST Depth offset of STAR from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOST ORIT

DOW Depth offset of WGI from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOW ORIT

DOXE Depth offset of XMAC from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOXE ORIT

DOXM Depth offset of XMAC from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOXM ORIT

DOZ Depth offset of ZDL from orientation tool DEPTH 1 DOZ ORIT

DP1A Pad 1 frequency A average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP1A GXPL

DP1B Pad 1 frequency B average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP1B GXPL

DP2A Pad 2 frequency A average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP2A GXPL

DP2B Pad 2 frequency B average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP2B GXPL

DP3A Pad 3 frequency A average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP3A GXPL

DP3B Pad 3 frequency B average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP3B GXPL

DP4A Pad 4 frequency A average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP4A GXPL

DP4B Pad 4 frequency B average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP4B GXPL

DP5A Pad 5 frequency A average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP5A GXPL

DP5B Pad 5 frequency B average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP5B GXPL

DP6A Pad 6 frequency A average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP6A GXPL

DP6B Pad 6 frequency B average of two center button resistivities FIXED ohm-m DP6B GXPL

DPCDIR Logging direction at sample time FIXED raw DPCD CMI/PSM

DPCRESOL User setting of encoder resolution FIXED raw DRES CMI/PSM

DPCTM Time in milliseconds FIXED ms DPCT CMI/PSM

DPFQ Raw pressure frequency FIXED Hz DPFQ FDDP

DPRM Mud resistivity from rmudtmp2_0 processing function FIXED ohm.m DPRM DPIL

DPRS Differential pressure PRES-TGRAD psi/min DPRS GRC

DPRT Internal probe temperature for DPRT TEMPERATURE degF DPRT FDDP


DPTJ Straddle packer differential pressure PRES-TGRAD psi/min DPTJ RCI

DPTK Drawdown differential pressure PRES-TGRAD psi/min DPTK RCI

DPTL Packer differential pressure PRES-TGRAD psi/min DPTL RCI

DT Slowness over 24-inch interval ACOU-SLOW us/ft DT AC

DT1 Slowness over 24-inches from transmitter 1 ACOU-SLOW us/ft DT1 AC

DT12 Slowness over 12-inch interval ACOU-SLOW us/ft DT12 DAL/DAC/MAC/SBT/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT12F Slowness over 12-inches from far transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft DT12 DAL/DAC/MAC/SBT/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT12N Slowness over 12-inches from near transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft DT12 DAL/DAC/MAC/SBT/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT2 Slowness over 24-inches from transmitter 2 ACOU-SLOW us/ft DT2 AC

DT24 Slowness over 24-inch interval ACOU-SLOW us/ft DT ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT24A Slowness over 24-inch interval from avansemb ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT24AF Slowness over 24-inch interval, correlation far array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTAF ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT24F Slowness over 24-inch interval, far spacing ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTFT ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT24HF Slowness 24-inch from HSM 8 wave ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTHF DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT24HN Slowness 24-inch from HSM 4 wave ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTHN DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT24N Slowness over 24-inch interval, near spacing ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTNT ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DT24S Slowness over 24-inch interval from first arrival ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTSP DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTBT Differential temperature from bottom sensor, 2-foot span DIFF-TEMP degF DTBT MCFM

DTC Compressional wave slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTC DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTCA Compressional wave slowness from 4 waveforms ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTCA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTCAFR Compressional wave slowness from 4 wave, far receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTCA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTCANR Compressional wave slowness from 4 wave, near receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTCA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTCAR Compressional wave slowness from 4 waveforms, receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTCA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTCAT Compressional wave slowness from 4 waveforms, xmtr array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTCA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTCR Compressional wave slowness from receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTCR DAC/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACII/

DTCT Compressional wave slowness from transmitter array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTCT DAC/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACII/

DTDL Slowness over 24-inch interval from long space ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTDL DAL

DTDS Slowness over 24-inch interval from short space ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTDS DAL

DTEM Differential temperature DIFF-TEMP degF/ft DTEM TEMP

DTEM2 Differential temperature (second tool) DIFF-TEMP degF/ft DTM2 TEMP

DTEMP Differential temperature DIFF-TEMP degF/ft TEMD TEMP


DTHF Six-inch slowness far transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTHF DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTHN Six-inch slowness near transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTHN DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTMN Minimal slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTMN SBT

DTMN2 Minimal slowness (second tool) ACOU-SLOW us/ft DMN2 SBT

DTMP Instrument flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC DTMP DIP

DTMX Maximal slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTMX SBT

DTMX2 Maximal slowness (second tool) ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTX2 SBT

DTQ Slowness from quadrupole ACOU-SLOW dim DTQ XMACF1

DTQR Slowness from quadrupole, receiver ACOU-SLOW dim DTQR XMACF1

DTR Slowness from receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTR DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTRF Slowness from receiver array far transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTRF DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTRN Slowness from receiver array near transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTRN DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1


DTSR Shear wave slowness from receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTS DAC/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACII/

DTST Stoneley wave slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTST DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTSTR Stoneley wave slowness, receiver ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTST DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTSXM Shear wave slowness, transmitter array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTSX DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTT Slowness from transmitter array ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTT DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTTF Slowness from transmitter array far transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTTF DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTTN Slowness from transmitter array near transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft DTTN DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTTP Differential temperature from top sensor, 2-foot span DIFF-TEMP degF DTTP MCFM

DTVD Change in true vertical depth DEPTH DU DTVD POS

DTVDA Change in true vertical depth, accelerometer DEPTH DU DTVA POS

DTVDT Change in true vertical depth, tilt sensor DEPTH DU DTVT POS

DTVDX Change in true vertical depth, external data DEPTH DU DTVX POS

DTWB Difference in temperature between top and bottom sensors TEMPERATUREC degC DTWB MCFM

DTXX Slowness from dipole shear XX configuration ACOU-SLOW dim DTXX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTXXR Slowness from dipole shear XX, receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim DTXX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTYY Slowness from dipole shear YY configuration ACOU-SLOW dim DTYY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DTYYR Slowness from dipole shear YY, receiver ACOU-SLOW dim DTYY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

DUMPC Dump valve current feedback voltage FIXED V DMPC RCI

DVDT Delta volume with respect to time VOLUME-GRAD cm3/s DVDT RCI

DVDTA Delta volume with respect to time, average VOLUME-GRAD cm3/s DVDA RCI

E15V Plus 15V FIXED V E15V RCI

E26V Solenoid DC voltage FIXED V E26V RCI

E34V Tool DC supply voltage to switcher FIXED V E34V RCI

E53V Plus 5.3V FIXED V E53V RCI

EAGREF Power supply digital ground, upper electronics, DGND FIXED V EGND HDLL

EAN15V Power supply voltage, upper electronics, -15V, 12-bit FIXED V EN15 HDLL

EAP15V Power supply voltage, upper electronics, +15V, 12-bit FIXED V EP15 HDLL

EAP5V Power supply voltage, upper electronics, +5V, 12-bit FIXED V EP5 HDLL

EAVREF Power supply voltage, upper electronics, 2.5V, 12-bit FIXED V EVRE HDLL

EC Maximum eddy current FIXED VU EC DVRT

ECCM MultiLaterolog inversion eccentricity FIXED in ECCM SJS

ECL Eddy current, lower shoes FIXED dim ECL DVRT

ECLP Pressure emergency close reservoir FIXED psi ECLP RCI

ECU Eddy current, upper shoes FIXED dim ECU DVRT

ED Voltage deep FIXED mV ED DLL

EHR Whole hours since RECORD mode started FIXED h EHR SYST


ELTD Delta elapsed time from Diplog/Star FIXED ms ELTD HDIP

EMIN Remainder of seconds since RECORD mode started in minutes FIXED min EMIN SYST





EPER Density eprom status error FIXED 1 ERER DENX

EPER2 Density eprom status error FIXED 1 ERR2 DENX


ES Voltage shallow FIXED mV ES DLL

ESEC Remainder of seconds curve since RECORD mode started FIXED s ESEC SYST

ESFL Spherically Focused Log reference voltage FIXED mV ESFL DPIL

ET0DL Elapsed time, long space FIXED ms ETDL DENX

ET0DL2 Elapsed time, long space FIXED ms ETL2 DENX

ET0DS Elapsed time, short space FIXED ms ETDS DENX

ET0DS2 Elapsed time, short space FIXED ms ETS2 DENX

ET0E Elapsed time FIXED ms ET0E CNX

ET1 MCS channel elapsed time (short space) FIXED 1 ET1 RPM

ET2 MCS channel elapsed time (long space) FIXED 1 ET2 RPM

ET3 MCS channel elapsed time (extra long space) FIXED 1 ET3 RPM

ET3X Delta elapsed time from 3DeX FIXED ms ET3X ORIT

ET64 Elapsed time FIXED ms T642 GR

ET642 Elapsed time FIXED ms T642 GR


ETCB Delta elapsed time from CBIL FIXED ms ETCB ORIT

ETDP Delta elapsed time from HDIP FIXED ms ETDP ORIT

ETEI Delta elapsed time from EART FIXED ms ETEI ORIT

ETGX Delta elapsed time from GXPL FIXED ms ETEI ORIT

ETHD Delta elapsed time from HTD FIXED ms ETHD ORIT

ETIMD Delta elapsed time FIXED ms ETMD SYST/DIP/4CAL



ETNM Delta elapsed time from MR FIXED ms ETNM ORIT

ETOD Delta elapsed time FIXED ms ETOD ORIT

ETPK Delta elapsed time from packer FIXED ms ETR ORIT

ETST Delta elapsed time from STAR FIXED ms ETST ORIT

ETW Delta elapsed time from WGI FIXED ms ETW ORIT

ETXE Delta elapsed time from XMAC-F1 FIXED ms ETXE ORIT

ETXM Delta elapsed time from XMAC FIXED ms ETXM ORIT

ETZ Delta elapsed time from ZDL FIXED ms ETZ ORIT


FAC Formation factor from 8 wave compressional waveforms FIXED dim FAC XMACF1

FAMP Fluid wave amplitude FIXED mV FAMP CBIL

FAMPF Fixed gate amplitude far receiver FIXED dim FAMP RAL/CBL

FAMPN Fixed gate amplitude near receiver FIXED dim NAMP RAL/CBL




FBH Internal borehole correction curve (FLS) DIAMETER in FBH FLEX

FBRWF Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break times FIXED us FBRF MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWF1 Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break time far receiver 1 FIXED us FBF1 MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWF2 Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break time far receiver 2 FIXED us FBF2 MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWF3 Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break time far receiver 3 FIXED us FBF3 MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWF4 Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break time far receiver 4 FIXED us FBF4 MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWN Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break times FIXED us FBRN MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWN1 Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break time near receiver 1 FIXED us FBN1 MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWN2 Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break time near receiver 2 FIXED us FBN2 MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWN3 Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break time near receiver 3 FIXED us FBN3 MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBRWN4 Acoustic Hilbert semblance first break time near receiver 4 FIXED us FBN4 MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FBVI Reconstructed decay curve for fast decay FIXED dim FBVI MREX

FBVIA2 Second T2 reconstructed echo train for fast decay FIXED dim FBVI MREX

FBVIA3 Third T2 reconstructed echo train for fast decay FIXED dim FBVI MREX

FBVIA4 Fourth T2 reconstructed echo train for fast decay FIXED dim FBVI MREX

FBVIA5 Fifth T2 reconstructed echo train for fast decay FIXED dim FBVI MREX

FBVM Fitted decay curve for slow decay FIXED dim FBVM MREX

FBVMA2 Second T2 fitted decay curve for slow decay FIXED dim FBVM MREX

FBVMA3 Third T2 fitted decay curve for slow decay FIXED dim FBVM MREX

FBVMA4 Fourth T2 fitted decay curve for slow decay FIXED dim FBVM MREX

FBVMA5 Fifth T2 fitted decay curve for slow decay FIXED dim FBVM MREX

FCALFLG FLeX caliper quality flag FIXED 1 FFLG FLEX

FCAP Fluid capacitance FIXED cts/s FCAP WHI

FCN Formation factor from compensated neutron POROSITY pu FCN CN

FCNDL Formation factor from CNCDL POROSITY pu FCND CN

FCNLS Formation factor from CNCLS POROSITY pu FCNL CN

FCNSS Formation factor from CNCSS POROSITY pu FCSS CN

FD Formation factor from density FIXED dim FD CDL/HTD

FD2 Formation factor from density (second tool) FIXED dim FD2 CDL/HTD

FDBI Fluid wave gain FIXED dB FDBI CBIL

FDC Formation factor from density (corrected) FIXED dim FDC CDL/HTD

FDC2 Formation factor from density (corrected) (second tool) FIXED dim FDC2 CDL/HTD

FDCDL Corrected formation factor for dolomite matrix FIXED dim FDCD CDL/HTD

FDCDL2 Corrected formation factor for dolomite matrix (2nd tool) FIXED dim F2CD CDL/HTD

FDCLS Corrected formation factor for limestone matrix FIXED dim FDCL CDL/HTD

FDCLS2 Corrected formation factor for limestone matrix (2nd tool) FIXED dim F2CL CDL/HTD

FDCSS Corrected formation factor for sandstone matrix FIXED dim FDCS CDL/HTD

FDCSS2 Corrected formation factor for sandstone matrix (2nd tool) FIXED dim F2CS CDL/HTD

FDDL Formation factor for dolomite matrix FIXED dim FDD CDL/HTD

FDDL2 Formation factor for dolomite matrix (second tool) FIXED dim FDD2 CDL/HTD


FDDR Raw fluid density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 FDDR FDDP

FDLS Formation factor for limestone matrix FIXED dim FDL CDL/HTD

FDLS2 Formation factor for limestone matrix (second tool) FIXED dim FDL2 CDL/HTD

FDN Fluid density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 FDN FDN

FDN2 Second block negative pulses from 57XXFD subset 1 FIXED 1 FDN2 WTS

FDPD Formation factor from deep resistivity FIXED dim FDPD DPIL

FDSS Formation factor for sandstone matrix FIXED dim FDS CDL/HTD

FDSS2 Formation factor for sandstone matrix (second tool) FIXED dim FDS2 CDL/HTD

FEC1 Iron capture indicator (near detector) FIXED 1 FEC1 RPM

FEC2 Iron capture indicator (far detector) FIXED 1 FEC2 RPM

FEET32 Depth in feet used for depth alignment FIXED feet FEET MREX

FFEQ HP gauge pressure frequency FIXED Hz FFEQ FMT

FFOC Formation factor from DIFL CFOC FIXED dim FFOC DIFL

FFR Formation factor from acoustic far xmtr-receiver spacing FIXED dim FFR AC/ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FGA1 Fixed gate amplitude in CBL/bond receiver FIXED dim FGA1 DAC/RAL

FGA11 Fixed gate amplitude in CBL FIXED dim FGAA AC/DAL

FGA12 Fixed gate amplitude in CBL FIXED raw FA12 AC

FGA2 Fixed gate amplitude in CBL FIXED dim FGA2 DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FGA21 Fixed gate amplitude in CBL FIXED dim FGAB AC/DAL

FGA22 Fixed gate amplitude in CBL FIXED raw FA22 AC

FGACBF Fixed gate amplitude in DAL CBL for far transmitter FIXED dim FGAF ACX/DAL/CBL


FGACBN Fixed gate amplitude in DAL CBL for near transmitter FIXED dim FGAN ACX/DAL/CBL

FGAFV Fixed gate amplitude (mV) DAL CBL for far transmitter FIXED dim FGFV ACX/DAL/CBL

FGAN Fixed gate amplitude in DAL CBL for near transmitter FIXED dim FGAN ACX/DAL/CBL

FGANV Fixed gate amplitude (mV) DAL CBL for near transmitter FIXED dim FGNV ACX/DAL/CBL


FGP1 Fixed gate pick for CBL or bond receiver 1 FIXED us FGP1 DAL/DAC/RAL

FGP11 Fixed gate pick for CBL FIXED us FP11 AC

FGP12 Fixed gate pick for CBL FIXED us FP12 AC

FGP21 Fixed gate pick for CBL FIXED us FP21 AC

FGP22 Fixed gate pick for CBL FIXED us FP22 AC

FGPCBF Fixed gate pick for CBL far transmitter FIXED us FGPF DAL/CBL

FGPCBL Fixed gate pick for CBL transmitter receiver FIXED us FGPC DAL/CBL/MAC/XMAC/XMACF1

FGPCBN Fixed gate pick for CBL near transmitter FIXED us FGPN ACX/DAL/CBL

FGPF Fixed gate pick for CBL far transmitter FIXED us FGPF DAL/CBL

FGPN Fixed gate pick for CBL near transmitter FIXED us FGPN ACX/DAL/CBL

FIEL Induction formation factor FIXED dim FIEL IEL

FILD Formation factor from DIFL CILD FIXED dim FILD DIFL


FITM MultiLaterolog inversion misfit FIXED pct FITM SJS

FITNI MultiLaterolog inversion non-Invaded misfit FIXED dim FITN SJS

FL1 Flux leakage 1 FIXED VU FL1 DVRT

FL10 Flux leakage 10 FIXED VU FL10 DVRT

FL11 Flux leakage 11 FIXED VU FL11 DVRT

FL12 Flux leakage 12 FIXED VU FL12 DVRT

FL13 Flux leakage 13 FIXED VU FL13 DVRT

FL14 Flux leakage 14 FIXED VU FL14 DVRT

FL15 Flux leakage 15 FIXED VU FL15 DVRT

FL16 Flux leakage 16 FIXED VU FL16 DVRT

FL17 Flux leakage 17 FIXED VU FL17 DVRT

FL18 Flux leakage 18 FIXED VU FL18 DVRT

FL19 Flux leakage 19 FIXED VU FL19 DVRT

FL2 Flux leakage 2 FIXED VU FL2 DVRT

FL20 Flux leakage 20 FIXED VU FL20 DVRT

FL21 Flux leakage 21 FIXED VU FL21 DVRT

FL22 Flux leakage 22 FIXED VU FL22 DVRT

FL23 Flux leakage 23 FIXED VU FL23 DVRT

FL24 Flux leakage 24 FIXED VU FL24 DVRT

FL3 Flux leakage 3 FIXED VU FL3 DVRT

FL4 Flux leakage 4 FIXED VU FL4 DVRT

FL5 Flux leakage 5 FIXED VU FL5 DVRT

FL6 Flux leakage 6 FIXED VU FL6 DVRT

FL7 Flux leakage 7 FIXED VU FL7 DVRT

FL8 Flux leakage 8 FIXED VU FL8 DVRT

FL9 Flux leakage 9 FIXED VU FL9 DVRT

FLAV Flux leakage average FIXED VU FLAV DVRT

FLCH2 Fluorescence channel 2 (475 nm) FIXED 1 FLC2 NIR

FLCH3 Fluorescence channel 3 (525 nm) FIXED 1 FLC3 NIR

FLCH4 Fluorescence channel 4 (575 nm) FIXED 1 FLC4 NIR

FLCH5 Fluorescence channel 5 (632 nm) FIXED 1 FLC5 NIR

FLCH6 Fluorescence channel 6 (694 nm) FIXED 1 FLC6 NIR

FLDGN Fluid wave gain FIXED dB FLDG CBIL

FLM Maximum flux leakage signal FIXED VU FLM DVRT


FLOW Pump flow rate VOLUME-GRAD ft3/s FLOW RCI

FLSKTEMP Flask temperature sensor reading TEMPERATUREC raw FTMP HDIL

FLTM Internal tool temperature TEMPERATURE degF FLTM SRPL

FMTR Spinner count rate difference FIXED cts/s FMTR SRPL

FNR Formation factor from acoustic near xmtr-receiver spacing FIXED dim FNR AC/ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

FPA Uncompensated attenuation ATTENUATION dim FPA BAL

FPAD Packer extend pressure FIXED psi FPAD RCI

FPHE T2 fitted decay curve from MPHE FIXED dim FPHE MREX

FPHEA2 Second T2 fitted decay curve from MPHE FIXED dim FPHE MREX

FPHEA3 Third T2 fitted decay curve from MPHE FIXED dim FPHE MREX

FPHEA4 Fourth T2 fitted decay curve from MPHE FIXED dim FPHE MREX

FPHEA5 Fifth T2 fitted decay curve from MPHE FIXED dim FPHE MREX

FPI Free point indicator points FIXED dim FPI FPI

FPIT Free point indicator torque FIXED dim FPIT FPI

FRD Formation factor from deep FIXED dim FRD DLL

FRG Receiver gain flags all subsets FIXED raw FRG RTEX

FRQAB Frequency parameter abs mode for all pads FIXED 1 FQAB GXPL

FRQEA Computed pad transmitter primary frequency FIXED 1 FQEA GXPL

FRQEB Computed pad transmitter alternate frequency FIXED 1 FQEB GXPL

FRRIC Inelastic/capture ratio corrected for mud and chlorine FIXED 1 FRRC FLEX

FRRICR Inelastic/capture ratio, raw FIXED 1 FRCR FLEX

FS11 Frequency step calculated FIXED Hz FS11 NT

FS12 Frequency step calculated FIXED Hz FS12 NT

FS21 Frequency step calculated FIXED Hz FS21 NT

FS22 Frequency step calculated FIXED Hz FS22 NT

FSFL Formation factor from spherically focused resistivity FIXED dim FSFL DPIL

FSIG First differences signature FIXED V FSIG HDLL

FSN Short normal formation factor FIXED dim FSN IEL

FSPEC Fluid fraction array FIXED 1 FSPC NIR

FTIM Fluid wave traveltime FIXED us FTIM CBIL

FTM Formation correction factor FIXED dim FTM MREX


FWAVE Far wave form FIXED 1 FWV RAL

FZ Formation factor from ZDL FIXED dim FZ ZDL/SZDL

FZ2 Formation factor from ZDL (second tool) FIXED dim FZ2 ZDL/SZDL

FZC Formation factor (corrected) from ZDL FIXED dim FZC ZDL/SZDL

FZC2 Formation factor (corrected) from ZDL (second tool) FIXED dim FZC2 ZDL/SZDL

FZCDL Corrected formation factor for dolomite matrix from ZDL FIXED dim FZCD ZDL/SZDL

FZCDL2 Corrected formation factor for dolomite matrix (2nd tool) FIXED dim Z2CD ZDL/SZDL

FZCLS Corrected formation factor for limestone matrix from ZDL FIXED dim FZCL ZDL/SZDL

FZCLS2 Corrected formation factor for limestone matrix (2nd tool) FIXED dim F2CL ZDL/SZDL

FZCSS Corrected formation factor for sandstone matrix FIXED dim FZCS ZDL/SZDL

FZCSS2 Corrected formation factor for sandstone matrix (2nd tool) FIXED dim X2CS ZDL/SZDL

FZDL Formation factor for dolomite matrix FIXED dim FZD ZDL/SZDL

FZDL2 Formation factor for dolomite matrix (second tool) FIXED dim FZD2 ZDL/SZDL

FZLS Formation factor for limestone matrix FIXED dim FZL ZDL/SZDL

FZLS2 Formation factor for limestone matrix (second tool) FIXED dim FZL2 ZDL/SZDL

FZSS Formation factor for sandstone matrix FIXED dim FZS ZDL/SZDL

FZSS2 Formation factor for sandstone matrix (second tool) FIXED dim FZS2 ZDL/SZDL

G1 Short space gate 1 count rate FIXED cts/s G1 PDK/MSI/CO/RPM

G11 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim G11 BAL/DAL/MAC/XMAC

G12 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim G12 BAL/DAL/MAC/SBT/XMAC

G1R G1 reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s G1R RPM

G2 Short space gate 2 count rate FIXED cts/s G2 PDK/MSI/CO/RPM

G21 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim G21 BAL/DAL/DAC/MAC/SBT/XMAC

G22 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim G22 BAL/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

G23 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim G23 BAL/DAL/DAC/MAC/SBT/XMAC

G2R G2 reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s G2R RPM


GASF Gas fraction FIXED 1 GASF NIR

GAZ Z-axis acceleration from RAZ FIXED G GAZ DIP

GAZF Z-axis acceleration from RAZF FIXED G GAZF DIP

GBR Uncompensated attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft GBR BAL

GCOD Composite pad gain code FIXED dim GCOD DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART

GDENC Chemically derived grain density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 GDNC FLEX

GDENM Mineral derived grain density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 GDNM FLEX

GE1L Long space early gate 1 count rate FIXED cts/s GE1L PDK/RPM

GE1S Short space early gate 1 count rate FIXED cts/s GE1S PDK/RPM

GE1X Extra long space early count rate (gate 1) FIXED cts/s GE1X RPM

GE2L Long space early gate 2 count rate FIXED cts/s GE2L PDK/RPM

GE2S Short space early gate 2 count rate FIXED cts/s GE2S PDK/RPM

GE2X Extra long space early count rate (gate 2) FIXED cts/s GE2X RPM

GG01 Guard receiver gain pad 1 FIXED dim GG01 STAR/EART

GLIT General lithology FIXED 1 GLIT FLEX

GMINC Magnetic field inclination FIXED deg MINC ORIT

GMINT Magnetic field intensity (strength magnitude) FIXED gamma MINT ORIT

GMLAT Geomag latitude entry FIXED deg GMLA ORIT

GMLON Geomag longitude entry FIXED deg GMLO ORIT

GMODE Gain mode, 8-bit FIXED dim GMOD HDLL

GN11 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim GN11 AC/NT

GN12 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim GN12 AC/NT

GN21 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim GN21 AC/NT

GN22 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim GN22 AC/NT


GNCBF Waveform gain factor for far CBL waveform FIXED dim GNCF ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

GNCBN Waveform gain factor for near CBL waveform FIXED dim GNCN ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

GND11 Waveform gain factor (dB) in analog acoustic FIXED dB GD11 AC

GND12 Waveform gain factor (dB) in analog acoustic FIXED dB GD12 AC

GND21 Waveform gain factor (dB) in analog acoustic FIXED dB GD21 AC

GND22 Waveform gain factor (dB) in analog acoustic FIXED dB GD22 AC

GNF1 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim GNF1 ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

GNN1 Waveform gain factor FIXED dim GNN1 ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

GNPK Found peak location for autogain FIXED 1 GNPK FLEX

GOR Gas/oil ratio FIXED ft3/bbl GOR NIR

GOV1B Overflow flag general status all subsets FIXED raw GOV RTEX


GR1 Gamma ray 1 FIXED gAPI GR1 CMI/LWC

GR1C Gamma ray 1 depth reference FIXED cts GR1C CMI


GR2C Gamma ray 2 depth reference FIXED cts GR2C CMI


GR3C Gamma ray 3 depth reference FIXED cts GR3C CMI

GR4 Gamma ray 4 FIXED gAPI GR4 GR CMI

GR4C Gamma ray 4 depth reference FIXED cts GR4C CMI

GRADEN Lee tool fluid density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 GDEN GRAD

