digital marketing this week - june 28th 2014

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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DESCRIPTION - In this episode, we discuss how you can effectively use popups as explained by the conversion expert behind ConversionXL, as well as Smashing Magazine's tips on how you can speed up your WordPress site. We will also update you on a recent development that affects everyone who runs paid Facebook ads and share with you some tips on how you can slash your Facebook ad costs in half.


June 28th, 2014

For this week, we tackled…

• ConversionXL came to the defense of popups• Smashing Magazine shares tips on how to speed up your

WordPress site• Facebook update for anyone running paid campaigns• Seriously Simple Marketing shows you how to cut your PPC

marketing in half

ConversionXL Came To The Defense Of Popups

• Editing your popup opt-in buttons to make it more conversational gives you higher conversion.

• The bounce rate has very little difference if you have a popup or not.

• Subscription rate actually goes up.

Smashing Magazine Shares Tips On How To Speed Up Your WordPress Site

• Go to the P3 plugin so that it can scan your site and give you a visual, diagnostic of how much resources different plugins are taking up on your site.

• Compress your WordPress site—depending on your host, this might already be done for you, but it’s better to check. It works similar to a ZIP file.

• Use a caching plugin—we recommend WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache.

• Regularly do database cleanup—we use WP Optimize.

• Minify CSS/ Javascript


Smashing Magazine Shares Tips On How To Speed Up Your WordPress Site (Continued…)

• Turn off your ‘pingbacks’—go to settings and go to the discussion section and turn it off.

• Specify image sizes yourself and get as close as you can to the actual size of the image that you want it to be. We recommend Pixler to resize the image so that it loads faster.

• Push your Javascript down to the bottom.• Use Sprites as an option to scrub your site of

all the image on your site.• Enable “keep alive”• HTML versus PHP• BACK UP. Make sure you back up your files if

you want to go through all these tips.


Facebook update for anyone running paid campaigns

• Facebook is now giving you an opportunity to customize your message with advance customer targeting.

• It’s really going to be a really, really powerful tool for marketers. And from a media buying perspective, the sooner you jump in, the better.

Seriously Simple Marketing Shows You How To Cut Your PPC Marketing

In Half• Segment your target audience and

break it down to find the cheapest likes and build your budget around that.

• Start by defining your desired target audience, drill down to more specific demographics and invest your advertising budget on that segmented group—not only are the responses better but the cost is significantly cheaper as well.

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