4- a sy i dhvt - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rn872wm9c/data/0595.pdf · 2013. 12....

z- A > 4- SY d I DhvT m MT STERLING ADVOCATE TUESDAY JUNE 4 1901 k CTS AND OBSERVATIONS DrWRITER ATTENDS TWO COMMENCEMENTS JNS FOR A FORTUNE HAS HIS ANKLE SPRAIN AND SEES A CIRCUS V I ie commcncemcut exercises of itcntucky Classical and Busi i College took place at the stian church in North Middle 11 OH Tuesday morning May 28 j room was darkened and light land beautifully decorated The ludunce was not large but select 1 body was in holiday attire f Phe iuVocutiou was by Rev C f Dick The musical programme is executed by Misses Hair lush I Boone and Kieth JThe address was delivered by ev James Vernon pastor of the JOiBMtiholasviiic Christian church mike most speakers he has distin giiishiug peculiarities Some of his are A commanding physique and dignified carriage with a touch of affectation a well trained and pleasing voice historical research fine descriptive power discrimilat ing use of words and expression in simple language We would how ever suggest that ordinarially the introduction of words from foreign languages is to be avoided but as L this was an extraordinary occasion- we will pass it br- Reminisccnces was the subject f of an address by the venerable Frank Houston now in his SRI f t year a man who through these many years has been identified with the religious educational and business interests of North Middle town To us he was a remarkable man considering his age well pre ng served in mind and body and ready t r in speech fervent in the advocacy of WOMAN s powers charms and in lluence We do not know whether rt he prefers old or young The graduating class was com posed of John William Young son of Mr and Mrs J Will Young The address to tho graduate was delivered by Mrs J B Skinner the p principal She is an intelligent anti cultured woman11re heard expressions of high commendation and approval of her as a teacher and of regret that she would leave North Middletown to take charge of Jessamine Institute at Nicholas k ville rl According to custom ° a copyof the Bible was presented to Mr YoungMrs Skinner will be succeeded by O L Traheru a member of the faculty and N H Brooks I who in addition to taking a course at Ken ¬ tucky University has Leon preach ¬ ing at Sharpsburg and Bethel for some months We wish them site ¬ cessWe accepted an invitation to dine with the family of J Will Young Here we met Mrs Mnggio Young and son Johnson of Mt Sterling Reached home after dark HAMILTON COLLEGE On Wednesday morning we went to Lexington to attend the 32d com ¬ mencement of Hamilton College We had received an invitation Iron Miss Sadie daughter of J Will Youngof North Middlctown The exercises were held in the Opera House A charming sight was presented when the graduating class of 23 young ladies arrayed in white with queenly bearing ap- peared ¬ upon the stage theyare from the States Kentucky Ten ¬ nessee Texas Ohio Missouri In- diana ¬ and Indian Territory The only ones of whom we knew were Miss Young and Misses Em- ma and Nuncy Bryan daughters of W F and Junes Bryan of North lh hid letown The First Honor was divided among three young ladies whose averages were from j 79 2800 to 97 2039GO The Second Honors were divided among four whose averages were from 95 J5911SOO to 90 these being the averages of Misses Emma Bryan and Sadie Young Miss Viola Henry of Texas who is now visiting Miss Mary Sprout of tills city is a graduate and also received certificate for excellency in the Fourth Grade of Music Among the 19 including 8 grad- uates who received certificates or medals for house keeping were the Misses Bryan and Young and Miss Emily Cunningham laughter of our friends Eo S Cunnigham and wife of Thomson Clark county Here is a Fact for the Observation of young men matrimoniallvinclin ed The address to the class was de livered by Rev E L Powell of Louisville a man of recognized ability as a thinker and speaker His subject was The Royalty ot Human Nature After setting forth in charming manner the powers of man including women ho showed that hits clowning glory was the divinity that 1 is within him We esteem it a rare privilege to have heard him The presentation of diplomas certificates and medals by President B C Ilagerman followed by the delivery of many Moral offerings and presents closed another successful year in the history of this popular institutionWe at the Lexington Din- ing Room recently removed from Main street to more commodious and attractive quarters in the new McClelland building corner Short and Upper streets IIOW WE PLANNED FOR TIn FORTUNE In the afternoon we were intro ¬ duced to a Mr Ewing of Missouri who is somewhat interested in a gold mine in Georgia and in the welfare of OTHEU people He and five friends only live have 80 acres of land rich in gold quartz yielding by assayers analysis from 1095 to ji5G per ton He showed the assayers letter They wish to secure control of at least 10 acres more and probably anoth- er ¬ tract Ho drew a diagram of the parcels on the floor of an In- vestment ¬ Companys ofllce where the plan was divulged- In order to do this and