dipartimento di scienze economiche e aziendali marco fanno · • taiwan –national tsing hua...

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Graduate degree courses

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali

“Marco Fanno”Servizio Orientamento

May 2018

Economics and Finance - EF

LM-56, Scienze dell’Economia


Fields of Study

Career Opportunities

Admission Procedure

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Educational goals and Career opportunities

The Master in Economics and Finance puts great emphasis

to the economic methodology and quantitative tools.

The course provides a rigorous program that prepares

graduates to work in international and national contexts in

Banking/Financial sector

Central banks/international organizations


Public and private research centers

Ph.D. in economics

Economics and Finance

Masters – May 2018 3

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Our offer, comparatively.

An integrated study of Economics and Finance is common in

many Masters programs in EU.

Viceversa, a master in Economics and Finance is unique for


Many Italian universities offer masters either in Economics or in Banking

and Finance, the latter being typically business-oriented.

We take advantage of the current MEF reputation, and with

the addition of a stronger curriculum in Economics we also

compete with Universities offering degrees more focused on


Economics and Finance

Masters – May 2018 4

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Two curricula: Economics, Banking and


Two distinct curricula…,


Banking and Finance

…but several common courses to both curricula:

Analytical tools and advanced notions in

economics, econometrics and finance.

Economics and Finance

Masters – May 2018 5

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stile del titoloEconomics and Finance


Economics Banking and Finance

1° year

1° term


Advanced microeconomics

Mathematics for economics

Advanced econometrics

English for economics and

business (idoneità)

Capital markets law and


Financial economics

Mathematics for financial risk

and derivatives

Advanced econometrics

English for economics and

business (idoneità)

Capital markets law and


1° year

2° term



Advanced macroeconomics

Advanced corporate finance

and accounting


Advanced macroeconomics

Advanced corporate finance and


Banking: financial and risk


* Common courses in Red.

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stile del titoloEconomics and Finance

Masters – May 2018 7

Economics Banking and Finance

2° year

1° term


Advanced international

economics + applied

macroeconomics (Integrated


Human capital and health

Industrial economics

Advanced public economics

Personal finance

Analysis of investment projects

Banking: capital markets

Computational finance

2° year

2° term



12 credits (2 electives)

Thesis 14 credits

Total: 11 exams + 1 idoneità

12 credits (2 electives)

Thesis 14 credits

Total: 11 exams + 1 idoneità

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Optional courses

History of Economic Thought

Behavioral Economics

Political Economy

Environmental and Resource Economics

Banking: Advanced risk management

Economics and Finance

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Masters– May 2018 9

How MEF differs from MBA

(curriculum Accounting and


How MEF differs from MEI

• MEF addresses banking /

financial issues with quantitative

instruments and economic


• MEF focused on markets and


• MEF addresses economic issues with

strong quantitative and modelling


MEF compared to other masters of dSEA

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stile del titoloWhere do I study?

Department of Economics and Management

Via del Santo, 33


• Class rooms – via U. Bassi, 1

• Class rooms – via del Santo, 22

• Class rooms – viale G. Colombo, 3

Masters – May 2018

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Why should I choose


DSEA is a department of excellence!!

The Department of Economics and Management

"Marco Fanno" of the University of Padova is

selected as department of excellence by ANVUR

(Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of

University and Research Systems) to access 271

million euros provided annually, for the five-year

period from 2018-2022, to strengthen and enhance

research excellence.

Masters – May 2018

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1. Have a bachelor’s degree or a three-year

university diploma.

By 19th October 2018 (or, at the latest, by 31st

December 2018 “Graduating within the year in


2. Have Passed validated and registered credits in

the fields indicated in the course requirements,

at the date of submission of pre-enrollment


3. Admission test

Admission into our courses

How to access

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Application for pre-enrollment online

(between 11 June to 12 July 2018)

Admission bulletin

The procedures and timelines are defined in the

Admission bulletin

Payment of MAV for every single graduate course

that one wishes to apply.

Admission into our courses

How to access #1

Masters – May 2018

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Students need to submit a prior application

for evaluation of Minimum curricular


Please pay special attention to insert correctly :

Fiscal code, SSD, CFU e marks

It is obbligatory for each graduate course.

A sum will be charged for each evaluation

requested for by the student.

