
Post on 10-Mar-2016






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The Big A.S.C - ask share change

The Show

A group of what appear to be philanthropic educators start a school on a schooner promoting the idea that sea air and hard work will reform a group of belligerent teens considered unreachable by the mainstream education system.

The real truth behind their humanitarian gesture - Greed. Using the ship as a decoy for good, the staff collect funding, equipment and what they think to be a easily fooled and manipulated crew.

Not until they are surrounded by sea and the sails are dropped that the students realize they are trapped aboard a frigate to be used as manual labour, aiding their captors in search of a hidden treasure and then to be discarded, or lost at sea in some unfortunate accident.

Thankfully, the staff underestimate the teens just as society did and during an eerie and unexpected storm the abductors are overpowered by the students who manage to work together and take control of the ship.

With the captors locked away in the hull, an angry sea engulfing them, a boat they can’t manage and what appears to be a strange new world surrounding them they must learn to trust themselves, each other, accept their differences and work together to sail this schooner towards home. But first stop the treasure.

Following the map left behind by their abductors they push themselves to survive long enough to make it to land where they hope to find their fortune. What they unearth isn’t your typical treasure but a completely self run, ruggedly futuristic, 100% green working small community of teens.( This isn’t the first group to have escape). The dumping ground of the unwanted has learned to survive using the elements and the land to create a world to hold them until they can find a way home.

To boldly go where no ship has gone before, to seek out new life and explore

Storyworld -The Beginning

• Short small bursts of our adventure will be aired across all platforms to create interest, excitement and an audience - Viral campaigning, social networking and traditional advertising.

• How we film it is how we share it - S.O.S messages, updates, video diaries etc, are filmed and sent out on the same devices that create the show - phones, laptops, giving the show the, ‘Message in a bottle’, feel.

The Marketing Of The Show Is Embedded Into The Stories

The Big ASC For the active viewer

• Educate them Empower Them Provide teens with a virtual and live platform where they can come together using social networking to share their ideas, strategies and skills to build a better world.

The greatest impurity is ignorance. Free yourself from it. - Budda

Virtual Home

• An interactive site that will allow each individual to ASC for the support that will help them change what matters to them most.

You can change the world with your talents.This is what I want to do This is what I have This is what I need

Annually celebrated with a live event where hopeful angel investors,

venture capitalist, and philanthropist are invited to hear our teen speakers and witness documented projects that have taken place across the world.

Then have the opportunity to choose which project they would like to invest


A.S.C - The Live EventSHOUT IT OUT!

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