discovery safari adventure

Post on 04-Mar-2016






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Self Discovery african safari adventure program


Depart for your adventure Arrive in Kiambi Lodge Zambia Game viewing and team buildingactivities in the bushland.


Your African Safari experience starts when land at Lusaka the capital of Zambia. This is where our busses will meet you and transport you through the town and to Chirundu where you leave the main road and descend down the escarpment where we will meet you and transport you by barge to your first stop, a luxury base camp.

Whilst on safari with us you will discover the world as it was hundreds of years ago. The mighty Zambezi River will be your freeway, the sound of traffic and horns blowing will be replaced by bird calls, elephants trumpeting and the splash from large fish jumping.

The cars and trucks will be replaced by water fowl and hippos. In place of the traffic patrol at the side of the road you will see crocodiles lying on the river banks.

As you journey with our specialized team of guides and tour leaders you will learn how closely human behavior is reflected in the animals you will see along the way. By discovering the animal within you and understanding how this shapes your life will make a huge difference to the way you will see life and the way you behave in the future.

My team and I are here to make your safari the most memorable experience of your life. It has been said that once you hear the cry of the African Fish Eagle you will always want to come back to hear it again.

Marvel at the giant baobab trees

Private island camp. Curiosity brings the elephants and animals

Paddling down the mighty Zambezi A lioness surveying the surrounds

Watching a pride of lions up closeYour home on day 3 and 4

Game viewing on the River

Speed boat transfer to the lodge The sun sets on another perefct day

Your dining room on the river bank Guided game viewing drives Unique luxury in the wilderness Paddling down the river as a group

Depart for your adventure Arrive in Kiambi Lodge Zambia Game viewing and team buildingactivities in the bushland.


Your African Safari experience starts when land at Lusaka the capital of Zambia. This is where our busses will meet you and transport you through the town and to Chirundu where you leave the main road and descend down the escarpment where we will meet you and transport you by barge to your first stop, a luxury base camp.

Whilst on safari with us you will discover the world as it was hundreds of years ago. The mighty Zambezi River will be your freeway, the sound of traffic and horns blowing will be replaced by bird calls, elephants trumpeting and the splash from large fish jumping.

The cars and trucks will be replaced by water fowl and hippos. In place of the traffic patrol at the side of the road you will see crocodiles lying on the river banks.

As you journey with our specialized team of guides and tour leaders you will learn how closely human behavior is reflected in the animals you will see along the way. By discovering the animal within you and understanding how this shapes your life will make a huge difference to the way you will see life and the way you behave in the future.

My team and I are here to make your safari the most memorable experience of your life. It has been said that once you hear the cry of the African Fish Eagle you will always want to come back to hear it again.

Marvel at the giant baobab trees

Private island camp. Curiosity brings the elephants and animals

Paddling down the mighty Zambezi A lioness surveying the surrounds

Watching a pride of lions up closeYour home on day 3 and 4

Game viewing on the River

Speed boat transfer to the lodge The sun sets on another perefct day

Your dining room on the river bank Guided game viewing drives Unique luxury in the wilderness Paddling down the river as a group

Exclusivity, Adventure, Self Discovery

To ensure exclusivity we are limiting each safari to a maximum of 12 people, this will enable our guides, who are world leaders in their field to get you up close and personal with the biggest animals in the wild including elephant, buffalo, hippo, and for the fortunate lions and sometimes leopards.

All our guides have at least 20 years experience and for those lucky enough to take part in one of our safaris you will take away memories that will last you for the rest of your life

It is early morning and you awake to the call of the African fish Eagle with its haunting cry, the guinea fowl and the francolin are adding their voices to those of hundreds of others. You finish your steaming mug of coffee and follow your group guide.

As you start to walk your guide looks down at the footprints, spoor, of the animals. He reads these prints like you read the morning paper. Look, he says, there are the tracks of a pride of lions that came through about 2 hours ago. Buffalo passed through here early yesterday evening, here are the tracks of a small herd of elephant that must be nearby. You follow in silence with your camera at the ready, you walk through a small clearing and suddenly you can hear the sound of a tree being snapped off. Elephant are here and they are near, and there they are. In spite of their huge size they move very quietly when they are not feeding.