GRCP Temperature corrected pressure PRESSURE psi GRCP SRPL

GRDG Guard receiver gain FIXED dim L*** STAR/EART

GRDH Gamma ray downhole FIXED cts/s GRDH PRSM


GRSL Gamma ray from spectrum FIXED gAPI GRSL SL

GRSLC Gamma ray from spectrum, borehole corrected FIXED gAPI GRSC SL

GRU Unfiltered gamma ray FIXED gAPI GRU DSL

GVIDL Ideal guard voltage FIXED mV GVID STAR

GVRAT Actual guard voltage, ideal guard voltage ratio FIXED dim GVRA STAR

GVRTO Array of actual guard voltage, ideal guard voltage ratio FIXED dim GVRT STAR

GWAVE Waveform gain FIXED dim GWV SBT

GWAVE1 Gain for waveform 1 FIXED dim GWV1 BAL

GWAVE2 Gain for waveform 2 FIXED dim GWV2 BAL/SBT

GX Accelerometer X FIXED G GX TTMA

GY Accelerometer Y FIXED G GY TTMA

GZ Accelerometer Z FIXED G GZ TTMA

H2OH Water height FIXED dim H2OH MCFM

HC1 Hydrogen capture indicator (near detector) FIXED 1 HC1 RPM

HC2 Hydrogen capture indicator (far detector) FIXED 1 HC2 RPM

HEATC Motor relay control current feedback voltage FIXED V HTC RCI

HGN High temperature DEN gain FIXED dim HGN CDL/HTD

HGN2 High temperature DEN gain (second tool) FIXED dim HGN2 CDL/HTD

HHMMSS Hours, minutes, seconds FIXED dim HMS SYST

HIDWF Acoustic Hilbert semblance hidden time FIXED us HIDF MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

HIDWN Acoustic Hilbert semblance hidden time FIXED us HIDN MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

HIST Real time FTA history for RCI, processing history for MR FIXED dim HIST RCI/MREX

HNDSB Pressure less than 0.1 FIXED 1 HNDB RCI

HOUR Time in decimal hours FIXED h HOUR SYST

HP HP raw pressure frequency FIXED Hz HP FMT/SLAP

HP01 High pass filter with default 200 Hz cutoff FIXED mV HP1 SON

HP02 High pass filter with default 600 Hz cutoff FIXED mV HP2 SON

HP03 High pass filter with default 1000 Hz cutoff FIXED mV HP3 SON

HP04 High pass filter with default 2000 Hz cutoff FIXED mV HP4 SON

HPCP HP temperature corrected pressure PRESSURE psi HPCP FMT

HPCP2 HP temperature corrected pressure (second tool) PRESSURE psi HCP2 FMT

HPCPF HP temperature corrected pressure (filtered) PRESSURE psi HPCF FMT

HPDP HP differential pressure PRES-TGRAD psi/min HPDP FMT

HPDP2 HP differential pressure (second tool) PRES-TGRAD psi/min HDP2 FMT/RCI


HPN HP Pressure counts FIXED cts HPN FMT/RCI

HPNF HP normalized frequency FIXED Hz HPNF FMT/RCI/SRPL

HPTH Precision timer high word FIXED IU*** HPTH HP

HPTL Precision timer low word FIXED IU*** HPTL HP

HPUD1 User input high pass filter 1 FIXED mV HPU1 SON

HPUD2 User input high pass filter 2 FIXED mV HPU2 SON

HPUD3 User input high pass filter 3 FIXED mV HPU3 SON

HRD1 Long space spectrum count rate 140-200 keV FIXED cts/s HRD1 ZDL/SZDL/DENX

HRD12 Long space spectrum count rate 140-200 keV (second tool) FIXED cts/s HR12 ZDL/SZDL

HRD1S Short space detector spectrum count rate 140-200 keV FIXED cts/s HD1S ZDL/SZDL/DENX

HRD1S2 Short space detector spectrum count rate 140-200 keV FIXED cts/s HDS2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX

HRD2 Long space spectrum count rate 200-540 keV FIXED cts/s HRD2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX

HRD22 Long space spectrum count rate 200-540 keV (second tool) FIXED cts/s HR22 ZDL/SZDL

HRD2S Short space detector spectrum count rate 200-540 keV FIXED cts/s HD2S ZDL/SZDL/DENX

HRD2S2 Short space detector spectrum count rate 200-540 keV FIXED cts/s H2S2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX


HTDSSP2 SOFT,SFT2,HRD1,HRD2 in channels 0-255 (second tool) FIXED dim HST2 CDL/HTD


HTMPP Housing temperature, principal subset TEMPERATUREC degC HTPP WGI

HVC HVC gain setting for FLeX FIXED 1 HVC FLEX

HVC1 Short space HVC gain setting FIXED 1 HVC1 RPM

HVC2 Long space HVC gain setting FIXED 1 HVC2 RPM

HVC3 Extra long space HVC gain setting FIXED 1 HVC3 RPM

HVPS High voltage power supply setting FIXED mV HVPS CBIL/LWC

HVPSV High voltage power supply FIXED mV HVPV CBIL

HYDT Hydraulic mandrel temperature TEMPERATURE degC HYDT RCOR

HYDTF Hydraulic mandrel temperature TEMPERATURE degC HYDT RCOR

HYPB Hydraulic power pressure FIXED psi HYPB RCI

HYPG Hydraulic power pressure PRESSURE psi HYPG RCI

HYPH Hydraulic pressure target for 1970HA PRESSURE psi HYPH RCI

HYPM Hydraulic power pressure PRESSURE psi HYPM RCI

HYPP Hydraulic pressure target PRESSURE psi HYPP RCI

HYPP2 Hydraulic pressure target, second tank PRESSURE psi HYP2 RCI

HYPQ Hydraulic power pressure target PRESSURE psi HYPQ RCI

HYPR Pump hydraulic pressure target FIXED psi HYPR RCI

HYPW Hydraulic pressure target for WA module PRESSURE psi HYPW RCI

I0 I0 current all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw I0 RTEX

I0A I0 current all frequencies complex amplitude FIXED raw I0A RTEX

I0P I0 current all frequencies complex phase FIXED raw I0P RTEX

I131 Iodine 131 concentration FIXED api I PRSM

ID Deep current FIXED mA ID DLL

IDELAY Injection phase delay, 16-bit FIXED dim IDEL HDLL

IDX Inside diameter of tubing in X direction DIAMETER in IDX SYST

IDY Inside diameter of tubing in Y direction DIAMETER in IDY SYST

IGAIN Injection gain, 12-bit FIXED dim IGAI HDLL

ILS Inelastic long space count rate FIXED cts/s ILS PDK/RPM

ILSA Zero deadtime inelastic long space per channel FIXED 1 ILSA PNHI/RPM

ILSC Capture corrected inelastic long space FIXED 1 ILSC RPM

ILSM Deviation of mean of inelastic long space count rate FIXED cts/s ILSM PDK/RPM

ILSN Capture corrected inelastic long space (normalized) FIXED 1 ILSN RPM

ILSR Inelastic long space countrate reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s ILSR RPM

ILSS Standard deviation of inelastic long space count rate FIXED cts/s ILSS PDK/RPM

IMG1D Invasion profile image FIXED 1 IMG1 INDX



INCA Wellbore inclination from accelerometers FIXED deg INCA POS

INCL Wellbore inclination FIXED deg INCL POS

INCT Wellbore inclination from tilt sensor FIXED deg INCT POS

INCX Wellbore inclination from external data FIXED deg INCX POS

INE1 Short space C/O inelastic PHA spectra FIXED 1 INE1 RPM

INE2 Long space C/O inelastic PHA spectra FIXED 1 INE2 RPM

INT1 Integrated inelastic spectrum counts, short space FIXED cts/s INT1 PNHI

INT2 Integrated inelastic spectrum counts, long space FIXED cts/s INT2 PNHI

IPL1 Inelastic spectrum using large windows (near detector) FIXED 1 IPL1 RPM

IPL2 Inelastic spectrum using large windows (far detector) FIXED 1 IPL2 RPM

IPS1 Inelastic spectrum using small windows (near detector) FIXED 1 IPS1 RPM

IPS2 Inelastic spectrum using small windows (far detector) FIXED 1 IPS2 RPM

IR192 Iridium 192 concentration FIXED api IR PRSM

IS Shallow current FIXED mA IS DLL

IS1 I current source 1 all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw IS1 RTEX

IS2 I current source 2 all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw IS2 RTEX

IS3 I current source 3 all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw IS3 RTEX

IS4 I current source 4 all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw IS4 RTEX

ISFF Shperically Focused Log focusing current FIXED mA ISFF DPIL

ISFM Shperically Focused Log measure current FIXED mA ISFM DPIL

ISS Inelastic short space count rate FIXED cts/s ISS PDK/RPM

ISSA Zero deadtime inelastic short space count rate per channel FIXED 1 ISSA PNHI/RPM

ISSC Capture corrected inelastic short space FIXED 1 ISSC RPM

ISSD Inelastic short space count rate scaled down for computation FIXED cts/us ISSD RPM

ISSM Deviation of mean of inelastic short space count rate FIXED cts/s ISSM PDK/RPM

ISSN Capture corrected inelastic short space (normalized) FIXED 1 ISSN RPM

ISSR ISSD nominal value for reduced crv computation FIXED cts/us ISSR RPM

ISSS Standard deviation of short space inelastic count rate FIXED cts/s ISSS PDK/RPM


ITXQ Transmitter current quadrature FIXED mA ITXQ DPIL

ITXR Transmitter current real FIXED mA ITXR DPIL

IXS Inelastic extra long space count rate FIXED cts/s IXS RPM

IXSA Average of inelastic extra long space count rate FIXED cts/s IXSA RPM

IXSC Capture corrected inelastic extra long space FIXED 1 IXSC RPM

IXSM Deviation of mean of inelastic extra long space count rate FIXED cts/s IXSM RPM

IXSN Capture corrected inelastic extra long space (normalized) FIXED 1 IXSN RPM

IXSR Inelastic xtra long spacecount rate reduced by ISSD quad fit FIXED cts/s IXSR RPM

IXSS Standard deviation of inelastic extra long space count rate FIXED cts/s IXSS RPM

K Potassium content FIXED pct K SL

K40 Potassium content FIXED pct K40 PRSM

KAPI Potassium yield in API units FIXED gAPI KAPI SL

KAPIC Potassium yield in API units, borehole corrected FIXED gAPI KAPC SL

KC Potassium content, borehole corrected FIXED 1 KC SL

KTH Stripped potassium-thorium FIXED dim KTH SL

KTHC Stripped potassium-thorium, borehole corrected FIXED dim KTHC SL

KTHR Combined potassium and thorium count rate FIXED cps KTHR SL

L11D Inner invasion length DIAMETER in L1 INDX

L11DI Inner invasion length, invasion model DIAMETER in L1I INDX

L1DI Median invasion length, invasion model DIAMETER in L1DI INDX

L21D Outer invasion length DIAMETER in L21D INDX

L21DI Outer invasion length, invasion model DIAMETER in L21D INDX

LBOR Long space early gate window count rate ratio (ge1l/ge2l) FIXED 1 LBOR PDK/RPM

LBORA Average long space early gate window count rate ratio FIXED 1 LBRA PDK/RPM

LBORM Mean dev of long space early gate window count rate ratio FIXED 1 LBRM PDK/RPM

LBORS Standard dev of long space early gate window countrate ratio FIXED 1 LBRS PDK/RPM

LCOL Lithology color FIXED 1 LCOL FLEX

LED Lower voltage FIXED mV LED DLL

LFLG Fluid flag, 1 = fluid, 0 = unknown FIXED 1 FFLG NIR

LI1D Median invasion length DIAMETER in LI1D INDX

LINCAL Intermediate linear caliper DIAMETER in LCAL CAL

LIQH Liquid height FIXED dim LIQH MCFM

LLBH Internal borehole correction curve (HDLL) DIAMETER in LLBH HDLL

LLD Low level discriminator FIXED dim LLD PRSM

LLRM Computed mud resistivity FIXED ohm.m LLRM HDLL

LMP Pump piston position FIXED in LMP RCI


LS Long space count rate FIXED cts/s LS PDK/RPM

LS28V +28V input, long space FIXED 100 V LS28 DENX

LS28V2 +28V input, long space FIXED 100 V L282 DENX

LSCHNL Long space detector count rate spectrum FIXED cts/s LSCN PDK/RPM

LSCSPK Cesium reference peak position, long space FIXED 1 LCPK DENX

LSCSPK2 Cesium reference peak position, long space FIXED 1 LCP2 DENX

LSD Long space detector count rate FIXED cts/s LSD CDL/HTD

LSD2 Long space detector count rate FIXED cts/s LSD2 CDL/HTD

LSDISC Long space discriminator setting FIXED 1 LSDC PDK/PNHI/RPM

LSN Long space neutron FIXED cts/s LSN CN

LSNR Long space neutron (raw) FIXED cts/s LSNR CN

LSR Long space reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s LSR RPM

LSSP Long space deadtime corrected, bkgnd subtracted, count rate FIXED cts/s LSSP PDK/RPM

LTHR Lower AGC percent of maximum FIXED pct LTHR AC

LTT Long space traveltime FIXED us/ft LTT BAL

LWDTH Number of gates used for SGA2 FIXED 1 LWD RPM

LXOM MultiLaterolog inversion length of invasion FIXED in LXOM SJS

M0C1 Focused conductivity, 10-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M0C1 HDIL

M0C2 Focused conductivity, 20-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M0C2 HDIL

M0C3 Focused conductivity, 30-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M0C3 HDIL

M0C6 Focused conductivity, 60-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M0C6 HDIL

M0C9 Focused conductivity, 90-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M0C9 HDIL

M0CX Focused conductivity, 120-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M0CX HDIL

M0R1 True focused resistivity for HDIL, 10-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M0R1 HDIL

M0R2 True focused resistivity for HDIL, 20-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M0R2 HDIL

M0R3 True focused resistivity for HDIL, 30-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M0R3 HDIL

M0R6 True focused resistivity for HDIL, 60-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M0R6 HDIL

M0R9 True focused resistivity for HDIL, 90-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M0R9 HDIL

M0RX True focused resistivity for HDIL, 120-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M0RX HDIL

M1 1670 nanometer optical density FIXED 1 M1 NIR

M1CC1 HDIL 1-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 10-inch DOI FIXED mS/m MCC1 HDIL

M1CC2 HDIL 1-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 20-inch DOI FIXED mS/m MCC2 HDIL

M1CC3 HDIL 1-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 30-inch DOI FIXED mS/m MCC3 HDIL

M1CC6 HDIL 1-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 60-inch DOI FIXED mS/m MCC6 HDIL

M1CC9 HDIL 1-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 90-inch DOI FIXED mS/m MCC9 HDIL

M1CCX HDIL 1-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 120-inch DOI FIXED mS/m MCCX HDIL

M1R1 Vertical 1-foot resolution matched resistivity, 10-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M1R1 HDIL

M1R2 Vertical 1-foot resolution matched resistivity, 20-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M1R2 HDIL

M1R3 Vertical 1-foot resolution matched resistivity, 30-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M1R3 HDIL

M1R6 Vertical 1-foot resolution matched resistivity, 60-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M1R6 HDIL

M1R9 Vertical 1-foot resolution matched resistivity, 90-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M1R9 HDIL

M1RX Vertical 1-foot resolution matched resistivity, 120-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M1RX HDIL

M2 1682 nanometer optical density FIXED 1 M2 NIR

M2CC1 HDIL 2-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 10-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M2P1 HDIL

M2CC2 HDIL 2-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 20-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M2P2 HDIL

M2CC3 HDIL 2-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 30-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M2P3 HDIL

M2CC6 HDIL 2-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 60-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M2P6 HDIL

M2CC9 HDIL 2-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 90-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M2P9 HDIL

M2CCX HDIL 2-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 120-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M2PX HDIL

M2QL HDIL quick look Rxo/Rt ratio FIXED 1 M2QL HDIL

M2R1 Vertical 2-foot resolution matched resistivity, 10-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M2R1 HDIL

M2R2 Vertical 2-foot resolution matched resistivity, 20-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M2R2 HDIL

M2R3 Vertical 2-foot resolution matched resistivity, 30-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M2R3 HDIL

M2R6 Vertical 2-foot resolution matched resistivity, 60-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M2R6 HDIL

M2R9 Vertical 2-foot resolution matched resistivity, 90-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M2R9 HDIL

M2RX Vertical 2-foot resolution matched resistivity, 120-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M2RX HDIL

M4CC1 HDIL 4-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 10-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M4P1 HDIL

M4CC2 HDIL 4-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 20-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M4P2 HDIL

M4CC3 HDIL 4-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 30-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M4P3 HDIL

M4CC6 HDIL 4-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 60-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M4P6 HDIL

M4CC9 HDIL 4-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 90-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M4P9 HDIL

M4CCX HDIL 4-foot resolution compressed conductivity, 120-inch DOI FIXED mS/m M4PX HDIL

M4R1 Vertical 4-foot resolution matched resistivity, 10-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M4R1 HDIL

M4R2 Vertical 4-foot resolution matched resistivity, 20-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M4R2 HDIL

M4R3 Vertical 4-foot resolution matched resistivity, 30-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M4R3 HDIL

M4R6 Vertical 4-foot resolution matched resistivity, 60-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M4R6 HDIL

M4R9 Vertical 4-foot resolution matched resistivity, 90-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M4R9 HDIL

M4RX Vertical 4-foot resolution matched resistivity, 120-inch DOI FIXED ohm.m M4RX HDIL

MAER Density maintenance warning error FIXED 1 MAER DENX

MAER2 Density maintenance warning error FIXED 1 2-Mar DENX

MAGREF Mandrel signal ground, 12-bit FIXED V MGND HDLL


MATEMP Mandrel temperature, 12-bit FIXED degC MATP HDLL

MAVBK HDIL average background conductivity FIXED mS/m MVBK HDIL

MAVREF Mandrel voltage reference, 2.5V, 12-bit FIXED V MREF HDLL

MAXD Maximum caliper diameter DIAMETER in MAXD BHP

MAXDW Maximum caliper diameter DIAMETER in MXDW WGI

MBH Calculated borehole size for ABC processing DIAMETER in MBH HDIL

MBHR0 Borehole resistivity coil 0 FIXED ohm.m MBR0 HDIL

MBHR1 Borehole resistivity coil 1 FIXED ohm.m MBR1 HDIL

MBHR2 Borehole resistivity coil 2 FIXED ohm.m MBR2 HDIL

MBHR3 Borehole resistivity coil 3 FIXED ohm.m MBR3 HDIL

MBHR4 Borehole resistivity coil 4 FIXED ohm.m MBR4 HDIL

MBHR5 Borehole resistivity coil 5 FIXED ohm.m MBR5 HDIL

MBHR6 Borehole resistivity coil 6 FIXED ohm.m MBR6 HDIL

MBLK MCF mux descriptor block FIXED dim MBLK MCFM

MBVI MR irreducible fluids POROSITY pu MBVI MREX

MBVIA2 Second T2 bulk volume irreducible POROSITY pu BIA2 MREX

MBVIA3 Third T2 bulk volume irreducible POROSITY pu BIA3 MREX

MBVIA4 Fourth T2 bulk volume irreducible POROSITY pu BIA4 MREX

MBVIA5 Fifth T2 bulk volume irreducible POROSITY pu BIA5 MREX

MBVIB Bulk volume irreducible POROSITY pu BVIB MREX

MBVIB2 Second BVI bulk volume irreducible POROSITY pu BIB2 MREX

MBVIB3 Third BVI bulk volume irreducible POROSITY pu BIB3 MREX

MBVM MR moveable fluids POROSITY pu MBVM MREX

MBVMA2 Second T2 bulk volume moveable POROSITY pu BVM2 MREX

MBVMA3 Third T2 bulk volume moveable POROSITY pu BVM3 MREX

MBVMA4 Fourth T2 bulk volume moveable POROSITY pu BVM4 MREX

MBVMA5 Fifth T2 bulk volume moveable POROSITY pu BVM5 MREX

MBVMB Bulk volume moveable POROSITY pu BVMB MREX

MBVMB2 Second BVI bulk volume moveable POROSITY pu VMB2 MREX

MBVMB3 Third BVI bulk volume moveable POROSITY pu VMB3 MREX

MBW Bound water, capillary and clay bound FIXED dim MBW MREX

MCBW MR clay bound porosity fluids POROSITY pu MCBW MREX

MCFP MCFM precision pressure FIXED psi MCFP MCFM

MCS1 Short space MCS spectrum FIXED raw MCS1 RPM

MCS2 Long space MCS spectrum FIXED raw MCS2 RPM

MCS3 Extra long space MCS spectrum FIXED raw MCS3 RPM

MCSB MCS spectrum background count rate FIXED 1 MCSB FLEX

MCSC MCS spectrum capture count rate spectrum FIXED 1 MCSC FLEX

MCST MCS spectrum total count rate FIXED 1 MCST FLEX

MCSTCR MCS spectrum total count rate FIXED 1 MCTR FLEX

MDCT Module count FIXED dim MDCT RCI



MERTV Electrode voltage potentials FIXED V MRTV HDLL

MERTVI Interpolated electrode voltage potentials FIXED V MRVI HDLL

MFFXX Multi frequency focusing, XX, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFXX 3DEX

MFFXY Multi frequency focusing, XY, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFXY 3DEX

MFFXZ Multi frequency focusing, XZ, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFXZ 3DEX

MFFYX Multi frequency focusing, YX, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFYX 3DEX

MFFYY Multi frequency focusing, YY, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFYY 3DEX

MFFYZ Multi frequency focusing, YZ, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFYZ 3DEX

MFFZX Multi frequency focusing, ZX, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFZX 3DEX

MFFZY Multi frequency focusing, ZY, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFZY 3DEX

MFFZZ Multi frequency focusing, ZZ, apparent conductivity FIXED mS/m MFZZ 3DEX

MIN Time in minutes FIXED min MIN SYST

MIND Minimum caliper diameter DIAMETER in MIND BHP

MINDW Minimum caliper diameter DIAMETER in MNDW WGI


MLIW FOCUS MLL center electrode current wave FIXED 1 MLIW MLL

MLLRTO EMLL-IMLL ratio for manufacturing FIXED 1 MLLR TBRT

MLR1 RTeX shallow resistivity 1 FIXED ohm.m MLR1 RTEX

MLR1C RTeX shallow resistivity 1, adaptive borehole correction FIXED ohm.m MLC1 RTEX

MLR1S Synthetic MultiLaterolog resistivity 1 FIXED ohm.m MLS1 SJS

MLR2 RTeX shallow resistivity 2 FIXED ohm.m MLR2 RTEX

MLR2C RTeX shallow resistivity 2, adaptive borehole correction FIXED ohm.m MLC2 RTEX

MLR2S Synthetic MultiLaterolog resistivity 2 FIXED ohm.m MLS2 SJS

MLR3 RTeX medium resistivity 3 FIXED ohm.m MLR3 RTEX

MLR3C RTeX medium resistivity 3, adaptive borehole correction FIXED ohm.m MLC3 RTEX

MLR3S Synthetic MultiLaterolog resistivity 3 FIXED ohm.m MLS3 SJS

MLR4 RTeX deep resistivity 4 FIXED ohm.m MLR4 RTEX

MLR4C RTeX deep resistivity 4, adaptive borehole correction FIXED ohm.m MLC4 RTEX

MLR4S Synthetic MultiLaterolog resistivity 4 FIXED ohm.m MLS4 SJS

MLRM Mud resistivity for ML borehole corrections FIXED ohm.m MLRM ML

MLRP Total resistance, complex phase FIXED deg MLRP RTEX

MLRU1 RTeX shallow resistivity 1, unfiltered FIXED ohm.m MLU1 RTEX

MLRU2 RTeX shallow resistivity 2, unfiltered FIXED ohm.m MLU2 RTEX

MLRU3 RTeX medium resistivity 3, unfiltered FIXED ohm.m MLU3 RTEX

MLRU4 RTeX deep resistivity 4, unfiltered FIXED ohm.m MLU4 RTEX

MLSTCK Number of waves stacked by electronics FIXED dim MLSK ML MLL

MLVW FOCUS MLL center electrode voltage wave FIXED 1 MLVW MLL

MLXC ML guard current, real part FIXED 1 MLXC ML MLL

MLXI FOCUS Microlaterolog real center electrode current FIXED 1 MLXI MLL

MLXV FOCUS Microlaterolog real center electrode voltage FIXED 1 MLXV MLL

MLYC ML guard current, imaginary part FIXED 1 MLYC ML MLL

MLYI FOCUS Microlaterolog imaginary center electrode current FIXED 1 MLYI MLL

MLYV FOCUS Microlaterolog imaginary center electrode voltage FIXED 1 MLYV MLL

MMDC Depth of corrected magnetic marks LENGTH-SPD ft MMDC SYST

MMDCNT Number of magnetic marks detected FIXED dim MMDN SYST

MMDD Distance between magnetic marks LENGTH-SPD ft MMDD SYST

MMRK Minute mark FIXED dim MMRK SYST

MNLSB Minimum ratio of last-B/first-B amplitude FIXED pct MNLB MREX

MNPA All pad frequency A minimum phase over pad buttons FIXED deg MNPA GXPL

MNPHA Minimum phi-A for all experiments FIXED deg MNPA MREX

MNPHB Minimum phi-B for all experiments FIXED deg MNPB MREX

MNQ Minimum Q for all experiments FIXED 1 MNQ MREX

MNR1 Minimum radius 1 DIAMETER in MNR1 BHP

MNR1A Pad 1 frequency A minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR1A GXPL

MNR1B Pad 1 frequency B minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR1A GXPL

MNR1W Minimum radius 1 DIAMETER in MR1W WGI

MNR2 Minimum radius 2 DIAMETER in MNR2 BHP

MNR2A Pad 2 frequency A minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR2A GXPL

MNR2B Pad 2 frequency B minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR2B GXPL

MNR2W Minimum radius 2 DIAMETER in MNRW WGI

MNR3A Pad 3 frequency A minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR3A GXPL

MNR3B Pad 3 frequency B minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR3B GXPL

MNR4A Pad 4 frequency A minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR4A GXPL

MNR4B Pad 4 frequency B minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR4B GXPL

MNR5A Pad 5 frequency A minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR5A GXPL

MNR5B Pad 5 frequency B minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR5B GXPL

MNR6A Pad 6 frequency A minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR6A GXPL

MNR6B Pad 6 frequency B minimum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m NR6B GXPL

