dhvt strength program training packet phase 1 exercises 2014-15 trademark dragonx 2014

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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  • DHVT Strength Program Training Packet Phase 1 Exercises 2014-15 Trademark DragonX 2014
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  • The Basic These exercises are the nut & bolts of the strength program. There will be variation to them in the following 2 Phases, however their basic presence will remain consistent. This series consists of push, pull, pull-ups/down, trunk stability, shoulder bullet-proofing, and basic leg work. If you are looking for a straight-forward program and/or you are running short on time, this is your go-to series of exercises.
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  • Supine Row (Pull) Key points: Hands slightly wider than shoulder width, heels on ground with toes up, body stays straight, pull with arms while squeezing shoulder blades together on way up, bar should come to mid-chest (adjust foot position to allow for this), make sure you are pulling bar into rack for safety. Begin with short sets for quality. The higher the bar, the less intense the exercise. Move bar down as you improve.
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  • Push-Up (Push) Key Points: Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width, get on toes, keep body straight, body should come toward bar at level of mid chest (adjust position of feet to do this), the higher the bar the less intense the exercise, move bar lower as you improve, make sure you are pressing bar into rack for safety.
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  • Pull-ups with machine (pull up/down) Key Points: Adjust weight assist that you require. If you have never done this before, please take 50-70% of your bodyweight off with assist and try it out from there. Grab handles overhead YOUR HANDS ARE THE FIRST ON AND THE LAST TO LEAVE THIS MACHINE. Place knees on knee pad one at a time. Fully extend arms, pull up to shoulder height keeping blades down and back and opening chest at the top. If you are new to pull-ups please start with 1-2 sets of 3-5 reps and build up to 1-2 sets of 8-10 reps before decreasing the weight assist. Note: easy hand positions include palms facing you with narrow grip, palms facing each other with narrow grip. Difficulty increases with palms facing away from you and with greater distance between hands. It is good to vary your grip as you become more advanced.
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  • Pull-ups with lower body assist (pull up/down) Key Points: Reach overhead with arms fully extended. Pull body up keeping blades down and back. Use lower body to assist you as needed. If you are new to pull-ups, start with 1-2 sets of 3-5 reps and work up to 1-2 sets of 8-10 reps. Reduce the amount of assist as you progress. Note: easy hand positions include palms facing you with narrow grip, palms facing each other with narrow grip. Difficulty increases with palms facing away from you and with greater distance between hands. It is good to vary your grip as you become more advanced.
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  • Reverse Flyes 3 positions, TWI (Bulletproof shoulders) Key Points: Keep chest open on bench or ball (do not let shoulders round against surface), elevate arms toward ceiling with deliberate squeeze of shoulder blades together, hold for a second at the top of movement, and lower deliberately. Perform first set with palms down, second set with thumbs up.
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  • Dumbbell Raises 3 positions, _ _, \/,|| (Bulletproof shoulders) Key Points: Slight bend in knees, midsection engaged, shoulder blades held down and back throughout motions, controlled movement toward ceiling to height of shoulders, control motion of arms back toward sides. First set with palms down, second set with thumbs up. Note: please stand or sit doing these: I was kneeling so we could get the full arm formation in the picture frame.
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  • CC Seated Pullover (Trunk) Key points: mid-section engaged, blades down/back, back straight. With straight arms, reach handle back up overhead as high/far as you can comfortably control, pull handle down with straight arms so handle ends directly in front of you. Go slowly and with control, there is a lot of stretch at the top of this move.
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  • CC High-Low Chop (Trunk) Key Points: mid-section engaged, blades down and back, back straight. Grasp handle at high point with two hands. The motion will be a diagonal across your body. Pull handle toward your chest, then push it toward your foot. This is one smooth movement. Your belly button shoulder follow the handle, and the handle should cross close to your body.
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  • CC Trunk Rotation seated on ball (Trunk) Key Points: Midsection engaged, blades down and back, keep hips solid throughout movement. Clasp CC handle in two hands slightly below shoulder height. Keep arms extended as trunk rotates as far as you can comfortably go/control. Deliberate motion throughout cycles of rotation.
