diversity and inclusion are central to our firm’s founding ... that are entrusted to foster a work...

Post on 16-Mar-2018






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Diversity and inclusion are central to our firm’s founding principles and ongoing identity. Our diverse lawyers, who are men and women of different ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations and religious beliefs, make us a better firm and help us better serve all of our clients.

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP


One Liberty PlazaNew York, NY 10006Phone: 2122252000Fax: 2122253999www.clearygottlieb.com

LOCATIONSNew York, NY; Washington, DC; Abu Dhabi; Beijing; Brussels; Buenos Aires; Cologne; Frankfurt; Hong Kong; London; Milan; Moscow; Paris; Rome; SãoPaulo; Seoul

DIVERSITY LEADERSHIPHead(s) of Firm: Michael A. Gerstenzang, Managing PartnerDiversity team leader(s): Sandra L. Flow, Partner (New York, NY), Chair, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion; Lawrence B. Friedman, Partner (NewYork, NY), Vice Chair, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion; Derek M. Bush., Partner (Washington, DC), Chair, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion;Carlos Dávila-Caballero, Director of Diversity and Inclusion; Jessica Maroney Shillito, Manager of Diversity and Inclusion.


Currently As of December 31, 2016

Firmwide 1212 1239U.S. offices only 638 677

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Law Firm Demographic Profile

Does your firm have more than one tier of partnership?



Men Women

White/Caucasian 185 138African-American/Black 20 25

Hispanic/Latino 21 22Alaska Native/American Indian 0 2

Asian 21 45Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 8 13Openly GLBT 21 7

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 255 245

Men Women

White/Caucasian 46 39African-American/Black 2 9

Hispanic/Latino 2 4Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 11 7Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 1 1Openly GLBT 4 3

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 62 60

3 Cleary Gottlieb supports a diverse and inclusive environment and makesadjustments to accommodate the Firm's disabled lawyers and staff. Pleasenote, however, that the Firm does not track statistics as to the number ofdisabled lawyers


Men Women

White/Caucasian 76 14African-American/Black 1 2

Hispanic/Latino 2 2Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 4 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 5 1

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 83 18

Men Women

White/Caucasian n/a n/aAfrican-American/Black n/a n/a

Hispanic/Latino n/a n/aAlaska Native/American Indian n/a n/a

Asian n/a n/aNative Hawaiian/Pacific Islander n/a n/a

Multiracial n/a n/aOpenly GLBT n/a n/a

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal n/a n/a

OF COUNSEL (2016) NEW HIRES (2016)

Men Women

White/Caucasian 31 31African-American/Black 1 2

Hispanic/Latino 3 2Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 3 3Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 3 2

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 38 38

Men Women

White/Caucasian 46 30African-American/Black 4 6

Hispanic/Latino 7 6Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 5 13Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 2 2Openly GLBT 5 1

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 64 57

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Strategic Plan and Diversity Leadership

How does the firm's leadership communicate the importance of diversity to everyone at the firm?

Cleary Gottlieb continually focuses on our culture of excellence and inclusion, particularly our diversity efforts. D&I initiatives at Cleary Gottlieb are led by several activecommittees that are entrusted to foster a work environment that welcomes different perspectives, backgrounds and life experiences. These committees develop and sponsornumerous initiatives to support diversity and inclusion at the firm, including curriculum training, speaker series, affinity group activities, mentoring programs and special events.

The firm has both an internal and external diversity website. In addition, the Committee publishes a diversity report that is distributed to internal and external audiences thatmemorializes the firm's diversity and inclusion initiatives.

The Committee on Diversity and Inclusion and the Committee on Retention and Promotion of Women host cultural events, workshops and guest speakers throughout the yearwhose presentations enrich and broaden awareness about topics related to diversity and inclusion. These events and programs are publicized through the firm's diversity websiteand e-mails from the leadership to lawyers and staff. Invitations are also supported by direct solicitation from committee members to the general firm population.

Who has primary responsibility for leading diversity initiatives at your firm?

Michael Gerstenzang, (Managing Partner); Chairs of the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion: In Washington, D.C., Derek M. Bush (Partner); in New York, Sandra Flow(Partner), Lawrence Friedman, Vice Chair (Partner); and Carlos Dávila-Caballero (Director of Diversity and Inclusion) and Jessica Maroney Shillito (Manager of Diversity andInclusion)

Does your law firm currently have a diversity committee?


