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Design Review Worksession Minutes

July 18, 2012

Committee Members: James Marsh, Acting Chairman

Tom Zabala

Brian Garrett

Trent Koci

Simplot Maggie Soderberg, Project Director, Simplot Foundation

Representatives & George Metzger, Executive Architect, AAI Adamson Associates

“Team JUMP” Jennifer Russell, Adamson Associates

Dan Drinkward, Hoffman Construction

Staff Members: Sarah Schafer

Hal Simmons

Rob Lockward, Legal

Nicki Heckenlively

DRH10-00178 / J.R. Simplot Foundation, Inc., SBP LLLP and JRS Properties III L.P.

Location 1000 W. Myrtle Street

Review of elevations, materials and colors per conditions of approval.

SARAH SCHAFER: This information came in several weeks ago. I’ve put together a staff report

and believe everyone has a copy. In the staff report I found problems with my image labels. On

Page 5, I mislabeled the materials board. Figure 11 is the current materials and Figure 12 is the

original materials for the project.

I also have the most current drawings as well as the original drawings which went through the

Design Review Committee, Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for approval. At

the back of the staff report I have also placed the conditions adopted by City Council and the

Planning and Zoning Commission. I started marking those off for you so you will see the

conditions which have been met with the drawings we have in front of us.

A couple of things have changed with the building form and the materials. I’ll turn it over to the

applicant to fill you in on the rest of the information, but the basic form is still the same. The

parking structure is located along Myrtle Street with access through a helix ramp. Above the ramp

are the Pioneer Room and the Frontier Room with additional studio spaces off the circular area.

The materials have changed. The original steel structure for the parking garage along Myrtle Street

has become a concrete structure which removed one of the conditions of approval regarding

fireproofing of the structure. With it now being concrete, the visible fire protection is no longer an

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issue. The materials have changed quite a bit in color. There is still a lot of glass. They’re utilizing

stainless steel panels and mesh instead of copper panels. The materials boards are on the other end

of the table for you to look at in conjunction with the perspective views. Staff believes the changes

meet the Design Guidelines and the intent of the initial approval. Staff has no real concerns with

the project and we recommend approval.

The applicant will talk in a minute, but the process now is for you to make a recommendation to the

Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission will give final approval

to the building form, materials and colors. The Planning and Zoning Commission hearing is

scheduled for August 6th

at 6:00 p.m. After today’s meeting I will get the minutes typed up and

write a staff report for the Planning & Zoning Commission.

One concern staff has with the application, and it may be addressed through the landscape plan

when it comes forward next month, is there are a couple of smaller structures out along Myrtle

Street, the Fire Command Center and mechanical equipment. The mechanical equipment is

approximately 20 feet tall and becomes a very large screen with little articulation. I understand

there needs to be some kind of screening of the mechanical equipment and the landscaping may

provide some of the relief for this structure, but it was something I wanted the Committee to look at

and make a final recommendation to the Planning & Zoning Commission.

GEORGE METZGER (Architect / Adamson Associates): Jennifer Russell is here with me as well.

I want to make some brief comments and then Jennifer is going to give you a brief update on where

we are on this project.

The past comments from Design Review have been very helpful in getting us to where we are

today. It’s been a little while since we’ve been here and in that time period we’ve been making

adjustments to the building in reaction to your comments. As Sarah already mentioned, we had a

steel structure on the parking garage and there was concern about the fireproofing so we re-

evaluated the design and went to a concrete structure painted with a white color so it would be a

very clean garage, which is the direction you encouraged us to go at the last session.

Because some of you were not in the last meeting and this is a complex building, I wanted to

remind you of the main parts and why the project is like it is. In the earliest conversations we had

there was more above grade parking. We’ve modified the design to have a below grade parking

structure to a single level structure below the park. It has approximately 600 spaces that will be

occupied by Simplot Corporation employees who will go out of the structure and to their offices a

block or two away. Parking can be used on weekends or at night for any Foundation functions or

any other functions held in the park, but its primary use is for office employees.

The park, which is at grade and the ultimate park, which is intended to be three and a half acres will

serve public events, Foundation events, and others such as a temporary ice skating rink in the winter

or events on Saturdays. Currently the park is shown as five acres. There is a difference between the

ultimate build-out and the current plan because there are some future development sites along the

perimeter of the site. There is about 80-100 feet dedicated to this at unknown times in the future.

Then there is the main Foundation building, which we are talking about today. It is above grade

and is a non-profit Foundation with studios for things like movement, cooking, a special events area

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that operates like a hotel ballroom where you can have multiple lectures and events and some

exhibit space. Additionally there are two levels of above grade parking dedicated for the

Foundation. Not only did we change the materials but we decreased the size of the building and

number of parking spaces.

Through the middle of the park runs the Pioneer Path, a dedicated public right-of-way, which

connects down through the city and is an important feature in the park. Overall, even though we’ve

tried to make improvements to the design in reaction to your comments, the basic diagram of the

building and height remains the same. We feel like we’ve done everything we can to improve on

your past comments.

