deutsch 1 kapitel 11: wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places … · 2012-06-06 ·...

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Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



1. Aktuelles: Means of Transportation. Read the following passage and then write the

German word next to the English word or phrase.

Today’s world makes it essential that a variety of transportation modes are available so

that people can cover short and long distances with efficiency and speed. In spite of

modern technology, Germans still cherish their tradition of walking long distances or

simply strolling (spazieren gehen), particularly on weekends. Exercising is as popular in

Germany as in this country and many people can be seen jogging (joggen), especially in

parks and along rivers and lakes.

Germans love to bicycle (Fahrrad fahren). The number of bicyclists in Germany is much

larger than in the United States and has increased dramatically in recent years. You will

see people of all ages riding their bicycles on pedestrian sidewalks, special bicycle paths

or on urban or rural streets.

The smallest and most economical motor-driven

vehicle is the Mofa, which is short for Motorfahrrad.

The somewhat larger model, the Moped, is basically a

bicycle with an auxiliary motor attached. You must

observe the same traffic regulations when riding a

moped as with operating any other motorized vehicle.

Because of their limited speed, mopeds cannot be driven on the Autobahn or other

expressways. Those who intend to use Germany’s freeways must drive a vehicle at least

the size of a motorcycle (Motorrad).

Germans who want to drive a motorized vehicle must get a

driver’s license (Führerschein) which can cost as much at

€2000. The potential driver must be at least 18 years old

and must attend an authorized driver’s school (Fahrschule).

After at least 15 to 20 hours of private lessons, he or she

must pass both written and behind-the-wheel driving tests. By the way, a German

driver’s license is good for a lifetime and doesn’t need to be renewed periodically. All

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



members of the European Union (EU), including Germany, have issued a new EU version

of a driver’s license for a nominal fee.

Similar to our country, the car (Auto) is the most

important means of transportation in Germany.

Germans keep the same license plate as long it is

registered with the same local traffic authority. If the

owner moves to another district, the car will get another

license plate. The letters on the license plate indicate

the town or district where the car is registered. The letter M, for example, stands for

the city of Munich (München), F for Frankfurt and B for Berlin.

Postal service cars or vans (Postdienst) are easily recognized by their yellow color and

the black postal horn on the side. Police cars, marked Polizei, are usually white and

green. In case of an accident, you will notice an ambulance (Unfall-Rettung) or Red

Cross (Rotes Kreuz) rushing to the scene. If there is a fire, the local fire truck

(Feuerwehr) will be right on the scene.

Trucks (Lastwagen) crowd city streets, highways and freeways throughout the country.

Most German companies have their own trucks for transporting goods rather than

transporting by rail, as is commonly done in the United States.

Public transportation in Germany is excellent. In many German

cities, the streetcar (Straßenbahn) is still the most important local

public transportation. You must buy your ticket in advance

because there is no conductor on the streetcar itself. Most stops

have free-standing ticket automats marked Fahrscheine, where

tickets can be purchased. Streetcars, which run on tracks, stop

every few blocks.

Many cities are phasing out streetcars, however. Instead, busses (Busse) have

been introduced. Streetcars and buses will stop where there are signs with the

letter H, which stands for Haltestelle. Bus tickets must also be purchased in advance.

Many buses provide transportation between the cities and surrounding areas as well.

Double-decker buses (Doppeldecker) are still the trademark of bus service in Berlin.

They are especially popular with tourists on sightseeing tours. Long-distance tour buses

(Reisebusse) are even better equipped with air-conditioning, restrooms, comfortable

seats and huge windows to view the scenery.

Major cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne have subways (U-Bahnen)

and city trains (S-Bahnen). You can find these by locating signs at the entrance marked

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



with a big U or S. As with the streetcar system, you must purchase your tickets

from the automat or directly at a ticket counter. Before buying a ticket, you

should study carefully the zone to which you are going. The price of your ticket

depends on the number of zones you will cross or the distance of your ride.