to put the entire holding on the market they had decided to sella few shares and would be pleased to take me in on the ground floor Ho told of a lady friend in Missou i ri who had taken one ¬ worth of stock and was so the that her lady to invest As soon as the is 1 the will be five lord the stock put on the in New York Me failed to tell or not J Pier pont would the for him he re ¬ that if I did not have suffi ¬ cient to pay all cash he would half cash and my note for the other half He did not know that he was to a man who had had and had made in real booms and the He me that for every dol ¬ lar I would ten by Dec 1 later than 1liS the stock could be sold for five dol ¬ lars With all his he for such a cnlat the he did There I is in It I will fix him Of course he will not find it out until tis too late My wifes Rev Tibbs null will join re and we will take the entire ¬ limit the bonds Ioe and the thus ¬ Mr and his short Then in we will lead Hill and oth ¬ ers a merry to send him word if his offer was the writer went to the C it 0 where there was much and and tears We in a part only Note our school is out 0 teachers we must part ANKLE When the train Thom ¬ son wo Miss with hor Mrs CUll was in front We to the rear of the car in front and to the the We say with hand to full of body was not on the right foot We knew that had As soon as we en ¬ tered the car and laid down in the The was not but since ¬ day we have been laid up for other diver ¬ sions we havo these lines and other copy for the rend the to the to the G nj ° y cd calls by severs etc It is not as by prea ¬ chers and r TO OO TO Tin OlllCLS But the did see the little ¬ the big tail he saw the dogs and and and fire and crowd and the music The by and wo saw the while in bed We finish these lines on OUR THANKS We the of E A Ford nnd wife and Miss Emi Lee in if you have had A 500 Allwool Mens Casimere Pants swell patterns style and fit at 399 500 Allwool Clay Worsted Suitbest values ever shown in Lexington for 499 hundred dol- lars pleasedwith prospect through representation another wanted necessary amount obtained holdings capitalizedat million dollars 5000000 market whether Morgan engineer dealUnfortunately marked money accept talking experience millions restate printing business assured invested receive probably certain Iylnot January million excellencies deserves criticism proposing place money preacher brothersinlaw Buckner proper- ty 5000000 pocket money leav- ing Ewing friends engineering great financial enterprises Morgan Rockefeller chase- Promising generous accepted depot fervent handshaking farewell kissing indulged teachers youIll SPRAINED reached Station assisted Emily Cunningham packages Prowitt immediately stepped enrouto smooth siding accident happened enrouto because right holding railing weight something hap- pened possible smoking department injury serious Wednes evening repairs Among propnred ADVOCATE Epistle Hebrews referring friends regarded proper semipreachers writer el- ephant holding elephants ponies monkeys department curious enjoyed procession passed sights Saturday morning acknowledge kindness Hibler sending delightful ediblesGentle readers They are made up in the very best of style lined with farmers satin sewedwith silk threadand of the latest cut All NEW GOODS When accompanied by the mucous patches in mOUthernphair 001 and swollen bones symptoms rapid will promply and violent destructive SS S is the cure for this for this specific worst cases MS CaadlHoB Rave Been Nt did me no Rood i I I time my hair came throat and mouth lilY with copper trilored sores I suffered Iin my shoulders nod have been no worse cat underilaiid my lost nil hope of ever I decided to try S S but must confess I ha 3 little faith left I in medicine Afcr tak the third bottle 1 a change in my tion This wan truly ° coitriKini and I mined to give S S S horoiiRh trial I tltattimeonlhetmprctiement f seemed to h ve the ease completely control the sores ulcers healed nod I soon free fnni all of the ilimnler I been MrotiK anil L W SMITH Lock 4 eis I L L c nfc W ylk ice t SESr mercury lalashor Send for our free this it contains disease with treatment We cal advice cure THE SWIFT the experience ting up or l lyititf bed with a will I trust Nut view mo with n Nor i pnes my Fuels t tripI Providence nnd we are ortlce A lively Health liver skin bright Cascarets Candy tain and secure ine tablets sold in bulk All According to Stnto Hoard of LexingtonL tucltns fixable during the past Mr James mouth Va suffered for on his face not help him Hazel Salve F C DuersonWant It is said that behind the chase of the mines of Educate Your Candy Cathartic 10cS5c If CCC tall TW Jones r glasses I Digests to lit It artificially Nature In structing the gans It is the ant and tonic can approach it stantly Dyspepsia relieves Flatulence Sour Sick Headache all other results of Prepared by E C ittruer 200 l U lcntent i all sizes Come Early and Avoid the Biggest Sale Ever held Park Hotel ILfJ L This charming resort will be formally opened SATURDAY JUNE 15th witha hop Music by Louisville Orchestra IS NOW OPEN GUESTS WW HOWE Manager TORRENT KY 111 issioners I QATVT 1 