I’d like Jennifer to go through the floor plans and show locations of the materials and address some

of the conditions.

JENNIFER RUSSELL (Designer / Adamson Associates): We began our package with the plans on

the underground garage for your reference only. These plans were submitted last August and


On Level I, The footprint underneath the parking structure, is the helix drive ramp and drop-off

zone. In yellow are all the building elements. Previously we had a smaller Kitchen Studio and

smaller Lobby. We’ve expanded it to be more functional space by accommodating more back-of-

house support. We were also trying to simplify the forms and make them more cohesive


GEORGE METZGER: You would have an entry to the Lobby from the park, from the drop-off or

come through and into the front.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: If the building is closed, the elevator lobby can remain open for card access

continued use of the passenger elevators. We’re also providing some restrooms for the park

accessible from the exterior.

GEORGE METZGER: The Fire Command Center is in this location.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: The intention is to provide some kind of screen to soften this.

We don’t have any parking on Level II. This is two-stories, two-levels. The helix continues up.

There is an Administrative suite with about seven offices, a conference center and some support

areas for various people running the Foundation. These are double height spaces, as you’ll see in

the renderings, so there will be a mezzanine level open to below and a fireplace. It is important to

say we previously had a large feature stair which has been relocated with the intent to create a

serpentine feature not only for vertical transportation, but also to provide stadium seating for people

to watch activities in the park. The idea is people will walk up and around through the building and

this is a way to bring elements and people from the park into the building.

GEORGE METZGER: It ties directly into the public Pioneer Path and directs movement up to the

Sculpture Deck.

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JENNIFER RUSSELL: As we traverse the stairs, we are now on top of the Main Lobby. This will

be an outdoor Garden Studio. There will be some seating and we would like to have some planters

for herbs which will service the Kitchen Studio. We also have some support facilities for

maintenance and other things here. This whole element is the support tower with a service elevator

and restrooms.

You will have to circle back onto the Parking Structure at Level III. We’ll address the Parking

Structure when we are finished summarizing the rest of the plans.

On Level IV we start to see the studio spaces engaged and their massing. They’re coming up

through the Pioneer Stair. Here, we have a Multi-media Studio which is meant to be a semi-

professional recording studio to teach the people in the community about that industry. We also

have the Inspiration Studio which is meant to be an entrepreneurial conferencing area. This has a

prominent view of the park and doesn’t have any requirements for glazing and in fact they would

like to keep it nice and dark so it is clad with stainless steel. These studio boxes are considered

“little jewel boxes” with curtain wall systems, which will have a glulam back-up on the interior and

cladding on the underside and the roof with stainless steel metal panels.

GEORGE METZGER: In this zone there is some exhibition space for different things. Some of the

changes that have been made have cut back on the amount of plaza space that wasn’t fully engaged

with the program for the projects so we’ve made these much more activated exterior spaces.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: It is important to say for the passenger elevators and the service corridor

we are looking at using the GFRC panels. We also have some painted perforated metal panels that

will clad the helix so the ratio is about 51 percent open so you will still be able to get light into the

helix, but screening it visually from cars. This is more parking on Level IV with surface support.

On Level V, we reach the top of the Pioneer Stair which exits adjacent to a café. This is curtain

wall and the GFRC panel. In the center above the helix drum, is a large multi-purpose space in

curtain wall. The idea is to be able to sub-divide this further, but with flexible moving partitions and

moving furniture to have little vignettes throughout the space on the floor for different activities like

sewing, painting and things of this nature.

GEORGE METZGER: For me it is easier to understand it works like an architecture studio.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: We also have a large, glassy lobby which services the space and acts as

security point for people entering into the space. We also have these other studios. This is a

continuation of the earlier Inspiration Studio which is effectively a double height space. Adjacent

to it is the Movement Studio for dance and Tai Chi; any kind of physical activity will be performed

there. It is also curtain wall with a glulam back-up system and stainless steel panels in the back.

Again, this is the continuation of our core. Off of the back on the south side we have another studio

called the Maker’s Studio. Basically it is like a woodshop, but it has other equipment like a CNC, a

plasma cutter, a kiln and all kinds of really exciting toys to play with. It is purposely located here

so the space on the Roof Terrace can be used to work on and showcase projects. We have a large

Sculpture Terrace, which will be addressed more specifically in the next round of Design Review

meetings. The Sculpture Terrace will have a series of vignettes of different activities. We’ll have a

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yoga-by-day and party-by-evening area overlooking the park and activities on this side more

tailored to youth.

On Level VI is our Event Center which will hold over 500 occupants. They will have a spectacular

view of the park and Capitol and beautiful views of the cityscape. There is a lobby and overflow

lobby support in the main hall with a catering kitchen and support for the catering kitchen off to the

side. There are also a few terraces on the south side.