If yes, does the committee's representation include one or more members of the firm's management/executive committee (or equivalent)?


If yes, how many attorneys are on the committee, and in 2016, what was the total number of hours collectively spent by the committee in the furtherance ofthe firm's diversity initiatives?

Total attorneys on committee: 48Total hours spent on diversity: 3777Comments: The Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) and the Committee on Retention and Promotion of Women (CRPW) invest significant time in developing initiativesto support diversity efforts at the firm, including core curriculum training, workshops, speakers, mentoring and social events. A substantial portion of the time is completed byattorneys within the various subcommittees and working groups charged with the design and implementation of initiatives.

Does the committee and/or diversity leader establish and set goals or objectives consistent with management's priorities?


Has the firm undertaken a formal or informal diversity program or set of initiatives aimed at increasing the diversity of the firm?


If yes, is it formal or informal?


How often does the firm's management review the firm's diversity progress/results?


How is the firm's diversity committee and/or firm management held accountable for achieving results?

The firm's commitment to diversity and inclusion (D&I) is measured both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative measurements include a review of relevant industrybenchmarks such as industry surveys and reports, and number and quality of diversity programming and client recognition. Qualitatively, the Committee collects and monitors theprogress of minority attorneys and women, solicits feedback regarding inclusion efforts and proactively evaluates D&I strategies, among others.

Several mechanisms are in place to ensure accountability of the firm's D&I efforts including regular reports to the firm's Managing Partner, the Executive Committee and relevantpartners. The Committee on Diversity and Inclusion also engages in frequent evaluation against best practices within and outside of the law firm arena.

Broadly, the firm engages stakeholders to expand the impact of our diversity programming, hire, retain and promote diverse classes of lawyers, collaborate with externalorganizations that focus on diversity matters, and provide training to lawyers and administrative staff to promote cross-cultural and D&I awareness.

Cleary Gottlieb believes that diversity and inclusion is a continuous process that is constantly evolving at our firm. The focus continues to center around the development andadvancement of women and minority lawyers.

Is your firm minority-owned or women-owned?


Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Law Firm Diversity Initiatives




Not a CurrentPriority

X Undertake communication from firm management that diversity is a top priority of the firm

X Formalize diversity plan and committee with action steps and accountability to management

X X Conduct firmwide diversity training for all attorneys and staff

X X Focus on strengthening firm's mentoring program

X X Conduct internal diversity needs assessment (e.g., culture and environment surveys) and/or retain diversityconsultant to examine how firm culture might be more welcoming of minorities

X X Support law firm's internal affinity networks

X Hire a director of diversity or other full-time professional to implement the firm's diversity program

X X Coordinate or work with clients on diversity issues

X X Develop/expand relationships with minority bar associations and other legal diversity organizations to offerfirm's support of these networks

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Law Firm Diversity Initiatives




Not a CurrentPriority

X Increase the number of minority attorneys at the associate level

X Increase the number of minority attorneys at the partnership level

X Increase the number of minority attorneys in leadership positions

X X Focus on strengthening firm's mentoring program for minority attorneys

X X Manage/monitor allocation of work assignments and/or hours billed to ensure minority attorneys have equalaccess/inclusion on top client matters




Not a CurrentPriority

X X Institute a formal part-time policy that addresses partnership prospects

X Increase the number of women at the associate level

X Increase the number of women at the partnership level

X X Increase the number of women in leadership positions

X X Focus on strengthening firm's mentoring program for women

X X Manage/monitor allocation of work assignments and/or hours billed to ensure women have equal access/inclusion to top client matters

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Law Firm Diversity Initiatives




Not a CurrentPriority

X Offer same-sex domestic partners the same benefits available to married individuals

X X Increase the number of GLBT attorneys at the associate level

X X Increase the number of GLBT attorneys at the partnership level

X Increase the number of GLBT attorneys in leadership positions

X Ensure that EEO and non-discrimination policies specifically address gender identity




Not a CurrentPriority

X Increase the number of attorneys with disabilities at the associate level

X Increase the number of attorneys with disabilities at the partnership level

X Increase the number of attorneys with disabilities in leadership positions

X Ensure that EEO and non-discrimination policies specifically address individuals with disabilities

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pipeline Initiatives

Does your firm actively engage in initiatives to feed the diversity pipeline by encouraging minority students to consider law as a career and/or assisting themin pursuing such opportunities?