The early morning air is barely moving, luck is with you, the breeze such as it is, is coming towards you. The elephants will not smell you. You remain absolutely quiet taking picture after magnificent picture. There is no need for long range telephoto lenses, the elephants fill the field on your mobile phone. The old female, the matriarch lifts her trunk, flaps her ears, she senses people are close and she moves off taking her family and friends with her.

After the elephants disappear you realize that you have hardly taken a proper breath, that your mouth is dry from all the adrenaline and excitement, now it is time to visit the buffalo and all the other antelope. That night as you sit around a log fire your guides will show you how to recognize the stars, for surely you will see more stars here in a single night than most people see in a life time of looking up in the cities of the world.

Where else in the world can you be transported by barge to your own private island where tribal dancers and the local traditional medicine man will entertain you. Where the stories that your guides tell you will make you laugh so much that your sides will be sore. Where you spend the last 3 days of your safari traveling in a canoe that you guide as the lazy current takes you past herds of hippo, past crocodiles, colonies of rare birds. Where your safari team goes ahead and sets up your camp for the night. Where you can have hot showers and flush toilets that have been erected just for your use. They will be dismantled the following day and the area left pristine once more.

There is only one answer to all of these questions, it is on our amazing safari where we will show you how your personality profile matches that of various animals, and when you understand how that works you will change the way you see the world forever.

Exclusivity, Adventure, Self Discovery

To ensure exclusivity we are limiting each safari to a maximum of 12 people, this will enable our guides, who are world leaders in their field to get you up close and personal with the biggest animals in the wild including elephant, buffalo, hippo, and for the fortunate lions and sometimes leopards.

All our guides have at least 20 years experience and for those lucky enough to take part in one of our safaris you will take away memories that will last you for the rest of your life

It is early morning and you awake to the call of the African fish Eagle with its haunting cry, the guinea fowl and the francolin are adding their voices to those of hundreds of others. You finish your steaming mug of coffee and follow your group guide.

As you start to walk your guide looks down at the footprints, spoor, of the animals. He reads these prints like you read the morning paper. Look, he says, there are the tracks of a pride of lions that came through about 2 hours ago. Buffalo passed through here early yesterday evening, here are the tracks of a small herd of elephant that must be nearby. You follow in silence with your camera at the ready, you walk through a small clearing and suddenly you can hear the sound of a tree being snapped off. Elephant are here and they are near, and there they are. In spite of their huge size they move very quietly when they are not feeding.

The early morning air is barely moving, luck is with you, the breeze such as it is, is coming towards you. The elephants will not smell you. You remain absolutely quiet taking picture after magnificent picture. There is no need for long range telephoto lenses, the elephants fill the field on your mobile phone. The old female, the matriarch lifts her trunk, flaps her ears, she senses people are close and she moves off taking her family and friends with her.

After the elephants disappear you realize that you have hardly taken a proper breath, that your mouth is dry from all the adrenaline and excitement, now it is time to visit the buffalo and all the other antelope. That night as you sit around a log fire your guides will show you how to recognize the stars, for surely you will see more stars here in a single night than most people see in a life time of looking up in the cities of the world.

Where else in the world can you be transported by barge to your own private island where tribal dancers and the local traditional medicine man will entertain you. Where the stories that your guides tell you will make you laugh so much that your sides will be sore. Where you spend the last 3 days of your safari traveling in a canoe that you guide as the lazy current takes you past herds of hippo, past crocodiles, colonies of rare birds. Where your safari team goes ahead and sets up your camp for the night. Where you can have hot showers and flush toilets that have been erected just for your use. They will be dismantled the following day and the area left pristine once more.

There is only one answer to all of these questions, it is on our amazing safari where we will show you how your personality profile matches that of various animals, and when you understand how that works you will change the way you see the world forever.

There are 4 ways to view game, from a power boat, on foot, in a canoe or by vehicle. You will experience all 4.

Our guides will show you, how in nature all things are linked. Insects, grasses, trees, flowers, birds, small animals, large animals, huge animals. The hunters and the hunted, killers and scavengers all play a unique role in maintaining the balance of nature.