MNRA Angle of minimum radius 1 FIXED deg MNRA BHP

MNRAW Angle of minimum radius 1 FIXED deg MNRW WGI

MNTV MR minimum transmitter voltage FIXED V MNTV MREX

MNWL Apparent minimum wall thickness DIAMETER in MNWL MFC

MON Source monitor FIXED cts/s MON PDK/RPM

MOTV 1970EB motor voltage monitor FIXED 10 V MOTV RCI/DENX

MOTV2 1970EB motor voltage monitor FIXED 10 V MTV2 RCI/DENX

MPDP MCFM differential pressure, 2 ft span PRES-DGRAD psi/min MPDP MCFM

MPHE MR effective porosity POROSITY pu MPHE MREX

MPHEA2 MR effective porosity for second T2 process POROSITY pu PEA2 MREX

MPHEA3 MR effective porosity for third T2 process POROSITY pu PEA3 MREX

MPHEA4 MR effective porosity for fourth T2 process POROSITY pu PEA4 MREX

MPHEA5 MR effective porosity for fifth T2 process POROSITY pu PEA5 MREX

MPHEB MR effective porosity for first BVI process POROSITY pu PHEB MREX

MPHEB2 MR effective porosity for second BVI process POROSITY pu PEB2 MREX

MPHEB3 MR effective porosity for third BVI process POROSITY pu PEB3 MREX

MPHS MR total porosity POROSITY pu MPHS MREX

MPHSA2 Second T2 total porosity POROSITY pu MPS2 MREX

MPHSA3 Third T2 total porosity POROSITY pu MPS3 MREX

MPHSA4 Fourth T2 total porosity POROSITY pu MPS4 MREX

MPHSA5 Fifth T2 total porosity POROSITY pu MPS5 MREX

MPRM MR permeability FIXED dim MPRM MREX

MPRMA2 MR permeability from second T2 MPHE FIXED dim MPA2 MREX

MPRMA3 MR permeability from third T2 MPHE FIXED dim MPA3 MREX

MPRMA4 MR permeability from fourth T2 MPHE FIXED dim MPA4 MREX

MPRMA5 MR permeability from fifth T2 MPHE FIXED dim MPA5 MREX

MRM Mud resistivity from rmudtmp2_0 processing function FIXED ohm.m MRM HDIL

MROD Momentary rod position DIAMETER in MROD RCOR

MRODF Momentary rod position DIAMETER in MROD RCOR

MSD Measured standard deviation FIXED su MSD PDK/RPM

MSEC0 HDIL skin effect corrected curve, subarray 0 FIXED mS/m MSC0 HDIL

MSEC1 HDIL skin effect corrected curve, subarray 1 FIXED mS/m MSC1 HDIL

MSEC2 HDIL skin effect corrected curve, subarray 2 FIXED mS/m MSC2 HDIL

MSEC3 HDIL skin effect corrected curve, subarray 3 FIXED mS/m MSC3 HDIL

MSEC4 HDIL skin effect corrected curve, subarray 4 FIXED mS/m MSC4 HDIL

MSEC5 HDIL skin effect corrected curve, subarray 5 FIXED mS/m MSC5 HDIL

MSEC6 HDIL skin effect corrected curve, subarray 6 FIXED mS/m MSC6 HDIL

MSP Spectrum multiplicative factor for long space FIXED 1 MSP DENX

MSP2 Spectrum multiplicative factor for long space FIXED 1 MSP DENX

MSPS Spectrum multiplicative factor for short space FIXED 1 MSPS DENX

MSPS2 Spectrum multiplicative factor for short space FIXED 1 MSP2 DENX

MTMP Mandrel temperature TEMPERATUREC degC MTMP DPIL

MUBD Internal borehole correction curve, diameter FIXED in MUBD RTEX

MUBT Internal borehole correction curve, temperature FIXED raw MUBT RTEX

MUDF Mud fraction FIXED 1 MUDF NIR

MUR0 Unfocused resistivity, subarray 0 FIXED ohm.m MUR0 HDIL

MUR1 Unfocused resistivity, subarray 1 FIXED ohm.m MUR1 HDIL

MUR2 Unfocused resistivity, subarray 2 FIXED ohm.m MUR2 HDIL

MUR3 Unfocused resistivity, subarray 3 FIXED ohm.m MUR3 HDIL

MUR4 Unfocused resistivity, subarray 4 FIXED ohm.m MUR4 HDIL

MUR5 Unfocused resistivity, subarray 5 FIXED ohm.m MUR5 HDIL

MUR6 Unfocused resistivity, subarray 6 FIXED ohm.m MUR6 HDIL

MURM Mud resistivity for RTeX borehole corrections FIXED ohm.m MURM RTEX

MUSMR Shallow Microlaterolog resistivity for RTeX hole corrections FIXED ohm.m MUSR RTEX

MUXQ Mux descriptor block quality indicator FIXED dim MUXQ MCFM

MV Neutron generator motor voltage FIXED V MV RPM/FLEX

MX11 Waveform maximum amplitude FIXED dB MX11 DAL/MAC/NT/XMAC

MX11G Waveform maximum amplitude, gain removed FIXED dB M11G NT

MX12 Waveform maximum amplitude FIXED dB MX12 DAL/MAC/NT/XMAC

MX12G Waveform maximum amplitude, gain removed FIXED dB M12G NT

MX21 Waveform maximum amplitude FIXED dB MX21 DAL/DAC/MAC/NT/XMAC

MX21G Waveform maximum amplitude, gain removed FIXED dB M21G NT

MX22 Waveform maximum amplitude FIXED dB MX22 DAL/DAC/MAC/NT/XMAC

MX22G Waveform maximum amplitude, gain removed FIXED dB M22G NT

MXDF Maximum percent deviation from resonance FIXED pct MXDF MREX

MXDRG Maximum difference in ringing from one level to next for CBW FIXED pu MXDG MREX

MXPA All pad frequency A maximum phase over pad buttons FIXED deg MXPA GXPL

MXPHA Maximum phi-A for all experiments FIXED deg MXPA MREX

MXPHB Maximum phi-B for all experiments FIXED deg MXPB MREX

MXR1 Maximum radius 1 DIAMETER in MXR1 BHP

MXR1A Pad 1 frequency A maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR1A GXPL

MXR1B Pad 1 frequency B maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR1B GXPL

MXR1W Maximum radius 1 DIAMETER in XR1W WGI

MXR2 Maximum radius 2 DIAMETER in MXR2 BHP

MXR2A Pad 2 frequency A maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR2A GXPL

MXR2B Pad 2 frequency B maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR2B GXPL

MXR2W Maximum radius 2 DIAMETER in XR2W WGI

MXR3A Pad 3 frequency A maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR3A GXPL

MXR3B Pad 3 frequency B maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR3B GXPL

MXR4A Pad 4 frequency A maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR4A GXPL

MXR4B Pad 4 frequency B maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR4B GXPL

MXR5A Pad 5 frequency A maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR5A GXPL

MXR5B Pad 5 frequency B maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR5B GXPL

MXR6A Pad 6 frequency A maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR6A GXPL

MXR6B Pad 6 frequency B maximum button resistivity FIXED ohm-m XR6B GXPL

MXRA Angle of maximum radius 1 FIXED deg MXRA BHP

MXRAW Angle of maximum radius 1 FIXED deg MXRW WGI

MXRG Maximum ringing for resonance FIXED pu MXRG MREX

MXSPD Maximum logging speed LENGTH-SPD ft/min MXSP CBIL

MXTV MR maximum transmitter voltage FIXED V MXTV MREX

MXWL Apparent maximum wall thickness DIAMETER in MXWL MFC

N15VS1 Power supply voltage, lower electronics, bank 1, -15V FIXED V N115 HDLL

N15VS2 Power supply voltage, lower electronics, bank 2, -15V FIXED V N215 HDLL

N1DI Transition zone exponent, invasion model FIXED 1 N1DI INDX

N5VS1 Power supply voltage, lower electronics, bank 1, -5V FIXED V N15 HDLL

N5VS2 Power supply voltage, lower electronics, bank 2, -5V FIXED V N25 HDLL

NACL NaCl concentration FIXED ppm NACL NIR

NCNT North count (samples from TBM to north in TBM mode) FIXED dim NCNT CBIL

NCNTD North count (degrees from TBM to north in TBM mode) FIXED deg NCTD CBIL

NEU Single detector neutron FIXED cts/s NEU NEU/CSS

NF Ratio of inelastic short space to inelastic long space FIXED float NF PNHI/RPM

NFCOR TTLC corrected NF for PNHI processing FIXED 1 NFCR RPM

NIRS Spectrum, linear by channel for display FIXED dim NIRS NIR

NIRSPEC Spectrum, linear by channel FIXED dim NSPC NIR

NREJ Number of rejected 6-inch slowness FIXED dim NREJ DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

NREJF Number of rejected 6-inch slowness for far transmitter FIXED dim NREF DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

NREJN Number of rejected 6-inch slowness for near transmitter FIXED dim NREN DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

NROT Number of tool string rotations FIXED rev NROT ORIT

NSCN Number of scans FIXED dim NSCN CBIL


NTDEP Depth curve for MR time data DEPTH DU NTDP MREX

NTIM Elapsed time FIXED ms NTIM NIR

OA1 Oxygen activation count rate (short space) FIXED 1 OA1 RPM

OA2 Oxygen activation count rate (long space) FIXED 1 OA2 RPM

OA2A Mean oxygen activation count rate (long space) FIXED 1 OA2A RPM

OA2M Mean deviation of oxygen activation count rate (long space) FIXED 1 OA2M RPM

OA2S Standard dev of oxygen activation count rate (long space) FIXED 1 OA2S RPM

OA3 Oxygen activation count rate (extra long space) FIXED 1 OA3 RPM

OA3A Mean oxygen activation count rate (extra long space) FIXED 1 OA3A RPM

OA3M Mean dev of oxygen activation count rate (extra long space) FIXED 1 OA3M RPM

OA3S Std dev of oxygen activation count rate (extra long space) FIXED 1 OA3S RPM

OBD1 Pad 1 average data of buttons 3, 4, 5, 6 FIXED mV OBD1 EART

OBD2 Pad 2 average data of buttons 3, 4, 5, 6 FIXED mV OBD2 EART

OBD3 Pad 3 average data of buttons 3, 4, 5, 6 FIXED mV OBD3 EART

OBD4 Pad 4 average data of buttons 3, 4, 5, 6 FIXED mV OBD4 EART

OBD5 Pad 5 average data of buttons 3, 4, 5, 6 FIXED mV OBD5 EART

OBD6 Pad 6 average data of buttons 3, 4, 5, 6 FIXED mV OBD6 EART

OD1 Optical density, channel 1 FIXED dim OD1 NIR

OD10 Optical density, channel 10 FIXED dim OD10 NIR

OD11 Optical density, channel 11 FIXED dim OD11 NIR

OD12 Optical density, channel 12 FIXED dim OD12 NIR

OD13 Optical density, channel 13 FIXED dim OD13 NIR

OD14 Optical density, channel 14 FIXED dim OD14 NIR

OD15 Optical density, channel 15 FIXED dim OD15 NIR

OD16 Optical density, channel 16 FIXED dim OD16 NIR

OD17 Optical density, channel 17 FIXED dim OD17 NIR

OD18 Optical density, channel 18 FIXED dim OD18 NIR

OD19 Optical density, channel 19 FIXED dim OD19 NIR

OD2 Optical density, channel 2 FIXED dim OD2 NIR

OD20 Optical density, channel 20 FIXED dim OD20 NIR

OD21 Optical density, channel 21 FIXED dim OD21 NIR

OD22 Optical density, channel 22 FIXED dim OD22 NIR

OD23 Optical density, channel 23 FIXED dim OD23 NIR

OD3 Optical density, channel 3 FIXED dim OD3 NIR

OD4 Optical density, channel 4 FIXED dim OD4 NIR

OD5 Optical density, channel 5 FIXED dim OD5 NIR

OD6 Optical density, channel 6 FIXED dim OD6 NIR

OD7 Optical density, channel 7 FIXED dim OD7 NIR

OD8 Optical density, channel 8 FIXED dim OD8 NIR

OD9 Optical density, channel 9 FIXED dim OD9 NIR

ODRPM Tool string spin rate (rpm) FIXED rev/min ODRT ORIT

ODX Outside diameter of tubing in X direction DIAMETER in ODX SYST

ODY Outside diameter of tubing in Y direction DIAMETER in ODY SYST

OFF3X Tool body mark offset for 3DeX orientation FIXED deg OF3X ORIT

OFFCB Tool body mark offset for CBIL relative to dip FIXED deg OFCB ORIT

OFFDP DIP orientation, tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFDP ORIT

OFFEI EART orientation, tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFEI ORIT

OFFGX GXPL orientation, tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFEI ORIT

OFFHD HTD orientation, tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFHD ORIT

OFFNM MR tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFNM ORIT

OFFPK Orientation, packer offset FIXED deg OFR ORIT

OFFS Tool-to-centroid radius DIAMETER in OFFS BHP

OFFST STAR orientation, tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFST ORIT

OFFSW Tool-to-centroid radius DIAMETER in OFSW WGI

OFFW WGI orientation, tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFW ORIT

OFFXE RB offset between orientation sensor and acoustic Y-receiver FIXED deg OFXE ORIT

OFFXM XMAC orientation, tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFXM ORIT

OFFZ ZDL orientation, tool body mark offset FIXED deg OFZ ORIT

OI1 Oxygen in inelastic spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 OI1 RPM

OI2 Oxygen in inelastic spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 OI2 RPM

OILF Oil fraction FIXED 1 OILF NIR

ONESB Pressure less than 10 FIXED 1 ONEB RCI

OTHER Other isotope FIXED cts/s OTHR PRSM

OTVC MCF oil transmitter signal, cosine FIXED dim OTVC MCFM

OTVS MCF oil transmitter signal, sine FIXED dim OTVS MCFM

P08L Phase, 8 Hz, long spacing FIXED deg P08L DMAG

P08M Phase, 8 Hz, medium spacing FIXED deg P08M DMAG

P08S Phase, 8 Hz, short spacing FIXED deg P08S DMAG

P1 MR partial porosity for bin 1 FIXED pu P1 MREX

P15VS1 Power supply voltage, lower electronics, bank 1, +15V FIXED V P115 HDLL

P15VS2 Power supply voltage, lower electronics, bank 2, +15V FIXED V P215 HDLL

P16L Phase, 16 Hz, long spacing FIXED deg P16L DMAG

P16M Phase, 16 Hz, medium spacing FIXED deg P16M DMAG

P16S Phase, 16 Hz, short spacing FIXED deg P16S DMAG

P1AVG Pad 1 mean value of 24 buttons FIXED dim P1AV STAR

P1BTN Packed pad 1 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P1BT STAR

P1GV Pad 1 guard voltage FIXED mV P1GV STAR/EART

P1MAX Pad 1 maximum value FIXED dim P1MX STAR/EART

P1MIN Pad 1 minimum value FIXED dim P1MN STAR/EART

P1OBI Packed pad 1 block FIXED dim P1OB EART

P1WTN Packed pad 1 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P1WT STAR

P2 MR partial porosity for bin 2 FIXED pu P2 MREX

P2AVG Pad 2 mean value of 24 buttons FIXED dim P2AV STAR

P2BTN Packed pad 2 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P2BT STAR

P2DC Water filled porosity POROSITY pu P2DC DEL2

P2HS Phase difference FIXED deg P2HS DEL2

P2MAX Pad 2 maximum value FIXED dim P2MX STAR/EART

P2MIN Pad 2 minimum value FIXED dim P2MN STAR/EART

P2OBI Packed pad 2 block FIXED dim P2OB EART

P2WTN Packed pad 2 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P2WT STAR

P3 MR partial porosity for bin 3 FIXED pu P3 MREX

P32L Phase, 32 Hz, long spacing FIXED deg P32L DMAG

P32M Phase, 32 Hz, medium spacing FIXED deg P32M DMAG

P32S Phase, 32 Hz, short spacing FIXED deg P32S DMAG

P3AVG Pad 3 mean value of 24 buttons FIXED dim P3AV STAR

P3BTN Packed pad 3 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P3BT STAR

P3MAX Pad 3 maximum value FIXED dim P3MX STAR/EART

P3MIN Pad 3 minimum value FIXED dim P3MN STAR/EART

P3OBI Packed pad 3 block FIXED dim P3OB EART

P3WTN Packed pad 3 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P3WT STAR

P4 MR partial porosity for bin 4 FIXED pu P4 MREX

P4AVG Pad 4 mean value of 24 buttons FIXED dim P4AV STAR

P4BTN Packed pad 4 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P4BT STAR

P4DC Water filled porosity POROSITY pu P4DC DEL4

P4HS Phase difference FIXED deg P4HS DEL4

P4MAX Pad 4 maximum value FIXED dim P4MX STAR/EART

P4MIN Pad 4 minimum value FIXED dim P4MN STAR/EART

P4OBI Packed pad 4 block FIXED dim P4OB EART

P4WTN Packed pad 4 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P4WT STAR

P5 MR partial porosity for bin 5 FIXED pu P5 MREX

P5AVG Pad 5 mean value of 24 buttons FIXED dim P5AV STAR

P5BTN Packed pad 5 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P5BT STAR

P5MAX Pad 5 maximum value FIXED dim P5MX STAR/EART

P5MIN Pad 5 minimum value FIXED dim P5MN STAR/EART

P5OBI Packed pad 5 block FIXED dim P5OB EART

P5VS1 Power supply voltage, lower electronics, bank 1, +5V FIXED V P15 HDLL

P5VS2 Power supply voltage, lower electronics, bank 2, +5V FIXED V P25 HDLL

P5WTN Packed pad 5 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P5WT STAR

P6AVG Pad 6 mean value of 24 buttons FIXED dim P6AV STAR

P6BTN Packed pad 6 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P6BT STAR

P6MAX Pad 6 maximum value FIXED dim P6MX STAR/EART

P6MIN Pad 6 minimum value FIXED dim P6MN STAR/EART

P6OBI Packed pad 6 block FIXED dim P6OB EART

P6WTN Packed pad 6 block (buttons 1-24) FIXED dim P6WT STAR



PADID Pad identification information FIXED dim PADI HDIP/STAR/EART

PAV Average of 144 button values FIXED dim PAV STAR/EART

PBMAP Percent bond cement map FIXED deg PBMP RAL

PBND1 Percent bond for receiver 1 FIXED pct PB1 RAL

PBND2 Percent bond for receiver 2 FIXED pct PB2 RAL

PBND3 Percent bond for receiver 3 FIXED pct PB3 RAL

PBND4 Percent bond for receiver 4 FIXED pct PB4 RAL

PBND5 Percent bond for receiver 5 FIXED pct PB5 RAL

PBND6 Percent bond for receiver 6 FIXED pct PB6 RAL

PBND7 Percent bond for receiver 7 FIXED pct PB7 RAL

PBND8 Percent bond for receiver 8 FIXED pct PB8 RAL

PCHMA Coherence of monopole compressional guide curve (4 wave) FIXED dim PCHA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PCHMAR Coherence of monopole compressional guide, 4 wave, receiver FIXED dim PCHA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PCHMAT Coherence of monopole compressional guide, 4 wave, xmtr FIXED dim PCHA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PCHMAW Coherence of monopole compressional guide curve (array) FIXED dim PCHW ACX

PCHMR Coherence of monopole compressional guide curve, receiver FIXED dim PCHM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PCHMT Coherence of monopole compressional guide curve, transmitter FIXED dim PCHM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PCKO01 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC01 MREX

PCKO02 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC02 MREX

PCKO03 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC03 MREX

PCKO04 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC04 MREX

PCKO05 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC05 MREX

PCKO06 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC06 MREX

PCKO07 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC07 MREX

PCKO08 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC08 MREX

PCKO09 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC09 MREX

PCKO10 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC10 MREX

PCKO11 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC11 MREX

PCKO12 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC12 MREX

PCKO13 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC13 MREX

PCKO14 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC14 MREX

PCKO15 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC15 MREX

PCKO16 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC16 MREX

PCKO17 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC17 MREX

PCKO18 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC18 MREX

PCKO19 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC19 MREX

PCKO20 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC20 MREX

PCKO21 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC21 MREX

PCKO22 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC22 MREX

PCKO23 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC23 MREX

PCKO24 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC24 MREX

PCKO25 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC25 MREX

PCKO26 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC26 MREX

PCKO27 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC27 MREX

PCKO28 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC28 MREX

PCKO29 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC29 MREX

PCKO30 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC30 MREX

PCKO31 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC31 MREX

PCKO32 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC32 MREX

PCKO33 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC33 MREX

PCKO34 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC34 MREX

PCKO35 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC35 MREX

PCKO36 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC36 MREX

PCKO37 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC37 MREX

PCKO38 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC38 MREX

PCKO39 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC39 MREX

PCKO40 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC40 MREX

PCKO41 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC41 MREX

PCKO42 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC42 MREX

PCKO43 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC43 MREX

PCKO44 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC44 MREX

PCKO45 Phase corrected echo structured curve FIXED 1 PC45 MREX

PD6G Packed guard voltages FIXED dim PD6G STAR/EART

PDAV Mean average of dip curves from all pads FIXED dim PDV STAR/HDIP/EART

PDCDL Corrected porosity for dolomite matrix POROSITY pu PDDC CDL/HTD

PDCDL2 Corrected porosity for dolomite matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu P2DC CDL/HTD

PDCLS Corrected porosity for limestone matrix POROSITY pu PDLC CDL/HTD

PDCLS2 Corrected porosity for limestone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PLC2 CDL/HTD

PDCSS Corrected porosity for sandstone matrix POROSITY pu PDSC CDL/HTD

PDCSS2 Corrected porosity for sandstone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu P2SC CDL/HTD

PDKP PDK calibrated porosity POROSITY pu PDKP PDK/RPM

PE Photo electric cross-section FIXED b/e PE ZDL/SZDL

PE2 Photoelectric cross-section (second tool) FIXED b/e PE2 ZDL/SZDL

PERIOD Sample period FIXED us PERI SBT

PERIOD2 Sample period subset 2 FIXED us PD2 RAL/SBT

PEXB Piston extend pressure FIXED psi PEXB RCI

PEXR Pump extend pressure FIXED psi PEXR RCI

PFC Internal gamma ray curve FIXED gAPI PFC PFC

PGV Array of STAR guard voltage (true) FIXED mV PGV STAR


PHAB PHA background spectrum FIXED 1 PHAB FLEX

PHAC PHA capture count rate FIXED cps PHAC FLEX

PHAT PHA total count rate FIXED cps PHAT FLEX

PICERR Subset 6 PIC error code FIXED 1 PICE NIR

PKS1 Short space array of found peak locations FIXED 1 PKS1 RPM

PKS2 Long space array of found peak locations FIXED 1 PKS2 RPM

PKS3 Extra long space array of found peak locations FIXED 1 PKS3 RPM

PKSM Peaks from monopole compressional correlogram (8 wave) ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMA Peaks from monopole compressional correlogram (4 wave) ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMAR Peaks from monopole compressional correlogram (4 wave) rcvr ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMAT Peaks from monopole compressional correlogram (4 wave) xmtr ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMFR Peaks from mono compressional correlogram (4 wave) far rcvr ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMFT Peaks from mono compressional correlogram (4 wave) far xmtr ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMNR Peaks from mono compressional correlogram (4 wave) near rcvr ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMNT Peaks from mono compressional correlogram (4 wave) near xmtr ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMR Peaks from monopole compressional correlogram (8 wave) rcvr ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSMT Peaks from monopole compressional correlogram (8 wave) xmtr ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSM DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSQR Peaks from compressed semblance surface quad, receiver ACOU-SLOW us/ft PSMQ XMACF1

PKSQT Peaks from compressed semblance surface quad, transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft PSMQ XMACF1

PKSS Peaks from monopole shear correlation ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSS DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSSR Peaks from monopole shear correlation, receiver ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSS DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSST Peaks from monopole shear correlation, transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKSS DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKST Array of found peak locations, total FIXED 1 PKST FLEX

PKSTR Array of found peak locations, total, receiver ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKST MAC/XMAC/XMACF1

PKSTT Array of found peak locations, total, transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft PKST XMAC/XMACF1/MAC

PKSXR Peaks from compressed semblance surface XX, receiver ACOU-SLOW us/ft PSMX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSXT Peaks from compressed semblance surface XX, transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft PSMX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSYR Peaks from compressed semblance surface YY, receiver ACOU-SLOW us/ft PSMY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PKSYT Peaks from compressed semblance surface YY, transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft PSMY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PLCOR Depth corrected pressure PRESSURE psi PLCO RCI

PLCORS APQK depth corrected, second instance PRESSURE psi PLCS RCI

PLW1 Capture/inelastic porosity ratio lg windows (near detector) FIXED 1 PLW1 RPM