Participate in established pipeline programs, such as SEO, Legal Outreach, Prep for Prep or Street Law

Fund scholarships for minority high school or college students

Mentor high school or college students

Participate in or host mock trial programs or career events

Provide internships or employment to minority high school or college students

Outreach to middle school students

Please discuss any additional efforts to reach out to diverse undergraduates, high school, middle school or grade school students.

In 1991, Cleary Gottlieb initiated a partnership with Washington Irving High School to assist in improving the New York City public school system. The Washington Irvingcampus has undergone significant changes since the beginning of the partnership by evolving from one school to multiple independent high schools sharing the same building.The partnership continues today with the entire school building and allows the firm to participate in community service in an area where there is dramatic need. The partnershipactivities include mentoring students on a one-on-one basis, providing college advising, offering SAT preparation classes, a weekly book club and a Mock Trial team. The firmalso sponsors annual events, including an art showcase, a professional skills workshop and a volunteer service day. During the 2015-2016 school year, more than 250 lawyers andstaff participated in Washington Irving programs, interacting with over 350 students. This unique partnership has led to rising graduation rates and SAT scores, along with morestudents applying and being accepted to colleges. Cleary Gottlieb also participates in the Thurgood Marshall Summer Law Internship Program, which places high-achieving inner-city high school students with legal employers for the summer.

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Recruitment - New Associates

Does your firm annually recruit at any of the following types of institutions?

Ivy League schools: Columbia University School of Law; Cornell University Law School; Harvard Law School; University of Pennsylvania Law School; Yale Law School

Other private schools: Brooklyn Law School; Benjamin Cardozo School of Law; Boston College Law School; Boston University School of Law, University of Chicago LawSchool; Duke University School of Law; Emory University School of Law; Fordham University School of Law; George Washington University Law School; GeorgetownUniversity Law Center; New York University Law School; New York Law School; Northwestern University School of Law; University of Notre Dame Law School; University ofSouthern California Gould School of Law; Stanford Law School; Tulane University Law School; Washington University School of Law; Washington and Lee University Schoolof Law; Vanderbilt University Law School

Public state schools: University of California - Berkeley Law; University of California at Los Angeles School of Law; University of Iowa College of Law; University of MichiganSchool of Law; University of Minnesota Law School; The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law; University of Texas School of Law, University of Virginia School ofLaw; William and Mary Law School; University of Wisconsin Law School

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Howard University School of Law

Diversity job fairs: Harvard BLSA Job Fairs; Lavender Law Career Fair; and Northeast BLSA Job Fair

Do you have any special outreach efforts directed to encourage minority law students to consider your firm?

Hold a reception for minority students

Advertise in minority law student association publications

Participate in or host minority law student job fairs

Sponsor minority law student association events

Firm lawyers participate on career panels at schools

Outreach to leadership of minority student organizations

Scholarships or intern/fellowships for minority students

Other (please specify)Each summer, Cleary Gottlieb sponsors 4-5 interns from the Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) Program. SEO provides superior educational and career programs todiverse young people from underserved communities in order to maximize their opportunities for law school and career success. The interns are college graduates from diversebackgrounds who interact with lawyers and clients and participate in programs both inside and outside the Firm aimed at deepening the interns' understanding of potential futurelegal careers.The partnership with SEO has provided a successful pipeline for hiring diverse associates at Cleary Gottlieb, as SEO interns often return to the Firm as summer associates andultimately further into their legal careers as associates. To date, Cleary Gottlieb employs upwards of 20 associates and one partner who are alumni of the SEO Corporate LawProgram.

Do you have any programs specifically targeted at first-year students?