This shows the cut-through of the double height space of about 20 feet. It is cut through this and

overlooks these roofs. This is the mechanical equipment area. This is the overall roof plan, which

shows the top of the Pioneer Room. We will not put any mechanical here. We are limiting the

mechanical to these three areas.

We can walk through the renderings. This view is looking straight ahead from Front Street. This is

the main entry vestibule off of the park, the Main Lobby, which is a double-height space, Kitchen

Studio and the Plaza surrounding both. It is all curtain wall with a glulam back-up. On the interior

we propose using some robust, not heavy timber, but cladding the columns in wood beam and

column grid visible from the exterior to give it some real warmth and energy and also to pick up and

reinforce the glulam back-up on the interior.

GEORGE METZGER: We feel like the wood member on the interior of the curtain wall does a lot

to warm up the building and make it not feel like an office building. It also makes it feel a lot

warmer inside which is a key element to us.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Instead of having spandrel glazing here we are proposing a shadow box so

we have the continuation of glass, but the soffit and structure is set back. It is a painted gypsum

board so you get some reveal, but there is no horizontal mullion in the front.

On top of the lobby, as I mentioned earlier, is the Outdoor Kitchen Studio which will have some

seating and places for planters and things like that to serve the Kitchen Studio.

GEORGE METZGER: We can look at the material board to show the actual samples.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: The glass at the top is the proposed overall glazing. The cladding of this

building is predominantly curtain wall followed by the GFRC panels which you’ll see here. This is

the passenger elevator and the metal panels which are specifically used at the studio boxes. We’re

trying to treat them as “little jewel boxes” so they have special cladding on the roofs, on the

undersides and also on the facades with the curtain wall.

GEORGE METZGER: The GFRC is one material, but when they produce it in the factory they

have a slightly different finish on the face. This allows it to look a little bit mottled so it isn’t quite

so uniform. You can see in the renderings we’ve tried to illustrate there are a little bit lighter and

darker colors so it will look a little more mottled and that makes it a richer elevation. On the

stainless steel, there are lots of different finishes, we’ve used a 316 so it doesn’t rust and we’re

going to use a bead blast finish. What this does is lets it be a very soft, like a suede finish and

reflections off of the stainless steel are more diffuse so you don’t have the heavy deflection. We feel

with the different “jewel box” studios that rotate around at different angles each face will be

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catching the surrounding elements in the daylight at a different angle so even though it is one

material we’ll get a lot of variation in the color of the building as the day goes on. Even though it is

one material it is going to have a very nice image for the public.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Of course our boxes aren’t cantilevered and although we wish they were

they will have robust columns which come down to grade. What we decided to do instead of

wrapping the column tightly is to make them like fins and give them some robust notes and make

them feel like we’re not fooling ourselves by having a slender kind of column and giving them

some weight. Those are intended to be cast-in-place concrete.

Something I’d like to touch on briefly, but will discuss further in the next Design Review session, is

the exterior stairs. Previously, in the last submission, they were shrouded with slides which we have

removed and placed elsewhere which I will touch on later. We felt the stairs left without cladding

around them seemed a bit busy so in order to give them a form and to treat them like the rest of the

building so they wouldn’t stick out we’d like to have some enclosure panels which would be


GEORGE METZGER: When we come back on the landscape, we’d like to present exactly what

this material is. It is something we are working our way through with the combination of elements

to make it look right and work with all of the other requirements. We’ll come back on this one

particular material.

JENINIFER RUSSELL: Let me touch on the slides before I go to the parking structure. Here you

can really see the use of the glulam back-up and how it gives it some nice definition and makes it

not look like an office building.

Here is the slide we are proposing. The idea behind it is to have a sculptural slide. The slides

we’ve been looking at are from the Tate Museum in London and the New Museum in New York by

an artist named Carsten Höller. They’re very elegant and are fabricated from bead glass stainless

steel. The intention is they are very elegant and sculptural. They are what they are and they are

their own element and the architecture is the architecture

GEORGE METZGER: A specific slide company would make those for us and they specialize in

making sure it is comfortable and works technically correct. This is the current design we have.

We’re addressing this issue as well.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: In this rendering you can also see the Pioneer Stair that I spoke of earlier.

It is a cast-in-place concrete stair all the way up to Level V. It’s a really heavy, robust element

meant to give some gravity to the project and contrast to the curtain wall.

JAMES MARSH: The stair spacing is different here so you can have built-in seating and this is

your standard stair?


GEORGE METZGER: It would be code compliant and work like an exit stair, but it is not an exit

stair for the project.

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JENNIFER RUSSELL: In this rendering, you’ll get some glimpses of the GFRC. This is the

service core. We also have it down at the base building anywhere we have service. We’re trying to

reinforce this layer with the materials and let the stainless steel and the curtain wall really come

through and be elegant and highlight it.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: What is this little element here?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Another stair.

COMMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: So that is the other stair on the other side?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Yes. We have three of these staircases on the exterior and we’d screen all

of them.