The S-Bahn, an elevated city train, is faster because it can move freely in

comparison to the city streetcars or buses. The U-Bahn runs underground except in the

harbor area of Hamburg, where it must run aboveground.

Many Germans ride the comfortable trains of the Deutsche Bahn (German Railroad).

These trains are efficient, fast and punctual. There are also other means of

transportation that are intended to attract tourists to certain areas.

Cable cars, called Seilbahnen, take you over treacherous heights to

the mountaintop. If you don’t want to take a cable car, you could go

up using the slower mountain trains (Bergbahnen).

The beautiful scenery surrounding Germany’s lakes and rivers is enjoyed by visitors who

use various kinds of boats to explore them. Quite popular are the boat tours on the

Rhine River between Koblenz and Mainz and on the Danube all the way from Passau to

Vienna. In case you’re driving along the Rhine and need to get to the other side, you

could also take one of the numerous ferry boats (Fähren) that cross the river at certain

points, instead of the major bridges.

Another way to get around is by air. Within short distances, helicopters (Hubschrauber)

provide an exciting view of the area from above. The most international means of

transportation linking countries and continents is, of course, the airplane (Flugzeug).

Between 300 and 400 people can be accommodated in a jumbo jet and fly from New

York to Frankfurt in about seven hours.

1. city train ______________________

2. driver’s license ______________________

3. vehicle for large deliveries ______________________

4. bus with two levels ______________________

5. mountain train ______________________

6. ambulance ______________________

7. smallest motor-driven vehicle ______________________

8. freeway or superhighway ______________________

9. Red Cross ______________________

10. streetcar or bus stop ______________________

11. transportation below the ground ______________________

12. bus ticket ______________________

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



2. Describe how these people get to school.

mit dem Rad mit dem Auto mit der U-Bahn mit dem Moped

zu Fuß mit dem Bus

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



3. Wie heißen diese Verkehrsmittel? Writ the mode of transportation for each item


1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



4. Ten different modes of transportation are hidden in the search-a-word. The letters may

go backward or forward; they may go up, down, across or diagonally. However, they go

only one way in any word. (Note: ß-ss) (the previous exercise should help you)












Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



5. Verkehrsmittel Kreuzworträtsel. Identify the German words described and write them in

the appropriate boxes. You may not know all the descriptive words, but you should be

able to figure out the words from the general context. (Note: ß-ss)

Waagerecht 3. Es fährt auf zwei Rädern und hat einen

Motor. Es ist größer als ein Moped. 4. Man sieht ihn auf einem Bahnhof. 6. Man sitzt darauf. Es hat zwei Räder aber

keinen Motor. 8. Das sind Autos, Fahrräder und Züge. 10. Es fährt auf einem kleinen See. Es sitzen

vielleicht eine oder zwei Personen darin. 11. Es fährt auf der Ostsee und transportiert

viele Touristen.

Senkrecht 1. Es fliegt von Chicago nach Berlin in

ungefähr acht Stunden. 2. Sie fährt in einer großen Stadt mit vielen

Leuten. Sie hat einen Elektromotor.

5. Es hat zwei Räder und einen kleinen Motor. Es darf nicht auf der Autobahn fahren.

7. Es steht in der Garage. Familie Schulz (Vater, Mutter, Sohn und Tochter) fährt mit diesem Verkehrsmittel auf der Autobahn von Mainz nach München.

9. Viele Jugendlichen kommen mit diesem Verkehrsmittel zur Schule.

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



6. It’s the first day of school. Jens and Sigrid have met at the gym and are talking about a

new student they see. Put their conversation in a logical order.

_____ A. So, kommst du mit dem Moped zur Schule?

_____ B. Wie alt ist sie denn?

_____ C. Tag, Sigrid! Sag mal, Sigrid, wie heißt das Mädchen da?

_____ D. Ich bin schon sechzehn Jahre alt.

_____ E. Ich komme mit dem Rad.

_____ F. Sie ist erst vierzehn Jahre alt. Wie alt bist du?

_____ G. Grüß dich, Jens!

_____ H. Sie heißt Sabine und kommt aus Marburg.

_____ I. Nein, ich komme zu Fuß. Und du?

_____J. Wirklich? Ich bin auch sechzehn.

7. Fill in each blank with the correct form of kommen.

1. Wie _______________ du in die Schule?

2. Ich _______________ mit dem Bus.

3. Und der Bruno? Wie _______________ er in die Schule?

4. Schau, da _______________ Jens und Lars mit dem Moped!

8. These young people are traveling to different cities. Ask each one how he or she gets

there and write the answers according to the cues.