The firm engages in recruitment efforts to ensure a strong and talented pool of diverse applicants. We partner with law school affinity organizations and support student-ledinitiatives that promote diversity within their respective law schools. We host "fireside chats" early in the academic calendar, which feature on-campus meetings where ClearyGottlieb attorneys educate law students about life at a large firm. These meetings specifically target first-year law students and law school affinity groups, including African-American, Latino, Asian-American, Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, LGBT and women's groups. The tone of the meetings is informal, and students are encouraged to engage in adialogue with us about all aspects of professional life at Cleary Gottlieb. Fireside chats have proven to be an important and successful tool for building diversity at the firm.

The firm hosts receptions for minority law students, participates in diversity job fairs and encourages our attorneys to participate on career panels and networking events ledby affinity law student organizations. The Washington, DC office also hosts a Mock Interview Program each spring for diverse 1L law students. Students participate in a 30-minute mock interview and feedback session with one of our attorneys and attend an informal presentation where they hear practical advice about the fall recruitment process.The Washington, D.C. office hosts a 1L Diversity Summer Associate Program geared toward providing opportunity to members of diverse populations that are traditionallyunderrepresented in the legal profession. The program typically provides a minimum of eight weeks experience in Cleary Gottlieb's Summer Associate Program.

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Recruitment - New Associates


* Summer associates who received an offer of full-time employment

Men Women

White/Caucasian 46 39African-American/Black 1 7

Hispanic/Latino 1 4Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 11 7Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 1 1Openly GLBT 4 3

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 60 58

Men Women

White/Caucasian 46 39African-American/Black 1 7

Hispanic/Latino 1 4Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 11 7Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 1 1Openly GLBT 4 3

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 60 58


* Summer associates who accepted an offer of full-time employment * Summer associates who neither accepted nor declined an offer of full-timeemployment because of postgraduate clerkship/fellowship

Men Women

White/Caucasian 40 30African-American/Black 0 7

Hispanic/Latino 1 3Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 10 6Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 2 2

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 51 46

Men Women

White/Caucasian 6 3African-American/Black 2 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 1Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 1 1Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 1 1Openly GLBT 1 1

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 10 6

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Recruitment - Lateral Associates and Partners


Men Women

White/Caucasian 9 3African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 0 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 9 3

Men Women

White/Caucasian 1 1African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 1 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 0 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 2 1


* Both equity and non-equity * Both equity and non-equity promoted from associate or of counsel rank

Men Women

White/Caucasian 1 0African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 0 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 1 0

Men Women

White/Caucasian 3 2African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 1 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 1 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 4 2


* Whether hired laterally or promoted from within

Men Women

White/Caucasian 4 2African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 1 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 1 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 5 2

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Recruitment - Lateral Associates and Partners

What activities does the firm undertake to attract diverse attorneys?

Partner programs with women, minority, gay/lesbian or disability-focused bar associations

Participate at diversity job fairs

Attend events at diversity legal organizations

Seek referrals from other attorneys

Utilize online job services (e.g., MCCA Job Bank)

Hire recruiting professional who specializes in identifying diverse candidates

Other (please specify)

Do you use executive recruiting/search firms to seek to identify new diversity hires (partners or associates)?


If yes, are any of these executive recruiting/search firms women and/or minority-owned?


If yes, list all women and/or minority-owned executive search/recruiting firms to which the firm paid a fee for placement services in the past 12 months:

CrossdalePaul LLC (www.crossdalepaul.com)

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Retention and Professional Development

A T T O R N E Y S W H O L E F T T H E F I R M I N 2 0 1 6


Men Women

White/Caucasian 4 5African-American/Black 1 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 3Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 0 1

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 5 8

Men Women

White/Caucasian 5 3African-American/Black 1 1

Hispanic/Latino 1 1Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 1Openly GLBT 2 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 7 6


Men Women

White/Caucasian 7 9African-American/Black 1 0

Hispanic/Latino 3 2Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 1Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 1 1

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 11 12

Men Women

White/Caucasian 6 4African-American/Black 1 1

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 1 2Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 2 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 8 7


Men Women

White/Caucasian 4 1African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 1Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 1Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 0 1

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 4 3

Men Women

White/Caucasian 5 4African-American/Black 1 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 1 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 6 4

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Retention and Professional Development

A T T O R N E Y S W H O L E F T T H E F I R M I N 2 0 1 6


Men Women

White/Caucasian 3 2African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 1 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 1 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 4 2

Men Women

White/Caucasian 3 3African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 1 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 1 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 1 2

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 5 3


Men Women

White/Caucasian 1 2African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 0 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 1 2

Men Women

White/Caucasian n/a n/aAfrican-American/Black n/a n/a

Hispanic/Latino n/a n/aAlaska Native/American Indian n/a n/a

Asian n/a n/aNative Hawaiian/Pacific Islander n/a n/a

Multiracial n/a n/aOpenly GLBT n/a n/a

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal n/a n/a


Men Women

White/Caucasian 2 1African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 0 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 2 1

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Retention and Professional Development

Please identify the specific steps you are taking to reduce the attrition rate of diverse attorneys.