COMMITTEE MEMEBR MARSH: This is another slide on the Sculpture Garden level on top?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: That is something we would also like to discuss at the next round. At the

point of submission we were beginning to discuss this event slide at the top. We’ll come back to

you with that material.

GEORGE METZGER: There would be landscape on the Sculpture Deck as well as the slide

element and the Yoga Studio space so we want to come back and present the whole layout with the

landscape materials at the next submission.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: You can start to see a little glimpse of the parking structure mentioned

earlier. One of the biggest changes was from steel to concrete. We are proposing using precast

efficient panel at the garage which is the white panel on the board with various flecks of color with

fascia panels at the front. What we tried to do with the design of the garage was to minimize its

length so we did pull it in. Also, to get some articulation in the façade we stopped the precast

panels where we have exit stairs and are proposing we have glass surrounds for guardrails around

the exit stairs. Again, at the landscape meeting, we can show you in more detail what these

staircase covers look like and having that articulation in the façade. The ownership group has an

antique tractor collection they would like to showcase and we found a great opportunity for that in

the garage. We created a series of “jewel boxes” to feature and showcase them. We are proposing

using the stainless steel bead glass finish metal panels in conjunction with the precast panels.

GEORGE METZGER: All of that is to soften the parking area and integrate more overall with the

park and the public features. Yes, it happens to have some cars in it, but it is really more of a

building that integrates with the overall program of the project.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: The material for the columns is painted concrete with the steel

beams in white to match?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Yes. We’ve tried to keep the cladding material pallet very simple and

direct. With the forms and the massing of the building, having a direct pallet makes the forms

crisper, cleaner and gives them more unity.

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GEORGE METZGER: The night lighting would almost work opposite of the day. We have so

much glazing on the building we want those glazed elements to softly glow at night out into the

park. We do have some lighting for the walkways and so forth, but this is lower for the paving

surface. We want to have the image of the building light glowing from inside the studios to the


JENNIFER RUSSELL: These are context elevations. We’d like to go through some of the

conditions of approval.

GEORGE METZGER: There are a number of them related to the park so we we’ll address those

next time. A number of conditions are already checked off because of the prior presentation of the

below grade garage. We’ll walk through the ones we’re addressing today.

Condition 1.a.

This had to do with the clear vision triangles from a car. (We have a supplemental piece not

included in the packet and thought this would help check off the items.) This has to do with the

view when a car is coming in/out of the garage on Myrtle Street for the surface exit as well as

entries. There were some exhibit pieces blocking the view in the drives. A reconfiguration has

eliminated the islands. We feel we have addressed this.

Condition 1.b.

The pedestrian/vehicles spaces at the end of the parking decks. There were two parking levels and

if you recall we had exhibition spaces at the ends at the two sides. (See the dotted lines on Page 2-

03-0.) We have included bollards which would protect people who might be looking at the displays

at the end. We’ve also included bollards at the end of each parking space to protect people walking

in the circulation space at the perimeter. This is quite different than other parking areas because on

a parking deck like this you park your car and walk in the drive aisles. We’ve established a

sidewalk circulation area around the full perimeter which is protected by the bollards so the cars

stay in their spaces and we can walk to the front of the car and circulate around. With this we

address 1.b. (Electronics of these have been given to Sarah so you can review at a bigger scale.)

Condition 1.c.

The tractor display located in the middle of the helix has been eliminated.

SARAH SCHAFER: For the record, I labeled the four sheets A2-01, A2-02, A2-03, and A2-04 as

Exhibit A for today’s hearing (July 18, 2012).

GEORGE METZGER: We should skip down to Page 10, Condition ee. The request to provide the

four elevations of the Fire Command Center. We did include those. As we mentioned before the

Fire Command Center is close to the entry because the Fire Department needs it in this location.

When there is an emergency they come to this location. It is basically a 100 square foot room. Our

approach was to keep it fairly simple as a background piece and use the GFRC panels on it with the

mottled finish. Staff made a comment on this so would you like us to modify the design and come

back to you on this or are you satisfied with the way it is?

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COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: It is a monolithic building with the GFRC on it? There are

no windows?


COMMITTEE MEMBER ZABALA: I’ve done Fire Control Centers before and you can’t do much

with them.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Does this go up two levels?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: No. It is a single level.

COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: It is within the structure of the garage?

GEORGE METZGER: Yes. It is a one level building in a two level space so it will have a roof on

it and be the equivalent to the size of a guard station or ticket piece. We tried to make these pieces

nondescript background buildings.

COMMITTEE MEMBER ZABALA: You’ve got decent finish materials on the exterior and

you’ve done as well as you can do under the circumstances.

GEORGE METZGER: Thank you. Moving on to Condition ff.

Condition ff.

Provide all four elevations of the stair located at the north side of the property. Those were included

in the package. It comes up from the below grade garage. There is an open pedestrian stair and a

canopy over it for protection from the weather. There is a two-stop elevator which stops in the

garage and at grade. Again, we used the GFRC for the cladding around the elevator with wood

structure elements supporting the roof. There is a simple guardrail around the stair. The stair and

elevator are located at this location so you can go directly from this out to the sidewalk. We

envisioned a lot of the employees, using the below grade parking, would come here, go to the

corner and cross the street.