Explore, Engage, Experience.... A differnt world.

There are 4 ways to view game, from a power boat, on foot, in a canoe or by vehicle. You will experience all 4.

Our guides will show you, how in nature all things are linked. Insects, grasses, trees, flowers, birds, small animals, large animals, huge animals. The hunters and the hunted, killers and scavengers all play a unique role in maintaining the balance of nature.

Explore, Engage, Experience.... A differnt world.

Discover the animal within you.......

...... on your luxury Summer 2012 African Safari.

Whether you are on your own or traveling with friends or family there is no better way to discover a whole new world that you have only been able to see on television.

With the highest number of wild animals anywhere in Africa contained in a vast wilderness covering 100,000 square kilometers, and the only humans living in that vast land are those who love and protect the animals you will see herds of elephant, buffalo, antelope, hippo, wildebeest, wild dog, hyena, lion and many others that all but a very select few will ever see.

This is Africa as seen by early explorers and the hunters of a bygone era. This is how this part of the world looked a thousand years ago.

For the next seven days you will travel by barge, on foot, by canoe and on one day only by vehicle exploring and interacting with animals where you can photograph them in their natural habitat. At this time of the year all the animals are concentrated on the river banks as it is the dry season.

Thrills and excitement are the name of the game. This is one of the few places anywhere in Africa where you can walk with the animals. Our world class guides will take you up close and personal whilst ensuring that you are never in danger.

Discover the animal within you.......

...... on your luxury Summer 2012 African Safari.

Whether you are on your own or traveling with friends or family there is no better way to discover a whole new world that you have only been able to see on television.

With the highest number of wild animals anywhere in Africa contained in a vast wilderness covering 100,000 square kilometers, and the only humans living in that vast land are those who love and protect the animals you will see herds of elephant, buffalo, antelope, hippo, wildebeest, wild dog, hyena, lion and many others that all but a very select few will ever see.

This is Africa as seen by early explorers and the hunters of a bygone era. This is how this part of the world looked a thousand years ago.

For the next seven days you will travel by barge, on foot, by canoe and on one day only by vehicle exploring and interacting with animals where you can photograph them in their natural habitat. At this time of the year all the animals are concentrated on the river banks as it is the dry season.

Thrills and excitement are the name of the game. This is one of the few places anywhere in Africa where you can walk with the animals. Our world class guides will take you up close and personal whilst ensuring that you are never in danger.

Elephants are unique they think things through they decide on a course of action and then they execute their plan as the true story below shows.

In Kenya a farmer had installed electric fences to stop animals from entering his farm. When a herd of elephants reached this fence they stopped because they know that when they touch the fence they get a severe shock.

Two old bulls went and stood side by side right near the fence and waited for an inquisitive younger bull to come and push between them. As soon as he did the two old bulls put their trunks behind the youngster and pushed him on to the fence. The youngster could not go back so he gave a huge push and broke the fence down.

The two old bulls gathered information, looked for the best solution, made a decision and solved the problem. Is your inner animal an Elephant?


Elephants are unique they think things through they decide on a course of action and then they execute their plan as the true story below shows.

In Kenya a farmer had installed electric fences to stop animals from entering his farm. When a herd of elephants reached this fence they stopped because they know that when they touch the fence they get a severe shock.

Two old bulls went and stood side by side right near the fence and waited for an inquisitive younger bull to come and push between them. As soon as he did the two old bulls put their trunks behind the youngster and pushed him on to the fence. The youngster could not go back so he gave a huge push and broke the fence down.

The two old bulls gathered information, looked for the best solution, made a decision and solved the problem. Is your inner animal an Elephant?


Lions are unique they are team building specialists. In life building a team of friends and family, or building a team at work is important.

Just as in a top performing work team where everyone has been trained to do his or her job, and where everyone helps, it is by the combined effort of everyone that success is achieved, the lion shows us the way.

Lions always hunt as a team, once they have decided which animal they are going to hunt all the team acts together. From birth lions are taught how to hunt, at first it is practice hunting on anything that moves, then it is watching real hunts take place, then the mother will tackle a small animal and let the youngsters join in. Finally they become part of the hunting team. Training and support, with everyone helping is the key to a great team.