Montgomery Circuit Court E REESE ADMRX ETC PLPFS IL WOOD ETC DEFTS ti NOTICE OF SALE is KqriTV itIIIC or it judgment niul otxlur of sate of 1 II t g01l1l I Linnit Uonrr rendered at tile lilt J1 uteri F hi tliu above ctuiri will on the Day of June 1901 clock I p in or thereabout on Hie pre ¬ inooped ItIeOIiet till wilt at public iincliiin bidder on n ciedlt nf 0 andi2 n the city of Mt Mvrliiifr Kv the pro in tliojndKiiienl twit following teat erelate situated on lat Inthe city MtfloilinB I Ky tad I on the south by Mid Main ntroet on the an alley I lending from said Main tieet h strut on till north by High street and wooly the laud and piiiperly rJ Said lot i is laid oft and divided 11 lou low i IIscl lOT NO 1lleKin at a point intewerlion of the alley vitli Ialllt vet moth W west with the west line of the feet and two inuhe to a paint whore intersect with IliKi street thence lute of Iliyh street Miulli Mj nestle a stake northeast corner to I L1 No 4 on thomn leiivlrv till tivet width ma felt to a slake H utlnu > t corner In I o 4 theicc onih 781 I Ilii a stahu in 1 t U Ttlabic Hi tItWI ot coniii to Ixit NoJ tliincc noiith IIi feet to a rtake coi IHI lo J It Ti ini iii Hi 4 IJCII l liT fwt 8 inrhei lo I a uruel toTiiinolc llieiiou lonth ls enI i intl ton slake on the no Hi ma fin pavement on Main stiwt std ioincr I lo then c will tin nor li niutKii of I pit ie Main street north 721 eaot tar feel to nail contain I acre and 1 lulus of land SO S Hounded bv ttegiunhlg at a ftuke wdtihside of Ilitfh street northeast idi 1 I t Tiinible thence mnith IBJj eiirl ll H take in TriinlileV line and n rtlnvet to Uit So I inure lot thence north 781 feet bi a stake aonthwesl corner to I t thence with the nest tine of Ixit No 3 Kli we1131 feet to a stoke the not th went I to Lot No tli on Minth side Iliich street with the Mintli line of high anger Nonth SO tNt to the buxinnlng and continue imie lales Nn3Hoghts at a take on the south i1irb itiwt northeast comer to Lot No with the east line of Lot No t south III frt to a stale HHitlieimt comet to S III the Title of let No I thence with of UH No 1 north TljJ east 10 feet to a the xnuthwost c river to Lot No 4 thence west line of I t No 4 tooth lilVi WOKI to a stake nortluviwt corner to Ixit No 4 IIot High titled thence with the line of llijrh street south T8U west 60 feet bogiiiniiixt contnlniiij < l 111fO miuare pole NO 4 UeKiimiiiK nt n stake the north of Lot Sot i on the ninth line of thence with thus vital tine of put No IOq eant Ism feet to a stake in line of lot and Miuihoiut corner of lot No 8 with line of honso lot north jlJi east 8U it liko corner to l tut No l nr IHIIIHS lot with a line of north I0 9 west 181 feet to a the south line nf IlllCh street tad curter No I thence with south I Ille of high Hiuth iatW08t at foot to the lHfiiiniiif II 21 141 MIIUIIO poles of land ilr > t offer Iota Nun 1 i J l and 4 separ ¬ teal thun I will oilei threat os n whole mud till bid ie bkia whHi brings the moot i < 281Kiooixleii d to U nnidu rriiciitsKii will bo roiuirod to give bond sociirilyi rIll the pavinent of the money to have the force and elluct of a mood boariiif legal inlcroHt Irtmi tin sale accnnllnp to law lildiicrs wit be I to comply with lliOfe terms A lien retiiiaetlt on the land weld till a I the jinr iininey in i paid nand to John to exleit of his field inteivst nod For nny excess take bond payable to I I li ItcCM1 l J CLAY COOPER Miii ter CommUsioner M I C For Rent G room cottage on llurrison Address Slits JNO U 20 Fayette Ave Lexing ¬ Ky IPUBLIC SALb a I will sell to the KUfliest IJIdder on SATURDAY JUNE 22 1901- At I 10 OCloeU n in If not Mold privately before that time In Mt Sterling Ky MY TWOSTORY CARRIAGE SHOP und LIVERY STABLE COMBINED Situated onthe corner of High jnd Wilson streets These buildings front on High Street 00 feet and running back on Wilson Street 1 174 feet with an ell 24x00 feet This is one of the largest buildings in Mt Sterling and within a stones throw of the Court House and a most desirable property for any ManufacturingBusinessAlso BuildingLot lotjon East Main Street I am now closing out my en ¬ tire stock o- fHandmade Buggies at less than Cost For the Next 30 Days miss the chance of getting I IDont vehicle at less than Cost vehicles remaining unsold I shippedSo I y until sale as none of them will be sold at auction- I offer at a Bargain 2 Hacks and Harness 1 Drummers Wa ¬ gon and Harness and other Liv ¬ ery Vehicles and Harness i J I I will offer at private sale One Dwelling House on Sycamore Street and v t One Dwelling House on College Street Property ¬ it purchaserFor at my Carriage Shop KNOWNON B1E SETTLES DR JAS BRASHEAR VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST GRADUATE OF INDIANA AND CHICAGO COLLEGES PHONE 135 MT STERLING KY ACo HUM AriTIOXKKK 1 oollnticK Offer his servire t I dRVrIIlleunllllllchulldl Charges f lRumjIOIlI GREAT LINE OF BARGAINS f k in 250 Blue Flannel Suits colors guaranteed at 499 all the dealers ask 9 Serge Coats and Vests man ¬ ufactured by Alfred Benja mine Co New YorkI LOuIS G US STEA US Leading Clothiers and Fine Merchant Tailors LEXJ GrO XEtTJcrOK s t jt = i- l