PLW2 Capture/inelastic porosity ratio lg windows (far detector) FIXED 1 PLW2 RPM



PNHGA Average gas holdup FIXED 1 PHGA RPM

PNHGM Deviation of mean of gas holdup FIXED 1 PHGM RPM

PNHGS Standard deviation of gas holdup FIXED 1 PHGS RPM


PNHOA Average oil holdup FIXED 1 PHOA RPM


PNHOM Deviation of mean of oil holdup FIXED 1 PHOM RPM

PNHOS Standard deviation of oil holdup FIXED 1 PHOS RPM

PNHOW PNHI oil+water hold up FIXED 1 PHOW PNHI/RPM


PNHWA Average water holdup FIXED 1 PHWA RPM

PNHWM Deviation of mean of water holdup FIXED 1 PHWM RPM

PNHWS Standard deviation of water holdup FIXED 1 PHWS RPM

PO1 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO1 MREX

PO10 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO10 MREX

PO10A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PAA2 MREX

PO10A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PAA3 MREX

PO10A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PAA4 MREX

PO10A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PAA5 MREX

PO10C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P10C MREX

PO11 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO11 MREX

PO11A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PBA2 MREX

PO11A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PBA3 MREX

PO11A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PBA4 MREX

PO11A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PBA5 MREX

PO12 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO12 MREX

PO12A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PCA2 MREX

PO12A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PCA3 MREX

PO12A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PCA4 MREX

PO12A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PCA5 MREX

PO13 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO13 MREX

PO13A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PCA2 MREX

PO13A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PCA3 MREX

PO13A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PCA4 MREX

PO13A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PCA5 MREX

PO1A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P1A2 MREX

PO1A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P1A3 MREX

PO1A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P1A4 MREX

PO1A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P1A5 MREX

PO1B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO1B MREX

PO1B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P1B2 MREX

PO1B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P1B3 MREX

PO1C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO1C MREX

PO2 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO2 MREX

PO2A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P2A2 MREX

PO2A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P2A3 MREX

PO2A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P2A4 MREX

PO2A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P2A5 MREX

PO2B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO2B MREX

PO2B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P2B2 MREX

PO2B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P2B3 MREX

PO2C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO2C MREX

PO3 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO3 MREX

PO3A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P3A2 MREX

PO3A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P3A3 MREX

PO3A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P3A4 MREX

PO3A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P3A5 MREX

PO3B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO3B MREX

PO3B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P3B2 MREX

PO3B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P3B3 MREX

PO3C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO3C MREX

PO4 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO4 MREX

PO4A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P4A2 MREX

PO4A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P4A3 MREX

PO4A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P4A4 MREX

PO4A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P4A5 MREX

PO4B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO4B MREX

PO4B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P4B2 MREX

PO4B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P4B3 MREX

PO4C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO4C MREX

PO5 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO5 MREX

PO5A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P5A2 MREX

PO5A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P5A3 MREX

PO5A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P5A4 MREX

PO5A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P5A5 MREX

PO5B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO5B MREX

PO5B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P5B2 MREX

PO5B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P5B3 MREX

PO5C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO5C MREX

PO6 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO6 MREX

PO6A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P6A2 MREX

PO6A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P6A3 MREX

PO6A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P6A4 MREX

PO6A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P6A5 MREX

PO6B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO6B MREX

PO6B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P6B2 MREX

PO6B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P6B3 MREX

PO6C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO6C MREX

PO7 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO7 MREX

PO7A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P7A2 MREX

PO7A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P7A3 MREX

PO7A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P7A4 MREX

PO7A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P7A5 MREX

PO7B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO7B MREX

PO7B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P7B2 MREX

PO7B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P7B3 MREX

PO7C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO7C MREX

PO8 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO8 MREX

PO8A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P8A2 MREX

PO8A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P8A3 MREX

PO8A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P8A4 MREX

PO8A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P8A5 MREX

PO8B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO8B MREX

PO8B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P8B2 MREX

PO8B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P8B3 MREX

PO8C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO8C MREX

PO9 Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO9 MREX

PO9A2 Second T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P9A2 MREX

PO9A3 Third T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P9A3 MREX

PO9A4 Fourth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P9A4 MREX

PO9A5 Fifth T2 accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P9A5 MREX

PO9B Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO9B MREX

PO9B2 Second BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P9B2 MREX

PO9B3 Third BVI accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu P9B3 MREX

PO9C Accumulated partial porosity sum POROSITY pu PO9C MREX

POIRQ Poisson's ratio (quadrupole) FIXED dim POIQ MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

POIRX Poisson's ratio (X-axis) FIXED dim POIR MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

POIRY Poisson's ratio (Y-axis) FIXED dim POIY MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1


PORAC Acoustic porosity from 8 wave monopole POROSITY pu PRAC AC/ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PORAF Acoustic porosity from far spacing POROSITY pu PORF AC/ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PORAN Acoustic porosity from near spacing POROSITY pu PORN AC/ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PORD Density porosity POROSITY pu PORD CDL/HTD

PORD2 Density porosity (second tool) POROSITY pu POD2 CDL/HTD

PORDC Borehole corrected density porosity POROSITY pu PRDC CDL/HTD

PORDC2 Borehole corrected density porosity (second tool) POROSITY pu PRD2 CDL/HTD

PORDCDL2 Corrected porosity for dolomite matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu P2DC CDL/HTD

PORDCLS2 Corrected porosity for limestone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PLC2 CDL/HTD

PORDCSS2 Corrected porosity for sandstone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu P2SC CDL/HTD

PORDDL Porosity for dolomite matrix POROSITY pu PDD CDL/HTD

PORDDL2 Porosity for dolomite matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PDD2 CDL/HTD

PORDLS Porosity for limestone matrix POROSITY pu PDL CDL/HTD

PORDLS2 Porosity for limestone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PDL2 CDL/HTD

PORDSS Porosity for sandstone matrix POROSITY pu PDS CDL/HTD

PORDSS2 Porosity for sandstone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PDS2 CDL/HTD

PORPL Porosity from computed grain density POROSITY pu PORP FLEX

PORS Single detector neutron porosity POROSITY pu PORS CN

PORSC Single detector neutron porosity, borehole size corrected POROSITY pu PORS CN

PORZ Porosity for selectable matrix POROSITY pu PORZ ZDL/SZDL

PORZ2 Porosity for selectable matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PZ2 ZDL/SZDL

PORZC Corrected porosity POROSITY pu PRZC ZDL/SZDL

PORZC2 Corrected porosity (second tool) POROSITY pu PZC2 ZDL/SZDL

PORZCDL Corrected porosity for dolomite matrix POROSITY pu PZDC ZDL/SZDL

PORZCDL2 Corrected porosity for dolomite matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu Z2DC ZDL/SZDL

PORZCLS Corrected porosity for limestone matrix POROSITY pu PZLC ZDL/SZDL

PORZCLS2 Corrected porosity for limestone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu Z2LC ZDL/SZDL

PORZCSS Corrected porosity for sandstone matrix POROSITY pu PZSC ZDL/SZDL

PORZCSS2 Corrected porosity for sandstone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu Z2SC ZDL/SZDL

PORZDL Porosity for dolomite matrix POROSITY pu PZD ZDL/SZDL

PORZDL2 Porosity for dolomite matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PZD2 ZDL/SZDL

PORZLS Porosity for limestone matrix POROSITY pu PZL ZDL/SZDL

PORZLS2 Porosity for limestone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PZL2 ZDL/SZDL

PORZSS Porosity for sandstone matrix POROSITY pu PZS ZDL/SZDL

PORZSS2 Porosity for sandstone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PZS2 ZDL/SZDL

POSA Powered orientation swivel angular position, accelerometer FIXED deg POSA POS

POSI Powered orientation swivel angular position FIXED deg POSI POS

POST Powered orientation swivel angular position, tilt sensor FIXED deg POST POS

PP Pump pressure PRESSURE psi PP FMT

PPA1 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPA1 MREX

PPA2 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPA2 MREX

PPA3 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPA3 MREX

PPA4 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPA4 MREX

PPA5 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPA5 MREX

PPB1 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPB1 MREX

PPB2 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPB2 MREX

PPB3 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPB3 MREX

PPC1 Internal curve for mapping MR TD curves POROSITY pu PPC1 MREX

PPOR Partial porosity distribution POROSITY pu PPOR MREX

PPORA2 Second T2 partial porosity distribution POROSITY pu PPA2 MREX

PPORA3 Third T2 partial porosity distribution POROSITY pu PPA3 MREX

PPORA4 Fourth T2 partial porosity distribution POROSITY pu PPA4 MREX

PPORA5 Fifth T2 partial porosity distribution POROSITY pu PPA5 MREX

PPORB BVI partial porosity distribution POROSITY pu PPRB MREX

PPORB2 BVI partial porosity distribution POROSITY pu PPRB MREX

PPORB3 BVI partial porosity distribution POROSITY pu PPRB MREX

PPORC MR partial porosities POROSITY pu PPRC MREX

PPT User input predicted pipe time TIME us PPT AC/ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

PPT11 User input predicted pipe time TIME us PP11 AC/DAL/DAC

PPT12 User input predicted pipe time TIME us PP12 AC

PPT21 User input predicted pipe time TIME us PP21 AC/DAL/DAC

PPT22 User input predicted pipe time TIME us PP22 AC

PPTF Predicted pipe time for far spacing TIME us PPTF DAL/ACX

PPTN Predicted pipe time for near spacing TIME us PPTN DAL/ACX

PPWR Pressure transducer power voltage FIXED V PPWR RCOR

PR8J Pressure array for double precision FIXED dim PR8J RCI

PR8K Pressure array for double precision FIXED dim PR8K RCI

PR8L Pressure array for double precision FIXED dim PR8L RCI

PRAT Pot rotation rate FIXED raw PRAT POS

PREB Piston retract pressure FIXED psi PREB RCI

PRER Pump retracted pressure FIXED psi PRER RCI

PRES MCF temperature corrected pressure PRESSURE psi PRES MCFM/NIR


PRS Spartek pressure PRESSURE psi PRS MRPM



PSCR Pump strokes count FIXED raw PSCR RCI

PSHI Acoustic high frequency spectrum FIXED dim PSHI MCFM

PSLO Acoustic low frequency spectrum FIXED dim PSLO MCFM

PSMED Acoustic medium frequency spectrum FIXED dim PSMD MCFM

PSW1 Capture/inelastic porosity ratio sm windows (near detector) FIXED 1 PSW1 RPM

PSW2 Capture/inelastic porosity ratio sm windows (far detector) FIXED 1 PSW2 RPM

PTCP Pump through capacitance FIXED Hz PTCP FMT

PTFG Raw temperature frequency, GRC FIXED Hz PTFG FMT/SRPL

PTHK Remaining wall thickness FIXED % PTHK MFC

PTMP HP probe temperature TEMPERATURE degF PTMP FMT

PTMS Internal probe temperature TEMPERATURE degF PTMS TPS

PTRS Pump through resistivity FIXED Hz PTRS FMT

PTV Pump through volume VOLUME-FLUID cm3 PTV RCI


PVLT Power supply voltage FIXED V PVLT POS

PVTT Pump chamber temperature TEMPERATUREC degC PVTT RCI


PWAVE1 Sample period waveform 1 FIXED us PWV1 BAL

PWAVE2 Sample period waveform 2 FIXED us PWV2 BAL

PWRL Fluid wave gain FIXED raw PWRL CBIL

PZCDL Corrected porosity for dolomite matrix POROSITY pu PZDC ZDL/SZDL

PZCDL2 Corrected porosity for dolomite matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu P2DC ZDL/SZDL

PZCLS Corrected porosity for limestone matrix POROSITY pu PZLC ZDL/SZDL

PZCLS2 Corrected porosity for limestone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu P2LC ZDL/SZDL

PZCSS Corrected porosity for sandstone matrix POROSITY pu PZSC ZDL/SZDL

PZCSS2 Corrected porosity for sandstone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu P2SC ZDL/SZDL

PZDL Porosity for dolomite matrix POROSITY pu PZD ZDL/SZDL

PZDL2 Porosity for dolomite matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PZD2 ZDL/SZDL

PZLS Porosity for limestone matrix POROSITY pu PZL ZDL/SZDL

PZLS2 Porosity for limestone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PZL2 ZDL/SZDL

PZSS Porosity for sandstone matrix POROSITY pu PZS ZDL/SZDL

PZSS2 Porosity for sandstone matrix (second tool) POROSITY pu PZS2 ZDL/SZDL

Q46M Quality indicator (V4-V6) - (F45+F56) FIXED dim Q46 HDLL

Q68M Quality indicator (V6-V8) - (F67+F78) FIXED dim Q68 HDLL

Q8AM Quality indicator (V8-VA) - (F89+F9A) FIXED dim Q8A HDLL

QA Magnitude of accelerometer vector ACCELERATION mG QA DIP

QA1 QA short space FIXED 1 QA1 RPM

QA2 QA long space FIXED 1 QA2 RPM

QA3 QA extra long space FIXED 1 QA3 RPM

QA3X Magnitude of accelerometer vector for 3DeX ACCELERATION mG QA3X ORIT

QAC FLS capture spectrum additive factor FIXED 1 QAC FLEX

QACB Magnitude of accelerometer vector for CBIL ACCELERATION mG QACB ORIT

QACM Quality indicator (VA-VC) - (FAB+FBC) FIXED dim QAC HDLL

QACOU Quality for differential tension pulls for XMAC-Elite FIXED dim QACO MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

QADP Magnitude of accelerometer vector for HDIP ACCELERATION mG QADP ORIT

QAEI Magnitude of accelerometer vector for EART ACCELERATION mG QAEI ORIT

QAGX Magnitude of accelerometer vector for GXPL ACCELERATION mG QAEI ORIT

QAHD Magnitude of accelerometer vector for HTD ACCELERATION mG QAHD ORIT

QANM Magnitude of accelerometer vector for MR services ACCELERATION mG QANM ORIT

QAOD Magnitude of accelerometer vector ACCELERATION mG QAOD ORIT

QAOD2 Magnitude of accelerometer vector (second tool) ACCELERATION mG QAO2 ORIT

QAPK Magnitude of accelerometer vector for packer ACCELERATION mG QAR ORIT

QASL Additive factor for mapping spectrum FIXED dim QASL SL

QAST Magnitude of accelerometer vector for STAR ACCELERATION mG QAST ORIT

QAT FLS total spectrum additive factor FIXED 1 QAT FLEX

QAW Magnitude of accelerometer vector for WGI ACCELERATION mG QAW ORIT

QAXE Accelerometer vector magnitude at acoustic tool reference ACCELERATION mG QAXE ORIT

QAXM Magnitude of accelerometer vector for XMAC ACCELERATION mG QAXM ORIT

QAZ Magnitude of accelerometer vector for ZDL ACCELERATION mG QAZ ORIT

QB Magnitude of magnetometer vector FIXED dim QB DIP

QB3X Magnitude of magnetometer vector for 3DeX FIXED dim QB3X ORIT

QBAL Quality curve FIXED dim QBAL BAL

QBCB Magnitude of magnetometer vector for CBIL FIXED dim QBCB ORIT


QBCHK Ratio of model earth mag field stren and tool mag strength FIXED nT QBCK ORIT

QBDP Quality indicator bedding true dip angle for HDIP FIXED gamma QBDP ORIT

QBE3X Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for 3DeX FIXED A/m QE3X ORIT

QBECB Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for CBIL FIXED A/m QECB ORIT

QBEDP Quality indicator bedding (A/m) true dip angle for HDIP FIXED A/m QEDP ORIT

QBEEI Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for EART FIXED A/m QEEI ORIT

QBEGX Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for GXPL FIXED A/m QEEI ORIT

QBEHD Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for HTD FIXED A/m QEHD ORIT

QBEI Magnitude of magnetometer vector for EART FIXED deg QBEI ORIT

QBENM Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for MR services FIXED A/m QENM ORIT

QBEOD Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector FIXED A/m QEOD ORIT

QBEPK Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for WGI FIXED A/m QBER ORIT

QBEST Quality indicator bedding (A/m) true dip angle for STAR FIXED A/m QEST ORIT

QBEW Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for WGI FIXED A/m QBEW ORIT

QBEXE Earth magnetic field strength (A/m) at acoustic reference FIXED A/m QEXE ORIT

QBEXM Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for XMAC FIXED A/m QEXM ORIT

QBEZ Magnitude (A/m) of magnetometer vector for ZDL FIXED A/m QBEZ ORIT

QBGX Magnitude of magnetometer vector for GXPL FIXED deg QBEI ORIT

QBHD Magnitude of magnetometer vector for HTD FIXED dim QBHD ORIT

QBHR Subarray consistency quality indicator FIXED 1 QBHR INDX

QBNM Magnitude of magnetometer vector for MR services FIXED dim QBNM ORIT

QBOD Magnitude of magnetometer vector FIXED dim QBOD ORIT

QBPK Magnitude of magnetometer vector for packer FIXED dim QBR ORIT

QBSA Quality noise indicator FIXED dim QBSA GXPL

QBSB Quality noise indicator FIXED dim QBSB GXPL

QBST Quality indicator bedding true dip angle for STAR FIXED deg QBST ORIT

QBW Magnitude of magnetometer vector for WGI FIXED dim QBW ORIT

QBXE Earth magnetic field strength at acoustic tool reference FIXED dim QBXE ORIT

QBXM Magnitude of magnetometer vector for XMAC FIXED dim QBXM ORIT

QBZ Magnitude of magnetometer vector for ZDL FIXED dim QBZ ORIT

QCA QC of depth correction for acoustic FIXED 1 QCA ACX

QCAL Quality curve FIXED dim QCAL SL

QCALC Spectral fit quality, FLS capture FIXED dim QCLC FLEX

QCALT Spectral fit quality, FLS total FIXED dim QCLT FLEX

QCC Quality curve of depth correction for caliper FIXED 1 QCC SYST

QCCCL Quality curve of depth correction for CCL FIXED 1 QCCL SYST

QCEM Quality indicator (VC-VE) - (FCD+FDE) FIXED dim QCE HDLL

QCKQ Composite quality of magnetometer meas of earth field FIXED dim QCKQ ORIT

QCKQ3X Composite quality of magnetometer ref 3DEX FIXED dim QCK3 ORIT

QCKQCB Composite quality of magnetometer ref CBIL FIXED dim QCKC ORIT

QCKQDP Composite quality of magnetometer ref HDIP FIXED dim QCKD ORIT

QCKQEI Composite quality of magnetometer ref EART FIXED dim QCKE ORIT

QCKQGX Composite quality of magnetometer ref GXPL FIXED dim QCKG ORIT

QCKQHD Composite quality of magnetometer ref HTD FIXED dim QCKH ORIT

QCKQNM Composite quality of magnetometer ref MREX FIXED dim QCKN ORIT

QCKQST Composite quality of magnetometer ref star FIXED dim QCKS ORIT

QCKQW Composite quality of magnetometer ref wgi FIXED dim QCKW ORIT

QCKQXE Composite quality of magnetometer ref XMAC-F1 FIXED dim QCKX ORIT

QCKQXM Composite quality of magnetometer ref XMAC FIXED dim QCKM ORIT

QCKQZ Composite quality of magnetometer ref ZDEN FIXED dim QCKZ ORIT

QCKSUM Quality of CRC checksum FIXED 1 QCKS MPC

QCM Quality curve of depth correction for TTMA FIXED 1 QCM SYST

QCMA Quality indicator for EART auto-calibration FIXED 1 QCMA GXPL

QCML Quality curve of depth correction for Minilog FIXED 1 QCML MLX

QCMT Quality indicator for EART auto-calibration (temp type) FIXED 1 QCMT GXPL

QCOM All pad communication status FIXED 1 QCM GXPL

QCP Quality indicator combined from all pads FIXED dim QCP GXPL

QCSC Capture chi-square FIXED 1 QCSC FLEX

QCSC2 Capture quality FIXED 1 QCC2 FLEX

QCSC2FLG FLeX capture spectral fit flag FIXED 1 CFLG FLEX

QCSI Inelastic chi-square FIXED 1 QCSI FLEX

QCSI2 Inelastic quality FIXED 1 QCI2 FLEX

QCSI2FLG FLeX inelastic spectral fit flag FIXED 1 IFLG FLEX

QDDP2 Differential pressure from Quartzdyne (second tool) PRES-DGRAD psi/ft DPR2 LEE

QDDPRS Differential pressure from Quartzdyne PRES-DGRAD psi/ft DPRS GRC

QDFQ Composite quality of diff of magnetometer meas earth field FIXED dim QDFQ ORIT

QDFQ3X Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref 3DEX FIXED dim QDF3 ORIT

QDFQCB Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref CBIL FIXED dim QDFC ORIT

QDFQDP Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref HDIP FIXED dim QDFD ORIT

QDFQEI Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref EART FIXED dim QDFE ORIT

QDFQGX Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref GXPL FIXED dim QDFG ORIT

QDFQHD Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref HTD FIXED dim QDFH ORIT

QDFQNM Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref MREX FIXED dim QDFN ORIT

QDFQST Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref star FIXED dim QDFS ORIT

QDFQW Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref wgi FIXED dim QDFW ORIT

QDFQXE Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref XMAC-F1 FIXED dim QDFE ORIT

QDFQXM Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref XMAC FIXED dim QDFM ORIT

QDFQZ Composite quality of diff of magnetometer ref ZDEN FIXED dim QDFZ ORIT

QDG1 Short space downhole gain quality FIXED 1 QDG1 RPM

QDG2 Long space downhole gain quality FIXED 1 QDG2 RPM

QDG3 Extra space downhole gain quality FIXED 1 QDG3 RPM

QDPR2 Quartzdyne pressure (second gauge) PRESSURE psi QDP2 LEE

QDPRES Quartzdyne pressure PRESSURE psi QDPR PWH

QDT2 Quartzdyne reference temperature (second tool) TEMPERATUREC degC QDT2 PWH

QDTEMP Quartzdyne reference temperature TEMPERATUREC degC QDTM PWH

QDTMP Quartzdyne correction temperature TEMPERATURE degF QDTM SLAP

QDUP Duplicate data level indicator FIXED dim QDUP CBIL

QED Quadrature deep voltage FIXED mV QED DLL

QEGM Quality indicator (VE-VG) - (FEF+FFG) FIXED dim QEG HDLL

QFILV Filament voltage quality indicator FIXED 1 QFLV RPM

QFM Formation quartz FIXED 1 QFM FLEX

QGR1 Gamma ray 1 depth corrected FIXED gAPI QGR1 CMI

QGR2 Gamma ray 2 depth corrected FIXED gAPI QGR2 CMI

QGR3 Gamma ray 3 depth corrected FIXED gAPI QGR3 CMI

QGR4 Gamma ray 4 depth corrected FIXED gAPI QGR4 CMI

QGRP Quality of frequency group data FIXED 1 QGRP MREX

QHDL Quality for differential tension pulls for HDIL FIXED dim QHDL HDIL

QIA Ion current quality indicator FIXED 1 QIA RPM

QK0P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every hundredth psi FIXED dim QK0P RCI

QK1P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 0.1 psi FIXED dim QK1P RCI

QK2P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every psi FIXED dim QK2P RCI

QK3P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 10 psi FIXED dim QK3P RCI

QK4P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every hundred psi FIXED dim QK4P RCI

QK5P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every thousand psi FIXED dim QK5P RCI

QK6P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 10 K psi FIXED dim QK6P RCI

QL0P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every hundredth psi FIXED dim QL0P RCI

QL1P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 0.1 psi FIXED dim QL1P RCI

QL2P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every psi FIXED dim QL2P RCI

QL3P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 10 psi FIXED dim QL3P RCI

QL4P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every hundred psi FIXED dim QL4P RCI

QL5P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every thousand psi FIXED dim QL5P RCI

QL6P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 10 K psi FIXED dim QL6P RCI

QLEVA Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLEA MREX

QLEVA2 Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLA2 MREX

QLEVA3 Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLA3 MREX

QLEVA4 Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLA4 MREX

QLEVA5 Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLA5 MREX

QLEVB Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLEB MREX

QLEVB2 Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLB2 MREX

QLEVB3 Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLB3 MREX

QLEVC Quality depth shift levels remaining to use FIXED dim QLEC MREX

QM Quality of magnetometer FIXED deg QM DIP

QM1 QM short space FIXED 1 QM1 RPM

QM2 QM long space FIXED 1 QM2 RPM

QM3 QM extra long space FIXED 1 QM3 RPM

QM3X Quality of magnetometer for 3DeX FIXED deg QM3X ORIT

QMA Motor current quality indicator FIXED 1 QMA RPM

QMC FLS capture spectrum multiplicative factor FIXED 1 QMC FLEX

QMCB Quality of magnetometer for CBIL FIXED deg QMCB ORIT

QMCDIF Differential of meas earth magnetic field FIXED deg QMCD ORIT

QMCHK Diff of model earth mag field and tool mag inclination FIXED deg QMCK ORIT

QMD1 Short space MCS discriminator quality FIXED 1 QMD1 RPM

QMD2 Long space MCS discriminator quality FIXED 1 QMD2 RPM

QMD3 Extra long space MCS discriminator quality FIXED 1 QMD3 RPM

QMDP Quality of magnetometer for HDIP FIXED deg QMDP ORIT

QMEI Quality of magnetometer for EART FIXED deg QMEI ORIT

QMGX Quality of magnetometer for GXPL FIXED deg QMEI ORIT

QMHD Quality of magnetometer for HTD FIXED deg QMHD ORIT

QMNM Quality of magnetometer for MR services FIXED deg QMNM ORIT

QMOD Quality of magnetometer FIXED deg QMOD ORIT

QMPK Quality of magnetometer for packer FIXED deg QMR ORIT

QMSL Multiplicative factor for mapping spectrum FIXED dim QMSL SL

QMST Quality of magnetometer for STAR FIXED deg QMST ORIT

QMT FLS total spectrum multiplicative factor FIXED 1 QMT FLEX

QMV Motor voltage quality indicator FIXED 1 QMV RPM

QMW Quality of magnetometer for WGI FIXED deg QMW ORIT

QMXE Earth magnetic field inclination at acoustic tool reference FIXED deg QMXE ORIT

QMXM Quality of magnetometer for XMAC FIXED deg QMXM ORIT

QMZ Quality of magnetometer for ZDL FIXED deg QMZ ORIT

QP11 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QP11 AC/DAL

QP12 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QP12 AC/DAL

QP21 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QP21 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

QP22 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QP22 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

QP23 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QP23 DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

QP24 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QP24 DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

QPD1 Short space PHA discriminator quality FIXED 1 QPD1 RPM

QPD2 Long space PHA discriminator quality FIXED 1 QPD2 RPM

QPD3 Extra long space PHA discriminator quality FIXED 1 QPD3 RPM

QPF1 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QPN1 ACX/DAL

QPF2 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QPN1 DAL

QPF3 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QPN1 DAL

QPF4 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QPN1 DAL

QPJ0P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every hundredth psi, APQJ FIXED dim QJ0P RCI

QPJ1P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 0.1 psi from APQJ FIXED dim QJ1P RCI

QPJ2P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every psi from APQJ FIXED dim QJ2P RCI

QPJ3P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 10 psi, from APQJ FIXED dim QJ3P RCI

QPJ4P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every hundred psi, APQJ FIXED dim QJ4P RCI

QPJ5P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every thousand psi, APQJ FIXED dim QJ5P RCI

QPJ6P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 10 K psi, APQJ FIXED dim QJ6P RCI

QPK1 Short space number of found peaks FIXED 1 QPK1 RPM

QPK2 Long space number of found peaks FIXED 1 QPK2 RPM

QPKC Number of found peaks, capture FIXED 1 QPKC FLEX

QPKS Number of peaks found FIXED dim QPKS SL

QPKT Number of found peaks, total FIXED 1 QPKT FLEX

QPL0P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every hundredth psi, PLCOR FIXED dim QP0P RCI

QPL1P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 0.1 psi from PLCOR FIXED dim QP1P RCI

QPL2P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every psi from PLCOR FIXED dim QP2P RCI

QPL3P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 10 psi, from PLCOR FIXED dim QP3P RCI

QPL4P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every hundred psi, PLCOR FIXED dim QP4P RCI

QPL5P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every thousand psi, PLCOR FIXED dim QP5P RCI

QPL6P Tic mark for drawdown pressure every 10 K psi, PLCOR FIXED dim QP6P RCI

QPN1 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QPN1 ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

QPN2 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QPN2 DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

QPN3 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QPN3 DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

QPN4 Acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim QPN4 DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

QPV Pulser voltage quality indicator FIXED 1 QPV RPM

QRM Fluid sample resistance quality indicator FIXED ohm QRM TTMA

QRMUD Quality of mud resistivity calculated from temperature grad FIXED ohm.m QRMD SYST