Condition gg.

All mechanical equipment specifications in regard to height and location shall be submitted for

review and approval. Jennifer will address this condition.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Our intent is to screen a large generator at the corner of Myrtle and Borah.

It will be located here. We’re still deciding on our metal mesh for this. There are requirements for

the output from the generator so we’ll get back to you on this particular screening, but the idea is to

have some kind of perforated metal or something which allows air access and flow into the

generator, but screens it as well.

GEORGE METZGER: We’d like to show you the landscaping around it when we come back.

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SARAH SCHAFER: Will there be landscape around it? The way it is laid out it doesn’t look like

there will be landscape along Myrtle Street because it is up against the sidewalk. Will you be able

to get it in here?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: It’s really tight.

SARAH SCHAFER: This is the only reason I was concerned about the screen because I wasn’t

sure you’d have enough room clearance wise.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Initially we proposed green screen for this, but there were concerns about

plant material impeding the air flow.

GEORGE METZGER: Rather than say more today why don’t we address this next time.

SARAH SCHAFER: No problem.

COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: You’ll come back with gg.?

GEORGE METZGER: Yes. The next Condition is ii.

Condition ii.

There is the two story space at ground level and we have an off-the-shelf light fixture. This attaches

to the bottom of the structural deck and we’d essentially put a lamp shade around it so we have a

metal support frame that holds an acrylic diffuser which works like a light shade to screen the

fixture while providing more architectural interest to the light fixture. At the parking decks on

levels three and four we used a different kind of light fixture which has a metal silver shroud around

it and this is a more efficient fixture which works for the parking decks. We labeled it here, but it

wasn’t easy to understand from looking at the drawings.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: What kind of lamps are you using?


GEORGE METZGER: The high pressure setting goes to a real orange color. If anybody tries to

avoid HID they get to divert white light. Because of the efficiency outside there aren’t many other

choices. Even the City departments are getting away from yellow light.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: We were going for a softer feel and less of an off-the-shelf solution

particularly at the RCP at grade.

GEORGE METZGER: We do have a lighting designer, Lightswitch in Sausalito, helping us so it is

not just an electrical engineer picking fixtures, but a specialist in lighting.

COMMITTEE MEMBER ZABALA: I hope there are no electrical engineers in the room.

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GEORGE METZGER: We want to look at Condition hh. With the renderings we talked about the

slides, the colored concrete and the structural steel on the metal so we touched on the finishes for

each of those. Were there any we should go back to?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: The only thing left on the board to explain is where we have exterior fascia

on the exterior walkways. We have a glass guardrail which is the MG-2 and underneath will have a

white exterior plaster fascia. It recedes in the background.

GEORGE METZGER: It would have a smooth trowel finish on all four of those with

cement/plaster painted a white color so it would look very similar to the precast concrete.

COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: The finish on precast concrete is only painted or does it have a

finish coat?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: The Precast is integral.

COMMITTEE MEMBER ZABALA: It will be white cement?


COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: There is painted concrete somewhere?

GEORGE METZGER: On the cast-in-place concrete on the columns and undersides of the decks.

We found this drive surface itself will have traffic topping, which would be a light gray color to

look like concrete.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: These thin columns are cast-in-place?


COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Would those have a trowel finish on them or just paint?

GEORGE METZGER: We’ll paint the concrete and try to get it to be as-cast without too much

touch up. We’ll try to have it uniform between the look of the plaster and the look of the concrete

so they have a similar feel.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: We touched on the slides in Condition hh. It will be a

stainless steel slide. I love the slides at the Tate (Modern Art Gallery). It’s nice they are this

instead of painted.

GEORGE METZGER: It is the same company.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: As far as I know all those slides have been interior slides

and not exterior.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: That’s true. However, they can also manufacturer exterior slides.

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COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: Are there issues with heat?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Everyone asks this.


JENNIFER RUSSELL: I’m sure they get quite warm, but we’re going to have some strategies.

MAGGIE SODERBERG: They’ll have clear plexi-glass on the tops for safety, but that is a good


COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: They are not fully enclosed?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: They’re fully enclosed with a plexi-glass top.

GEORGE METZGER: Maybe like a fighter jet cabin where you have the glass top to it with the

lower portion in stainless. The company…this is the only thing they do. Not just these slides, but

they have a whole group of them they’ve done around the world.

Condition is jj.

We’ve eliminated the fire proofing on the garage by going to a concrete structure.

Condition nn.

The existing vehicular access to the Seiniger Law Office and the leased parking spaces. These are

Simplot properties and the agreement was signed during the JUMP building so it is actually a

different entity with the agreement with Seiniger. This different entity has written a legal letter to

Mr. Seiniger letting him know where the assigned parking spaces are located. A document was

attached to the letter showing the parking spaces which are highlighted in yellow. These are the

spaces assigned to Seiniger.