New York Frankfurt

A: Wie kommst du nach Frankfurt?______________

B: Von New York nach Frankfurt? Mit dem Flugzeug.

1. Frankfurt München

A: ___________________________________________________________________

B: ___________________________________________________________________

2. Stuttgart Berlin

A: ___________________________________________________________________

B: ___________________________________________________________________

3. Berlin Zürich

A: ___________________________________________________________________

B: ___________________________________________________________________

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



9. Write how these students to different locations. Use the verb kommen to create

complete sentences.

1. die Wiebke / mit dem Rad / ins Cafe


2. die Margit / mit der Straßenbahn / in die Schule


3. ich / zu Fuß / ins Kino


4. Kristin und Lars / mit dem Bus / ins Schwimmbad


5. Frau Bauer / mit dem Auto / in eine Disko


10. Sieh dir die Symbole an und schreib Sätze!

11. Complete the conversations by filling in each blank with the correct form of fahren.

1. A: Wie _______________ du in die Stadt? Mit dem Bus oder mit der U-Bahn?

B: Ach, ich _______________ doch immer mit der U-Bahn.

2. A: WIe _______________ ihr zur Schule? Mit dem Rad oder mit dem Bus?

B: Ja, wir _______________ immer mit dem Rad.

3. A: Wie _______________ der Robert in der Stadt? Mit dem Rad oder mit dem


4. B: Ich glaube, er _______________ mit dem Bus.

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



12. Tanja recently moved from a suburb of Munich to Brandenburg. Below is a letter she

sent to her grandmother. Read the letter and then answer the questions that follow.

Liebe Oma!

Ich bin sehr glücklich in meiner neuen Schule. Wir wohnen so nah an der Schule,

dass ich jeden Tag zu Fuß zur Schule gehen kann. Ich habe schon viele Freunde.

Uwe ist sechzehn und kommt aus Brandenburg. Er kommt mit dem Moped zur

Schule. Katja ist dreizehn und kommt auch aus München. Sie wohnt auch in der

Wilhelmstraße, und wir gehen zusammen zu Fuß zur Schule. Ich vermisse dich und

Opa natürlich sehr, aber hier in Brandenburg ist alles echt toll!

Grüße und Küsse,

deine Tanja

1. Wie kommt Tanja zur Schule?

a. mit dem Bus b. zu Fuß c. mit dem Auto d. mit dem Moped

2. Wie alt ist Uwe.

a. 13 b. 14 c. 15 d. 16

3. Wie kommt Kajta zur Schule?

a. mit dem Bus b. zu Fuß c. mit dem Auto d. mit dem Moped

Using the information that you know from Tanja’s letter, try to match the following excerpts

from it to their general idea in English.

_____ 1. Wir wohnen nah an der Schule.

_____ 2. Sie wohnt auch in der Wilhelmstraße.

_____ 3. Wir gehen zusammen zur Schule.

_____ 4. Ich vermisse dich und Opa natürlich


a. Katja lives on the same street as Tanja.

b. Tanja naturally misses her

grandparents very much.

c. Tanja lives close to school.

d. Tanja and Katja walk to school


Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



13. Landeskunke: Your teacher has probably told you that the legal age for driving a car is 18 in Germany. Did you also know that it requires many hours of classes with a private instructor; that the license can cost more than one thousand dollars, and requires the completion of a lengthy written exam? Germany is a densely populated country, with 81,472,000 people and 137,847 square miles. That means 591 people live in each square mile. Montana has 145,545 square miles (the closest state to size to Germany) and 989,420 people which means about 7 people per square mile. Wisconsin has 5,687,000 people and 54,158 square miles which means about 105 people live in every square mile.

a. What problems might be related to population density and driving a car?




b. How might the population density in Germany influence the legal age of driving a





c. Has there been discussion in Wisconsin about raising the legal driving age from 16 to

18? What reasons might someone give for raising the legal age?




d. You may know that in Germany you can drive as fast as you want on many stretches

of the Autobahn. However, just because you are legally allowed to drive fast does

not always mean that you will be able to drive your car at high speeds. What do you

think would prevent you from driving as fast as you want?




Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



14. Write the names of the places were you would go in order to do the activities listed on

the left below.

1. baden gehen ________________________________________________

2. Klamotten kaufen ________________________________________________

3. ein Eis essen ________________________________________________

4. einen Film sehen ________________________________________________

5. Musik hören ________________________________________________

6. tanzen und Musik hören ________________________________________________

7. lernen ________________________________________________

8. die Ausstellungen sehen ________________________________________________

9. in der Sonne liegen ________________________________________________

10. essen und trinken ________________________________________________

15. Write the names of the things you can do when you go to the places listed on the left


1. ins Fitnesszentrum gehen________________________________________________

2. zur Bank gehen ________________________________________________

3. zum Stadion gehen ________________________________________________

16. Read Jörg’s text about his town Oebisfeld, and look at the symbols from the tourist

brochure. Are there any mistakes? Cross out any symbols that shouldn’t be there.

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



17. Was gibt es in deiner Stadt? Schreib das richtige Wort!

1. _das Kino _____________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

6. _____________________________

18. Was gibt es in Mainz? Schreib acht Sätze. Beginn jede Satz mit Es gibt…..

19. Complete each of the following sentences by filling in the first blank with the name of

a place to go, and the second blank with an activity you would most likely do there.

1. Wir gehen in _______________ und _______________ dort ein Eis.

2. Ich gehe gern _______________ und _______________ einen Film.

3. Katja und Julia gehen in _______________ und kaufen _______________.

4. Wir gehen in _______________ tanzen und _______________ Musik.

5. Ich gehe ins _______________; ich möchte _______________ gehen.

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



20. Was ist logisch? Which activity will you do first?

BEISPIEL: nach Hause gehen / Hausaufgaben machen

Zuerst gehe ich nach Hause, dann mache ich Hausaufgaben.

1. Eis essen / ins Cafe gehen


2. zur Schule gehen / lernen


3. einen Film sehen / ins Kino gehen


4. tanzen / in eine Disko gehen


5. meine Hausaufgaben machen / Fernsehen schauen


21. Put the elements of the sentences below in correct order, beginning with the

underlined word or phrases. Make sure to use the correct verb form.

1. ins Kino / wollen / Birgit und Andreas / gehen


2. ich / nach der Schule / ins Cafe / gehen / wollen / ein Eis essen / und


3. am Wochenende / Tom und Jürgen / ins Museum gehen / wollen


4. wir / holen / heute Nachmittag / Geld / wollen


5. sie / ins Museum / am Abend / nicht / wollen / gehen


Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



22. Here are Tanja’s plans. Rewrite her statements, beginning each one with the word or

phrase printed in boldface.

1. Ich will zuerst die Hausaufgaben machen.


2. Wir wollen um 5 Uhr ins Cafe Freizeit gehen.


3. Wir wollen dort ein Eis essen.


4. Ich will am Abend mit Sonja ins Kino gehen.


5. Ich will aber um 8 Uhr 30 nach Hause gehen.


6. Ich will von 9 bis 10 Uhr Fernsehen schauen.


23. Katja und Georg and talking about their after-school plans. Fill in the correct forms of

the verb wollen.

KATRIN: Georg, was _______________ du nach der Schule machen?

GEORG: Bernd und ich _______________ ins Cafe gehen. Und du?

KATRIN: Ich _______________ auch ins Café gehen, aber mein Bruder

_______________ mit mir ins Museum gehen. _______________ ihr

zuerst mit uns ins Museum gehen?