Without teams Lions would become extinct. Is your inner animal the Lion?

The module LIONLION

Lions are unique they are team building specialists. In life building a team of friends and family, or building a team at work is important.

Just as in a top performing work team where everyone has been trained to do his or her job, and where everyone helps, it is by the combined effort of everyone that success is achieved, the lion shows us the way.

Lions always hunt as a team, once they have decided which animal they are going to hunt all the team acts together. From birth lions are taught how to hunt, at first it is practice hunting on anything that moves, then it is watching real hunts take place, then the mother will tackle a small animal and let the youngsters join in. Finally they become part of the hunting team. Training and support, with everyone helping is the key to a great team.

Without teams Lions would become extinct. Is your inner animal the Lion?

The module LIONLION

Zebras are unique. They are always fat. They are always moving, changing what they eat and where they eat. Unlike most animals Zebras reproduce all the year round, they do not have a scarcity mentality.

The secret is change. If you do the same thing all the time you get the same result all the time. To expect anything different is insanity. Why do some companies keep doing the same things every day when they are losing money, market share, customers, and finally go bust. They did not change.

The zebra is the only animal that is always fat, you never see a thin zebra. Zebras are always moving, looking for new places to graze, looking for different food sources. The zebra teaches us that when you are constantly looking for better sources of food and water you stay fat.

Zebras don't wait for things to happen they make things happen, and they have fun. Is your inner animal a Zebra?


Zebras are unique. They are always fat. They are always moving, changing what they eat and where they eat. Unlike most animals Zebras reproduce all the year round, they do not have a scarcity mentality.

The secret is change. If you do the same thing all the time you get the same result all the time. To expect anything different is insanity. Why do some companies keep doing the same things every day when they are losing money, market share, customers, and finally go bust. They did not change.

The zebra is the only animal that is always fat, you never see a thin zebra. Zebras are always moving, looking for new places to graze, looking for different food sources. The zebra teaches us that when you are constantly looking for better sources of food and water you stay fat.

Zebras don't wait for things to happen they make things happen, and they have fun. Is your inner animal a Zebra?


Hippos are unique. They are very laid back animals. They spend most of their time in the water and come out at night to feed.

The leader of the group always takes them to where the grass is sweetest. Hippos are very protective of their young, the youngest members of the team, monitoring and guarding them from danger. In the event of any type of threat to his group, his team, the leader first snorts a warning, next he will open his huge mouth a bellow out a challenge, if none of this is effective he attacks to protect his team.

This is how a team leader should behave, when things are going well he should be present and looking after the new members and keep them on track. The team leader takes responsibility for his team and protects them at all times, it is this behavior that makes a team leader a giant.

Is your inner animal a Hippo?

The moduleHIPPO

Hippos are unique. They are very laid back animals. They spend most of their time in the water and come out at night to feed.

The leader of the group always takes them to where the grass is sweetest. Hippos are very protective of their young, the youngest members of the team, monitoring and guarding them from danger. In the event of any type of threat to his group, his team, the leader first snorts a warning, next he will open his huge mouth a bellow out a challenge, if none of this is effective he attacks to protect his team.

This is how a team leader should behave, when things are going well he should be present and looking after the new members and keep them on track. The team leader takes responsibility for his team and protects them at all times, it is this behavior that makes a team leader a giant.

Is your inner animal a Hippo?

The moduleHIPPO

The river flowing through the Lower Zambezi and Mana Pools national parks flows into Caborha Bassa (another huge man-made lake situated in Mozambique to generate hydro-electric power). Once the water flows through the gates it runs all the way to the Indian Ocean.

Many hundreds of years ago Arab traders used to sail up the Zambezi as for as the Caborha Bassa rapids collecting, gold, ivory and slaves. Some other statistics about the river: it only has 5 bridges crossing it, there are 600 bird species found along the banks, a 134 different types of fish including the highly prized Tiger Fish renowned as a sport fish, and the mighty Vundu, a cat fish, that grows to more than a 100 kg and well over 2 meters in length.