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  • Squat (Basic legs) Key Points: Midsection engaged, blades down and back, feet slightly wider than hips, keep feet flat, think of sitting back toward your buttock muscles rather than putting weight forward onto your knees, go only as low as comfortable. Use both legs evenly. When you are comfortable with your body weight you can begin to add load. Please add weight in front of you held close at chest height or at the sides.
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  • Split Squat (Basic legs) Key Points: Midsection engaged, blades down and back, hips and knees should be at 90 degrees in both front and back legs, stand straight up (do not lean forward), come straight down just shy of touching knee to floor. Think of sitting front leg buttock onto low stool, you want your buttock muscles to be doing most of the work. You may add load by holding in front of body at chest height (like previous squat) or held at sides.
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  • Leg Press Single Leg (Basic legs) Key Points: Please trial leg press if squats/split squats are not working for you. Utilize controlled single leg movement out and back with weight and range of motion that you can comfortably perform. Progressively challenge yourself within parameters of your comfort.
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  • Extra Mustard These exercises are supplemental to the The Basic package. If you are looking for more variety and/or to spend more time in the gym, these are for you. You will notice there are two variations of pull, two variations of push, and two variations of pull- down in addition to a short trunk stability series. Take care of The Basic, then add a bit of Extra Mustard to your workout. You can pick one variation on one day, another on the other, or mix it up however time and energy allow.
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  • Seated Row with 2 handles (Pull variation 1) Key Points: Knees slightly bent, back straight, abs engaged, shoulder blades down and back, control motion of handles both back and forward.
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  • Dumbbell Bent-over Row (Pull variation 2) Key points: Abs tight, blades down and back, keep back flat.
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  • Incline Chest Press (Push variation 1) Key Points: Fists toward ceiling, press up in the arc of a nose-cone, dumbbells touch at top. Fists face ceiling throughout movement, shoulder blades controlled down/back. Note W formation, to goalpost formation, to straight up position. Controlled motion.
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  • Chest Flye (Push variation 2) Key Points: Lie on ball or bench. Bring hands directly overhead with fists facing ceiling. With control and arms fully extended, lower arms toward floor to level of the trunk, return arms to start position with fists facing at ceiling. Please lower slowly into the lower ranges of this move as there may be quite a bit of stretch in your chest. Please trial with weight of arms before adding resistance.
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  • Lat Pulldown with 2 handles (Pull down variation 1) Key Points: Grab handles overhead, extend arms fully at top of motion, pull shoulder blades down and back pulling handles down slightly wide of shoulders, keep chest open as handles come down to shoulder height, control rise of handles to start position keeping blades controlled down and back, keep fists toward the ceiling throughout movement. Please note I position, to goalpost position, to W position.
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  • Lat Pulldown alternating (Pull down variation 2) Key Points: Grab handles overhead, extend arms fully at top of motion, set shoulders by pulling shoulder blades down and back, engage abs. Pull one handle down toward edge of shoulder keeping blades down and back and abs engaged. Alternate this motion with the other side, like a piston. Keep chest open as handles come down to shoulder height, control rise of handles to start position keeping blades controlled down and back, keep fists toward the ceiling throughout movement. Smoothly transition from one side to the other without hesitation. 1 rep = 1 pull right + 1 pull left.
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  • SB (with or without weight) (Trunk stability series) Key Points: ball placed at mid to upper back (adjust position for comfort), arms/weight close to body is easier, arms/weight above body is harder, control motion up/down, make sure ball remains still and is not rolling as you move up and down. Arms and legs remain static, trunk is the moving part.
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  • Stability Ball Obliques (w/ or w/o wgt) (Trunk stability series) Key Points: Ball positioned at mid to upper back (adjust to comfort), place one hand on opposite chest, place one hand on temple, twist and lift trunk simultaneously on the diagonal. You may load this exercise by holding weight in arm that is otherwise touching temple. Control up and down.
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  • Front Plank (Trunk stability series) Key Points: Keep body straight (ear in line with shoulder, hip, knee, ankle), press evenly through either both knees (modified) or feet (full). 30 seconds or tired, whatever comes first. Modified Front PlankFull Front Plank
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  • Side Plank (Trunk stability series) Key Points: Elbow directly under shoulder, keep body in frontal plane (no rotating or leaning), lift body in frontal plane, keep body line straight. 30 seconds or tired, whatever comes first. Modified Side PlankFull Side Plank

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