QRTF Acquire quality FIXED dim QRTF CBIL

QRTT Quality reflectance traveltime FIXED dim QRTT CBIL

QSA Chi-square value FIXED dim QSA SL

QSA1 QSA short space FIXED 1 QSA1 RPM

QSA2 QSA long space FIXED 1 QSA2 RPM




QSHFA Quality of shifted data of first T2 FIXED dim QSHA MREX

QSHFA2 Second T2 quality of shifted data FIXED dim QFA2 MREX

QSHFA3 Third T2 quality of shifted data FIXED dim QFA3 MREX

QSHFA4 Fourth T2 quality of shifted data FIXED dim QFA4 MREX

QSHFA5 Fifth T2 quality of shifted data FIXED dim QFA5 MREX

QSHFB Quality of shifted data of first BVI FIXED dim QSHB MREX

QSHFB2 Second BVI quality of shifted data FIXED dim QSHB MREX

QSHFB3 Third BVI quality of shifted data FIXED dim QSHB MREX

QSHFC Quality of shifted data of CBW echo train FIXED dim QSHC MREX

QSHIA Quality of shifted data index of first T2 echo train FIXED dim QSIA MREX

QSHIA2 Second T2 quality of shifted data index FIXED dim QIA2 MREX

QSHIA3 Third T2 quality of shifted data index FIXED dim QIA3 MREX

QSHIA4 Fourth T2 quality of shifted data index FIXED dim QIA4 MREX

QSHIA5 Fifth T2 quality of shifted data index FIXED dim QIA5 MREX

QSHIB Quality of shifted data index of first BVI FIXED dim QSIB MREX

QSHIB2 Second BVI quality of shifted data index FIXED dim QSB2 MREX

QSHIB3 Third BVI quality of shifted data index FIXED dim QSB3 MREX

QSHIC Quality of shifted data index of CBW echo train FIXED dim QSIC MREX

QSPD Quality curve, speed FIXED dim QSPD CBIL

QSPN Spin rate quality FIXED Hz QSPN CBIL

QTA Target current quality indicator FIXED 1 QTA RPM

QTMP Quality borehole estimated temperature TEMPERATURE degF QTMP SYST

R2AT Attenuation ratio (a2f/a2n) FIXED dim R2AT DEL2

R2LF Filtered resistivity FIXED dim R2LF DEL2

R2SL Resistivity (filtered) FIXED ohm.m R2SL DEL2

R4AT Attenuation ratio (a4f/a4n) FIXED dim R4AT DEL4

R4LF Filtered resistivity FIXED ohm.m R4LF DEL4

R4SL Resistivity (filtered) FIXED ohm.m R4SL DEL4

RAD Reflectance traveltime radius DIAMETER in RAD CBIL

RAD1 Radius, tool axis to pad 1 face DIAMETER in RAD1 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART/GXPL

RAD2 Radius, tool axis to pad 2 face DIAMETER in RAD2 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART/GXPL

RAD3 Radius, tool axis to pad 3 face DIAMETER in RAD3 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART/GXPL

RAD4 Radius, tool axis to pad 4 face DIAMETER in RAD4 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART/GXPL

RAD5 Radius, tool axis to pad 5 face DIAMETER in RAD5 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART/GXPL

RAD6 Radius, tool axis to pad 6 face DIAMETER in RAD6 DIP/HDIP/STAR/EART/GXPL

RADS Array of 6 radius curves from Diplog DIAMETER in RADS STAR/WGI/GXPL

RADS2 Array of 6 radius curves from Diplog DIAMETER in RDS2 DIP/HDIP/STAR/WGI

RADW Array of 6 radius curves DIAMETER in RADW WGI

RAKOA Running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAA MREX

RAKOA2 Second T2 running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAA2 MREX

RAKOA3 Third T2 running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAA3 MREX

RAKOA4 Fourth T2 running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAA4 MREX

RAKOA5 Fifth T2 running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAA5 MREX

RAKOB Running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAB MREX

RAKOB2 Second BVI running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAB2 MREX

RAKOB3 Third BVI running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAB3 MREX

RAKOC CBW running average combined echo structured curve FIXED 1 RAC MREX

RAMP3 Subset 3 reflectance amplitude FIXED mV RAMP CBIL

RAMP5 Subset 5 reflectance amplitude FIXED mV RAMP CBIL

RAMP7 Subset 7 reflectance amplitude FIXED mV RAMP CBIL

RATN Normalized short/long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RATN PDK/RPM

RATO Short/long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RATO PDK/RPM

RATO13 Short/extra long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RT13 RPM

RATO13A Average of short/extra long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RTMA RPM

RATO13M Deviation of mean of short/extra long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RTMM RPM

RATO13R RATO13 reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RT1R RPM

RATO13S Standard deviation of short/extra long space countrate ratio FIXED 1 RAMS RPM

RATO23 Long/extra long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RT23 RPM

RATOA Average of short/long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RTOA PDK/RPM

RATOM Deviation of mean of short/long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RATM PDK/RPM

RATOR RATO reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RATR RPM

RATOS Standard deviation of short/long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RATS PDK/RPM

RAUX Auxiliary information FIXED raw RAUX RPM

RAX Raw X-axis accelerometer FIXED mV RXOD DIP

RAXG Raw X-axis accelerometer in mG ACCELERATION mG RXGO ORIT

RAXGCB Raw X-axis accelerometer shifted to CBIL ACCELERATION mG RXGC ORIT

RAXGDP Raw X-axis accelerometer shifted to HDIP ACCELERATION mG RXGD ORIT

RAXGEI Raw X-axis accelerometer shifted to EART ACCELERATION mG RXGI ORIT

RAXGGX Raw X-axis accelerometer shifted to GXPL ACCELERATION mG RXGI ORIT

RAXGOD Raw X-axis accelerometer in mG from orientation tool ACCELERATION mG RXGO ORIT

RAXGPK Raw X-axis accelerometer shifted to WGI ACCELERATION mG RXGR ORIT

RAXGST Raw X-axis accelerometer shifted to STAR ACCELERATION mG RXGS ORIT

RAXGW Raw X-axis accelerometer shifted to WGI ACCELERATION mG RXGW ORIT

RAXOD Raw X-axis accelerometer from orientation tool FIXED mV RXOD ORIT

RAY Raw Y-axis accelerometer FIXED mV RYOD DIP

RAYG Raw Y-axis accelerometer in mG ACCELERATION mG RYGO ORIT

RAYGCB Raw Y-axis accelerometer shifted to CBIL ACCELERATION mG RYGC ORIT

RAYGDP Raw Y-axis accelerometer shifted to HDIP ACCELERATION mG RYGD ORIT

RAYGEI Raw Y-axis accelerometer shifted to EART ACCELERATION mG RYGI ORIT

RAYGGX Raw Y-axis accelerometer shifted to GXPL ACCELERATION mG RYGI ORIT

RAYGOD Raw Y-axis accelerometer in mG from orientation tool ACCELERATION mG RYGO ORIT

RAYGPK Raw Y-axis accelerometer shifted to WGI ACCELERATION mG RYGR ORIT

RAYGST Raw Y-axis accelerometer shifted to STAR ACCELERATION mG RYGS ORIT

RAYGW Raw Y-axis accelerometer shifted to WGI ACCELERATION mG RYGW ORIT

RAYOD Raw Y-axis accelerometer from orientation tool FIXED mV RYOD ORIT

RAZ Raw Z-axis accelerometer FIXED mV RZOD DIP

RAZDCB Differential Z-axis accelerometer shifted to CBIL ACCELERATION mG RZGC ORIT

RAZDDP Differential Z-axis accelerometer shifted to HDIP ACCELERATION mG RZGD ORIT

RAZDEI Differential Z-axis accelerometer shifted to EART ACCELERATION mG RZGE ORIT

RAZDGX Differential Z-axis accelerometer shifted to GXPL ACCELERATION mG RZGD ORIT

RAZDPK Differential Z-axis accelerometer shifted to RCI ACCELERATION mG RZGP ORIT

RAZDST Differential Z-axis accelerometer shifted to STAR ACCELERATION mG RZGS ORIT

RAZDW Differential Z-axis accelerometer shifted to WGI ACCELERATION mG RZGW ORIT

RAZF Raw Z-axis accelerometer from fast channel FIXED mV RZFO ORIT

RAZFGX Raw Z-axis accelerometer from aclzfilt_o for GXPL FIXED mV RZFI ORIT

RAZFOD Raw Z-axis accelerometer from fast channel FIXED mV RZFO ORIT

RAZG Raw Z-axis accelerometer in mG ACCELERATION mG RZGO ORIT

RAZGCB Raw Z-axis accelerometer shifted to CBIL ACCELERATION mG RZGC ORIT

RAZGDP Raw Z-axis accelerometer shifted to HDIP ACCELERATION mG RZGD ORIT

RAZGEI Raw Z-axis accelerometer shifted to EART ACCELERATION mG RZGI ORIT

RAZGGX Raw Z-axis accelerometer shifted to GXPL ACCELERATION mG RZGI ORIT

RAZGOD Raw Z-axis accelerometer in mG from orientation tool ACCELERATION mG RZGO ORIT

RAZGPK Raw Z-axis accelerometer shifted to WGI ACCELERATION mG RZGR ORIT

RAZGST Raw Z-axis accelerometer shifted to STAR ACCELERATION mG RZGS ORIT

RAZGW Raw Z-axis accelerometer shifted to WGI ACCELERATION mG RZGW ORIT

RAZOD Raw Z-axis accelerometer from orientation tool FIXED mV RZOD ORIT

RB Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) FIXED deg RBOD DIP/HDIP/STAR/SBT

RB3X Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for 3DeX FIXED deg RB3X ORIT

RBCB Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for CBIL FIXED deg RBCB ORIT

RBDP Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for HDIP FIXED deg RBDP ORIT

RBEI Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for EART FIXED deg RBEI ORIT

RBGX Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for GXPL FIXED deg RBEI ORIT

RBHD Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for HTD FIXED deg RBHD ORIT

RBIT1 Bit radius 1 DIAMETER in RBT1 BHP

RBIT1W Bit radius 1 DIAMETER in BT1W WGI

RBIT2 Bit radius 2 DIAMETER in RBT2 BHP

RBIT2W Bit radius 2 DIAMETER in BT2W WGI

RBIT3 Bit radius 3 DIAMETER in RBT3 BHP

RBIT3W Bit radius 3 DIAMETER in BT3W WGI

RBIT4 Bit radius 4 DIAMETER in RBT4 BHP

RBIT4W Bit radius 4 DIAMETER in BT4W WGI

RBIT5 Bit radius 5 DIAMETER in RBT5 BHP

RBIT5W Bit radius 5 DIAMETER in BT5W WGI

RBIT6 Bit radius 6 DIAMETER in RBT6 BHP

RBIT6W Bit radius 6 DIAMETER in BT6W WGI

RBNM Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for MR FIXED deg RBNM ORIT

RBOD Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) FIXED deg RBOD DIP

RBOD2 Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) (2nd tool) FIXED deg RB2O ORIT

RBOR Short space early gate count rate ratio (GE1S/GE2S) FIXED 1 RBOR PDK/RPM

RBORA Average of short space early gate count rate ratio FIXED 1 RBRA PDK/RPM

RBORM Mean deviation of short space early gate count rate ratio FIXED 1 RBRM PDK/RPM

RBORR RBOR reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RBRR RPM

RBORS Standard deviation of short space early gate countrate ratio FIXED 1 RBRA PDK/RPM

RBPK Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for WGI FIXED deg RBR ORIT

RBSB Relative bearing (relative to borehole low side) for SBT FIXED deg RBSB SBT

RBSB2 Relative bearing (relative to borehole low side) (2nd tool) FIXED deg RBB2 SBT

RBST Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for STAR FIXED deg RBST ORIT

RBT1CB Bit radius 1 for CBIL DIAMETER in RBT1 CBIL

RBT2CB Bit radius 2 for CBIL DIAMETER in RBT2 CBIL

RBT3CB Bit radius 3 for CBIL DIAMETER in RBT3 CBIL

RBT4CB Bit radius 4 for CBIL DIAMETER in RBT4 CBIL

RBW Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for WGI FIXED deg RBW ORIT

RBXE Relative bearing of acoustic Y-receiver to borehole highside FIXED deg RBXE ORIT

RBXM Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for XMAC FIXED deg RBXM ORIT

RBZ Relative bearing (relative to borehole high side) for ZDL FIXED deg RBZ ORIT

RCCOND Conductivity of fluid in R/C sensor FIXED mS/m RCCO RCI

RCDPC Raw corrected depth pulse count FIXED raw RDPC CMI

RCPERM Dielectric constant of fluid in R/C sensor FIXED dim RCPE RCI

RCQUAL Performance indicator for R/C system FIXED dim RCQU RCI

RCRES Resistivity of fluid in R/C sensor FIXED ohm.m RCRE RCI

RD Deep resistivity FIXED ohm.m RD DLL

RD01 Radius, tool axis to pad 1 face DIAMETER in RD01 WGI

RD02 Radius, tool axis to pad 2 face DIAMETER in RD02 WGI

RD03 Radius, tool axis to pad 3 face DIAMETER in RD03 WGI

RD04 Radius, tool axis to pad 4 face DIAMETER in RD04 WGI

RD05 Radius, tool axis to pad 5 face DIAMETER in RD05 WGI

RD06 Radius, tool axis to pad 6 face DIAMETER in RD06 WGI

RDAT00 Raw tool data, subset 0 FIXED raw RDAT RPM

RDAT05 Raw tool data, subset 5 FIXED raw RDAT RPM/FLEX

RDEN CISS/CILS ratio (normalized) FIXED 1 RDEN RPM

RDN Raw data count rate FIXED cts/s RDN FDN

RDN2 Raw data count rate (second tool) FIXED cts/s RDN FDN

RDRTO Deep resistivity from ED/ID FIXED ohm RTRT DLL

RDRW Deep resistivity uncorrected FIXED ohm.m RDRW DLL

RDZR1A Freq A pad 1 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R1D1 GXPL

RDZR1B Freq B pad 1 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R2D1 GXPL

RDZR2A Freq A pad 2 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R1D2 GXPL

RDZR2B Freq B pad 2 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R2D2 GXPL

RDZR3A Freq A pad 3 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R1D3 GXPL

RDZR3B Freq B pad 3 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R2D3 GXPL

RDZR4A Freq A pad 4 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R1D4 GXPL

RDZR4B Freq B pad 4 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R2D4 GXPL

RDZR5A Freq A pad 5 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R1D5 GXPL

RDZR5B Freq B pad 5 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R2D5 GXPL

RDZR6A Freq A pad 6 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R1D6 GXPL

RDZR6B Freq B pad 6 dynamic real resistivity of formation impedance FIXED ohm-m R2D6 GXPL

REFRI Refractive index, 1740 nm FIXED 1 REFR NIR

REID Deep resistivity from EID processing FIXED ohm.m REID DPIL

REIM Medium resistivity from EID processing FIXED ohm.m REIM DPIL

RFLF Shallow resistivity (with filtering) FIXED ohm.m RFLF DIFL/DPIL

RFOC Focused log resistivity FIXED ohm.m RFOC DIFL

RGAT Reflectance gate FIXED us RGAT CBIL

RICL Long space inelastic to capture count rate ratio (ILS/CLS) FIXED 1 RICL PDK/RPM

RICLC Long space inelastic to capture (corrected) count rate ratio FIXED 1 RCLC RPM

RICLR RICL reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RCLR RPM

RICS Short space inelastic to capture count rate ratio (ISS/CSS) FIXED 1 RICS PDK/RPM

RICSC Short space inelastic to capture count rate ratio, corrected FIXED 1 RICC RPM

RICSR RICS reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RCSR RPM

RICX Extra long space inelastic to capture count rate ratio FIXED 1 RICX RPM

RICXC Extra long space inelastic/capture countrate ratio corrected FIXED 1 RCXC RPM

RICXR RICX reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RCXR RPM

RILD Deep induction resistivity FIXED ohm.m RILD DIFL

RILM Medium induction resistivity FIXED ohm.m RILM DIFL

RILS Raw inelastic long space count rate FIXED cts RILS RPM

RIN Inelastic short to long space count rate ratio (ISS/ILS) FIXED 1 RIN PDK/RPM

RIN13 Inelastic short to long space count rate ratio (ISS/IXS) FIXED 1 RIN1 RPM

RIN13A Average of inelastic short/extra long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RNMA RPM

RIN13C Inelastic count rate ratio (ISSC/IXSC) FIXED 1 RN1C RPM

RIN13M Mean dev of inelastic short/extra long space countrate ratio FIXED 1 RNSM RPM

RIN13R RIN13 reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RN1R RPM

RIN13S Std dev of inelastic short/extra long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RNSS RPM

RIN23 Inelastic long to extra long space countrate ratio (ILS/IXS) FIXED 1 RIN2 RPM

RIN23A Average of inelastic long/extra long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RNLA RPM

RIN23C Inelastic count rate ratio (ILSC/IXSC) FIXED 1 RN2C RPM

RIN23M Mean dev of inelastic short/extra long space countrate ratio FIXED 1 RNMM RPM

RIN23S Std dev of inelastic long/extra long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RNLS RPM

RINA Average of inelastic short/long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RINA PDK/RPM


RINM Mean deviation of inelastic short/long space countrate ratio FIXED 1 RIMN PDK/RPM

RINR RIN reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RINR RPM

RINS Standard dev of inelastic short/long space count rate ratio FIXED 1 RINS PDK/RPM

RIPD Deep resistivity FIXED ohm.m RIPD DPIL

RIPM Medium resistivity FIXED ohm.m RIPM DPIL

RISS Raw inelastic short space count rate FIXED cts RISS PNHI/RPM

RIXS Raw inelastic extra long space count rate FIXED cts RIXS RPM

RL1 Lateral resistivity curve from F56 FIXED ohm.m RL1 HDLL

RL2 Lateral resistivity curve from F78 FIXED ohm.m RL2 HDLL

RL3 Lateral resistivity curve from F9A and FAB FIXED ohm.m RL3 HDLL

RL4 Lateral resistivity curve from FBC and FCD FIXED ohm.m RL4 HDLL

RL5 Lateral resistivity curve from FDE and FEF FIXED ohm.m RL5 HDLL

RLD Synthetic deep resistivity curve FIXED ohm.m RLD HDLL

RLML 1-inch lateral resistivity FIXED ohm.m RLML ML

RM Mud resistivity FIXED ohm.m RMUD SYST

RMA Calculated borehole resistivity for ABC processing FIXED ohm.m RMA HDIL

RMK Ratio of Rma (apparent Rmud) to MRM (Rmud used) FIXED dim RMK HDIL

RMLL Resistivity FIXED ohm.m RMLL MLL

RMSL Resistivity FIXED ohm.m RMSL MSL

RMX Raw X-axis magnetometer FIXED mV MXOD DIP/HDIP/STAR

RMXG Raw X-axis magnetometer in gamma (nT) FIXED gamma MXGO ORIT

RMXGCB Raw X-axis magnetometer shifted to CBIL FIXED gamma MXGC ORIT

RMXGDP Raw X-axis magnetometer shifted to HDIP FIXED gamma MXGD ORIT

RMXGEI Raw X-axis magnetometer shifted to EART FIXED gamma MXGI ORIT

RMXGGX Raw X-axis magnetometer shifted to GXPL FIXED gamma MXGI ORIT

RMXGOD Raw X-axis magnetometer from 4401XB FIXED gamma MXGO ORIT

RMXGPK Raw X-axis magnetometer shifted to WGI FIXED gamma MXGR ORIT

RMXGST Raw X-axis magnetometer shifted to STAR FIXED gamma MXGS ORIT

RMXGW Raw X-axis magnetometer shifted to WGI FIXED gamma MXGW ORIT

RMXOD Raw X-axis magnetometer from 4401XB FIXED mV MXOD ORIT

RMY Raw Y-axis magnetometer FIXED mV RMY DIP/HDIP/STAR

RMYG Raw Y-axis magnetometer in gamma (nT) FIXED gamma MYGO ORIT

RMYGCB Raw Y-axis magnetometer shifted to CBIL FIXED gamma MYGC ORIT

RMYGDP Raw Y-axis magnetometer shifted to HDIP FIXED gamma MYGD ORIT

RMYGEI Raw Y-axis magnetometer shifted to EART FIXED gamma MYGI ORIT

RMYGGX Raw Y-axis magnetometer shifted to GXPL FIXED gamma MYGI ORIT

RMYGOD Raw Y-axis magnetometer from 4401XB FIXED gamma MYGO ORIT

RMYGPK Raw Y-axis magnetometer shifted to WGI FIXED gamma MYGR ORIT

RMYGST Raw Y-axis magnetometer shifted to STAR FIXED gamma MYGS ORIT

RMYGW Raw Y-axis magnetometer shifted to WGI FIXED gamma MYGW ORIT

RMYOD Raw Y-axis magnetometer from 4401XB FIXED mV MYOD ORIT

RMZ Raw Z-axis magnetometer FIXED mV RMZ DIP/HDIP/STAR

RMZG Raw Z-axis magnetometer in gamma (nT) FIXED gamma RMZG ORIT

RMZGCB Raw Z-axis magnetometer shifted to CBIL FIXED gamma MZGC ORIT

RMZGDP Raw Z-axis magnetometer shifted to HDIP FIXED gamma MZGD ORIT

RMZGEI Raw Z-axis magnetometer shifted to EART FIXED gamma MZGI ORIT

RMZGGX Raw Z-axis magnetometer shifted to GXPL FIXED gamma MZGI ORIT

RMZGOD Raw Z-axis magnetometer from 4401XB FIXED gamma MZGO ORIT

RMZGPK Raw Z-axis magnetometer shifted to WGI FIXED gamma MZGR ORIT

RMZGST Raw Z-axis magnetometer shifted to STAR FIXED gamma MZGS ORIT

RMZGW Raw Z-axis magnetometer shifted to WGI FIXED gamma MZGW ORIT

RMZOD Raw Z-axis magnetometer from 4401XB FIXED mV MZOD ORIT

RN1 Normal resistivity curve from V4 FIXED ohm.m RN1 HDLL

RN2 Normal resistivity curve from V4 and F45 FIXED ohm.m RN2 HDLL

RN3 Normal resistivity curve from V6 FIXED ohm.m RN3 HDLL

RN4 Normal resistivity curve from V8 FIXED ohm.m RN4 HDLL

RN5 Normal resistivity curve from V8 and F9A FIXED ohm.m RN5 HDLL

RNML 2-inch normal resistivity FIXED ohm.m RNML ML

RONE Ratio of 100-1000(SS)/100-1000(LS) FIXED 1 RONE RPM

RONE13 Ratio of 100-1000(SS)/100-1000(XLS) FIXED 1 R113 RPM

RONE13A Average of ratio of 100-1000(SS)/100-1000(XLS) FIXED 1 R1MA RPM

RONE13M Deviation of mean of ratio of 100-1000(SS)/100-1000(XLS) FIXED 1 RMMM RPM

RONE13S Standard deviation of ratio of 100-1000(SS)/100-1000(XLS) FIXED 1 RMMS RPM

RONE23 Ratio of 100-1000(LS)/100-1000(XLS) FIXED 1 R123 RPM

RONE23A Average of ratio of 100-1000(LS)/100-1000(XLS) FIXED 1 RMLA RPM

RONE23M Deviation of mean of ratio of 100-1000(LS)/100-1000(XLS) FIXED 1 RMML RPM

RONE23S Standard deviation of ratio of 100-1000(LS)/100-1000(XLS) FIXED 1 RMLS RPM

RONEA Average of ratio of 100-1000(SS)/100-1000(LS) FIXED 1 R1A RPM

RONEM Deviation of mean of ratio of 100-1000(SS)/100-1000(LS) FIXED 1 R1S RPM

RONER Rone reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RONR RPM

RONES Standard deviation of ratio of 100-1000(SS)/100-1000(LS) FIXED 1 R1S RPM

ROP Rate of penetration of bit FIXED raw ROP RCOR

RPAD Packer retract pressure FIXED psi RPAD RCI

RPM RPM voltage to input main card FIXED 1 RPM RCI


RPORR Rpor reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED 1 RPRR RPM



RPRX Resistivity FIXED ohm.m RPRX PROX

RREF Reference voltage FIXED raw RRF ORIT

RRGD Enhanced processing deep resistivity FIXED ohm.m RRGD DPIL

RRGM Enhanced processing medium resistivity FIXED ohm.m RRGM DPIL

RS Shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m RS DLL

RSFL Spherically Focused Log resistivity FIXED ohm.m RSFL DPIL

RSRTO Shallow resistivity from ES/IS FIXED ohm RSRT DLL

RSRW Shallow resistivity uncorrected FIXED ohm.m RSRW DLL

RSW1 Radius with swing arm correction for caliper pad 1 DIAMETER in RSW1 WGI

RSW2 Radius with swing arm correction for caliper pad 2 DIAMETER in RSW2 WGI

RSW3 Radius with swing arm correction for caliper pad 3 DIAMETER in RSW3 WGI

RSW4 Radius with swing arm correction for caliper pad 4 DIAMETER in RSW4 WGI

RSW5 Radius with swing arm correction for caliper pad 5 DIAMETER in RSW5 WGI

RSW6 Radius with swing arm correction for caliper pad 6 DIAMETER in RSW6 WGI

RSWA Radii with swing arm correction for all caliper pads DIAMETER in RSWA WGI

RT Induction resistivity FIXED ohm.m RT IEL/INDX

RT1D Induction resistivity, final model FIXED ohm.m RT1D INDX

RT1DI Induction resistivity, invasion model FIXED ohm.m RT1I INDX

RT1DNI Induction resistivity, non-invasion model FIXED ohm.m R1DN INDX

RTA Calculated formation resistivity for abc processing FIXED ohm.m RTA HDIL

RTAV Average traveltime radius DIAMETER in RTAV CBIL

RTBR Resistivity FIXED ohm.m RTBR TBRT


RTDE EA RTD temperature voltage TEMPERATUREC degC RTDE RCI

RTDMB 1970MB module resistance temperature diode TEMPERATUREC degC MRTD RCI

RTDQJ Straddle packer Quartzdyne gauge temperature TEMPERATUREC degC RTQJ RCI

RTDQK Drawdown Quartzdyne gauge temperature TEMPERATUREC degC RTQK RCI

RTDQL Packer Quartzdyne gauge temperature TEMPERATUREC degC RTQL RCI


RTEMP Reference temperature TEMPERATUREC raw RTMP ORIT

RTHK Ratio of thorium to potassium FIXED ppm RTHK SL

RTHU Ratio of thorium to uranium FIXED ppm RTHU SL



RTM MultiLaterolog inversion true resistivity FIXED ohm.m RTM SJS


RTWO13 RTWO processed, detector 1 and 3 FIXED cts/s R213 RPM

RTWO13A Average of RTWO processed, detector 1 and 3 FIXED cts/s R2MA RPM

RTWO13M Mean deviation of RTWO short and extra long space detectors FIXED cts/s R2MM RPM