The Zambezi River is the fourth largest river in Africa after the Nile, Zaire, and the Niger. It runs through 6 countries and most of the people who live along the banks are pastoral or subsistence farmers and fishermen. Large tracts of the Zambezi are in protected areas and have no one living beside the banks.

This huge river starts life as a small spring the bubbles out between the roots of a tree at Mwinilunga in Zambia and then for the next 230km flows through Angola and re-enters Zambia at the Cholwezi rapids. It is home to the amazing Ku-Omboka ceremony where the local people move all their belongings in huge canoes to safety before the river floods, they return at the turn of the season to plant their crops in the rich soil that has been left behind.

Once across the Barotse plains the river drops over the Ngenya falls and becomes the border between Zambia and Namibia, it then briefly becomes the border with Botswana, and for the next 500 km is the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe over the world famous Victoria Falls that are 100 meters high and 1.6 km wide.

The river then enters the Batonka gorge and flows down through the Gwembe valley into lake Kariba. Kariba was built to generate hydroelectric power and at the time of its construction was the largest man-made lake in the world, at 280 long and 40 km across at its widest point.

The water flow in the river below Kariba is controlled by the amount of water that is released from the lake, no longer are there huge uncontrolled floods.

The river flowing through the Lower Zambezi and Mana Pools national parks flows into Caborha Bassa (another huge man-made lake situated in Mozambique to generate hydro-electric power). Once the water flows through the gates it runs all the way to the Indian Ocean.

Many hundreds of years ago Arab traders used to sail up the Zambezi as for as the Caborha Bassa rapids collecting, gold, ivory and slaves. Some other statistics about the river: it only has 5 bridges crossing it, there are 600 bird species found along the banks, a 134 different types of fish including the highly prized Tiger Fish renowned as a sport fish, and the mighty Vundu, a cat fish, that grows to more than a 100 kg and well over 2 meters in length.

The Zambezi River is the fourth largest river in Africa after the Nile, Zaire, and the Niger. It runs through 6 countries and most of the people who live along the banks are pastoral or subsistence farmers and fishermen. Large tracts of the Zambezi are in protected areas and have no one living beside the banks.

This huge river starts life as a small spring the bubbles out between the roots of a tree at Mwinilunga in Zambia and then for the next 230km flows through Angola and re-enters Zambia at the Cholwezi rapids. It is home to the amazing Ku-Omboka ceremony where the local people move all their belongings in huge canoes to safety before the river floods, they return at the turn of the season to plant their crops in the rich soil that has been left behind.

Once across the Barotse plains the river drops over the Ngenya falls and becomes the border between Zambia and Namibia, it then briefly becomes the border with Botswana, and for the next 500 km is the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe over the world famous Victoria Falls that are 100 meters high and 1.6 km wide.

The river then enters the Batonka gorge and flows down through the Gwembe valley into lake Kariba. Kariba was built to generate hydroelectric power and at the time of its construction was the largest man-made lake in the world, at 280 long and 40 km across at its widest point.

The water flow in the river below Kariba is controlled by the amount of water that is released from the lake, no longer are there huge uncontrolled floods.

Zambia is the 39th largest country in the world, it has a population of over 13 million people and covers 752,618 square km. The official language is English and there is a wide diversity almonst the ex-pat communities that work in the mining sector. Zambia's main source of revenue is derived from copper, followed by agriculture.

The country is located in Southern Africa and is totally landlocked. In the North it borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the north East it borders Tanzania, in the East Malawi. Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia are all on the southern boundaries.

Zambia is recognized as being one of the safest countries in the world to visit where you will receive a warm welcome from all 72 ethnic groups that live in harmony with one another.

The major rivers in Zambia are the Kabompo, Lungwebungu, Kafue, Luangwa and the Zambezi. The world famous Victoria Falls are located at Livingstone, the falls are 100 meters high and 1.6km wide. Zambia has the largest water reserves of any country in Southern Africa as along with the major rivers there are also 5 massive lakes.

The game reserves protected from form the back

contain vast numbers of animals that are poaching and in conjunction with the rivers

bone of the tourist industry.

