design new media 2 research

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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research for dnm2


RAMBO LANDSynopsisTreatmentScenariosScripts (dramatic & interaction)List of assetsStyle sheetsTexturesMapsDrawings


This is RamboLand, where everything is made for you.. If your names Rambo. Explore the Rambo Range as you hunt your way through the area armed with Rambo’s weapon of choice.. The nail gun. Take a relaxing ride on Rambo’s Twins as your gently maneuvered around the huge wheels before spinning back into the adventure on Rambos Hel-terSkelter, just to finally brave the Rambo Coaster as it rools flips and dives you through the action. So! If you’ve got eyes, and your names Rambo come on down and join the party!

Character ResearchBasic Info

Name: Jason McKeever

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White British

Occupation: Builder / Plumber

Extra info

Nick name: Rambo

Piercing / Tattoos: Yes

Life summed up in one word: HYPE!

Favourite colour: Blue (But hes colour blind..)”I hate colours!”

Preferred music: Dubstep

Catch phrase: PIFF!

Research QuestionI set Jason the task to send me 3 images that interested him, I believe this will help me to better my understanding of jason.

Image 1 is a nail gun. Jason picked this because its a tool he uses regularly also be-

cause of its power and effi-ciently. This shows clearly jasons characteristics, powerful and effi-cient.Image 2 is a T-shirt for a band called A Day To Remember. This T-shirt is colourful and wacky. Its almost an edgy cute style. Jason shows how his life is like a juxtaposition. This shows jason is childish yet sinister at the same time.Image 3 is a picture of a girl showing her hand, on the hand is written “GO HARD OR GO HOME” The third and final im-age shows jasons philosophy on life. He uses it in the sense of no half measures… All or nothing… 100% or 0%… Basi-cally do a job propperly or don’t do it at all. Jason shows he is self sufficient and a hard worker.

Style sheet

Further ResearchWhat is your favourite time of day? The morning, its calm. Its not to light but not too dark and the most interesting things happen.

Would you like to come for a walk over the park? Can i bring my football?

Why do you get high? I work so hard.. so the little time i get off i get on it HARD!

Whats your favourite place to be in the world? Anywhere outside re-ally..

Who is the most loved female figure in your life? My mum.. nah... Kelly (girlfriend) err actually, LUCY PINDER!!

What is your most consumed food? WEETABIX! Got to have my weetabix in the morning.

Further research analysis Jason states he “hates colour” and his favorite time of day is the half lit morning. After seeing this i will be creating the background lighting glooming, almost like the sun coming up. Jason was also very cean to come to the park to play football meaning he likes football but really is just looking for an excuse to be out in the open air. I will try to make sure the area is open to bring this effect into my piece. Jason gets high to excape, relax and experience some-

thing a little wacky. I will create a helterskelter that is made from a giant spliff and 3 wacky slides to sybolise being high. Jason shows throughout my research that he is a typical man and loves women specifically boobs. When i asked him what his most loved figure was he answered initially with his mum but then began to cycle through various different women. This shows his lack of trust or somesort of issue he is coving up by “loving boobs” because of this i will be cov-ering an area of my work in boobs and creating a 3d breast linked into the rambowheel. I will also be making giant weetabix set in stone. This felt appropriate after jasons questions response “got to have my weetabix in the mornings. All these aspects will be slightly animated and textured using bleak dull colours because of jasons hate for colour.

Script / AssetsInitial shot starts of at the bottom of Rambo’s wheels. exte-rior landcape is mountainous. Gloomy dawn lighting.

Movment is given and the player is free to explore.

There will be at least 2 maybe 3 animated objects. A sim-ple nail gun shooting at targets. Also there will be a set of slides that spin around. The Rambo wheel will also spin but in a different slightly weird way. There will be grass around the objects and the image of a breast tiled on the floor in the centre.

Each area will look clearly interactive because of the simple landscape surrounding the objects compared to the intri-cately of the main parts.

List of Assets

Rambo Range:WoodMetal roofBlocks for wallsNailgunBarrel

The Twins (Ferris wheel):Centre PieceConnector PolesCarriagesLegsScrewBreast Carriage Roofing

Rambo Skelter (Slide):Giant SpliffCurved Slides

Other: Stone Bowl Wetabix GrassHalf Lit Sky.

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