Develop and/or support internal employee affinity groups (e.g., networks within the firm for minorities, women, gay/lesbian attorneys, or individuals with disabilities)

Increase/review compensation relative to competition

Increase/improve current work/life programs

Adopt dispute resolution process

Succession plan includes emphasis on diversity and greater inclusion of non-white men and women in firm leadership

Work with diverse attorneys to develop career advancement plans

Introduce diverse attorneys to key clients, including to lead engagements

Review work assignments and hours billed to key client matters to make sure diverse attorneys, particularly non-white attorneys (i.e., minority attorneys, for whom researchindicates a greater inclusion problem), are not being excluded:

Strengthen mentoring program for all attorneys

Professional skills development program for all attorneys

Provide a gender-neutral parental leave policy that covers adoptions

Other (please specify)

Does your firm have part-time/flex-time policies that permit attorneys (male or female) to work alternative schedules?Yes

Comments:The Firm has a number of policies providing for more flexible work arrangements. Achieving a satisfying work/life integration is an important objective in building andmaintaining a long-term professional career at our Firm. As such, the Firm offers a reduced/flexible schedule for lawyers who seek flexibility. This program is available (byapplication) to any lawyer who has been at the Firm for at least two years. The program allows individuals to work on a part-time schedule (up to a 40% reduction from a full-time schedule) in one of many forms (including one day off weekly, breaks at ends of deals, certain months off yearly, etc.). The Firm is also committed to assisting lawyerswith childcare responsibilities in balancing the demands of the Firm's practice with those of caring for their families. The Firm provides back-up childcare services and haslong followed the practice of implementing reduced work schedules for lawyers of all levels of seniority who request them. Additionally, we provide a flexible/telecommutingpolicy that is designed to provide expanded opportunities for telecommuting by all lawyers and to formalize the Firm's policy regarding telecommuting. Absent from unusualcircumstances, as a general guideline, lawyers who have been at the Firm for less than one year may choose to work from home up to one weekday per month, and lawyers whohave been with the Firm longer than one year may choose to work from home up to two weekdays per month. A flexible/telecommuting full-time work program beyond one or twoweekdays per month is also available (by application) and is granted on a case-by-case basis.

What impact, if any, will the decision to work part time have on an attorney's ability to make a partner, or if already a partner, to remain a partner at yourfirm?

Cleary Gottlieb provides the opportunity for associates on a part-time, alternative or flexible work schedule to be considered for partnership. Among the most important elementsthat are considered by the Firm in electing new partners and counsel are the candidates' experience and commitment to the practice of law and to the Firm. Associates who adopta flexible/reduced schedule acknowledge that the Firm may need more time to consider their candidacies in a fair and comprehensive manner. The Firm periodically assesses theimpact of a reduced schedule on a participating associate's seniority and the time of his or her possible advancement to another position, and makes every effort to communicatethese assessments in a candid and timely manner.

How many current equity partners have worked part time, exclusive of maternity/paternity leave or short-term disability?


Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Retention and Professional Development


Associates 4 16 20 500Of counsel 3 6 9 76

Non-equity partner n/a n/a n/a n/aEquity partner 0 0 0 101

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Management Demographic Profile

F I R M W I D E C O M M I T T E E S 2 0 1 6


* Attorneys on the Executive/Management Committee or equivalent * Attorneys on Hiring Committee or equivalent

Men Women

White/Caucasian 7 1African-American/Black 0 0

Hispanic/Latino 1 1Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 1 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 0 1

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 9 2

Men Women

White/Caucasian 18 6African-American/Black 0 2

Hispanic/Latino 0 0Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 0 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 1 0