Zambia is the 39th largest country in the world, it has a population of over 13 million people and covers 752,618 square km. The official language is English and there is a wide diversity almonst the ex-pat communities that work in the mining sector. Zambia's main source of revenue is derived from copper, followed by agriculture.

The country is located in Southern Africa and is totally landlocked. In the North it borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the north East it borders Tanzania, in the East Malawi. Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia are all on the southern boundaries.

Zambia is recognized as being one of the safest countries in the world to visit where you will receive a warm welcome from all 72 ethnic groups that live in harmony with one another.

The major rivers in Zambia are the Kabompo, Lungwebungu, Kafue, Luangwa and the Zambezi. The world famous Victoria Falls are located at Livingstone, the falls are 100 meters high and 1.6km wide. Zambia has the largest water reserves of any country in Southern Africa as along with the major rivers there are also 5 massive lakes.

The game reserves protected from form the back

contain vast numbers of animals that are poaching and in conjunction with the rivers

bone of the tourist industry.


Canoe Guide

Cuthbert has been a leading canoe guide for 17

years. Cuthbert has paddled thousands of kilometers along the

Zambezi river between Kariba and the border with Mozambique, a distance of

230 km.


Canoe Guide

Carlos has been canoe guide for 5 years. Having grown up on the River,

Carlos has a unique perspective offering

valuable insight into local traditions, culture and



Internationally trained canoe river guide


With years of professional river guiding experience ,

Ant Elton is one of the best known and most highly

regarded operators on the Zambezi. Ant operates

multiple bases including Kariba to service Zimbabwe based trips and Churundu

to service Zambia based trips.


Pro guide specialist

Dean is one of the best known guides in Zimbabwe and has guided safaris all over

Africa. We are fortunate to have been able to secure the services of this dedicated

professionals who will show us the links that exist been grasses, plants, insects, birds, tree and animals and how each is dependent on

the other. At night he will show you the constellations and stars and teach you how

to navigate using these celestial bodies. This is the way that people have navigated the

earth for centuries.


An African by birth, Colin has spent many years in the Zambezi and surrounds. His

bushland knowledge together with his

management experience make Colin the ideal

facilitator for your discovery safari.

Colin is a (CM) Certified Manager, Certified Profiler,

CSP, CSP Examiner, accredited ILM

Management trainer.


Canoe Guide

Cuthbert has been a leading canoe guide for 17

years. Cuthbert has paddled thousands of kilometers along the

Zambezi river between Kariba and the border with Mozambique, a distance of

230 km.


Canoe Guide

Carlos has been canoe guide for 5 years. Having grown up on the River,

Carlos has a unique perspective offering

valuable insight into local traditions, culture and



Internationally trained canoe river guide


With years of professional river guiding experience ,

Ant Elton is one of the best known and most highly

regarded operators on the Zambezi. Ant operates

multiple bases including Kariba to service Zimbabwe based trips and Churundu

to service Zambia based trips.


Pro guide specialist

Dean is one of the best known guides in Zimbabwe and has guided safaris all over

Africa. We are fortunate to have been able to secure the services of this dedicated

professionals who will show us the links that exist been grasses, plants, insects, birds, tree and animals and how each is dependent on

the other. At night he will show you the constellations and stars and teach you how

to navigate using these celestial bodies. This is the way that people have navigated the

earth for centuries.


An African by birth, Colin has spent many years in the Zambezi and surrounds. His

bushland knowledge together with his

management experience make Colin the ideal

facilitator for your discovery safari.

Colin is a (CM) Certified Manager, Certified Profiler,

CSP, CSP Examiner, accredited ILM

Management trainer.

- All internal transportation in Zambia- River transport to our base and back to departure point- Tented African style accommodation on private islands and canoeing- Pro walking guides- All meals, tea, coffee, water, and selected drinks- Personal profile

The organizers and support staff on the Luxury Discovery Safari team have safety as their first priority. All the guides are trained in first aid and CPR. They undergo a one week course with MARS Zimbabwe followed by practical and written exams.

