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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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1. The Moon is a Harsh Mistressby Robert A. Heinlein
By Jacob Miller
2. Intro
Published in 1966
Contains many predictions about the future regarding technology and political situation
The book received theHugo Awardfor best science fiction novel in 1967
Was nominated the Nebula Award in 1966.
3. Plot Summary
The basic summary is the book is about a lunar colony in the year 2075, and its revolt against Earth
It is a tale of revolution, of the rebellion of the former Lunar penal colony against the Lunar Authority that controls it from Earth
Protagonist and narrator of the story is Manuel Garcia "Mannie" O'Kelly-Davis, a one-armed computer technician
4. Book 1: That DinkumThinkum
After attending an anti-Authority meeting (the body that governs Luna), Mannie, Wyoming Knott and Professor Bernardo de la Paz decide to start a revolution
After conferring with Mike they gain his invaluable support
Begin making small cells of revolutionaries
Vote to stop sending wheat to Terra, and instead throw rocks which have the force of a nuclear bomb upon impact
Revolution begins, Luna belongs to the Loonies
5. Book 2: A Rabble in Arms
Whilst Mike impersonates the Lunar Authority causing Chaos on Earth the Loonies prepare for a Terran response
Mannie, The Professor and Wyoming travel to earth to get support for there cause, they are arrested
Eventually freed and go back to Luna
They unite the normally fractionalized Loonies
6. Book 3: TANSTAAFL!
Months have passed and the revolution is loosing steam
Terran troops land in major population centers and are wiped out by the Loonies
Mike begins using the catapult to target sparsely populated areas on Earth
In a second attack the catapult is destroyed, however a secrete one has been built
Eventually one by one nations recognize Luna
In the final attack Mike dies
7. TheDinkumThinkum: Mike
Mike or the HOLMES IV (High-Optional, Logical, Multi-Evaluating Supervisor, Mark IV)is a computer
He/ it is slowly given control over the Lunas systems
Eventually he malfunctions and Mannie is called in to fix him
To his surprise mannie discovers Mike is self-aware
In the end, during the revolution, Mike is destroyed
8. DinkumThinkum cont
Mike developed a strange characteristic for a computer: humor
Decided to pay a janitor $10,000,000,000,000,185.15
(10 million billion, 185 dollars
and 15 cents)
Additionally told the joke:
Q:Why is a laser beam like a goldfish?
A: Because neither can whistle (16)
Funny and strange right?
9. Mannies Third Arm
Mannie lost one of his arms in a mining accident
It was replaced with what he calls his third arm
The third arm is a robotic arm with various tools for detailed mechanical engineering
A prime example of a technological development that is predicted by Heinlein
Not too far of a stretch, this technology is already being used
10. Colonization of the Moon
In 2075 the moon is used a giant prison
Those who live there are convicts or their descendents, no one leaves due to the, irreversible physiological changes andgravitational field
Uses catapult to send stuff back to Earth
What the moon is used for:
Mine for Ice, in turn used for water
Grow Grain in Huge Tunnels
Grain is used to feed the masses on earth (especially India)
Have to import everything else
Logical progression since space on earth is severely limited
11. In the year 2075
Years before a nuclear war was the catalyst that lead to political transformation
Unification of North American under the United States, unification of South America, Europe, and Africa
The Soviet Union has lost the land east of the Urals to China
China has conquered all of East Asia, Southeast Asia, eastern Australia and New Zealand (deporting lots of unwanted people to Luna in the process).
The militarily dominant nations are North America and China.
India is overcrowded
12. Accuracy of Political Prediction
In the next decade China will surpass Germany and the United States to become the worlds largest economy
To extrapolate and say by the year 2075 China will be a dominant military power is not a stretch
If limited supply of oil, the USs 2 wars, or global warming dont destroy the US, it should be the other dominant power*
*Entirely my Speculation
13. Future Technology

  • Discovery of water on the moon 14. Almost self-sufficient colonies on the moon

Self-aware supercomputer
Electromagnetic catapult (see following slide)
Advanced Mining Techniques using high powered lasers
Robotic prosthetic limbs that help with extremely detailed tasks
15. Electromagnetic Catapult
Artists Rendition:
16. Accuracy in Prediction of Technological progression
Right About how computers will become more complicated, powerful and integrated in infrastructure systems
Already taking place now with traffic systems, power grids, and phone lines
Colony on the moon!
Plans were made during the Bush Administration
Electromagnetic Catapult, could be constructed in theory
17. Summary
The colonization and eventual independence of the moon is a common topic of sci-fi, Heinlein was the pioneer
His prediction of what the future will look like and how events will unfold are scary realistic
In my opinion the political and technological are almost spot on