GEORG: Ja, okay, aber danach _______________ wir unbedingt ins Cafe gehen.

KATRIN: Klar, wir _______________ alle ein Eis essen.

24. Complete each sentence by filling in the first blank with the correct form of möchten,

and the second blank with an appropriate word.

1. Wir _______________ um vier Uhr einen Film mit Mel Gibson _______________.

2. Michael _______________ nach der Schule ins Kino _______________.

3. _______________ du am Abend ins Cafe gehen und ein Eis _______________.

4. Katja und Julia _______________ am Nachmittag Klamotten _______________.

5. _______________ ihr am Abend auch Musik _______________.

6. Herr Meyer, _______________ Sie auch in die Stadt _______________?

7. Ich _______________ in die Disko gehen und _______________.

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



25. Write what these students’ plans are. Begin each statement with a phrase that

expresses either time or place. Use all the cues given.

1. Sonja / am Nachmittag / in die Stadt / fahren / sollen


2. Heiko und Tanja / nach der Schule / ins Kino / gehen / möchten


3. ich / am Abend / ins Konzert / gehen / wollen


4. Michael / um 7 Uhr / in eine Disko / gehen / sollen


5. er / dort / Musik / hören / dürfen


26. Complete each sentence below with the most appropriate choice from the right.

_____ 1. David und Katrin wollen ins Kino gehen…

_____ 2. Ich möchte nach Hause gehen…

_____ 3. Jan geht ins Konzert …

_____ 4. Wollt ihr ins Kaufhaus gehen…

_____ 5. Johann möchte ins Schwimmbad gehen…

_____ 6. Wir gehen ins Cafe ….

a. und schwimmen.

b. und hört Musik.

c. und essen ein Eis.

d. und meine Hausaufgaben


e. und einen Film sehen.

f. und Klamotten kaufen?

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



27. Wie kommst du am besten dorthin? Imagine that you have a driver’s license and

access to various means of transportation. Using complete sentences, write answers

to the question, including the means of transportation and your destination.

BEISPIEL: Boot / Strand

Ich fahre mit dem Boot an den Strand.

1. nach Deutschland / Flugzeug


2. Schule / Fahrrad


3. Stadt / Fuß


4. Bahnhof / Straßenbahn


5. Einkaufzentrum / Motorrad


6. Theater / Auto


Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



28. Look at the tickets and answer the questions.

1. What can you do for under 7 Euros? ____________________________________

2. What kind of museum is there? ____________________________________

3. Where is the theater? ____________________________________

4. How much is admission to the zoo? ____________________________________

5. What could you be wanting to do if you spent €4,40 on a ticket? ____________

6. Where could you go for a swim? ____________________________________

29. Put the lines in the dialogues below in the correct order.

_____ a. Das kostet acht Euro zwanzig.

_____ b. Man kann ins Kino gehen.

_____ c. Und was kostet das?

_____ d. Was kann man hier machen?

_____ a. Was kostet das?

_____ b. Was kann man hier machen?

_____ c. Das kostet zehn Euro fünfzig.

_____ d. Man kann das Schloss


Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



30. Put an X by the pictures if you can do that activity in the town of Neuheim.

Man kann fernsehen.

Man kann Fußball spielen.

Man kann Sport treiben.

Man kann ins Kino gehen.

31. Was kann man in Neuheim machen? Schreib Sätze!

1. Man kann schwimmen gehen.____________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________________

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



32. Aktuelles: Mit dem Zug fahren; read the following

passage and then write the German equivalent to

answer each question.

The German railways system is a quick and reliable

means of transportation. Over 30,000 trains crisscross

Germany every day. Many trains are comfortably

equipped and fully air-conditioned. If you have a

reserved seat, you can look at a chart located at your

designated track or platform (Gleis or Bahnsteig) to

determine exactly where you train car or coach will stop. This assures you that you

won’t have to walk much further once the train arrives and you’re ready

to get on.