SARAH SCHAFER: I will mark this as Exhibit B (July 18, 2012) and list it as documentation for

Condition nn.

GEORGE METZGER: We’ll list those on the documents we submit for permits and label the

parking spaces on the permit set.

Condition oo.

Previously we looked at vacating Borah Street, which caused part of the issue. At this point we’ve

determined we should not vacate Borah Street and will review the public street. By keeping the

public street open we will eliminate all the concerns of this condition.

Those are the items we felt we should discuss today. We’ll come back with landscape plans.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: I’ll give you a status update on the park layout. This is three months old.

We’re preparing documents to show you in the next two months, but I wanted to review some main

features of the park starting with:

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Feature 1- Large Event Lawn

This connects at Front Street and the 9th

Street corner to the front entrance of this building. It is an

elliptical shaped lawn that is bordered by trees and planter beds.

Feature 2 – Pioneer Path

This is the backbone of the project and park which will connect the Broad Street pedestrian pathway

to the corner of Myrtle & 11th


Feature 3 – Marketplace

This is located where this flower shaped area is. The idea behind this is to create a soft quiet

gathering place for events like food trucks, café seating, farmers markets on Saturdays and things

like this.

Feature 4 – Event Plaza

This is immediately outside the Kitchen Studio and Main Lobby and adjacent to the Pioneer Path.

The idea is that in the future if there are office buildings or other types of buildings the zone above

it can connect and form a larger shared plaza.

COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: This is the light green area hatched out?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Yes. We were thinking about zones for future building and things like this.

GEORGE METZGER: There is an 80-100 foot development strip which is essentially in the

perimeter. There are obviously some features we’d never want to have. The Event Lawn would not

have future development in it. The three and a half acres is the inner piece. We’re currently

landscaping the whole five acres and it will remain until, at some unknown future point, other

development happens.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: One of the main features of this proposed park:

Feature 7 – Amphitheatre

This has an intimate feeling with a dome shape (grass) and grassy area which overlooks a platform


GEORGE METZGER: This has a sloped lawn area so you can sit on blankets. It is a very informal

type amphitheater with seating for only 100 people.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Adjacent to this we have Feature 6:

Feature 6 – Orchard Zone

We have different types of fruit tree plantings within this quiet contemplated area away from the

other activity zones.

Feature 5 – Base of Sculptural Slides

We’d like to have some kind of play area around the base of the slides. Maybe a water feature.

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GEORGE METZTER: We thought it would help even though we’re not presenting it, but for

reference only we wanted to show you where we are with the park and give you an idea of the

layout of the Pioneer Path and how we’re trying to connect from the corner straight over to where it

would connect into BoDo. We still see it key within the whole project to have this event space,

focusing from the northwest corner straight to the entry, have the event space which ties to the

slides and the piece which ties more to the retail space on the retail side.

SARAH SCHAFER: I’ll mark this Exhibit C (July 18, 2012).

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: The slides went from three to one.

GEORGE METZGER: There are two because they corkscrew, but it is one location.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: Those are locked in now?

GEORGE METZGER: Right. People can circulate from the slide to the stair and elevator and back

up so it makes it a more useable function. It is easier to operate and have people utilize.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Has it been identified in the plan how the parking access

control for the underground parking gates and all of this stuff will work?

GEORGE METZGER: The owner wants to wait until they have an operator on board and use the

system they like best. There’s a variety of different systems.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: I’m assuming all of it will be access controlled both above and

below ground?


COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: Once people turn in where is the access point?

GEORGE METZGER: With the changes we made before we now utilize Borah Street so people

can come in/out of Borah Street. This helps with the overall urban traffic circulation. You can exit

here, exit out this zone and exit here. You can enter either from Borah Street or straight in from

Myrtle. When you come in from Myrtle there will be signage which directs you down to employee

parking or up for JUMP parking. As you come out there will be signage to direct you to drop offs.

If you made a mistake and went down into the employee parking they can direct you back up onto

the ramp and vice-versa if you go up to the JUMP spaces and you decide you want to leave you

circulate right back down.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Will staff review this when it comes in? You can’t have the

access control right on the edge of the street because you’d start seeing stuff back up a little bit.

MAGGIE SODERBERG: There isn’t an access control. One of the parking systems we’re

thinking about is like Boise State’s system. You park and then you go get your tickets. It wouldn’t

be good to have traffic backed up.

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COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Those are concerns.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: One of my concerns was if you get in there and you’re not

supposed to be and can’t back out.

GEORGE METZGER: We moved the ramp start point back further away from the street so there is

more flat zone and stacking zone. We’ve made a lot of changes to the plans to give more stacking

space for less congestion.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: On the original plans you had some indoor/outdoor operable

garage doors on the Kitchen Studio space. Do you still propose this?