RTWO13S Standard deviation of RTWO processed, detector 1 and 3 FIXED cts/s R2MS RPM

RTWO23 RTWO processed, long and extra long space detectors FIXED cts/s R223 RPM

RTWO23A Average of RTWO processed, long & extra long space detectors FIXED cts/s R2LA RPM

RTWO23M Mean deviation of RTWO long and extra long space detectors FIXED cts/s R2LM RPM

RTWO23S Std dev of RTWO processed, long & extra long space detectors FIXED cts/s R2LS RPM


RTWOM Deviation of mean of RTWO processed FIXED cts/s R2M PDK/RPM

RTWOR RTWO reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s RTWR RPM

RTWOS Standard deviation of RTWO processed FIXED cts/s R2S PDK/RPM

RUDPC Raw un-corrected depth pulse count FIXED raw RUPC CMI

RUK Ratio of uranium to potassium FIXED dim RUK SL

RVEL23 Flow velocity between detectors 2 and 3 LENGTH-SPD ft/min RV23 RPM

RVFLAG RockView quality flag FIXED 1 RFJG FLEX

RW Water resistivity FIXED ohm*m RW NIR

RWAA Apparent formation water resistivity, F from acoustic FIXED ohm.m RWAA ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

RWAC Apparent formation water resistivity, f from acoustic DTC FIXED ohm.m RWAC XMACF1

RWAD Apparent formation water resistivity, F from FD FIXED ohm.m RWAD CDL/HTD

RWAD2 Apparent formation water resistivity, F from FD (2nd tool) FIXED ohm.m RWAD CDL/HTD

RWAN Apparent formation water resistivity, F from FCN FIXED ohm.m RWAN CN

RWAZ Apparent formation water resistivity FIXED ohm.m RWAZ ZDL/SZDL

RWAZ2 Apparent formation water resistivity (second tool) FIXED ohm.m RWZ2 ZDL/SZDL

RWAZC Apparent formation water resistivity (corrected) FIXED ohm.m RWZC ZDL/SZDL

RXO1D Flushed zone resistivity FIXED ohm.m RX1D INDX

RXOEST Flushed zone resistivity estimate FIXED ohm.m RXOE SJS

RXOM MultiLaterolog inversion flushed zone resistivity FIXED ohm.m RXOM SJS

RXT Internal shallow to deep resistivity ratio FIXED dim RXT DLL

RXTD Shallow to deep resistivity ratio FIXED dim RXTD DIFL

RXTEMP HDIL temperature between receiver coils 5 and 6 TEMPERATUREC degC RXTP HDIL/INDX

RXTL Shallow to deep resistivity ratio FIXED dim RXTL DLL

S234N Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes 2, 3, 4, 32-bit FIXED V S234 HDLL

S345N Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes 2, 3, 4, 32-bit FIXED V S345 HDLL

S456N Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes 2, 3, 4, 32-bit FIXED V S456 HDLL

S567N Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes 2, 3, 4, 32-bit FIXED V S567 HDLL

S678N Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes 2, 3, 4, 32-bit FIXED V S678 HDLL

S789N Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes 2, 3, 4, 32-bit FIXED V S789 HDLL

S89AN Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes 2, 3, 4, 32-bit FIXED V S89A HDLL

S9ABN Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes 9, a, b, 32-bit FIXED V S9AB HDLL

SA1 Silicon activation count rate (short space) FIXED 1 SA1 RPM

SA2 Silicon activation count rate (long space) FIXED 1 SA2 RPM

SA3 Silicon activation count rate (extra long space) FIXED 1 SA3 RPM

SABCN Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes a, b, c, 32-bit FIXED V SABC HDLL

SALB Borehole salinity (kppm) FIXED 1 SALB RPM

SALS Salinity from external file for correcting PDK FIXED ppm SALS PDK/RPM

SALT Salt weight fraction FIXED 1 SALT FLEX

SAMP Short space cement bond amplitude FIXED dim SAMP BAL

SANG Signature sweep control FIXED dim SANG CBIL

SAP Silicon activation count rate (PRISM) FIXED 1 SA1 RPM

SATT CBL near saturation FIXED 1 SATT CBL

SB124 Antimony 124 concentration FIXED api SB PRSM

SBCDN Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes b, c, d, 32-bit FIXED V SBCD HDLL

SBSTPXXR Semblance step for dipole XX, receiver ACOU-SLOW dim SPXX XMAC/XMACF1

SBVI Weighted sum of partial porosities for bulk vol irreducible POROSITY pu SBVI MREX

SBVIA2 Second T2 weighted sum of partial porosities for BVI POROSITY pu SBV2 MREX

SBVIA3 Third T2 weighted sum of partial porosities for BVI POROSITY pu SBV3 MREX

SBVIA4 Fourth T2 weighted sum of partial porosities for BVI POROSITY pu SBV4 MREX

SBVIA5 Fifth T2 weighted sum of partial porosities for BVI POROSITY pu SBV5 MREX

SBVM Bulk volume moveable from SBVI calculation POROSITY pu SBVM MREX

SBVMA2 Second T2 bulk volume moveable from SBVI calculation POROSITY pu SBM2 MREX

SBVMA3 Third T2 bulk volume moveable from SBVI calculation POROSITY pu SBM3 MREX

SBVMA4 Fourth T2 bulk volume moveable from SBVI calculation POROSITY pu SBM4 MREX

SBVMA5 Fifth T2 bulk volume moveable from SBVI calculation POROSITY pu SBM5 MREX

SBW Spectral bound water FIXED dim SBW MREX

SC1 Si/Ca ratio in capture spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 SC1 RPM

SC2 Si/Ca ratio in capture spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 SC2 RPM

SC46 Scandium 46 concentration FIXED api SC PRSM

SCBHC1 Sub-array 1 response error FIXED 1 BHC1 INDX

SCDEN Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes c, d, e, 32-bit FIXED V SCDE HDLL

SCO1 Standard deviation of C/O ratio (near detector) FIXED 1 SCO1 RPM

SCS1 Standard deviation of Ca/Si ratio (near detector) FIXED 1 SCS1 RPM

SD3D 3-D apparent sigma standard deviation FIXED su SD3D RPM

SDA1 Standard deviation of apparent sigma (short space) FIXED su SDA1 RPM

SDA2 Standard deviation of apparent sigma (long space) FIXED su SDA2 RPM

SDATA NIR sound speed data FIXED uV SDAT NIR

SDBI Signature gain FIXED dB SDBI CBIL

SDDT Standard deviation of 6-inch slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft SDDT DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SDDTF Standard deviation of 6-inch slowness for far transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft SDDF DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SDDTN Standard deviation of 6-inch slowness for near transmitter ACOU-SLOW us/ft SDDN DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SDEFN Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes d, e, f, 32-bit FIXED V SDEF HDLL

SDL1 Standard deviation of sigma late (short space) FIXED su SDL1 RPM

SDL2 Standard deviation of sigma late (long space) FIXED su SDL2 RPM

SDL3 Standard deviation of sigma late (extra long space) FIXED su SDL3 RPM

SDMAX NIR sound speed maximum from 50->100 FIXED uV SDMX NIR

SDMEAN NIR sound speed mean from 50->100 FIXED uV SDM NIR

SDMIN NIR sound speed minimum from 50->100 FIXED uV SDMN NIR

SE01 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE01 MREX

SE02 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE02 MREX

SE03 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE03 MREX

SE04 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE04 MREX

SE05 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE05 MREX

SE06 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE06 MREX

SE07 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE07 MREX

SE08 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE08 MREX

SE09 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE09 MREX

SE10 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE10 MREX

SE11 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE11 MREX

SE12 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE12 MREX

SE13 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE13 MREX

SE14 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE14 MREX

SE15 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE15 MREX

SE16 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE16 MREX

SE17 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE17 MREX

SE18 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE18 MREX

SE19 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE19 MREX

SE20 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE20 MREX

SE21 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE21 MREX

SE22 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE22 MREX

SE23 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE23 MREX

SE24 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE24 MREX

SE25 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE25 MREX

SE26 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE26 MREX

SE27 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE27 MREX

SE28 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE28 MREX

SE29 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE29 MREX

SE30 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE30 MREX

SE31 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE31 MREX

SE32 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE32 MREX

SE33 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE33 MREX

SE34 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE34 MREX

SE35 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE35 MREX

SE36 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE36 MREX

SE37 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE37 MREX

SE38 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE38 MREX

SE39 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE39 MREX

SE40 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE40 MREX

SE41 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE41 MREX

SE42 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE42 MREX

SE43 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE43 MREX

SE44 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE44 MREX

SE45 Sum of echo amplitudes of echo FIXED dim SE45 MREX

SEC Time in seconds FIXED s SEC SYST

SEFGN Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes e, f, g, 32-bit FIXED V SEFG HDLL

SEQ Firing sequence number FIXED 1 SEQ PDK/PNHI/RPM/FLEX

SEQ1 Number of firing sequences (short space) FIXED 1 SEQ1 RPM

SEQ2 Number of firing sequences (long space) FIXED 1 SEQ2 RPM

SEQ3 Number of firing sequences (extra long space) FIXED 1 SEQ3 RPM

SFA11 Surface pick first arrival time, T1R1 FIXED us S011 AC/DAL

SFA113 Surface pick first arrival time, T1R3 FIXED us S113 DAC

SFA12 Surface pick first arrival time, T1R2 FIXED us S012 AC/DAL

SFA21 Surface pick first arrival time, T2R1 FIXED us S021 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

SFA213 Surface pick first arrival time, T1R3 FIXED us S213 DAC

SFA22 Surface pick first arrival time, T2R2 FIXED us S022 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

SFA23 Surface pick first arrival time, T2R3 FIXED us S023 DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

SFA24 Surface pick first arrival time, T2R4 FIXED us S024 DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

SFACB Surface pick first arrival time, CBL spacing FIXED us SFCB XMAC/MAC

SFAF1 Surface pick first arrival time, T1R1 FIXED us SFF1 ACX/DAL

SFAF2 Surface pick first arrival time, T1R2 FIXED us SFF2 DAL

SFAF3 Surface pick first arrival time, T1R3 FIXED us SFF3 DAL

SFAF4 Surface pick first arrival time, T1R4 FIXED us SFF4 DAL

SFAN1 Surface pick first arrival time, T2R1 FIXED us SFN1 ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SFAN2 Surface pick first arrival time, T2R2 FIXED us SFN2 DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SFAN3 Surface pick first arrival time, T2R3 FIXED us SFN3 DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SFAN4 Surface pick first arrival time, T2R4 FIXED us SFN4 DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SFCBF Surface pick first arrival time, far CBL spacing FIXED us SFCF ACX/DAL

SFCBFW Surface pick first arrival time, far CBL spacing (copy) FIXED us SFCF ACX/DAL

SFCBN Surface pick first arrival time, near CBL spacing FIXED us SFCN ACX/DAL

SFCBNW Surface pick first arrival time, near CBL spacing (copy) FIXED us SFCN ACX/DAL

SFLD Fluid wave slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft SFLD CBIL

SFLDF Fluid wave slowness (fixed) ACOU-SLOW us/ft SFLD CBIL

SFLDM Fluid wave slowness (measured) ACOU-SLOW us/ft SFLD CBIL

SFLQ Spherically Focused Log quality curve FIXED dim SFLQ DPIL

SFR10 HDLL 10-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m SF10 HDLL

SFR10C HDLL 10-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity corrected FIXED ohm.m S10C HDLL

SFR12 HDLL 12-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m SF12 HDLL

SFR12C HDLL 12-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity corrected FIXED ohm.m S12C HDLL

SFR14 HDLL 14-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m SF14 HDLL

SFR14C HDLL 14-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity corrected FIXED ohm.m S14C HDLL

SFR16 HDLL 16-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m SF16 HDLL

SFR16C HDLL 16-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity corrected FIXED ohm.m S16C HDLL

SFR20 HDLL 20-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m SF20 HDLL

SFR20C HDLL 20-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity corrected FIXED ohm.m S20C HDLL

SFR30 HDLL 30-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m SF30 HDLL

SFR30C HDLL 30-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity corrected FIXED ohm.m S30C HDLL

SFR40 HDLL 40-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m SF40 HDLL

SFR40C HDLL 40-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity corrected FIXED ohm.m S40C HDLL

SFR50 HDLL 50-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity FIXED ohm.m SF50 HDLL

SFR50C HDLL 50-inch synthetic focused shallow resistivity corrected FIXED ohm.m S50C HDLL

SFT2 Long space spectrum count rate 100-140 keV FIXED cts/s SFT2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX

SFT22 Long space spectrum count rate 100-140 keV (second tool) FIXED cts/s SF22 ZDL/SZDL

SFT2S Short space detector spectrum count rate 100-140 keV FIXED cts/s SF2S ZDL/SZDL/DENX

SFT2S2 Short space detector spectrum count rate 100-140 keV FIXED cts/s S2S2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX

SG11 Signature from transmitter 1, receiver 1 FIXED raw SG11 AC

SG12 Signature from transmitter 1, receiver 2 FIXED raw SG12 AC

SG21 Signature from transmitter 2, receiver 1 FIXED raw SG21 AC

SG22 Signature from transmitter 2, receiver 2 FIXED raw SG22 AC

SG3D 3-D apparent sigma FIXED su SG3D RPM

SGA1 Apparent sigma (short space) FIXED su SGA1 RPM

SGA1A Average apparent sigma (short space) FIXED su SG1A RPM

SGA1M Mean deviation of apparent sigma (short space) FIXED su SG1M RPM

SGA1S Standard deviation of apparent sigma (short space) FIXED su SG1S RPM

SGA2 Apparent sigma (long space) FIXED su SGA2 RPM

SGA2A Average apparent sigma (long space) FIXED su SG2A RPM

SGA2M Mean deviation of apparent sigma (long space) FIXED su SG2M RPM

SGA2S Standard deviation of apparent sigma (long space) FIXED su SG2S RPM

SGA3A Average apparent sigma (extra long space) FIXED su SG3A RPM

SGA3M Mean deviation of apparent sigma (extra long space) FIXED su SG3M RPM

SGA3S Standard deviation of apparent sigma (extra long space) FIXED su SG3S RPM

SGAIN Signature gain value FIXED dB SGN CBIL

SGAT Signature gate FIXED us SGAT CBIL

SGB1 Borehole sigma from fastdx (short space) FIXED su SGB1 RPM

SGB2 Borehole sigma from fastdx (long space) FIXED su SGB2 RPM

SGB3 Borehole sigma from fastdx (extra long space) FIXED su SGB3 RPM

SGBC Corrected borehole sigma FIXED su SGBC RPM

SGCP Strain gauge pressure PRESSURE psi SGCP FMT

SGCPF Strain gauge pressure (filtered) PRESSURE psi SGCF FMT

SGDP Differential strain gauge pressure PRES-TGRAD psi/min SGDP FMT

SGE1 Early sigma after subtracting SGL1 FIXED su SGE1 RPM

SGEND Status general word, subset D FIXED dim SGND 3DEX

SGF1 Formation sigma from fastdx (short space) FIXED su SGF1 RPM

SGF2 Formation sigma from fastdx (long space) FIXED su SGF2 RPM

SGF3 Formation sigma from fastdx (extra long space) FIXED su SGF3 RPM

SGFC Corrected formation sigma FIXED su SGFC RPM

SGK1 Emulated PDK-100 short space sigma (SGMA) FIXED su SGK1 RPM

SGK2 Emulated PDK-100 long space sigma (SGIL) FIXED su SGK2 RPM

SGL1 Sigma late, PDK-100 style (short space) FIXED su SGL1 RPM

SGL2 Sigma late, PDK-100 style (long space) FIXED su SGL2 RPM

SGL3 Sigma late, PDK-100 style (extra long space) FIXED su SGL3 RPM

SGMA Short space macroscopic capture cross section FIXED su SGMA PDK/RPM

SGMA0 Complex sigma array FIXED dim SGM0 HDIL

SGMA1 Complex sigma array FIXED dim SGM1 HDIL

SGMA2 Complex sigma array FIXED dim SGM2 HDIL

SGMA3 Complex sigma array FIXED dim SGM3 HDIL

SGMA4 Complex sigma array FIXED dim SGM4 HDIL

SGMA5 Complex sigma array FIXED dim SGM5 HDIL

SGMA6 Complex sigma array FIXED dim SGM6 HDIL

SGNL Long space borehole and diffusion corrected sigma FIXED su SGNL PDK/RPM

SGNT Short space borehole and diffusion corrected sigma FIXED su SGNT PDK/RPM

SGRP Strain gauge raw pressure PRESSURE psi SGRP FMT/SRPL

SHIJN Voltage 2nd difference between electrodes h, i, j, 32-bit FIXED V SHIJ HDLL

SHR Soft to hard count rate ratio (SOFT/HRD2) FIXED dim SHR ZDL/SZDL/DENX

SHR2 Soft to hard count rate ratio (SOFT/HRD2) (second tool) FIXED dim SHR2 ZDL/SZDL

SHRC Corrected soft to hard count rate ratio FIXED dim SHRC ZDL/SZDL

SHRC2 Corrected soft to hard count rate ratio (second tool) FIXED dim SHC2 ZDL/SZDL

SIC1 Silicon in capture spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 SIC1 RPM

SIC2 Silicon in capture spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 SIC2 RPM

SICX1 Silicon/capture index (near detector) FIXED 1 SIX1 RPM

SICX2 Silicon/capture index (far detector) FIXED 1 SIX2 RPM

SIG Signature (flash) values FIXED dim SIG CBIL

SIGF Sigma formation, apparent FIXED cu SIGF PNHI/RPM/FLEX

SIGL Long space macroscopic capture cross section FIXED su SIGL PDK/RPM

SII1 Silicon in inelastic spectrum (near detector) FIXED 1 m SII1 RPM

SII2 Silicon in inelastic spectrum (far detector) FIXED 1 SII2 RPM

SLDT 1970DB sample line temperature RTD TEMPERATUREC degC SLDT RCI

SLGN Gain value FIXED dim SLGN SL

SLIT Specific lithology FIXED 1 SLIT FLEX

SLOWF Acoustic Hilbert semblance slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft SLOF MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SLOWN Acoustic Hilbert semblance slowness near ACOU-SLOW us/ft SLON MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SLSP SL spectrum channels 1-254 (subset 0) FIXED dim SLSP SL

SLTM Delta elapsed time FIXED ms SLTM SL

SMON Solenoid monitor FIXED 1 SMON RCOR

SN Short normal resistivity FIXED ohm.m SN IEL

SNF Standard deviation of N/F ratio FIXED 1 SNF RPM

SNUM Wave identification number FIXED dim SNUM CBIL

SOA Standoff value in inches for HDIL used in ABC processing DIAMETER in SOA HDIL

SOFT Spectrum count rate 60-100 keV FIXED cts/s SOFT ZDL/SZDL/DENX

SOFT2 Spectrum count rate 60-100 keV (second tool) FIXED cts/s SFT2 ZDL/SZDL

SOFTS Spectrum count rate 60-100 keV FIXED cts/s SFTS ZDL/SZDL/DENX

SOFTS2 Spectrum count rate 60-100 keV FIXED cts/s SFS2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX

SOLBV Solenoid bus voltage FIXED V SLBV RCI

SOLV Solenoid DC voltage FIXED V SOLV RCOR

SOM MultiLaterolog inversion standoff FIXED in SOM SJS

SOURCE Source type flag FIXED 1 SRC PDK/RPM

SP Spontaneous Potential FIXED mV SP DIFL/DPIL/HDIL

SPAG Final spline angles FIXED deg SPAG BHP

SPAGW Final spline angles FIXED deg SPGW WGI

SPBR Bridle electrode processed at surface FIXED mV SPBR SP

SPBRDH Bridle electrode processed in common remote FIXED mV SPBD SP

SPCH Cablehead electrode processed at surface FIXED mV SPCH SP

SPCHDH Cablehead electrode processed in common remote FIXED mV SPCD SP

SPCNT0 Spike count quality flag FIXED dim SCT0 HDIL

SPCNT1 Spike count quality flag, subarray 1 FIXED dim SCT1 HDIL

SPCNT2 Spike count quality flag, subarray 2 FIXED dim SCT2 HDIL

SPCNT3 Spike count quality flag, subarray 3 FIXED dim SCT3 HDIL

SPCNT4 Spike count quality flag, subarray 4 FIXED dim SCT4 HDIL

SPCNT5 Spike count quality flag, subarray 5 FIXED dim SCT5 HDIL

SPCNT6 Spike count quality flag, subarray 6 FIXED dim SCT6 HDIL


SPDA Average speed LENGTH-SPD ft/min SPDA SYST

SPDFLG FLeX speed quality flag FIXED 1 SPDF FLEX

SPDH Spontaneous Potential processed in common remote FIXED mV SPDH DIFL/DPIL/HDIL/SP

SPDN Spinner down revolutions per second FIXED cps SPDN FMCS

SPEP Packer element pressure FIXED psi SPEP RCI

SPER Sample period FIXED us SPER CBIL

SPLW1 Standard dev capture/inelastic porosity ratio large windows FIXED 1 SPL1 RPM

SPLW2 Standard dev capture/inelastic porosity ratio large windows FIXED 1 SPL2 RPM

SPM10M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 9 & 10 FIXED raw F9AM HDLL

SPM10N Normalized SPM10M (ratio SPM10M/current) FIXED V F9A HDLL

SPM11M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 10 & 11 FIXED raw FABM HDLL

SPM11N Normalized SPM11M (ratio SPM11M/current) FIXED V FAB HDLL

SPM12M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 11 & 12 FIXED raw FBCM HDLL

SPM12N Normalized SPM12M (ratio SPM12M/current) FIXED V FBC HDLL

SPM13M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 12 & 13 FIXED raw FCDM HDLL

SPM13N Normalized SPM13M (ratio SPM13M/current) FIXED V FCD HDLL

SPM14M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 13 & 14 FIXED raw FDEM HDLL

SPM14N Normalized SPM14M (ratio SPM14M/current) FIXED V FDE HDLL

SPM15M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 14 & 15 FIXED raw FEFM HDLL

SPM15N Normalized SPM15M (ratio SPM15M/current) FIXED V FEF HDLL

SPM16M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 15 & 16 FIXED raw FFGM HDLL

SPM16N Normalized SPM16M (ratio SPM16M/current) FIXED V FFG HDLL

SPM17M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 16 & 17 FIXED raw FHIM HDLL

SPM17N Normalized SPM17M (ratio SPM17M/current) FIXED V FHI HDLL

SPM18M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 17 & 18 FIXED raw FIJM HDLL

SPM18N Normalized SPM18M (ratio SPM18M/current) FIXED V FIJ HDLL

SPM19M Sum of voltage at electrode 4 FIXED raw V4M HDLL

SPM19N Normalized SPM19M (ratio SPM19M/current) FIXED V V4 HDLL

SPM20M Sum of voltage at electrode 6 FIXED raw V6M HDLL

SPM20N Normalized SPM20M (ratio SPM20M/current) FIXED V V6 HDLL

SPM21M Sum of voltage at electrode 8 FIXED raw V8M HDLL

SPM21N Normalized SPM21M (ratio SPM21M/current) FIXED V V8 HDLL

SPM22M Sum of voltage at electrode 10 FIXED raw VAM HDLL

SPM22N Normalized SPM22M (ratio SPM22M/current) FIXED V VA HDLL

SPM23M Sum of voltage at electrode 12 FIXED raw VCM HDLL

SPM23N Normalized SPM23M (ratio SPM23M/current) FIXED V VC HDLL

SPM24M Sum of voltage at electrode 14 FIXED raw VEM HDLL

SPM24N Normalized SPM24M (ratio SPM24M/current) FIXED V VE HDLL

SPM25M Sum of voltage at electrode 16 FIXED raw VGM HDLL

SPM25N Normalized SPM25M (ratio SPM25M/current) FIXED V VG HDLL

SPM26M Sum of voltage at electrode 18 FIXED raw VIM HDLL

SPM26N Normalized SPM26M (ratio SPM26M/current) FIXED V VI HDLL

SPM3M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 2 & 3 FIXED raw F23M HDLL

SPM3N Normalized SPM3M (ratio SPM3M/current) FIXED V F23 HDLL

SPM4M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 3 & 4 FIXED raw F34M HDLL

SPM4N Normalized SPM4M (ratio SPM4M/current) FIXED V F34 HDLL

SPM5M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 4 & 5 FIXED raw F45M HDLL

SPM5N Normalized SPM5M (ratio SPM5M/current) FIXED V F45 HDLL

SPM6M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 5 & 6 FIXED raw F56M HDLL

SPM6N Normalized SPM6M (ratio SPM6M/current) FIXED V F56 HDLL

SPM7M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 6 & 7 FIXED raw F67M HDLL

SPM7N Normalized SPM7M (ratio SPM7M/current) FIXED V F67 HDLL

SPM8M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 7 & 8 FIXED raw F78M HDLL

SPM8N Normalized SPM8M (ratio SPM8M/current) FIXED V F78 HDLL

SPM9M Sum of voltage first difference between electrodes 8 & 9 FIXED raw F89M HDLL

SPM9N Normalized SPM9M (ratio SPM9M/current) FIXED V F89 HDLL

SPMCNT Number of samples added between depth scans, 16-bit FIXED dim SPMC HDLL

SPMDAT Packed array of SPM channel data FIXED dim SPMD HDLL

SPMS Number of SPM modules, 8-bit FIXED dim SPMS HDLL


SPNRA Averaged spinner FIXED cps SPNA FMCS

SPRD Final spline radii DIAMETER in SPRD BHP

SPRDW Final spline radii DIAMETER in SPRW WGI

SPRM Permeability from SBVI calculation FIXED dim SPRM MREX

SPRMA2 Second T2 permeability from SBVI calculation FIXED dim SPM2 MREX

SPRMA3 Third T2 permeability from SBVI calculation FIXED dim SPM3 MREX

SPRMA4 Fourth T2 permeability from SBVI calculation FIXED dim SPM4 MREX

SPRMA5 Fifth T2 permeability from SBVI calculation FIXED dim SPM5 MREX

SPSB Electrode sub processed at surface FIXED mV SPSB SP

SPSBDH Electrode sub processed downhole FIXED mV SPDH SP

SPSW1 Standard dev capture/inelastic porosity ratio small windows FIXED 1 SPS1 RPM

SPSW2 Standard dev capture/inelastic porosity ratio small windows FIXED 1 SPS2 RPM