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    ie commcncemcut exercises ofitcntucky Classical and Busi

    i College took place at thestian church in North Middle

    11 OH Tuesday morning May 28

    j room was darkened and lightland beautifully decorated Theludunce was not large but select1 body was in holiday attire

    fPhe iuVocutiou was by Rev C

    f Dick The musical programmeis executed by Misses Hair lushI Boone and Kieth

    JThe address was delivered byev James Vernon pastor of the

    JOiBMtiholasviiic Christian churchmike most speakers he has distingiiishiug peculiarities Some ofhis are A commanding physique

    and dignified carriage with a touchof affectation a well trained andpleasing voice historical researchfine descriptive power discrimilating use of words and expression insimple language We would how

    ever suggest that ordinarially theintroduction of words from foreignlanguages is to be avoided but as

    L this was an extraordinary occasion-we will pass it br-

    Reminisccnces was the subject

    f of an address by the venerableFrank Houston now in his SRI

    ft year a man who through thesemany years has been identified

    with the religious educational and

    business interests of North Middletown To us he was a remarkable

    man considering his age well pre

    ng served in mind and body and readytr in speech fervent in the advocacyof WOMAN s powers charms and inlluence We do not know whether

    rt he prefers old or youngThe graduating class was com

    posed of John William Young son

    of Mr and Mrs J Will YoungThe address to tho graduate was

    delivered by Mrs J B Skinnerthe pprincipal She is an intelligentanti cultured woman11re heardexpressions of high commendation

    and approval of her as a teacherand of regret that she would leaveNorth Middletown to take chargeof Jessamine Institute at Nicholas

    k villerl According to custom °a copyof

    the Bible was presented to Mr

    YoungMrsSkinner will be succeeded

    by O L Traheru a member of thefaculty and N H Brooks I who inaddition to taking a course at Ken ¬

    tucky University has Leon preach ¬

    ing at Sharpsburg and Bethel forsome months We wish them site¬

    cessWe accepted an invitation to dinewith the family of J Will YoungHere we met Mrs Mnggio Young

    and son Johnson of Mt SterlingReached home after dark


    On Wednesday morning we wentto Lexington to attend the 32d com ¬mencement of Hamilton CollegeWe had received an invitation IronMiss Sadie daughter of J WillYoungof North Middlctown