The definition of an expert is someone with five thousand hours experience, when you visit our people page you will see that every member of our team is an expert, when you look at the ratio of staff to participants you will see that we have 1 staff member for every 3 participants. Before becoming certified as a guide they have to have several thousand hours experience as a support guide, after which they have to undergo both practical and written exams. As our service providers operate in both Zambia and Zimbabwe the guides that will accompany you have been certified in both countries.There is a high speed power boat that accompanies the canoes where ever they travel. We will have 2 satellite phones with us, this ensures we are never out of contact.

There is a hospital at Chirundu that is staffed by Italian doctors that is 2 hours by boat from the furthest point of our trip. In the event of a serious accident the Royal Airstrip is in the area that we will be operating and will never take more than 40 minutes travel time to reach there, an aircraft from SES will airlift the patient to Lusaka or South Africa. The flying time from Lusaka to the Royal Airstrip is 35 minutes. For more information visit: Our service provider on the river has an excellent safety record. In the 25 years that they have been in operation none of their clients has suffered a serious injury.

Everyone will require a yellow-fever inoculation, and to take anti-malarial tablets before they leave, whilst they are on the trip and for 2 weeks after they return.

Day 1: Depart from Lusaka International airport at 15.00 by bus. Travel through the city of Lusaka and head South along the Great North Road to Chirundu. Here you leave the main road and travel down the Zambezi escarpment to the banks of the Kafue River. There will be a power barge waiting to take you to your first stop about an hour downstream where you will spend your first night under canvas.

Day 2: After an early breakfast there will a short safety briefing after which you will get on the barge for a trip downstream to Maguremo Island where you will spend the next 2 days. After lunch you will be divided into 2 groups, group 1 will explore the island on foot, while group 2 will have an afternoon canoeing orientation trip. In the evening a group of tribal dancers will entertain you.

Day 3: Early morning start. Group 2 to go on a walk around the island and group 1 will have a canoe orientation trip. After breakfast we head off for a full days canoeing through the Mana Pools area. We will stop en-route at one of the islands for lunch and a siesta before heading off for our overnight stay on another island.

Day 4: Early breakfast and canoe to the game park entrance where you have to pay the US$75 entry fee. This is where you will undertake game walks with our guides and park rangers. In the mid- afternoon we depart for our overnight stop on another island. At all times we have a back up boat, and a set up crew who will travel ahead of you to set up our stop over points, ensuring you have hot showers and flush toilets and that your camp is ready for you when you arrive.

Day 5: A full day canoeing through the Lower Zambezi park and Mana Pools area, This day takes you through channels that have the highest game count in the area so there is a lot to see and photograph. You will spend the night on Chikwenya Island.

Day 6: After breakfast a two hour canoe trip will take you to the exit point on the river. Here you will climb aboard specially adapted game viewing vehicles for a three hour drive through the lower game management area. As you enter this section of the park you will have to pay US$50 entry fee. You will travel back to a base camp where after a lazy afternoon you will go for a sundowner cruise on the river. A night of fun and stories of all you have seen and learned.

Day 7: After breakfast you will travel back to Chirundu by boat about two and a half hours traveling time. From Chirundu it is on to the bus to fly out from Lusaka. You will take away memories of animals, people, new skills and the knowledge that you are amongst the few who will ever have the good fortune to see Africa as it was a thousand years ago, with a night time canopy of stars that is so bright and so brilliant that it takes your breath away.

- All internal transportation in Zambia- River transport to our base and back to departure point- Tented African style accommodation on private islands and canoeing- Pro walking guides- All meals, tea, coffee, water, and selected drinks- Personal profile

The organizers and support staff on the Luxury Discovery Safari team have safety as their first priority. All the guides are trained in first aid and CPR. They undergo a one week course with MARS Zimbabwe followed by practical and written exams.

The definition of an expert is someone with five thousand hours experience, when you visit our people page you will see that every member of our team is an expert, when you look at the ratio of staff to participants you will see that we have 1 staff member for every 3 participants. Before becoming certified as a guide they have to have several thousand hours experience as a support guide, after which they have to undergo both practical and written exams. As our service providers operate in both Zambia and Zimbabwe the guides that will accompany you have been certified in both countries.There is a high speed power boat that accompanies the canoes where ever they travel. We will have 2 satellite phones with us, this ensures we are never out of contact.