Masters – May 2018

Admission into our courses

How to Access#1

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CFU MINIMUMScientific Area


Scientific Area



Scientific Area




16 SECS-P/01; SECS-

P/02; SECS-P/03;


22 SECS-P/05; SECS-

S/01; SECS-S/03;


MAT/05; MAT/06;

MAT/08; MAT/09

12 SECS-P/07; SECS-

P/09; SECS-P/11


Admission into our courses

Minimum curricular requirements #2

Masters – May 2018 15

Note: disciplinary areas (SSD) characterizing each field

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Masters Exams weighted

average (as on



Test score

Determination of

admission threshold

relative to total score

Economics and

Finance30 70 80%

Admission into our courses

Criteria for admission #3

The total score is given by the sum of the weighted average of the

minimum requirements + the test result as follows

NB: The graduation score is not considered

Masters – May 2018

Note: exams in SSD different than those indicated

in the previous slide will not be considered

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Compulsory Test


July 24, 2018


Questionnaire with multiple choice

questions(Paper based - not online)


Each course will have a different test

30 multiple choice questions in 70 minutes

Admission into our courses

Admission test #3

Masters – May 2018

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stile del titoloStudent Resources

International relations officeinternational.economia@unipd.it

Stage & Placement servicestage.economia@unipd.it

Tutoring servicetutor.economia@unipd.it

Skills assessmentMonica.amoruso@unipd.it

Masters – May 2018

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70 Erasmus agreements for a

total of 257 grants (180 under-

graduate and 93 masters)170 outgoing students

150 incoming students

International relations office

- Constant assistance before, during and after departure

- Assistance in the choice of study plan and its recognition

- Promotion and information on opportunities to undertake an international experience

- Incoming student support and integration events

Masters – May 2018

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Double Degrees• USA –Baruch College

dSEA – Overseas Exchanges• USA – Ross Business School;

• INDIA – Rajagiri School of Business;

• COLOMBIA – Universidad del Rosario;

• TAIWAN – National Tsing Hua University

International Summer Programmes in Management• CHINA – University of Guangzhou

Bilateral Agreements of the university extra UEUS – Boston/ AUS – Sydney/ BRAZIL – 7 Atenei / CANADA –

Concordia / CHINA – Guangzhou/ RUSSIA – Moscow, Perm ,

Saint Petersburg/

Masters – May 2018

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- Receiving stage requests

- Pubblication and online management of offers

- Administrativesupport

- Training and accompanyingstudents towardsstage

- Individualcounselling for writing CV

Stage & Placement


• 5623 stage initiated in 18 years(from a.y. 1997/98 to 2016/17)

• 323 internships initiated in a.y.

2016/17• 292 Stage abroad in the last 11 years

• 1800 Companies that have hosted

Economics students in stage for

the past 10 years

• 21 Foreign countries where

Economics students have done

stage for the past 11 yearsMasters– May 2018

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stile del titolo Sharemyclick SL - Barcelona

Bpv Finance International – Ireland

Joint Stock Company UniCredit Bank – Russia

Webschmiede GmbH – Germany

Project for People Onlus – India

Portfolio Control gmbh - Germany

Stage & Placement

Some of our international partners…

Camera Commercio - Bruxelles

Travix International B.V. - Holland

Mediolanum International Funds - Ireland

Intelligent Positioning - UK

Ferrero Ltd – UK

MyBrain Technologies - France

22Masters– May 2018

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Aspiag Service srlMorellato SpAAgenzia delle EntrateVeneto AgricolturaSIT SpASafilo SpA

Carel Industriers SpAElectroluxGeoxGlaxoSmithKlineGruppo CoinOVS SpAPorsche ItaliaBottega VenetaGucciPAM Panorama SpALuxotticaMorellato Spa


Lagardère Food ServicesL’Oreal Italia


Assicurazioni GeneraliIntesa Sanpaolo

Banca MediolanumBanca Popolare Etica

Banca Popolare di Vicenza

H-FarmAzienda Ospedaliera Padova


PWCSinedi srl

Stage & Placement

…in Italy

23Masters – May 2018

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Tutoring Service

Provide tools to set up a work plan that enhances students' ability to manage time factor by identifying effective and efficient methods for studying and preparing for exams

To develop in students an individual capacity to constructstudy objectives

Skills Assessment

Helps a student during the process of self-evaluvation

Recognizes the skills and the potential of the student

Guidance in planning personal professional profile.

Student Resources

Masters – May 2018

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Clarifications on admission bulletins and



Clarification on content and structure of the


Tutoring Service


For more information

Masters – May 2018

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