    The exercises were held in theOpera House A charming sightwas presented when the graduating

    class of 23 young ladies arrayed inwhite with queenly bearing ap-peared


    upon the stage theyarefrom the States Kentucky Ten ¬nessee Texas Ohio Missouri In-diana


    and Indian TerritoryThe only ones of whom we knew

    were Miss Young and Misses Em-ma and Nuncy Bryan daughters ofW F and Junes Bryan of Northlhhid letown

    The First Honor was dividedamong three young ladies whoseaverages were from j 79 2800 to97 2039GO

    The Second Honors were dividedamong four whose averages werefrom 95 J5911SOO to 90 these beingthe averages of Misses Emma Bryanand Sadie Young

    Miss Viola Henry of Texas whois now visiting Miss Mary Sproutof tills city is a graduate and alsoreceived certificate for excellencyin the Fourth Grade of Music

    Among the 19 including 8 grad-uates who received certificates ormedals for house keeping were theMisses Bryan and Young and MissEmily Cunningham laughter ofour friends Eo S Cunnigham andwife of Thomson Clark countyHere is a Fact for the Observation

    of young men matrimoniallvinclined

    The address to the class was delivered by Rev E L Powell ofLouisville a man of recognizedability as a thinker and speakerHis subject was The Royalty otHuman Nature After settingforth in charming manner thepowers of man including womenho showed that hits clowning glorywas the divinity that 1is within himWe esteem it a rare privilege tohave heard him

    The presentation of diplomascertificates and medals by PresidentB C Ilagerman followed by thedelivery of many Moral offerings andpresents closed another successfulyear in the history of this popular

    institutionWeat the Lexington Din-

    ing Room recently removed fromMain street to more commodiousand attractive quarters in the newMcClelland building corner Shortand Upper streets


    In the afternoon we were intro ¬duced to a Mr Ewing of Missouriwho is somewhat interested in agold mine in Georgia and in thewelfare of OTHEU people He andfive friends only live have 80acres of land rich in gold quartzyielding by assayers analysisfrom 1095 to ji5G per ton Heshowed the assayers letter Theywish to secure control of at least10 acres more and probably anoth-er


    tract Ho drew a diagram ofthe parcels on the floor of an In-vestment


    Companys ofllce wherethe plan was divulged-

    In order to do this and to putthe entire holding on the marketthey had decided to sella fewshares and would be pleased totake me in on the ground floorHo told of a lady friend in Missou


    ri who had taken one ¬worth of stock and was so

    the thather

    lady to investAs soon as the

    is 1 the will befive

    lord the stock put onthe in New York Mefailed to tell or not J Pierpont would the

    for him he re ¬that if I did not have suffi ¬

    cient to pay all cash hewould half cash and mynote for the other half He didnot know that he was to aman who had had andhad made in realbooms and theHe me that for every dol ¬lar I would ten

    by Dec 1later than 1liS the stockcould be sold for five dol ¬lars With all his he

    forsuch a cnlat the he did

    There Iis in It I will fixhim Of course he will not find itout until tis too late My wifes

    RevTibbs null will join reand we will take the entire ¬

    limit the bonds Ioeand the thus ¬

    Mr and hisshort Then in

    we will leadHill and oth ¬

    ers a merryto send him word if

    his offer was thewriter went to the C it 0where there was much

    andand tears We in a partonly

    Note our school is out0 teachers we must part


    When the train Thom ¬son wo Miss

    with horMrs CUll wasin front We to therear of the car in frontand to the

    the Wesay withhand to fullof body was not on the right footWe knew that had

    As soon as we en ¬tered the car and laid down in the

    Thewas not but since ¬day we have been laid upfor other diver¬sions we havo these linesand other copy for therend the to the

    to the G nj °ycd calls by severs etc Itis not as by prea ¬chers and r

    TO OO TO Tin OlllCLSBut the did see the little ¬

    the bigtail he saw the dogs andand and fireand crowd and themusic The byand wo saw the while in bedWe finish these lines on


