dig games video_games_teachers_q6

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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What do we know from research on:

Key points

• Teachers are interested in Games-Based Learning (GBL) but often lack the necessary skills & knowledge to implement it into their lessons

(slide 3)

• Teachers must be able to locate suitable games through various reliable resources, test them & determine how they can support their teaching (slide 4)

• Teachers’ low gaming literacy is partly explained by their training which usually only focuses on traditional teaching methods. There is a need for teacher training focusing on digital games (slide 5)

• The teachers’ role in debriefing learners is essential to improve students’ learning outcomes (slide 6)

• ‘Third generation educational games’ give an prominent role to teachers and can be very effective in maximizing students’ motivation & learning (slide 7).

Teachers interest vs. barriers to the uptake of GBL

Practical skills & knowledge needed by teachers to integrate GBL into their teaching

The need for basic game literacy training for teachers

The teachers’ role in debriefing

Maximizing teachers’ role in GBL so as to maximize students’ engagement & learning

Further information

For a reference list and full discussion of all academic articles and policy papers used as a basis for this visual presentation, please consult the ‘in depth’ answer associated to this question.

For a summarized text version of the above mentioned ‘in depth’ answer, please consult the ‘in short’ answer associated to this question.

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