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 18 8


* Attorneys on the Partner Review Committee or equivalent * Attorneys on the Associate Review Committee or equivalent

Men Women

White/Caucasian n/a n/aAfrican-American/Black n/a n/a

Hispanic/Latino n/a n/aAlaska Native/American Indian n/a n/a

Asian n/a n/aNative Hawaiian/Pacific Islander n/a n/a

Multiracial n/a n/aOpenly GLBT n/a n/a

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal n/a n/a

Men Women

White/Caucasian 17 9African-American/Black 0 1

Hispanic/Latino 1 2Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 1 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 0Openly GLBT 1 1

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 19 12


Men Women

White/Caucasian 16 8African-American/Black 4 3

Hispanic/Latino 1 2Alaska Native/American Indian 0 0

Asian 5 3Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0

Multiracial 0 1Openly GLBT 4 2

Individuals with disabilities n/a n/aTotal 26 17

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Management Demographic Profile


Leadership positions (2016) U.S. office headsPractice group/

department leaders Committee leadersTotal number of positions n/a n/a 33Number of such positions held by:

Minorities n/a n/a 4Women n/a n/a 11GLBT attorneys n/a n/a 3Individuals with disabilities n/a n/a n/a

Please provide information regarding all diverse attorneys who currently head offices, practice groups and committees. Enter responses inthe following format: Attorney, Office location/Practice group/Committee (No. of attorneys in office/practice group/committee).


How many offices does your firm have in the United States? 2

Minorities heading offices: The Firm does not have office heads or formal departments with formal heads.

Women heading offices: The Firm does not have office heads or formal departments with formal heads.

GLBT attorneys heading offices: The Firm does not have office heads or formal departments with formal heads.

Individuals with disabilities heading offices: The Firm does not have office heads or formal departments with formal heads.


Minorities heading practices: Though the firm does not have formal departments with formal heads, several attorneys can be highlighted: Kimberly Blacklow, Real Estate;Kenneth S. Blazejewski, Private Equity-Fund Formation; Victor Hou, Litigation; Jorge U. Juantorena, Latin America; Sung K. Kang, Capital Markets; Humayun Khalid,Bankruptcy & Restructuring; Chantal E. Kordula, Latin America; Chris Churl-Min Lee, Private Equity-Fund Formation; David C. Lopez, Capital Markets; Rahul Mukhi,Litigation; Francesca Odell, Latin America; Breon S. Peace, Litigation; Paul J. Shim, Corporate; Kimberly Spoerri, Mergers & Acquisitions; Elizabeth Vicens, Litigation; Rishi N.Zutshi, Litigation

Women heading practices: Though the firm does not have formal departments with formal heads, several attorneys can be highlighted: Mary E. Alcock, ERISA; Robin M.Bergen, Corporate; Kimberly B. Blacklow, Real Estate; Leah Brannon, Litigation; Penelope L. Christophorou, Corporate; Kathleen Emberger, ERISA; Elaine H. Ewing, Antitrust;Sandra L. Flow, Corporate; Helena Grannis, Corporate; Caroline F. Hayday, ERISA; Heidi H. Ilgenfritz, Trusts and Estates; Judith Kassel, Trusts and Estates; Chantal Kordula,Latin America; Meredith Kotler, Litigation; Elizabeth Lenas, Corporate; Pamela Marcogliese, Capital Markets; Joyce E. McCarty, Structured Finance; Erika W. Nijenhuis, Tax;Francesca Odell, Latin America; Louise M. Parent, Capital Markets; Jennifer Kennedy Park, Litigation; Margaret E. Peponis, Corporate; Sandra M. Rocks, Corporate; Lisa M.Schweitzer, Bankruptcy & Restructuring; Amy R. Shapiro, Corporate; Kimberly Spoerri, Mergers & Acquisitions; Jane VanLare, Bankruptcy & Restructuring; Elizabeth Vicens,Litigation; Diana L. Wollman, Tax

GLBT attorneys heading practices: Though the firm does not have formal departments with formal heads, several attorneys can be highlighted: Luke A. Barefoot, Bankruptcyand Restructuring; Robin M. Bergen, Corporate; Carmine Boccuzzi, Litigation; Douglas S. Borisky, Tax; Meyer H. Fedida, Tax; Corey M. Goodman, Tax; Seth Grosshandler,Corporate; John V. Harrison, Real Estate; Joyce E. McCarty, Structured Finance.