    We the ofE A Ford nnd wife and Miss EmiLee in

    if you have had

    A500 Allwool Mens Casimere

    Pants swell patterns styleand fit at 399

    500 Allwool Clay WorstedSuitbest values ever shownin Lexington for 499

    hundred dol-larspleasedwith prospectthrough representation another

    wantednecessary amount

    obtained holdingscapitalizedat million dollars5000000


    Morgan engineer




    millions restateprinting business

    assuredinvested receive

    probably certain IylnotJanuary


    deserves criticism proposingplace


    preacher brothersinlawBuckner

    proper-ty 5000000

    pocket money leav-ing Ewing friends

    engineering greatfinancial enterprisesMorgan Rockefeller


    generous accepteddepot

    ferventhandshaking farewell kissing




    reachedStation assisted Emily

    Cunningham packagesProwitt immediately


    enrouto smoothsiding accident happened

    enrouto because rightholding railing weight

    something hap-pened possible

    smoking department injuryserious Wednes

    eveningrepairs Among


    Epistle Hebrewsreferring

    friendsregarded proper


    writer el-ephant holding elephants

    poniesmonkeys departmentcurious enjoyed

    procession passedsights


    acknowledge kindness

    Hibler sending delightful


    They are made up in thevery best of style lined withfarmers satin sewedwithsilk threadand of the latestcut All NEW GOODS

    When accompanied bythe mucous patches inmOUthernphair001 andswollenbonessymptoms


    promply andviolent destructive

    S S S is thecure for thisfor this specificworst cases

    MS CaadlHoB

    Rave Been Ntdid me no Rood i I


    time my hair camethroat and mouth lilYwith copper triloredsores I suffered

    Iin my shoulders nodhave been no worsecat underilaiid mylost nil hope of everI decided to try S Sbut must confess I ha 3little faith leftI inmedicine Afcr takthe third bottle 1a change in mytion This wan truly °coitriKini and Imined to give S S ShoroiiRh trialI

    tltattimeonlhetmprctiement fseemed to h ve theease completelycontrol the soresulcers healed nod Isoon free fnni allof the ilimnler Ibeen MrotiK anil

    L W SMITH Lock

    4 eis IL L c nfc W ylkice tSESrmercury lalashor

    Send for our free

    thisit contains

    disease withtreatment Wecal advice cure


    the experience

    ting up or llyititfbed with awill I trust

    Nut view mo with nNor ipnes my Fuels t


    nnd we areortlce

    A livelyHealth

    liverskin brightCascarets Candytain and secureine tabletssold in bulk All

    According toStnto Hoard ofLexingtonLtucltnsfixable

    during the past

    Mr Jamesmouth Vasuffered foron his facenot help himHazel SalveF C


    It is said thatbehind thechase of themines of

    Educate YourCandy Cathartic

    10cS5c If CCC tall

    T W Jones




    to lit

    It artificiallyNature Instructing thegans It is theant and toniccan approach itstantlyDyspepsia


    Flatulence SourSick Headacheall other results of

    Prepared by E C


    l Ulcntenti all sizes

    Come Early and Avoid theBiggest Sale Ever held

    Park HotelILfJ LThis charming resort will be formally openedSATURDAY JUNE 15th witha hopMusic by Louisville Orchestra



    111 issioners IQATVT1

    Montgomery Circuit Court




    itIIIC or it judgment niul otxlur of sate of1 II t g01l1l I Linnit Uonrr rendered at tile

    liltJ1 uteri F hi tliu above ctuiriwill on the

    Day of June 1901clock Ip in or thereabout on Hie pre ¬inoopedItIeOIiet till wilt at public iincliiin

    bidder on n ciedlt nf 0 andi2n the city of Mt Mvrliiifr Kv the pro

    in tliojndKiiienl twitfollowing teat erelate situated on latInthe city MtfloilinB IKy tad

    I on the south by Mid Main ntroet on thean alleyI lending from said Main tieeth strut on till north by High street andwooly the laud and piiiperly rJSaid lot iis laid oft and divided 11

    lou low iIIscl lOT NO 1lleKin at a pointintewerlion of the alley vitli Ialllt vetmoth W west with the west line of the

    feet and two inuhe to a paint whoreintersect with IliKi street thence

    lute of Iliyh street Miulli Mj nestlea stake northeast corner to IL1 No 4 on

    thomn leiivlrv till tivet width mafelt to a slake H utlnu > t corner In

    I o 4 theicc onih 781 IIliia stahu in 1 tU Ttlabic Hi

    tItWI ot coniii to Ixit NoJ tliincc noiithIIi feet to a rtake coi IHI lo J It Ti ini