GEORGE METZGER: We have some operable glazing elements so we can open it up to the

outdoor event space with outdoor tables. It is set up for cooking class use and the cooking classes

will be in the Kitchen Studio space itself and at times it could be used as a café space. The intent is

a Kitchen Studio.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: What you’re showing on the outside of the building is a

folding door or a bi-fold?


COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: Will there be structures for those areas?

GEORGE METZGER: In the landscape plan you can see we’re intending some outdoor umbrellas

and trees in this area to provide shade.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: But nothing on the building itself?


COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: Those aren’t shade structures above, but an operable door?

GEORGE METZGER: Operable doors.

COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: This would be integrated in with this curtain wall on the first

mullion line?

GEORGE METZGER: They’re glazed and we’re currently looking at whether we would go with

the bi-fold. The doors we show here are bi-fold. We may end up going with pivoting because it is

less expensive and easier to operate. The bi-fold doors have some fairly heavy hardware with them

so this will be a final refinement in the construction documents, but it will be operable glass. The

intent is for it to blend in with the curtain wall.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: You wanted some detail about the studio glazing and how

the curtain wall will go from the bottom detail all the way up to the top with the structure inset from

that. In looking at the renderings there are a couple of areas which may not be completely rendered

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out, it will be the same glazing system everywhere that this happens. You’re not going to a

standard curtain wall system?

GEORGE METZGER: No. We have this same type of glass everywhere with this same wood

backup. We have some areas where the curtain wall extends up as a parapet and we have aluminum

backup where it is exposed to the exterior.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: With this terrace the actual parapet framing comes up and

provides the guard on this?


GEORGE METZGER: Around the circular walkways?

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: The terrace on this little roof? The actual floor level is about

right here at the pen?

GEORGE METZGER: Correct. We have some circular walkways where we have a glass

guardrail. Above the plaster fascia there is a glass guardrail.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Those wouldn’t necessarily be easy, but it would sure be neat

if the glass here could be tied into your curtain wall. I like this where it is a continuous box. This is

not an easy detail necessarily, but it would sure make a nice cohesive look to have this integrated

into that piece.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: Similar to the one up top?

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Yes, even if the storefront can be more of a continuous clear

piece. I certainly wouldn’t want to make this a condition or anything it’s more of a comment. It is

not necessarily an easy thing to accomplish.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: This one is glazed and this one…

JENNIFER RUSSELL: This one is set back.

GEORGE METZGER: We still want to make sure to keep enough difference between the height

here and here to make it noticeably different. We don’t want them almost the same height. We

want them noticeably different.

COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: You could keep that same height like he is saying. If you use the

same glass system you could have the three foot high or 42 inch high.

GEORGE METZGER: We’ll look at it, but please don’t make it a condition.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: It’s more of a comment than anything. When you come back

with the landscape plan you’ll discuss the paving?

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COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: I have an interest in that, the garage lighting, terrace rails…

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: The GFRC looks great in the renderings. It looks like it is

rain screen type wall?

GEORGE METZGER: There is detail on the construction system in the back and a picture out of

the brochure of the material installed on a building. You get a better idea from the brochure about

the final look.


CGEORGE METZGER: It looks like wood, but it is a material that won’t…

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Eight inches by six feet.


JENNIFER RUSSELL: Yes. They are riveted with exposed fasteners.

COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: These renderings do show…

JENNIFER RUSSELL: Yes, but they are concealed. They are not true concealed, but the rivets

will blend into the material.

GEORGE METZGER: The joints aren’t weather tight. The weather tight portion happens behind

the material.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: They are drilled through from the face, it is GFRC and the

holes are done in the field?


JENNIFER RUSSELL: They produce some of the panelization in the factory and ship it back such

as large panels. I’ll leave this up to Hoffman.

GEORGE METZGER: They sell the same product with a larger material and in the larger panels

and they have a concealed clip system, but if you go with the smaller panel it isn’t economically

feasible to do the concealed clips so you do the exposed fastener. It is a standard piece and the

fasteners match the product. Unless you’re an architect you can’t notice it.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: My concern is a lot of times when there is site work done

on the GFRC panels they can get really marked up quick. I don’t know the quality of the bit, blade

or craftsmanship on the field versus in-factory.

GEORGE METZGER: I’ve built buildings with these guys before and they’ll do a good job with it.

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COMMITTEE MEMBER ZABALA: They do a good job.

GEORGE METZGER: This is also the ⅝ inch thick panel. We’re looking at two alternatives of ⅝

or one that has a two layer system by a different manufacturer, but they are both more rigid panels

so the façade will lay flat. My concern is some of them are a ¼ inch thick and they tend not to lie

flat at the edges, but the products we’re looking at are thicker, flatter panels.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: We also went with the vertical joint line instead of the horizontal because

on many locations, in fact in most all of them, this material will be applied on a radius so it will

have a nice clean look.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Is there a parking count now that the garage is smaller and

everything is fine in this regard?