Individuals with disabilities heading practices: N/A


Minorities heading committees: Alexis Collins, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI), Washington D.C., Vice Chair (14 attorneys); Victor Hou, Business DevelopmentCommittee, New York, Chair, (6 attorneys); Francesca Odell, New York International Lawyer Program; Carlos von der Hyde, New York International Lawyer Program

Women heading committees: Arminda Bepko, New York Summer Program Supervisor; Leah Brannon, Associates Committee, Washington D.C., Vice Chair (9 attorneys); AlexisCollins, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI), Washington, D.C., Vice Chair (16 attorneys); Elaine H. Ewing, Summer Program Committee, Washington, D.C., Co-Chair(17 attorneys) and Recruiting Committee, Washington D.C., Vice Chair (10 attorneys); Sandra Flow, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion New York, Chair (35 attorneys);Elizabeth Lenas, Recruiting Committee, New York, Vice Chair, (18 attorneys); Pamela Marcogliese, Global Committee on Leadership Development, Chair (16 attorneys);Francesca Odell, New York International Lawyer Program; Margaret S. Peponis, Committee on Retention and Promotion of Women, Chair (26 attorneys); Sandra M. Rocks,Global Opinions Committee, Vice Chair (15 attorneys); Amy R. Shapiro, Global Opinions Committee, Chair (15 attorneys); Lisa M. Schweitzer, Recruiting Committee, NewYork, NY, Chair (18 attorneys)

GLBT attorneys heading committees: Meyer Fedida, New York Summer Program Supervisor

Individuals with disabilities heading committees: N/A

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Firm Says

Cleary Gottlieb continually works to maintain and enhance our culture of excellence and inclusion. To that end, the firm supports a Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI)and Committee on Retention and Promotion of Women (CRPW) to focus on the retention, development and promotion of diverse and female lawyers.

The CDI is currently chaired by Ms. Sandra L. Flow, Partner in New York and by Mr. Derek Bush, Partner in Washington, D.C. The Committees are comprised of more than 40lawyers from various practice areas and levels of seniority, including associates, senior attorneys, counsel and partners. The New York CDI meets at least once a month, and theWashington, D.C. CDI meets bi-monthly, with additional meetings as necessary. Both Committees develop and sponsor numerous initiatives to support diversity and inclusion atthe firm, including curriculum, training, speaker series, affinity group activities, mentoring programs and special events.

The firm's gender equity efforts are led by the CRPW, a standing committee currently chaired by Ms. Margaret (Meme) S. Peponis, Partner in New York. The CRPW addressestopics related to the advancement of women at the firm. The CRPW meets monthly and is comprised of female and male lawyers from varying practice areas and levels ofseniority, including associates, senior attorneys, counsel and partners. The CRPW contributes to women's initiatives by sponsoring associate-partner lunches, collaborating withthe associate-founded and led Women's Working Group (WWG) on business and skills-development programming and expanding mentoring programs, including oversight of theCleary Mentoring Circles (CMC) program.

In addition to the partner-led Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) and Committee on Retention and Promotion of Women (CRPW), Cleary has three full-timeprofessionals devoted exclusively to implementing and advancing the firm's numerous Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) initiatives to ensure the attainment of firm goals in New York.Together, the Diversity & Inclusion team assists in providing strategy and expertise to the firm's leadership, as well as to the relevant committees and departments. These include,but are not limited to, the CDI, CRPW, Associates Committee and the Recruiting, Professional Development and Human Resources departments. In addition, the firm continuallyemploys outside D&I consultants to stay abreast of best practices and raise awareness of information critical to the success of the firm. The firm also has a Manager of ProfessionalDevelopment and Diversity/Inclusion Initiatives who is responsible for the development and implementation of diversity programming in Washington, D.C.

