demographic dimension of rural area

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area



    Introduction Demographic dimension of Rural India

    Demographic dimension of Uttar Pradesh Demographic dimension of Allahabad Sources of Information

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area



    CENSUS:-The Indian Census is the most credible source of information onDemography (Population characteristics) and many other socio-

    cultural and demographic data since 1872.

    Census 2011 will be the 15th National Census of the Country. This isthe only source of primary data in the village ,town and ward level .

    Shri C. Chandramouli is the Registrar General and commissioner of2011 Indian census

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Introduction Cont

    Population:-The literal meaning of population is the whole number of people orinhabitants in a country or region (Websters dictionary)

    Rural population:-Rural population refers to people living in rural areas as defined bynational statistical offices. It is calculated as the difference between

    total population and urban population.

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Demographic dimension of Rural India

    Population (in Crore)

    For the first time since Independence, the absolute increase in

    population is more in urban areas that in rural areas The proportion of rural population declined from 72.19% to 68.84%

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Growth Rate of population in Rural India

    Growth Rate of Population (in %)

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Gender wise population of rural India

    Though the Urban Child sex ratio is far worse than in the rural areas,

    the fall in Child sex ratio in rural areas is around 4 times that in urbanareas. In fact the decline is more gradual in urban areas.

    There is a decline of 8.9 million children in Rural areas, while in Urbanareas has shown increase of 3.9 million.

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Age wise population India

    Age wise population(in millions)

    The change in population from 0-15 and 15-49 is huge whereas there

    is a nominal change between the female ratio and the male ratio in15-49 age group

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Demographic dimension of Uttar Pradesh

    As per details from Census 2011, Uttar Pradesh has population of19.98 Crores, an increase from figure of 16.62 Crore in 2001 census.Total population of Uttar Pradesh as per 2011 census is 199,812,341of which male and female are 104,480,510 and 95,331,831respectively. In 2001, total population was 166,197,921 in whichmales were 87,565,369 while females were 78,632,552.

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    Uttar Pradesh Population Gender basis

    Population gender wise

    Sex Ratio in Uttar Pradesh is 912 i.e. for each 1000 male, which is below national average of 940 as per census 2011. In 2001, the sexratio of female was 898 per 1000 males in Uttar Pradesh



    2011 1000 912 940 per 1000males

    2001 1000 898 933 per 1000males

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Uttar Pradesh Population (0-6 years) 2011

    Population (0-6 years) 2011

    The male population of child (0-6 year) in 2011 was estimated16,185,581

    The female population of child (0-6 year) in 2011 was estimated14,605,750

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Demographic dimension of Allahabad

    Population of allahabad

    In 2011, Allahabad had population of 5,954,391 of which male andfemale were 3,131,807 and 2,822,584 respectively. In 2001 census,Allahabad had a population of 4,936,105 of which males were2,626,448 and remaining 2,309,657 were females.

    There was change of 20.63 percent in the population compared to population as per 2001


    2001 2,626,448 2,309,657 4,936,105

    2011 3,131,807 2,822,584 5,954,391

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Allahabad Rural Population

    Distribution of population

    Rural population according to census 2011 is Forty four lakhs ,eighty three thousand , one hundred and eighty eight (44,83,188)

    The 75.26 % of population is in rural area and 24.74 are in urbanareas.

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


    Allahabad Population Gender Wise

    Population on gender basis

    With regards to Sex Ratio in Allahabad, it stood at 901 per 1000male compared to 2001 census figure of 879. The average national

    sex ratio in India is 940 as per latest reports of Census 2011Directorate. In 2011 census, child sex ratio is 893 girls per 1000


    Description 2011 2001Sex Ratio (Per1000) 901 879

    Child Sex Ratio (0-6 Age) 893 917

  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


  • 8/12/2019 Demographic Dimension of Rural Area


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