SARAH SCHAFER: Everything is fine for the parking counts. You’re in a parking overlay so they

are not required to provide any parking so whatever parking they are providing is excellent.



COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: The GFRC is not patterned at all?

JENNIFER RUSSELL: No. As George mentioned earlier there are different finishes on the GFRC.

There are different levels of sandblasting or acid etching.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: The edge condition as it turns the corner one butts up to the



SARAH SCHAFER: How does the GFRC finish or cap at the top?

GEORGE METZGER: Metal edge trim that works to form the waterproofing and so forth.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: This will be painted to match.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: Do you know if this GFRC is a staggered edge treatment or

if it is one side with a beveled edge? These are all horizontal versus the vertical application.

GEORGE METZGER: The intent is a flat surface.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: There’s no way to stagger it in a vertical application.

You’d need the whole wall for one to be proud of the other one. I’m wondering if they are going to

be beveled edges or if there will be a flat one on top of the other one in the corner.

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GEORGE METZGER: We haven’t finished the detail at the corner, but we will do it appropriately.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Some of them have a corner piece or they could have a metal

vertical reveal on the corner. There are a lot of options.

JENNIFER RUSSELL: We want a crisp and tight corner, but would like to stay away from a

continuous trim piece at the outer edge.

GEORGE METZGER: This is factory refined material and you don’t want to do a corner miter.

You don’t want to do anything like that because it’s not stone. It could be some sort of overlap and

then you’d have to make sure the factory material is appropriate with the overlap.

COMMITTEE MEMBER KOCI: Do we have a factory corner they can manufacture?

GEORGE METZGER: We’ll have to see, but that might look worse than the overlap.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: The overall massing of the garage and bringing it down solved

a lot of people’s concerns. I like it much better.

GEORGE METZGER: We also went a long way to make it look like a building people would have

with exhibit information and walkways around so you’d see people walking around the edge.

Where we were before it looked too much like a structure alone. This has gone a long way to soften

the building.

COMMITTEE MEMBER ZABALA: The Myrtle Street frontage is much improved in terms of it

being a major gateway into the city. The breakup and the angulation you’ve created is a lot more

pleasing than what we’ve seen previously.

GEORGE METZGER: The tractor box at that end is directly there to address the traffic coming


COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: The bead glass stainless steel cladding system...these

examples you show at the door is that bead glass?


COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: It doesn’t necessarily look like a patina or even zinc. This

one looks weathered a little bit, but as you step back from it, it is high gloss. It is a quality finish

and interesting.

GEORGE METZGER: It is made by Rimex, London.

SARAH SCHAFER: If there are no further questions we can entertain a motion.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Are we identifying those conditions we deem have been

addressed with this?

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SARAH SCHAFER: And making a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission to

approve the drawings we have. They are dated received June 12, 2012.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: There are no dates set for future worksessions for the

unaddressed issues?

SARAH SCHAFER: No, not yet. In speaking with Mr. Metzger prior to the worksession it sounds

like we’re going to try to schedule something for August. We’ll have the August worksession in

front of the Design Review Committee to address the remaining items and forward those to the

Planning and Zoning Commission.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: Do we need to list the addressed versus the unaddressed

issues or is it clear?

SARAH SCHAFER: I’ve marked the majority of them. You can note Conditions a., b. and c. have

been met by Exhibit A. I know gg. States, “The mechanical screens shall be shown”, but since

we’re not sure of the final material for the mechanical screens I’m hesitant to say this is met and

would like to have this one come back at the landscape worksession for a final declaration. I’m at

the same place with hh. because of the metal screening, but the majority of this one has been met.

We can do a final signoff on this one at the landscape worksession. We could state ii. has been met

if you are comfortable with the design of the lighting. I would like to add this in as well as nn. met

by Exhibit B and oo. is met because it is no longer valid. If you can clarify this and state how it

applies as otherwise indicated by staff’s report that will be enough to send it on to the Planning and

Zoning Commission along with any additional clarifications or direction you want.

COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: We skimmed over quite a few of these. Is it assumed

everything we skimmed over is coming back at a future worksession?

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: If it is not already identified by staff then we’re identifying the

other items and everything else is still coming back. They are also coming back on the Event Slide,

Terrace landscaping materials and mechanical screening.

GEORGE METZGER: What will we need to do on the event slide? I thought we were alright on

that one and were only talking about the mechanical equipment at grade and you wanted to see how

it worked with the landscaping.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: The little event slide. There’s not a lot of detail on this yet.

MAGGIE SODERBERG: That will be on the landscape plan.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: Who are we making a motion to?

SARAH SCHAFER: It is a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

COMMITTEE MEMBER MARSH: We don’t have a Chair today?

SARAH SCHAFER: Brian will act as Chair today.

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COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT: So I can’t make a motion?

SARAH SCHAFER: Whoever you would like, you can vote someone to Chair.

Committee Member Marsh acting Chair.











Meeting adjourned.


James Marsh, Acting Chair

Design Review Committee



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