delivering and receiving feedback

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Delivering and Receiving Feedback. Feedback. Information about performance or behaviour that leads to action to affirm or develop that performance or behaviour. Purpose of feedback. Enables the receiver to recognise what they do well so they can continue doing it - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Delivering and Receiving Feedback


Information about performance or behaviour

that leads to action to affirm or develop that

performance or behaviour

Purpose of feedback

• Enables the receiver to recognise what

they do well so they can continue doing it

• Enables the receiver to understand where he/she needs to develop and change

Does feedback work?

Black and William 1998 – meta analysis of >250 studies of formative assessment with feedback since 1988 from all educational sectorsFeedback resulted in positive benefits on learning and achievement across all areas, knowledge and skill types and levels of education

Conditions for successful feedback

For students to benefit from feedback, the student must1. possess a concept of the goal/standard or

reference level being aimed for2. compare the actual (or current) level of

performance with that goal or standard3. engage in appropriate action which leads to some

closure of the gapSadler 1989

Conditions for successful feedback

Often point 2 is the focus of feedback and falls

short on point 3

7 principles of good feedback practice

1. facilitates the development of self-assessment (reflection) in learning

2. encourages teacher and peer dialogue around learning

3. helps clarify what good performance is (goals, criteria, expected standards)

4. provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance

7 principles of good feedback practice

5. delivers high quality information to students about their learning

6. encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem

7. provides information to teachers that can be used to help shape the teaching

Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick 2004

Tips – Before giving feedbackalways ask yourself:• What is my intention behind giving this person

feedback?• How am I feeling about giving it?• How is the other person feeling; if they have

had a stressful day, might be best left for another occasion. It is important they are in the right frame of mind to accept it


Tips –Feedback rules

• timely • selective • balanced• suggestions • descriptive • specific • directed

Tips –Feedback rules

• timely: given as close to the event as possible (taking account of the person’s readiness etc)

• selective: addressing one or two key issues rather than too many at once

• balanced: good and the bad• suggestions: not prescriptions

Tips –Feedback rules

descriptive, non-judgemental, based on behaviour not personality

"I notice that you don’t look at people when they are talking to you. You said you couldn’t understand why people don’t listen to you. Do you think this might have something to do with it?

"I think you’re selfish in that you don’t listen to anyone else".

Tips –Feedback rules

specific or focussed, in order to focus developmental feedback

avoid personal comments/avoid mixed messages/avoid diffusion

Tips –Examples

“you fool! Cant you remember that I needed these accounts for the meeting yesterday?’

“Shirley, I need the accounts for 2pm on Friday for the management meeting later in the afternoon.”

“I would like you to take more care of your appearance in orders to make a better impression on patients”

“You always look like you have just got out of bed but your work is good on the whole”

‘Some of you are not achieving your performance goals. You have to improve.’

‘Richard, you have not achieved your performance goals this week. Can we talk about it & work out some plans to improve?’

Tips –Feedback rules

directed towards behaviour that can be changed

‘I really don’t like your face/your height/the fact that you are bald etc’

‘It would help me if you smiled more or looked at me when you speak’

The Impact of FeedbackThe person receiving the feedback can react with:• anger – ‘I’ve had enough of this’• denial – this reaction often accompanies the initial

shock of feedback ‘I can’t see any problem with that’• blame – ‘It’s not my fault. What can you expect when

the patient won’t listen?• rationalisation – finding excuses to try and justify their

behaviour ‘I’ve had a particularly bad week’ ‘Doesn’t everyone do this?’

• acceptance• renewed action

Feedback formats

• written/verbal individualised eg a particular assignment

• written/verbal general feedback to a group eg on most common errors/successes on an exam paper

• checklists/proforma eg headings of assessment criteria, with comments below

Feedback formats

• assessment criteria grid, showing where student is placed against each criteria

• model answers

• computerised eg multiple-choice questions

• "Off the cuff" comments from others eg "You're really good at”

Record verbal feedback

Ensure it is written down

• IRCP comments• Student takes notes for PDP

Receiving feedback

• listen carefully to what is being said• people should be receptive to feedback and see it

as helpful.• don’t reject it!

accept positive feedback…don’t reject it!accept negative feedback...don’t reject it!avoid arguing or being defensive.

Receiving feedback

• ask questions to clarify fully and seek examples is useful.

• acknowledge the giver of feedback and show his or her appreciation. The feedback may not have been easy to give.

• involve mutual good willreceiver should feel that the giver isn’t their

enemygiver needs to want to help receiver develop

Receiving feedback • it is up to the receiver what they do with feedback• read or listen• understand; clarification: examples and alternatives;

keep notes • try to keep feedback sheets/information together• give it time to sink in and get into perspective and

reflect• address areas for improvement • try not to

feel devastated by small criticisms and try not to be defensive and make



Black, P. & William, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education. 5(1),7-74.

Nicol, D. & Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2004) Rethinking Formative Assessment in HE: a theoretical model and seven principles of good feedback practice.

Sadler, D. R. (1989). Formative assessment5 and the design of instructional systems. Instructional Science. 18, 119-144.


Many thanks to Dr Ramesh Mehay at

Bradford VTS for much of the material

contained in this presentation

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