Standard train tickets are valid for one day for distances

up to 100 kilometers. For longer distances, a single ticket

is valid for four days and a return ticket for one month.

Tickets for single and return trips for distances of 51 kilometers or more are

valid on any train, without a surcharge. International tickets are valid for two months

and a trip may be broken up as often and as long as is desired within that period.

Most Germans travel second class (Zweite Klasse). A second-class compartment (Abteil)

usually has vinyl seats; they’re not luxurious, but fairly

comfortable. First-class seats (Erste Klasse) are plusher and

rather expensive. These accommodations are recommended

only if you want to assure yourself of a seat during rush hour and

you did not reserve a seat in advance. If you’re not sure, you can

purchase a second-class ticket and pay the difference after you have boarded the train.

Check also to determine whether your car is a Raucher (smoking) or a Nichtraucher

(nonsmoking). Most trains have specially designated cars.

Shortly before the departure there will be the final call over the loudspeaker and a

warning that the train is ready to depart. Once the train has left the station, you can

relax and examine your surroundings. You will find the

compartment and the other facilities quite comfortable.

Remember, most Germans travel by train and not by plane

as in the United States. Therefore, special care is taken to

ensure a pleasant environment on trains. If you don’t want

to bring your own sandwiches, you can have a warm or cold

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



meal in the train car labeled Restaurant or Speisewagen. Don’t be surprised if someone

else sits down at your table after asking you Ist hier noch frei? This is quite common

here and in most German restaurants.

If you want to take a nap, even second-class seats are usually adjustable. They are

always adjustable in first class. On a longer trip, you can reserve sleeping quarters in the

Schlafwagen (sleeper) or in a Liegwagen (couchette) for an additional fee.

Some of the long-distance trains have very modern facilities such as a conference room,

a playroom for small children and even a party car called Gesellschaftswagen where

social functions can be arranged.

The most frequently used train in Germany is the Intercity (IC), which links more than

100 German cities and runs at one-hour intervals between 7am and 11pm. Intercity

trains that travel beyond the German boarder are called Eurocity (EC). The various stops

are usually posted outside on some of the cars. These

Intercity trains never stop in small towns. A surcharge is

required for travel in the fast and luxurious Eurocity and

Intercity trains. This fee includes a seat reservation


Faced with unrelenting competition from other means of

transportation – cars, ships, airplanes – the Deutsche Bahn has streamlined and

modernized its operations. A negative consequence of this streamlining is the fact that

in rural area service has been eliminated on the basis that it was no longer profitable.

The fastest and most modern train in Germany today is the Intercity Express (ICE) which

is 1,300 feet long. The ICE can cover the distance from Munich to Frankfurt in about

three hours, with a speed of 150 miles an hour on some sections of its route. This

supermodern train has an aerodynamic design and provides travelers with every

imaginable comfort. The high-tech ICE offers travelers telephones, fax machines, fully

equipped offices, videos, auto connections for three radio stations and three

preprogrammed audio programs, as well as a 40 seat restaurant.

Travelers on the Ice have a choice between a

standard compartment and open-seating

coaches with seats in rows or facing each

other. Large tables are fitted between the

seats – to work on or, perhaps, play games to

pass the time. For passengers who are

physically disabled, there is a second-class

coach providing wheelchair access.

For business people traveling relatively short

Deutsch 1 Kapitel 11: Wie komme ich dorthin? modes of transportation, places to go, things to do, man kann



distances, the ICE and the IC trains are very practical and convenient. From downtown

locations it is always quicker to get to the main railway station (traditionally in the

center of the city) than the nearest airport.

1. This train travels not only through Germany but also through other countries.

2. Go here if you want something to eat while traveling by train.

3. In German trains there are two classes. The majority of Germans travel by this class.

4. You need this if you want to know exactly where you will sit.

5. This is another word for Gleis.

6. The majority of Germans travel by this type of train.

7. If you don’t like cigars or cigarettes make sure you sit in this section.

8. In many trains it is possible to have group parties. They are located here.

9. If you are traveling for multiple days and you don’t want to sit you can stay in this

train car.

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