    iii Hi 4 IJCII l liT fwt 8 inrhei loI auruel toTiiinolc llieiiou lonth ls enIi intl ton slake on the no Hi ma finpavement on Main stiwt std ioincr Ilo

    then c will tin nor li niutKii of Ipit ieMain street north 721 eaot tar feel to

    nail contain I acre and 1lulus of landSO S Hounded bv ttegiunhlg at a ftuke

    wdtihside of Ilitfh street northeast idi1 I t Tiinible thence mnith IBJj eiirl llH take in TriinlileV line and n rtlnvetto Uit So I inure lot thence north 781feet bi a stake aonthwesl corner to I t

    thence with the nest tine of Ixit No 3Kli we1131 feet to a stoke the not th went

    I to Lot No tli on Minth side Iliich streetwith the Mintli line of high anger Nonth

    SO tNt to the buxinnlng and continueimie lales

    Nn3Hoghts at a take on the southi1irb itiwt northeast comer to Lot No

    with the east line of Lot No t southIII frt to a stale HHitlieimt comet to

    S III the Title of let No I thence withof UH No 1 north TljJ east 10 feet to a

    the xnuthwost c river to Lot No 4 thencewest line of I t No 4 tooth lilVi WOKI

    to a stake nortluviwt corner to Ixit No 4IIot High titled thence with theline of llijrh street south T8U west 60 feetbogiiiniiixt contnlniiij < l111fO miuare pole

    NO 4 UeKiimiiiK nt n stake the northof Lot Soti on the ninth line ofthence with thus vital tine of put No

    IOq eant Ism feet to a stake in line oflot and Miuihoiut corner of lot No 8with line of honso lot north jlJi east 8Uit liko corner to ltut No l nr IHIIIHS lotwith a line of north I0 9 west 181 feet to a

    the south line nf IlllCh street tad curterNo I thence with south IIlle of high

    Hiuth iatW08t at foot to the lHfiiiniiifII 21 141 MIIUIIO poles of landilr> t offer Iota Nun 1 i Jl and 4 separ ¬

    teal thun I will oilei threat os n whole mudtill bid ie bkia whHi brings the moot

    i < 281Kiooixleii d to U nnidurriiciitsKii will bo roiuirod to give bond

    sociirilyi rIll the pavinent of themoney to have the force and elluct of amood boariiif legal inlcroHt Irtmi tin

    sale accnnllnp to law lildiicrs wit beI to comply with lliOfe terms A lien

    retiiiaetlt on the land weld till a I the jinriininey ini paid nand to John

    to exleit of his field inteivst nodFor nny excess take bond payable to

    I Ili ItcCM1

    l J CLAY COOPERMiii ter CommUsioner M I C

    For RentG room cottage on llurrison

    Address Slits JNO U20 Fayette Ave Lexing ¬



    I will sell to the KUfliest IJIdder on

    SATURDAY JUNE 22 1901-At


    10 OCloeU n inIf not Mold privately before that time




    Situated onthe corner of Highjnd Wilson streets Thesebuildings front on High Street00 feet and running back onWilson Street 1174 feet with anell 24x00 feet This is one ofthe largest buildings in MtSterling and within a stonesthrow of the Court House and amost desirable property for any

    ManufacturingBusinessAlsoBuildingLotlotjon East Main Street

    I am now closing out my en¬tire stock o-

    fHandmade Buggies at lessthan Cost For the Next

    30 Daysmiss the chance of getting

    IIDont vehicle at less than Costvehicles remaining unsold

    I shippedSoI yuntil sale as none of them willbe sold at auction-

    I offer at a Bargain 2 Hacksand Harness 1 Drummers Wa ¬gon and Harness and other Liv ¬ery Vehicles and Harness i J I

    I will offer at private saleOne Dwelling House on

    Sycamore Street and v tOne Dwelling House on

    College Street

    Property ¬it purchaserForat my Carriage Shop





    oollnticKOffer his servire t IdRVrIIlleunllllllchulldlCharges flRumjIOIlIGREAT LINE OF BARGAINS f k


    250 Blue Flannel Suits colorsguaranteed at 499 allthe dealers ask 9

    Serge Coats and Vests man ¬ufactured by Alfred Benjamine Co New YorkILOuIS GUS STEAUS

    Leading Clothiers and Fine Merchant Tailors LEXJ GrO XEtTJcrOKs

    t jt= i- l