SPUP Spinner up revolutions per second FIXED cps SPUP FMCS

SPW Electrode sub processed at surface FIXED mV SPW SP

SPWDH Electrode sub processed downhole FIXED mV SPWD SP

SPWR Sensor power voltage FIXED V SPWR RCOR


SS Short space count rate FIXED cts/s SS PDK/RPM

SS2 Short space count rate channels 200-1000 FIXED cts/s SS2 PDK/RPM

SS2R SS2 reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s SS2R RPM

SSC1 Standard deviation of Si/Ca ratio (near detector) FIXED 1 SSC1 RPM

SSCHNL Short space detector count rate spectrum FIXED cts SSCN PDK/RPM

SSCSPK Cesium reference peak position, short space FIXED 1 SCPK DENX

SSCSPK2 Cesium reference peak position, short space FIXED 1 SCP2 DENX

SSD Short space count rate FIXED cts/s SSD CDL/HTD

SSD2 Short space count rate (second tool) FIXED cts/s SSD2 CDL/HTD

SSDEN Sound speed density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 SSDN NIR

SSDISC Short space discriminator setting FIXED 1 SSDC PDK/PNHI/RPM

SSDP Sound speed pressure gradient PRES-DGRAD psi/ft SSDP NIR

SSDT Sound speed traveltime ACOU-SLOW us/ft SSDT NIR

SSEED Delta modulation seed sine value FIXED dim SSED MCFM

SSIG Second differences signature FIXED V SSIG HDLL

SSN Short space count rate FIXED cts/s SSN CN

SSNR Short space count rate (raw) FIXED cts/s SSNR CN

SSR Short space reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s SSR RPM

SSSP Short space deadtime corrected, bkgnd subtracted count rate FIXED cts/s SSSP PDK/RPM

SSTEP Delta modulation step sine value FIXED dim SSTP MCFM

SSTP Semblance step for semblance ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1


SSTPAR Semblance step for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPAT Semblance step for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPFR Semblance step for far receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPNR Semblance step for near receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPQR Semblance step for quadrupole for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SPQ XMACF1

SSTPQT Semblance step for quadrupole for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SPQ XMACF1

SSTPR Semblance step for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPSR Semblance step for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPST Semblance step for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPT Semblance step for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSP DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPXR Semblance step for dipole XX for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SPXX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPXT Semblance step for dipole XX for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SPXX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPYR Semblance step for dipole XX for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SPYY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTPYT Semblance step for dipole XX for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SPYY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTR Semblance start for semblance ACOU-SLOW dim SBST DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRA Semblance start for semblance ACOU-SLOW dim SBST ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRAR Semblance start for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBST ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRAT Semblance start for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBST ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRFR Semblance start for far receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBST ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRNR Semblance start for near receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBST ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRQR Semblance start for receiver array quadrupole ACOU-SLOW dim SBSQ XMACF1

SSTRQT Semblance start for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSQ XMACF1

SSTRR Semblance start for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBST DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRSR Semblance start for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBST MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRST Semblance start for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBST MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRT Semblance start for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBST DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRXR Semblance start for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRXT Semblance start for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRYR Semblance start for receiver array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSTRYT Semblance start for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW dim SBSY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

SSV Sound speed ACOU-SLOW us/ft SSV NIR

ST11 Waveform start time FIXED us ST11 AC/DAL/MAC/XMAC

ST12 Waveform start time FIXED us ST12 AC/DAL/MAC/XMAC

ST21 Waveform start time FIXED us ST21 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

ST22 Waveform start time FIXED us ST22 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

STA1 Starting time for apparent sigma (short space) FIXED 1 STA1 RPM

STA2 Starting time for apparent sigma (long space) FIXED 1 STA2 RPM

STA3 Starting time for apparent sigma (extra long space) FIXED 1 STA3 RPM


STCBF Waveform start time for far CBL spacing FIXED us STCF ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

STCBN Waveform start time for near CBL spacing FIXED us STCN ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

STCKSIZE Number of waves stacked FIXED dim SSZ HDIL


STGV Guard voltage (true) FIXED mV STGV STAR

STIM Signature traveltime FIXED us STIM CBIL


STIME2 Start time, second tool FIXED us STM2 SBT

STK1B Discrete Fourier transform stacking level all subsets FIXED raw DST RTEX


STPF Guard voltage overload flag FIXED dim STPF STAR

STRF Start time far waveform FIXED us STRF CSS/RAL

STT Traveltime T2R3 FIXED us STT BAL

STWAVE1 Start time waveform 1 FIXED us SWV1 BAL

STWAVE2 Start time waveform 2 FIXED us SWV2 BAL

SUBCHF High frequency data FIXED 1 SUBF MREX


SWDTH Number of gates used for SGA1 FIXED 1 SWD RPM

T03EA HTHP XMAC III EA time projection for reaching target temp FIXED hour T03E YYY

T03MA HTHP XMAC III MA time projection for reaching target temp FIXED hour T03M YYY

T08F Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T08F DSL

T08FO Time remaining until max temperature outside flask sensor FIXED hr T08O DSL

T09F Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T09F HTD

T0AF Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T0AF CN

T0AFO Time remaining until max temperature outside flask sensor FIXED hr T0AO CN

T1 Temperature 1 TEMPERATUREC degC T1 NIR

T13FO Time remaining until max temperature outside flask of 4490 FIXED hr T13O ORIT

T15FB Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T15B HDIL

T15FT Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T15T HDIL

T15MA Time remaining until maximum temperature w15ma reached FIXED hr T15M HDIL

T2 Temperature 2 TEMPERATUREC degC T2 NIR

T2BF Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T2BF FLEX

T2DW T2 decay based on water diffusivity at reservoir condition FIXED ms T2DW MREX

T2GM T2 geometric mean decay time FIXED ms T2GM MREX

T2GMA2 Second T2 geometric mean decay time FIXED ms T2G2 MREX

T2GMA3 Third T2 geometric mean decay time FIXED ms T2G3 MREX

T2GMA4 Fourth T2 geometric mean decay time FIXED ms T2G4 MREX

T2GMA5 Fifth T2 geometric mean decay time FIXED ms T2G5 MREX

T2PL Dielectric propagation time FIXED us T2PL DEL2

T2RF Time constant for fast decay FIXED us T2RF MREX

T2RF2 Second T2 time constant for fast decay FIXED us T2F2 MREX

T2RF3 Third T2 time constant for fast decay FIXED us T2F3 MREX

T2RF4 Fourth T2 time constant for fast decay FIXED us T2F4 MREX

T2RF5 Fifth T2 time constant for fast decay FIXED us T2F5 MREX

T2RS Time constant for slow decay FIXED us T2RS MREX

T2RS2 Second T2 time constant for slow decay FIXED us T2S2 MREX

T2RS3 Third T2 time constant for slow decay FIXED us T2S3 MREX

T2RS4 Fourth T2 time constant for slow decay FIXED us T2S4 MREX

T2RS5 Fifth T2 time constant for slow decay FIXED us T2S5 MREX

T42F Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T42F TELE

T42F0 Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T42F TELE

T4PL Dielectric propagation time FIXED us T4PL DEL4

T80F Time remaining until max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED hr T80F TELE

T80FO Time remaining until max temperature outside flask sensor FIXED hr T08O TELE

TAS Time of acquisition, ms from power up FIXED ms TAS MREX

TAU Channel A/D sampling period FIXED us TAU AC/ACX

TAU11 Channel A/D sampling period FIXED us TA11 DAL/DAC/MAC/NT/XMAC

TAUCB Sampling period for CBL subcycle transmitter FIXED us TAUC MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAUCBF Sampling period for CBL far transmitter spacing FIXED us TAUC MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAUCBN Sampling period for CBL near transmitter spacing FIXED us TAUC MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAUF Channel A/D sampling period for far transmitter FIXED us TAUF ACX/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAUN Channel A/D sampling period for near transmitter FIXED us TAUN ACX/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAUQ Sampling period for Q transmitter FIXED us TAUQ XMACF1

TAUXX Sampling period for X transmitter, X receiver FIXED us TAUX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAUXY Sampling period for X transmitter, Y receiver FIXED us TAUX XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAUYX Sampling period for Y transmitter, X receiver FIXED us TAUY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAUYY Sampling period for Y transmitter, Y receiver FIXED us TAUY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TAVE Traveltime average FIXED us TAVE RAL

TBRM Mud resistivity from rmudtmp2_0 processing function FIXED ohm.m TBRM TBRT

TBRTRTO ETBR/ITBR ratio for manufacturing FIXED 1 TBRR TBRT

TCAG Tool-centered spline angles FIXED deg TCAG BHP

TCAGW Tool-centered spline angles FIXED deg TCGW WGI

TCRD Tool-centered spline radii DIAMETER in TCRD BHP

TCRDW Tool-centered spline radii DIAMETER in TCDW WGI

TCSA Tubular casing cross-sectional area DIAMETER in2 TCSA BHP

TCSAW Tubular casing cross-sectional area DIAMETER in2 TCAW WGI

TCVO Tubular casing cumulative volume VOLUME ft3 TCVO BHP

TCVOW Tubular casing cumulative volume VOLUME ft3 TCVW WGI

TDET Top detector FIXED cts/s TDET NFL

TEA1 First T2 echo train inter-echo spacing FIXED ms TEA1 MREX

TEA2 Second T2 echo train inter-echo spacing FIXED ms TEA2 MREX

TEA3 Third T2 echo train inter-echo spacing FIXED ms TEA3 MREX

TEA4 Fourth T2 echo train inter-echo spacing FIXED ms TEA4 MREX

TEA5 Fifth T2 echo train inter-echo spacing FIXED ms TEA5 MREX

TELC Electronics temperature TEMPERATUREC degC TELC RCI


TEMP2 Temperature inside flask TEMPERATUREC degC TMP2 PNHI/RPM/NT/HDIL

TEN Differential tension TENSION lbf TEN SYST

TENCB Differential tension referenced to CBIL TENSION lbf TENC CBIL

TENDP Differential tension referenced to HDIP pad 1 TENSION lbf TEND HDIP

TENEI Differential tension referenced to EART pad 1 TENSION lbf TENE EART

TENFLG FLeX tension quality flag FIXED 1 TENF FLEX

TENGX Differential tension referenced to GXPL pad 1 TENSION lbf TENG GXPL

TENPK Differential tension referenced to RCI TENSION lbf TENP RCI

TENSB Pressure less than 100.0 FIXED 1 TENB RCI

TENST Differential tension referenced to STAR pad 1 TENSION lbf TENS STAR

TENW Differential tension referenced to WGI pad 1 TENSION lbf TENW WGI

TFATMP Time remaining until maximum temperature for fatemp FIXED hr TFTP HDIL

TFCAP Tuning fork computed static capacitance FIXED F TCAP NIR

TFDEN Tuning fork computed density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 TDEN NIR

TFGN00 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN ACX

TFGN01 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN XMACF1

TFGN01K Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGNK XMACF1

TFGN02 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN XMACF1

TFGN02K Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGNK XMACF1

TFGN03 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN XMACF1

TFGN06 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TFGN07 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN DAL

TFGN08 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN MAC/XMAC

TFGN09 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN ACX/DAL/XMACF1

TFGN09K Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGNK ACX/DAL/XMACF1

TFLSK Time remaining until maximum temperature inside flask sensor FIXED hr TFLK HDIL

TFRQ Unique frequency, sorted frequency values FIXED Hz TFRQ 3DEX

TFST00 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST ACX

TFST01 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST XMACF1

TFST01K Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MSTK XMACF1

TFST02 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST XMACF1

TFST02K Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MSTK XMACF1

TFST03 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST XMACF1

TFST06 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TFST07 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST DAL

TFST08 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST MAC/XMAC

TFST09 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST ACX/DAL/XMACF1

TFST09K Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MSTK ACX/DAL/XMACF1

TFVISC Tuning fork computed viscosity FIXED mPa.s TVIS NIR

TFWV00 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV ACX

TFWV01 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV XMACF1

TFWV01K Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWVK XMACF1

TFWV02 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV XMACF1

TFWV02K Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWVK XMACF1

TFWV03 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV XMACF1

TFWV06 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TFWV07 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV DAL

TFWV08 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV MAC/XMAC

TFWV09 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV ACX/DAL/XMACF1

TFWV09K Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWVK ACX/DAL/XMACF1

TGRAD Temperature gradient FORM-GRADIENT degF/100ft TGRD SYST

TH Thorium concentration FIXED ppm TH SL

TH011 Threshold value used for synch pulse pick AC waveform FIXED dim T011 AC

TH012 Threshold value used for synch pulse pick AC waveform FIXED dim T012 AC

TH021 Threshold value used for synch pulse pick AC waveform FIXED dim T021 AC

TH022 Threshold value used for synch pulse pick AC waveform FIXED dim T022 AC

TH11 Threshold value used for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim TH11 AC/DAL

TH12 Threshold value used for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim TH12 AC/DAL

TH21 Threshold value used for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim TH21 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

TH22 Threshold value used for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim TH22 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

TH232 Thorium content FIXED pct T232 PRSM

THAPI Thorium yield in API unit FIXED gAPI TAPI SL

THAPIC Thorium yield in API unit borehole corrected FIXED gAPI TAPI SL

THC Thorium concentration, borehole corrected FIXED 1 THC SL

TIM14 Time curve from TD for accelerometer correction to Minilog FIXED s TIM1 SYST

TIM18 Time curve from TD for accelerometer correction to gamma ray FIXED s TIMX SYST

TIM44 Time curve from TD for accelerometer correction to caliper FIXED s TIM4 SYST

TIM50 Time curve from TD for accelerometer correction to TTMA FIXED s TIM5 SYST

TIM67 Time curve from TD for accelerometer correction to CCL FIXED s TIMC SYST

TIME System time since record start FIXED ms TIME SYST

TIME32 System time since record start FIXED ms ETIM SYST

TLTFBD General error/warning feedback message, subset D FIXED dim TLFD 3DEX

TM8J Temperature array for double precision FIXED dim TM8J RCI

TM8K Temperature array for double precision FIXED dim TM8K RCI

TM8L Temperature array for double precision FIXED dim TM8L RCI

TMAX Traveltime maximum FIXED us TMAX RAL

TMIN Traveltime minimum FIXED us TMIN RAL

TMP Temperature (internal units of degC) TEMPERATUREC degC TMP NT

TMP1 Temperature sensor 1 TEMPERATUREC degC TMP1 NT

TMP2 Temperature sensor 2 TEMPERATUREC degC TMP2 NT

TMP3 Temperature sensor 3 (mandrel) TEMPERATUREC degC TMP3 RCOR


TMPP Temperature internal in POS TEMPERATUREC degC TMPP POS

TMPS Despiked average pad temperature TEMPERATUREC degC TMPS GXPL

TMRMN Time remaining minimum inside flask FIXED hr TMRN SYS

TMROMN Time remaining minimum outside flask FIXED hr TMRN SYS

TMV Torque motor voltage FIXED V TMV RCOR

TNGN01 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN XMACF1

TNGN01K Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGNK XMACF1

TNGN02 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN XMACF1

TNGN02K Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGNK XMACF1

TNGN03 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN XMAC

TNGN04 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN XMACF1

TNGN05 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TNGN06 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TNGN08 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC

TNGN09 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN XMACF1

TNGN09K Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGNK XMACF1

TNGN14 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN XMACF1

TNGN15 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN MAC/XMAC

TNST01 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST XMACF1

TNST01K Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HSTK XMACF1

TNST02 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST XMACF1

TNST02K Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HSTK XMACF1

TNST03 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST XMAC

TNST04 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST XMACF1

TNST05 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TNST06 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TNST08 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC

TNST09 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST XMACF1

TNST09K Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HSTK XMACF1

TNST14 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST XMACF1

TNST15 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST MAC/XMAC

TNTT08 Monopole multiplexed first arrival time FIXED ms HTT ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC

TNWV01 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV XMACF1

TNWV01K Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWVK XMACF1

TNWV02 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV XMACF1

TNWV02K Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWVK XMACF1

TNWV03 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV XMAC

TNWV04 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV XMACF1

TNWV05 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TNWV06 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV DAL/MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TNWV08 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV ACX/DAL/MAC/XMAC

TNWV09 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV XMACF1

TNWV09K Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWVK XMACF1

TNWV14 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV XMACF1

TNWV15 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV MAC/XMAC

TP1P Pad 1 temperature for abs mode TEMPERATUREC degC TMP1 GXPL

TP2P Pad 2 temperature for abs mode TEMPERATUREC degC TMP2 GXPL

TP3P Pad 3 temperature for abs mode TEMPERATUREC degC TMP3 GXPL

TP4P Pad 4 temperature for abs mode TEMPERATUREC degC TMP4 GXPL

TP5P Pad 5 temperature for abs mode TEMPERATUREC degC TMP5 GXPL

TP6P Pad 6 temperature for abs mode TEMPERATUREC degC TMP6 GXPL

TPOR Total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPOR MREX

TPORA2 Second total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPR2 MREX

TPORA3 Third total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPR3 MREX

TPORA4 Fourth total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPR4 MREX

TPORA5 Fifth total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPR5 MREX

TPRA Structured total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPRA MREX

TPRA2 Structured second total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPS2 MREX

TPRA3 Structured third total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPS3 MREX

TPRA4 Structured fourth total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPS4 MREX

TPRA5 Structured fifth total porosity (CBW + T2 bin array) POROSITY pu TPS5 MREX

TPSM Depth referenced ETIMD curve FIXED ms TPSM SYST

TPTA Temperature, EA main flask TEMPERATUREC degC TPTA 3DEX

TPTB Temperature, FA main flask TEMPERATUREC degC TPTB 3DEX

TPTC Temperature, mandrel TEMPERATUREC degC TPTC 3DEX

TPTD Temperature, FA transmitter chassis TEMPERATUREC degC TPTD 3DEX

TQGN03 4-component dipole YY multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim QGN3 XMACF1

TQST03 4-component dipole XX multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us QST3 XMACF1

TQWV03 YY-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim QYWV XMACF1




TRIG Orientation selection FIXED dim TRIG CBIL

TRMGN01 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN AC

TRMGN02 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim MGN AC/DAL/DAC

TRMGN03 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim CGN5 DAC/XMAC

TRMGN04 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim CGN3 DAC

TRMGN05 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

TRMGN06 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN DAC/MAC/XMAC

TRMGN07 Monopole multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim HGN DAC

TRMST01 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST AC

TRMST02 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us MST AC/DAL/DAC

TRMST03 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us CST5 DAC/XMAC

TRMST04 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us CST3 DAC

TRMST05 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

TRMST06 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST DAC/MAC/XMAC

TRMST07 Monopole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us HST DAC

TRMWV01 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV AC

TRMWV02 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim MWV AC/DAL/DAC

TRMWV03 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim CWV5 DAC/XMAC

TRMWV04 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim CWV3 DAC

TRMWV05 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

TRMWV06 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV DAC/MAC/XMAC

TRMWV07 Acoustic multiplexed waveform FIXED dim HWV DAC

TROL Tilt sensor roll angle FIXED deg TROL POS

TRQP Torque pressure PRESSURE psi TRQP RCOR

TRQPF Torque pressure PRESSURE psi TRQP RCOR

TRVWF Acoustic Hilbert semblance traveltime for far array FIXED us TRVF MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TRVWN Acoustic Hilbert semblance traveltime for near array FIXED us TRVN MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TS42F Time since reaching max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED h T42F TELE

TS42F0 Time since reaching max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED h T42F TELE

TS42F1 Time since reaching max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED h T42F TELE

TS42F2 Time since reaching max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED h T42F TELE

TSCP Temperature corrected pressure PRESSURE psi TSCP SRPL

TSDCM Time since reaching max temperature for inside flask sensor FIXED h T42F TELE

TSDP TPS differential pressure PRES-TGRAD psi/min TSDP SRPL

TT Integrated traveltime from acoustic slowness FIXED ms TT AC/ACX/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TT12 Traveltime T1R2 FIXED us TT12 BAL/SBT

TT21 Traveltime T2R1 FIXED us TT21 BAL/SBT

TT22 Traveltime T2R2 FIXED us TT22 BAL

TT23 Traveltime T2R3 FIXED us TT23 BAL/SBT


TTEMP2 Tool temperature, subset 2 TEMPERATURE degF TTEM LWC

TTEN Total tension TENSION lbf TTEN SYST

TTF Traveltime from far transmitter-receiver FIXED us TTF RAL

TTF1 Traveltime subcycle 0, T1R1 FIXED us TTF1 ACX

TTF2 Traveltime subcycle 0, T1R2 FIXED us TTF2 ACX

TTF3 Traveltime subcycle 0, T1R3 FIXED us TTF3 ACX

TTF4 Traveltime subcycle 0, T1R4 FIXED us TTF4 ACX

TTFE Traveltime estimate far transmitter FIXED us TTFE ACX/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TTL1 Short space PHA total spectrum FIXED 1 TTL1 RPM

TTL2 Long space PHA total spectrum FIXED 1 TTL2 RPM

TTLC1 Total carbon count rate (short detector) FIXED cps TLC1 RPM

TTLC2 Total carbon count rate (long detector) FIXED cps TLC2 RPM

TTMP Top sensor temperature TEMPERATUREC degC TTMP MCFM

TTN Traveltime from near transmitter-receiver FIXED us TTN RAL

TTNE Traveltime estimate near transmitter FIXED us TTNE DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TTQ Traveltime estimate quadrupole transmitter FIXED us TTQ XMACF1

TTR1 Traveltime from T-R1 FIXED us TTR1 RAL

TTR2 Traveltime from T-R2 FIXED us TTR2 RAL

TTR3 Traveltime from T-R3 FIXED us TTR3 RAL

TTR4 Traveltime from T-R4 FIXED us TTR4 RAL

TTR5 Traveltime from T-R5 FIXED us TTR5 RAL

TTR6 Traveltime from T-R6 FIXED us TTR6 RAL

TTR7 Traveltime from T-R7 FIXED us TTR7 RAL

TTR8 Traveltime from T-R8 FIXED us TTR8 RAL

TTS Traveltime estimate far monopole shear FIXED us TTS DAC/MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TTX Traveltime estimate dipole X-axis transmitter FIXED us TTX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TTY Traveltime estimate dipole Y-axis transmitter FIXED us TTY XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

TVD True vertical depth DEPTH DU TVD POS

TVDA True vertical depth, accelerometer DEPTH DU TVDA POS

TVDS True vertical depth (second tool) instance DEPTH DU TVDS RCI

TVDT True vertical depth, tilt sensor DEPTH DU TVDT POS

TVDX True vertical depth, external data DEPTH DU TVDX POS

TVSLP Time variable gain slope setting FIXED dim TVSP CBIL

TWAVE1 Transmitter code waveform 1 FIXED dim TWV1 BAL

TWAVE2 Transmitter code waveform 2 FIXED dim TWV2 BAL

TWTA Time remaining before wta (temp of accl) reaches target FIXED hr TWTA TTRM

TXTEMP Temperature near transmitter coil TEMPERATUREC degC TXTP HDIL/INDX/MREX

TXTMP Temperature at transmitter TEMPERATUREC degC TXTP MREX

TXXGN01 4-component dipole XX multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim XXGN XMACF1

TXXGN01K 4-component dipole XX multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim XXGN XMACF1

TXXGN02 XX-axis dipole multiplexed gains FIXED dim XXGN XMACF1

TXXGN02K XX-axis dipole multiplexed gains FIXED dim XXGN XMACF1

TXXGN03 XX-axis dipole multiplexed gains FIXED dim XXGN XMAC/XMACF1

TXXGN06 XX-axis dipole multiplexed gains FIXED dim XXGN MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TXXST01 4-component dipole XX multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XXST XMACF1

TXXST01K 4-component dipole XX multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XXST XMACF1

TXXST02 XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XXST XMACF1

TXXST02K XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XXST XMACF1

TXXST03 XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XXST XMAC/XMACF1

TXXST06 XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XXST MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TXXTS06 XX-axis dipole multiplexed transmitter number FIXED dim XXTS MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TXXWV01 XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XXWV XMACF1

TXXWV01K XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XXWV XMACF1

TXXWV02 XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XXWV XMACF1

TXXWV02K XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XXWV XMACF1

TXXWV03 XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XXWV XMAC/XMACF1

TXXWV06 XX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XXWV MAC/XMAC/XMACE

TXYGN01 XY-axis multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim XYGN XMACF1

TXYGN01K XY-axis multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim XYGN XMACF1

TXYGN03 XY-axis multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim XYGN XMAC

TXYST01 XY-axis multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XYST XMACF1

TXYST01K XY-axis multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XYST XMACF1

TXYST03 XY-axis multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us XYST XMAC

TXYWV01 XY-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XYWV XMACF1

TXYWV01K XY-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XYWV XMACF1

TXYWV03 XY-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim XYWV XMAC

TYXGN01 YX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform gains FIXED dim YXGN XMACF1

TYXGN01K YX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform gains FIXED dim YXGN XMACF1

TYXGN03 YX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform gains FIXED dim YXGN XMAC

TYXST01 XY-axis multiplexed waveform start times FIXED us YXST XMACF1

TYXST01K XY-axis multiplexed waveform start times FIXED us YXST XMACF1

TYXST03 XY-axis multiplexed waveform start times FIXED us YXST XMAC

TYXWV01 YX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim YXWV XMACF1

TYXWV01K YX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim YXWV XMACF1

TYXWV03 YX-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim YXWV XMAC

TYYGN01 4-component dipole YY multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim YGN1 XMACF1

TYYGN01K 4-component dipole YY multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim YGN1 XMACF1

TYYGN03 4-component dipole YY multiplexed waveform gain FIXED dim YGN3 XMAC/XMACF1

TYYST01 4-component dipole XX multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us YST1 XMACF1

TYYST01K 4-component dipole XX multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us YST1 XMACF1

TYYST03 4-component dipole XX multiplexed waveform start time FIXED us YST3 XMAC/XMACF1

TYYWV01 YY-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim YYWV XMACF1

TYYWV01K YY-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim YYWV XMACF1

TYYWV03 YY-axis dipole multiplexed waveform FIXED dim YYWV XMAC/XMACF1

U Uranium content FIXED ppm U SL

U238 Uranium content FIXED pct U238 PRSM

UAPI Uranium yield in API units FIXED gAPI UAPI SL

UAPIC Uranium yield in API units borehole corrected FIXED gAPI UAPI SL

UATN Uncompensated attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft UATN BAL