There is a hospital at Chirundu that is staffed by Italian doctors that is 2 hours by boat from the furthest point of our trip. In the event of a serious accident the Royal Airstrip is in the area that we will be operating and will never take more than 40 minutes travel time to reach there, an aircraft from SES will airlift the patient to Lusaka or South Africa. The flying time from Lusaka to the Royal Airstrip is 35 minutes. For more information visit: Our service provider on the river has an excellent safety record. In the 25 years that they have been in operation none of their clients has suffered a serious injury.

Everyone will require a yellow-fever inoculation, and to take anti-malarial tablets before they leave, whilst they are on the trip and for 2 weeks after they return.

Day 1: Depart from Lusaka International airport at 15.00 by bus. Travel through the city of Lusaka and head South along the Great North Road to Chirundu. Here you leave the main road and travel down the Zambezi escarpment to the banks of the Kafue River. There will be a power barge waiting to take you to your first stop about an hour downstream where you will spend your first night under canvas.

Day 2: After an early breakfast there will a short safety briefing after which you will get on the barge for a trip downstream to Maguremo Island where you will spend the next 2 days. After lunch you will be divided into 2 groups, group 1 will explore the island on foot, while group 2 will have an afternoon canoeing orientation trip. In the evening a group of tribal dancers will entertain you.

Day 3: Early morning start. Group 2 to go on a walk around the island and group 1 will have a canoe orientation trip. After breakfast we head off for a full days canoeing through the Mana Pools area. We will stop en-route at one of the islands for lunch and a siesta before heading off for our overnight stay on another island.

Day 4: Early breakfast and canoe to the game park entrance where you have to pay the US$75 entry fee. This is where you will undertake game walks with our guides and park rangers. In the mid- afternoon we depart for our overnight stop on another island. At all times we have a back up boat, and a set up crew who will travel ahead of you to set up our stop over points, ensuring you have hot showers and flush toilets and that your camp is ready for you when you arrive.

Day 5: A full day canoeing through the Lower Zambezi park and Mana Pools area, This day takes you through channels that have the highest game count in the area so there is a lot to see and photograph. You will spend the night on Chikwenya Island.

Day 6: After breakfast a two hour canoe trip will take you to the exit point on the river. Here you will climb aboard specially adapted game viewing vehicles for a three hour drive through the lower game management area. As you enter this section of the park you will have to pay US$50 entry fee. You will travel back to a base camp where after a lazy afternoon you will go for a sundowner cruise on the river. A night of fun and stories of all you have seen and learned.

Day 7: After breakfast you will travel back to Chirundu by boat about two and a half hours traveling time. From Chirundu it is on to the bus to fly out from Lusaka. You will take away memories of animals, people, new skills and the knowledge that you are amongst the few who will ever have the good fortune to see Africa as it was a thousand years ago, with a night time canopy of stars that is so bright and so brilliant that it takes your breath away.

Equipment List

Minimum age: 18 years old unless accompanied by an adult

You are responsible for the following costs/fees:Personal equipment (see list below)Entry fees to the National Parks (US$ 125pp)Personal travel insuranceInoculation injections and anti malarial medications prior to departure

Equipment RequirementsThe following personal equipment list is recommended for all participants.

Good walking shoes or boots (closed shoe)Light weight jacketSun screenSwimming costumeShorts / tee shirts for daily wearSunglasses with safety strap (to prevent them from falling off)

Don’t miss the opportunityof a life time.

Reserve your place now

Equipment List

Minimum age: 18 years old unless accompanied by an adult

You are responsible for the following costs/fees:Personal equipment (see list below)Entry fees to the National Parks (US$ 125pp)Personal travel insuranceInoculation injections and anti malarial medications prior to departure

Equipment RequirementsThe following personal equipment list is recommended for all participants.

Good walking shoes or boots (closed shoe)Light weight jacketSun screenSwimming costumeShorts / tee shirts for daily wearSunglasses with safety strap (to prevent them from falling off)

Don’t miss the opportunityof a life time.

Reserve your place now

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