Ongoing D&I efforts include the following:

• Providing support and encouragement to Cleary Gottlieb's affinity groups and Women's Working Group (WWG)

• Strengthening mentoring programs

• Contributing to associates' professional development

• Presenting educational programs on diversity and inclusion

• Hosting speakers and programs throughout the year that advance the diversity dialogue

• Supporting organizations and events related to diversity and inclusion

• Receiving recognition from clients and awards from bar and industry organizations for the firm's diversity efforts


Cleary Gottlieb believes that fostering interactions among lawyers with similar affinities, as well as those with diverse experiences and perspectives, makes the firm a morewelcoming and supportive institution, and one that is better positioned to serve our clients. Cleary currently supports a Women's Working Group and five affinity groups that helpto create an environment of inclusion where all attorneys have the opportunity to thrive in the larger firm community.

Women's Working Group (WWG)

The Women's Working Group (WWG) is a resource group for female associates in all practice areas and at all levels of seniority at Cleary Gottlieb. The WWG collaborateswith the CDI and CRPW, as well as other internal committees, to advance women's initiatives at Cleary Gottlieb. The goals of the WWG are threefold: 1) to foster a sense ofcommunity and maintain a support and social network for female lawyers at the firm; 2) to organize activities and discussions in areas and on topics of interest to female lawyersand 3) to serve as a vehicle for female lawyers to share thoughts and concerns on a wide range of topics impacting their professional development.

Affinity Groups

Cleary's affinity groups are comprised of lawyers from varying practice areas and levels of seniority. Any lawyer may become a member of one or more groups based on affinity orindividual interest. Senior members of the CDI are charged with providing support, guidance and expertise to the affinity groups. To facilitate direct communication, each affinitygroup also has associate representatives on the CDI who serve as liaisons between the Committee and their respective affinity groups. Affinity Groups conduct continuing legaleducation programs, participate in recruiting efforts, organize social activities and raise awareness about topics relevant to the members of the group. These programs and activitiessupport our retention initiatives and complement the firm's efforts to foster a culture of inclusion.

The CDI supports the following five affinity groups for Cleary Gottlieb lawyers:

• Black Affinity Group • East Asian Affinity Group • Hispanic/Latino Affinity Group • LGBT Affinity Group • South East Asian – South Asian – Middle Eastern Affinity Group


Cleary Gottlieb continually identifies opportunities for the firm's leadership to engage in substantive dialogue around the associate experience, especially as it pertains to femaleassociates and associates of color.

One recent successful initiative is our series of Associate Coffee Breaks with the Managing Partner. In 2016, Cleary's Managing Partner launched a series of informal Q&Aassociate coffee breaks with the firm's five affinity groups and Women's Working Group to promote a direct dialogue and to foster an environment of inclusion. The goal of theseinformal gatherings was to provide associates with the opportunity to learn about firm management and to share with the Managing Partner their insights about their time at thefirm, and as part of their respective affinity groups.

The open-ended Q&A format of these sessions provided a platform for the associates in each group to drive the conversation and raise the topics most important to them. Thisincreased communication between associates and firm leadership has led to valuable insight on the best methods to develop our associate population, particularly our women and

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP2017 VAULT/MCCA LAW FIRM DIVERSITY SURVEY

Response to Spring 2017 Vault/MCCA Law Firm Diversity Survey. Complete survey results available in Law Firm Diversity Database(http://mcca.vault.com). Copyright © 2017 Vault.com Inc. and Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

diverse associates. In 2017, Cleary named a new Managing Partner who has enthusiastically continued the coffee break initiative to help foster an open dialogue with the firm'swomen and diverse associates.


Cleary Gottlieb further demonstrates its commitment to D&I by continually expanding the firm's engagement and partnership with leading stakeholders inside and outside the legalindustry. The firm looks to strategic partnerships with diversity organizations as a valuable source for helping to develop and retain our diverse talent. Significant partnershipsinclude:

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY), Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF),Association of Black Women Attorneys (ABWA), Association of Law Firm Diversity Professionals (ALFDP), Council of Urban Professionals (CUP), DirectWomen, FederalBar Council, Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY), Lambda Legal, LatinoJustice PRLDEF,Lawyers for Empowerment and the Advancement of Diversity (LEAD), Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD), LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York (LeGaL),Legal Outreach, Inc., Metropolitan Black Bar Association (MBBA), National Association of Law Placement (NALP), New York City Bar Association, New York Civil LibertiesUnion Foundation (NYCLU), Out in Law and Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO)

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