UC Uranium content, borehole corrected FIXED ppm UC SL

URKO01 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR01 MREX

URKO02 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR02 MREX

URKO03 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR03 MREX

URKO04 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR04 MREX

URKO05 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR05 MREX

URKO06 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR06 MREX

URKO07 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR07 MREX

URKO08 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR08 MREX

URKO09 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR09 MREX

URKO10 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR10 MREX

URKO11 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR11 MREX

URKO12 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR12 MREX

URKO13 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR13 MREX

URKO14 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR14 MREX

URKO15 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR15 MREX

URKO16 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR16 MREX

URKO17 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR17 MREX

URKO18 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR18 MREX

URKO19 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR19 MREX

URKO20 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR20 MREX

URKO21 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR21 MREX

URKO22 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR22 MREX

URKO23 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR23 MREX

URKO24 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR24 MREX

URKO25 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR25 MREX

URKO26 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR26 MREX

URKO27 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR27 MREX

URKO28 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR28 MREX

URKO29 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR29 MREX

URKO30 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR30 MREX

URKO31 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR31 MREX

URKO32 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR32 MREX

URKO33 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR33 MREX

URKO34 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR34 MREX

URKO35 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR35 MREX

URKO36 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR36 MREX

URKO37 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR37 MREX

URKO38 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR38 MREX

URKO39 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR39 MREX

URKO40 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR40 MREX

URKO41 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR41 MREX

URKO42 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR42 MREX

URKO43 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR43 MREX

URKO44 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR44 MREX

URKO45 Uncalibrated raw echo structured curve FIXED 1 UR45 MREX

UTHR Upper AGC percent of maximum FIXED pct UTHR AC

UVT1 UV temperature 1 FIXED degC UVT1 NIR

UVT2 UV temperature 2 FIXED degC UVT2 NIR

V1 1970MB module voltage 1 for R/C FIXED mV V1 RCI

V124 Velocity from 250 Hz, row 1, sensors 2 and 4 LENGTH-SPD ft/s V124 MCFM

V1BC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 1 sensors b and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V1BC MCFM

V1C 1970MB module calibration voltage 1 for R/C FIXED mV V1C RCI

V1P 1970MB module voltage 1 prime for R/C FIXED mV V1P RCI

V1PC 1970MB module calibration voltage 1 prime for R/C FIXED mV V1PC RCI

V2 1970MB module voltage 2 for R/C FIXED mV V2 RCI

V214 Velocity from 250 Hz, row 2, sensors 1 and 4 LENGTH-SPD ft/s V214 MCFM

V2AB Velocity from 500 Hz, row 2, sensors a and b LENGTH-SPD ft/s V2AB MCFM

V2AC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 2, sensors a and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V2AC MCFM

V2BC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 2, sensors b and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V2BC MCFM

V2C 1970MB module calibration voltage 2 for R/C FIXED mV V2C RCI

V2P 1970MB module voltage 2 prime for R/C FIXED mV V2P RCI

V2PC 1970MB module calibration voltage 2 prime for R/C FIXED mV V2PC RCI

V314 Velocity from 250 Hz, row 3, sensors 1 and 4 LENGTH-SPD ft/s V314 MCFM

V3AB Velocity from 500 Hz, row 3, sensors a and b LENGTH-SPD ft/s V3AB MCFM

V3AC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 3, sensors a and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V3AC MCFM

V3BC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 3, sensors b and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V3BC MCFM

V500 1826QA voltage regulator output FIXED V V5H RCOR

V614 Velocity from 250 Hz, row 6, sensors 1 and 4 LENGTH-SPD ft/s V614 MCFM

V6AB Velocity from 500 Hz, row 6 sensors a and b LENGTH-SPD ft/s V6AB MCFM

V6AC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 6 sensors a and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V6AC MCFM

V6BC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 6 sensors b and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V6BC MCFM

V714 Velocity from 250 Hz, row 7, sensors 1 and 4 LENGTH-SPD ft/s V714 MCFM

V7AB Velocity from 500 Hz, row 7, sensors a and b LENGTH-SPD ft/s V7AB MCFM

V7AC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 7, sensors a and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V7AC MCFM

V7BC Velocity from 500 Hz, row 7, sensors b and c LENGTH-SPD ft/s V7BC MCFM

V813 Velocity from 250 Hz, row 8, sensors 1 and 3 LENGTH-SPD ft/s V813 MCFM

V8AB Velocity from 500 Hz, row 8, sensors a and b LENGTH-SPD ft/s V8AB MCFM

VELR Velocity apparent from flow meter LENGTH-SPD ft/sec VELR SPNR

VELS Velocity apparent from spinner LENGTH-SPD ft/sec VELS FMCS/FMFI

VERS Tool software version number FIXED dim VERS PDK/RPM/SLAP

VILD Voltage of deep induction conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m VILD DIFL

VILM Voltage of medium induction conductivity CONDUCTIVITY mS/m VILM DIFL

VM Voltage measured all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw VM RTEX

VMA Voltage measured all frequencies complex amplitude FIXED raw VMA RTEX

VMAR Voltage measured (to armour) all frequencies DFT FIXED raw VMAR RTEX

VMP Voltage measured all frequencies complex phase FIXED raw VMP RTEX

VOLTAGE Sum of injection voltage samples (spm1) FIXED raw IVOL HDLL

VPVS Compressional to shear velocity ratio FIXED dim VPVS MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

VPVSX Compressional to shear velocity ratio (X-axis) FIXED dim VPVX MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1

VPVSY Compressional to shear velocity ratio (Y-axis) FIXED dim VPVY MAC/XMAC/XMACE/XMACF1


VRES Vertical resolution estimate LENGTH ft VRES MREX

VS1 Voltage source 1 all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw VS1 RTEX

VS2 Voltage source 2 all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw VS2 RTEX

VS3 Voltage source 3 all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw VS3 RTEX

VS4 Voltage source 4 all frequencies Fourier series FIXED raw VS4 RTEX

VSIG Voltage signature FIXED V VSIG HDLL



W08F WTS SL/GR flask temperature (subset f) TEMPERATUREC degC W08F SL

W08FO Temperature outside WTS flask TEMPERATUREC degC W08O SL

W08G Photomultiplier gain of tool in channel 0 (subset 0) FIXED dim W08G SL

W09F ZDL electronics flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W09F ZDL/SZDL

W09FO Electronics outside flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W9FO ZDL/SZDL

W09MA MA electronics flask temperature sensor reading TEMPERATUREC raw W9MA HTD

W0AF WTS CN flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W0AF CN

W0AFO Temperature outside WTS flask TEMPERATUREC degC W0AO CN

W106E Electronics temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W6ET CBIL

W106F Flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W6FT CBIL

W106S1 Status word 1 FIXED raw W6S1 CBIL

W106S2 Status word 2 FIXED raw W6S2 CBIL

W12G Hexdip ground voltage FIXED IU*** L*** HDIP

W13F Inside flask temperature of 4490 orientation TEMPERATUREC degC W13F ORIT

W13FO Temperature outside WTS flask TEMPERATUREC degC W13O ORIT

W14X Low gain analog ground offset reference FIXED mV W14X SLAD

W14Y High gain analog ground offset reference FIXED mV W14Y SLAD

W15FB EA flask temperature bottom sensor reading TEMPERATUREC raw W15B HDIL

W15FT EA flask temperature top sensor reading TEMPERATUREC raw W15T HDIL

W15MA MA electronics flask temperature sensor reading TEMPERATUREC raw W15M HDIL

W1BF1 Internal cpu temperature subset 1 TEMPERATUREC raw W1BF RTEX

W1BF2 Internal cpu temperature subset 2 TEMPERATUREC raw W1BF RTEX

W1BS12 Status word 1 subset 2 FIXED raw W1BS RTEX

W1BS2 General status subset 2 FIXED raw W1BS RTEX

W1BS22 Status word 2 subset 2 FIXED raw W1BS RTEX

W1BS32 Status word 3 subset 2 FIXED raw W1BS RTEX

W1CB Block length FIXED 1 W1CB ML

W1CC Tool checksum FIXED 1 W1CC ML

W1CF Tool flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W1CF ML MLL

W1CR Tool event status FIXED 1 W1CR ML MLL

W1CS Tool status FIXED 1 W1CS ML MLL

W1CX Tool status FIXED 1 W1CX ML MLL

W2BF Flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W2BF MTGR

W32F Flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W32F TTMA

W42F Electronics temperature (1826EB) TEMPERATUREC degC W42F RCOR

W42F0 Temperature 1826QA VREG heatsink TEMPERATUREC degC W420 RCOR

W42F1 Temperature 1826QA MC heatsink TEMPERATUREC degC W421 RCOR

W42F2 Temperature 1826QA sensor PCBA TEMPERATUREC degC W422 RCOR

W42MB DC motor controller temperature TEMPERATUREC raw W42B RCOR

W42S1 1826EA status word 1 FIXED 1 W4S1 RCOR

W42S2 1826EA status word 2 FIXED 1 W4S2 RCOR

W80F WTS COMR flask temperature TEMPERATUREC degC W80F TEMP

W80FO Temperature outside WTS flask TEMPERATUREC degC W80O TEMP

WAVE Digitized waveform FIXED dim WAVE SBT LWC

WAVE1 Waveform for spacing 1 FIXED dim WV1 BAL

WAVE2 Waveform for spacing 2 FIXED dim WV2 BAL/SBT

WAVEF Bandpass filtered waveform FIXED dim WAVF SBT

WAVEF2 Bandpass filtered waveform (second tool) FIXED dim WVF2 SBT

WCCL Wireline telemetry casing collar locator FIXED dim WCCL CCL

WFAL Aluminum formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFAL FLEX

WFALP2 Aluminum formation matrix weight fraction derived from Th FIXED 1 WAL2 FLEX

WFC Carbon formation weight fraction FIXED 1 WFC FLEX

WFCA Calcium formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFCA FLEX

WFCC Carbon formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFCC FLEX

WFFE Iron formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFFE FLEX

WFGD Gadolinium formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFGD FLEX

WFK Potassium formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFK FLEX

WFMG Magnesium formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFMG FLEX

WFMN Manganese formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFMN FLEX

WFO Oxygen formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFO FLEX


WFS Sulfur formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFS FLEX

WFSI Silicon formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFSI FLEX

WFTI Titanium formation matrix weight fraction FIXED 1 WFTI FLEX

WHP Wellhead pressure from surface strain gauge PRESSURE psi WHP SYST

WID1 Pad 1 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV WID1 STAR

WID2 Pad 2 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV WID2 STAR

WID3 Pad 3 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV WID3 STAR

WID4 Pad 4 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV WID4 STAR

WID5 Pad 5 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV WID5 STAR

WID6 Pad 6 average data of buttons 11, 12, 13, 14 FIXED mV WID6 STAR

WLA11 AGC window length FIXED us LA11 AC/DAL/NT

WLA12 AGC window length FIXED us LA12 AC/DAL/NT

WLA21 AGC window length FIXED us LA21 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/NT/XMAC

WLA22 AGC window length FIXED us LA22 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/NT/XMAC

WLSRC11 Search window length FIXED us WL11 AC/DAL

WLSRC12 Search window length FIXED us WL12 AC

WLSRC21 Search window length FIXED us WL21 AC/DAL/XMAC

WLSRC22 Search window length FIXED us WL22 AC


WRM Mud resistivity FIXED ohm.m WRM TTRM

WSA11 AGC window start FIXED us WA11 AC/DAL

WSA12 AGC window start FIXED us WA12 AC/DAL

WSA21 AGC window start FIXED us WA21 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

WSA22 AGC window start FIXED us WA22 AC/DAL/DAC/MAC/XMAC

WSSRC11 Search window start FIXED us WS11 AC/DAL

WSSRC12 Search window start FIXED us WS12 AC

WSSRC21 Search window start FIXED us WS21 AC/DAL/XMAC

WSSRC22 Search window start FIXED us WS22 AC

WTBH Temperature of borehole TEMPERATUREC degC WTBH TTRM

WTRF Water fraction FIXED 1 WTRF NIR

WTVC MCF water transmitter signal, cosine FIXED dim WTVC MCFM

WTVS MCF water transmitter signal, sine FIXED dim WTVS MCFM

WV11 Waveform, subcycle 1, channel 1 FIXED dim WV11 NT

WV11F FFT waveform, subcycle 1, channel 1 FIXED dim W11F NT

WV12F FFT waveform, subcycle 1, channel 2 FIXED dim W12F NT

WV21F FFT waveform, subcycle 2, channel 1 FIXED dim W21F NT

WV22F FFT waveform, subcycle 2, channel 2 FIXED dim W22F NT








WVFG Gain removed waveform FIXED dim WVFG ACX/DAL

WVFNG Gain removed waveform for far CBL spacing FIXED dim WVFG ACX/DAL





WVNG Gain removed waveform FIXED dim WVNG ACX/DAL


WVNNG Gain removed waveform for near CBL spacing FIXED dim WVNG ACX/DAL

WX X-axis accelerometer ACCELERATION mg WX TTRH

WY Y-axis accelerometer ACCELERATION mg WY TTRH

WZ Z-axis accelerometer ACCELERATION mg WZ TTRH

XAAVE Amplitude average times five FIXED mV XAVE RAL

XAMPN Fixed gate amplitude near receiver times five FIXED dim XAMP RAL/CBL

XATT X-axis attitude FIXED dim XATT SBT

XATT2 X-axis attitude, second tool FIXED dim XATT SBT

XBORA Average extra long space early gate window count rate ratio FIXED 1 XBRA RPM

XBORM Mean dev extra long space early gate window count rate ratio FIXED 1 XBRM RPM

XBORS Std dev extra long space early gate window count rate ratio FIXED 1 XBRS RPM

XDCR Transducer selection FIXED raw XDCR CBIL

XPOR Porosity used in FLeX corrections POROSITY pu XPOR FLEX

XS Extra long space count rate FIXED cts/s XS RPM

XSR Extra long space count rate reduced by ISSD quadratic fit FIXED cts/s XSR RPM

XVTA Power supply -75V DC FIXED V XVTA 3DEX

XVTB Power supply -15V DC FIXED V XVTB 3DEX

XVTC Power supply +75V DC FIXED V XVTC 3DEX

XVTD Power supply +15V DC FIXED V XVTD 3DEX

XVTE Power supply +500V DC (aka DC-CHV) FIXED V XVTE 3DEX

XWDTH Number of gates used for SGA3 FIXED 1 XWD RPM

XXAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, XX FIXED mS/m XXAI 3DEX

XXAO Apparent conductivity DFO, XX, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m XXAO 3DEX

XXAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, XX FIXED mS/m XXAR 3DEX

XXHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, XX rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 XXHF 3DEX

XXHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, XX FIXED uWb/m2 XXHI 3DEX

XXSEC Unique frequency, skin effect corrected conductivity, XX CONDUCTIVITY mS/m XXSC 3DEX

XXSECR Unique frequency, skin effect corrected resistivity, XX FIXED ohm.m XXSR 3DEX

XXSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, XX receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 XXSO 3DEX

XYAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, XY FIXED mS/m XYAI 3DEX

XYAO Apparent conductivity DFO, XY, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m XYAO 3DEX

XYAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, XY FIXED mS/m XYAR 3DEX

XYHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, XY rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 XYHF 3DEX

XYHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, XY FIXED uWb/m2 XYHI 3DEX

XYSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, XY receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 XYSO 3DEX

XZAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, XZ FIXED mS/m XZAI 3DEX

XZAO Apparent conductivity DFO, XZ, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m XZAO 3DEX

XZAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, XZ FIXED mS/m XZAR 3DEX

XZHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, XZ rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 XZHF 3DEX

XZHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, XZ FIXED uWb/m2 XZHI 3DEX

XZSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, XZ receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 XZSO 3DEX

Y1 Row 1 holdup FIXED dim Y1 MCFM

Y12A 16 Hz row 2 uphole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y12A MCFM

Y14A 16 Hz row 1 dnhole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y14A MCFM

Y2 Row 2 holdup FIXED dim Y2 MCFM

Y21A 16 Hz row 2 uphole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y21A MCFM

Y24A 16 Hz row 2 dnhole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y24A MCFM

Y3 Row 3 holdup FIXED dim Y3 MCFM

Y31A 16 Hz row 3 uphole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y31A MCFM

Y34A 16 Hz row 3 dnhole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y34A MCFM

Y4 Row 4 holdup FIXED dim Y4 MCFM

Y41A 16 Hz row 4 uphole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y41A MCFM

Y5 Row 5 holdup FIXED dim Y5 MCFM

Y51A 16 Hz row 5 uphole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y51A MCFM

Y6 Row 6 holdup FIXED dim Y6 MCFM

Y61A 16 Hz row 6 uphole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y61A MCFM

Y64A 16 Hz row 6 dnhole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y64A MCFM

Y7 Row 7 holdup FIXED dim Y7 MCFM

Y71A 16 Hz row 7 uphole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y71A MCFM

Y74A 16 Hz row 7 dnhole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y74A MCFM

Y8 Row 8 holdup FIXED dim Y8 MCFM

Y81A 16 Hz row 8 uphole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y81A MCFM

Y83A 16 Hz row 8 dnhole single end cond fluid fraction, method A FIXED dim Y83A MCFM

YANH Anhydrite formation weight fraction, normalized FIXED 1 YANH FLEX

YATT Y-axis attitude FIXED us YATT SBT

YATT2 Y-axis attitude, second tool FIXED us YATT SBT

YCARB Carbonate formation weight fraction, normalized FIXED 1 YCAR FLEX

YCLAY Clay formation weight fraction, normalized FIXED 1 YCLA FLEX

YCMAT Matrix carbon yield normalized FIXED 1 YMAT FLEX

YG Gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO MCFM

YG1 Row 1 gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YG1 MCFM

YG2 Row 2 gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YG1 MCFM

YG3 Row 3 gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YG1 MCFM

YG4 Row 4 gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YG1 MCFM

YG5 Row 5 gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YG1 MCFM

YG6 Row 6 gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YG1 MCFM

YG7 Row 7 gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YG1 MCFM

YG8 Row 8 gas holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YG1 MCFM

YO Oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO MCFM

YO1 Row 1 oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO1 MCFM

YO2 Row 2 oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO2 MCFM

YO3 Row 3 oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO3 MCFM

YO4 Row 4 oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO4 MCFM

YO5 Row 5 oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO5 MCFM

YO6 Row 6 oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO6 MCFM

YO7 Row 7 oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO7 MCFM

YO8 Row 8 oil holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YO8 MCFM

YPYR Pyrite formation weight fraction, normalized FIXED 1 YPYR FLEX

YQFM Quartz formation weight fraction, normalized FIXED 1 YQFM FLEX

YSALT Salt formation weight fraction, normalized FIXED 1 YSLT FLEX

YSID Siderite formation weight fraction, normalized FIXED 1 YSID FLEX

YW Water holdup, method A, C + Y FIXED dim YW MCFM

YXAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, YX FIXED mS/m YXAI 3DEX

YXAO Apparent conductivity DFO, YX, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m YXAO 3DEX

YXAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, YX FIXED mS/m YXAR 3DEX

YXHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, YX rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 YXHF 3DEX

YXHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, YX FIXED uWb/m2 YXHI 3DEX

YXSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, YX receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 YXSO 3DEX

YYAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, YY FIXED mS/m YYAI 3DEX

YYAO Apparent conductivity DFO, YY, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m YYAO 3DEX

YYAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, YY FIXED mS/m YYAR 3DEX

YYHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, YY rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 YYHF 3DEX

YYHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, YY FIXED uWb/m2 YYHI 3DEX

YYMMDD Year, month, day FIXED dim YMD SYST

YYSEC Unique frequency, skin effect corrected conductivity, YY CONDUCTIVITY mS/m YYSC 3DEX

YYSECR Unique frequency, skin effect corrected resistivity, YY FIXED ohm.m YYSR 3DEX

YYSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, YY receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 YYSO 3DEX

YZAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, YZ FIXED mS/m YZAI 3DEX

YZAO Apparent conductivity DFO, YZ, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m YZAO 3DEX

YZAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, YZ FIXED mS/m YZAR 3DEX

YZHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, YZ rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 YZHF 3DEX

YZHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, YZ FIXED uWb/m2 YZHI 3DEX

YZSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, YZ receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 YZSO 3DEX

ZCOR Density correction FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 ZCOR ZDL/SZDL

ZCOR2 Density correction (second tool) FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 ZCR2 ZDL/SZDL

ZDEN Formation bulk density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 ZDEN ZDL/SZDL

ZDEN2 Formation bulk density (second tool) FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 ZDN2 ZDL/SZDL

ZDER Density status error FIXED 1 ZDER DENX

ZDER2 Density status error FIXED 1 ZDR2 DENX

ZDLLSP SOFT,SFT2,HRD1,HRD2 in channels 0-255, long space detector FIXED IU*** ZDLL ZDL/SZDL/DENX

ZDLLSP2 SOFT,SFT2,HRD1,HRD2 in channels 0-255, long space detector FIXED IU*** ZDL2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX


ZDLSSP2 SOFT,SFT2,HRD1,HRD2 in channels 0-255 (second tool) FIXED IU*** ZDS2 ZDL/SZDL

ZDNC Borehole size/mud weight corrected density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 ZDNC ZDL/SZDL

ZDNC2 Borehole size/mud weight corrected density (second tool) FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 ZDC2 ZDL/SZDL

ZDR1A Frequency 1 pad 1 resistance FIXED ohm R1D1 GXPL

ZDR1B Frequency 2 pad 1 resistance FIXED ohm R2D1 GXPL

ZDR2A Frequency 1 pad 2 resistance FIXED ohm R1D2 GXPL

ZDR2B Frequency 2 pad 2 resistance FIXED ohm R2D2 GXPL

ZDR3A Frequency 1 pad 3 resistance FIXED ohm R1D3 GXPL

ZDR3B Frequency 2 pad 3 resistance FIXED ohm R2D3 GXPL

ZDR4A Frequency 1 pad 4 resistance FIXED ohm R1D4 GXPL

ZDR4B Frequency 2 pad 4 resistance FIXED ohm R2D4 GXPL

ZDR5A Frequency 1 pad 5 resistance FIXED ohm R1D5 GXPL

ZDR5B Frequency 2 pad 5 resistance FIXED ohm R2D5 GXPL

ZDR6A Frequency 1 pad 6 resistance FIXED ohm R1D6 GXPL

ZDR6B Frequency 2 pad 6 resistance FIXED ohm R2D6 GXPL

ZENI Integrated density FIXED psi ZENI ZDL/SZDL

ZENI2 Integrated density (second tool) FIXED psi ZEI2 ZDL/SZDL

ZENIC Borehole size/mud weight corrected integrated density FIXED psi ZDCI ZDL/SZDL

ZENIC2 Borehole size/mud weight corrected integrated den (2nd tool) FIXED psi ZDI2 ZDL/SZDL


ZGN2 ZDEN gain (second tool) FIXED dim ZGN2 ZDL/SZDL

ZGNS ZDEN gain, short space detector FIXED dim ZGNS ZDL/SZDL/DENX

ZGNS2 ZDEN gain, short space detector FIXED dim ZGS2 ZDL/SZDL/DENX

ZI1AU Freq 1 pad 1 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X1S1 GXPL

ZI1BU Freq 2 pad 1 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X2S1 GXPL

ZI2AU Freq 1 pad 2 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X1S2 GXPL

ZI2BU Freq 2 pad 2 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X2S2 GXPL

ZI3AU Freq 1 pad 3 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X1S3 GXPL

ZI3BU Freq 2 pad 3 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X2S3 GXPL

ZI4AU Freq 1 pad 4 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X1S4 GXPL

ZI4BU Freq 2 pad 4 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X2S4 GXPL

ZI5AU Freq 1 pad 5 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X1S5 GXPL

ZI5BU Freq 2 pad 5 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X2S5 GXPL

ZI6AU Freq 1 pad 6 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X1S6 GXPL

ZI6BU Freq 2 pad 6 capacitive part of complex formation impedance FIXED ohm-m X2S6 GXPL

ZR1AU Frequency 1 pad 1 resistance FIXED ohm R1P1 GXPL

ZR1BU Frequency 2 pad 1 resistance FIXED ohm R2P1 GXPL

ZR2AU Frequency 1 pad 2 resistance FIXED ohm R1P2 GXPL

ZR2BU Frequency 2 pad 2 resistance FIXED ohm R2P2 GXPL

ZR3AU Frequency 1 pad 3 resistance FIXED ohm R1P3 GXPL

ZR3BU Frequency 2 pad 3 resistance FIXED ohm R2P3 GXPL

ZR4AU Frequency 1 pad 4 resistance FIXED ohm R1P4 GXPL

ZR4BU Frequency 2 pad 4 resistance FIXED ohm R2P4 GXPL

ZR5AU Frequency 1 pad 5 resistance FIXED ohm R1P5 GXPL

ZR5BU Frequency 2 pad 5 resistance FIXED ohm R2P5 GXPL

ZR6AU Frequency 1 pad 6 resistance FIXED ohm R1P6 GXPL

ZR6BU Frequency 2 pad 6 resistance FIXED ohm R2P6 GXPL


ZU Volumetric photo absorption index FIXED b.g/cm3 ZU ZDL/SZDL

ZU2 Volumetric photo absorption index (second tool) FIXED b.g/cm3 ZU2 ZDL/SZDL

ZXAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, ZX FIXED mS/m ZXAI 3DEX

ZXAO Apparent conductivity DFO, ZX, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m ZXAO 3DEX

ZXAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, ZX FIXED mS/m ZXAR 3DEX

ZXHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, ZX rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 ZXHF 3DEX

ZXHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, ZX FIXED uWb/m2 ZXHI 3DEX

ZXSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, ZX receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 ZXSO 3DEX

ZYAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, ZY FIXED mS/m ZYAI 3DEX

ZYAO Apparent conductivity DFO, ZY, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m ZYAO 3DEX

ZYAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, ZY FIXED mS/m ZYAR 3DEX

ZYHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, ZY rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 ZYHF 3DEX

ZYHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, ZY FIXED uWb/m2 ZYHI 3DEX

ZYSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, ZY receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 ZYSO 3DEX

ZZAI Apparent conductivity unique frequency, imaginary, ZZ FIXED mS/m ZZAI 3DEX

ZZAO Apparent conductivity DFO, ZZ, all frequency pairs CONDUCTIVITY mS/m ZZAO 3DEX

ZZAR Apparent conductivity unique frequency, real, ZZ FIXED mS/m ZZAR 3DEX

ZZHF Normalized H-field in tool frame, ZZ rcvr, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 ZZHF 3DEX

ZZHI H-field unique frequency, imaginary, ZZ FIXED uWb/m2 ZZHI 3DEX

ZZSEC Unique frequency, skin effect corrected conductivity, ZZ CONDUCTIVITY mS/m ZZSC 3DEX

ZZSECR Unique frequency, skin effect corrected resistivity, ZZ FIXED ohm.m ZZSR 3DEX

ZZSO Synthesized DFO in tool frame, ZZ receiver, all freq pairs FIXED uWb/m2 ZZSO 3DEX

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